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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Indeed," the sidhe man would reply with his sour look still in place, and the disapproving note still present in his musical voice. Both faded in the moments following Bakan's apology, however, and as Bakan pondered he would add; "You are forgiven."

The two would briefly reconvene their conversation, speaking about a trade of some sort rather than indicating for Bakan to depart, leaving him to sit beside them and gorge himself on the bounty of the faerie feast, but when he spoke up again both glanced at him quizzically and fell silent. Their confusion only spread at first, but what he was actually asking them for was soon clear enough, and understanding dawned on the faces of the sidhe knight and the sphinx simultaneously.

"Ahhhh, a pact is what you desire.... I had expected a man like you to be a bit more forward with it!" Tiranna said, a mischievous grin spreading across her luscious lips. "I am open to the call of battle, when it suits the purposes of honor and of my court," the knight would say grimly in turn, his expression becoming incredibly dour and serious, "though if you would have my services, I must warn that I will not respond to an unworthy cause. Protecting the weak from aliens and monsters is the call of the knight, but I will not aid you against your own kind, nor against my own if they have not made some dark pact, nor against the creatures of the wild unless corruption has turned them into abominations."

Tiranna, in turn, would say; "You will find that I am not so picky... Usually. However, if you wish to call on my services, you must answer a riddle before I will offer you any aid. Fail to answer correctly... And I will be added to your list of woes~ Answer correctly, however, and you will have my strength beside you for a time. Are you still interested in such a pact, Bakan Jeru?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

A pact, and a price to pay upon failure to answer a riddle. Bakan felt it was a heavy decision, immediately assuming she meant that she'd be ready to strike him down if he failed. The thought of having such a woman turned against him was a troubling one, and she of course meant she'd try to kill him... Right? Bakan was at first rather sure of that, but her grin didn't strike him that way for some reason. Why did her expression not carry the doom of an executioner? Or at least something similar? She might be a deviant and view murder in such a way, but somehow, he could imagine those lips moving to form words...

"So cute," they'd say.

'I'D RATHER DEATH!' Bakan would declare firmly in his thoughts. Bakan began to take comfort in the idea that failure to answer meant he would die, instead of imagining the true torture of hearing those words while under the weight of something he can prove nothing to. He'd have to put some thought onto what he was agreeing to though. Even though it was nice imagining, he had to be sure that it was death that awaited him; for comfort's sake.

He'd look to the knight while he dwelled on that. "I understand. I'll definitely make it so that when I call you, you're brought only to your desired foes." Bakan assured him, before giving the man a smile. "I look forward to fighting together with you for the greater good." Bakan said with anticipation. He was secretly eager to perhaps learn something from the man to better help him in combat.

But then, the sphinx... She wanted an answer, and Bakan knew it was best not to hold his tongue... Still... He had to obtain some security. Looking to her shyly... He swallowed a lump in his throat. "Um... Before I answer... May I ask a question?" he inquired. And if she said yes, he'd continue.

"If I answer incorrectly, you kill me, right?" he asked, though another thought came to mind. "Oh, and what of my allies? This choice becomes rather heavy if I'm putting my friends lives at risk on a whim."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Indeed," the knight would reply again, and would leave it at that for now. The sphinx, in turn, would quirk an eyebrow at his request and ponder it a moment, before ultimately saying; You may." Listening to his question, and then waiting for him to ask the one that followed, Tiranna would again pause to think for a moment before drawing in a breath and delivering her reply; "It might, depending on my whims at the time."

Her tone was light and jovial, as if discussing a matter not having to do with life and death, and would continue in that very same tone without taking a break; "I might kill you should you fail to answer my riddle correctly... Or I might take one of your arms, or one of your legs. I might take your sight, or your ability to speak, or a portion of your soul. I might claim you as a slave for a year and a day, or for the rest of your life. I might merely beat you senseless and leave you where you are, or have mercy and take you to a place of safety afterwards. I would make the final decision when you fail to answer me correctly, and cannot predict what that decision might be with any accuracy or make any promises of your continued survival. Choosing to call on my aid is a risk as much as it is a test of your wits, and many choose never to call upon my kind at all even if they have the ability to... And that suits us just fine.

"As for anyone with you when I am summoned, the contract is between you and I, and no one else. Interfering in its completion in any capacity, including helping you with the riddle, would be a breach of that contract on their part, and would inspire my immediate and vehement wrath. So long as they do not interfere, however, I will have no reason to direct any ill will upon them. The easiest way to avoid danger to any companions would be to answer my riddle correctly, but you might also consider summoning me in a place where we would be alone, or traveling there before I ask my riddle."

As Bakan contemplated that answer, however, a horrible feeling of danger would come over him, and before he could react to it a pair of soft, gentle hands would fall upon his shoulders, and a heartbeat later two heavy and squishy objects would settle against the top of his head. A voice that he no doubt dreaded to hear would then speak up loudly; "Hellooooo Bakan! It's so nice to see you again~" Janne's voice was high pitched and excited as always when seeing him, and the squishy things on his head unsurprisingly turned out to be her massive breasts.

Samarta reacted to the sorceress's sudden presence with some alarm, turning toward Bakan and demanding; "Oi! Bakan, who is she!? And why is she familiar enough to do that to you?" Janne, looking only mildly affronted, said; "Oh, Bakan, you naughty boy! You haven't told your new friends about me? How scandalous~" Pulling his chair back, Janne plopped herself into his lap, drawing him farther away from his precious food. Tiranna and the faerie knight across from her appeared amused and disinterested respectively, and it was clear that he would receive no help from them. Inka looked very confused, and Samarta looked mildly angry at the faerie's intrusion, an expression reinforced (particularly as she said it while sliding an arm around the back of Bakan's neck) when she said; "Don't you know? I was his very first lover~"
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan listened intensely. His eyes were locked on her, and his face sweated with worry and fear. There was no telling what she'd do to him, basically. She might grant all manner of horror upon him and leave him for dead, if she didn't simply kill him. He quietly listened, until she announced that the contract was solely between him and her. The fear vanished, all was replaced by a bright smile as he took her hand like a man praising a saint. "Really!?" he'd reply, and hearing her tips brought even more joy to him.

But he had nary a moment to reply as he intended to do, before hands gripped his shoulders. Flashbacks struck him, fear returned to his face. Those same smooth hands, the same smell. The aura. Everything. When he felt the heavy rack rest atop his head, Bakan felt it. His bane. Right behind him. The creature that was the beginning of what eventually broke him down and made him feel as if he was nothing more than a 'boy'.


'She's come for it.' He'd immediately conclude. 'I had my momentary victory that time, but she's come for it. My torture shall be tenfold if she has her way. Sweet mother Ashloriel, I can hear the whispers of the C-word from her phantoms in my memory. She's come to break me!' Bakan was sure.

