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Re: Zombies?!

1. She's a doctor after all. Seems like the most natural place for her to want to go, and she doesn't know the zombie probabilities (which, by the way, I think you should keep hidden in the future. It doesn't make sense to let the voters know something like that if the character herself normally wouldn't).

OOC Questions:
A: Nothing specific to add, would just prefer to keep away from scat, urine, vore, and guro (typical zombie gore is fine, just don't let the good doctor herself get torn up too badly). Most anything else is fine, I would just recommend adding content warnings beforehand (similar to Kathy's Zelda CYOA). That way people know what's coming before they read it and can therefore avoid it if they wish.
B: Normal.
C: Yes to both.
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Re: Zombies?!

Lets see... the hospital sounds risky, especially with your rules on sound. The police station is probably safer, but it's unlikely that they're just handing out weapons. The mall is a good, traditional destination, but I feel like having something to contribute first would be a grand idea. And as a doctor that means... 1.

A. Unless you're GM'ing for a particular person, you're probably good for anything except vore and scat. Do whatever you're most comfortable with, and you'll find people who enjoy it.
B. Normal sounds good. A chance of victory, a chance of defeat. A game where you always win or always lose is no fun.
C. Sure. On both counts. See: A.

This, essentially. Especially the answers to the OOC questions.
Re: Zombies?!

1. She's a doctor after all. Seems like the most natural place for her to want to go, and she doesn't know the zombie probabilities (which, by the way, I think you should keep hidden in the future. It doesn't make sense to let the voters know something like that if the character herself normally wouldn't).

OOC Questions:
A: Nothing specific to add, would just prefer to keep away from scat, urine, vore, and guro (typical zombie gore is fine, just don't let the good doctor herself get torn up too badly). Most anything else is fine, I would just recommend adding content warnings beforehand (similar to Kathy's Zelda CYOA). That way people know what's coming before they read it and can therefore avoid it if they wish.
B: Normal.
C: Yes to both.

Good idea on keeping the probabilities hidden from now on. They will change the more time passes anyway, as humans build up forfications and zombies tear through them and humans build up again, so don't expect these probabilities to stay the same.

As for your anti-fetishes, those were pretty much everything I'm against too, so they wouldn't be in anyway unless literally everyone asked for them. Should I bother warning for general zombie rape? I'm pretty sure that's par for the course on this forum.
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Re: Zombies?!

Eh, it's up to you, really. Maybe for the zombie-animals (since its sorta bestiality), but unless you end up including some of the more unusual or disgusting (in my opinion) kinks, overt warnings probably aren't necessary.
Re: Zombies?!

2. Let's go see what psychopaths have clustered up in the police station. We can check out the mall after, that sounds fun.
Also, reload! Reload forever.

A: Delicious hard vore teeth-on-brain action. I'm not even joking, kinda!
...I would not mind dem tentacles and dem mutationy monstergirls and stuff, of course, but those aren't usually very zombie.

B: Either normal or easy modo I suppose. Rambo Doc might be fun.

C: Yes, yes.
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Re: Zombies?!

2. We needs weapons!!!

A. Are there any particular kinks or fetishes you guys want in this CYOA? Zombies are good enough for me, maybe a futa zombie would be fun *Shrug*
B. What sort of difficulty level do you want?
Normal difficulty is fine
C: Do you want zombie animals to appear? If so, do you want the possibility of sex with them? Yes, yes yes, YES!!!
Re: Zombies?!

Vote tally:
Hospital: 3
Police station: 3
Mall: 0
Difficulty: Easy (1), Normal (6)
Animals: Yes (6), Sex (6)

While it’s technically a draw for destination, which is why I held off from posting for a while, thetwo and xgkf’s arguments are sound. Hospital wins.
Lily set her mind on getting to the hospital as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She knew it would be fairly dangerous, but she needed more supplies than she had at home, especially if she encountered someone else who was wounded. Her skills as a doctor would serve a community well and convince them she was worth a drain on their food resources. She noted the closed lounge door, frowning. She had left all doors in her house open so she would know what was on the other side of it without opening it. Whether a zombie or the raiders had closed it, she didn’t know and didn’t care to find out. Avoiding the lounge, she slipped into the kitchen, staring for a moment in shock at the mess the scavengers had left. The windows were all shattered, food was trampled over half of the floor, ruined and stale, entire cupboards torn off the walls and thrown to the ground. “Jesus Christ… you could have used most of this,” she muttered, hating the scavengers for being so wasteful in a time of crisis.

She noticed something odd on the floor in the far, relatively bare corner of the kitchen though, and she stepped over the slippery floor to the strange object. Crouching, she tossed off a crushed loaf of bread and grinned. “Sweet, a revolver!” She picked it up and flicked it open, checking the ammo inside. “Only one bullet, but I can find more later.” Feeling slightly hopeful, she pocketed it and stood up, turning around, only to have her hopes crushed again. A zombie stood right in the entrance of the lounge door, blocking her escape, advancing on her, faster than the other. Her eyes glanced to the open exit into the hall, wondering if she could make it or if she should hold her ground and take it down.

1. Run for the door and try to escape without a fight
2. Hold your ground and risk being cornered
3. Other

Notes: Range is now in effect.

