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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: The Island

"All right. Miss Pale, you may stay as well if you wish. With that out of the way Alex sat herself in a nearby chair and gestured toward two others for the other people to take. "Bakan, do you understand how important a dragon's pride is? To some lines it can be more important than life itself, and my family is one of those lines. I lost mine when I was young, to my own brother and sister, and ever since I've been preparing to face them and reclaim my honor. Believe it or not the competition held here seems almost tailored to that cause."

"I'm not asking you to forsake your principles. In fact I find that rather endearing. But I've entered this competition knowing full well what a loss will mean, and I've accepted that as a necessity to become stronger. That is why I want your help. I'm asking you to help me directly, to prepare me for the upcoming battles that will lead me to my ultimate goal of redemption."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island

Taking a seat, Bakan watched Alex as she talked to him with a firm gaze. His hands on the table, his head lowered to stare at his lap as Alex explained exactly how serious she was. It'd have been one thing if it was just the simple act, but he couldn't help but understand her point of view. "But to be so reliant on... That?" he questioned the background of Alex's life. Tapping his finger on the table, he grew increasingly agitated while his face grew more and more red. Clenching his fists, he looked up at Alex from his side of the table.

"... I'll help you... Train," he finally agreed to her request, before raising a finger in protest, while the embarrassment in his tone was clear, "But this is only to help you find personal peace! This has absolutely NO association with immorality! I am helping you purely out of my good will, since... Since you asked so earnestly, and sincerely..."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island

Somewhere along the line of her travels, there was this curious glimmer in sight and suddenly Tomoe found herself in a rather tropical setting. How it had happened confused her rational mind, but it was still a place for her to see. Even in the strange, unknown landscapes, her wanderlust held onto the young miko's mind with a determined grip. Thus she moved away from the small patch of trees she had found herself sitting under, moving into the bright, hot influence of the sun's light as she took away to investigate this odd locale.

After spending about an hour on touring her surroundings, Tomoe found herself even more confused by the various inhabitants of the area. It seemed like they were mostly salespeople and service providers, though there were a few casual people going around. "They all dress so shamelessly..." the miko thought about their ways of dressing, tugging her own robes tighter as she saw some of the more daring ones running around in what seemed like underwear. Such blatant displays of skin were a strange thing to the modesty-concerned miko, though she could understand their strange ways from one point. Even in the leasurable pace she had walked in, the thick shrine clothes were making Tomoe uncomfortably hot in this enviroment, while the natives were having a much easier time thanks to their indecent clothing. Still, it would take more than the heat to make her reduce her clothing. Such flagrant displays of flesh were not a thing she would stoop to anytime soon.

Passing besides a building that seemed like a library, Tomoe could hear something going on inside. But it was really none of her business, so she decided not to interfere and just go along her way. Finding a suitably shade-providing tree on the coastline, she would sit down and rest her sweaty body. She'd need to find a private spot for getting a cooldown with some refreshing water, the heat was really getting into her with the robes she wore.


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: The Island

Vira wandered along the coastline completely unsure of what to do with herself. She had no idea how she got to this strange, but beautiful island, or where Rachel was and why she apparently hadn't been brought here as well, only that there was some strange competition going on where the contestants apparently had to force each other to climax to achieve victory... Well, that was ONE of the options, at least...though that was the one she most preferred, competition or no.

To that point, she had spent the last while 'patrolling' the beach and coastline looking for some sexy man or woman - or both - to 'occupy her time' until it was her turn to 'fight'. But so far, nothing. Not a single person that wasn't one of the stoic staff here was out taking in this gorgeous scenery...which meant there was no one for her to take in the scenery of.

That was the case until she finally saw a young woman sitting down by the water, with long black hair and wearing some rather extravagant robes. The robes looked like out-of-place and excessive attire for an island paradise like this, especially compared to the more 'traditional' skimpy black bikini that Vira wore, but to each their own. Curious what the woman was doing...and of what was hidden beneath those flowing robes, the Night Elf approached the woman with a pleasant, but interested smile.

