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Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The guard shrugged. "It's none of your business, but it's not like he's hiding or anything... he claims to be duke under some demon king, and he wants to talk to his prince. But he doesn't know the kid's name or where he's staying, and he's apparently a shapeshifter, so I don't know how that would work even if he got into the city. And he refuses to show his face. We don't really enforce that law all too much inside the city, but on people coming in..."

"Well, aside from everything else enforcing a few basic rules at the gates helps weed out those with absolutely no respect for the law. Some demons in particular have a hard time understanding that the law applies to them. From what I've heard, this one will wait until the guards change shifts and try again, or move on to another gate in a few hours." The guard finished and looked back to the road, but there didn't seem to be anyone else there and the black-armored person wasn't making any further trouble.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Hmm... Simply showing his face is a silly thing to refuse to do, especially if that’s the only thing keeping him from gaining entry,” Ayame replied after listening thoughtfully to the guard’s explanation, pausing for a moment as she pieced together what he said. “I wonder how he plans to find this ‘prince’ of his if he doesn’t even know his name or where he could be staying, though, or what makes him so sure that he is even here...” she mused aloud.

Ayame paused as she considered the situation, glancing out at the armored man briefly as he stood waiting. Her curiosity was beginning to rise as she pondered going out and speaking with him herself, to learn more about exactly who this so-called ‘duke’ was, as well as who his supposed lord and prince might be. Or maybe even help him get into the city. “What did he mean by his ‘chattel’ comment?” the plant-woman asked offhand.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Ah." The guard looked somewhat uncomfortable, as far as Ayame could judge. The guard helmet, after all, did hide his face as it hid the faces of all the guards. "I suspect that he is a very old demon. Old habits die hard, and demons can have very old habits. In Acheron all races are equal, but the same can not be said of any Demon-run cities before it. Most of them only allowed non-demons in as slaves. As for his face... well, I doubt he's ever been told what to do by someone less powerful then himself before."

He saw the Alraune glance out towards the armored figure. "I'd advise against it, Miss. I think he must have been ordered not to kill anyone in the city, but if he's really a duke then eventually he's going to decide that he can't deliver his message without killing, and ignore one order or the other. Even if he would speak to you, that's a lot of risk."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“I see...” Ayame said plainly, pausing for a long moment as she considered the guards words. “Hmm... Very well, then, I suppose I will refrain from speaking with him... If what you say is true, however, then I must ask... Is the...‘leader’ of this city aware of this man and his...mission?” she asked, hesitating as she realized that she didn’t know who the leader of Acheron actually was yet, if there even was a central leader. She pushed the thought aside for now, though, waiting for the guard’s response.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Well, my Captain told me about him before I went on shift, but even if this was the first time he'd come to a gate it wouldn't be wise to be that Lady Xeon didn't know about him by now." The guard turned his attention as a small group leading a packhorse walked towards the gate, and only turned back once he was sure they were going well around the black-armored knight.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The information that Ayame had garnered from the guard began to sort itself out within her mind as he spoke, piecing everything together and bringing to the forefront some of the more prominent pieces of information, particularly the point that Acheron was a ‘demon-run’ city and his mention of the leader’s name. “Hmm... So this ‘Lady Xeon’ is the person in charge of Acheron,” the plant-woman began understandingly, “...and she is a demon, you say?” she said, pausing briefly for confirmation from the guard.

“Fascinating...” Ayame said once the guard had replied, her mind churning with curious thoughts and questions. “I was aware of the fact that Acheron openly accepted demons and other races as equals, it’s one of the things that I found most intriguing about coming here. I had not heard that this city’s ruler itself was a demon, though...” she mused aloud, suddenly wondering what this ‘Lady Xeon’ was like to be so open and hospitable when so many other demonic rulers...simply weren’t.

After a moment, Ayame mind returned to reality as she remembered her initial destination of Magnifico’s nearby, as well as the spare dresses she still needed to return. With that thought, the plant-woman casually reached a vine into her pack and retrieved the two borrowed dress, holding them out for the guard to see. “Anyway, before I forget, one of the guards lent us these two dresses when we arrived in the city yesterday, so I need to return them to you,” she said, smiling softly.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The guard seemed to hesitate for a moment, then shrugged. "It's not the sort of thing that is generally advertised, but it's also no big secret. There aren't many places in the world where demons are welcome, and so far most of them have been founded by demons." He accepted the dresses as Ayame proffered them, and motioned another guard to take them into the gatehouse. "Of course. Thank you for returning them, most of our more affluent visitors who require lent clothing don't consider it worth the effort to return. Was that everything?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Hmm... It was,” Ayame replied, nodding courteously to the guard. “Thank you for your time, and for the information, as well. I wish you luck with the...ah...the ‘duke’ there,” she finished, chuckling lightly to herself before bowing her head respectfully, turning to leave a moment later.

