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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow lets out a silent moan as the bulb enters her and starts to vibrate. Looking up to Helena the witch grabs the wand and brings it to Helena's flower, teasing her for a moment before pushing the tip in and wrapping her lips around Helena's clitoris, sucking it gently. Moments later the wand seems to animate, growing softer and starting to wriggle gently. Pulling her head away, Willow slowly pushes the wand further until about half of the 18-inch length seems to be in.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moaned and pulled at the webbing weakly as Willow answered the bulb with the wand. And it was indeed the same, living, wriggling wood that the first had been. Gasping as she wrapped her lips around her Jewel, Helena bucked her hips gently as half the wooden length was pushed into her. Remembering who the other half was for, Helena wondered how that was going to work as she pushed several more bulbs into Willow, one after the other, a short pause offered before each until her entire tunnel was filled with the softly vibrating things.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow starts to pant heavily as bulb after bulb slips inside her hungry flower, each causing her to shiver with pleasure. With weak legs, the redhead pulls herself up, leaning against Helena as she kisses her again.Grasping the wand that easily bends until it's pointing slightly above horizontal, Willow turns around smiling as she presses her body against Helena's for a moment before leaning forward and guiding the other end of the want to her pucker. The half inside Helena seems to electrify with pleasure as Willow leans back against Helena, first the end, then the rest of the want sliding inside her pucker and causing her to moan lewdly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ahh! So that was it! Helena idly thought as she arched her back in the webbing in bliss as the wand sent a shock of pleasure through her, Willow filling her own pucker with the other end and moaning as well. Slightly annoyed that she couldn't reach out and embrace her, Helena resigned herself and bucked her hips forward as the first bulb pushed against Willow's inner gates, Helena grinning widely as it began to twist and push within the witch, wondering if she had ever had the kind of fun she was about to...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Holding onto Helena, Willow starts moving her hips against her, each movement sending a pleasant shock through Helena as Willow's ass keeps slapping against her hips, causing Willow to moan loudly. The bulbs inside her quickly drive Willow to an orgasm, which causes her to almost fall. Purring loudly, Willow pulls the wand from inside her and falls to her knees. Turning to face Helena, she gives the wand a single lick before embracing it with her bust and starting to slide it back and forth, each movement still bringing Helena more pleasure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, moaning louder with each motion is pretty damn close to a climax herself, the wand acting almost like she had a member herself, a very curious device indeed! Bucking her hips, Helena watched as the woman in front of her came and almost fell over, only to get on her knees and begin to tease the wand with her tongue and chest, making Helena groan and twist in the web, each movement making her pant a little harder, her hips rolling steadily as the wand continued to assault her with pleasure.

Letting Willow recover for a moment, Helena then nudged the first bulb past the witch's cervix and into her womb, followed by another, and another, more being slowly pushed into her every few seconds with a clockwork rythmn, all of them beginning to vibrate much more powerfully as the tendril just continued to fill her slowly with every passing minute.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow cries out loudly as her cervix is forcibly pierced, but continues to rub Helena's wand nevertheless, even as her moaning starts to grow louder again. As the bulbs start to vibrate more forcibly, Willow hits several orgasms in a row, still trying to please Helena clumsily as her lustful gaze locks onto Helena's face and she stops moaning, simply panting heavily as each orgasm passes through her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena glances down at Willow after hitting her peak, the witch's ministrations finally pushing her over the edge into a toe curling orgasm as multiple peaks ripped through Willow, the pleasure and the energy making Helena moan and writhe herself. Seeing Willow hit her physical limit, Helena panted and thined the tendril into something as small as she could, tiny, almost unnoticable as it was withdrawn quickly, freeing Willow from the contact as Helena smiled. "Enjoy that did you?" She asked smiling
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow's head sways as the tentacle slips out of her, but she manages to pull the wand out of Helena before falling to her back, still panting heavily. "Oh...wow..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grins at the answer and burns the web away, already fully prepared to apologize to Flame however the spider saw fit as she bent down and scooped up Willow. "Lets go back to camp. There are still things we need to talk about." She said smiling down at her, tendrils scooping up Willow's belongings and handing them to the witch in her arms as she walked back towards the others.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow doesn't resist as Helena picks her up with some difficulty, carrying the witch back to the camp where the spiders are waiting with Cindy. Hopping down, Willow starts pulling her clothes back on while Cindy eyes Helena, her eyes full of questions.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grins at Cindy as Willow gets dressed again and she turns purple for a moment and sticks her tongue out. As soon as the witch is decent again, Helena looks around and points at everyone in turn. "Willow, This is Cindy, Strike, Flame, and Aqua. Everyone, this is Willow." Looking at Cindy for a moment, she tacked on a little just for her... *Cindy, there are some things better off left in the dark. She's a friend*

Moving to the fire, Helena did something Unspeakable... She made more coffee...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy leaves it at that and goes to the river, talking with Aqua while Helena starts the fire. Flame heads to her web and Willow sits next to Strike, absentmindedly scratching the spider's head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gets the coffee going and pours herself a cup, relaxing on the other side of the fire, sipping on the brew and sighing happily. "Well, this little reunion went a lot better then I had imagined... Why DID you come looking for me? Really?" She asked curiously, knowing there was a little more to this tale.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow looks at Helena silently as the succubus prepares herself the coffee. "I came because it felt like the right thing to do. After all, you warned me about the church and Jasmine said that you might need me, although she wasn't quite clear on that."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Jasmine huh... Well, sounds like me and my Sister... Forget it. She's right, as usual, and why that infuriates me right now I have no idea." Helena said snickering.

"Thank you for coming." Helena said smiling. Things would be a little awkward for a bit for Helena, and Willow she was sure as well, but it was for the best. "You'll be meeting jasmine here soon just in time for us to make a rather rediculous amount of gold as well for a salvage job." Helena said cheerfully, offering Willow coffee or food.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow takes the offered coffee with a smile, smelling it but not yet drinking. "Big sisters often are like that. You said you're trying to get back to your own world, so how are you going to do that?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighed and drained the cup, pouring herself another and loving how she couldn't scald her tongue on the hot brew no matter how much she tried, it was marvelous. Raising her eyes from her coffee-love induced haze, she looked at Willow. "With an insane amount of power and probably a great deal of fuss." Helena said grinning. "What we need to do most now though is acquire said power, and it's slow going."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Just like that? I'm not an expert in such matters, but I thought that was supposed to be impossible. If it was just a matter of power, someone would have done it already."

Willow takes a sip of the coffee, relaxing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well... We managed to yank something from our world here..." Helena said calling to the rope demon to have it coil up over her body lazily draped over her neck. "This little guy, he's very snuggly." Helena said giggling, petting the rope like a strange pet.

"When we did, we managed to get the tiniest glimpse of Home. We're hoping to do the same thing in reverse with a hell of a lot more juice. And trust me, it used up a lot just to pull him through... least.. I think it's a him." Helena said, looking down at the rope confused.