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Re: Zombies?!

(and possibly alerting other zombies with the gunshot)


And I'm not sure how crawling away first would benefit us any more than just standing up now.

Noise levels haven't come into effect just yet. As for crawling, a crawling zombie moves one metre (a square on the map) a turn, you move one and a half a turn. So the threat with crawling is if another zombie appears, not the current one.

More movement speeds:

Humans and zombies walk: 2 metres a turn.
Humans run: 4 metres a turn.

Other speeds, I'm keeping hidden for now. It'll be a nice surprise later.
Re: Zombies?!

In that case, if choice 3 is crawling away AND standing up, then I'll change my vote to 3. If 3 is ONLY crawling away, then I maintain my 2 vote based on my previous arguments (minus the gunshot one).
Re: Zombies?!

It's crawling then standing up, then running (provided nothing ambushes you). Unless you'd prefer to fight? If someone does, say so.
Re: Zombies?!

I'm going to say 1. we are not under noise rules yet so we should kill the zombie then stand up.
Re: Zombies?!

Vote tally:
Shoot now: 1
Stand now: 1
Crawl away, then stand: 3
Roll d20 for fear. 18 + 1 (Clean) = 19! Perfect calm! +2 bonus to next nearby roll! Can retake next nearby roll, bonus included!
Lily managed to roll away from the zombie’s grasping hands, her hands slipping on the cold tiles as she fled, an odd sense of calmness and focus washing over her, likely from the adrenaline flooding her system. She was just slightly faster than the zombie, which slid a little on the ground, teeth gnashing as her foot came within range for a split-second before moving away. She reached the door to the lounge and grabbed onto the doorframe with both hands, pulling her quickly towards it and rolling through onto the carpet. She grabbed the door and slammed it shut before twisting onto her back and scanning the room for any more zombies, gun raised. Fortunately, nothing was there. The only sound she could hear was the zombie scratching at the base of the door, trying to get at her.

Standing, slowly, Lily took a quick look at her shirt to assess the damage, cursing slightly but not daring to waste any more time getting a new one. She advanced to the door closest to the front of the house, wanting to get the hell out. She threw it open, searching the hall with her gun the same as before and ran for the front door, kicked off of its hinges by the raiders. She stepped into a ruined street, no useable cars in sight, all twisted and bent out of shape in crashes or transformed into blackened hulks from fire. Her own car had been hit from the side by a police car, almost torn in half from the impact. The soft moans of zombies hiding in the houses echoed through the air, but there were none visible.

Zombie evaded: +10 EXP!
Thinking that the police might have a gun stashed in the car, she advanced on it, gun raised at the body in the car, not sure if it was a zombie or a plain old corpse. The blood coating the shattered windscreen could mean either. She looked in and regretted it. The poor man inside had been feasted on while he was still alive. Bullet casings littered the car around him, a pistol like hers hanging limply from his arm, blood and a bit of intestine blocking up the firing mechanism and rendering it useless. His head had seemed to explode from the inside, likely shooting himself with his final bullet. There was no evidence of a magazine anywhere obvious and she had no wish to look closer. Gripping her gun tightly, she set off towards the hospital on foot, making sure to keep an eye out for any cars in working condition that hopefully might still have fuel and keys in the ignition. It was nearly an hour’s journey without a car, though she would fortunately stick mostly to suburbs without going into the main city itself, which would limit the number of zombies she would encounter en route.

12:10 PM, Day 1

Roll d20 for encounter chance. 19 + 2 (Perfect calm) + 1 (Clean) = 22! No encounter! Double time!
12:30 PM, Day 1

Roll d20 for encounter chance. 14 + 1 (Clean) = 15! No encounter!
12:50 PM, Day 1

Lily arrived at the hospital entrance, unable to find a car, but having made surprisingly good time regardless, being able to arrive in only forty minutes. The hospital was a mess, windows shattered everywhere, signs of fire, blood and corpses littering the streets around it. The automatic doors to the main entrance were shattered, pushed out of place by what looked like hundreds of zombies pressing against it when they had assaulted the hospital. Fortunately, as she stepped through them, only two remained, the zombified women staring at her for a moment in almost shock that someone would be so stupid as to come to an epicentre of their apocalypse. With a moan, though, they advanced forward, shambling towards her.

1. Shoot now, keeping them at a distance
2. Hold for a few seconds before shooting, sacrificing distance for accuracy
3. Pull back into the streets for a slightly more open area, but risk attracting a larger horde
4. Just walk around them (say where)
5. Other (this is always an option, guys. Even if I don’t list it, always feel free to suggest your own ideas)

HP: 30/30
AP: 20/20
SP: 0
EXP: 60/1000
Effects: Clean (+1 Morale: +1 to all rolls)
Well-rested (+1 Intelligence, +1 to all melee rolls)
Perks: Specialisation: Doctor (+5 to all medical rolls)
Clothing damage: T-shirt (5/8)
9mm pistol (thirty-four bullets, ten in current magazine)
Revolver (one bullet)
Swiss army knife
Flashlight (two AA batteries)
Personal first-aid kit (3 uses, +10 HP each)
One day worth of food
I apparently have no idea what a hospital looks like. >///>

W: Wall
D: Door
B: Barricade
G: Window
S: Stairs
C: Supply cache
L: Lily
Z: Zombie
H: Human
Re: Zombies?!

Hrm... I'll have to go with 2. Just don't wait too long.
Re: Zombies?!

5. Head into the reception area, closing the door behind us, and then shoot at the zombies through the windows.
Re: Zombies?!

Hey, guys, sorry, just an update on why I haven't posted. I've been trying to figure out some rules for the next post, but each time I think I have it nailed down, I find a flaw or some way to just generally improve it. I should have them nailed down for good within the next couple of days. Just thought I'd tell you so I wouldn't leave you hanging.