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Feb 21, 2011
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Okay, I’m going to try this whole ERP thing again, this time with something simpler so hopefully my muse sticks around for it.

The dead have risen, zombies control the world. You, a young woman, barricaded yourself in your bedroom as they swarmed your neighbourhood. It’s now two weeks later and the screams died down two nights ago. You need to get moving before you starve to death or the zombies break down your door. You need to find safety, whether on your own or risking seeking out other humans to band together with. But first: who are you, exactly?


  1. Heterosexual
  2. Homosexual
  3. Bisexual


  1. Red
  2. Black
  3. Brown
  4. Blonde
  5. Other


  1. Brown
  2. Blue
  3. Grey
  4. Green
  5. Other

Breast size:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. DD


  1. 20-25
  2. 26-30
  3. 31-35

What was your job before the apocalypse (each comes with special ability and special quest)?

  1. Doctor (+5 to medical rolls, key to restricted medical cabinets in hospitals)
  2. Thief (can pick locked doors and can more easily find money)
  3. Cop (+3 to attack rolls and reloads pistols as a free action)
  4. Electrician (can hotwire vehicles and break through electronic alarm systems)
  5. Chef (can make food last twice as long and relates to people easily)

Anything special you guys want to bring to the character? May or may not be added, depending on how good it is. Don't be shy about suggesting something. :)

HP: 30/30 (once this hits zero, you die)
AP: 20/20 (arousal points: once this hits zero, you orgasm. Subsequent stimulation in the next hour is doubled in strength, then tripled if orgasm is achieved again. AP raises two points an hour up to its maximum level. Every two points below 10 AP increased the DC of all rolls by 1)
SP: 0 (slut points. The higher this is, the more difficult it is to resist future sexual advances. Gain them by giving in to arousal. Every two SP adds +1 to the DC of a sexual resistance check against a zombie. Every three SP adds +1 to the DC of sexual resistance check against a human. Every two SP takes 1 point away from your maximum AP. It is possible to add to your maximum AP and have a lower DC to sexual resistance checks if you resist all sexual attempts, putting SP in the negatives)
EXP: 0/1000 (you can gain experience through defeating zombies and hostile humans, sex scenes, finding key items, and mild roleplaying experience by having a consistent reaction to events

This CYOA's mechanics will be running vaguely along the rules of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition, just for clarification. If I seem to have forgotten anything useful (give me a break, it's 4:30 AM), just tell me and I'll add it in. :D Inventory will come later once job has been decided and the job-specific quests are secret on purpose.
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Re: Zombies?!

Sexuality: 3! Equal opportunity!
Hair: Red!
Eyes: Green!
Breasts Size: B!
Age: 2! That being 26-30, of course!

Job: Doctor!
Re: Zombies?!

Sexuality: 3! Equal opportunity!
Hair: Red!
Eyes: Green!
Breasts Size: B!
Age: 2! That being 26-30, of course!

Job: Doctor!

This, with age being changed to 1, 20-25. Power to youthfulness! :X
Re: Zombies?!

Sexuality: 3! Equal opportunity!
Hair: Red!
Eyes: Green!
Breasts Size: B!
Age: 2! That being 26-30, of course!

Job: Doctor!

I agree with all of the above.
Re: Zombies?!

Added a little more for the status section now that I'm awake enough to remember it. SP rules updated slightly and EXP added.
Re: Zombies?!


Just to be contrary, seeing as it's like 4 for one already:
Red hair, blue eyes, C Cups, age 28, Chef.

Antoine will make you dinner.
Re: Zombies?!

Sexuality: 3! Equal opportunity!
Hair: Red!
Eyes: Green!
Breasts Size: B!
Age: 2! That being 26-30, of course!

Job: Doctor!

Hell, that is exactly what I was going to vote. So, um, this?
Re: Zombies?!

Sexuality: 3! Equal opportunity!
Hair: Red!
Eyes: Green!
Breasts Size: B!
Age: 2! That being 26-30, of course!
Job: Doctor!

