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Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

As Zahra aimed her arrows Solidyn suddenly smashed the alien thing in the head with one of her sharp, armored feet. The thing recoiled in pain, and though the catgirl archer had to alter her shot due to her ride’s sudden kick it was an easy enough shot, two arrows swiftly piercing the creature and ending its life. She then moved on to the next hole, the other creature still in view, and she unleashed two more arrows into it, killing it as well. Both of them slumped against the ceiling, and Zahra spent a few moments ensuring they weren’t just playing dead before spinning around again, her eyes darting over the ground.

The Su-Ku-Ta first sought out her friend Huldah as she surveyed the situation, grabbing another arrow in case something down there needed killing. She couldn't see either the Gemini or Aurelia no matter how hard she looked, though, so they must have still been under that machine... Zahra’s eyes moved to the area where Kor and the sorceress had been, to find the fae twitching on the ground in pain the furry thing she had seen before there helping them fight. Only one creature remained, and it was in poor shape. The archer looked on as Kor ripped it in half as if it were one of the paper dolls she had played with as a little girl, and then suddenly walked over to the wounded fae. After what the vampire had done to the prisoners earlier Zahra clutched her arrow tightly, but it seemed that he was healing the sorceress. He then got up and held out a hand to the furry thing, which the Su-Ku-Ta watched carefully, curious as to what it was, and why it had been in the tower.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"All fun things come to an end," the death knight lamented as head and body of her dead assailant fell to the ground at the same time, but in different places. The two had been proper opponents, at least, able to overcome the weight and fear of her aura and land a blow on her that she would surely feel until she fed. If she had known of any appropriate to their kind, or, indeed, what their kind was, Aurelia might have given the strange aliens their proper rites. For the time being, though, there was work to be done, and she needed an extra set of hands to accomplish it.

The half-vampire allowed her aura to fade. Then, she turned on the alien that she had knocked down with the blow from her shield. Taking a few strides toward it and away from her protective position of Huldah, she raised her side sword high into the air. With a swish as it descended, her blade plummeted toward its apparent neck, cleaving into it. Without her aura, the woman found that she didn't have the power to take the thing's head off in one blow. This mattered little to her, though, as she drew back and struck again and again. The sturdy construct took four hits, in total, before its head rolled free. It was surely dead now, if the caving in of its head hadn't accomplished it.

She wiped her blade off on the corpse afterward, before raising it into the air over the slain creature yet again. The latest ascent of her sword was for another reason entirely, however. Tendrils of purple energy reached toward the corpse from the weapon, stabbing directly through its chest and into its core. She poured energy into zombifying the creature, uncertain of what to expect from the process—Aurelia had never raised a headless minion before, nor one that didn't have eyes to begin with. The basic principle was there, though, it would be the noblewoman's energy that guided it. It would walk again, soon, even if it was very unlikely to live again.

If her efforts all paid off without issue, the death knight would command her newest, headless thrall to carry Huldah's unconscious form for the time being and otherwise to follow her. Deciding that reforming more of the machinery in a hissy fit might not be the best way to continue, the last remaining scion of House Korort decided to go back the way she had come and take the path she had ignored.

Drop Nightmarish Aura.

Lop off the head of the one that still has a head.

Animate it for 6 EP and, if that doesn't fail, order it to carry dat gemini and follow Aurelia. Imagine what a laugh Zahra will have when she sees a headless zombie xeno carrying her unconscious friend. >.>

Assuming this all works, go back to the last fork in the road and go the other way instead (I think it was the direction to the right from the way she came in).

If the animate on the dead xeno doesn't work, gonna have to animate a litter. Pretty sure that unconscious redeemed geminis still produce skin-aphrodisiacs. >.>

Stats (with +15 from blessing): 11 Speed, 74 Dodge, 18 Armor, 41 Resistance, 23 Perception (Does have Night Eyes), 52 Grapple

Cheat Sheet

When dealing HP damage: On a killing blow she makes a 21 + (Damage done/10)*Tier vs enemy resistance check against all opponents within 30 feet and in line of sight of her. If they fail they're unable to attack that round. If they fail twice they retreat or surrender.
When taking HP damage: 16 of her AV is due to Splint Mail, which has a DU of 6 and a TP of 50. She reduces damage dealt by /4 after armor due to her vampire mutation.

