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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"So a war is brewing than? Perhaps I will find some purpose here after all," Anabelle said, the last partially to herself. Crossing her arms across her chest she couldn't help but smile to herself.

"I suppose that is the danger of venturing into a city. I would like to meet this man when he awakes... if he awakes."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I ask about the ghoul at the Gilded Merchant because I happened to notice the innkeeper's particular method of collecting vitae for his master. I did not have reason at the time to follow the ghoul to its master, but I did notice that the ghoul never returned back to the inn this night. If there was an attack on Valerius, it's possible that the ghoul was caught up in it. If his body or his whereabouts could be found, they might provide a notion as to where the Seneschel is to be found. I doubt the person responsible would take as much care with a mere ghoul as they would with its master. Just a thought of course and not very concrete, but it's at least a lead into the matter."

Vezina felt at home discussing the matter of investigating. She did so enjoy unraveling a good tale. Gyulu often would tease her with half-finished stories of Tzimisce elders' exploits and ask Vezina to surmise what might have happened. A test to measure her aptitude for understanding her clan and the ways of the night.

"So then, the Church? I confess to having a low opinion of the clergy myself, though the idea of using them does have an appeal all its own. Exploiting the power of faith... still, you are Ventrue, do you not have assets in land? And your sex certainly must work against you in priestly circles."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza's eyes darkened ever so slightly at the mention of a possible grudge against her sire before going back to normal. How could anyone possibly?! This was interesting information indeed, most unacceptable, but information that she doubly wanted to secure nonetheless. Especially now that her protective instincts were operating not only for herself but for Adria too. The younger lasombra in the room shot Jourdain a glance to see if anything in his expression indicated if he thought she should work with Rodger or if he could be trusted. For now, she tread carefully.

"Assistance would be greatly appreciated if you'd be gracious enough to provide it, I assure you, however...." Eliza trailed off for a moment and when she resumed her voice was like honey. "I feel as though I've already provided you a small boon my lord. Why, if it wasn't for my timely use of distractions, some of the neonates dutifully awaiting acknowledgement in your lovely manor might not have survived that nasty lupine..."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I believe so, though who is behind it is another question entirely. I'm of the opinion that it's one of the Barons who's feeling rebellious. I don't rule out the Courts of Love making a move to take Aquitaine however." Donegal remarks.

"I'm sure you'll get the chance to meet him. Bloodroot alone is hardly enough to kill one of our kind, but it does leave him weakened for a few days. So perhaps the poisoning is simply a preliminary strike to weaken him enough."

"That is indeed interesting news that should be brought to the attention of Richard, if he doesn't already know it. I was speaking with him before your arrival and perhaps he is listening to us as we speak. I do enjoy bending my mind to puzzles such as these though I prefer to leave the field work to those better suited for it." Pallas says with her cold, discerning look.

"The church can be a bit difficult to work in as a female, the kine haven't quite figured out women often have a better view of things. There are a few neonates who still hold to such ideals as well, though it's fairly rare amongst the ancillae and elders.

I myself don't have any land though I do have access to the treasury of the nunnery in Westminster. Unless you are referring to domain, which is a rare gift indeed from Mithras. If one were to greatly aid in the protection of his domain he might grant such rights though. I prefer the subtler means of influence and wealth as domain can often be more trouble than it's worth."

Jourdain has largely bid his time by looking over a parchment on the table beside him but the mention of grudges against Adria seems to have drawn his attention to the conversation. Noticing the look cast in his direction by Eliza he nods casually as if to say Rodger could be useful though she should be cautious.

Rodger smiles deeply the dry thin skin on his head tightening to make his face more skull-like as he says. "Perhaps but it hardly sways me to drop my price for information. I really wouldn't have minded if any of you had been killed by the lupines as it is not my duty to protect the inhabitants of my lord's domain.

