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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn grimaced at the feeling of drool spreading over his face in the headbump, wiping it away with a hand as the drowsy catgirl went about her work to undo the recent cleanliness of his clothing. "Hey now I just got a bunch of goo of this, I don't need you to make more so soon." As his crotch was attacked by the catgirl, Glenn released a grunt at the stimulation, confirming that Aurine had been true to her word. His genitals felt good as new, and they were quick to remind him how refreshed they were at rubbing of the catgirl's face. If he didn't do something soon, he'd have more than drool to worry about soiling his fresh clothing.

"Come on feline-kin." The man said, grabbing Aya and pulling her up and away from his lap with difficulty as she continued to covet the spot and rub against him. Eventually he did manage to get her relatively into a sitting position before wiping her drool away with an idle hand. "Don't you remember? We've got a journey to get up to. Besides..." Glenn paused before switching to a whisper. "We don't want keep the others waiting... and I don't even want to know how much angrier Aurine would get after this morning..." He gave a genuine shudder at the thought, a visage of slowly rising ocean waves against a black silhouette of pure fury popping up in Glenn's imagination.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Aya suddenly attached to Glenn after she was pushed away, leaping upon him just as a feline would to lay upon any human who took their fancy. "Carry me~" she purred, wrapping her arms around his back and her legs around his waist.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

The sudden pounce drew out an uncomfortable rigidness in Glenn, but listening to Aya's purrs slowly compelled the man to relax, letting out a deep breath as his arms also loosened from where they hung in mid air. "S-sure I'll carry... you..." The man spoke softly, the words trailing off as the closeness to the cat girl sunk fully into his mind. As simple and act as it was, having the cat girl wrapped around him to be carried, it still left a flush on the man's face at the feeling of being hugged so. The faintest hint of Aya's scent began to resonate with the man then as well, and with it he found himself swiftly wrapping his own arms around her as he gave his own hug back to her.

It didn't last too long though. Staying here alone with Aya was sure to cause trouble, and he sure as hell didn't want to keep Aurine waiting. In a way, the fear of horrible fishy retribution was it's own kind of blast of cool water... at least in some mental fashion. A dunk in the water would probably still do his body some good. Letting out a long breath, Glenn began scooching the two of them until they were close to the flap of the tent. He tried as best he could to angle them forwards toward it, shifting the cat girl in his grasp as he prepared to stand. "Hold on... mind your claws please aha..." Glenn warned quickly, and then rotated them both around so he could get a knee up and then a leg, pushing them up to go out of the tent to join the others.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"Mmm... Purr~" Aya purred, her claws digging into him lovingly despite his request. Rather than a small cat's, her's were quite large and deadly. So, they hurt.

When Glenn walked outside, the alarune was resting with her feet in the water, singing happily, and Aurine was sitting on the wagon she constructed, staring down at Glenn with a dark aura surrounding her. Her eyes were like that of an executioner mixed with a jealous God ready to strike down both her unfaithful love and the girl he was with, carrying around.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn flinched as the cat girl's claws dug into him, clinching his teeth a little and enduring it as his mind yelped over and over at the pinching feeling. It felt like daggers poking his back... which wasn't too far from the truth. What are claws but natural blades after all? Aurine's dark look was glimpsed at and quickly glimpsed away from. She was no doubt still pissed from before, and he suddenly felt as if he were marching to his doom instead of just carrying this lazy catgirl out of a tent. 'Damn that Sea Bishop looks so scary now... I never thought I'd grow to be afraid of a mermaid...' Glenn double timed his steps towards the middle of the steps, and just as the pinching from Aya's claws became too unbearable he set her down, peeling her off himself and allowing his back to breathe.

'... Wait a minute... 1 2... 3...' The man tallied off as he took a head count, counting Aya, Iora, and Aurine present. Who wasn't present, at least as far as Glenn could see currently, was his dry clothes benefactor. And the cause of his wonderful nighttime experience. He slowly scanned around the camp for the blue haired girl, becoming a lot more suspicious of every single object that he could see. She was a shapeshifter and could be anything after all, so it stood to chance she might have poof-ed back into something the moment she had given him his clothing. What that something was or could be... he didn't know. He simply didn't know her capacities specifically.