"Hi there," Vira said, waving slightly and letting her fairy-like wings flutter for a moment. "My name's Vira. How are you this fine day?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island

Wiping some sweat from her brow, Tomoe noticed that she was looked at from somewhere nearby. A woman of slim build was soon talking to her, wanting to know about what she was doing. From what the miko had heard about the different races to be found in the foreign lands, this woman matched the description of the night elves, with the exception of the wings. She was dressed as scandalously as most of the islanders, but that was not a reason for the eastern warrior to ignore the necessary good manners. She stood up to adress the other party with all due politeness. "Tomoe. If you must know, I'm somewhat confused about this whole place suddenly being here. And somewhat hot, given the warm weather." Tomoe replied, being her brutally honest self. The elf did not seem that bad a person.


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: The Island

Vira chuckled lightly as she approached, amused at the direct - though not unpleasant - response from the other woman. "Tomoe. A pleasure," she replied with a subtle, seductive undertone to her voice as she politely bowed her head. "And I'm a bit curious about this place myself. It's odd that no one seems to know how they got here, or what the nature of this...competition is. That said, I've more or less resigned myself to simply enjoying my time here as a vacation. It is beautiful, after all... You're wrong about the weather, though, it's absolutely perfect~" she mewed, spreading her arms out and twirling around once as if to bask in the sun's rays.

She then stopped and faced Tomoe again, resting her hands on her hips as she eyed up the woman's clothes. "...Y'know, if you're hot, there's a very easy way to remedy that..." she said with a playful grin, but more matter-of-factly that anything.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island

Giving a brief bow of the head at being accepted by this Vira, Tomoe listened to her tell about her own knowledge of the resort and liking about the warm weather that would likely persist for now. She did a brief spin at the sun, surely delighted about the hot weather in her unmodest get-up. The miko did not like how blatantly she showed of her skin, but that was not something she'd say out loud. It was not for her to decide.

As her own way of dressing was brought up, Tomoe clinged onto the trim of her robe with one hand. "I'd rather be just how I am now, thank you. It is nice of you to consider my well-being, but I can deal with this weather..." she gave another reply, instantly feeling her modesty compromised with such suggestions.


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: The Island

"Well, if you insist..." Vira replied, slightly disappointed but not letting it effect her pleasant demeanor. "There's really no need to be shy, though," she continued, lowering herself onto the ground and sitting with her legs sprawled out in front of her, placing her hands behind her to prop her up. "I've sure you've got nothing to be embarrassed about. You're quite cute," she finished, smiling sweetly up at Tomoe beside her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island

Sitting back to her position against the trunk of the tree, Tomoe gauged the night elf's words carefully now, the whole idea of taking off her robes setting the warrioress on the edge. The way Vira reacted to her words was somehow alarming, but Tomoe ignored it for now, she had done nothing wrong by her standards. The violet-skinned woman soon sat there near her, both females relaxing in their respective levels of comfort.

When the compliment came up, Tomoe's cheeks flared up in red, almost matching the brightness of her hakama. She was not used to such words. "I have my reasons to dress like this. But... thank you. I've heard a few people claim that same thing..."


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: The Island

Vira hummed a small laugh as she saw the woman's cheeks redden at her compliment. "Ooh, you are a shy one, aren't you?" she said, her grin widening slightly. "That only serves to make you even more cute, I'm afraid..."

She paused a moment and examined Tomoe's robes a bit more, reaching out and briefly running her hand along one of the sleeves, delicately pinching the fabric between her fingers now and then to get a feel for it. "So what is the reason behind these clothes, if you don't mind my asking?" she said, feeling the fabric a bit more before withdrawing her hand. "They're very pretty."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island

Tomoe did not reply to the remarks about her shyness and cuteness anymore, just looking down at the sand in front of her instead. This sort of talk was entirely new to her, and the miko was having a hard time coping with it.

Instantly on guard when she felt a hand brush her, the eastern warrior looked down her hand to see Vira sampling her the texture of her shrine clothes, obviously gauging the fabric to see how it was. The poking was unoffensive enough, so Tomoe let it happen without interference from her part. Once the elf had stopped her testing, the miko would answer another question. It was a lot of questions, but she had no problem with small facts about herself. "This is the dress of my shrine. All my sisters and superiors wear this very sort of robe and hakama combination. Despite being a member on my own travels, I still have to keep the shrine represented. It is a duty for me to wear these. They are surprisingly sturdy and can shield me from most average temperature problems. Among other things...."