Digging for such information as you request might endanger myself. Surely you wouldn't begrudge me the simple payment of a favor in return."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I shall bring it to the Sheriff's attention when I eventually see him," Vezina said with a smile. Her sire had taught her that the Nosferatu's form was so universally repulsive that they relied extensively on their disciplines to remain hidden from view. Truly an ignoble and wretched curse. Vezina was not as vain as most in her clan, but even she would have wailed and cursed her fate had she been Embraced into that particular fold of Cainites.

"Domain brings with it trouble, but we Tzimisce believe in planting one's roots. Land is a constant thing - while coin and mortal influence is transient. Being Cainite is to have transcended mortal transience... no longer ephemeral, we are beings much akin to the earth itself, and destined to rule over it. I may be young, but I believe in the doctrines of my sire and grandsires before me."

It was Vezina's turn to flash a look of pride as she spoke about the philosophy of her clan, with respect to its ties to the earth and the importance of settling in a place of power. Vezina knew that the measure of her success in London would start with her being able to truly gather a domain to call her own.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza kept smiling, but there was a slight change to her demeanor. A bit of tightness at the corner of her lips as if she were forcing her lips to remain curled upwards unnaturally against a stronger urge to scowl. Whether it was Rodger's ghastly appearance or his response that tightened Eliza's lips was unclear. Maybe both.

"I admire your honesty my lord. You are right of course, but speaking for myself, I'm quite sure this meeting would be far less interesting if I were a pile of ash instead of Eliza Guiscard. I wouldn't be able to, for instance, ask you what favor I could possibly to provide to a powerful individual such as yourself."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"The courts of love?" Anabelle asked with raised eyebrows and a smirk that hinted at the images swimming through her mind in that moment. The slight glint in her distant eye stayed for a moment or two before she brought her focus back to the present.

"Oh, if only sex still held the same pleasure as before," she mused softly.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I'll be careful." Jocelyn says kindly, giving Aubrey a hug. The rest of the conversation caused her to take a step back in confusion, tilting her head to the side for a second before replying. "Then... I'm not sure they work anymore, I thought i heard howls from inside the city as well. And refreshments..." She starts, then gives a little shudder. "...I probably should, but can we not call it that?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Domain certainly has it's advantages as you have pointed out but much as you have learned form your elders so I have learned from mine. We only value coin and influence as a tool to guide the unfortunate souls born beneath us. Of course more than a few of my clan has erred in their ways and seek nothing but wealth and influence on the path of the merchant. They even allow the second cursed into their ranks such as Ulric." Pallas says explaining her point of view on the matter.

"I take it you follow the path of kings proper instead of one of the more esoteric paths. It can be difficult at times though I feel it should be difficult, if it were easy anyone could lead. Imagine a Nosferatu or a Malkavian prince. The very thought is almost laughable. I often guide others of my clan on the finer points of the path and should you ever feel the need for such guidance, I would gladly help. You have a certain bearing about you that makes you seem worthy to lead, Vezina. Please don't squander it."

"Oh make no mistake I do not wish any of the kindred of my lord's court ill will. I just prefer to concentrate on my area of expertise as chamberlain. Keeping track of all the little rumours and boons of those in my lord's court and using them to provide advice to my lord should he require it." The Cappadocian says relaxing back into his chair and resting a hand on a book he adds.

"Money and such things mean little to our kind when we have outlived their uses. Boons however are very dear to us, something which most of the younger kindred such as yourself have yet to learn. Think of it as our own manner of wealth so to speak. I'm sure at some point you may stumble across some small tidbit of information that might aid me in the future with which to pay off your debt."

"The Courts of Love are the domain of Matriarch Salliana of my own clan in what you would call France, much like Mithras domain consists of England. I guess you could say we have a whole world of darkness hidden from the eyes of the mortals." Guy says adding to the conversation.

"You always have had a way of coining phrases much like your sire, Guy. Though it is appropriate to call it a world of darkness, perhaps a bit prosaic for my tastes. Unfortunately much like the mortal kingdoms of our time we still war with each other rather than joining into a utopia as we had in Carthage." Donegal adds his eyes seeming to glaze over slightly in memory as he mentions Carthage.

Aubrey wraps his arms tightly around Jocelyn as she hugs him and rests his lips to her forehead in a gentle kiss before he quietly whispers.

