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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

(That is awright, cos it was what I was aiming for really. Also, got some talents and skills. Grapple Expert, Resilient and the Grand Master line of skills. Probably some grapple derp next after I get a further 4 exp and am able to pick another Skilled.)

Not having much further to do, Tomoe picked a decent grassy spot on the ground and laid down, keeping Kuchinawa on hand but not really feeling the need to keep it on her while she slept. The place should be free of any possible night-time harassment, and thus she would most likely not need to use it. Eventually, the peace of sleep came to the miko, who accepted it gracefully.

But again, it was not the be so simple. During the night hours, someone saw it fit to intrude upon them. It did not appear to be dangerous, more likely something that the fey did in their past time when one considered their nature. Still, there were attempts here at the group's peacetime and apparently Shenron's intimacy, and Tomoe was not going to allow this manner of behaviour, even if it was in good fun. Once the rustling had gotten a bit closer, she would sit up, keeping a hand on Kuchinawa if it came to that. "What do you think you're doing?" she called the intruders out, making it clear that she was not happy with their intrusion by the tone of her voice.


Despair Fetishist
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Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Eh?" One of the voices replied, obviously surprised by the miko's reaction. Once Tomoe was upright, the pranksters' movement stopped. She could also see who the voices belonged to. They were, unsurprisingly, faeries. More unsurprisingly, the three were women. The most eager voice belonged to a woman with facial features that were the very definition of classical beauty, and were framed by purple locks of hair. Her skin was supple and without any flaws, and she had an hourglass feature with pert breasts, a thin waist, and noticeable hips. The marks of her faerie heritage were in her skin, which was the color of an eggplant, and a vibrant pair of butterfly wings on her back which gave off a rainbow-colored glow. "We weren't going to hurt anyone. She was just going to suck the otherworlder off!"

She motioned to a second faerie as she spoke, one who was slightly thinner, though with larger breasts than the first. The second one had pouty lips and a button nose on a heart-shaped face, and her eyes were strikingly golden. Unlike the first, the second fey's skin was a pale green and her long, curly hair a vibrant red. "Yes, we were only playing! We didn't mean any harm!" She added, though as she spoke a strange gleam came to the purple one's eyes. "We were playing truth or dare! Faerie truth or dare!"

The third one, a woman with blue skin and short, blonde hair spoke up. This one had a long tail and cloven hooves. She wasn't as stunning as the first two, but it wasn't because her features weren't pretty, as she was possessed of a curvy body and a face equally gorgeous to that of the other faeries. Something unnatural seemed to downplay her appearance. It felt as though she'd be just another face in the crowd if Tomoe took her eyes off the woman for even a second. "Yes, so there's no need for the sword. We can-" she started, before the purple one interjected. "We can't do anything about it now. The dare has to be accomplished!" The first woman gave a sagely nod. "Faerie truth or dare is a very serious thing. There are pacts and earthly magics involved! She's got to suck that lizard off. For the sake of the forest itself, he must blow his load in her mouth!" The other two didn't seem to disagree with the absurd-sounding claim.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

As she got herself up to a proper sitting position, Tomoe could make up the trio that were up to no good. They were fairies, as one might expect from the place they were in at the moment. Again, the variety of the present trio brought a number of questions to the miko's mind as she had expected a more uniform look to the fey folk, but it looked like they were vastly varied and different. The earlier encounter with the color-coded nymphs should have been enough to indicate that there would be variety among the forest people.

Regardless of their appearance, the thing they had planned was absurd at best. Most likely it was just harmless thrill-seeking with things they had not experienced before, but it was still something that should not be done without the recipient's consent or knowledge. And what was most likely just blatant nonsense did little to affect the shrine maiden in any way. "Somehow I think that your game is as mundane as one that a group of young humans would do. There is absolutely no reason as to why you could just leave him alone. Such behaviour is extremely rude and selfish towards my good companion." she told her mind without too much restraint this time around.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Oh no, it's very serious," the purple faerie replied with another sagely nod. She quickly made herself comfortable, flopping belly-first onto the ground and cradling her chin in one hand as she examined the shrine maiden. "But what if it wasn't? What's the harm? She has a mouth like a suckerfish. Paint off a barn, if you know what I mean. He'll be back to sleep in no time," she suggested with a wink. The other fey woman didn't seem bothered by the claims at all, in fact she had puffed up with pride at them. "And if he doesn't like it, he can always stop her. Or maybe there's another reason... Are you his lover?" The nymph asked bluntly.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

It appeared that there was no easy way to get rid of these random perverts, as there apparently was no getting the reasoning into these three. "One should be entitled to their personal freedom and not be subjected to strange whims of others without their consent. That is all that I need to interfere with this. Whether it's good or bad doesn't matter." she told the trio, beginning to sound somewhat irritated at this point. From there, the one that was talking to the miko decided to poke at her with a somewhat uncertain question. "We are companions... Or so I like to think. We have been living and fighting together for over two years now... I have been guiding him towards being a decent, good person... And he has done well, being the most considerate being I have met outside of my shrine home." the shrine maiden told what she thought, still not really sure about how the hunter felt about her. And the bigger mystery, what she herself was feeling.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Oh, is that the case?" the faerie asked, her eyes gleaming all the brighter. "I'm sure the men of the world are glad to have defenders in the night, protecting them from the horrors of waking up with beautiful women polishing their knobs!" She giggled. "It's worthy of a martial order, to be sure! The Rooster Guards, perhaps?" The miko's obvious annoyance only seemed to make the purple faerie more cheerful. But in the end nothing made her as cheerful as the uncertainty evident in Tomoe's reply. "Companions, huh? Companion companions, or companion companions? Because if there's nothing between you two then I'd say we're in great luck! There's nothing a nymph loves more than the polite and considerate type!"