I guess we found the winning vote. Apparently everyone loves a redhead. There's no way that's going to be beaten, so I'll just work on the stuff for those choices now. I'll say the age is 27, to accomodate the one vote for the 20-25 category.
Re: Zombies?!

Sitting quietly on the edge of her soft bed, her doors barricaded by tables and chairs, Lily glanced at the clock. At noon, in less than ten minutes, she was going to take apart her barricade and leave her house, hoping to find some form of more permanent sanctuary. Shuddering, scared at what awaited her on the other side of the door, she considered throwing off her shoes again and going back to sleep. The sound of a loud clattering from the house next door, most likely a zombie knocking over a saucepan, destroyed that idea though. I have to leave today, or I’m never going to work up the courage to get out of this alive, she thought. Glancing at the human waste piled in the corner of the room and the piles of empty food wrappers and water bottles at the other end of the room, she knew she’d starve to death or get a disease soon enough. She was out of options.

Kneeling on the floor quietly, still not sure if there was a zombie inside her home or not, she reviewed her backpack again for everything necessary that she had. She had a canteen attached to the side, filled with the last bottle of mineral water she had. Three packs of crisps sat in a side pocket along with a snack bar. Enough for only a day out there, she realized, knowing she was likely to be running a lot. A flashlight, Swiss army knife and her private first-aid kit, complete with a few things she was technically not allowed to have outside of a hospital but acquired anyway as a doctor, were inside the backpack itself. I didn’t grab everything I could have done from the kitchen… I need to go there first, get more food, whatever the raiders didn’t grab.

Lily had prepared to leave the house four days ago, but a group of loud-mouthed men came and rummaged through the bottom floor of her house, taking what they could before the zombies arrived and flooded the house. The groaning had kept Lily up all night and nearly drove her mad. Fortunately, she had stayed quiet as a mouse and the zombies dispersed again the next day.

Standing, she looked cautiously out of the window, peeking through her curtains. The road outside her house was a wreck, crashed and burnt-out cars in all the driveways and littering the roads. Fortunately, not a single zombie could be seen in the immediate vicinity. Turning to face her mirror, she grabbed a hairbrush and swept it through her shoulder-length red hair, intelligent green eyes wincing in pain at the many tangles, before pulling it back into a ponytail so it wouldn’t get in her face or be so easy for someone to grab. Changing out of her old clothes, she grabbed the darkest things she could find from her closet and ended up in nearly completely black, her underwear, her shirt and her shoes all black. Not having anything useful for nighttime camouflage for her legs, however, she had to settle for faded jeans.

She grabbed her gun from her bed, checking the magazine and the chamber. “Twelve bullets… make them count, Lily,” she ordered herself. She took the safety off and readied herself, looking between the door to the hall and the door to her bathroom. Hmm… maybe I should take a few minutes to clean myself up, she thought. Give me one last time to relax. She wasn’t stupid enough to take a full shower, but a very quick spongebath would likely give her a bit of a morale boost, wiping away two weeks of sweat and dirt. On the other hand, she should probably just get the hell out.

A: Go to the bathroom and set the world record for cleaning.
B: Head straight for the kitchen to gather food… hopefully.

HP: 30/30
AP: 20/20
SP: 0
EXP: 0/1000
Effects: Unwashed (-1 Morale: -1 to all rolls)
Well-rested (+1 Intelligence, +1 to all melee rolls)

9mm pistol (twelve bullets)
Swiss army knife
Flashlight (two AA batteries)
Personal first-aid kit (3 uses, +10 HP each)
One day worth of food

You’ll have to forgive me for making the map on the ever-reliable Microsoft Excel and making bad ASCII art with it… Obviously, you can’t see everything I actually put down there.

W: Wall
D: Door
B: Barricade
G: Window
S: Stairs
C: Supply cache
L: Lily
Z: Zombie
H: Human

[Any critique would be nice, places I could improve on, etc.]
Re: Zombies?!

I'm going to say A. if anything just to get rid of the pesky -1 to rolls thing.
Re: Zombies?!