Eying the plant woman enjoying herself near the shore, Glenn gave a moment's hesitation before letting out a sigh and approaching her. "Good morning... uh... Iora. You didn't happen to see a girl in blue pigtails wandering around here did you?" It still felt awkward to be talking to this plant woman, once more the experience from the first day causing him to break out in a cold sweat. He hoped it wouldn't be something he'd continue to feel... her humming was at least a far cry from the feeling of terror he had felt before... and the one now welling up from the pair of eyes probably still trained on him from the carriage.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Iora halted her singing to turn around and glance at Glenn and to hear out his question. Inquiring about Sona, the blue haired mimic, the alraune nodded. "Yes, I just saw her here, washing your clothes using some kind of magic." Iora declared. "She went up to your tent last I saw. I wasn't watching her though."

Meanwhile, Aya came up from where Glenn sat her down, and was on all fours, brushing herself along his legs, mewling happily. "Nyaa~"
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"Hrm... is that so..." Glenn responded, his interest piked as he again gave the surrounding camp his gaze once more. Sona had at least been near his tent before she poofed off to where ever she had gone. Perhaps Aurine had seen something... though even if she had somehow the man doubted she'd want to talk pleasantries about another woman at this point. Especially one who he was quite sure the sea bishop had spied pinning him naked the other night. The feeling of her glare burning a hole in the back of his skull seemed all the more potent with just the thought. "Well thanks anyhow. I'll let you get back to watering yourself..."

He felt Aya brush against his leg before he could fully back away from the plant woman, and hearing her gentle purrs the man let out a small relaxed breath before he regarded her. "Aya... you should get some water yourself! Maybe iron things out with Iora over that misunderstanding... with the fruit? At least you should stay here while I... talk with Aurine... yes?" He glanced back over at the tent before settling back to Aya. "Maybe you could hunt out where Sona... that shapeshifter got off to. She's got to be hiding somewhere around here." The man eased himself away from Aya carefully, taking a few steps to make sure they were completely separate and that the cat girl wouldn't try following him.

Only then did he gather himself, breathing in a deep breath as he pumped himself up, before turning in the direction of the Sea Bishop and giving her his whole attention. He could already see the aura of darkness in the side of his vision as he turned towards her, those eyes boring just as deeply into his own as they had his skull when they locked onto him. Still, with courage he stepped toward the carriage, marching right up to the angry but still very beautiful clergywoman until he was only a couple of feet away. He remained struck by Aurine's dark aura, blinking a few times before he finally remembered how to talk. "I'll start getting things packed so we can prepare to go. It shouldn't take too long to manage, and once it's done we can be off whenever you and the others are ready. Is there... anything you need from me?"
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"Nyaaaa~" Aya mewled as she stretched out. "I'll pass on the plant thing, but I guess I can sniff around~" she said, before heading over to the water, and drinking directly from the lake for a bit.

Then... Glenn faced Aurine, and her dark aura that seemed to radiate all things bad. Approaching her was like , and all of the suspense which that entailed. Unblinking, with her human legs folded over, Aurine seemed to stare at Glenn like a judge about to decide a man's execution. Even as she spoke, her tone belonged on a woman declaring a man to be beheaded. "Everyone is ready to go already. Even 'her'. There is one thing you must know. Where we are going, only you can enter. We will travel until we see the marble tower. At which point, you will go alone. Do you understand?" she asked, and in a way that assumed he couldn't have completely understood. A very degrading way.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Despite his fear of Aurine's aura, her tone inspired a slight twist of Glenn's lips, though he didn't argue about it, despite how condescending it sounded "Of course. Though if you don't mind me asking..." He continued, part of him telling the man she might well just ignore him now instead of answering an important detail for once. "... is there any important reason why only I can enter this tower? This isn't going to be another 'tent' situation is it?" Glenn paused as he sighed, dropping his shoulders a bit. "I apologize alright? I didn't mean to make things sound bad back in the tent. And I know I've said it before but I promise, I'll make it all up to you. Somehow. Just... for the love of Bellasaur stop being so terrifying... you're one beautifully scary sea bishop you know that?"
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Hearing his request, Aurine seemed to put off answering his question for now, as she smiled slightly at him. "Point your hands to me, and declare loudly," she commanded him. "I'd like you all to meet my future wife." she quoted herself for him to speak her words. "Do that and I will forgive you... Oh, and maybe repeat it a few times..." she announced.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn froze at Aurine's request, blinking a few times as it fully registered in his mind. It came back to him from before, her comment she had made when they were first on the beach. Of how she thought they might soon be married with how friendly they had become. He remembered pushing it aside before as a joke, sure back then that she had to have been kidding. With all the events that had followed since then, any sentiment of there being a joke to such thoughts, either from the sea bishop or any creature that could approach and raise it, dimished quite rapidly. Even the plant woman had raised the thought, and had it not been for Aya and Aurine, he may very well have been forced into marriage.