Slowly, Bakan looked up. Some how, looking over her breasts, Bakan thought she looked like an executioner, claiming how nice it was to see him again. Nice indeed, she likely could already taste her sweet revenge on her tongue. But then, Samarta! Bakan looked to Samarta, and she appeared to him as a gallant knight in shining armor, coming to rescue him in all her heroic glory. 'Go Samarta, go!' Bakan mentally cheered her on. But the large breasted nemesis wouldn't be thwarted so easily. She pulled his chair back, Bakan still silent and dumbfounded all this while, before she sat in his lap, leaving Bakan's face blood red, and nothing but shock present on his face. He wasn't looking at her precisely. He was blushing because of her, yes, but he was looking at the food. The food she was now denying him. 'She's stripping away my joys one by one without hesitation! But what can I do!? If I push her down and flee right now, she'll only return! I'll be running for the rest of my life, best case scenario!'

Bakan swallowed a lump in his throat as Janne announced it. His very first lover. It wasn't just that either, she was so many of his firsts in that time. So much of who he is now is as a result of Janne. It's impossible to reject her or fight her. She took over part of him. Even in death, Janne will infect him. Her infection ran so deep indeed, that she'd feel his length stiffening against her as she sat in his lap. His body betrayed him, and her intimate actions were answer positively by his body. He wondered how much of a fight he could put up if she decided to fuck him right there. He imagined, not much.

With a blush on his face, and a stiffy in his trousers, he looked to Samarta and Inka. "I-It's true... Uh... She's... That is to say... Uhm..." he swallowed a lump in his throat once more. "She was... My first time..." he confirmed. If asked to say the truth, he'd claim she tortured and raped him, but despite all his stuttering and meek behavior, he found that marginally less demoralizing to say, even if it still made him shiver, her butt in his lap bringing back the memories and sensations of both her pussy and ass, while those very same memories toyed with his emotions to every degree. He simply found it impossible to summon the willpower to face Janne, and admit that the time he supposedly took her anal virginity was a fluke, and one he'd hardly consider to be his own victory. Janne... Always wins.

But, Bakan had to focus on something else, as he looked to Tiranna. "You're a good person. Thank you, Tiranna. I would love to receive your aid and accept your challenge." he announced. "B-but I won't just summon you all the time! No, that'd probably just offend you... I want you to know how much I appreciate you granting my request. I'll summon you when I truly need you. Granted your blessings or your curse, I'll accept you." he promised her, before reaching out with his soul to do just that, trying to sense Tiranna and possibly establish a link with her so that he may summon her, to realize his ability to call upon the aid of others. But with Janna with him like this, he'd wonder how successful he'd be.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Janne would only grin wider as she felt Bakan's length hardening beneath her, and though it would be invisible beneath the edge of the table she would begin to grind her plump rear against him until his shaft had shifted such that it ran along his leg. After that it was only a matter of time before it was trapped between her soft buttcheeks, and once engaged in that soft grip Bakan would be made to suffer through her soft gyrations for several minutes as they spoke, all of it invisible to their assorted neighbors.

In the meantime, Samarta would look on with discontent to the display as the nymph casually laid against Bakan and reached out to feed him a small morsel of bacon, tempting him towards a state of relaxation with delicious food as she had their first time. Inka merely looked indifferent, however, and opted to offer Janne a friendly smile that would be immediately returned. "Ahhh, but where are my manners? I am Janne, usually~ You are more of Bakan's friends that he met on the road, yes? How are you faring of late? Keeping him out of trouble, I hope~ Might I inquire as to your names, also? I do like meeting his friends~ I have such stories to share!"

Samarta, momentarily in a stupor due to her distrust, would frown for a moment before seemingly remembering that Inka couldn't talk. It would take a nudge from the alraune to prompt her to drop her distasteful expression and politely say; "I am Samarta, and this is Inka. Yes, we met Bakan while he was out on his travels, and despite some problems initially we've been doing... Alright, up until now." Janne, in turn, would nod at their names and quirk an eyebrow at Samarta's mention of problems, though her questioning look would quickly turn to Bakan when the naga buttoned her lips.

Bakan, in the meantime, had turned his attention to Tiranna, who was still watching Janne's antics with some amusement. "That would be best~ No sense saving death or dismemberment over needing a hand with the laundry, yes?" she would say, and his spiritual link would be connected with her with no attempts at interference by Janne, and with the sidhe knight too. His new alliances secured, Bakan would be left to deal with the sorceress sitting in his lap, and with Samarta's growing discontent over that state of affairs.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Before Samarta, Bakan would be the first to button his lips. He sealed away moans that wished to escape from Janne grinding her voluptuous rump against his length, bending it while it was so firm that he couldn't help but squirm underneath her from the suffering she put upon him. Gyrating her soft butt over his body drove true suffering to Bakan, forcing him to love it just as much as he hated it. To Bakan, she was a true sadist in that way. As she took his virginity, she mocked his wishes for her to stop by commenting on the motions of his hips. It was true as well. Janne has this strange ability to suck out reason and turn one into a mindless beast that lusts for her body. There was no true way of evading her torture either. Facing her is like being on the verge of starvation and finding the forbidden fruit. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Refusing her outright isn't even a valid option, as she demonstrated that time... Making him frozen in place, torn between lust and denial, before her arms and lips wrapped around him.

His mind was wondering, he'd quickly realize. He was falling into her influence, and he had to fight that as much as possible. It wouldn't simply be assured that she'd fuck him right here. Who knows if she'd put him on the height of lust and simply leave him there to writhe in madness? He had to resist her, as hopeless as that sounded to him, due to her grinding Bakan Jr helplessly between her soft mounds of ass. 'You have to hold on, little me! I know it's overwhelming, but you can't give in! WE DIE STANDING!' Bakan announced to his penis.

He had to do something. Samarta seemed ready to rush to his rescue, but like any captive, he also has to do something to aid her. "J-Janne, I think-" he began, before he was fed bacon, and promptly silenced. 'Impossible, I can't do anything...' Bakan thought hopelessly. 'She's already bringing me to the brink... Damn it, this is my favorite pair of underwear too!' he complained.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Mercy would likely not be the sort of thing that Bakan would suspect from Janne, at least not in a situation such as this, and he would be quite right to think as much. That soft, plump bottom was set into a constant subtle grind against his length, and she would feed him nearly constantly with delicious treats like the bacon she had led in with to keep him quiet. Seeing Bakan clamming up under the barrage of pleasure and food, the sorceress would continue her motions right up until the point where he was ready to ruin his favorite underpants before stopping, and leaving him to squirm beneath her while her lewd motions continued just enough to keep him relatively close to that edge.