A. Last chance we're going to get for a while.
Re: Zombies?!

Lily set to work about removing her barricade, being quiet about it as she shifted the table blocking the door. Setting it down gently, she drew her gun again, pointing it at the door. Slowly, she turned the handle and pulled it open, grateful she oiled the hinges recently as it silently turned. A slow, clumsy shuffling came to her ears as she stepped into the room, making sure to step over a creaky floorboard. Behind the bath curtain, someone was moving. Blood stained the translucent white curtain, handprints visible in the congealed blood. Lily backed away slightly, her eyes fixed on the shadowy figure standing behind the curtain, the zombie shuffling backwards and forwards, stuck in the bath with nowhere to go apparent to its limited brain. Lily’s foot caught on the floorboard. Shit…

The zombie looked up at the sound and saw Lily, her form muted and blurred from the curtain, but he recognised the difference between a live human and one of the undead without difficulty. He shoved the curtain out of the way with difficulty and stepped towards Lily, toppling out of the bath to land in a heap on the floor. Moaning, he started to crawl towards her, unaffected by the fall.

Roll d20 for fear reaction. 1!! Critical failure! Paralysed to spot! -4 to next roll!

Lily had yet to see a zombie in person that wasn’t from the safety of her bedroom window. The sight of this zombie, his cheek torn off, his arms mauled, the side of his neck gone, sent a rush of terror through her and she found herself rooted to the spot, petrified, as the zombie slowly crawled towards her. Her gun lay limp by her side as she stared, unable to take her eyes off of the monster. A small, quiet whimper escaped her lips as she saw her own death coming towards her.

Roll d20 for fear reaction. 16 - 4 (fear) - 1 (morale) = 11! Mild failure! Scared! -1 to next roll!
Roll d20 for firearm attack. 11 - 1 (fear) - 1 (morale) = 9! Arm hit! 10% chance of impairing attack!
Roll d% for attack penalty chance. 90! Zombie attack rolls suffer -1 penalty!

The zombie now only two metres from her, she raised her gun, her hands trembling as she tried to steady her aim on his head, what the news had told her the night before it vanished. The image of his shredded face and a long, drawn-out groan from the zombie dented her resolve though and she closed her eyes, flinching away as she pulled the trigger. The gunshot echoed through the house and she flinched harder at the deafening noise, opening her eyes to see what she had done to the zombie.

The round had torn through his right arm, shattering his elbow, thick coagulated blood dropping to the ground among shards of bone. His forearm, now useless even to a zombie, slid slowly along beside him, completely limp as he relentlessly crawled forward.

Roll d20 for fear reaction. 18 - 1 (morale) = 17! Success! Calm!
Roll d20 for firearm attack! 17 - 1 (morale) = 16! Head shot! Instant kill! No chance of reanimation!
Crawler Zombie killed: +50 EXP!

Taking a deep breath, focusing herself and trying her best to calm down as the zombie reached out to try and grab her ankles, Lily fired again. The bullet was true this time and slammed through his skull, splattering a small amount of blood around him, the bullet passing through the floor. Lily’s nerves were steadied, but she had to fight her stomach at the same time, trying to remind herself that zombies weren’t people any more. Images of them eating her neighbours flooded her mind and strengthened her resolve. She stepped around the corpse and aimed towards the open bathroom door, checking for any other zombies. Not seeing or hearing anything, she stepped to the sink and stripped off her clothes, bit by bit so that if she had to run in a hurry, she wasn’t going to run around naked, and set about washing.

Morale boost! +1 to all rolls!

Feeling truly clean for the first time since she’d holed up in her room, even if the wash was hurried, Lily reset her clothes, feeling eager to get out and about. Raising her gun to head level and holding it steady with both hands, she moved outside of the bathroom into the hall. Nothing was there, though the place was a mess, with potted plants knocked over and bloodstains on the floors and walls. She looked back at the corpse left in her bathroom, only the feet visible. Shuddering, she moved to the stairs, peeking around the corner to see if there was anything below. When she was sure there was nothing, she moved forward a little and, standing at the top of the stairs, Lily reflected on where her first goal should be as she slowly moved down.

