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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 8+7=hit 3/2=1 damage
Jasmine: 19+7= hit nat 20 13+7=confirm 9/2=4 21/2=10 damage
As Helena and Jasmine both blast the creature again, it's form tears apart, quickly fading away, though Helena can still almost hear its babbling inside her mind. Jasmine lands out of sight and soon she and Cindy come back with the horses and spiders.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the creature finally fades away, presumably defeated, Helena shakes her head repeatedly, not even noticing jasmine until she came back with the others. Walking over to her horse, Helena pulled out some supplies and immediately set about making camp, her brain still buzzing with the alien mind that had touched it.

Getting a fire quickly started, Helena set aside everything else and immediately sat down to meditate, trying to calm down, her mind a twisted jumble of conflicting emotions and desires.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

No-one objects, and Jasmine seems almost as stunned as Helena. As Helena meditates, Cindy takes care of the horses before starting to make dinner.

Inner calm seems to elude Helena as the babbling continues inside her head, growing stronger the more she focuses.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snaps her eyes open and fumes for a moment, trying to get the damned voices out of her head, she had hoped that taking the time to calm down would quiet her mind, but that seemed not to be the case.

Finding it hard to focus on even mundane tasks requiring common sense, Helena had to push through everything logically instead, tracing and retracing steps and making everything less efficient, and more difficult.

"Did we bring any wine...."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Not too much." Cindy answers, pulling out a small bottle and handing it to Strike, who brings it to Helena before fetching the dinner plate as well, bringing it to Helena and balancing it on top of her head. Jasmine rubs her temples and starts eating as do Cindy and Aqua, though Cindy is distracted by her spider.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tries to ignore the buzzing in her head and pulls on the wine before handing the bottle to Jasmine. "I can safely assume that thing messed with your head as well." She said mildly annoyed, catching the plate that had been balanced on her head and eating quickly. "The fuck was that thing. I touched it's mind and it was like a beehive of strange alien voices. Also! Cindy, it seems you are enjoying your new connection with Flame very much, I'm glad"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It did," Jasmine answers with a grimace. "It was probably some sort of insane undead. I hope this isn't permanent."

Cindy smiles at Helena. "I am. It's nice to know that there's someone who will love me no matter what."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It's an amazing feeling. The two of you are forever linked, you'll find you're able to find her no matter where she is, and vice versa. She'll always be there for you." Helena said smiling back, happy for Cindy.

Turning to look at Jasmine, she nods. "It's almost like trying to read the Necronomicon again. But that was actually useful to a degree..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After the dinner, Cindy cleans up and puts up the tent quickly with Aqua's and Flame's help. There's still a couple hours of daylight left, though.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena calls Strike over and cuddles the giant spider while trying to relax. "Well, Lets hope that's the last of those we have to deal with for awhile" She said, shaking her head a little is if trying to dislodge a bee from between her ears.

Sitting still and just relying on Strike's company to keep her calm and mellow for the rest of the night. She was going to need some nastier spells if they were going to be fighting things like that on a regular basis, and next chance she got, she was going to invest in some.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The evening and the night go uneventfully and in the morning Helena wakes up refreshed, though she can still hear faint echoes of the babbling. A quick look around tells her that Cindy and Aqua are already up, and the delicious smell of bacon is coming from outside.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wakes up and moves like a crazy haired zombie towards the smell of bacon. Current thoughts in mind? Eat Bacon.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Outside the tent, Cindy and Aqua are making breakfast. Cindy smiles at Helena and hands her a plate filled with bacon and toast. "Good morning. Are you feeling better?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena plops down and eats bacon and toasts, looking at Cindy like the incarnation of the Bride of Frankenstein. "Thank you for breakfast. Now please drag me the beans and grinder so coffee shall be made and social pleasantries can ensue."

After this was accomplished, Helena ground the beans, set the pot, left it on the fire, and as soon as the first smells of said coffee were wafting through the camp, she mentally prodded Jasmine until she woke up to partake of the brew, floating cups around and pouring the life-giving liquid among the three.

"My head still feels like it's full of hornets*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy hands Helena the coffee and the coffee making can ensue. Soon the smells wake up Jasmine, too, who joins them for breakfast and coffee. "Good morning."

Taking a sip of coffee, Jasmine shakes her head. "Mine too. Not as bad as last evening, though."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"good morning Jas, and ya. It sucks." Helena says sipping on the coffee. "Okay, New plan for the future, Floaty black cloaky things, to be killed with fire on sight." She says annoyed.

Taking a few moments to fix the crazy haired appearance that would inspire fear in small children, she stood and stretched. "Cindy, when was the last time you meditated?" She asked out of curiousity.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"The day before we left," Cindy replies, absentmindedly starting to clean the dishes with magic.

Aqua moves behind Jasmine, and the succubus looks relieved as she leans against the slimegirl.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks over at Aqua and Jasmine, and for a moment her features warp into an old man who grins lewdly before snapping back to normal, as if her face was made of rubber. "Do we keep moving? Or continue hiding in the valley of freaky undead until we feel better. And Jasmine, we need bigger spells."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine frowns at Helena before answering. "I suppose we should keep moving. No point in staying here and waiting to find out if there's more of those creatures. We can get more spells in the next city."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sticks her tongue out at Jasmine and then gets up to get the horses ready and packing up the gear and other belongings they weren't using. When everyone was ready to go, Helena would already be in the saddle, stroking the stallions neck and doting on the magnificent horse.