"Sure, having one of the goats rut you face down in the dirt and spank your ass until it's red is fun-" the least noticeable of the bunch raised a finger to interject something but was cut off before she could even start "-but the polite ones are the best. Showing them the ropes, breaking them in, releasing all their pent up lusts, and maybe even popping their cherry. Nnnf." She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip in an expression that had gone well beyond lewd, but neither of the other two nymphs seemed like they necessarily shared that particular opinion if one were to judge by the continuing neutrality of their own faces. "Yes, it'd be a shame to have her just use her mouth on him. We'll just have to come back in the morning and put him through his paces. We can just play cards or something until then! You're welcome to join us!" She concluded brightly, but after a moment she added; "Unless you two are actually the latter sort of companion, that is."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While she was growing increasingly weary and irritated at the verbal torrent aimed at her, Tomoe held herself back from doing anything stupid. Exploding onto this pervert fey would only serve to make things worse, that much was sure. She would just have to take it a bit more and the harassers should eventually tire and leave the party in peace. "Insult me all you want, but leave us alone. The day has been hard enough as is, we don't need any further harassment from anyone, there has been enough hardship for some time now. I know he isn't most likely bothered by things, but I know he worries about me and my condition, whatever it might be. I don't want my companions to worry about me." the priestess told them, just hoping the trio of sexual deviants would go away and stop bothering her with their weird things.

If the weirdoes actually do leave, Tomoe would sigh and try to get back to sleep, this time sticking right next to Shenron, just to make sure that he was not targeted further.
Last edited:


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Such a dour girl to think my teasing is meant as an insult," the nymph replied as cheerfully as before. "Maybe it's you who needs some help relaxing..." The purple faerie readjusted until she was sitting cross-legged, and rested her chin on her fist as she took on a thoughtful pose. "Tell you what: if you'll play a little game with me in return for all the nature spirits that I'll simply have to appease in return for this grievous breach of truth or dare law, we'll leave your group alone for the rest of your stay here. It's a game of chance, I found it in some Acheron rag that a traveler forgot along with a deck of playing cards. We both declare a card, the deck is shuffled, and then we take turns drawing until we get our declared card or get the other player's card. Drawing your own card means you win, drawing your opponent's card means that it's placed back into the deck and the entire thing is reshuffled. There's a more racy, complex, and overall interesting version available, but I imagine you'd prefer the more family friendly sort."

"Of course, being from Acheron... the winner has victor's rights to the loser. If I win, then we're fulfilling the spirit of the dare on you," she purred with a wink. "And if you win... Well, I imagine you'll send us off to somewhere less interesting. It would be your choice, really. Either way, I'd promise that we three won't bother you and yours again when it's all said and done. And if you refuse to play then, well, we'll just be back in the morning to ask your lizard how he feels about no-strings-attached blowjobs." The faerie giggled. "Just an offer, of course."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

For the shortest of moments, Tomoe thought that she had actually managed to get something done with her words, but all it had really done was the shifting of attention towards herself. While it was only a little better than the previous situation, she still accepted it without hesitation. "Well one might get a bit touchy if they experience the same last few days that I have. But I know that is of no consequence to you." she told the apparent leader of these fey. The miko was not even sure if the other two wanted this, but were being pushed by the more forceful leader of their little trio. Whatever it was, she would not try to affect this.

From there, the purple main fey went on to outline an idea of hers, a game of chance that she had apparently learned from a source that had come from Acheron. It was a simple thing, and Tomoe had actually seen a card set before one time, so she knew the numbers and suits without anyone telling her. The consequences of losing were a bit worrying, but the shrine maiden would take a chance at this rather than try to get the group off her back with other ways. "Alright, we'll have it your way. I'll play and see where that takes us." she told the card-toting purple lady after she was finished with explaining the terms of the game. Once the game did begin, the miko would pick two of hearts as her card, expecting some sort of remark to come out from her choice.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.
Tomoe drew: 5H, QD, 5C, QC, 10H, AD, and 2S.
Nymph drew: 9S, KH, 4C, 3D, 10S, 3H, 4H.

"That's the spirit," the nymph replied with an eager grin. "I'll choose the four of hearts," she added with a wink before making a hand motion at the hoofed faerie, who in turn produced a deck of well-used cards. She found a flat stone and kneeled beside it, then beckoned the purple woman and Tomoe to her side before beginning to shuffle the cards. The deck seemed to dance in her hands as she worked, the cards shuffled and merged and shuffled again with all the precision and dexterity of a card shark. These were probably not the most productive fey in this particular sanctuary.

The woman then produced the deck for Tomoe to cut, and after the miko had done so she allowed it to rest on the center of the stone. "You're the guest, so it's only fair that you draw first," she insisted. The miko's first draw, if she acquiesced, would be the five of hearts, which looked exactly as she would've expected it to from a normal deck. The nymph went next, drawing the nine of spades and laying it on the stone for Tomoe to see, another normal looking card. It was the third card that proved it was a deck from Acheron, however, as the shrine maiden drew and looked upon the queen of diamonds to see a fairly simple drawing of a nude, demonic-looking couple, with the male's head between the female's legs and her face in a mask of ecstasy.

