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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Garrett took a double take at Laena.

She has that kind of power?!

"Well, that's an idea. But I think something like that might grow unstable, or something unexpected might happen. I'm not saying it's a bad idea. Just a very dangerous one."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"Highly unlikely" Laena replied, noting her mate’s surprise at her suggestion. "It’s a fairly controlled ritual. I doubt I have the power to make it last much longer than a day, maybe two at the maximum, and as long as we take cover or are sufficiently far away it shouldn’t be a problem for us. The only problem is that they would probably realize it was magical, and that they were under attack."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"I don't know, there are a lot of uncertainties with that idea. If they arrive before you have the spell finished, we'll be the ones in a pickle. If your spell ends up hurting us rather than them, it will only hinder us. Course, that only applies if we are in the area. But if we do it from afar, it might be safer. But this is still their homes." He nodded his head towards the nymph and satyrs.

"Plus, what are we supposed to do once the spell has done it's job? I'm not sure it would be a good idea to search for leftover survivors, as all the demons will either be on high alert, or totally abandon the area leaving nobody for us to find. I'm sorry, but I don't think that's a good idea."
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Lily listens to Garrett and Laena talk about the ritual, her eyes widening slightly in surprise as she hears Laena mention it. As Garrett dismisses the idea, the sidhe shrugs her shoulder.

"I've heard of such rituals, though I didn't know harpies could do them naturally. It might be a good idea for us to perform it, but I think we should go ahead with the ambush first and find out more about the positions of the demons. A wind storm in the ruins could be devastating to them - or, if they have good shelters within the ruins, it would at most inconvenience them and certainly warn them of a potential attack."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"I wasn’t suggesting that we use it as part of the ambush, I was suggesting it as an alternative" Laena replied irritably, "so yes, we would do it from afar. Lily’s suggestion that we ambush them to find out how effective it can be, though, may be better. So I guess it might be best if we try and pick off a few demons and interrogate them for information first. Still, I think my plan is better than any sort of assault on the ruins, almost regardless of circumstances."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Pregnant
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Again listening passively as the trio delivered their exchange, the the fey remained silent until they were finished, and then the nymph said; "So it's settled then... We'll offer what support we can in the ambush of the next demon patrol, but that can wait until tomorrow." Dropping her grim demeanor, the faerie woman said; "For now, the hour grows late. Be welcome here among us."
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"Right, it's best we get some rest before trying any of this. Thank you for your hospitality."

(To prevent further discussion and blah blah blah, lets just say that the party decides to sleep. cue Dragon Warrior sleep recovery song.)
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph)
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Pregnant
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine

(Gain 2 exp for getting to the ruins alive. You may spend exp here.)

The fey offered their hospitality gladly, not really asking for anything in return, and while Lily might know that they were incurring a debt by accepting it, she also knew that it was so minor that they wouldn't have to worry about them collecting on it in a harmful manner, if they bothered to collect it at all. Their rest was left undisturbed, the nymph staying in their presence while the goat men went off to keep tabs on the demons.

When morning came, they were awoken one by one by the nymph, starting with Garrett who was awakened by a playful hand rubbing over his crotch, and then Lily and Laena. "They send out their first patrol just after dawn, usually. How about we have breakfast and then we can get into position?" Assuming that they acquiesced to this plan, they would be fed a meal similar to what they'd had the day before, meeting up with the three gruffs and the satyr shortly after before arriving at the purported site of the ambush. It was a narrow stream surrounded by wide trees, but the far bank had a wide path running along it. There was ample cover on their side, but getting across on foot would be difficult in either direction, and the trees let in too little light on the opposite side to allow much undergrowth to survive. Before he crossed the stream, the nymph stopped Garrett, grabbed him, and suddenly kissed him on the lips while he felt magic suddenly invading his body, strengthening him. She withdrew from the kiss after a moment and winked at him, saying; "Good luck~"

"They usually have a number of stalkers scouting ahead... We'll have to be well hidden on this side while anyone that can't cross the stream easily should wait over there with Garrett," one of the satyrs said, and even then the gruff stood crouched behind a tree about thirty feet past where the nymph had advised Garrett to stand in waiting. The satyr and the nymph were hiding in the underbrush, along with two of the gruffs. Laena, Garrett, and Lily were left to decide how they would conduct themselves for the ambush, though Garrett's position was already suggested as bait.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

During the evening, Lily would make her bed near Laena, and in the morning, she happily eats breakfast with the others, making idly conversation with the nymph.

