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Possible Reboot

Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Irla would give a hiss as she missed and slide her bow away. Her hand would rest on the hilt of her blade as she paused for a moment to look around for the ghoul. Once she spotted it, she drew her sword and charged at it, intending to present more of a target than whomever it was currently attacking.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar clutched his side, hissing between clenched teeth as he tried to ascertain the damage, moving back slowly, keeping his eyes on the target he suddenly lunches forward with a shout of defiance and drags the large blade behind him, hoping he was fast enough to make this count...
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren brings up the crossbow and looses a bolt towards the ghoul, but the shot goes wide as the ghoul darts to one side, hissing angrily.

Meanwhile, upstairs, the cultist was slowly backed into a corner by the vampyre. He attempted a few defensive sweeps with his blade, trying to somehow fend her off but almost casually Meaghan slipped her sword into one and gave it a flick, sending the sword tumbling from the cultist's hands. Helpless, he pinned himself up against the back wall and without a moment's hesitation, she ran him through with her blade. He slumped there, bleeding out and fading from conciousness... with nothing in the room to interrupt, she could easily feed from him...

Filled with righteous fury, Ar charged forth at the ghoul once more, blade whirling, but his strike caught nothing but air as the ghoul ducked under it.

Also rushing into the melee, Irla drew her sword and swung a low sweeping stroke at the ghoul, the blade catching against it and slicing causing it to howl and hiss with pain, turning to snarl at the subashi angrily.

Without warning, it launched at her throwing its full weight into the strike. The power and speed of the ghoul's attack easily turned aside her blade as it drove itself into her, dark claws striking out. Irla turned aside at the last moment and the claws slashed across her shoulder, the light armour she wore doing too little to stop the brute power of the ghoul as she received a nasty shoulder cut/
Turn Order:
Ghoul: 6
Soren: 1
Meaghan: 1
Cultist Leader: 1
Ar: 0
Irla: -1
Cultists: -1
Hallway - Ar, Soren, Irla, Ghoul 2
Base of Stairs -
Stairway Barricade (barrier 2, top side, bottom barrier destroyed) -
Room Above - Meaghan Cultist 2
Dark Altar -

Soren P O O O, M / / /
Meaghan P O O O O, H O O (Inhuman Str activated, lasts until end of scene)
Irla P O O O / (Mild: Nasty Shoulder Cut)
Ar P O /, M O O O (Mod: Broken Ribs)

Ghoul 1 -down-
Ghoul 2 P O / / /
Cultist Leader -down-
Cultist 1 -down-
Cultist 2 P O O
Cultist 3 -down-
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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

A pained growl would slip from the nekomata as she stumbled back a little. She felt the warm blood dripping down under her armor. Her breath grew heavy for a second, then she shook herself back into shape. As much as it pained her to do so, she placed both hands on the hilt of the blade and charged the ghoul once more, intending to finish it this time.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Pulling back her lips to show off her fangs, Meaghan hissed in the cultist's face, before bringing her jaws to bear on the man's neck. She pushed herself close to him, sliding her sword through his insides as her fangs moved to pierce his flesh and drink her fill. Finishing, she tossed the body to the ground and turned to regard the rest of the battle.
Re: OOC Thread

Alright festival thread, you've discussed your options and the like, but no one's really put forth a plan of action. It's time to work something out, failing that I'll just have to prod you guys along.
Re: OOC Thread

Who was it that found the hair again? Wasn't it Atair? Violet doesn't know that it exists as far as I know, at least not in character. I could just be derping and have missed you or Atair mentioning it though.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar clutched at his ribs, the pain a little more intense then he had accounted for and the most likely reason for his drop in speed. A physical attack was only going to make his injuries worse. Damn he had wanted to avoid this. Calling a different power into service he struck out at the Ghoul not with his blade, but with his mind. If he was going to have to fight outside of his norms then it only made sense to attack in a way unfamiliar to his normal bag of tricks and as he prepared the raw assault of kinetic force he hoped it would be enough, if everything worked then the flat plane of Force he wanted to create would come crashing down on the Ghoul in an area to large for it to simply avoid and pin it to the ground, Allowing someone to finish the damned thing off before it actually claimed a victim.