As she tortured him, Janne would also speak to Samarta and Inka; "Oh yes, I've known Bakan for a long time! He was such a cute little child when he was growing up~ I imagine that would sound a bit creepy to a human, but I suspect that you two might understand!" Samarta and Inka would, perhaps surprisingly, simply nod at that statement and allow Janne to continue. "He was such a handful for Ashloriel sometimes, always trying to get into trouble and prove how strong he was! I doubt that he appreciated it much, but I was the one who took care of him, from time to time, when his adoptive mother couldn't!"

Turning to Bakan as she fed him a sip of extremely heady and delicious wine, she would ask; "Speaking of... Have you seen her lately? Since the time by the lake?" She would take the wine away so that he could speak, but after he'd answered she would suddenly start and say; "Oh, that reminds me! I've got presents for you, just like I promised! They're at my pack, however, so if you want them now you'll have to come with me to get them." She gave a firmer grind of her plump bottom against his covered length and then went still, awaiting his answer.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Grinded, grinded, feeling that soft butt slide up and down on his tilted length, desperately wishing to stand tall and proud like a soldier only to be continuously crushed by the enemy. Just when Bakan felt that his time was coming, it was about to be over... She left him on the very verge of climax. 'I KNEW IT!' Bakan exclaimed to himself in hysteria. His squirming would become much greater as she left him on that verge. His mouth full of food, Bakan began to tap his hand against her. 'Tap out! TAP OUT! I surrender!' he cried mentally, and tried to voice it aloud.

He was fed more food, while she talked to Samarta and Inka of something shameful of his past, as well as a rather embellished story.

Then, that word.

That. Word.

Bakan began thrashing violently, driven to the point of wild madness and starved lust combined with furious anger. He was also crying a little.


If he was a greater being, his cry just then would have trembled the land, but to his immediate knowledge, it didn't go beyond the mouthful of delicious food inflating his cheeks. He felt ready to explode into various chunks from how inflated he felt, emotionally, and physically. He swallowed the mouthful of food, and he certainly had more than a few things to say about this treatment, before wine was given an express delivery down his throat. That's the thing about wine. It hits you hard later, and after drinking what Janne gave him, he already began to feel rather flush. 'No... No! No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no... NOOOOOOOO!' He cried.

The cup was freed from his lips. A lightweight. His vision blurred for a moment, before he was asked a question. "Ashloriel... No... But you-!" he'd begin, before she'd start and cut him off. 'I... Hate you so much.' Bakan cursed Janne, before he was given a proposal, and a final rub of her hips, as if to remind him of the consequences of his answer. He grit his teeth. "Fine...!" he growled, agreeing to follow her for lack of ability to stand up against her.

Janne always wins...

Or does she?

Bakan looked to the side, back to Samarta. 'My... Knight!' Bakan thought, steadily becoming more intoxicated. He reached out to her, beckoning her. "C-come with..." he requested, with a flushed face and an upturned palm. He said something else. Or did he? His lips moved, and formed the words, but he couldn't comprehend if sound came.

'Save me.'
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Janne would, after Bakan gruffly agreed, smirk at him and stand up after only last soft grind of her plump bottom against his trapped length, the tip of which had created a small wet spot in his underpants due to his precum. "Come along then~" she would say, beckoning for him to follow, but then Bakan reached out to Samarta. Both the naga and Janne looked surprised at that, but both were very quick to recover, and Samarta smoothly slid from the bench and casually said; "Sure." She immediately adopted a broad smirk upon spotting the displeased look on Janne's face, but the sorceress quickly regained her smirk and said; "You are, of course, free to join us~ We wouldn't have been very long, and it will be boring I should warn, but if you insist..."

Samarta was quick to reply with a tone of plainly false joviality; "I do, my tail needs stretching anyway!" Janne simply nodded, and turn to lead them from the party. Bakan's view, in his aroused and mildly intoxicated state, would be drawn immediately to her plump rear as she strode on ahead of him, her steps taking a noticeable strut that drew Bakan's gaze to the interplay of muscles evident beneath her clothing. Samarta, as it turned out, was not immune to that spell as she walked beside him, her gaze settling on the nymph's backside as well, but her lips were thin and her eyes were narrowed.

Thankfully, there was one distraction that would draw Bakan away from Janne's butt as he made his way to wherever the naughty nymph was taking him. As they left the party, the grove and the noises coming from its inhabitants would vanish as they passed beyond the glamour, leaving them in a quiet glade that sat alongside a small stream, the only sound evident there besides the soft rush of the stream being the chirps let off by the various insects and the cries of the night birds and bats that would occasionally flit around above. Stepping forth into the glade, Bakan's gaze would gradually rise as he became aware of light, as a legion of small of glowing insects present in brilliant gold and bright pink flitted about among the wildflowers, which themselves glowed softly in the light cast by the full moon.

And what a moon it was, larger and brighter than Bakan had ever seen, and to look upon the stars from there would be like seeing them up close. So close they seemed, that he might have been able to reach out and touch them, though an experiment to that effect resulted in failure. Just like the canopy on the way in, Bakan would see shapes formed by the motionless stars, the lines of constellations appearing in his mind's eye just as Ashloriel had taught them to him growing up, all of them more visible than he would ever have seen before. It was another sort of beauty, but Bakan got the distinct impression that it was something with more meaning than he could know, as the faerie's magics could easily have made it far more beautiful than it was if the canopy frescoes were any indication of their ability.

Regardless of his reaction to the sky, Janne would lead him and Samarta to a secluded place beneath a weeping willow, where he found a pack sitting at the base of the tree. "Just wait here a moment~" she said, and then dropped to her knees and began riffling through it, her butt sticking out from the curtain made by the large strands of leaves, her rump wiggling back and forth alluringly as she dug through her belongings. After a minute she would straighten and return to her feet, only to hand Bakan three bottles filled with a milky white liquid. "Here you go! Just like I promised!" she said, grinning.

Should he ask, or even seem to wonder what the bottles were, she would quickly explain; "Corruption cures, just like you asked for last time~ I mixed them up and have been carrying them in case you called for me!" Smirking, Janne would still receive some ire from Samarta, and the frowning naga would quietly request; "Bakan, might Janne and I have a word... In private?" Janne would look curious at this, while Samarta herself appeared fairly resolute, and would quickly add; "What I wish to ask won't take long, but it will be far less awkward to discuss if you aren't listening. I promise that I will tell you immediately afterwards."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Janne's attempt at a little trick wouldn't go unnoticed, even by a drunken Bakan. He knew what game she was up to, and felt so protected by Samarta that when they got up to go collect Janne's gift to him, Bakan was holding onto Samarta for support while walking. He could walk on his own, but the slight imbalance in his motor systems caused him to seek support from her regardless. Plus, he felt he wanted to show he was relying on her anyway. Even so, both of them couldn't help seeing Janne's stupidly sexy butt. She was like a walking ball of sex and evil, in his eyes. Even Samarta, his gallant and shining knight, should be careful around such a wicked presence. In her past life, Bakan's drunken mind began to assure itself that she ate babies, but then he figured that made him out to be a cute baby to her, so he discarded the idea. Instead, he imagined that she probably feasted on terrifying monsters of the abyss in her past life. Now he felt better. Relieved, but not exactly happy. It was hard denying the truth of what happened, after all.