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: The Island


"Er, well, I guess..." The pale swordswoman idly scratched the back of her neck while considering how to answer. "I just always wanted to be the best swordsman in the world. That sounds kind of silly out-loud though." Tamonten had retrieved her preferred clothing in after the match. It was a simple pair of pants and a shirt in design, though it was made out of a silky fabric, the clothes were loose and plainly intended for mobility. They were dark green with a black trim. She might have been willing to give up her faerie-made clothing for the arena but not the time in-between. "I've trained for years because I wanted to be like the warriors in legends. The kind that would take on a mythical creature alone and come out the victor. If only it was easy as they made it look," she awkwardly joked. The possessed girl took a sip of the tea, she hadn't touched it much simply because her violator-turned-conversational-partner hadn't touched her own refreshments much.

"As for how, well, it was that training and dedication, plus a good teacher. My father was one of the best swordsmen in the Empire," The possessed girl beamed with daughterly pride as she brought that up. It was the kind of pride that suggested that it was more the opinion of an idol-worshiping Tamonten than of the nation as a whole. "I can't see why you'd need to know how I do it though, Lady Enigma." The possessed swordswoman had fallen back on her usual form of polite address, unsure of how formal to be with the elf and without any formal training in manners. "It seems like I should be asking you for advice. How did you move your body like that? It looked painful."

Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: The Island

Rising slowly from the spot she found herself in, Ione looked around puzzled at the change of scenery. She was... doing something before, but much to her chagrin couldn't figure for the life of her what it was. Probably wandering the forest as always, before being whisked away. To the plant girl's delight, the tropical weather and the bright sun felt heavenly, and with a giggle or two she twirled in enjoyment. Perhaps being whisked away to a strange tropical island wasn't so terrible?

Wandering through some of the locales, the Alraune soon found out of the island's main event. A Tournament, where contestants would struggle to see who could come out on top, using... less deadly measures to do so. Ione couldn't help but grin widely at the thought of 'tangling' herself as a possible contestant, though wandering and viewing the sights and sounds of the island was it's own reward as well. She had seen a few others earlier, and her curiosity as to where a number of them had gone poked at her mind.

Noticing a garden adorned with various tropical flowers and statues, the strangely light golden skinned, pink haired plant girl naturally gravitated toward the place to take in sight of all the blooms, her blue eyes happily scanning those of the same color. The garden stood fairly center to a number of places, and in the distance Ione could spot a number a buildings she was in clear view of. She could even spot a number of people milling about, and even some relaxing in the shade of the coastal trees. "Mmmmm... it's peaceful here. And the locals are so enthusiastic. If only they weren't so distant though..."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island


If the elf had found the tale of hard work so as to reach an aspiration to be laughable, she would show no sign of it as she opted to merely smile and nod for the most part, seeming to almost "soak in" the story as she indulged in her tea. What reason did she have to ridicule the girl's story after all? She had proved her worth by trial of combat after all, having kept on par with one of Enigma's most deadly tricks in a display of superb ability. If not for the hazards of fighting in another's mind...the necromancer was fairly sure that she would have become the loser, by the end of the bout. Learning that such was because of similarly clawing up one's way against the odds, only made things that much more satisfying.

"I am a collector of tales dear, and a seeker of knowledge. The accumulation of power, the means to obtain further knowledge, is of great interest to me. Thus when an interesting specimen such as yourself appears, I can't help but long to pry it apart...one way or another of course. Though to truly understand the trick I utilized earlier, I must first ask you a question dear. Can you see what lies within? If not however, the most I can explain it as, is that a detailed knowledge of one's own anatomy and forcible animation is a powerful tool in the right hands. Horribly inconvenient though, with how painful it is. I believe a few of my joints are still aligned the wrong way after my fight with you."


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: The Island


"A duty, huh?" Vira replied, reclining back slightly against the tree. "I don't know...seems a little bit pointless to me," she said, hesitating a moment as she caught up to her words. "Oh, d-don't get me wrong, I understand the desire to want to represent your order in a respectful light. I'm a warrior-monk from Celesis, myself. I just think that end is better achieved with your actions and they way you treat others than by the clothes you wear." The Night Elf paused for a second to stretch, arching her back slightly and letting out a quiet moan. She then looked back at Tomoe, still smiling softly. "I guess all I'm saying is, there's nothing wrong with dressing down a little bit during your downtime and having a little fun."

