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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I keep getting "Only letters A-Z, numbers, dashes (-), or underscores ( _ ) are allowed."

Which is strange, cuz none of my boxes have anything else in them.

*Edit* I think it's the fact I used capital letters, despite the fact they use only capitals as their examples.

Also, despite the fact I entered my age, I have to then go to settings and tell them I'm over 18.

yea it kept giving me that too if i had capitals in the name.

and also forgot to mention about that i am over 18 tick in the account settings which was definetly tad unnessessary since you had to enter your age anyway, though that might keep minors from seeing the adult stuff if their just trying to register quick to see them and not browse the options at all.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Why all the hate for Duckman?

Maybe he's actually a cool guy but you just dont know because he speaks Japanese

Although he does look like Bruce Willis with a duckbill, dressed as a lounge lizard...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

iv not only seen howard the duck, but iv got it in dvd format O.O along with Invaders from Mars and House 2.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Why all the hate for Duckman?

Although he does look like Bruce Willis with a duckbill, dressed as a lounge lizard...

yippie-kai-yay, mother-quacker

....yep, i went too far.....
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

in before he was actually a enemy spy and rapes the player
"in before", how do you mean?

I do like the possibility of him being two-faced, though, and finding an opportunity to take advantage. At present, he is the local informant for the two women, though they have just met him. Conveniently, they need his help (since humans aren't liked, and humanoids (androids?) have no rights), while he has unusual freedom of movement for a local. He is coming across as nice so far, though I can always hope. :)

I've made a poor attempt at translating the text of the game - I just threw this together, much of it is as unclear as the japanese that came before it, but for some it might give more of the storyline, for interest's sake. I rather like the developing space opera!

Just overwrite the files in these two directories, with the contents of the archive, if you want to try these out. I apologize, they're terrible - I did this for my own understanding of content, and didn't worry about quality of dialogue!
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

It's maybe not the most comprehensive translation, but it makes it much easier to tell what's going on.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The only duckman Drake i ever heard of was the one in timesplitters! XD
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

See, I told you Duckman was a nice guy
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

probably i'm an idiot but readying all the posts i couldn't find a way for the new update...even using google i found nothing...i still have just 2 levels
(vs gangsters and cyborgs).
Could someone post me a link for the update?

k i'm a double idiot...didn't see the author uploaded the 1st page link...
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Hey all, I am Bovoovoo the lurker. Anyways hoping to see some updates to this game which I think is a great game specially for free.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Hey all, I am Bovoovoo the lurker. Anyways hoping to see some updates to this game which I think is a great game specially for free.

It probably wont be for free in the end. I'm waiting on the day he stops these updates with a basic demo, and says we'll just have to wait for the full game.

Which at his speed will come out just as we start collecting social security.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I would pay 30 USD if not more for a game like this.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I'd wait to see.
For now, the game does not satisfy my fetiches, so I would not pay much for it.

But that is me being my selfish self. The game is good and maybe I ask for too much.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I'd wait to see.
For now, the game does not satisfy my fetiches, so I would not pay much for it.

But that is me being my selfish self. The game is good and maybe I ask for too much.

Eh, when it comes to porn I think it's okay to be pretty picky.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Well, I finally went through and made the translation somewhat less pitiful. It's far more readable now, although the dialogue still often reads as if English is not the character's first language (and perhaps it isn't)!

Note that menu options, being stored as images, have not (yet) been translated, only dialogue in cutscenes, and descriptive text for items and skills.

It does let one understand the story, and get a feel for the dynamic between the characters - which I quite enjoy, actually. I hope the developer keeps working on this.

Of course, any suggestions or corrections are very welcome!
Have fun.
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