As they get to the ambush site, Lily flies up to a treebranch. "I'll deal with the mage, if things don't work out quite as planned."

As she gets up there, Lily quickly moves to cover herself with leaves. For a few moments her wings seem to be darker as she mutters vile words of a spell, her skin suddenly becoming a whirlpool of colours that seem to meld with the background.

Casting Power of Chaos on herself for stealth: (2*70)/6=23 for a total of 36, costing 2 EP
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

The fae offered, now that it was night, for the three of them to spend the night in the forest sanctuary, and tired as they were they quickly agreed. Laena made her bed almost on top of Garrett’s, making sure to at least be able to press herself against his side during the night, both to stave off encroaching nymphs and Lily. Sure enough, Lily made her bed quite close to the harpy, though that might have been in her imagination. She was awakened by a gentle rubbing at her shoulder, the fae woman grinning down at her and asking them all if they would like breakfast. She grumbled a little bit, but ultimately accepted; it was important not to go into battle on an empty stomach, after all. It was a quiet, uneventful meal, and once it was done they quickly made their way towards the proposed ambush site, meeting the other fae along the way. It was at a point where a dirt path was bordered by a small stream, with a good deal of cover along the bank closest to them. The other side was mostly bare, though, the canopy overhead thick enough to choke out the light far too much for underbrush to grow.

Just before Garrett made his move to cross the stream the nymph grabbed him, pulling him to her and kissing him briefly. Laena’s eye twitched, and then twitched again when the nymph winked at him; she didn’t like all these others horning in on her mate, it was starting to piss her off. She got the impression that at least she had used her magic to aid him, so that was… slightly acceptable. They began to set up the ambush then, one of the satyrs explaining how things ought to be done, and the harpy agreed. It was time to use her magic on the human, and so she worked the air around him subtly to his advantage, making him much more likely to dodge any attacks the coming demons would throw at him, then doing the same for herself and flying up into a nearby tree, one close to Lily but not too close, hiding herself in the canopy. She had good practice hiding like this, as it was obviously quite a necessary skill in the dangerous jungle.

Spend 4 exp for +4 Body, results on charsheet.
Cast Wind Armor: Enemies must pass a res check when attacking or miss automatically (4 EP) on Laena and Garrett
Cast Aspect of the Wind: 6 * 3 = 18 to Dodge (4 EP) (1 upkeep) on Garrett
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Before they crossed the stream, Garrett went over with the plan in his own head. He wouldn't be caught without at weapon, as his weapons were pretty much magic he wielded. This luckily would make his 'bystander' portrayal more convincing, and wouldn't have to be worried about being attacked unguarded at the most. Now he needed to pull off the look. Rubbing his hands roughly through his hair, he messed it up from his usual look and tried to comb the results with his bare hands, giving him the look he had just sloppily brushed his hair after getting out of bed.
Come to think of it, I did JUST get out of bed. But I don't want it to look that bad.
Smearing a tad amount of dirt from the floor onto his pants, he dusted them off and wiped whatever was left onto his shirt. Specifically, he wanted to look like he had at least been camping out in the woods for a couple days, and possibly adventuring his way home. That was the story he would go with, if asked by the expected company he would encounter.