"Is it... Night time already?" Bakan wondered aloud as he gazed above. Twas a very beautiful sight. A memory of Ashloriel was always welcome. It was a shame he didn't get to see her more often. He wished her duties involved him all of the time, so he could see her. Angels were rarely capable of selfishness, so there was no way he could imagine to keep her with him at all times. Bribes or otherwise. Though... As he looked back at his wings, he began to wonder. Instead of getting her to follow him, if only he could follow 'her'. It was a selfish idea indeed, one that made him feel strange. He felt as if he shouldn't think that way. It wasn't rage, yet it still connected with that abyss he experienced. He certainly hadn't transformed into an angel, unless it was possible for angels to become fallen and revert back. He was sure that wasn't the case. The very idea of experiencing that abyss again made him want to vomit, with assistance from the wine. "Ashloriel..." Bakan would murmur as he walked along, gazing at the stars. He supposed he should stop depending on her at his age, but he couldn't help but miss her for every moment she wasn't there.

They found the tree, and Janne found her pack. The fey ruffling through her pack, and more importantly, her waving butt, was noticed by Bakan. But everything was getting rather dull. The wine, he guessed, was kicking in. His body was so heavy, as if some spell of gravity was cast on him. Frustratingly so, he couldn't seem to summon the will to fight this gravitational force. Then, he was handed three bottles. "... Milk?" he questioned aloud. But then he felt silly when she answered him as to what they actually were. It was shameful indeed, but Bakan found it hard to concentrate enough to actually be ashamed. He carefully, and slowly, took the bottles, and pocketed them. He felt he was nearing his limit, so he suddenly parted from Samarta as she made her request to talk to Janne in private, and sat at the base of the tree. "Is it... About your eggs?" he asked with a sleepy tone. He had no reason to ask that. He just thought of it while recalling previous events with her. "It's okay... I won't eat them..." he assured her while casting her a rather goofy drunken smile. It looked a bit innocent too, depending on perception.

The wind was nice.

The view, serene.

The beautiful clothed breasts of Janne and Samarta,

was the last thing he'd seen...

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"It was nearly dusk when we arrived," Samarta would remind Bakan following his remark about it being night out already, and a note of wistfulness in her tone would suggest that she was no less pleased to look upon the sight above them. Later, Janne would briefly adopt a flat look after his confusion regarding the potion bottles before giving her explanation, and a few moments later Samarta would give him an eerily similar look when he asked about what she wished to speak to Janne about. "No... It isn't that, I just have some questions for her," she would say, but then her face would become skewed in confusion at his strange promise not to eat them. Both Samarta and Janne would begin to look concerned just then, and both would watch as Bakan moved over to a tree and sat himself down to rest apart from them, right up until he simply passed out while gazing back at them. The bed of needles and moss beneath him was softer than the most pleasant down, and the air was warm even in the midst of Autumn, and as such even in his present state Bakan would quickly achieve a very restful state of sleep in the depths of the faerie grove...

But his sleep was not to be without dreams that night. Janne's treatment was not to go without consequences in his subconscious, particularly given the state in which he'd fallen asleep after her teasing. His first dreams were of her, and caught half between a wet dream and a nightmare as she made good on the terrors he had felt while she had been in his lap, their clothes vanishing as she mounted him in front of everyone. Rather than be appalled, the faeries would cheer on the nymph as she rode him, erasing his pains with bliss and, as those mysterious jeering voices would put it, conquering him and claiming him. Then, after he had been ridden to the point of exhaustion with no hope of resistance due to the pleasure rolling through his senses and the smothering influence of her massive breasts in his face, when he had no more strength with which to resist, she would whisper that dark word into his ear; "My poor little toy is exhausted.... I couldn't help myself, when you're so helpless and I feel you throbbing like that... You're just so... Cute~"

From there his dream would proceed down a stranger path, to one involving the sphinx and the faerie Lady of the glade, who were clad only in strange hats and seemed to be trying to sell him something. On closer inspection, it would turn out to be a star contained in a jar, which they promised wouldn't melt despite the heat, even though Bakan could already see it melting. From there it all spiraled into madness, with increasing levels of silliness and inanity, but always involving those he had met that very day in some fashion right up until he fell back to more sane dreams amidst his memories. For the rest of the night he would dream of Ashloriel as he had known her, kind and knowledgeable and wise, and always so graceful....

And then, Bakan would awaken to the light of day feeling extremely well rested, the warmth of the sun leaving him feeling comfortable and drowsy. A light thirst gnawed at him, tempting him to rise from beneath the pine under which he had slept and go to the stream that he could hear nearby, but if he so much as glanced in that direction Bakan might very well have been left dumbfounded. There, standing together in a pool as they bathed mutually, were Samarta and Janne, talking together and both naked. Water glistened from their skin in the reflection of the morning sunlight, leaving Samarta's slightly tanned upper body shining as if she were covered in oil and leaving her all the more beautiful, while Janne's nude form was left looking like a pearl shining with its own light. Both were plainly visible, leaving his imagination with nothing to do to fill in the pieces he had become at least marginally familiar with by that point, and from the look of things the two beautiful women were conversing carelessly in a very familiar manner, both smiling with what might easily be interpreted as amorous smiles if Bakan were of the sort to be suspicious. Most of all, he would see their breasts, both of them possessed of large chests, jiggling freely and mere inches apart as they moved to clean themselves and one another. The effects of the wine had left him fully by then, giving him not even the slightest hint of a hangover, and the food and rest had left him feeling more refreshed than he had in ages thanks to the subtle magics present in the faerie grove. Neither woman seemed to have noticed that he had awakened, and Inka was to be seen only a short ways away, sitting with a happy smile in a circle of wild flowers where she had apparently slept, and only just recently awakened herself.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Questions... Bakan had to wonder the questions Samarta wanted to ask. He never thought for a moment that it was odd she wanted to ask Janne questions. Only later, as morning came, did the concern arise. There was no helping it though, he'd have to trust that Samarta would tell him after the fact.