4 shifts ,see where this goes. 3 Mental Stress Focus +2 Discipline
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Re: OOC Thread

Drago's a fighter, not a plotter. So yeah.
Re: OOC Thread

Inky, just have Soren do whatever for right now. My life just got hectic and busy as all hell.
Re: OOC Thread

My schedule's kinda wonky, though I try to get on as I can and check the thread. I know I didn't mention the hair yet, but I did mention her name. I've mostly been waiting on input from the sirens on whether or not we want to involve the guards. I mean, I can always take charge (given it'd likely be in Atair's nature) but the *player* would like to be a little democratic.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti grimaced on hearing the raven-harpy's plan. It sounded... painful. He scratched something onto his writing board with his chalk, and flipped it over for them.

How do we find her though? We don't have a
trail this time.
Couldn't we just go see the festival instead?
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"As I said, we've got a name and she's apparently rather well known in the city. It would likely be very simple to just ask about her and find out where she either lives or prefers to frequent." He gives the siren a wan smile. "I have a feeling that our red-headed friend is out to cause trouble at the festival. Wouldn't you rather enjoy it without having to worry about a repeat of the bath house?"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Aye, but if she's causing trouble as seems to be the case, then what is the likelihood that she'll simply return to her home? Or the places that she normally frequents? I know that I probably wouldn't.... Not that I'm the type to do that! Go around causing trouble I mean.... Right. Did anyone find anything? Maybe something that belonged to her or a part of her? I could use something like that to find her!"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Well, she did seem to be a patron of the bath house, but, point taken." Atair holds in a bit of a chuckle as Violet backtracks around in her conversation, though a little smile quirks up the corner of his lips. As she asks about having something of Udete's, there's a soft, "Should still have it." He goes into a pouch and produces a handkerchief, which he unfolds very carefully. Sitting stark against the white linen is the bit of hair from the doorway. "Would this work?"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet blinked down at the handkerchief and the hair sitting with in it for a moment. "Yes. Yes that would work perfectly, actually." She said, and then gingerly reached for the cloth, making sure to keep the hair safely inside. "I'll need someplace quiet to work, and I'd rather not do it in... In here. Drago, do you think you can walk a bit? I.. I don't think I could work very well in here."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren loaded and fired off another bolt from his crossbow, but the ghoul dodges aside suddenly, evading it with ease as it moved forth to press the attack. Calling up a mass of magical energy, far beyond what he can safely channel, Ar throws it into a wall of force, knock down the ghoul with a blast of pressure and pinning him to the ground. Taking the advantage granted, Irla draws her blade as she moves forwards and slices at the trapped ghoul, hacking as its neck as it flails and struggles against the spell and delivering a telling blow. The ghoul continues to writhe and struggle for a moment, but quickly grows weaker until it ceases to fight altogether.

Upstairs, Meaghan finishes feeding and moves over to the hold back down to below to find the fight over. Both cultists and ghouls alike lay slain, although not all of them came out of that one untouched.

((Meaghan has fed and so doesn't need to make hunger related rolls due to Inhuman Strength; Inhuman Strength's effects have also ended now that the fight is over, unless you want to quickly do something to keep the blood pumping.))
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Looking down at her comrades and the dead ghoul, blood smeared over the lower portion of her face, Meaghan merely stood her ground, arms across her chest.

"You believe the accursed are coming back now?" she asked curiously.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren snorted, but said nothing as his face reddened. This was all the proof he needed and he didn't need that sneaky seductive Vampire to make unnecessary remarks! He was glad to soon be going home after this, he could get back to his nice, comfortable books.