"All right, lets do this!" With an enthusiastic grin, he took a step forward to cross the stream before suddenly being nabbed and momentarily kissed from the nymph unexpectedly. He touched his lips as she parted, giving him a wink of what he could only assume to be flirting.
"Er...right. Thanks." He nervously glanced towards Laena with an apologetic smile. The fact he was caught off guard possibly gave the impression he didn't resist her advances. Hopefully, Laena wouldn't see it that way....

Smoke emerged through the trees as Garrett finished making his small imitation campfire, and a roughly crude bed made out of the best things he could find, which mostly consisted of leaves and cloth for padding. Taking a step back, he glanced over his little camp, pretty sure that what he had made would be a convincing enough scene. But now for the finishing touch.
A loose string hung from his pant leg, which had been annoying him this whole entire journey would now be put to use. Grabbing it and pulling, he tugged at the string which unraveled from his pants before he determined it to be decently long enough. Snapping off a branch of a nearby tree, he tied the string around the end of it, and on the other side he tied a small rock. Hopefully he had pulled out enough to make it look like he had actually weighted it with real fishing bait. Sitting down to the edge of what he assumed to have been part of the stream they had earlier crossed, he cast his makeshift fishing rod out in the water, giving the line a small tug to make sure it looked weighted. He had never liked fishing anyways. People always looked so bored doing it.
"Now all we do is wait for the fish to bite."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph), Wind Armor (from Laena), Aspect of the Wind (from Laena)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 30/48, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor on self and Garrett, Aspec of the Wind on Garrett

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 60/62, Status = Fine, Power of Chaos (+26 Stealth)

Lily buffs herself!
Casting: Success.
Buff: 70/6 = 12 + 1 = 13 * 2 = +26 Stealth, making her total 39.

Laena casts 3 spells, for 4 EP each, and each of them costs 1 EP upkeep so order doesn't matter. Total cost of 15 EP, no ceiling break. I'll charge one round worth of full upkeep before the demons show up.
Buff: 5 + 1 = 6 * 3 = +18 Dodge on Garrett.

Everyone hides cept for Garrett.
Stealth: Don't peek
Laena 54
Lily 64
Satyr 57
Gruffs 50
Nymph 38

Stalkers 40

Garrett 26
Laena 40
Lily 43
Satyr 45
Gruffs 19
Nymph 34

Stalkers 28
Knight 48
Sorceress 25
Goblins 35
Tentacled Horrors 36

They didn't have to wait long. Laena only felt the spells she enacted to protect her mate drain away a little of her energy before a black armored figure came into view, flanked by a pair of creatures that looked like gigantic ants whose backs were covered in tentacles. They were screened by a half dozen or so goblins, all armed and grinning savagely, and a few steps behind the black armored figure was a woman in a revealing red dress. The group approached Garrett's faux-encampment nonchalantly, making no moves that were overtly threatening.

Along the way, the knight glanced over at the opposite bank in which most of them hid, smiling slyly for a moment before turning her gaze back towards Garrett. The woman was easily eight feet tall, and though her body was bulky and strong, there was no lack of grace in her motions, nor femininity in her form. Despite the curves worked into the steel plates, the black armor was anything but revealing, and the knight stepped out of her guard of lesser demons until she was about six feet from Garrett, her goblins spreading outward into the jungle but not getting much closer to the man. Then, she bowed, low, until her silvery hair cascaded down from her back so that that tips touch the ground.

Throwing her head back as she straightened, Garrett realized that her lips were the same shimmering silvery color as her hair, and though he saw them only out of the corner of his eye unless he looked her directly in the face, he noted that her crimson eyes were hypnoticly deep and displayed nothing but confidence to the point that it bordered on arrogance. "Greetings stranger," she stated simply and in a friendly tone, her face set in a bright smile. "While I make no claim to these woods as some others might, I confess myself curious as to what you're doing out here all alone. These lands are quite dangerous, after all, and not many mortals would be so willing to travel on their own~" As she spoke, the armored woman's fingers slowly settled on the pommel of the sword that she wore at her hip, and began drumming over the black metal lightly.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

He was rather surprised that a group had shown up so fast. Dropping his stick into the stream, it floated away as Garrett stood up in a defensive stance.

