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Contra-Style ROR Game - Back at it

Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Eh I guess I should be updating and explaining what Ive been doing.

Tested out the game with the first set of sprites and all that fun stuff. I can see I am going to have a very hard time trying to find the balance between "hard but fun" and "hard but FUUUUUUU!!!!"

Added support for most logitec game controllers.

I'm thinking of assembling a team of beta testers due to the difficulty of determining the... difficulty. Its not going to be for awhile but it will indeed be real work. I would need those individuals to keep a list of what sections of the levels appear too easy or too difficult. If I find similar complaints about certain areas I will know where I need to spend more time.

UrineOnU - Any luck with the level sprites so far? If your still struggling for ideas, think Megaman. I was playing Megaman 2 today and those levels all look cyber-y. May be good inspiration.

Edit: Damn this is just like my Nintendo. I get really far and then fuck up a simple jump and die. What have I created?!?!

5:29 PM - Begun work on the first boss using dummy sprites.
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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Yea i have some stuff done i got to make a background tile to make it look basic but acceptable. foreground and Prebackground stuff can be done later.

I would pretty much have a lot more done but I've been slave driven this week at work, so many hours done so little free time......
anyways attachment is a little of what i have so far

Also I really like hard games i want it so the game tells you that you suck. Or you can make a level select when one level is completed but really games where never like that back then (go play "adventure island" on the nes without an emulator and you will never be able to beat it, it's just so dam hard:mad:)


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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Also I really like hard games i want it so the game tells you that you suck. Or you can make a level select when one level is completed but really games where never like that back then (go play "adventure island" on the nes without an emulator and you will never be able to beat it, it's just so dam hard:mad:)

I still have that game. Beat it? Shit just beat the first level and Ill be impressed.
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

I remember a similar thought with solomons key. Any game that makes you start from the beginning every three lives should be shot :)
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Any game that makes you start from the beginning every three lives should be shot :)

Uh.. yeah... I agree completely...
Ill be back... I just gotta go... recode a few things....
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

To add to that, I dont mind a game where the levels are god aweful hard, but having to redo said hard levels every time you die can be really annoying, especially when even if you are good at them, a little mistake can lose a guy.

If the game isnt hard enough that a single level will threaten how many lives you have to work with, then starting over every when you run out isnt bad. Mario brothers for example, would be too easy if you didnt have to start over when you died, because the levels werent super difficult, especially once you made it past them once and knew them a bit, and because getting new lives wasnt terribly hard.
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

I think having unlimited continues but being forced to start back from a checkpoint each continue is probably sadistic enough for a h game
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Alright. This marks the end of the planning process (With the exception of the bosses which have been designed to be added later when I get the required information from everyone.) Its actually been added to my game making notebook (Which means I'm now in full production mode), granted, with a few details left out for wandering eyes...

Next step - Need the Sprites for Level one. After I acquire those it will be another plug and play deal (as the level has already been assembled using dummy sprites). While I am assembling level one, I'm going to send UrineOnU the information on what I need for the first boss. Ive already begun testing a simplified version of the first boss.

Rolling along and making good time... I like it.

Got a good (original) idea for an enemy? Send me a PM with a decent description.
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Ok so i think i have enough for a level now so i just want to know from the picture if it looks alright or if I'm missing anything, I'm trying to decide some objects and simple animations to make for neat effects(possible exploding bridge like in contra? dam forgot need explosions animated) also will send you the power up flying thingy(is there going to be things like spread shot, lazer,flame thrower,etc?) and the wall one if you think its ok unless you cropped them from the first tile set i posted already on my first post.

Also another enemy its a stationary shooting enemy that will tilt up and corner ways and retract into a shell when being shot at then you lay down to finish it maybe, anyways before it gets complex just a stationary sniper enemy for now.

Another also,I never beat "adventure island" i got close but if you die on the last ocean level you have to beat the whole level without a weapon(if you beat the last level without one well you are definitely screwed) pretty much and basically you are screwed after that because there are too many perfectly timed jumps.


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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Whoa hold on, Don't do any explosions or effects like that. I do that in game maker using particles. Also hold off on the power-up for now. I have to actually program them before I figure out what works the best (I have some unique Ideas I need to try). Got to go for now but Ill be back later
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Whoa hold on, Don't do any explosions or effects like that. I do that in game maker using particles. Also hold off on the power-up for now. I have to actually program them before I figure out what works the best (I have some unique Ideas I need to try). Got to go for now but Ill be back later
OK i was thinking it would be better to draw the explosions and stuff(it doesn't take that long anyways) to keep the art similar rather than using a partial maker/generator(are you using 3d style effects maybe, don't know exactly your method but i have one that makes semi 3d graphic particles in a object script) or whatever you use, but that didn't answer the question on if the level tile set looked alright? anyways I'll keep adding stuff to it till then,also the new enemy is it possible because I'd like to make a second enemy now also.
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

OK i was thinking it would be better to draw the explosions and stuff(it doesn't take that long anyways) to keep the art similar rather than using a partial maker/generator(are you using 3d style effects maybe, don't know exactly your method but i have one that makes semi 3d graphic particles in a object script) or whatever you use, but that didn't answer the question on if the level tile set looked alright? anyways I'll keep adding stuff to it till then,also the new enemy is it possible because I'd like to make a second enemy now also.