With the dresses returned, the plant-woman set off towards Magnifico’s with Molly in tow.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The interior of the magic school was lit with innumerable candles around its perimeter, leaving the edge brightly lit while the enter was quite dim. There were no windows. In one corner, a young man and a young woman in grey robes sat staring intently at a single candle set between them. Elsewhere, a rather busty blonde woman sat at a desk, working at some paper. There could be no doubt about the identity of The Great Magnifico. He stood looking over the busty woman's shoulder, wearing bright purple robes that waved spectacularly as he moved.

He noticed the door opening immediately, and turned around with a grumpy look on his face. It faded as his eyes ran over the two women, then turned to a grin as he noticed the cut of Ayame's dress and the leash leading between the two women. "Welcome! I am The Great Magnifico, Grand Wizard and Master Warlock, the greatest teacher of magic in all the world!"

The mage's eyes went slightly distant, and he seemed to look through Ayame for a long moment, then turned to Molly and did the same. "You are here for lessons... for your slave? My lessons will pay for themselves a dozen times over, at auction, and a hundred times over if you keep her for yourself!"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame looked around the interior of the building, curiously taking in the sights presented to her in the oddly lit room as well as the various activities being performed by the other plainly robed...students, she assumed. The plant-woman’s gaze soon shifted to the rather magnificently dressed man leaning over the shoulder of one of the students, immediately identifying him as this ‘Magnifico’ person, who turned to look at the visitors himself as the two women entered.

The Alraune smiled kindly as the mage moved to greet them and introduce himself, looking over Molly and herself appreciatively as he spoke. Ayame’s smile faded somewhat as she noticed the man’s eyes become slightly...distant-looking for a long moment, returning to normal before briefly doing the same thing as he looked at Molly. He then spoke again, referencing the plant-woman’s reason for being here, as well as her relationship with her slave, causing Ayame to briefly raise a curious eyebrow.

“Hmm... Greetings Magnifico. I am called Ayame, and this Molly,” Ayame replied, nodding her slightly before gesturing to Molly as she made her introductions. “And yes, I am here with hopes that you might be able to assist in strengthening my servant’s magical abilities. Although, if I may ask, what was it you were doing just now? Your eyes seemed...distant somehow...” she finished, her own eyes narrowing slightly as her gaze drifted up-and-down.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The man smiled. "That? Ah, an advanced magical technique, mistress Ayame. With but a thought I can assess the magical and spiritual talents a person possesses! It is not something that can be learned in an afternoon, but I have taught it to several of my more advanced students."

"Ah! But if you wish me to strength your slave's magical abilities, this I can do! Admittedly, not in an afternoon either, but at least this is something she could begin work on immediately. Or I can teach her other techniques appropriate to her magical talents! If she is quick, many of these could be learned in a single lesson."

The man's voice changed slightly, as if repeating something he had memorized long ago. "I offer two sessions per day, each lasting about four hours. The cost is 25 denarii per session normally, but I may charge different rates for special arrangements."

His smile returned with a slight leering quality. "And I think that one of those arrangements might apply here. I will charge only 5 denarii per session if the pupil is an attractive woman of legal age, and is willing to learn in the nude... and offer certain other concessions, yes? I barely break even on this arrangement, but I'm always happy when someone accepts..."

Behind the man, the woman staring at the candle started to blush, and suddenly the candle flared to life. And kept growing, as the boy continued staring hard at it. The woman got to her feet and backed away, suddenly looking afraid, and The Great Magnifico spun around and waved a hand. A globe of water appeared above the candle and fell, dousing it before its flames grew enough to hit the roof. They also doused the boy, who had until then apparently not noticed that anything was amiss. The teacher of magic spoke in a booming near-yell. "What have I told you about maintaining control! If you're going to burn the school down, I won't let you practice between lessons anymore!"

He turned back to Ayame. "Sorry about that. The next session starts in about five minutes. What will it be?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame listened with interest before nodding slightly as the mage explained his ability and elaborated on the apparent difficulty in mastering it, her soft smile returning as he continued to speak and referenced the techniques he would be able to teach Molly in his lessons. As Magnifico went about outlining the price of his lessons, specifically at the mention of ‘special arrangements’, the plant-woman’s smile slowly turned into a knowing grin, which only grew as her initial expectations of what this ‘arrangement’ would be turned out largely accurate.