You were meant to get food and I kind of weighed the odds against you getting anything else this time. But you got no less than eight rolls for a second gun before you got any food, so you’re getting a gun. Enjoy. The dice are looking out for you, I guess. You may want to factor that into your choice.
HP: 30/30
AP: 20/20
SP: 0
EXP: 50/1000
Effects: Clean (+1 Morale: +1 to all rolls)
Well-rested (+1 Intelligence, +1 to all melee rolls)
Perks: Specialisation: Doctor (+5 to all medical rolls)
9mm pistol (thirty-four bullets, ten in current magazine)
Revolver (one bullet)
Swiss army knife
Flashlight (two AA batteries)
Personal first-aid kit (3 uses, +10 HP each)
One day worth of food

W: Wall
D: Door
B: Barricade
G: Window
S: Stairs
C: Supply cache
L: Lily
Z: Zombie
H: Human
Re: Zombies?!

Well, we seem to have been fully looted in the food department so there's nothing to be gained by fighting except drawing more zombies. So... 1, run.
Re: Zombies?!

Agreed. Better to GTFO while we can. Though I think we should prioritize finding more 9mm and revolver ammo when and if we can.
Re: Zombies?!


We don't just need to find more ammo but we should find a silencer for the guns as well.
Re: Zombies?!


We don't just need to find more ammo but we should find a silencer for the guns as well.

Eh, even if I do decide to give you a silencer, it's only going to affect the noise rolls a tiny amount. Silencers actually do jack shit, really.
Re: Zombies?!

Doesn't look like I'll win, but 2.

It's already advancing and faster than the previous one, meaning that, based on the positioning shown by the map, it'll likely cut us off before we can make it to the other door (over a slippery and cluttered floor, at that). Best to hold our ground for the moment and kill it now, in my opinion.
Re: Zombies?!

Doesn't look like I'll win, but 2.

It's already advancing and faster than the previous one, meaning that, based on the positioning shown by the map, it'll likely cut us off before we can make it to the other door (over a slippery and cluttered floor, at that). Best to hold our ground for the moment and kill it now, in my opinion.

yes but on the map we can see there is a second zombie in the house, holding our ground and fighting could alert it to our presence and waste more bullets.

Eh, even if I do decide to give you a silencer, it's only going to affect the noise rolls a tiny amount. Silencers actually do jack shit, really.
While that may be true IRL, in Video Games they always make the gun quite to the point that even the player has a hard time hearing the gun fire. I also don't expect silencers unless we raid a gun store.
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Re: Zombies?!

yes but on the map we can see there is a second zombie in the house, holding our ground and fighting could alert it to our presence and waste more bullets.

Yeah, I was literally just about to make a post about that. That was a mistake of mine. There is no way you can know about that zombie (Lily can't see through walls) and that's actually a remnant of my old method of placing zombies. I have a new one now, so that zombie doesn't actually exist. My bad. I'm not saying there ISN'T another zombie in the house, I'm just saying that the one marked isn't it. If there is one. Which you don't know.
Re: Zombies?!

Vote tally:
Run: 5
Fight: 1
Roll d20 for slipping possibility. 18! Stable footing!
Making a flash decision, Lily ran for the door she came through as fast as she could, not even considering if there might be another zombie on the other side of it now. She slid and skidded over the messy floor, arriving at the door just as the zombie did, his upper bicep a jagged wound of missing flesh. The ex-human reached out, groaning, his fingers grasping for her as she tried to duck under his arm.

Roll d20 for grapple check. 9! Grapple succeeds!
Roll d6 to decide grapple beginner. 1! Zombie begins!
Roll d20 for zombie grapple. 20! Knocked to floor! Roll for clothing damage with +2 bonus!
Roll d20 for clothing damage. 13 + 2 (grapple bonus) = 15! -3 to T-shirt health (5/8)
Roll d20 for Lily grapple: 17 + 1 (Well-rested) + 1 (Clean) = 19! Zombie knocked back one metre!
His cold, clammy hand closed around her arm, pulling her back towards him and throwing her off-balance. Her feet slid on the tiled floor and, screaming, she was spun around and knocked to the ground, the zombie landing on top of her, winding her slightly. His hands grasped at her, ripping her t-shirt at the neckline, making her t-shirt a bit of a v-neck, the tops of her rounded breasts just barely visible through the new tear. His fingers loosened slightly as he tried to get closer to her, teeth snapping and gnashing, and Lily used the opportunity as best she could. She pushed him back and raised her feet, kicking him in the chest and throwing him back and off her, out into the hall. Panicking slightly, Lily searched around her for an exit, noting the door to the lounge still open.

1. Try to hold down panic and shoot the zombie
2. Stand up instantly, maybe giving the zombie a chance to grab you, but will be able to fight and move more easily
3. Try to crawl away before standing up, though there might be another zombie that could attack her while she’s down

Note: Standing takes up your or a zombie’s movement for the turn.
HP: 30/30
AP: 20/20
SP: 0
EXP: 50/1000
Effects: Clean (+1 Morale: +1 to all rolls)
Well-rested (+1 Intelligence, +1 to all melee rolls)
Perks: Specialisation: Doctor (+5 to all medical rolls)
Clothing damage: T-shirt (5/8)
9mm pistol (thirty-four bullets, ten in current magazine)
Revolver (one bullet)
Swiss army knife
Flashlight (two AA batteries)
Personal first-aid kit (3 uses, +10 HP each)
One day worth of food

W: Wall
D: Door
B: Barricade
G: Window
S: Stairs
C: Supply cache
L: Lily
Z: Zombie
H: Human
Re: Zombies?!

I think I'm going to have to go with 3. There might be another zombie in the lounge, but then there might be one in the hall as well.
Re: Zombies?!

Told you. :p

2. Best to get up as soon as possible so we're in a better position to fight. Trying to kill it while we're down and failing would just leave us open to be pounced on again (and possibly alerting other zombies with the gunshot) in our vulnerable position. And I'm not sure how crawling away first would benefit us any more than just standing up now.