But before that, he had dreams. One of the worst, in fact. He found himself mounted by Janne. Being underneath her voluptuous body came with a sense of being totally overpowered and overwhelmed. It wasn't so much by physical strength, but her aura, her smell, her voice, her feel and touch... It held him captive. His mind was the main scene of the struggle as his valiant efforts to resist were met with sounds of her voice erasing his thoughts. His attempts to move were met with the feeling of her soft body rubbing against him, and her silky smooth, airtight pussy grinding him around inside of her, thusly paralyzing the rest of his body. And her smell... Something about the pure scent of sex, the aroma of her pussy that met his nose... The struggle became a metaphorical slaughter. Janne's influence swept through his mind like a tsunami. 'No... I'm not... I can't...!' he squirmed helplessly. He came, his mind becoming nothing but mush as she drained him, over and over. His mouth hung open, which Janne was likely more than happy to have him nurse on her breast with, and she whispered those words.

Thus erupted his last ditch attempt. It was nothing grand, crushed like everything else. She called him cute, and he could do nothing to argue against it. With his face against her breasts, and the rest of the onlookers cheering her for her domination... He was totally crushed. He was cute.

Then more maddening dreams. "You shouldn't take that out of Crolia..." he replied, not seeming concerned about the scam. Then they pointed their fingers in despair. Suddenly, Bakan was falling. From what... What? Regardless, he was falling. Falling. He was falling. Then he landed. He wasn't dead, he was fluffed. He fell into the sea. The fluffy sea. An endless rainbow sea of fluff. It felt so good. Fluffy. He was drowning. He was drowning in bliss. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't stop smiling. What torture was this to die and feel so good at the same time? He had to breathe though, so he inhaled the fluff.

Ashloriel... She was sitting with him leaning against her. She was much larger than he was. He was a boy. She was telling him so many interesting and fascinating things about this world. He never wanted to hear all the bad stories. He always wanted to hear a story where the bad guy was beaten by the good guy. With a hammer. He loved hammers. Idian didn't. Idian loved spoons. Did Matthias know Bakan loved hammers? He was such a great dad...

'I never saw him that often. I can't clearly remember what he looks like.'

'I want to see my dad.'

Ashloriel shook her head, 'Your father is...'

'I want to see Matthias!'

Ashloriel looked surprised. 'I never get to see my dad...'


"Dad..." Bakan whispered, before his eyes opened. He had the instinct to look up, he was sure Matthias would be standing there. He wasn't. Bakan's mind went blank at that. He just looked, and left his mind to remain idle. That is, until interruptions came in the form of... Samarta and Janne getting along!? Bakan turned, and saw it. The erotic sight of the two bathing and touching each other, their breasts so close to each other. Their smiles at one another... It was such...


How could Samarta side with Janne!? What happened to his white knight!? She's become corrupted! The sight of them, taking it all in, caused Bakan to gasp in shock. Fear of being discovered overcame him, so he clasped his hands over his mouth and shriveled up to try and hide so that he wouldn't be spotted. A useless endeavor, as he made a loud gasp, and a loud thud, and his butt was sticking out. The more he tried his hand at stealth, the more he actually seemed to make himself known. His first thought was to flee back to the place before and be in the company of peers. Just the eyes of others around him alone might protect him. However, he was also thirty... And that water did look appealing. He decided to wait until he could drink it in peace, and would do so if Samarta and Inka decided to ignore his butt and simply get out on their own without cluing him in that he was spotted.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Oi, Bakan!"

"We see you over there, trying to bury your head in the sand!"

"Stop fooling around and get over here! This is probably the only time we'll have access to a decent bath for a while, and you're all stinky!"

"Don't worry, we won't bite! Much~"

Both Samarta and Janne had spotted Bakan as he sought to crawl away, and both were grinning at him knowingly as they tried to tempt him over to join them in the pool. It would be easy enough to take a sip from the water upstream from them as he bathed to be rid of his thirst, and to ignore that offer - which was phrased more like a command - would no doubt bring the wrath of the two beautiful women on him later. Inka was now staring at him as well, and if he looked back she would simply wave and smile back innocently in sharp contrast to the naughty looks he was getting from Samarta and Janne.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

They called him out, he gave a start, but maybe they didn't see him...

They announced that they saw him, but maybe they wouldn't want him to join...

They wanted him to join them, but perhaps they won't bite...

They'll bite. And it was all so terrifying to the hammer wielding man. He hated those moments where a problem arose that a swing of a hammer couldn't solve. He was good at that, swinging hammers. He wasn't so good with dealing with women, horrible at it. If they were simply frightened of his visage, then that'd be fine. It'd feel rather good to have the population flee in fear of him; however, the opposite was true. They wanted him closer, especially the one Bakan found was far more frightening than he'd ever be. That large breasted nemesis.

He had an idea. He'd run!

'Where the hell would I run!?' Bakan scolded himself for stupidity. 'Oh yes, I'll flee this scene! AND THEN COME RIGHT BACK because it's not like I can just go off and my own without Samarta and Inka!' he grit his teeth a bit, before replying to the two calling out to him with a meek, "Okay..." and rising up, slowly and cautiously approaching the water. Backwards. Just looking at them would have a large impact, as the two together looked unrealistically sexy even at a glance. He still had to figure out what Janne did to corrupt Samarta! He hoped against all darkness that he'd save her from whatever Janne did and get her back on his side. But first, he'd have to approach the scene and enter the danger zone, the water. A brilliant idea instantly struck him. Bakan took a weak strip of cloth he'd use to wipe off his sweat while traveling, before wrapping it around his eyes to become akin to a blind monk. Unable to see the sexy beauties, he could enter their lair without instantly turning to stone.

Blinded, he proceeded to adjust a bit in his attire. One piece at a time, he removed his armor, while thinking constantly on his plan. This was his time to be a hero. He had to do enough to free Samarta (as to how he was going to do that, he didn't think that far ahead). He had to face Janne and not be crushed under the weight of her heavy chest. If he was going to become stronger, he has to start from the beginning! Truly this time, he has to defeat Janne! His adrenaline began to be fueled by his bravado, he felt like a great (naked) hero charging in to battle to fight a great evil. But he had to survive the initial encounter. He thought about going in with his underwear on, it was for protection... No, that would only show Janne weakness, that he didn't think he couldn't take her on. He had to be brave! He had to reverse her brainwashing of Samarta!

With that, he stripped, the threads of his blindfold flourishing in the wind as he stood naked in a proud stance, his scars making him appear as he meant to with his stance, like a veteran warrior. Nevermind half of them were from a series of accidents, they still looked cool.