1. The local hospital, to get better medical supplies. Probability of zombies: 9/10. Probability of humans: 3/10.
2. The local police station, to get more weapons. Probability of zombies: 4/10. Probability of humans: 8/10.
3. The local mall, to get some food, some fun and, most importantly, a chance for a permanent safe zone. Probability of zombies: 6/10. Probability of humans: 6/10.
4. Other.

OOC Questions:
A. Are there any particular kinks or fetishes you guys want in this CYOA?
B. What sort of difficulty level do you want? Do you want me to stack the odds against Lily or give her an easier chance to succeed? Or just do it normally?
C: Do you want zombie animals to appear? If so, do you want the possibility of sex with them like human zombies?

I added the first perk, Doctor, to the status. I also retroactively gave Lily thirty-six bullets from the start. My dice rolls made this encounter considerably harder than I thought it would be, and even with the plentiful ammo I’m going to try to give you later, I figure it’s best to start with more than twelve rounds.

In the future, there will be one other combat modifier and a new roll: range and noise levels. Range defines the best distances to engage enemies and how calm we are at it, affecting attack rolls and, if the zombie is too close for comfort, fear rolls. If I had implemented those rolls now, Lily would be in pretty deep trouble. Range will come into effect the next time a zombie is encountered.

Noise levels affect how many, if any, zombies notice you when a loud noise occurs. Out of curiosity, I rolled anyway for the gunshots this turn. The first was 70, putting you in the clear. No zombies nearby would have noticed you. The second roll, however, was 60. Any nearby zombies would have heard the noise but not known the direction and would have started searching randomly for you. Noise level will come into effect after we leave the house.

HP: 30/30
AP: 20/20
SP: 0
EXP: 50/1000
Effects: Clean (+1 Morale: +1 to all rolls)
Well-rested (+1 Intelligence, +1 to all melee rolls)
Perks: Specialisation: Doctor (+5 to all medical rolls)

9mm pistol (thirty-four bullets, ten in current magazine)
Swiss army knife
Flashlight (two AA batteries)
Personal first-aid kit (3 uses, +10 HP each)
One day worth of food
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Re: Zombies?!

Lets see,

4. Kitchen (we were heading there when we decided to clean off first) then head to the police station to get more ammo and possibly better weapons

A. I really don't care what fetishes show up if I have to vote thought tentecles
b. keep the difficulty where it is, later if we run into multiple enemies and it seems too easy then switch to stacked against lilly.
c. zombie animals would be fun (just no birds). I say yes on the sex here only if you are going to include normal animals and sex with them.
Re: Zombies?!

Lets see,

4. Kitchen (we were heading there when we decided to clean off first) then head to the police station to get more ammo and possibly better weapons

A. I really don't care what fetishes show up if I have to vote thought tentecles
b. keep the difficulty where it is, later if we run into multiple enemies and it seems too easy then switch to stacked against lilly.
c. zombie animals would be fun (just no birds). I say yes on the sex here only if you are going to include normal animals and sex with them.

Sorry, I should have made it clearer. I mean where should we go after the kitchen. I could have put the kitchen in this post, but I thought it a) might get too long to read and b) I was getting a little bored (I've been doing quite a bit of work on this CYOA in the background as well as what you see here).

I hadn't even considered zombie birds and, now that I have, I can't figure out a way to get them to work anyway, so don't worry about them.
Re: Zombies?!

Lets see... the hospital sounds risky, especially with your rules on sound. The police station is probably safer, but it's unlikely that they're just handing out weapons. The mall is a good, traditional destination, but I feel like having something to contribute first would be a grand idea. And as a doctor that means... 1.

A. Unless you're GM'ing for a particular person, you're probably good for anything except vore and scat. Do whatever you're most comfortable with, and you'll find people who enjoy it.
B. Normal sounds good. A chance of victory, a chance of defeat. A game where you always win or always lose is no fun.
C. Sure. On both counts. See: A.