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Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

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Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Hah, you think we actually care if you feel guilty. We just want to kill enough of you that our enemies will leave our lands alone. You are simply a tool that we will use to bring our point across."

Suddenly Rexford and Anabelle are engulfed in a cloying cloud of darkness that blots out all vision and stifles their very breath. You can see nothing but utter blackness as the freezing cold cloud begins to choke the air from your lungs. Anabelle hears a muffled choking coming from Rexford followed by the sounds of him getting up and running. Than a scream followed by more silence as the cloud continues choking her.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Falling to her knees and coughing, struggling to breath in the darkness, Anabelle does nothing but clutch her torch. She wants to shout more defiance at the demons... vampires... but can't find the breath to do it.

Fear clutches at her as she looks around, trying to find her own flame, her friend, and more importantly her enemy. But all she sees is the black.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The chilling darkness continues to choke her, though she can still feel the heat from the flame of her torch despite the fact she can't see anything. She knows that if she wants to survive she has to find someway out of this cloying cloud but that will mean going into the darkness away from the bonfire.

"That'ss hardly a fair tactic, Idriss. Choking the lasst of them to death with your sshadowss."

The muffled voices of the demons come to her from somewhere outside the cloud arguing with each other.

"Nor was it fair to light that fire with your sorcery, Serpent."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Using the voices as a guide, Anabelle clutched her torch tighter, and started to move away from the heat of the fire. She held her breath, not wanting to breath in any more of the shadowy smog. She didn't know where Rexford had gone, his fear seemingly getting the better of him.

Trudging through the sand, her lungs burning within her chest, she strode for freedom.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Moving away from the voices through the blackness, Claire suddenly comes through into the normal dark of the night. Now able to breath again she can still see the pure black of the strange cloud just sitting there. She can also hear the voices much clearer as they argue, the voice of the first demon seems to be moving towards her through the cloud.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Gasping at gulps of air as if she'd emerged from the ocean once more, Anabelle stumbles through the sand; still disoriented from the smog her steps are unsure. Holding the torch up in the air to try and see in the dark of the night, she does the best she can to move away from the voices, hoping to find Rexford, but more importantly simply survive this night.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle barely has time to take a few steps before the vampire from the ship steps out of the shadowy cloud as if it weren't even there. He walks towards her steadily even as he continues arguing with the other vampire calmly. He does slow when he notices the torch in her hands though he still seems to have no problem keeping up with Annabelle.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Damn you," she spat in the sand, still backing away from the creatures, her eyes darting around the beach for any sign of Rexford.

Then she stopped. There was no where to run, she was tired, and whatever this vampire really was would be able to keep up with easily. So she started moving towards it, keeping her torch out, sword point close to her neck in case it tried that tongue trick again. Let it try, and split itself open in the attempt.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"I"m already damned and soon you will be too."

The creature says as it continues walking towards Anabelle. Looking at the fire from the torch it snarls with fear as it's hand shoots out and knocks the torch from her hand with a blow stronger than any humans. The creatures hand is burned badly by the blow but it doesn't slow the creature any in it's path towards her with it's fangs extended.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

With a small shout of pain that sounds rather feminine, Anabelle faces the creature, and shoves her sword towards his gut.

"I'll be damned by God at Judgement Day. Not by you," she screams in his face in defiance.
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Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Arya? If you're trying to confuse me it doesn't take that much you know.

The sword thrust surprises him a little as he seems to think you would have been cowering in fear before him by now. He looks down at the sword through him with a look of annoyance and grabs Anabelle in a grip of iron, pulling her head to the side to expose her neck. The last thing she sees is the drops of blood on the serrated edges of his teeth as he leans forward to bite.

For the briefest moment she feels intense pain as the teeth prick her neck, intense pain that is quickly replaced with a feeling of intense pleasure as her very blood is devoured by the creature before her. The distant sounds of battle reach her ears even as she's dying from lack of blood and she suddenly feels herself falling to the sand the blood still pouring from her throat.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

nope, not trying to confuse, just a typo. Mistook her for another character of mine.

A scream burst from Anabelle's lips as the vampire's teeth pierced her flesh, slowly fading to become a soft moan somewhere between misery and pleasure. As she fell to the sand, one of her hands almost absently went to her throat, vainly trying to stop the bleeding.

