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Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

agreed also it can bug out sometimes (pregnancy mod did with me) but you can fix this by simply saving and loading.
However be warned you might wanna start a new save it can screw up your saves a little.

There's an overhaul of the pregnancy system being worked on. The maker of the one's I've got in the pics was the old V2 and he just kinda stopped working on it. I'm just chilling because the new V3 is fixing everything and also adding quite a few more animations for more creatures like bighorners, and also adding eggs and egg laying animation. Also look for the sexoutBreeders mod which is going hand in hand with these.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

wow thanks a lot guys!! :D So I am ahuge noob at this....how does this work? I've been reading and I really like the idea of combat rape (the idea of fighting off rapists and getting raped when overwhelmed/injured) but because I have never played Fallout before, is this going to be hard to learn (i mean the entire gameplay and Sexout)? And also after you get raped, like can you just continue along or is ur character forever submissive/screwed?

Thanks! :D

Edit: BTW I bought the normal edition....is this bad???? I didn't want to pay that much more for ultimate D:
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

There's an overhaul of the pregnancy system being worked on. The maker of the one's I've got in the pics was the old V2 and he just kinda stopped working on it. I'm just chilling because the new V3 is fixing everything and also adding quite a few more animations for more creatures like bighorners, and also adding eggs and egg laying animation. Also look for the sexoutBreeders mod which is going hand in hand with these.

I have both and yeah I know my character gave birth to a legion of ghecko eggs left em inside a house in good springs went back 3 game days later they were all full grown gheckos attacking the town :p
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

Finally got round to buying FO:NV.

What mods are recommended to go with Sexout?
Is there a better bodies mod like for Oblivion?
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

Tryouts is good if you want story with your rape.

I like Pregnancy V3...it is pretty stable now but getting a few issues taken care of.

You will need SCR and Slavery

For the normal mods breeder is very much a WIP but cool if you like that kind of thing

Sexout Sex is useful for being able to talk to and have sex with almost anyone

Brutal Rapers is needed for Battlerape or stalking. However, the original maker of the mod had needed time away so lots of people are updating it. I recommend going to the the update at the end of the thread.

Honestly since Zippy is maintaining the thread listing all that work, I'd grab whatever trips your trigger just mind the prereqes.

A main thing is updating a lot of them takes clean saves.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

I guess I could if you really wanted but my pc has been f*cking up ever since I got it but I'll give it a shot :p

Although a place to upload the video would help

I would GREATLY appreciate it!

You can upload videos to ww.slutload.com if you make an account, which is free and takes literally a second.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

Hey each time I load a mod on the FOMM it crashes (the FOMM program) is this bad??? D: And btw, can someone tell me how Brutal Rapers is like? I reallllyyy like the description of it xD
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

Hey each time I load a mod on the FOMM it crashes (the FOMM program) is this bad??? D: And btw, can someone tell me how Brutal Rapers is like? I reallllyyy like the description of it xD

some mods you dont "install" with FOMM you go the the data folder and merge/overright files dropping the contents in. Then FOMM see's the esp/esm's and loads them with NVSE new vegas script extender and then into fallouts startup.

Make sense?

but some mods have to be installed though FOMM, they are usually .7zip or similar ending. other than a .rar with a data folder for dump.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

oh wait what? Sorry I don't get how to do this at all :((( There's no like "guide to install for super dummies" and im not sure how to install this stuff. I downloaded everything and i loaded all the FoMOD via FOMM and it crashes (the FOMM). Also whne I load FalloutNV, it also crashes :((((

Could someone please help me?? Thanks
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

It's not ideal, but I usually load stuff by hand because my FOMM crashes when I try to use it for loading stuff. I do not recommend doing it by hand but some people can't get FOMM to work. I would greatly prefer to use FOMM but caught between that and no Sexout, I choose to load by hand.

Doing it is simple, if easy to screw up if you don't know what you are doing. Except for the NVSE stuff (follow directions for them) in general you need to put mods in the data folder. Any Meshes, Textures, Sounds etc must go in the data folder, and all Meshes, for instance, should go in a single meshes folder. There should NOT be a Meshes (1) folder, and there should NOT be a Meshes folder in the meshes folder. Same for others.

If FONV is crashing disable all mods and try and open it. If it still crashes try reloading. Also, if you are not using a legal copy pirated are even more twichy then legal copies.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

I would GREATLY appreciate it!