"I'm sure you will and I'm sorry about referring to them as such, a habit of the other petitioners. Many of them have already fallen to far down the path to redemption. Though it is a necessity for us to feed and this doesn't involve having to take it from other petitioners."

He takes her hand and they quietly walk back to the main room through the quiet halls of the manor. Aubrey muses aloud as they walk about the lupines saying.

"Perhaps they have found a way to bypass the wards or maybe as the city has swelled with petitioners it has overtaken lands of theirs. They were here first apparently before the petitioners came, as were the fair folk. The fairies and trolls of fireside tales apparently dwell here in large numbers too, maybe even dragons. There are so many stories that I could put to song in that library."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Hearing Rodger's explanation, Eliza relaxed a little. The persistent urge to scowl finally gave in to the polite smile that continued to highlight her features. Even though she enjoyed the politics of kindred society, it was always a battle for Eliza to keep from expressing her true feelings, which were rarely complimentary. She considered this round a cautious win.

"That sounds like a fair deal. I'm quite grateful for any information you can provide me, particularly if it helps me protect my sire. She is quite dear to me, you know? You can be sure I will repay the generosity in kind when I come across something that seems of equal use to you. Is there anything else you wish of me while we have the pleasure of meeting?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Other than to bid you welcome to my lord's domain and his court once more i can think of nothing of pressing import. Please enjoy yourself as best as you can and I will let you know as soon as I have found the information you seek. Till we meet again my dear." Rodger says.

Jourdain stands after they have finished and thanks Rodger after Eliza has had the chance to do so. He walks beside her as they head down the stairs back toward the main hall.

"I have one more piece of business to finish at court before I can take you to more suitable hunting grounds. I doubt if it will take very long but should you grow bored you could always ask Genevieve. Fair warning though she isn't as useless as she plays to be. Just leave me a message where to find you when I finish, if you choose to go."

After leaving Eliza to her own business Jourdain looks around the main room before wandering over to the other doorway. He stops at the entrance and seems to stare in the direction of Donegal for a moment before signaling to Anabelle.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Mortal or eternal, it makes no difference it seems," Anabelle said before going quiet.

After a moment she noticed Jourdain, and his stare. A frown creased her brow, but she regardless stepped forward when he signaled.

"Is it that time again?" she said dryly.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza nodded to Rodger with a smile as she got up from her chair. "Thank you. Your lord's hospitality is quite gracious. I look forward to our next meeting."

She waited as Jourdain gave his thanks to the Chamberlain as well before walking along with her clan mate down the stairs back toward the main hall. "Of course. Take care of what you must, and I suspected as much" Eliza replies, a smirk curling at her lip. "She is descended from the King of Shadows after all, is she not? Don't worry about me, brother."

Back in the kindred's court lobby, Eliza looked around for Genevieve. When she found her, Eliza had a mysterious smile lighting up her features. She walked up behind the younger lasombra, leaning close, and whispered in her ear. "I suddenly have an irresistible urge to slink off into the night. Care to join me?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I agree, wealth should be used as a tool, the strength of one's rule is measured in the cultivation of one's domain and those ruled within it. Money for it's own sake is a flawed objective. It is refreshing to hear this philosophy echoed by someone outside of my own clan."

Vezina placed her hands together calmly. Inwardly she felt some small conflict, as she often had difficulty reconciling the idea of noble birth and her own mortal beginnings - but Gyulu had chosen her above his other childer, to be the one who learned the way of ruling. She decided, like many of her clan, to look upon her mortal years as another lifetime, spent as a different creature entirely. Her recent birth, as a Cainite of Clan Tzimisce, was as noble an Embrace as one could hope for. It was a clan destined to rule the night - though the Ventrue might believe the same of themselves.

"I would welcome your counsel, Sister Pallas. In the absence of my own clan, I consider yours to be... mm, kindred spirits."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I suppose it is, though at least this time you get to see who you're talking to. Rodger isn't as big on all the pomp like my clan is." Jourdain says as Anabelle joins him before leading the way out and up the stairs as he had Eliza. Stopping before they reach the library he points ahead and whispers.