Before the Alraune could respond, however, a sudden flare from the candle sitting in the floor between the girl and the boy staring at it grabbed her and Magnifico’s attention, with the magic instructor quickly spinning around and dousing the growing flame – as well as the boy – with a large orb of water. A moment later the instructor picked up where the flames had left off and began scolding the boy for his apparent mistake with a loud, booming voice. He then turned back to Ayame and offered an apology for what had transpired, leaving his offer to accept Molly as a student open for the plant-woman.

“Hmm... I accept. And Molly will be more than happy to learn in the nude, I’m sure~” Ayame replied, giggling lightly at what she was sure was an understatement. “However, I wonder if we might be able to work out an...additional arrangement...? Perhaps if, say...I were to make a few ‘concessions’ as well...?” she finished, her voice dipping in tone slightly, and accentuating her point by running one of her vines up-and-down the outside of her thigh, left bare due to the cut of her dress.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The man looked pleased as Ayame accepted his 'special' offer, and startled as she made one of her own. "Well not as part of the actual bargain - I mean the supplies do cost me money - but I'm sure I wouldn't say no..."

He coughed briefly, and straitened his face. "But not now. I have other students, and the lessons must begin in the next few minutes or they shall get angry. If you would... ah, very good. The collar as well, girl." His gaze had turned to Molly, who was already out of her dress. At his final addition she hesitated, touching her thin leather collar and frowning. "Oh don't worry. Just run into my office there and put on the one hanging on the wall."

He turned back to Ayame as the slave hurried off, fingering her collar. "Nothing to worry about, but we're literally playing with fire here and slaves aren't always as quick to obey people other then their owner. Now, she'll do at least some general drills with everyone else, but was there anything in particular you wanted her to learn?"

Molly was already on her way back, holding her own collar in one hand and fingering the copper and iron one that now fit snugly around her neck. The redheaded slave looked slightly concerned, but now that she was directly facing Ayame, the alraune could also see that she was considerably aroused. Her pregnancy hadn't advanced much, and it was unlikely that anyone who hadn't seen her the previous day would notice at this point.

Molly has 8 unspent XP. Her mage-related talents at present are "concentration", "focus in fire", and "potent spells". She can learn one mage-related talent, or increase mind. (I reserve the right to veto particular talents. She's not getting focus in water, for example.)

Molly predates feats. I've given her the "holder of the secret fire" feat, but she can take 2 more without increasing her mind or taking the appropriate talent.

I'll allow you to spend her current XP/feats in 1 or 2 sessions (depending on what exactly you pick), and queue up additional ones with an additional session if you so desire.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Hmm... I see...” Ayame said, halting the stroking of her thigh at the instructor’s response, giving no clear indication of how exactly she felt about it.

As the man continued speaking, noting for Molly to replace her collar with one of his own, the plant-woman nodded and gave the slave girl a reassuringly smile, then nodded again briefly as if in understanding as the mage explained his reasoning for having her do so. “If she must, I suppose. Although I feel it is unnecessary, especially with me present...” Ayame replied, finding herself disliking the idea of someone else’s collar being around Molly’s neck more so than the absence of her own. “At any rate, I believe I would like for her to learn a more...versatile school of magic. ‘Arcane’ magic, I believe it is called. She is already quite adept with Fire magic, but I would like her to be able to...perhaps better defend against other magic users, for example...” the Alraune explained, pausing when Molly re-emerged from the back room.

Ayame gave her servant another reassuring smile and extended her hand to retrieve Molly’s leather collar from her. Afterwards, Ayame noticed both the slight concern on the slave girl’s face, as well as the arousal apparent between her legs. “Do not fret, Molly. I’ll be here the whole time to observe your lessons,” she said, smiling comfortingly before continuing. “Now, you behave yourself, dear, and listen to the instructor. And no molesting the other students...unless, of course, that’s part of the lesson...” the plant-woman finished, chuckling lightly at her last statement.

Spending Molly’s 8 Experience on the “Focus in [Arcane]” Talent. Also giving her the “Empower Spell” and “Countermage” Feats.

I suppose these can be learned over the course of 2 sessions – the first one to give her the Talent, the second to give her the two Feats. I’ll decide on whether Ayame will ‘make any concessions’ of her own with Magnifico when the time comes, given his response to her offer.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Ah, always a popular discipline, especially in the city. Always a demand for protection from magic. I could teach antimagic to a talented mage in my sleep. Never taught it to a slave before, though... too much chance that they'll use it to escape and then avoid recapture. Still, if you trust her enough that you don't use a mage collar then I suppose there's no harm in it." The teacher shrugged, indicating in this economical gesture that it wasn't going to bother him if Molly might escape, as long as he got payed. Molly looked slightly confused.

