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Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

B. kick him in the stones and try to strangle him with the chains. When hes dead, grab the key(s) from him, undo the stocks and keep running.
Re: Candyland CYOA

B. kick him in the stones and try to strangle him with the chains. When hes dead, grab the key(s) from him, undo the stocks and keep running.
The other guard will catch up and I'm sure won't be pleased that we try to strangle his Buddy.

Re: Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

*NOTE*: From now on, I've decided to simplify the writing by not describing the composition of every piece of clothing. Since, everything is made of candy, mostly, there's really no point in descibing all of it.


Emily blushes deeply and swallows her remaining pride and submits, continuing her march of shame through the dark, winding halls. As they travel through the halls, Emily notices the walls progressively transitioned from a smooth black rock candy bricks to a thick, brown chocolate with small candy crystals in a wide variety of colors embedded in the walls. By the texture of it, it appeared to be a natural cave formation. Before long, Emily emerges into a large cavern with several large blade-like crystals jutting out of and deeply rooted in the chocolate bedrock. The room was decorated with several tall, black rock candy braziers, each holding a blue luminous crystal, lighting the room with an beautiful yet eerie glow, and variety of decorative candy silk tapestries.

The room seemed to be decorated as a throne room, and at the end was a large, ornately carved dark chocolate throne. Seated in the throne was a teenage girl, her skin light in composition with chocolate dust stains on them, and her hair short and brown in color and looked as if she had a perpetual case of bed-head. She wore a pair of ragged khaki low-cut shorts, and a short, dark-green tanktop with her slender, smooth midrift showing. Over her taktop, she wore a thin, tan, short-sleeved, button-up shirt, coated in patches of chocolate dust dirt like the rest of her attire. Most noticeably, she wore a pair of goggles with large, round lenses pulled up on her head.

As Emily was forced onto her knees a few meters from the base of the throne, her eyes go wide as she notices the dirty girl in slaves' rags sitting on her knees next to the throne. She was blushing deeply and averting her gaze from Emily as she was washing the brown-haired girl's bare feet, like a common servant.

Emily knows this girl and cries out her name, "K-Kari?!"

One of the guards smacks her square on the ass, leaving a bright red hand print in its stead, "Insolent whelp! Do not speak unless spoken to!"

Emily snivels slightly as a few tears roll down her cheek before looking up to the girl in the throne. The brown-haired sits up from her casual lounging in her throne and sighs in exasperation towards the guards, "You can let her speak... idiots."

The guards sweat nervously and nods, backing up a bit to give Emily some space. The girl then turns to her prisoner, "Now, I'm sure you have some questions for me, and I sure as heck have some questions for you."

Emily nods.

"Well, ask away.":

A. Ask who she is.

B. Ask about Kari.

C. Ask where they are.

D. Ask why they were captured.

E. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

E.All of the above.
EDIT: HERP! I misread that....
Re: Candyland CYOA

E. B,C,D Unless you mean ask who Kari is..... But I just sort of figured that would be included in "Ask about Kari". Also we know who WE are...

Option A is to ask about the new girl.
Re: Candyland CYOA

E w/ Tenta's idea
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Re: Candyland CYOA

Well, asking all the questions would be nice, but if that's not possible, A seems pretty important.
Re: Candyland CYOA

A,B,C,D In that order.
Or basically what Tenta says, but I put them in order.
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Re: Candyland CYOA

"Wh-Why is K-Kari acting like your slave...?"

The new girls stares blankly, "Who?"

"Kari! The girl you have dressed in the rags."

"Ohhhhh... Her. After my guards captured you two, I decided to make this one my personal slave. I spent hours training her to be loyal and completely submissive to my every demand, isn't that right slave~?"

The new girl then dangles her foot in front of Kari, who then flushes beet red in shame, avoiding all eye-contact with Emily as she lewdly drags her tongue up the girl's foot from heel to toe. Emily looks away at the shameful sight, causing the new girl to giggle, "Any other questions?":

A. Ask who she is.

B. "R-Release her this instant!"

C. Ask where they are.

D. Ask why they were captured.

E. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

D and A sound reasonable and maybe E bargain for Kari's freedom
Re: Candyland CYOA

E Have a temper tantrum. After all the crazy stuff Emi's been through, she needs to have a moment to vent up all the frustration.
Re: Candyland CYOA

A and D
Re: Candyland CYOA

"Who are you?!"

"My name is Terra; Master of chocolate manipulation and ruler of the Cocoa Valley."

"Ch-Chocolate manipulation? Yeah right."

Terra grins with charisma and with the wave of her had, a chunk of chocolate is ripped from the wall and levitates off the ground, Terra showing off by having it twirl in the air stylishly, causing Emily's mouth to drop in disbelief.
"Any other questions?"

Emily takes a moment to take in what she just witnessed before responding:

A. "R-Release her this instant!"

B. Ask where they are.

C. Ask why they were captured.

D. <Write-in Response.>
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