The nymph's next draw, the king of hearts, revealed a similar scene except with the woman's mouth on the man's shaft. They continued to draw, with Tomoe pulling a queen and several other regular-looking cards before getting an ace which had a regal drawing of a demonic woman with black hair, red eyes, and horns, until the nymph drew her seventh card. "Hee~! I win!" She declared in triumph, as she placed the four of hearts down for the warrior priestess to witness, a victorious grin plastered across her face. "Victor's rights are mine! And for my first reward... Take off your clothes and show me your aces," she continued lewdly, waiting to see if Tomoe would comply.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Seeing no reason to avoid playing properly, Tomoe moved herself over to the other side of the flat rock that had been made into a game table for this hopefully brief round of cards, taking care to sit properly. While there had been no real need for her to follow the proper form for a long time, the miko still wanted to maintain her skills on this area of behavior. When the offer to cut came up, she poked the cards separate from just about the middle, fully in the know that it would probably matter little where she cut the pile. From there, the two of them started taking their turns of drawing, the whole set of cards looking quite average until the second draw. The queen she got had Tomoe blushing somewhat, and she handled the card much faster in effort to not see that particular one for too long. There was another one almost immediately after the first, and a king on the opposite side, all three being equally perverted in their art. The ace was somewhat more restrained, with only a lady of demonic heritage being depicted on the face of the card. After the ace, it was back to the normal cards with just the numbers and suits.

It was not the be for long though, as the round of normality managed to go for only a single card on each side before there was a conclusion, and it was one that Tomoe had not desired. The fey lady got her card on the seventh round of the game, claiming victory for the fey side. "This is just not my day..." the miko thought as she was given instructions to strip. The whole thing seemed to be about playing with her, but she did not go against it, having agreed to the game and the consequences just moments ago. She could not just shrug it off like that and break another thing in her personal code of conduct. Sighing, she got up from the makeshift table, reaching down to the cloth straps that held her hakama skirt up. With redness steadily flaring up on her face, she undid the ties of the straps, the long skirt soon coming off and piling on the ground under her. The removal of the skirt simultaneously loosened up the robe on her upper body, the garment opening up completely as the whole shrine maiden uniform was pretty much dependent on the ties of the hakama. At this point, the priestess was nearly naked, save for her underwear. But those too would most likely need to go, if one knew the mindset of the pervert well. "I'm not sure what this has to do with the spirit of the dare that you talked about." she asked from the giddy winner, undoing the ties of her upper and lower sarashi, which soon fell away with a little shrug. The robe remained on her still, but it did very little at this point since everything else was gone, leaving Tomoe pretty much naked in all of her shapely glory. It was a massively embarassing moment, but she had to endure, for it would hardly be the last of this.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Awful compliant for someone who's so afraid of some fun," the nymph teased as she unabashedly eyed Tomoe's nude form. "Stay right there," she commanded of the warrior priestess, before standing up and moving behind the miko. Once behind her, the faerie pulled off the remnants of Tomoe's clothing before dropping to her knees and pressing herself, most noticeably her breasts, against the human's back. From there she whispered into the woman's ear in a husky, promising voice. "You know very well what this has to do with the spirit of the dare. How can she get her lips on your pretty little snatch of yours if you've got clothes in the way?"

"But I'm not so cruel as to take whatever silly vows you've sworn or whatever it is keeping you from simply enjoying a bit of harmless fun from you for the draw of a single card, tender mortal. I have something else in mind..." she quietly announced as her hands slipped underneath Tomoe's arms and made for her large breasts. The faerie's skilled fingers began to grope and tease at Tomoe's chest and nipples in a far more able manner than the miko had ever experienced before, sending little sparks of pleasure through her body despite her mental resistance. "So, I'm going to play with you for a bit. We'll see if you're still so uninterested in this sort of thing after experiencing a nymph's touch. Then I might let you off with a spanking afterward for being so troublesome."

"Unless... you want to continue our little game? It's a simple proposal. I'll give you a chance to remove the spanking and remove the teasing from your punishments, and get off with simply having stripped for us. If you can draw the two of hearts in the next ten cards, I'll remove the spanking. If you can successfully guess the next card drawn from the deck, then I'll let you off completely. But if you fail or you're wrong, then... well... you're going to be sore in the morning." The purple faerie's right hand began to trail south from Tomoe's breast, playing about her tummy for a few moments even as the other two faeries watched their purple comrade molest the human. "And the price for each attempt is one piece of your clothing that you'll not be getting back from us, regardless of whether you win or you lose. We'll reshuffle after every attempt. What do you say? Hm?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"I did agree to the rules of the game. No matter how much I don't like it, I can't back away now, after ending up on the losing end. I have my honor to maintain." Tomoe replied to the initial verbal poking, not trying to go against the removal of her sole remaining piece of uniform in any way, simply standing her ground under the ogling gaze of the fey. The robe too was gone pretty fast, easily removed due to there being no resistance against it. As the cloth fluttered down to the ground, a soft body came to rest against the miko's own when the fey moved up close and personal. From there, the deal of the dare was explained to her, the gist of it being that the attention that was about to be visited on the unwitting Shenron had now shifted onto her. Casting a glance at the most likely sleeping hunter, the shrine maiden hoped he would not have to know of what was happening, but had a terrible poking in the back of her mind that it was most likely not that easy to miss such an event going on. Surely no sleep would be deep enough to pass what would be happening soon unnoticed. From there, a brief glance was passed around to possibly notice where Kei and the yet unnamed innkeeper where. They would most likely be on the audience too, if they were indeed nearby, not having gone further from the miko and her hunter companion.