"You did learn the traditions over the years, right. If not I can explain them really quick before you go in. Rodger's all the way at the back otherwise, he's a Cappadocian so you can't miss him."

"I figured as much, good hunting." Jourdain says before departing from Eliza, he slips her a note with a key on it. The note explains that Adria had arranged for temporary rooms for Eliza and where to find it.

Genevieve is seems to be staring off at a painting on the wall when Eliza comes up behind her. She jumps a little at her voice but she turns and with an impish smile on her face she nods.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. In fact I think I know right where we should head. I'm sure Bayard probably has just what you're looking for."

"I suppose we are of similar spirits more so than any of the other high clans. We are both descended from Enoch the Wise despite being of different clans." Pallas says in response.

"It appears you will soon get your chance to meet with our good chamberlain. He is a true follower of our path though he prefers to lead from behind the throne. Most likely because it affords him more time to pursue his studies in death."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Oh do tell darling. You've caught my full attention. What is this Bayard?" Eliza said as she continued to smile back at Genevieve, her kiwi eyes glinting to light with interest. She beckoned Genevieve with her finger, walking with her and leading the way back to where she'd dropped off her cloak.

"Come on let's go. You can tell me on the way."
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina was glad to hear the Ventrue's approval. At the very least, she had publicly conversed graciously with one of the high clans. If Pallas had good standing amongst the elite of the city, then being seen talking to her could open doors to the rest of the ruling class of Cainites.

"I look forward to speaking with the Chamberlain, if he is of the same philosophy as us both," she added. "Who else do you recommend I acquaint myself with? And have you any warnings about whom to beware?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Yes... those traditions... yeah I have no clue," Anabelle admitted with a shrug.

"Part of my charm Jourdain, didn't you know?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Genevieve gladly leads the way back to the front where they both retrieve their cloaks and exit the manor. After retrieving their horses they quickly make their way past the stinking moors and Genevieve takes a path to one of the closer gates explaining after they've made their way past the moor.

"Bayard is one of the Ventrue. He runs a certain type of business for the kindred of the city, you could probably compare it to a brothel if you want. Though as it caters to our kind I don't think that would be the proper term, it's especially useful to those with more refined tastes."

"Well if you get a chance there is of course Mithras and Valerius. I don't much care for Bayard of my own clan, unless I truly need his services. Guy of the Toreador and Donegal of the Brujah are decent though they prefer dueling to leadership. Jourdain of the Lasombra is notoriously hard to get along with though he can be extremely useful. The rest of the high clans are not to my standards exactly but they do have the distinction of being from the high clans at least." Pallas says as she thinks.

"Of the low clans I know little about, other than our good sheriff. Even the noble must make use of the butcher and baker on occasion however and he's the best to contact about such matters."

"I figured, Dracen always needed a reminder too. I'll make it short and simple then. The prince is in charge, do in his domain as you would have someone do in your own. Don't make new vampires without permission and if you do their problems are yours, only the prince has the right to destroy one of our kind, and don't let the mortals know what we are. Pretty simple really."

Jourdain says before leading the way through the door and past the woman who stares as they go. "I'll be around if you need me, just be honest." He says pointing towards the back where Rodger sits.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I thank you for your considerations, Sister Pallas. I shall endeavor to make myself known amongst the high clans. And if you allow, I shall certainly call on you again for conversation and guidance." Vezina stood and acknowledged Pallas with a courtly nod, the sort that one would give to a person of equal station, though she held it a fraction of a second longer, hoping to convey an adequate amount of respect for the native ancillae.

Vezina then wandered along the edge of the room for a while keeping her eyes on what remained of the crowd and listening carefully for tidbits of conversation, to see if her talks with Pallas had made an impression on the others gathered here.

"I don't suppose you're nearby, Sheriff Richard?" she asked aloud, though not so loud that it would be heard by anyone not closer to her than the nearest visible Cainite. She was taking a wild guess as to the Nosferatu's whereabouts.
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