"W-why should I tell you?" He glanced about, as if he was paranoid of his surroundings.
"I have nowhere else to go ok?! Just leave me alone!"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph), Wind Armor (from Laena), Aspect of the Wind (from Laena)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 30/48, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor on self and Garrett, Aspec of the Wind on Garrett

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 60/62, Status = Fine, Power of Chaos (+26 Stealth)

The demon looked more bemused by Garrett's reaction than anything else, raising a single pale eyebrow at him and tilting her head before replying; "Why, the answer to that question is simple, my dear man! You should answer because I have asked you politely, and because you are no doubt a civilized human being! Indulging the curiosity of a stranger costs you nothing at all! But look, you've gone and lost your fish pole~" The demon gestured toward the stick he'd tossed into the stream, and one of the tentacled creatures lashed out at it suddenly, retrieving it and handing the soggy piece of wood to the demoness, who examined it - and the rock on the end of it - quite casually. "You'll not be catching many fish with that, I'm afraid~" she remarked as she offered the stick back to him, "And I highly doubt that you have nowhere else in this wide, verdant world to go to besides a dangerous stretch of jungle! I mean, come on.... Does it really harm you at all to speak to me, a stranger that you'll likely never see again! These patrols are so horribly dull, and an encounter with an odd young man like you is just the thing to spice the job up!"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Ah shit, thanks captain hindsight. Putting a rock at the end of the stick was a pretty stupid thing. It prevented it from floating away like he intended.

He grabbed the stick, removing the rock and dropped it to the ground.
"Course it's not going to catch anything. I've already eaten. I just enjoy feeling the pull of the current. Was quiet relaxing till you all showed up..."

Think of a story... think of a story... Wait! I think I got it.

"Whatever. It's because of your kind I'm out here in the first place." He scornfully glanced at the demonic woman.

"One of you.... things seduced me. And as soon as the rest of the village found out, I was considered a 'risk' to the rest of them. So now that you know, you can go." He sat back down, giving a dismissive wave to the group while taking the stone he dropped earlier into his hand, chucking towards the stream, skipping it along the surface.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph), Wind Armor (from Laena), Aspect of the Wind (from Laena)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 27/48, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor on self and Garrett, Aspect of the Wind on Garrett

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 60/62, Status = Fine, Power of Chaos (+26 Stealth)

"Already eaten have you? Pity~ I was just going to invite you to lunch!" the demoness quipped back at Garrett bemusedly, though the pale woman's lips pursed as he delivered his quickly contrived accusation. She heard him out, but was hardly impressed by his story judging by her expression. "My kind? You have no one to blame but yourself for your mistakes," she began irritably, "And no one to blame but your ignorant neighbors for casting you out. Blaming my kind as a race, and me in particular, for the woes brought on by your culture's stereotypes and your own inability to keep your genitals out of every appealing woman is no different than me calling you a slaver just because some humans are slavers.

"Demons are not "things," as you've just called us either, and if you refer to me and my kin as such again, I will be forced to defend our collective honor. We are people, no different from you, and barring a few members of our kind we want nothing but to find a peaceful place in your world. Think on that while you sit out here by yourself, human." The knight was quite cross by the end of her reprimanding speech, but she seemed completely sincere as far as Garrett and his watchers could tell. Regardless of his opinion on what she'd said, the knight motioned to her patrol, and they simply started on their way again, none of them giving more than a cursory glance as they passed him by.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

It was a bit surprised to hear a demons side of the story on the current situation of the world. Though claiming to just wanting to find a peaceful place was confusing. Why not just stay where they had always been, before coming here and screwing everything up. Maybe he could ask them that once the group was done getting what they needed. But for now...