Having just barely gotten to the beginning apparently, the purple molester moved from words to acts. Sliding in from the undersides of Tomoe's own arms, the fey reached hers to grab onto the recently increased mass of the shrine maiden's ample bosom. There was little doubt as to the skill of this fey, for even after the harsh pleasuring that Wistaria's tentacle-like vines had brought upon her, the touch of the nymph was potent and overcame the majority of the shrine maiden's resistance with little trouble. Wherever the fingers went in their initial probing, tiny jolts of pleasure followed and relentlessly teased the soft flesh that they traveled along. As the gamblefey explained her ideas further while doing it, there were already clear signs in the miko that she was having a hard time trying to hold the pleasure back, mentailly cursing the recent increase of size and sensitivity in her chest that earlier event had brought.

But the whimsical lady fey still seemed to have further ideas about play. Gasping once and again as she listened to the explanation of the further game, Tomoe found it to be acceptable at first. But when the bit about her clothes came up, there was no further thought about it. Having refrained from doing anything up to that point, there was action in the priestess all of a sudden as she reached a hand behind her and grabbed a handful of purple hair. Having secured a grip, she pulled at the hair as hard as possible in their current situation. "NO." was what she came out with initially before carrying on. "Enough of your games. I know better than to risk what is basically my identity in such a low-chance game. Do whatever you planned, but leave my uniform out of it." the priestess almost growled, having gained temporary strength to confront the molester and not actually appear a victim from the threat against her uniform. But it was a very much temporary thing, and she soon let go of the hair after giving it a final tug. It was most likely a bad move, but Tomoe was not going to lose more than her dignity to these weirdoes.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

The miko's own gasps and bodily responses to the faerie's touches only seemed to embolden the purple fey, at least until Tomoe grabbed at the purple woman's hair. The woman gave a slight yelp at first, but that died into a low growl in the shrine maiden's ear even as the warrior priestess so thoroughly denied even the possibility of risking her uniform in further games. But her hands slipped away from the human's chest and stomach and that growl became a cold giggling when Tomoe let go of her molester's hair. "You should've kept going. Didn't I mention that I liked it rough?" She whispered coolly into Tomoe's ear.

And then the miko was violently pushed forward onto the improvised table, with the cards being scattered into the grass at the woman's rough descent. The nymph held her down there, hands on both of her shoulders, her chest and stomach squeezed uncomfortably between a faerie and a hard place. "Grab her arms," she commanded of the other nymphs. Though they might have been hesitant to share in the purple woman's games before, they were quick to heed her order, and in moments the miko's arms were each held by a faerie. With the shrine maiden's arms pinned down, the purple faerie grabbed Tomoe's hair and wrenched it firmly enough to pull her head back. "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson... Yes... I'm not only going to discipline you, I'm going to fuck you and then have you fuck your lizard. That ought to teach you some manners," she added, her mirthfulness gone.

This would probably be Tomoe's last chance to react with any force to the situation, although she was already in a disadvantageous position.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

As she had expected, the reaction to her brief counterattack had only served to get Tomoe into more serious trouble with the molester, who was apparently very fond of her games and took the comeback pretty harshly. Before she could realize it fully, the miko had already been slammed down onto the rock that had served as a table for their game, the gamblefey pushing her down against the cold surface of the stone slab and coming down herself to keep some weight on the miko. At the purple lady's command, the other two got themselves involved as well, each of them grabbing onto an arm to apply further restraint onto their victim. It was a mildly arousing situation in itself, but the priestess would not be one to talk about such odd feelings. One should usually not be wanting themselves to be subjected to something like this, but there was something in the feeling of being overpowered that gave Tomoe a slight thrill.

Soon, the gamblefey was doing some hairpulling of her own in order to bring Tomoe's head up so she could share some of her plans to the miko. Again, it appeared that she was attempting to bring Shenron into this, though in a much different manner than before. Like before, the priestess was not going have any of it. "Leave him out of this, you lecherous bag." she growled openly now, putting up resistance against the trio to get them off from her. The fey had pushed her around enough and changing the rules wantonly, now she would try and get some control back to the situation.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Group Grappled, Submission Hold.
Grapple roll: 2 + 62 vs 20 + 44 + 44 + 44. Yon sirens win. Tomoe is placed in a submission hold. Aaand, as the three sirens together have enough grapple to do pretty much anything to Tomoe, not really going to bother rolling more stuff out.

"Bag?!" The purple siren hissed. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy disciplining you." Struggle as Tomoe might, she couldn't overcome the combined efforts of the three faeries to pin her to the rock. The purple nymph quickly scrambled on top of Tomoe, sitting down on the miko's lower back facing her vulnerable rear. The change in position left the shrine maiden even less capable of removing herself from the faeries' clutches and ensured that the thrill she found in being overpowered wouldn't become very familiar to her. "Yes, you've a long night ahead of you! And we'll start with a spanking!"