When dealing PP damage: She deals an additional +6 PP damage during penetrative sex due to Tight x3.
When taking PP Damage: She takes an additional +12 PP damage from Sensitive x3. She also has 5 fetishes but I'm not really sure how to list them here. >.>
Has Fertile (Pregnant on roll of 2 or more)

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional +4 EP damage from Open Soul.

She has foul aura, NPCs are more likely to distrust her.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Damn thing, quit moving! Solidyn thought to herself when she felt the creature attacking them slip out from under her foot before she could squash it properly. It proved to be of little importance, though, as Zahra filled it and another one full of arrows before she could stomp into the ceiling again. She took a quick mental tally - that was two... then... four...

That should have been all of them, yep. She was a little apprehensive of stomping out from her little energy bulwark, but with all the damage to the ceiling where she was standing - she thought she could feel it shifting like the sands outside, almost - she thought it prudent to do so before it fell out from under - well, above, her.

"Good work, kitty. Keep alert, though - don't want any others to get the drop on us," the massive spider said in the general direction of her underbelly as she started moving, clipping the cable of silk she'd anchored herself with with her spinneret.

Surveying the ground beneath her, Solidyn saw Kor doing alright - there was an unknown with him, but it didn't seem to be attacking him, so that would be fine, right? Her faerie was layed out nearby, though... that was no good. She'd probably have to give her a little extra, for that. Solidyn looked forward to that, of course - it was just that getting jumped like that occasionally made 'em a little cranky when payday came. Oh well... it should still be fun, regardless.

She didn't see the other pair, though... she didn't expect to, as they'd gone into that machine she couldn't see into, but still, that was worrying. Breathing in deep as she wandered over to the split where they'd entered the machine, she opened her visor and mouthguard, cupped her bladed fingers to amplify her voice, and called out, hoping they'd hear her over the machinery.

"This is Solidyn, Zahra an' I are fine! Are any of you dead or wounded?!"

Upkeep: 4 EP/turn
(+15 bonus to attack rolls, dodge, and resistance)

Final stats (with +15 to dodge and res due to buff)
Dodge: 70
Armor: 28
Perception: 13
Speed: 8
Resistance: 48
A bonus of +9 VS Prone and +5 VS Stun or involuntary movement, also
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 0/58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Unconscious, Blessed X = 5

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 42/68, PP = 78, EP = 6/89, Status = Injured, Haste, Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Blessed X = 5, Low on Energy

Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine, Blessed X = 5

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 57/60, PP = 50, EP = 36/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5, 2 Holy Walls

Aurelia Korort: HP = 82/104, PP = 43, EP = 47/105, Status = Injured, Paralyzed, Has 1 Zombie Minion, 1 headless alien zombie minion, and a golem named Mason, Blessed X = 5

Solidyn pays 5 EP upkeep, Kor pays 2 EP upkeep.

Kor heals the sorceress and kills the last enemy. Yay! Everybody gain 6 experience.

Solidyn's walls remained in place as she moved out of their protective cocoon, fairly useless at the moment but still draining her energies. She and Zahra remained on the ceiling while the rest remained down below, Aurelia appearing from out of the dark place she had entered into just before the attack began...

It took a few swings in the dark even with her inhuman eyes, but Aurelia managed to chop the head from the strange creature's corpse. After that, all she had to do was animate it, a task as easy with this dead thing as it had been with all of the dead things before it. It rose at her command and then moved to lift Huldah onto its shoulder, after which it followed her from the darkened chamber, leaving its head and its dead companion behind in the darkened interior of the machine. Zahra saw as much, one of their attackers now without its head and meekly following behind the deathknight and carry her companion, who appeared to be bleeding somewhat profusely.