You can upload videos to ww.slutload.com if you make an account, which is free and takes literally a second.

problem with videos is that the sex generally lasts 15 seconds (unless you change it or other settings) and it can happen when unprepared and I ain't recording with fraps all day.... the screenshots summarise it basically you get fucked by anything with a cock (except the cow like creatures who names I can't spell...that made my game crash) mods can change feautes such as rape and add features which create more chances for sex (like prostitution) be wary having lots of mods can sound great....yet it can also screw your game up and the AIs...and sometimes get annoying...or make it much easier (sex smell can really help or if you offer sex and say find somewhere more private you can use that person as a companion)
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

I got Oblivion for the loverslab stuff but it just didn't feel right in fallout. I think I was fine with oblivion because I didn't have an attachment to any of the characters and it was hard for me to get that.

The limited and repetitive number of canned responses broke immersion more than going through the same vanilla dialogue trees over and over again throughout the course of a normal game, especially when talking to established characters. I found it particularly off-putting when characters didn't strictly abide by their personalities or established preferences (E.G. Veronica and Arcade)

The creatures are also somewhat limited, going by trope standards, you've got people of both genders, male canines, insects (that screw characters with their stingers :S), male zombies, male giants, and male lizard-men(Deathclaws, yes, even the 'queen').

I'm a pervy rainbow of many colors and didn't find the two or three anim sets each had very interesting.

What's more, the rape mods made things worse, characters you normally interact with can become sexual predators at a moment's notice and then go back to being civil and friendly at a moment's notice. The likeliest candidates to take advantage of another, I think, would be the ones out by themselves that wouldn't normally garner any interaction with the player.

If I felt I could post a comprehensive list of suggestions on the topic of improving sexout, I would, but I don't feel any such list would go heeded or even understood.

In the past when I've brought up the topic of immersion at LL, I get people saying (Paraphrased to make them look like idiots) "wuts da poitn, evy1 jus has der char fkuc al da npcs n-e way"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting immersion as a means of having this substitute a social life, but it's what makes you want to take care of your character and not just play the game when you want a quick wank. It basically makes sure the game isn't being butchered by making it worthless to invest one's time in it and causes the quoted statement to be false.

I won't likely be using another mod set like this until something comes out for skyrim where you once again end up developing very little attachment to the NPC's at large.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

If you're so passionate about immersion, learn to mod yourself. You could make a script apply to only a certain faction, then give that faction to everyone who you want to be using the rape stuff.

Alternative, is just to flip on the option that says you can't be raped in power armor, then make a simple mod yourself of an invisible power armor with 0 DT, can be your "anti rape" item. This is an extremely simple mod and you can just add the item via console you don't even need to figure out how to make a container or place it in the world.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

If you're so passionate about immersion, learn to mod yourself. You could make a script apply to only a certain faction, then give that faction to everyone who you want to be using the rape stuff.

The latter portion doesn't keep NPC's who should be friendly with eachother from just boinking in the middle of the street when one feels frisky.

I've dabbled in gamebryo modding and continually find I can't code worth crap, assuming I managed to do just this, though, the problem is that it could very well cause problems if it for some reason overwrites existing factional data necessary for game function.

I'll try skirting around mentioning specific character factions so as to avoid spoilers for some who may not know.

But a broad general solution like that would certainly play havoc with certain triggers necessary to the game. And addition of a flag system might be better, where certain characters could be flagged as having specific sexual preferences and some kind of number scale based on how "orderly" they behave. Setting character behavior based on location might be a better option, but again, this is too general and wouldn't accurately represent character behavior. Not to mention, I'm not sure how one would detect where an NPC typically 'resides'. At my current negative skill level, it's simply more expedient to wait for someone else to do it or let others who might decide to take up the challenge. I model on my spare time, though, so I might be able to contribute to such a project, although I have no idea of how to get something I make into an engine compatible format.

"If you're so passionate about immersion" this a nice way to downsize what I've been trying to say and make it sound insubstantial, sorry, but reading it like this kind of ticked me off.

There are tons of rebalance mods out there, things that essentially change the way you play, some people like the game harder, some people like the game to be more of a sandbox than it already is, others still strive for realism, and then there's this fine topic for people who like making a character specifically designed for boinking the fauna, oh my. I don't think putting it like that is exactly fitting, but I'm trying to get a point across. I'm not in it for a sex dungeon, I want fallout with an "added bonus" here and there so long as they don't detract from the original game and get overused in the first couple hours of gameplay. I sure hope I'm not the only one who thinks so, after all my years lurking here, I don't think I'm the only one who likes a compelling narrative with my digital porn-a-thon, so to speak.

The framework is in place already, it doesn't take much for someone who knows what they're doing, I'm just trying to get some like-minded people to get the ball rolling one something that would likely end up attracting more players with an appreciation for the game itself.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

I got Oblivion for the loverslab stuff but it just didn't feel right in fallout. I think I was fine with oblivion because I didn't have an attachment to any of the characters and it was hard for me to get that.