The miko's efforts to get the situation back under control had managed to do exactly the opposite as the nymph's hand came down immediately, swatting one of Tomoe's fleshy asscheeks and producing a slapping noise and a stinging sensation in the shrine maiden's rear. Her hand then alternated to the other, causing much the same. "This will continue until you apologize, you rude little human!" And so it did, with another blow following, and another after that. The other two sirens didn't join in on the action, though they said nothing to dissuade their increasingly zealous leader nor did they ease up on Tomoe's arms.

Without the ability to physically shake her assailants, the miko's options to make the attacks on her vulnerable backside stop were becoming very limited, as the smacking noises hadn't roused her comrades yet. Still, whether she tried something else, bitterly resisted, or would simply eventually give into the purple fey's demand under the seemingly never-ending stream of spanks was up to her.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Even with her physical strenght, Tomoe found it practically impossible to slip away from these fairies and their gang grapple, the leader on her back making it all the more harder with her weight. Despite what appeared to be one of the least productive things to do in the fey lands being their trade, these three were still physically strong enough to keep her down. Maybe they had to keep fit in order to do things like this to their previous victims. The slaps against the miko's rear soon started raining in, a promise of the act not stopping until she had apologized to the purple leader of the trio being issued after the first two hits. While she was ready to reply right there, another pair of buttslaps stopped the shrine maiden with some further stinging to her exposed flesh.

Already feeling the need of discipline in her butt meat, Tomoe knew that this fey would not go easy on her if she didn't apologize. But that was not going to happen unless she was somehow compelled to do it, not after all this jerking around and doing whatever. "Yes, I called you a bag, bag. Hit me as much as you want, but there will be nothing from me until your hands go numb. A lecher like you will not get a mental victory over me." the priestess announced her disagreement, not being willing to go along with someone like the purple fey that was sitting on her. After that, Tomoe didn't say anything, simply biting her lip and keeping her head down on the surface of the rock as she prepared for the incoming beating of her rear.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Bound. Level 3 (Minigame Stuff)

Though the spanking certainly wasn't for Tomoe's benefit to begin with, her continued verbal insults only served to fuel the intensity of the incoming blows. There was certainly no direct pleasure to be found in the repeated strikes against her backside, at least not for someone who wasn't a masochist or into the debasement or domination of it all. Any chance at mercy was apparently over in its entirety as the purple faerie did her best to make the miko's ass share her skin tone.

But the miko wouldn't be left to her fate forever. Relief came after at least five minutes of nonstop bombardment as Shenron began to stir at the amount of noise her abusers were making. Unfortunately, no rescue would come of it, with the faeries noticing his stirring and instead pursuing a change of venue. "Almost forgot about your friends," the fey woman remarked with a final slap at Tomoe's already stinging and reddened rear. "Come on girls, let's take her somewhere more isolated." While the other two faeries hadn't been as enthusiastic to abuse the warrior priestess as their leader, they certainly weren't interjecting on her behalf. Between the three of them, and a small spell cast by their leader which ended with vines creeping up Tomoe's body and hogtying the woman, they were able to carry the miko away despite any struggles she might have put forward.

They moved at least a few hundred feet before lowering the bound and naked woman to the ground in a small open area surrounded by trees and brush so thick that it would have been difficult for Tomoe to tell how to get back to her group if they hadn't traveled in a straight line. "Go and get my two favorite toys. The pink ones. Get me the clamps and the blindfold, too," The purple siren instructed of the faerie who had originally been intended to use her mouth on Shenron. After a few moments hesitation, the nymph went dashing off. After confirming that the other woman had left, the purple faerie snapped her fingers, causing the vines which had encircled Tomoe's wrists and ankles to segregate themselves and leave her arms and legs bound separately, at which point the faerie rolled the warrior priestess over onto her back.

The purple nymph promptly sat her rounded rear on Tomoe's stomach and gave the woman a look that seemed almost too cruel to sit on the face of one of the supernaturally beautiful faeries. "I'll teach you modesty and kindness, I will. With this," she suggested with a maniacal edge to her voice and motioned to her crotch just as her clit began to grow. The little nub thickened and lengthened into the beginnings of something recognizable as a cock, but it continued to grow to a length of at least twelve inches long and left no doubt in Tomoe's head as to what it was. "You're going to take every last centimeter of it, and you'll not be allowed to waste even a drop of the cum I deem fit to deposit into you." The remaining siren grimaced at this latest outburst, but still did nothing to aid the priestess.

"But first I need to make sure you're ready, because we're going to play another little game, and I don't want to break you too soon," she announced. Her hand slipped back behind her, its intentions made immediately clear as her fingers forced themselves between Tomoe's legs and began to rub at her sex. They moved across the shrine maiden's petals with as much skill as they had displayed on her breasts, only now they were possessed of a certain manic nature in their motions. The faerie seemed more insistent and forceful in her efforts to arouse the helpless woman, and eventually they would pay off. Tomoe simply wasn't capable of the mental fortitude necessary to resist the pleasure of a nymph's touch enough to avoid eventual arousal.

And it was as her cunny became wet that the other nymph returned, two massive phallic objects in one hand and a blindfold and two silver clamps in the other. The purple faerie withdrew her hand, wiping the slickness off on Tomoe's stomach, before standing up and moving to conspire with her cohort. "Put the blindfold on her," she commanded, and so the woman did, gently lifting the shrine maiden's head in order to wrap it across her eyes and tie it in the back, and as a result left Tomoe unable to see what came next. The miko could certainly hear the purple faerie's orders though. "Put those two in the ground, like stakes. Give me the clamps," after the second order, Tomoe felt the two metal objects being placed on her nipples in short order, causing a little bit of discomfort as they closed on her stiffened nubs.