Dryness formed in his throat as he searched for any indication of jest playing out on Aurine's face, holding out if only in the most slim hope of it being a tease. But as he found none, and an awkwardness began to form in a silence, Glenn knew he had to say something. "Aurine..." He began, only to stop as looked downward, face scrunching and eyes darting in conflicted thought. What was he supposed to do... to say? Doing what she said would certainly appease her and yet... the sea bishop as his future wife? She was certainly beautiful, and she had held an air of kindness to her... when she wasn't surrounded by a dark aura. He barely knew her though... they had only meet a day or two ago. But even as a small part of his mind told him it would be ok, the rest of it drowned the thought out in decades old stubbornness.

"... it's been a long time since I've honestly thought about marriage. With the life I've lived I haven't had much time to really think about it, especially a couple of decades ago. Not the way I would have liked at least... Wrapping his arms around himself lightly, Glenn raised his eyes to meet hers once more, mentally prepared to watch her anger reappear as he continued. "I have my reasons Aurine, please trust me but... I can't say something like that just now. As tempting as it is..."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"I figured you would refuse me, even if you thought I was joking." Aurine replied with a sigh. "That's what this island does to men... Most marriages are forced, due to the changes that take place. It would no doubt be the same for you and I if I were to push onto you. You'd just be there to satisfy me." she announced, before standing, and sitting in the driver's seat of the wagon.

"Everyone climb aboard after packing everything into the wagon. We're going." Aurine announced.

Aya rose up, stepping up to Glenn and giving him a curious look. "Marriage can be kind of cruel sometimes..." she agreed. "If the guy is willing, I guess it's okay, but... The man stops being who he used to be, kinda. He just... changes."

Ione shrugged as she came forth, having nothing to pack but her own honey reserves. "I personally don't believe in marriage." she said as she climbed onto the wagon, on minor seating behind Aurine.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

The man said nothing as Aurine sighed and said her piece, continuing to look conflicted as she explained things. And when Aya added to it he really began to think. Changes... he remembered before with the nectar. Nectar that Iora he noticed with a paled face, was carrying plenty of onto the wagon as they packed. When he first ingested it, his mind had been wracked and his body supercharged... for her pleasure. Sent into a state of lust and mind dulled entrapment and mostly robbed of his free will. Was the fate of those who married on this island similar? Does the simple act of marriage do something to people's minds in this land?

"There are... always changes people go through when they get married, but magic is usually not involved. Unlike here, from all these hints. Still eying Iora's nectar with reservation, Glenn put some distance between himself and the damning bottles, making his way to the campsite to pack up whatever supplies there were left to take along. Iora's words stopped the man in his tracks however, causing him to give her a look of utter disbelief as his eye began to twitch. "You... don't believe in marriage... then why did you... with the fruit... and the 'hubby' and the..." It took a moment for the man to recover from his momentary lapse, and when he did a glove ran down his face as he set back unto his task.

Which was getting all the things left that would fit inside the carriage of course. He started with the linens first, taking them and folding them up, along with the tents as well. Plates were piled and stacked, and leftover food parcels from the previous night's dinner were sacked and stored for the journey. Any little accessories that might come in useful were themselves also stored in wrapped linen bags if able, and coming across Sona's cookies, Glenn gave pause before pocketing them, looking around once more for that disguised shapeshifter before returning to his task.

When the last things needed for the trip were packed and stored on the carriage, Glenn heaved a sigh, straightening out and giving grin to the others who were no doubt waiting. "Alright, that should be it. Which direction is this tower we're going to?"
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Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Iora laughed at his question. "I may not like being married via a bishop, but I still fancy the idea of human marriage, where the husband gets to make futile complaints~" she giggled as Glenn went about packing his things up. Another glance around revealed that the disguised shape shifter was nowhere to be seen. All the while Aurine seemed pretty confident that she was coming with them, so she was no doubt posing as one of the items that they were taking with them.

Once Glenn was done, Aurine answered his question that followed. "It's to the north, not far. You would have been there by today, and alone, if you weren't so weak with women." she said, some of that poison on her tongue again.