Magnifico looked only slightly less unconcerned that Ayame intended to stay. "If you wish to stay, it'll have to be in the office." He pointed to the room where Molly had gotten the metal collar.

As she spoke to the mage, more people showed up, most wearing the same sort of robe as the students already present. By the time the man seemed ready to start the lesson, there were about a dozen students sitting in a semicircle on the floor, all of them wearing near-identical grey robes except for Molly. A few had belts in different colors, several red, one blue, and one yellow. Magnifico put a hand on Molly's shoulder in a familiar way as he walked past her towards the center of the circle and started speaking. Ayame realized that she couldn't hear him.

One of the other people in the office with Ayame apparently noticed the Alraune realizing this. She was clearly an elf, but one touched more then a little by demonic or otherworldly taint, with unusually large breasts and a pair of curling horns sticking out of her black hair. "He claims the muffling is so that he can work in peace, but I suspect it's so that nobody in here steals any free learning. I don't think I've seen either of you here before... I'm Jennifer. I'm here with my son, Jake." She gestured vaguely towards the circle of students, indicating a blonde boy of about 18 who seemed to be staring at Molly rather more then his instructor.

The final person in the room spoke up. "I'm April. My sister May was nervous since it was her first time here and she'd heard the instructor was a little pervy." April was a blonde human, with a dress that tried to show off her breasts, with little success. It wasn't the dress's fault, though perhaps one of Madame Raith's affairs would have been up to the task. She was glancing surreptitiously at Ayame and slightly in awe at Jennifer, who noticed and grinned back wickedly.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Very well, then,” Ayame replied simply as she was told she would have to observe the class from Magnifico’s office. As more of mage’s students arrived to attend his lesson, the plant-woman eventually excused herself and made her way into the instructor’s office, idly observing the students as they came in and took their seats in a semicircle on the floor.

As the lesson appeared to begin, the Alraune saw Magnifico speak, but furrowed her brow in confusion as she realized that she couldn’t hear any of the words the man was saying. One of the other women in the office with her – which she’d paid little mind until now – seemed to notice the plant-woman’s confusion and spoke up. Ayame turned to see her then, casually taking in the elf-woman’s obviously corruption-influenced appearance as she offered a brief explanation for the muffled sound before introducing both herself as well as her son out in the classroom. A moment later, the other person in the room introduced herself as well, a normal-looking blonde human with small breasts who was apparently as new to Magnifico’s school as Ayame herself was, if the other woman’s words earlier were any indication.

“Hmm... I see,” Ayame said, noticing the woman called ‘April’ trying to sneak glances at both her and the one called ‘Jennifer’. The blonde human also looked slightly in awe as she glanced at Jennifer, however, something that the tainted elf-woman did not fail to notice as well as she grinned back at her wickedly. The plant-woman grinned impishly as well as she turned and walked over to join the other women. “Ayame,” she said then, nodding briefly as she introduced herself. “Mine is Molly, my servant, the naked one with red hair. It is a pleasure to meet you April, Jennifer,” she finished, smiling playfully at the other women.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Outside the office, students were pairing up with a candle between them as two had been doing before the lesson. The Great Magnifico was walking around, encouraging people and once in a while dousing flames that grew too big, though most just flickered into the normal amount of flame and went out in turns. The young man sitting opposite of Molly seemed to be having trouble, though if that was because of the slave's skill or her nudity was difficult to tell. Magnifico came by and she got to her feet. He seemed to congratulate her before guiding her with a slightly-too-familiar hand on her waist to a different partner. This one was a woman, apparently uninterested in what the slave had to display, and seemed more evenly matched.

"Mmm... pleased to meet you. From what I've heard the lessons are terribly engaging, but I must say that watching without hearing the words gets terribly boring terribly quickly. One wonders how we might pass the time..." The older woman casually positioned herself so that April was between her and Ayame, and put a hand casually onto the blonde's thigh. She squeaked and moved slightly towards Ayame, turning to face the woman. "I think I could venture a guess as to what the Alraune would suggest, and I know what I want to do... which only leaves April here. What do you say? A little fun while we wait?"

April was breathing heavily, her petite breasts heaving for all they were worth. "I... I..."

Jennifer smiled. "Live a little! Stop and smell the... flowers. What's the worst that could happen, just us gals?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame let out a light chuckle as she watched Magnifico interrupt Molly and the clearly distracted male student sitting across from her, separating them and re-pairing each of them up with more...sensible partners that would be a little more conducive to learning. The plant-woman then grinned as her attention was turned towards Jennifer as the other woman positioned herself so that April was between them, musing about how the three of them could pass the time as she did so.