He peeked under his blind fold, saw the water, and made a leap. He jumped, and caused a violent splash in his wake. With one hand covering himself, he boldly declared without fear, "You wanted me, so here I am!" he announced to his foe. He was looking at a tree, and didn't know it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Backing towards the stream's edge after agreeing to join them, Bakan would hear Samarta and Janne giggling while they waited and watched from the small pool in which they bathed. The application of his blindfold prior to taking off his armor silenced Samarta, however, and Janne quickly followed suit. The two continued to wait as he disrobed, making no comment until he had finally jumped into the water with a splash that startled both of them, and despite that he was facing in entirely the wrong direction his declaration was met by a delayed pair of giggles once more.

"You really are nervous, aren't you?"

"Oh yes, he definitely is. Didn't I tell you he'd do something like this?"

"Yes, you did... But he was so much more confident when you weren't around! It's like he's frightened of you~"

"....Shouldn't he be?"

Again the two women shared a giggle, but then Bakan would feel two sets of hands start to wander over his skin, and a moment later he was dragged into a deeper portion of the pool. Those hands quickly started scrubbing at him, running water over his skin and wiping away the filth he had accumulated over the last several days. They went about their task brusquely, and after a few moments he was pushed down to his knees so that they could clean his upper body as they had his lower portion, having left everything between his waist and his thighs all but untouched. Soon enough he was cleaned up to his neck, and then suddenly Bakan would feel his blindfold of protection ripped away.

Only a moment of blinking at the light would protect him before the figures of Samarta and Janne were to be seen looming over him, both technically shorter than he (or at least Samarta usually was) but now seemingly so much larger as he was made to look up at their nude bodies and smiles that could likely only be taken as frightening by the timid Bakan. "Get ready to hold your breath! It's time to wash your hair!" Janne would say brightly, and the two would wait until he indicated that he was ready before dunking his head under the water. Both women began sliding their fingers through his hair, going all the way down to his scalp and scratching him in a way that felt far better than it had any right to. It wasn't long before he was let back up, but the scratching of his scalp continued for several minutes courtesy of the two beautiful women standing over him, before the two would kneel (or in Samarta's case coil) down to sit on either side of him.

Their huge breasts now rubbing against his shoulders, Janne and Samarta started going for the spots they'd missed earlier, starting at his calves but quickly proceeding up towards where their hands could easily do the most damage. Before he knew it, both women had a hand on his length, and were gliding their fingers slowly back and forth over it while their grins grew increasingly mischievous. Their teasing was not to last for long, however, as after only a few moments their fingers drifted briefly to his balls, massaging his sack and the orbs contained within for several seconds before releasing his genitals completely. The rest of their cleaning went without further teasing unless Bakan invited it, and when they seemed satisfied both Samarta and Janne pulled back a foot or so, and the naga would say; "There! All clean!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

They saw through... Everything. He failed at intimidating them, he failed at not talking to a tree. Perhaps the tree was intimidated, but that thought just made Bakan feel worse because he made a victim of the poor thing, so he didn't think about it. Still, Janne suddenly having Samarta on her side was like the polar opposite of what he saw before. He was sure Samarta's talk with Janne somehow ended up in her being bewitched by Janne. He couldn't understand otherwise, how someone could reasonably want to side with evil incarnate, the kind of evil that isn't even the cool kind of evil. Janne was the kind of evil that destroys a man and would grant him immortality so that there'd be no escaping the torment. Bakan had absolutely no proof about any of this. It was just a gut feeling. Possibly biased as well, but he was sure damn it! "I-I ain't scared of you, Janne!" he stuttered, turning to where he heard her voice.

There, he did it. He reached the end of his plan. So, there was the situation. Samarta was likely enthralled, and Bakan had to save her... He drew a blank. How would he save her? He hadn't a clue. He didn't think slapping Samarta would help her snap out of it. She might just strangle him with her tail. Should he... Punch Janne? Among other obvious reasons, he wasn't sure why he could absolutely not summon any desire to actually attack Janne. When their hands came, he figured out why. Or rather, he was reminded as he began to shiver at their touch. 'Because I can't stand touching her!' he realized. Janne, being an almost literal bag of sex shaped like a human, filled Bakan with numerous sexual desires even just when she's only in his peripheral vision. She's a demon that transforms men into deprived creatures that lust for sex. Facing Janne like this and fully exploring his options, Bakan could only conclude that she was totally invincible. The only way to defeat someone like her is to outright destroy her, and Bakan simply couldn't do that.

This was bad, and Samarta was aiding Janne. That made it worse than bad. It wasn't just the touch, but all the memories of Janne's touch coming back to him that sapped him of his willpower. Having such a skilled woman be the very first to touch him was a shock at the time. He was overwhelmed. Just like he was now, to have two rather skilled women touching him. He was pulled deeper into the pool while the two began to clean him. All the while, he kept his hand firmly over his crotch. He had to protect himself. It was easy to push him down when he couldn't have even seen it coming as well, causing Bakan to give a sort of shout in response. That shock, following his blindfold being removed, resulted in him not thinking too hard as to what his current foes were up to. A blink to adjust to the light, and Bakan's jaw dropped. His face blushed deep red. They were like a pair of giantesses towering over him, Janne's thighs and Samarta's tail both moving so slightly, giving Bakan the suggestion of crushing him between them. Samarta's tail brought forth an odd thrill, and Janne's thighs were like pincers to hold her prey in place while her lower mouth feeds.

A naked paladin without a desire to fight, versus a mighty snake and invulnerable pincer-thighs. There was a particular man in Bakan's brain who helped him determine his odds of accomplishing certain tasks, and he had apparently run away in terror. That was bad news for Bakan. His head was gripped, and he was instructed that his head was going to be dunked. His head was guided down, and he instinctively puffed his cheeks out to hold his breath, before he was dunked, and scrubbed. Then, he was treated to a passionate petting. Perhaps it was another weakpoint, but Bakan forgot nearly all stress while he was being pet by the two women, a small purr even coming from his throat, likely heard only by himself under the water. Only when they stopped did he erupt with frustration over falling into their pace. He'd been doing that this whole time, but at least his mind was fighting. "N-now look, I'm a grown man," he announced, before their hands began rubbing again. "And I can clean mys-oooohhh..." he groaned, becoming nothing more than like a purring kitten in their hands, helpless to their petting.