With that, suddenly the cart began to move. Iora used her tentacles, and Aurine could be seen using her magic as both helped to get the carriage moving. Meanwhile, Aya was happy to freeload as she laid down from her seat, and rested her head in Glenn's lap. With Aya happy to snuggle and use a lap pillow, and the other two moving the carriage, no one really said anything unless Glenn decided to raise a topic.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn settled quickly into the carriage as it began to move, stepping up and into it after brushing past Aurine and Iora, finding a his comfy spot next to Aya as he took his seat. He was glad he wasn't being forced to push the vehicle, though having the others currently give it motion did remind him of that issue of them needing his energy again. Turning wheels shouldn't wear them out too bad right? It wasn't as if they were lighting up the night sky like fireworks in a festival. The issue made him ponder upon what he could do in the future to make all their trips in the carriage much better. 'If only I had my machinist tools. I'd be able to make this thing into a true automobile...'

Ponderings of mechanical devices filled the man's thoughts for a time, it only barely registering that Aya had decided to snooze in his lap, prompting him to take to scratching her behind the ears in an offhanded way. As time went on the thoughts faded, and Glenn found himself watching the slowly moving landscape pass by, still just as full of rocks hills and forestry as it before. He opted to simply enjoy the trip for the most part, continuing to scratch the cat girl gently for the most of it, but after awhile a certain point raised in the man's mind. "Hmmm... when we get to this tower, that only I can go into for some reason, what are you guys going to do? Just make camp outside of it? This place isn't particularly dangerous to be in is it?"
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"This area is only slightly dangerous." Aurine replied. The wagon bobbed about as it traveled along rough terrain, but despite the extra effect no doubt required, it seemed neither Aurine herself nor Iora were about to tire from the effort anytime soon. Aya began to purr as Glenn scratched the back of her ear. Her tail swished through the air, occasionally tickling Glenn's face as it swayed here and there. "But, anywhere really is dangerous for an unarmed man traveling on his lonesome." she concluded with the topic of danger, before moving on. "We will be camping outside of the tower, and join you when Cynthia, the master of the tower, is finished having her little private talk with you." she announced.

As the road gave the group slight mistreatment, Glenn would find his underwear rubbing him in such a way as to stimulate an erection, to which, Aya responded by giggling. "You want me to suck on it?" Aya whispered. "I can do it and no one will know~" she said, giving Glenn a naughty expression.

"Oooh!" Iora announced in awe, as something shining brightly white suddenly revealed itself over a passing tree. "Is that...?"

Aurine nodded. "That is Cynthia's marble tower. It's like a beacon of magic, and the safest place for hundreds of miles because of all the magical power Cynthia has stored there." she announced. "Even demons have learned to respect this thin tower, that's as strong as a fortress with an entire army in it."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn froze slightly at the named mention of the tower's owner, only noticeable perhaps by the catgirl laying on him as he stiffened, but slowly settled back down as his muscles relaxed. Well most of his muscles; the rough road may not have given Aurine or Iora any more trouble than what might tire them out faster, but it sure was pressing him uncomfortable in one dangerously specific place. And of course Aya, whose laying in his lap put her the closest to it, purred contently at the development, much to the man's embarrassment. "Aya... that's alright... I'm good. Just enjoy the ride ok?" Scratching her head some more, the man would sigh with relief once she resumed just resting on him.

Just in time for the white of the marble tower they were approaching to come into to view too. Glenn listened on as caught glances of it over the trees, occasionally shifting his view from Iora and Aurine as he contemplated their words. "Magic or no, I'd think any tower would be pretty safe a place to be, surrounded by wild jungle and all." It took him a moment to consider the magical nature of someone like Aurine before twitching slightly in correction. "Well... for things that can't blast the thing apart at least. Now all I have to worry about is getting blasted apart myself... you say it's the safest place for miles? Does that include visitors?"
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Aurine rolled her eyes. "Glenn, you are not being sent to danger. So long as you do not do something absolutely offensive, you won't be incinerated by the good willed crow, the owner of the tower." she stated simply, before hurrying the wagon along. While Aya let out a disappointed pout, they rolled along until the tower was before them in it's full glory. It shimmered white, and yet while it should have been blinding, the tower itself even seemed to be able to absorb the light from the sun. A good 100 feet away from the tower, Aurine pulled the wagon in to a halt, before regarding Glenn with a straight look. "Go, Glenn. Speak with the Crow Tengu." She advised him. "She will give you the answers and the direction you need. Also remember to keep an open mind, as the path she will choose for you will be no doubt closely related to your past... As it usually is for all of us..." Aurine said as if she had some personal experience with that factor.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

A skeptical look continued to play out on Glenn's face even as the sight of the shimmering white tower came into view, causing the man's eyes to narrow at the glint of it. It wasn't too blinding or painful to look at, in fact it even seemed as if it were taking in more light than it was reflecting back. A method of absorbing the very light of the sun itself? If it was it was unlike any of the darker devices he had seen used back home for the such a purpose. It made a part of him curious as to just what kind of technology or magic the tower might harbor, and just how different it might be to that which he was accustomed to in his homeland.