"Help me get her up and over these," she said, again moments before the other sirens obeyed. Tomoe felt the three pairs of hands lift her to her feet, only to nudge her into what was almost a kneeling position. The bindings around her ankles shifted to allow her legs to spread, but only barely, and with the vine wrapped around her wrists still tight there was little she could do to fight the skilled nymphs. Once she was in that position on her knees, with her hands bound behind her back, a gentle set of fingers moved to her crotch to spread her labia, and a more insistent set of hands placed themselves on her shoulder and shoved her further down into her kneel.

The reasoning immediately became obvious as her pussy was penetrated by something huge and vibrating, at least three inches deep. She was pushed further down, at least another three inches, until she felt something pressing insistently at her ass as well. That was when the forceful hands on her shoulders stopped and simply held her in place and the other two sets of hands left her entirely. A whisper in her ear followed. "This is a proper position for forgiveness, don't you think? Now to make sure you're not going to hop up when my hands come off of you." With another mutter, a vine began to snake its way up the front of Tomoe's body and then slithered around her neck, tying itself there. From that vine, two more branched off in order to grab onto the clamps on her nipples. They were taut enough that they were already tugging at her sensitive breasts and putting a bit of a strain on her ability to breathe freely.

"And now we can begin. This is fairly simple, I read it in a book that some traveler or another left behind once. The clamps on your nipples and the vine around your throat are just the right length that if you sit down and take the entirety of my toys, you'll not feel any choking or tugging. But be warned, if you stay on my toys long enough, it won't do much for your purity." The unseen vibrating apparatus buried in Tomoe's womanhood was already beginning to take a slight toll on the miko, sending pangs of pleasure through her body in rhythm with its motions. "And if you come on my toys, I'm going to finish you up and leave you with a nice little nymph in your belly to remember me by. Of course, you could be difficult, as you have been, and struggle, but too much of that and I'm sure you'll find yourself too sapped to fight any longer and end up on my toys anyway."

"Either way, you can always opt out by giving me a more direct apology. Just beg and say you're sorry and I'll let you show me with your mouth how apologetic you really are. Or maybe dawn will break before you do. I suppose the only way to find out is for me to let go of your shoulders..." And with that, the last faerie's hands left her, and it was up to the blindfolded and compromised Tomoe to figure out how to handle her predicament.

Yay minigames!

This is pretty straightforward. There are four levels of Tomoe's predicament.

Level 1: She's completely off the toys. This means that the vine around her neck is constricting her pretty badly as are the clamp vines and she's taking 3d6 HP and resistance damage per round (these ignore armor). However, if she manages a very difficult resistance check she can actually break free entirely, although this may not be helpful given that the nymphs are still around. Failing a difficult resistance check causes her to fall to Level 2.
Level 2: She's got about 3 inches in her pussy and being choked and tugged at pretty badly. 2d6 HP and resistance damage which ignores armor and 2d8 + 5 pleasure damage. Succeeding a difficult resistance check causes her to raise to level 1 or remain stable at level 2, failing it causes her to fall to level 3.
Level 3: About six inches and being choked and tugged at mildly. 1d6 HP and resistance damage which ignores armor and 2d8 + 10 pleasure damage on which the dice ignore resistance. Succeeding a moderate resistance check causes her to raise to level 2 or remain stable at level 3, failing it causes her to fall to level 4.
Level 4: Double penetrated but not being choked or tugged at. 4d8 + 20 pleasure damage on which the dice ignore resistance. Succeeding an easy resistance check causes her to raise to level 3.

You can choose any strategy you'd like for Tomoe to take to endure this (or have her surrender or whatever else) and I'll roll it out. Bear in mind that she can only go up or down one level per round, so she'd need to go up to level 2 and then up to level 1 and take all the damage that comes with spending a round in those positions in order to make an attempt to break free.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

There was barely any time for Tomoe to prepare for the incoming barrage, the hammering starting as soon as she had settled herself down to the chosen position of endurance. It was a good thing that she had braced herself, for surely the earlier remarks towards the purple fairy were adding some further fuel to the fire. Despite the pain and her not being any kind of connoisseur of agony, the miko held herself back from giving the fey any verbal indication of her discomfort. Even if her rear became red as Hell itself or even worse, purple as the attacker, she would take this one moral victory from the fairies by not showing any weakness in the face of pain. It would be something to have once further ordeals happened. Now, the Easterner just had to hold out. Just... hold out.