Sorry about the rushed response. The girlfriend was walking in the house as I was trying to bang out that message.

I usually draw my explosions as well. However I also like to use a lot of effects. So while I'm assembling the game I use particle effects to figure out where I want them. Towards the end I usually replace them with drawn in ones. So its best to figure out which ones I'm going to use before you spend the time to draw them all out. I'm going to check out the tile set and start throwing stuff together as soon as I finish typing this. Go ahead with the new enemy (we will use two to start in the first level). Let me know when you are almost finished with it and I will send you your next project in a pm.

Edit:Oh did you not post the sprite sheet yet? I must have mis-read. I deffentally approve of the example. Ill start putting it together as soon as you post it and if I find anything else it needs Ill let ya know.

Edit 2: I almost forgot untill I looked at the game. I do have one other enemy programmed at this time. It is a basic walk and shoot forward enemy.
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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Ok sent it via pm,
So hopefully there is enough there too make a level, I was able too make a decent looking room with it.
I'll finish the next enemy, probably better to have a walking and stationary version too make for if the stationary one kills you it goes in for the rape.
Walking one could have the run forward shooting also.
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Ok sent it via pm,
So hopefully there is enough there too make a level, I was able too make a decent looking room with it.
I'll finish the next enemy, probably better to have a walking and stationary version too make for if the stationary one kills you it goes in for the rape.
Walking one could have the run forward shooting also.

Excellent work with the sprite sheet. There is plenty here for me to work with.

Also thanks for including the rest of the sprites. I was previously missing the one of the Dog enemy dead.

2 things I need:
A 20x20 sprite for extra lives.
A checkpoint marker of some sort. (Maybe something like a crystal?)

My goal is to have the entire first level/boss done by next Friday. Fun fun fun. (Not to be confused with Saturday, which is after Friday... and Sunday comes afterwards.)
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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Ok so i did those two things, it would be neat if the checkpoint thingy flashed before it expanded and a flashy checkpoint writing thingy floated upward or something.

Also send the boss descriptions I'll start that too, this Friday or next Friday confused now:confused: next meaning the following Friday after this weeks Friday witch is next weeks Friday right.


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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Ok so i did those two things, it would be neat if the checkpoint thingy flashed before it expanded and a flashy checkpoint writing thingy floated upward or something.

Also send the boss descriptions I'll start that too, this Friday or next Friday confused now:confused: next meaning the following Friday after this weeks Friday witch is next weeks Friday right.

Friday the 12th. We should be done with that much well before then. Gives plenty of time for testing and such. Ill send you the boss info as soon as I finish highlighting the important parts for you.
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Friday the 12th. We should be done with that much well before then. Gives plenty of time for testing and such. Ill send you the boss info as soon as I finish highlighting the important parts for you.

I think it may be a good idea for me to make a quick concept before actually making it into completion then it can be planed out better, also size may be an issue getting it to match the descriptions humm.... I'll see how large it will end up hopefully not too large what would be too large over 200x200?

Also what would be better the boss as a whole or in separate parts (arms,body,head,ect)?
Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

I think it may be a good idea for me to make a quick concept before actually making it into completion then it can be planed out better, also size may be an issue getting it to match the descriptions humm.... I'll see how large it will end up hopefully not too large what would be too large over 200x200?

Also what would be better the boss as a whole or in separate parts (arms,body,head,ect)?

The sprite Ive been using to test with is 80x80 but I understand that it would be difficult to get that much detail into an area that small. Fortunately, due to the fact that he remains stationary and does not move, we can get away with using a huge sprite if we need to. Ill just design the room around the size of the boss to allow the player to attack and such. Do some concepts and figure out what works best for you, and then Ill try to work it into the room.

It would be best to have the boss as a whole. I'm currently using masks to detect which bullets hit and which ones do not. It works very well and is fairly simple.

Edit: We have some room to work with. I just now tested with a 200x200 sprite and it is definitely do-able.
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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Ok i did the concept i pm'd it, and for some practice i did faces in pixel art trying to get a very retro anime look so that if its decided that we make large scale rape game overs I'll have a slightly easier time doing so.


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Re: Contra-Style ROR Game - Sprite making challenge.

Level 1 - Finished (Though there still is room to add enemies and/or more obstacles)

I'm mostly doing bug fixes and designing level two while I wait for the Level 1 boss sprites.

I'm playing around with switching engines. I'm trying to figure out if the benefits outweigh the problems it will create. Its fixes some of the problems I'm having... but also adds quite a few.

Now for the fun part. I need five testers. Before I continue, if it says "Newbie" under your name don't even bother reading the rest of this. I know I'm gonna get at least 3 or 4 PMs like that. Otherwise, I need five of you to go through the demo thoroughly and try to find things that I may have missed. I've played level 1 almost a hundred times now but I'm sure there are things even I may have overlooked. Also, as with any NES-style game I threw in a couple of jumps that really test the limits of the pixels. Needless to say these jumps require almost perfect timing. Sometimes I get them on the first try and sometimes it takes me ten tries. I need you guys to let me know what ones should be adjusted or removed.

Don't be discouraged if I don't pick you as a tester. The scheduled release of the demo is less than two weeks away!