It'd already come this far, and in terms of this battle, he was like a warrior covered in wounds and weak to the point of using his hammer for support, while his nemesis remained without even a mark on her evil skin... That damn soft and sexy skin of pure evil. The attractive thickness to her body was likely due to the evil in her soul having nowhere else to go. The two began to kneel, and Bakan found a moment to speak, namely to Samarta. "I may or may not be scared, but when you turn Samarta against me... Don't you understand how unfair that is!? O-on that note, weren't you on my side, Samarta!?" he inquired with a weak voice. The torture continued, as their hands touched his manhood. Wait, their hands touched his manhood!? Bakan found both his hands supporting him as he leaned back for stability. 'D-damn it! Damn it all to hell! I practically presented my weakpoint to Janne to do with as she will!' Bakan cursed, before the assault began, their hands touching, and moving along his length. He was as good as defeated now. In terms of the battle, he was already captured and being tortured by the evil mistress. There was no arguing that he had lost against her. 'Both their hands are moving in different directions...!' Bakan realized, the incredible sensation resulting in him pulling a hand to his mouth to suppress a loud moan.

Then, sudden release. He throbbed with need, his whole body went tense as he fought against himself. 'I won't beg! I will not beg! You evil woman, I refuse to beg! At least that will be different than the first time!' he swore. Still, they provided him with great pleasure only for a short moment, only to leave him to dry. Still, this lust was like a lesser demon compared to the real thing. Despite his current state, he could fight against this foe. So long as the two didn't decide to interfere, he could recover, despite how truly great the lust was.

But should either the evil witch or her possessed servant decide to finish the hero off, they'd find Bakan taking the first instigators breast into his mouth, and his hand guiding their hips with desire, wishing to feel his length be swallowed into their folds.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

(I had a better, longer version of this post, but a crash ate it.)

Bakan’s reactions repeatedly drew giggles from both Samarta and Janne, particularly when he was silenced by their scratching of his scalp and when he looked so shocked as their hands started gliding over his length. To his silenced statement before they’d left him purring, Samarta would remark; “Honestly… It’s easier to leave a man quiet like this than it is by touching him down below, isn’t it?” Janne would, in response, giggle just a little bit harder and say; “For Bakan it certainly is~ Though he tends to stop squirming against you after you’ve had your hands on his dick for a few seconds!” Then it was Samarta’s turn to giggle loudly.

When he protested just before their hands were applied to his length, it was Samarta who replied first; “Turned against you? Sides? What are you talking about?” Her tone was amused, but it seemed as if she were also genuinely confused. Janne answered before Bakan could, however; “Oh, don’t worry about that! Bakan just thinks I’ve gone and converted you to my evil ways since we’re getting along so well~” Giggling again, Samarta replied; “Oh… Well, haven’t you?” Janne’s laugh in reply was deeper and more sultry than her giggling, and in reply she turned toward Samarta, and as they continued to tease his shaft Bakan would be made to watch as their mouths met. For several seconds they were pressed together, breasts and lips rubbing against one another, and when they pulled apart Bakan would be made to see their tongues briefly continue dueling in the open air before parting as well, and then a strand of saliva held their tongues together just a little bit longer.

After that they parted, rose, and declared that they were done. For a few moments Bakan would be left to recover as the two smirked at him, but then he would find Janne on her knees in front of him once again. Both of her hands under the water, Bakan would only feel a single finger touching against his length, directly beneath the tip, and while she remained out of his range unless he moved she would say; “You are so hopeless, you know that?” Her finger darted back and forth, moving as if it were scratching the chin of a dog but instead running the pad of her finger against his frenulum, and with just the tip of her finger Janne was able to provide Bakan with nearly paralyzing pleasure. “I didn’t do anything to Samarta, we just had a talk about the history between you and I, and what it meant. I told her how fun it was to tease you, and how you become so silly when anything relating to sex comes up~ She thought the same, and now we’ve got the perfect example for you!

Janne was several feet away still, reaching out with her arm and meaning that if he wanted to grab her and let his hands do the talking, he’d have to move to do it. “She isn’t wrong you know. And she honestly didn’t do anything to me, I just wanted to make sure that you weren’t going to expect more than what we’ve had so far. She told me about Cory and Ashloriel, so now I’m not worried!” After that, Janne would say; “I know it’s hard for you to understand, but it’s not just because it’s easy that I tease you so. I do like to fuck, but at this point you’re experienced enough to make up your own mind. So…” Her hand reached in and gave a series of slow strokes that ran from his base to his tip, lasting only a few seconds just like her pause before Janne pulled away completely and said; “If you want to have sex, you have to say it. Honestly. If you don’t, then we’ll leave you alone, as you won’t need to feed Samarta for a little while~” The naga blushed slightly, but didn’t deny the implication that Janne made as she stood by, sitting on her coiled tail as it remained beneath the water.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Just listen to them... Giggling at him, laughing it up. As expected of such predators... Look at Samarta, saying she has no idea what he's talking about, just as expected from... Wait, what? She had no idea? How could she have no idea! Wasn't that the whole point of her coming with him!? Things weren't adding up in Bakan's head, though he could just say it's as a result of some magical trickery. Was Samarta acting odd enough to justify her actions? Was this really not something she'd do? All things considered, all his thoughts of her actions were placed entirely upon hope rather than fact. That, and he thought her actions towards Janne meant she was being protective. Or maybe he saw it all wrong. Perhaps. Maybe. But if such were the case, then that would mean Janne would be once again without hindrance in her efforts to torture him. Even while talking, making it seem like he was overreacting, she was still teasing him, her hand touching him and brushing him with her soft skin. Honestly! As if he had any choice to begin with when she's already gone halfway! It'd be damn plain enough on his face how much in need he was. It was tantamount to dangling meat over a starving vegan, and saying something as sadistic as, 'if you want this meat, you have to say it.' There was no possible way to honestly claim that he'd rather starve!

And all this nonsense about Samarta agreeing with her... And about her not needing to be fed in a little while...! And Samarta's blush! They definitely did it! They had some form of sex, possibly! No, definitely! They definitely did it, and Samarta was taken in that instance, enthralled, and instructed to spout these lies! Down to the last word! Janne is pure evil! PURE EVIL! He didn't want to have sex, but there was no helping it! He had to punish her, and force her to free Samarta! If he had to play at the witch's game, then so be it! Even if his weapons were but his fingers and tongue! He'll defeat her! Yes! He'll win!

In reality, Bakan's mind had sunk into extreme hysteria. Delusions were flooding in abundance, and his mind was taking defensive measures to account for his overpowering lust. The desire to satisfy his passion with Janne and the desire to not give into her temptations had to both be satisfied to prevent massive mental damage. So, he fashioned out the situation as he pleased, believed it to be reality, and was convinced that he could only defeat Janne through pleasure. It all worked out in his head, reality be damned. So, Bakan, his eyes flaming with lust, rose from the water, and approached Janne in the water by walking on his knees. "You... Think I'm easy to tease?" Bakan said with intent. His wings fanned out wide, they were fully pink, and shimmering in such a way that they appeared to be flaming somewhat, a sign of raw emotion. "Bold words! Considering you had sex with Samarta didn't you!?" he accused her, though it was with a smile, as if he had her cornered. "You're tired! You're weak! Samarta is one hell of a lover, I should know! My time to strike is now! I'll make you apologize for everything you've done, free Samarta, and set you straight on a proper path!" He declared, before approaching her with flaring sexual intent, his passion burning ferociously.