As blood pumped out between her fingers she looked up at the creature with confusion.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The pleasure she had felt while the creature had fed on her disappears as she lays in the sand desperately trying to stop the bleeding. Through her blurred vision she can see the creature seemingly fighting for it's life with two men. One a black chain-mail clad knight armed with a war hammer the other appeared to be one of her own countrymen dressed in worn leather who wielded a stake of hawthorn.

The fight went on for what seemed like ages as the knight and her countrymen seemed to barely be an equal match for the lone vampire. It was frightening to behold as the very shadows seemed to be fighting each other beside the other warriors. Her countryman who fought solely with tooth and nail finally ended the battle however when he ran the stake through the vampire's chest.

The battle over her countryman fell to one knee and rested while he watched the black knight walk over towards her. Kneeling in the sand beside her he removes his helmet and looks at her wound before pressing his own hand against it to slow the bleeding. The young knight then speaks loudly and clearly to her.

"Do you wish to make a confession?"
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Looking up in confusion at the man who had slain the demonic creature, the vampire, she nodded her head, trying to speak but only able to make a wet gurgling sound that had blood coating her lips.

She knew her death was here, was this man one of the holy knights? Could he deliver her confession?
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The knight hushed Anabelle when he saw she couldn't speak and began praying in Latin and as he crossed her forehead she began drifting out of consciousness. She was only vaguely aware of hearing distant voices and suddenly feeling something pressed to her lips before her body died.


Suddenly her eyes open to see the stars shining in the clear night sky above her. The last thing she could remember was the knight praying over her but it was only a distant thought. The foremost thought in her mind was an immense gnawing hunger, she had to have blood and she had to have it now.

She could smell it in the air somewhere off to her right, towards the voices that her mind couldn't comprehend at this moment. Getting to her knees quickly she ran towards the smell of blood and fell on the cold body before her and sank her fangs into it's neck.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

She drank as much as she could of the cold blood, her fingers digging into the body's chest before finally pulling away and staring down at what she had just done.

"What... what did I just do?" she muttered in shock, staring down at her hands as she felt blood dribble over her lips.

She was dead... she had been dead. What was happening to her? Her head snapped up, looking around for the knights, searching for answers. Where was Rexford, the other demon?
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Her normal mindset returned as she gorged herself on the blood, though she could still feel the beastly presence somewhere in the back of her mind. The body she had just drank blood from was that of Rexford, he was dead most likely before she had got to him.

"I believe your new childe is awake, Dracen. Perhaps you should see to her. I'm sure she would like to know what's going on."

Looking towards the voice she can see that it comes from the black clad knight who had given her the last rites as he stands over a shallow grave. He looks to be about the same age as Rexford and has closely cut blond hair and piercing brown eyes. His tunic suggests he belongs to one of the holy orders of knights though she's not quite sure which.

The other man beside him starts walking over, the tartan across his shoulders suggests that he's one of her countrymen. His dark blond hair is very long and rather wild but his eyes are what holds her attention most, it's almost as if a wolf were staring back at her. As he comes closer he speaks in a thick accent interspersed with the occasional growl.

"Bah, just because your clan treats it's fresh embracees like children doesn't mean the Gangrel do, Jourdain. I was left on a mountaintop to survive or die without even knowing my sire."

Looking at her he then growls out almost menacingly.

"What's your name and if you have any questions before we part ways, nows the time to ask."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Anabelle... and yeah, what in God's name is going on?" she asked, looking down in fear and self loathing at the corpse of her friend that she was still sitting upon. Almost as an afterthought she jumped free of it, landing her ass in the sand.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Well Anabelle the long and short of it is that everyone here is dead. The kine I killed so you could feed is completely dead. You, me, and Jourdain over there are undead ,specifically vampires."

He says stopping a few feet away and derisively pointing at the corpse of Rexford when he says kine.

"If you want to know why I turned you into one of us, it's simply because I saw a potential in you as struggled to survive against the odds. Now all you have to do is survive a few years and we'll know if that potential was realized."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle blinks, but somehow feels she's not going to draw too much from this man. Undead, kine... vampires. She puts a hand to her throat to feel for the damage that apparently killed her as she tried to absorb everything she'd been told. How many of the old tales were true.

"Where am I then?" she asked. Judging from what this... 'Gangrel' had said, she'd be on her own soon enough.
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