After what ultimately felt much longer than what it probably was, the trio of fey were alarmed by Shenron's sleepy movement, finally breaking the torrent of slapping hands that just might have removed some flesh if they had gone on for much longer. It had stinged like all hell, but somehow she had managed to persevere. Out from the stream of pain, the miko could think a bit more clearly, and was almost wanting to suggest what the leader was saying about relocation. While it was ultimately safer for her in the camp, there was little desire in her to be seen like this. Shenron in particular was not someone she liked to be witnessing the scene, as she was not completely sure how the hunter would react to the sight. A fairy homicide was the last thing that they'd want, considering that there was a noble Rhoswen still coming over to visit. Or if the fairies were competent enough, they could actually involve Tomoe's companion in a similar way that she already was involved with them herself, a move that would basically make all this humiliation worthless as it was the miko's initial goal to keep the three off from her hunter friend. Doing her best to look in at the sleepy Shen, she made no move of resistance against the creeping vines that had been summoned, the way they operated being quite similar to the ones that Wistaria had used. "Don't worry about me... I'll be back soon..." she whispered as the bindings made it impossible for her to make any sort of resistance, soon ending up being hauled off from the scene. Even though the miko was getting a slight thrill from her predicament again, she pushed the feelings back, instead focusing on looking at the surroundings the best she could. There was no guarantee that these perverts would actually bring her back to the camp, after all, so better be safe than sorry and memorize some of the surroundings.

After the trip, Tomoe already regretted bothering. These three seemed to have very little competence in anything besides card games and kidnapping, as the chosen site was an arrow's flight away from their camp, in a straight line too. So, the priestess took note about the direction where to go after their dealings were over instead.

With their trip complete, the fairies moved on to initiate further plans, one of them leaving to do a fetch task for the leader. Somehow, the idea of what these weirdoes considered toys was not all that pleasant in the priestess' mind. Who knew what those things were? The other two things were more understandable, but they did little to ease the mind, for they would undoubtedly be used on her in some demented way. Not a moment later, the purple leader was all over Tomoe again, flipping the helpless maiden around and sitting on her after easing on the restraints a deal make the whatever she had in mind a bit easier. "Those... you wouldn't know about those virtues if someone tied them on a rock and caved your skull with it..." the miko replied spitefully as she was taunted with both the words and the slowly forming magic penis. All things considered, she had most likely already been handled with worse sexual tools, so the sprouting fairy dick didn't really impress her. Before the shrine maiden could make further comments about the dick and the idea of further games, that tingly touch of pleasure interrupted her, this time coming right at the doors of her most private sanctum. The maniac determination was clearly visible upon both the fey lady and her method, a much more ferocious assault befalling on Tomoe's private bits than the previous one on her bosom had been. No matter how hard she tried, eventually there was both wetness and small sounds of pleasure to be had from the priestess as she wiggled in her bindings while under the sexual assault. But even this did not last for overtly long as the delivery girl returned from her quick task, now equipped with the requested items. "Oh... these kinds of toys... they are actually a thing..." Tomoe thought as she saw the equipment package being brought in. Before she knew it, the miko was left in the dark as the blindfold was applied, in a manner that was much more considerate than most that had been done to her today. With her vision now taken, she was forced to operate via her other senses, touch getting some immediate work as the clamps followed shortly after the blindfold. The things were attached to her nipples, not doing much besides add a further small bit of discomfort. Somehow, the mention of sticking up the toys was already giving her ideas about what was going to happen, and the Easterner was not liking what she had in mind.

With her set-up looking like it was complete, the purple fey instructed her underlings again, all three of them moving over to pick and set the blinded maiden up on whatever plan the leader was having. Again the restraints gave way, but not all that much this time around, just enough to allow the miko to be lowered to her knees in a slightly off kneeling position. It did not seem to bother the fey too much, and Tomoe had little in way of preventing them, so she went along with the setting. The priestess did not have any trouble sitting down like she was, considering that it was how she seated herself most of the time. But it was not apparently enough, as further setting up began to happen, the the acts downstairs being far more noticeable than the harsher shoulder pushing. Once she had gone down further, the earlier suspicions were proven true as something entered her, the toys now bringing their part to the fore. Another push followed, making the victimized Tomoe cringe as she was pushed into a bit further, one phallic object now a good ways in while the other still sought to enter at the door of her backside. As if it had not been abused enough already. Living up the her nature, the lead fey entered a talkative phase once more. "Again, things you know nothing about..." the maiden remarked about forgiveness even as she found her breath cut a bit by the sudden introduction of, what else, more vines. The things went at the clamps as well, pulling on them and making the whole thing a huge mess of different things to look out for. The fairy laid her plan bare once everything was set, the thing making for a devilishly effective method of sexual torture.

Soon, the arms departed from Tomoe's shoulders, leaving her truly by herself in the trap that would wear her down one way or the other no doubt. It was all the more harder, considering the loss of vision that she was burdened with among all the other things. It seemed that resistance was going to be hard, but getting a bastard child inside was not something that the miko could afford to have. Unless she had some way to get rid of the infection before it came a living being or afterwards adoption to a reliable person, a child would put a major damper on any plans that she might have towards the future. A battlefield was not place for a kid, and that was most likely where the shrine maiden would be heading sooner or later. Having someone to take care of would just not work in that merciless enviroment. Then again, there would be no apologies, the purple hag could go jump off a cliff for all she cared. Tensing her legs, the miko pushed herself upwards the best she could. If nothing else, she would make her damnedest to take some enjoyment out of the leader fairy's fun by trying to get off from the set-up completely, no matter how much it would strain her breathing. She had been choked before, and it was not a fun experience, but she could take it for a while.

(Ohgodminigames. Try to give the finger to leader fairy and resist, have a go at that escaping thing. Even though it is pretty much a one-time chance.)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 70/107, PP = 24/51, EP = 76, Status = Bound. 2/39 Resistance, Level 4.
And the dice are about as unkind to her as possible.