"Did you say you wanted honesty? I honestly want to fuck all of the evil out of you." he said in reply, and if she didn't flee, Bakan secure her wrists and angle them behind her back, and aggressively kiss her neck, sucking on her sensitive flesh, and moaning with passion while slipping his length between her deliciously soft and thick thighs. "You're right about only one thing. I'm experienced. I know all of your weakest points. I damn well should know! After all you've done!" he declared, before breathing softly into her ear, letting her experience the warmth of his sigh before running his tongue along her ear. He would strategize keeping himself just stimulated enough to stay focused on teasing her. This was just the beginning. He would show her who was truly easy to tease. He'll make her squirm, and he'll call her... Cute.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Yes,” Janne replied immediately and bluntly following his question about being easy to tease, her look momentarily slightly more flat than the teasing grin she had most recently adopted. “I did have sex with Samarta, yes,” the nymph would then reply blithely at Bakan’s fervent insistence toward such, and Samarta would blush a shade brighter despite Bakan’s smile and the marginally more jovial manner in which he was going about it than the naga might have thought he would. Samarta had met Bakan when he had been at his most troubled, after all, and she had seen him crack under stress more often than not while this more light-hearted approach to sex was largely unfamiliar to her.

His proclamation that she was at her weakest while simultaneously sliding forward caused a quirked eyebrow from Janne, but the sight of his vibrantly pink wings drew the brunt of both her attention and that of Samarta. “They change color now!?” the busty nymph would ask incredulously, but then Bakan would be upon her, pulling her wrists behind her back to another round of soft giggling, though that would quickly be joined by soft gasps and moans as his lips were set against the soft flesh of her neck and collar. She gleefully leaned her head back to give him a better angle, giving just enough struggles to make it more exciting to hold her down but not necessitating that he strengthen his grip, and her thighs squeezed together to enshroud his length within their pleasurable softness while leaving him completely in control… Or so it seemed, at least.

Her soft moans would continue as he kissed and nibbled along her ear, tasting yet more of her soft flesh, but she would offer some additional ancillary struggling while saying; “Ooooh, you’re right! I’ve gone and trapped myself, how could I possibly conquer you now?” Her words were delivered in a heady purr that was partially hiding a hint of amusement that, in his state, would be difficult for Bakan to detect.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Her hubris will be her downfall. Always so confident, so sure of herself. She had no idea how sadistic he could be. He had his hands on her now. He could control her and hold her down, helpless against his assault. Which was less of an actual attack and more gentle kissing and teasing licks. He was still Bakan despite it all, so being actually violent against someone he didn't wish to harm was difficult. Still, while licking her, he couldn't help but imagine the two of them together. Samarta and Janne. What did they do? The few mental images he received soon came with her thighs clamping down on his length. Samarta's tail wrapping around Janne's wealthy body was an erotic thought, and he paid for it from the added pleasure of Janne's thighs. Despite scolding himself for it, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He couldn't actually get angry over it either. After all, it was no secret. Samarta was someone who needed sex. She wasn't pure in that sense when he found her. He wasn't protecting that idea when he wanted to have sex with her instead of his friends. So... Why? He asked himself why. He doesn't want Samarta to have sex with only him either, as he was reminded when she said she was worried about it. So, why? He wouldn't exactly have gotten angry either if Samarta didn't drain him back then. The closer he got to his answer, the more he felt he didn't wish to know. Though, he didn't stop, he searched for his answer, deep down.

He found that he was no different than Janne. All of his statements to her that were supposed to paint her in a bad light, he could apply to himself. He can't stop thinking about the two having sex because he wishes that he was there. It's such a selfish thing to be controlled by lust like that, he thought. But, it is really that bad? Is it bad to simply like sex? He still thought Janne was an abusive person for how much she tortured him and made him feel weak, but how could he continue to accuse Janne of a crime that he himself commits? How could Samarta help it when she actually needs to do it? Hell, he had to be honest to himself. It was extremely arrogant to think himself making a divine sacrifice to give Samarta his energy, and then still wish to do it himself when others were willing to do the deed. The perfect world Bakan wanted was impossible. So, his views would have to change.

They started with a change of pace. Bakan's kissing stopped when he got a new idea. He pulled back slowly, and faced Janne directly, his nose touching against her own as he whispered. "You're not allowed to cum." he stated firmly, as his one rule. "This is a punishment, so you aren't allowed to enjoy yourself." he informed her, before holding her arms tight, though not enough to harm her. "Though, once I'm sure I've set you straight..." he began, his expression lustful as his lips were just barely touching against her own. "I'll definitely reward you." he promised. Surely, her ways would change if she knew a sweet reward would be at the end. Meanwhile, he'd enjoy being the one in control. Bakan slowly kneeled down, keeping her wrists in check as he took one of her large perky breasts into his mouth, sucking on her point gently, nursing on it while slowly circling his tongue around the point. Letting it go with a pop after a few short moments, he sampled the other breast, drinking any milk she might have released.

"You know exactly how I lost my virginity, but I can't say the same for you." Bakan noted. "How did you lose your virginity?" he asked. He thought it strange that he wanted to know that. First it was in all fairness that he should know, but it was something else as well, something about the idea of knowing sex that happened, but none of the details. He decided that he wanted to know the details. He'd have to later ask how Samarta and Janne did it too... Or better yet, get them to reenact the scene. "Tell me every last detail, or I won't let you cum." he warned her, before giving a dramatic performance of his tongue running along her breast. "I'll just keep licking you and keeping you on edge~" he swore. Though this whole situation may seem a bit familiar to her, as he was doing things in a somewhat similar way she did. Much teasing, while Bakan was forced to say very shameful things, such as how good it felt to be teased by her, and even the embarrassing fantasies he had of her, his thoughts no longer private, but blackmail for Janne to use against him. He'd give her the same treatment. It was time for her to be the victim, while Bakan sucked on her plush and soft breast, his hand encouraging her thighs to move, to stimulate him.

He looked to Samarta as well, his eyes lost in a haze of lust as he did. He said nothing, but the desire for her to come and 'defend her mistress' was there as well. Should Samarta approach, he'd first give her a lustful kiss. His possibly milk soaked mouth embracing her own while he used one hand to hold Janne's wrists, and the other to grab Samarta's waist and pull her in, his tongue dancing with her own while seeing just how much her mouth tasted like Janne's.