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If you could redo or add something to the human body...


Jungle Girl
Jul 4, 2011
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So I know most of the answers are gonna be sex related but if there was something you could do different to your body or add to it what would it be? I would love to have night vision my self that way I would stop stubbing go to bed
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Not nessisarily, this fourum isn't just sex ya know. Though incoming flames may be the bigger concern, some people don't like new threads sometimes.
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

I'm starting to get that don't know why people don't like new topics or talking to new people kinda like a neighbor hood filled with cranky old people
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

I would alter my brain so I wouldn't be able to notice retarded threads like this.
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Me? Oh lord. Realistically, I'd like for my hair to be able to grow longer since it gets to a certain point and then stops. Unrealistically I'd like to change my body chemistry in some way that it would only make the fat in my thighs and tummy go away... for good. Y'know... and stay that way without exercise. Leave my T&A alone please XD Ooor also unrealistically... I'd like to have a penis in addition to my womanly equipment. Cause it would be interesting. >.>;;
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Oni you are going to be so much fun when you reach 80
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

I'm starting to get that don't know why people don't like new topics or talking to new people kinda like a neighbor hood filled with cranky old people

It's mostly retarded threads like this that piss people off. If a thread is about general discussion of something (not something that's LOLOLOL SO RANDUM) then sure, start it. That's why, despite not liking it, I haven't trolled the Pony thread.

EDIT: I could already be 80 for all you know. And I welcome the day I get Alzheimer's, I'll be too fucking gone to notice the retardedness of those around me.
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

To the human body in general, or my own human body..?

Sod it, answering both.

In general, I think I'd have to screw with brain chemistry a bit. Perhaps introduce a little more natural caution.. keep the ability to learn that seems to die when people hit adulthood. Give an easier grasp of all languages. And a very specific set of command words and images that only I know, to induce a variety of effects from a fugue-like state in which the affected is very vulnerable to suggestions a la hypnosis, to instant, on the spot, heart failure. Also voluntary pregnancy and a better immune system.

Oh, and a better way of dealing with waste. Seriously. Perhaps improved healing, the ability to regrow limbs, as well. And make everyone have perfect pitch simply to avoid fuck-ups like certain un-named pop stars that can't sing. I'd also remove the ability people have to make irritating noises with their body, from popping their cheeks to making fart noises with their armpits to farting or belching.

On a more personal level... for my own body.. hm.

I think I'd have to go with immortality for a start. Eternal youth, too. I'd say the ability to fly, but that's fucking with the laws of physics, so perhaps not. Something like the ability certain DnD creatures to have that mirrors a cloak of displacement.. so my image is three feet to the left of where I actually am. Failing that, adaptive chameleon-esque camouflage would be nice... perhaps with the ability to grow "clothes" from skinlike protrusions to cover the Emperor's Clothing angle.

Or spikes, and steel skin, of course. I've always wanted spikes..

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Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Add a third option to the humans that can be born; occasionally, working properly-two-gendered futa will exist in real life!

But before that, physical immortality to the whole human race, just because it would be interesting to see how fucked up things would then become. The ability for a person to block and then regain parts of their memory would also be good, to aviod all the annoying bullshit about 'getting bored' that people put up when talking about physical immortailty.

On a personal level?

Un...limited.... POWER!!! ...On top of the immortality, of course. No good being able to live forever if people are able to force you into things that you don't want to do, forever.

...Also, this thread should have gone into the painfully underused 'discussion thread'.


Wait, where -is- our discussion thread? I didn't manage to find the thing while checking back through EE's pages, and a search only gives me the one for games...
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

[sarcastic trolling]Reality altering powers so I can erase Onis existence.[/sarcastic trolling] XP

All trolling, shenanigans aside, I sometimes think I would remove pheromones. Or what makes us notice looks. So people would seek out partners based on personality and ideas, etc. rather then superficial things like looks. That or make us like sponges where we can reproduce without sex. Shape changing powers would also be nice.

Also immortality wouldn't be too great unless we also had a wolverine level healing factor or better or immunity to aging/illness/disease. Otherwise we'd be living forever in that misery. I also would like the ability to learn and master any subject/art/etc. almost instantly so everyone can get any job they want.
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Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

more tentacles... that is what the human body requires
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Cat ear and tails
, ,

Seriously though, Body modification wise there isn't really much you could do that would still fall under the natural/realistic line and still be that much useful wihtout severe consiquenses really.

Best would probably be perfecting visions or other senses, or lenghting the avarage ages a bit more for the best results, but even then, they can cause problems.

Also immortality, would really, REALLY, suck in the long term. Imagine getting stuck somewhere, drifting in space for millions of years for exsample due of earth being gone. Landing in a sandy planet to spend few billion years making sand castles hoping some specie evolves enough to find you some day or the planet itself would explode to knock back on move again.
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Also immortality, would really, REALLY, suck in the long term. Imagine getting stuck somewhere, drifting in space for millions of years for exsample due of earth being gone. Landing in a sandy planet to spend few billion years making sand castles hoping some specie evolves enough to find you some day or the planet itself would explode to knock back on move again.

Except, I can entertain myself for days on end simply in my head. And being alone on a sandy planet for a few billion years beats dying in my book any day.

Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Definately random mutations a-la x-men. Giving all of humanity the same change/powers is boring, and problematic. i.e. all those annoying idiots that get themselves killed doing stupid shit, well they're immortal and can re-grow limbs now.