The limited and repetitive number of canned responses broke immersion more than going through the same vanilla dialogue trees over and over again throughout the course of a normal game, especially when talking to established characters. I found it particularly off-putting when characters didn't strictly abide by their personalities or established preferences (E.G. Veronica and Arcade)

The creatures are also somewhat limited, going by trope standards, you've got people of both genders, male canines, insects (that screw characters with their stingers :S), male zombies, male giants, and male lizard-men(Deathclaws, yes, even the 'queen').

I'm a pervy rainbow of many colors and didn't find the two or three anim sets each had very interesting.

What's more, the rape mods made things worse, characters you normally interact with can become sexual predators at a moment's notice and then go back to being civil and friendly at a moment's notice. The likeliest candidates to take advantage of another, I think, would be the ones out by themselves that wouldn't normally garner any interaction with the player.

If I felt I could post a comprehensive list of suggestions on the topic of improving sexout, I would, but I don't feel any such list would go heeded or even understood.

In the past when I've brought up the topic of immersion at LL, I get people saying (Paraphrased to make them look like idiots) "wuts da poitn, evy1 jus has der char fkuc al da npcs n-e way"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting immersion as a means of having this substitute a social life, but it's what makes you want to take care of your character and not just play the game when you want a quick wank. It basically makes sure the game isn't being butchered by making it worthless to invest one's time in it and causes the quoted statement to be false.

I won't likely be using another mod set like this until something comes out for skyrim where you once again end up developing very little attachment to the NPC's at large.

I read this three times and I'm still confused... but I think I understand. and your wrong. Actually in the MCM menu and many of the mods manual menu's you can make the rape mods seamless with immersion. There are options to turn off friend, companion, ally rape and You can change each faction independently and tell brutal rapers as the option to check players reputation with factions.

That's how I play the game! I'm a girl trying not to get raped in the wasteland. I make camp before away from populations at 7pm game time (when rapes are more likely) and only play during the day in hardcore mode. I watch what I wear (item checks for sexyness) in bad parts of town. It's totally possible to play even with my HUGE mod list and NOT GET RAPED!!!

If you watch your ass, and your level in combat you can keep your honor!!!
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

I read this three times and I'm still confused... but I think I understand. and your wrong. Actually in the MCM menu and many of the mods manual menu's you can make the rape mods seamless with immersion. There are options to turn off friend, companion, ally rape and You can change each faction independently and tell brutal rapers as the option to check players reputation with factions.

That's how I play the game! I'm a girl trying not to get raped in the wasteland. I make camp before away from populations at 7pm game time (when rapes are more likely) and only play during the day in hardcore mode. I watch what I wear (item checks for sexyness) in bad parts of town. It's totally possible to play even with my HUGE mod list and NOT GET RAPED!!!

If you watch your ass, and your level in combat you can keep your honor!!!
Thanks for filling me in, I last played with these mods around december, so maybe they've updated a bit since then? Sounds like it's worth another look.

I don't imagine they've added more anims and possible attackers, though. I'd sell Big MT for a good old fashioned tentacle monster.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

Thanks for filling me in, I last played with these mods around december, so maybe they've updated a bit since then? Sounds like it's worth another look.

I don't imagine they've added more anims and possible attackers, though. I'd sell Big MT for a good old fashioned tentacle monster.

there are still centaurs somewhere probably in the DLC content. but yes just take a look at my screenshots. there are alot more animations being made everyday. They just completed an egg and egg birthing one that should be in already. also big horners and brahamins just got a cock and animation too. See the sexout breeders on lovers lab for info.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

problem with videos is that the sex generally lasts 15 seconds (unless you change it or other settings) and it can happen when unprepared and I ain't recording with fraps all day.... the screenshots summarise it basically you get fucked by anything with a cock (except the cow like creatures who names I can't spell...that made my game crash) mods can change feautes such as rape and add features which create more chances for sex (like prostitution) be wary having lots of mods can sound great....yet it can also screw your game up and the AIs...and sometimes get annoying...or make it much easier (sex smell can really help or if you offer sex and say find somewhere more private you can use that person as a companion)

Honestly I'm computer retarded, but this whole concept sounds really hot. I would need to get a lot of help to have this set up for me and it would be a big to-do. For me to determine whether it'd be worth it or not, I'd want to how it looks on video, how it sounds, etc etc.

I'd honestly be willing to fork over a few bucks via paypal for a video highlight showing a few minutes of rape and how it comes up in the context of the game.
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

it's so confusing D:
Re: Sexout for Fallout New Vegas

For characters having sex it is all how you set them. You can pretty much never have allies rape each other and/or stalk only the PC, only the PC and companions, or not stalk at all.

If you are worried about immersion look hardest at Loogie's mods. He is hardcore on the staying true to the lore thing, and none of his mods go against the lore. He does tryouts and companion sex, as well as consequences (but not consequencesEX)

Nearly all the mods have MCM options now.

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