Kor, meanwhile, destroyed their last opponent before turning towards the wounded sorceress. Possessed by Ensiloth at the time, the woman apparently either recognized the controlling spirit or found Kor somewhat untrustworthy normally, as she initially recoiled away from the vampire mage. The softness in his voice made her relax, and she eventually replied with a pained croak; "Emi.... My name is Emi." The creature that had come to the man's rescue, meanwhile, stood in place staring at him, still unseen in full by the man. Zahra and Solidyn, meanwhile, could see that it... Well, from up on the ceiling, it looked like an armored dog with animated pieces on its armor, particularly the strange arms with two joints and bladed tips, but Zahra's sharp eyes saw that the metallic portions seemed to be joined to the fur and flesh rather than just covering them.

Sorceress: Paralyzed, spent 6 EP, full health
Mason: 110 Body, 8 AV, taken 99 damage
Mechadog: fine

Current number of allies: (all outside right now)

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Stop callin me ‘kitty’" Zahra called out loudly enough that she hoped Solidyn heard her this time, starting to get annoyed with this “kitty” business. Demeaning as hell. She was really starting to dislike this group. The Su-Ku-Ta’s sharp eyes darted around as she heard movement, to watch Aurelia come out from under one of the machines, followed by one of those creatures… except it had no head. Ever’one ‘ere’s a godsdamn freak she grumbled internally, godsdamn crazy bastards. She saw that the decapitated creature was carrying Huldah over its shoulder, the gemini’s blood running down the corpse’s body and mixing with its own. With a touch of panic Zahra noted that there was quite a lot of bleeding, and for a brief moment she wondered in her mind if Aurelia was responsible somehow.

The catgirl’s eyes darted back to the scene she had been watching before the noise distracted her, where the furry thing she had spotted was peering over at Kor. It looked something like a dog, armored fairly heavily, though its armor seemed animated somehow, perhaps magically. Its arms had two joints, and the tips were bladed like swords. Zahra could see that it was no mere armor, however; the metal was joined to the dog, melded together with the flesh and fur until both were one. It was an odd sight. She had never seen anyone quite like that, and she wondered what his story was, how he came to be that way, and why he was here amongst those creatures, inside this tower that had been so shut off from the outside world. It was surely a strange tale.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Eh? Why not? Y'don't like it?" the giant spider questioned. "Well, alright. Hell, with all the things you shot up today, I s'pose it's better I don't get on yer bad side, innit?"

Eyes turning back to the ground, Solidyn saw her healer back up on her feet, thanks to Kor, and got a closer look at the strange critter that had jumped to help him. That was strange... it looked like it was made of flesh and bone! But if this tower had been sealed - and those grays trying to unseal it for... what had he said, some two years? - how was it still alive?

Ah well, it didn't matter much, Solidyn decided after pondering the question a moment. Instead, she looked over at the machine the that armored woman and the big girl had clambered into earlier, and to her relief, found the pair clambering back out...

Well, one clambering, the other being carried by one of those critters that had attacked them... sans head. Well... if nothing else, it couldn't think of turning on them with that gone. Ha!

But on a more serious note, the big girl didn't look well... she didn't look well at all. With a sudden new demand for her power, Solidyn dismissed the walls of energy that had kept her safe, and then sent out another call for a healer, directing the circle of mushrooms that heralded her call's answering to appear nearby Huldah. That was three of 'em to tend to tonight... a fun time, certainly, though Solidyn was beginning to dread the possibility of having to move out tomorrow morning without having gotten any sleep.


Drop the walls, which I think makes my upkeep 3? Then cast summon Sorceress, for 8 EP - total expenditure for this turn 16 EP and 5 HP. Have her heal Huldah, and then Aurelia.