Round 1: She takes 2 HP and resistance damage and 11 PP damage after resistance. She rolls a 20 which brings her up to level 2 easily.

Round 2: She takes 8 HP and resistance damage and 0 PP damage after resistance. She rolls a 13 which brings her up to level 1.

Round 3: Whereupon the dice ruin her. She takes 14 HP and resistance damage. Her roll of 7 is not only not enough to take her up a step, it's not enough to keep her at level 1, and so she slides down to level 2.

Round 4: She takes 7 HP and resistance damage but still 0 PP damage after resistance. Unfortunately, her roll of 12 is now no longer enough to keep her upright and so she slides back to level 3.

Round 5: She takes 6 more HP and resistance damage and 16 PP damage after resistance. Her roll of 5 lands her at level 4.

Tomoe's immediate efforts to escape brought laughter to one of the faeries, undoubtedly the purple one even if the miko couldn't see her. Suspicions as to which fey it was were immediately confirmed as the faerie actually began to cheer for her, apparently enjoying the human's struggles as much as her predicament. "That's it! Go for it! It's not as fun when they're not spirited!" The unseen purple woman rooted on the miko's attempts to escape her intent to put a child into the human's belly. It would turn out that a little bit of torture was all it took for the purple woman to forget about her rage at the miko's earlier retorts.

Her restraints were a little less accepting of her efforts, however. While it was easy enough to bring herself to the tip of the vibrating toy in her cunny, so shallowly inserted that she managed to escape the pleasure entirely, each inch she rose caused the vines at her throat dug in painfully and the clamps on her nipples tugged all the harder. The vine across her neck first caused her to strain for breath, but as she prepared herself to yank upward it actually cut off her breathing entirely and deprived her of oxygen, and while the nipple clamps were painful they were nowhere near as much of a danger to her efforts to escape.

With a burst, Tomoe made to pull up and break free of the vine, but unfortunately she found no success. The creeping plants turned out to be incredibly difficult to break, and pulling at them resulted in feeling like she was trying to pull an entrenched weed out of the ground with her neck and nipples, which was a less than pleasant experience to say the least. Not only that, but the efforts put her calves and ankles under stress as well due to the manner in which she was forced to try to rise. But, despite her discomfort, the miko continued to yank and pull with the faerie mocking her all the while. "You can do it! You just have to really want it!"

She ended up falling into a cycle of dropping just enough to breathe and then struggling to break free which lasted what must have been the better part of an hour, though Tomoe had no sight with which to determine how far along the night was. Unfortunately for the miko, after that near-hour of repeated failures to break free and between the pressure put on her calves and ankles, the tie around her neck, and the nipple clamps, her ability to try began to wear away. "Where's your fighting spirit gone?! Don't tell me you're giving up already, the night isn't even near out!" But try as she might, it became harder and harder to push up, and her attempts became more and more staggered.

And then, on one such attempt, Tomoe's exhausted legs gave out on her, and she slipped down and back onto the waiting dildo. "Aw, it's okay. Just take a rest for a little while. What's the harm, right?" Though she tried to bring herself back up and try again, she had no such luck. The miko soon found that it took all of her effort just to remain where she was, with only a few inches of the toy vibrating inside her walls and the vines still pulling at her. She maintained her elevation for several minutes, though each was more agonizing than the last, but then her legs gave out again.

She ended up where she had started, with a toy buried a good six inches in her pussy and vibrating away, causing her no small amount of pleasure in the process, and one at the tip of her ass. But after so much pulling and pushing and struggling, the position was far more physically comfortable than any of the ones higher had been. The clamps were less harsh against her already incredibly painful nipples, and she could actually breathe in a manner resembling normalcy. But mental comfort might have been another story, as the toy in her womanhood threatened to overwhelm her waning resistance and sent pleasure through her body in rhythm with its vibrations which threatened to wrack her body with an orgasm, and as the faerie continued to taunt her. "Back at where you started! See how much easier and more fun this could've been if you hadn't struggled? You could've just sat back and enjoyed having your brains fucked out. Instead we had to do this whole song and dance just for you to accept your place."

And as if the faerie had timed her latest verbal barb at the shrine maiden perfectly, the latter's strength faded entirely. Her legs were too wobbly to control any longer, and she dropped into a full kneeling position and onto the second toy. The vibrating toy in her pussy, now fully inside her, was joined by its comrade in driving the miko to a new height of pleasure. The two seemed to touch all of her most sensitive bundles of nerves, and plowed through what remained of her ability to mentally resist the pleasure. Between the invaders at work on her holes and the amount of strength that had already been sapped from Tomoe, the warrior priestess found herself completely unable to raise herself from her new predicament. And then she felt the beginnings of an orgasm coming on.

Before she could cross over that peak, she felt the tip of a cock being rubbed against the side of her face. "You can still give me a proper apology and save yourself from a whole lot of pain, you know," the purple faerie suddenly announced, from over the kneeling miko. She idly rubbed the head of her shaft on the miko's cheek, smearing it with precum and obviously attempting to further humiliate the woman while goading her into giving up her pride and surrendering. Although, as the vibrators continued to work away, surrender might prove the only immediate option that would allow Tomoe to avoid motherhood, a point that the faerie enforced as she continued. "But act quickly, the offer expires once you cum all over my toys. And I warn you, if you do accept and I feel teeth then I'll not only do things to your group that you've never even dared to think about, I'll keep you as a pet and really give you some training."