With the carriage coming to a stop and Aurine giving her advice to him, Glenn stopped himself from getting up for a moment, as he considered the sea bishop's words. "I'll keep that in mind. Umm... Aya... could you help me out here?" Once he was free of Aya's pouty face and laying body, the expression actually making the man feel a slight guilt for denying her, he made his way past Aurine and Iora and gently eased himself out of the carriage. He gave them all a glance back before mustering the courage to proceed toward the tower, every step feeling as if they pounded lighter and lighter upon the earth as he approached the structure that quite litterally towered high above him.

When he as only a few feet from the entrance to the place, Glenn studied over the look of building up close, taking in the detail of the stone used in it's construction, and even the wood used for the entryway of the place. Part of it was curiosity, but another was cautiousness. If the tower was made of magic, it stood to chance that there might be 'traps' of some kind, and the man was not yet convinced he was as welcome yet as Aurine hinted he would be. Yet after awhile of looking around for something that could doom him, Glenn sighed in resignation before approaching the door and searching around for some way to signal the one who lived in the tower of their 'guest'.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

(This was much longer, but then I found distaste for how close the close tab button is to actually opening the tab. I am sorry.)

No one made any motion as if to stop Glenn as he made his way towards the tower, and inspected it. There were no signs of foundation of any sort. The white marble tower's seeming construction was immediately drawn as theoretically impossible by normal means to Glenn's educated mind. And yet, there it was. The windows were built straight into the marble as well, four tall windows on the north, west, east and south sides of the tower, and many more smaller variations far up closer to the higher ends of the tower. He'd quickly gather that the main windows, the tall and thin windows not far at all from the ground, were representations of orientation, including direction. Before him was the southern side of the tower, and also the entrance. One could understand this because of the art depicted on the stained glass. Before him was an artistic depiction of a woman with black hair, and wings for arms with equally black fathers, standing before a forestland, with a snowy mountain in the distance, and the noon sun just overhead. It was clearly a representation of what lie that way, and Glenn would know he came from the south since his initial departure from his homeland. That, and he came from the beach lands, which were very warm.

As he inspected the tower, before he would make way to see about contacting the owner, a black feather would gracefully float into view, carrying with it, an odd magic. Looking to the source, Glenn would feel as if his actions, though his own, were guided by another hand. Looking up, he saw her. A woman with black wings for arms, wearing a white dress with a short skirt. She was standing in a tree, on a branch. Her blood red eyes were staring directly into his own, straight into his pupils in such a direct stare that his body felt a sensation of intimidation. This was a crow, and her eyes symbolized what she represented: intelligence, and death. Indeed, Glenn's mind would feel an oppressive force from this woman, but not one that may be intentional. Rather, it simply felt as if he were but a simple pebble, being inspected by a curious, genius mind. Just being looked at by her allowed him to quickly measure up the difference of their minds, and it was immense. Her stare was so powerful that Glenn might have stood there for days, locked in place. Thankfully the woman jumped down from the tree, landing to the ground.

She said not a word, instead walking right past Glenn, and towards the tower as if ignoring him completely. If he shared any words during that time, they'd go unanswered, at least for the moment. She walked towards the doors, which clicked upon her approach before letting out a metallic squeal, opening seemingly on their own to allow the black winged crow entry. Through the pair of heavy doors, Glenn could see the other window, with the black haired crow standing in front of a beach, overlooking the ocean, and a strange mountain to the side. The light from the windows shined on various gray marble statues, each constructed to look like various other crows of obvious relation to the one who now lived in this tower. The base for the statues gave the structures the appearance of graves, and such was the case, as Glenn saw a name and date on one pedestal, though the letters and numbers were written in some kind of fashion he couldn't recognize.

The doors remained open after the crow walked in, as if that was his sole invitation. Her wings at her sides, the crow stepped in, before she reached the middle of the main room, standing on top of an artistic design on the marble in the shape of an all-seeing-eye, which carried a portion of the impact her own real gaze possessed. There, she waited... Unmoving, waiting for Glenn to follow.