Upkeep: 3 EP/turn
(+15 bonus to attack rolls, dodge, and resistance)

Final stats (with +15 to dodge and res due to buff)
Dodge: 70
Armor: 28
Perception: 13
Speed: 8
Resistance: 48
A bonus of +9 VS Prone and +5 VS Stun or involuntary movement, also
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Ensiloth stayed absolutely motionless, still smiling and wondering what had come to his aid. "Come here, let me take a better look at you" He said softly, Kor sitting quietly in his internal prison studying the creature intently *Take care Ensiloth, Not even I know what that is....* Ensiloth heard quietly in his mind before Kor fell silent again.

"come here, it's alright. Please" He said in something just above a whisper, the blonde man looking strange in Kor's black finery. He knew the others would see to themselves, and they didn't trust him enough to bring him the injured, a mistake on Kor's part for certain. That hardly mattered now, they were in a sealed tower, its secrets bared for the first time in years, both dangerous and enlightening, and neither Kor nor Ensiloth would let the opportunity slip. He would not approach the creature, simply continue to try and coax it over, not wanting to appear threatening in his weakened condition.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"I have seen more mushrooms and faeries in this last month than the centuries preceding it," the death knight quipped from beneath her helm as Solidyn's efforts became apparent in the form of yet another sorceress arriving. She dimly recalled some of the robed fae from earlier, and it didn't take her too long to puzzle out why the woman had been summoned.

"Set her down gently," she commanded of her thrall. Once Huldah was on the ground, Aurelia turned to the mage. "Treat her quickly, I would prefer not to have to animate her. We move as soon as you're finished." She pointedly ignored her own wound and the venom in her body. The noblewoman believed she could endure it – she was a knight, after all – and that spending precious time and energy would be a waste. As such, as soon as Huldah was healed, the Korort woman would begin moving again, taking only a few seconds to order her thrall to pick the freed gemini up if the big woman hadn't been returned to the world of consciousness.

Disregard heals, acquire progress through the maze. Let dat faerie heal Huldah, then continue heading toward the earlier red lit fork in the road, assuming she's not leaving the faerie and gemini behind in doing so.

Stats (with +15 from blessing): 11 Speed, 74 Dodge, 18 Armor, 41 Resistance, 23 Perception (Does have Night Eyes), 52 Grapple

Cheat Sheet

When dealing HP damage: On a killing blow she makes a 21 + (Damage done/10)*Tier vs enemy resistance check against all opponents within 30 feet and in line of sight of her. If they fail they're unable to attack that round. If they fail twice they retreat or surrender.
When taking HP damage: 16 of her AV is due to Splint Mail, which has a DU of 6 and a TP of 50. She reduces damage dealt by /4 after armor due to her vampire mutation.

When dealing PP damage: She deals an additional +6 PP damage during penetrative sex due to Tight x3.
When taking PP Damage: She takes an additional +12 PP damage from Sensitive x3. She also has 5 fetishes but I'm not really sure how to list them here. >.>
Has Fertile (Pregnant on roll of 2 or more)

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional +4 EP damage from Open Soul.

She has foul aura, NPCs are more likely to distrust her.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine, Blessed X = 5

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 42/68, PP = 78, EP = 6/89, Status = Injured, Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Blessed X = 5, Low on Energy

Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine, Blessed X = 5

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 52/60, PP = 50, EP = 20/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5, Has 3 Sorceresses

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 47/105, Status = Injured, Paralyzed, Has 1 Zombie Minion, 1 headless alien zombie minion, and a golem named Mason, Blessed X = 5

Solidyn pays 5 EP upkeep, Kor pays 2 EP upkeep.

Solidyn summons a sorceress and she heals Huldah. Yay! She also heals Aurelia, double yay! This will happen before further combat, so I'm just fixing the stats now and saving myself the trouble.

Aurelia's animated minion laid Huldah on the ground in front of the sorceress that Solidyn summoned for them, a lithe woman with brown hair and tanned skin. "Step right up~" she said, healing first the gemini and then the half vampire, of the wounds they'd received in the tunnel. Huldah came back to consciousness when the faerie woman was standing over her in order to heal Aurelia, and at the time became immediately sure that the faerie wasn't wearing anything under her fairly low cut dress. She followed Aurelia even as the death knight started moving through the maze once again, proceeding in the opposite direction as before and beginning to wander through the maze.

