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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow lets out a small scream as she is penetrated twice, struggling even harder as she realizes she's not allowed to come and involuntarily starting to moan as the pleasure starts building up, the last remains of resistance quickly fading as she starts bucking her hips, trying to get the tentacles even deeper.

Anne continues moaning as her ass is violated and Jasmine's juices cover her face, until a tentacle flicking across her clitoris sends her into a wild orgasm. As the tentacles come to stop she rolls over to her back. "Please mistress! Don't stop!"

All the while, Selene's screams echo in the night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gives Willow release as her resistance crumbles away, her hips bucking signalling her bodies final betrayal as Helena begins to piston both lengths into the woman, never slowing down or stopping, determined to push her over again, and again, and again. Even Selene screaming in the night was its own form of music to Helena's ears and Anne, well Anne seemed to be enjoying her new role quite nicely...

Helena contemplated silencing Willow but decided the sounds were better uninterrupted as she took considerable revenge from the witch. Savoring the feel of it, drinking it in like a fine wine...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After the first orgasm, it is almost like Willow never comes down from it, her screams of pleasure raising again and again as more and more energy flows from her into Helena.

Meanwhile, Jasmine is stuffing Anne with her tentacles as the witch's tongue never slows and she continues moaning even as the tentacles make their way deep into her womb and bowels.

Selene's screams turns into inaudible croaks as her breath runs out and a long while later Willow's screams start to weaken as she runs out of energy, leaving Helena with the choice of stopping or draining her into unconsciousness or worse. Anne finally tires and Jasmine stops using her, instead putting a collar on her and letting her sleep.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Willow gets weaker and weaker, Helena rewards the witch's betrayal by draining her to the breaking point and beyond, completely and utterly devouring her soul and leaving her a husk. This time there was no guilt or disgust, only a grim satisfaction before she turned her back on her and went to go get Selene, dragging her out of the house and over to Jasmine. "I'm honestly at a loss at what to do with this one. I don't think her heart was in it. And good choice for a pet." Helena says with a smile, looking at Anne.

Thinking for a few minutes Helena decides to let her go, pulling the rope away and leaving Selene alone. Willow was broken, Anne was now the claimed property of Jasmine, Selene was getting off light as far as Helena was concerned but it didn't matter. Vengeance was claimed, another lesson was learned, and Helena fully accepted what she was and her new place in the world. "Lets get the hell out of this swamp Jas."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena drains Willow's soul, she feels sick for a moment and everything looks like it looked when she was reading the Necronomicon. The feeling fades, leaving an uneasy feeling after it. As she drags Selene out from the house, Jasmine is looking at her disapprovingly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Bitch had it coming" Helena spat, taking wing and heading back to the hotel, not in the mood, and knowing something wasn't right. She hadn't been herself lately, and her actions were becoming more questionable every day. Seemed the job was starting to get to her. Storming into the Hotel, helena at least had the presence of mind to enter the room quietly and go to sleep without disturbing anyone else...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"If you want to kill someone, cut their throat. Doing it that way isn't healthy."

Jasmine stays behind with Anne, gathering the scattered supplies.

In the back of her mind Helena can feel Strike getting worried. It must be pretty strong if she can feel it all the way here. When she arrives at the hotel, the room is empty as expected.

When Helena wakes up, she finds that Anne is sleeping curled up on the foot of Jasmine's bed, and the older succubus is also still asleep. The cauldron is on the floor along with three broomsticks, and it's filled with what remains of the spell components the witches used last night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena goes down for a cup of coffee before coming back up and taking a seat, waiting for Jasmine to wake up, needing to talk. She was seeing things, acting strangely, everything was getting to be too much and things made less sense every day it seemed.

Drinking slowly and patiently, Helena just sat and thought, refusing to budge until she'd gotten Jasmine's advice, unsure about how to proceed before she lost herself entirely.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It doesn't take very long for Jasmine to wake up. "Good morning Helena. How are you feeling?"

Waking to the noise, Anne yawns and sits up, looking around as if wondering how she got there.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Morning Jasmine, Like im losing my mind out here honestly, first that damned book, the Necronomicon, then Whatever the hell that was in the tower, and now this" She said gesturing at Anne. "I think I'm actually losing it here, and I'm calm... Violently calm..." The succubus said, sipping on her coffee and looking at Jasmine...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena 6/6 MP 10/5 San 21

"That's...bad." Jasmine says slowly, getting up and walking to the table. "You should probably take a break from this sort of stuff at least for a few days. Remember Amber, the succubus you met in New York? You might end up like her if you keep this up."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Huh... Well, I suppose I should, but can I afford to? Will you be alright? We saw squidface, that was NOT normal..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"The cult leader was killed and I did a sealing ritual with Ginny to make sure the creature is gone for good. I'm not even sure what we'll do next."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"At least we hope it was the leader, and that was the only one." Helena stands up and paces, trying to think of a way to get a grip, and finding the only way was to leave and quickly.

"I'm leaving, Jasmine. Gonna see if I can get a grip on things, get away from this place." She said after a minute or two. "Not entirely sure where or for how long, but this is all getting to be too much."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine nods, looking a little worried. "You should stop by at New York, see how Strike and Red are doing."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Not a bad idea, see some friends, get my mind off this place. You know how to find me Jas, just shout and I'll come running." Helena said, walking to the window as she finished her coffee. Setting the cup on the sill, she opened the window and without another word, launched herself out and began flying with all speed as high as she could towards New York, blinking back tears as she left the horrifying town behind...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raises high to the sky easily, but she's in for a long trip. A few hours later, she arrives at the skyscraper filled city, but she's still a long way from the hotel.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sky was always calming, it would be nice if she could just stay here forever, but it wasn't meant to be, and after a few hours of the beautiful view and cool air, The visage of New York came into view. Helena took a little extra time weaving between the tops of the buildings, avoiding windows and people as she headed in the direction of the hotel, tossing her mind about for Strike and Red, missing the goofy pair immensely.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can feel Strike's excitement at her return, and though the slimegirl isn't as easy to sense, she'll probably be in the hotel room, too.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena lands in an alley near the hotel and walks the rest of the way, heading upstairs to the room, as eager to see the spider as she was to see Helena. Knocking, Helena made her way inside and looked around for her friends, wondering exactly how much trouble they'd managed to get in.