Vira then sat a moment and considered the protective qualities of the robes that Tomoe lined out. "I'll give you this much, though, they do look nice and resilient, and they look like they'd be a good shield against the cold, too. That being said, they seem to be causing you a temperature problem at the moment rather than shielding you from one," she said, playfully nudging the woman once with her elbow.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island

Tomoe -> Vira

A frown formed on Tomoe's face upon the comments about her duty and the way she upheld it. "Yes, duty. And I'll stick to my duty, along with the clothes. It's what I believe to be the correct way for myself, hot or cool." she replied, not taking any part on the rest of the elf's comments.

Again, she was hinted at to lighten down on the clothing, this time with more direct wording and a physical poke. "I'll go through this. For my order and sisters. Regardless of a little heat." the miko said. She was not familiar enough with this woman, and even if she was, it was unlikely that she would expose her body in front of Vira. Such was her dedication towards modesty.


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: The Island

"Suit yourself," Vira said offhand, turning and rolling a short distance out from under the shade of the tree. "I'm gonna do some sun-bathing, though. Like I said before, as far as I'm concerned, I'm on vacation. You might not want to, but I am going to enjoy myself," she continued, untying the back of her bikini top and letting it fall into the grass next to her, followed by the bottom. She then laid back in the grass and rested her arms behind her head to use as a pillow, briefly peaking over a Tomoe before returning her gaze to sky, the slightly breeze caressing her skin and tickling her now exposed nipples, the scent from her pheromones wafting around in the air adding to the pleasant sensation.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Island


Hmph. An obnoxious minor lordling who thinks himself a king. Those were the thoughts of the strange figure "standing" on the beach in the midday sun. To say she was standing is probably wrong, since she was held upright several feet in the air by three thick tentacles. "Still, this might be fun" she said to no one in particular, her pale blue arms folded beneath her ample chest as she stared up at the clouds. "Hell was starting to bore me anyway." Slowly more tentacles moved to the ground, beginning to slowly walk the figure towards the center of the island, where the others would be. "I need someone to pick a fight with" she said as she licked her lips, her spaded tail waving idly behind her as she made her way towards the others with her strange tentacle walk.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island

"That I will. I do not consider this a vacation. Me suddenly being here is not cause to rest. I need to explore here, see what this place is all about, then move on. There is a desire within me to see all there is in the world, and this locale is not exempt from my interest." Tomoe replied, getting up as Vira moved to her tanning spot. Seeing the other girl get naked instantly set up her awkward-meter to the highest setting. Such an improper behaviour...

"Maybe we'll see other again. Goodbye for now." the miko bid farewell to the night elf, moving away from the spot and heading out to find some out-of-sight spot to possibly bathe herself in peace.

After some more time spent on travelling around the beach, the eastern warrior found herself a nicely secluded, private little lagoon among the rocky cliffs going along the coastline. Once she had made a few checks to confirm no-one else was around. Tomoe finally dared to undo her belt, letting her robe and hakama loosen. Folding up the clothes into neat pile, she followed up the undressing by unrolling her bandage-wrapped chest and taking off her extremely tiny panties. Even as she was sure that no other person was looking, it was somewhat awkward for her to go naked. Taking the bundle of equipment onto a rock near her, the miko started to have her private bath at the lagoon's shallow waters. No-one would pester her during this refreshing dip. After having soaked herself for a while, Tomoe started to swipe at her near-perfect body with her hands, to get what little dirt she had gathered off from herself.
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Island

On the beautiful white sandy beach of the Island, lying out nude on a beach towel soaking up rays of sunshine, with a pair of sunglasses covering her eyes from the harmful UV rays; was a voluptuous woman composed of magenta covered slime. She was lying down on her belly, her round gelatinous ass and firm gooey back collecting sun rays as she sipped on a pina colada, resting and enjoying a break from her usual activities of wrestling and fucking woman in her preferred choice of arenas there on the Island, the Slime Arena. A slick, aphrodisiac coated arena, that wore down on her and her opponents willpower the longer the fight went on. She would likely head back to the main lobby if no one came by to engage or challenge her to another match, or if she was not carded for another event. Being an active and outgoing gel girl, Mitsuki usually hated inactivity and hoped something would happen to squash her current boredom.