Kor, meanwhile, turned and attempted to tempt the creature that had helped him over. His efforts were met with little success initially, but the creature's stationary position allowed him to finally get a good look at it. As far as Kor could tell, the creature looked like a standard desert wolf that someone had captured and grafted an assortment of metal parts to. Its chest and back had metal plates held close to the skin, and its head was half covered in metal as well. All four of its legs had similar plating, but its two additional arms were comprised entirely of steel. One of the metal beast's eyes was a jewel, red like a ruby, and as he tried to coax it over the thing opened a mouth filled with crystalline teeth and let out a sound that seemed to be a mix of a dog's bark, a low metallic screeching sound, and a lion's roar. Then it simply stood still, organic tongue lolling out of its mouth as it eyed the possessed half-vampire.

Zahra was in a position to watch all of this happen, and her sharp eyes noticed that Aurelia and her walking corpse were walking into the densest part of the maze. She could try to guide the rest of them through the mage, getting the vampire to meet up with Kor as he attempted to coerce the mechanical dog into coming nearer, or to the stairs on the other end, or even try to get the woman lost within the maze of machines if she wanted to. Of course, she could also sit back and allow Aurelia to wander.

Sorceress: Fine
Emi the Sorceress: Paralyzed, spent 6 EP, full health
Mason: 110 Body, 8 AV, taken 99 damage
Mechadog: Fine

Current number of allies: (all outside right now)

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah groaned and shifted as the healing magic flowed into her, the gaping hole in her shoulder sealing as bone shifted back into place and muscle reknit itself, leaving only a hint of scar in her glistening, pale skin. she finally shifted awake, finding herself staring straight up the skirt of the sorceress that had healed her. Still not fully herself, the large woman's instincts acted first, and she reached out with a hand, gripping the fey sorceress around the ankle as tendrils from her back started to wind up the fey's leg, spreading their slimy coating as the gemini groaned, subconsciously licking her lips...
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"No, I don’t like being called a baby" Zahra replied sharply, making her disdain for the term “kitty” quite clear, as well as her reasoning. All the while she watched the scene unfold between Kor and the furry thing, which was almost assuredly a wolf. They were fairly rare in the desert, but the Su-Ku-Ta had seen a few in her time, trying to steal food from her camp. Who the hell would turn a wolf into some sort of bizarre cyborg? And why? Maybe it had to do with why this tower was so important that the aliens would spend years trying to break down the barrier protecting it. The metal-fused wolf suddenly let out a bizarre screeching bark of a roar, a terrible sound that hurt the ears just for the strangeness of it. It then set to staring at Kor, its tongue hanging out of its mouth as if it were about to start to pant.

That seemed to be going nowhere, so Zahra turned her head just in time to watch the sorceress Solidyn had summoned healing Aurelia. Huldah seemed to have already been dealt with, and she looked fine now, her bleeding stopped. That was good, and took a load off the Su-Ku-Ta’s mind. She started to peer ahead of them in the maze, until she saw the big Gemini grab the fae healer. Zahra saw the danger quickly, her eyes making out the tentacles that were swiftly working their way up the fairy’s legs… "’Ey! Aulda! Stoppit!" she yelled at the top of her lungs; she didn’t think anything had drained the Gemini’s soul, so surely she wasn’t hungry. It seemed more likely that she wasn’t quite fully conscious, and had seen something she liked while the sorceress was standing over her… Maybe a scream would snap her out of it.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

The yelling sounded like it came to her through a dream, her thoughts still fuzzy. Why was Zahra yelling? The large woman turned towards the sound, spotting the catwoman up on the roof, with the arachne. That's right, she was watching for anything bad up there, and...