Garrett turned his head, and watched as they passed him and continued on with their backs to him.
"I'll try to make to sure to remember next time." He pointed his hand out to the group, a small white crackle sparked from his palm......
Spell:Holy Fire
Center Target: Demoness
Will use 10 EP
All creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within 100 feet of the character take (2d4 + 1) * X damage.
Effect Harmful Spirit: For any Spirit Powers that deal damage, the damage rolls for those powers have their minimum value set to 1/2 the max roll of the dice.
(Non Lethal Damage, as I intend to interrogate them)
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 67/77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph), Wind Armor (from Laena), Aspect of the Wind (from Laena)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 24/48, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor on self and Garrett, Aspect of the Wind on Garrett

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 60/62, Status = Fine, Power of Chaos (+26 Stealth)

Garrett attacks with Holy Fire X = 10.
Attack: missed the knight, hit the mage, hit the goblins, hit the tentacled horrors.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 * 10 = 50, +10 because demons = 60 damage.

The knight does stuff. And also things.

The patrol filed past Garrett, oblivious to his intentions, and the woman in the red dress even blew him a kiss and winked at him as she passed him by. On their way though they might be, the knight paused at Garrett's parting words, and that combined with the crackle of energy that followed was enough to tip her off. She threw her arm back and spun, drawing her cloak as she went, and as such when his explosion of white fire washing over them, the holy flame burning the demons in particular but obeying Garrett's will.

When the flash cleared, he and his hidden allies could see that all of the demons were fallen, but alive.... All save one. The silver haired knight flipped her cloak back behind her and stepped toward him, completely unharmed by the blast, her eyes glowing blood red as she snarled; "You just had to go and set fire to my squad! And we were getting along so well!" She drew a black-bladed sword from over her shoulder, the weapon almost as long as Garrett was tall, and fiery runes lit up along its blade as the knight herself suddenly began to glow a deep blood red. "I don't often make promises to strangers... But I do promise you that you'll live to regret attacking us!"

1 knight, pissed
1 sorceress, unconscious
2 tentacled horrors, unconscious
6 goblins, unconscious

1 satyr, across the stream
3 gruffs, hiding in the woods
1 nymph, across the stream
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

It was surprising, seeing that the demoness didn't even take the slightest hint of injury. A lot of power had been put into that attack. Not the most he could do, but enough that wouldn't strain his body. Shit. That just pissed her off. Doing this alone doesn't seem like an option anymore.

He gave a smirk, gathering his energy and summoning a glowing blade into his hand. Taking a charging swing, the demoness blocked it, their swords clashing together as they stood face to face.

Shit. That just pissed her off. Doing this alone doesn't seem like an option anymore

"Yeah, sorry about all that. But I can't let you get in my way. I have more important things to tend to." He gave a hard shove, pushing back away from her and jumping back a short distance.

"All right everybody, go for it!" He shouted, and when in for a second strike.

Using 5 EP
Energy Blade

The character conjures a sword formed of pure energy attached to their arm.
-The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round
Soul Sense: The character gets +12 to attack rolls for Powers.
-The blade can be of any color or shape that the character desires, and can range from 1-3 feet in length. Attacks with the blade deal (2d4 * X) + Spirit/4 damage that ignores armor.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one (or both if they conjure two) of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's unarmed attack. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a sword (any of the three kinds depending on how the player describes it,) and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Lily groans as the human releases a fiery blast, the pure white of holy fire burning brightly against her vision. "We were supposed to take them alive," the sidhe hisses, groaning again as she sees the human to rush into melee with the remaining - no doubt the most powerful - of the demons. That would limit her options further.

Quickly reaching into the soil far below, Lily chants the words of an imprisoning spell calling the earth to rise around the demon-woman as a burst of power leaps from her fingers towards the ground below the two fighters.

Cast Earthen Coating, 3rd level spell

Casting check: d20+35=automatic success

Earthen Coating (Utility) [Bind a target creature in mud, encasing them and preventing them from moving. Captured creatures gain the Bound status, with a DC 50 Resistance check to escape.]