Ayame then gave an amused smile to the Night Elf’s at her ‘flower’ comment, taking the cue to slowly snake one of her two flower-tipped vines around in front of the human woman standing before her, letting the beautiful blossom hover idly in front of her face for a moment as she spoke. “Hmm... Indeed...” the plant-woman added playfully, taking a step forward to close the distance a little as Jennifer had. “Wouldn’t you like to relax for a while and enjoy the scent of my lovely blooms?”

Ayame will wait for either 1) acknowledgement from April that she wants to ‘play’, 2) April to lean in and smell her flower, or 3) a signal of some sort from Jennifer (whichever one comes first).

Once one or more of these things happens, Ayame will Pollen Shot April. If none of these three things happen, Ayame will do nothing further.

Sorry again for the delayed response. I was having more trouble with this post than I should have for some reason, and real life stuff just kept getting in the way otherwise. Nothing major, so no worries, it’s just a seemingly constant bunch of little annoyances.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

No problem. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't a posting error or something.

Resistance check: Ayame wins

April tugged at the neckline of her dress as if she was feeling too hot, and starting blushing to the roots of her hair. She almost instinctively hid her face. Unfortunately, if her desire was to calm herself down, she did so by leaning in close to the large flower Ayame had proffered. The reaction was instinctual. Even if she hadn't been considering doing it anyway, it would have been difficult for the Alraune to stop herself from releasing a puff of pollen when a pretty woman so conveniently put her face into one of her flowers.

The reaction was immediate. April gasped, getting a mouthful of aphrodisiac pollen that went straight to her hormones. She pulled back and closed her eyes. One hand went down between her legs, and her thighs started rubbing together as she fought against the wave of lust. She lost. Eyes still closed, she pulled her dress off over her head.

Underneath, she was wearing nothing but a pair of lacy white-and-blue striped panties with a growing damp spot on them where her arousal was threatening to leak through. These too came off in a hurry, and she threw them over Ayame's head as she moved towards the Alraune, licking her lips and trying to spread her legs while she walked.

Behind her Jennifer had also stripped off her dress, and Ayame was hardly surprised to see that she wasn't wearing anything at all underneath, her breasts swinging slightly now that they didn't have any support. The older woman came up behind April, grabbing her petite tits from behind and pushing her closer to Ayame like an offering.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame’s grin widened as the blonde woman hurriedly stripped out of her dress and panties, spurred along by the aphrodisiac coursing through her system thanks to the Alraune’s highly potent pollen. As April carelessly tossed her panties over the plant-woman’s head, she reached up with one of her vines and casually snagged them out of midair, bringing them down in front of her nose and taking a long whiff of the dampness and arousal that had seeped into them before the human woman could remove them.

After a moment, Ayame moved April’s panties away and simply held them with her vine as she refocused her gaze on the blonde human, grinning mischievously at the sight of Jennifer – who had slipped out of her clothing as well – now holding the younger woman from behind, as if offering her to the Alraune. It was an offer that was accepted without hesitation as the plant-woman sauntered forward, allowing her own dress to fall to the floor as she closed the distance between them before gently pressing their bodies together. She then gently cupped April’s cheek in her hand and kissed the blonde woman full on the lips, immediately worming her vine-like tongue into the other woman’s mouth and curling it around April’s own, giving the human woman what would surely be a unique sensation.

Ayame closed her eyes and savored the taste of the other woman’s lips for a moment before pressing her body closer, allowing the hand on April’s cheek to caress its way down her neck, shoulders, and chest, cupping one of the human woman’s petite breasts in her palm even as Ayame’s own breasts pressed against them, each of their hardened nipples relentlessly brushing and teasing one another. Meanwhile, the plant-woman’s other hand had found its way around the outside of April’s thighs, and after taking a moment to caress her wonderfully smooth skin, she took hold of the blonde woman’s thigh and lifted her leg up off the ground, letting it bend at the knee and hook around her waist as she held it there.

All the while, the Alraune’s kiss only deepened as her seven remaining unoccupied vines began snaking themselves into various positions around both Jennifer and April, three of which moving to gently coil themselves around the human woman’s other leg and around her waist before lightly prodding at her waiting nethers, with the remaining four drifting passed the blonde woman entirely and moving to touch and massage the Night Elf behind her, two of them lightly stroking and rubbing themselves against her thighs while another snaked its way up along her stomach and between her sizable breasts, with the last one gently caressing the tainted woman’s cheek as the tip teased at the corner of her lips.