Waking more fully finally, Huldah gave an odd sound and pulled back from the sorceress, letting the fey go completely. "Sorry! Sorry..." She repeated, starting to stand up. "What happened? I remember hurt, then nothing else. We were attacked, right? Did we win?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Oh no, don't mind me," the steel-clad woman offered as Huldah came to her senses. "I was enjoying the show." True and false. Aurelia had never lost her love for debauchery, but had the big girl's display gone on for a few moments longer she would have given at least a novel effort at freeing the faerie from the gemini's tentacled grasp. Had that failed, the knight would have left the two to their own devices with the headless thing as guard and voyeur while she continued on. Even she was wary of having a tryst in an open maze where only the gods might know what lurked.

"The fight was won," she gestured at her headless servant as proof. "Sadly, it was a shallow victory at best. I learned nothing of these things beyond that they have some sort of numbing venom, a wide variety of sharp bits that they enjoy placing in their prey's flesh, and that they can't function without their heads--without a little bit of help, that is." She made a motion at her undead minion, sending it to the to the opposite side of the faerie and gemini as Aurelia herself in order to serve as fodder in the event of a flank attack. "I know not what became of the mage, but our commander and the cat seem fine enough. They would probably be scuttling a bit faster if they were looking at his corpse."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

'Ooh. It looks like I won't have to pay her cost after all,' Solidyn thought to herself as Huldah's tentacles snaked their way up one of the sorceress' legs.

"’Ey! Aulda! Stoppit!"

Awwh. Well, she could still proposition the girl for some help once it came time to pay up later on, couldn't she?

More importantly, though, she was really starting to feel the toll from that whole ordeal. She was going to have to let go of the power speeding up and strengthening her team's resolve pretty soon, lest she fall off the ceiling. Kitty wouldn't like that one bit, even if she did land on her feet.

"Les'... les' wrap this up! Kor, see if your new buddy there can... can tell if there's anythin'... anythin' else that wants to eat us in 'ere, would you? Aurelia, Huldah... try not ta go inside anythin' that keeps us from seein' ya!" The Spider was starting to breathe pretty hard. She next addressed Zahra - quieter, of course, since she didn't have to yell over the din of machinery to speak to her. "Fine, then, no more kitty... can, hah, you can get them through to the other side from 'ere, Zahra?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor stared at the odd dog golem amalgamation thing and quietly pondered the true purpose bvehind all the machinery that surrounded them. Seemed the master of this tower was a fan of making artificial life. As ensiloths concentration wavered, Kor siezed control once again and stood up slowly. "Sit" he said in a commanding tone, snapping his finfers at the creature, artificial life and golems were keyed to follow commands. If this one did not have a current master, then asserting the role himself shouldn't be all that difficult...
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine, Blessed X = 5

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 42/68, PP = 78, EP = 6/89, Status = Injured, Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Blessed X = 5, Low on Energy

Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine, Blessed X = 5

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 52/60, PP = 50, EP = 17/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5, Has 3 Sorceresses

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 47/105, Status = Injured, Paralyzed, Has 1 Zombie Minion, and a golem named Mason, Blessed X = 5

Solidyn pays 5 EP upkeep, Kor pays 2 EP upkeep.

Solidyn summons a sorceress and she heals Huldah. Yay! She also heals Aurelia, double yay! This will happen before further combat, so I'm just fixing the stats now and saving myself the trouble.

The faerie sorceress gave a cry of surprise when Huldah's tentacles reached up her leg, toward her exposed sex, the slime coating them turning her cry into an aroused moan. "H... Hey! Stop!" After Zahra's yells reached through the fuzz in the gemini's head and she released the woman, she rubbed the goo from her legs with a blush and said; "Don't worry about it...." After that, the four of them (including Aurelia's headless minion) started through the maze once again, though their progress through the winding corridors formed by the various machines was incredibly confusing and difficult to navigate. It could take them a while to get through on their own. Zahra or Solidyn were still free to help with that, though the more perceptive catgirl was likely to get them through sooner.