Which gives me an idea for a realistic change. Humanity no longer having the desire to impede natural selection's process. We have too many laws and saftey features to stop these morons for killing themselves it's absurd.
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Host and Chibi beat me to it... Make futas a possibility... Personally, all of these sound good...
MoT, Yes. cat ears and tails.
Pale, YES. make people SMARTER. Gah.
Also, chameleon abilities could be interesting...
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

@Host: Yeah, not sure what happened to that thread, either. Then again, it very well could have gotten deleted due to the inactivity it was experiencing.

I'm starting to get that don't know why people don't like new topics or talking to new people kinda like a neighbor hood filled with cranky old people

Git offa mah lahwn.

Seriously, though, it's the people that make threads about things we already have threads for that piss most of us off.
That, and people who assume things without knowing very much.
I don't think this thread has been done (haven't searched), so you should be safe from most.
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Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Well shit, you guys got most of the good ones...
Does altering the psyche count? I'd like if people were more...what's the word...not give a fuck? I don't mean about actual important stuff like kids and education, but like...not judgemental! Yeah that's it. I wouldn't mind a world where people could dress like a total fuckin' goober and not get called on it, or shout our love of tentacles from the rooftops and not be ostracized for it. xD
Or y'know...be a total stoner and not have people think that automatically means you're dumb, or a burnout. xD

Other than that? Material thoughts. (just for me)
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

Lets start from the top:

Hair. Going bald is something that happens because evolution doesn't care what happens after you stop reproducing. Not difficult to fix if we're redesigning the human body with an actual design. Some chemical trigger to make hair start or stop growing would probably be nice as well. Like, drink a particular tea and you don't have to shave ever again... but if you want that hair to start growing again, just drink a different tea. Bonus points for separating the hair on your head from the rest of it.

Eyes. The optical nerve in vertebrate eyes is on the wrong side, creating a blind spot. The squid eye has its optical nerve in a better place, and no blind spot. While we're at it, the change to allow low-light vision isn't big - just a reflective coating. And if we're redesigning the eye intelligently, I don't think it's unreasonable to add a fourth cone type and re-arrange the frequency response of the others to give us the ability to see into the infrared and ultraviolet. (This would cause some issues with other colors and would certainly mean every monitor/television in the world needs to be replaced, but that's a small price to pay.)

Nose. I had problems with nosebleeds as a kid, and just avoiding major blood vessels there would be a big help. But if we're here anyway, we certainly can look at certain other animals to greatly enhance humanity's faculty for smells. The ties between taste and smell would give us some automatic benefits there as well, but we can toss in separate taste enhancements if we wish.

Moving slightly further down, lets correct the placement of the which takes a lengthy detour because of the different placement of various organs in our early ancestors. Correcting it would fix a number of seemingly unrelated issues.

Then there are a few digestive issues. Lose the appendix so it can't burst, and while we're here it would be nice if our digestive track itself provided all the benefits currently given by the bacteria that colonize our digestive track, to get rid of all the problems people have when some are missing for whatever reason. Remove our dependency on *any* bacteria, and we can strengthen the immune system in a way that would have killed us before. That's a fairly complicated change for a relatively minor benefit, though, so stick this low on the list.

I'll leave changes to the groinal area to others - I'm sure we'll get plenty of suggestions here, even if the majority of posts don't focus on it. I'll just add that being able to give birth without tearing anything important would be nice.

On to the knees. Any good structural engineer will be able to point out how tendons could be rearranged in our knees to reverse some of the harm we did by starting to walk upright. The ACL in particular is prone to tearing with disastrous consequences, and the fix isn't very complicated.

Which brings us to the feet. Feet are actually pretty good, but there are certain genetic tendencies towards flat feet and similar that should be purged while we're down here. And toenails cause more problems then they solve, especially if we're wearing shoes. At least we use our fingernails from time to time.

Next up, a more general issue. We could probably rid ourselves of obesity by making fat production a self-limiting operation - make fat release some chemical that in sufficient quantities prevents the creation of more fat, and ideally makes a person feel hyper so that they'll burn more calories. This also allows us to leave the ability to have reasonable reserves of fat in the case of an apocalypse or something that makes us regret the inability to store energy. This is the first one that isn't either *really* simple or borrowed from other animals, but it's at least *fairly* simple. I mean, compared to the cascades of proteins that trigger the immune system...

Finally, our bones. Bird bones have a much better strength/weight ratio, and while outright switching to their structure would weaken our bones, I think we could take some hints about latices and similar to strengthen our own bones at little cost.

Anything are further things I might suggest. Blood that dries instantly in contact with the air would be better then bleeding out. We could use supplements of iron, titanium, or even exotic carbon structures to greatly enhance the strength of bones, tendons, and perhaps even skin. We're starting to learn enough about the brain to consider ways it could be improved. We might program our immune system to detect cancer and autoimmune diseases in a robust way.

But these are straying into the realm of fantasy or at least science fiction, whereas all the other things are just adapting things from other animals, or correcting simple flaws that arise from our evolutionary history.
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

...And being alone on a sandy planet for a few billion years beats dying in my book any day.

Debatable I'd say. We don't know what comes after death. It's easy for Atheists to claim there's nothing but blackness, and its easy for Christians to say either Heaven or Hell and so on and so forth... but we can't honestly know unless we die.

Death is a part of life's cycle, and it's when we start toying with that cycle and forgetting the laws of what's natural, or even caring what's moral, that we push even further down the road we've been traveling to try and become Gods... and fall on our own faces.

I don't know, maybe I'm alone in this, but these modifications, not taking in any possible consequences for our actions to get what we want, just scares me.
Re: If you could redo or add something to the human body...

I think everyone would want the ability to fly. Make things so much easier. And the gas companies would be screwed. So everyone wins hehe