Kor, meanwhile, reassumed control of his own body and promptly issued a command to the mechanical dog. It, just as promptly, tilted its head and barked at him once again before turning around to start heading off across the tops of the machines. A moment later, there was an alarm that sounded all throughout the large chamber over the sounds of the working machines. The bodies of the strange creatures that they had fought all shivered and then seemingly dissolved, though a moment later they all realized that the bodies had become animate once again, only in smaller form. Dozens of tiny black bugs, each the size and shape of a cockroach, had appeared and begun crawling towards the center of the maze, where the machine in which they had attacked Aurelia and Huldah lay.

Sorceress: Fine
Emi the Sorceress: Paralyzed, spent 6 EP, full health
Mason: 110 Body, 8 AV, taken 99 damage
Mechadog: Fine

Current number of allies: (all outside right now)

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah nodded at the fey, looking around and seeing if anything had changed. She had been moved, but everyone else seemed to be fine, and she was lost already anyways, so it didn't make any difference.

She jumped visibly when the headless golem dissolved, jumping away from the horde of creepy crawlies and behind Aurelia until they had scampered away. "So, where are we going?" She asked her companion, a little sheepishly.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra let out a sigh of relief as Huldah snapped out of her haze and stopped trying to rape the sorceress that had healed her. The fae didn’t seem terribly upset, either, so that was good. The Su-Ku-Ta’s gaze wandered back to the scene between Kor and the wolf just in time to see the mechanized desert creature bound up on top of the machines around them and break out into a run. Suddenly an alarm began to blare loudly, enough to drown out all the machines, and the corpses of all of the strange creatures dissolved into dozens and dozens of tiny bugs, all crawling towards the center of the maze. "Fuck" the catgirl muttered, groaning inwardly. She already hated these things. "I can get them through" she finally said, slowly and carefully. "’Aulda! You two want to get to the stairs, or to Kor!?" she shouted, still somewhat careful about most of her pronunciation. "I can lead you to either from up here!"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor swore and jumped up onto the machines to follow the dog, until the alarm sounded and the bodies turned into beetles. Swearing again, he tore off after the bugs, not liking this one little bit as he moved as quickly as he could, low on energy and starting to get annoyed. Hearing Zahra shout, he answered, bellowing up at her on the ceiling. "Lead me to the Others! Please!" He shouted, never stopping, hoping she would at least see the wisdom in getting them all together, something very wrong tainting the Aether as he moved..
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Stomping along at Zahra's direction so the catgirl could keep the two groups - well, one group and Kor, more like - on track towards each other. Or the exit. Fuck, she didn't care much, anymore, she just wanted to get them rallied together so she could take a break.

Snapping her visor open to help her see better, she spotted the bodies of those weird critters that'd attacked them somehow dissolving into bugs, and then scuttling over to that weird machine Aurelia and Huldah had gone into. Though it might have been interesting to see what it would have done... it also might have been deadly, and she was too tired to take any risks right now.

"KOR!" Solidyn called. "The bodies of those things are reanimating and turning into bugs or something - set 'em on fire so we don't have to deal with 'em again! And you... ehh... big... rock guy, thing! Pick up that fey and follow Kor!"

The armored spider went silent a moment, before putting her hands up to call out again.

"And DON'T BREAK ANYTHING, either of you!"

Was that construct even going to listen to her? Gah... she hoped it would.

Truth be told, though, opening up her helmet wasn't just to make it easier to see - she was starting to pant even harder, now. With all of the metal of her visor out of the way, her breathing was that much better.

What could possibly hit her in the face up here, anyway?

Upkeep: 3 (5?) EP/turn
(+15 bonus to attack rolls, dodge, and resistance)

Final stats (with +15 to dodge and res due to buff)
Dodge: 70
Armor: 28
Perception: 13
Speed: 8
Resistance: 48
A bonus of +9 VS Prone and +5 VS Stun or involuntary movement, also
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