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Extra stuff (ranger)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Mostly to back up my works in progress.
Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Grace A character I made for DG1 but never played so I converted her to an background NPC for my DG2 character Chloe she is current for DG3
Name: Grace
Class: Knight
Race: Human Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 50 (+8 talent +22 xp)
Mind: 16
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): 85
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 48
Spirit Energy (EP): 47
Speed: 26 (-4 from ev +8 Talent)
Dodge: 50 (+10 from talent)
Armor: 12
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 14 (-8 from ev)
Grapple: 50

Experience: 0 (spent 30)
Corruption: 83

Exceptional Body: (+8 body)
Heavy Weapons Specialist: While wielding a two-handed weapon, the character gets +10 to damage rolls on any melee hit.
Skill with Weapon 2 handed swords: Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.
Heavy Hitter: All melee attacks deal an additional 8 points of damage.
Quick: Adds +8 to your Speed stat.
Hard to Hit: Adds +10 to the Dodge stat.
Skilled x2: see skills section
Healthy: +20 hp {racial talent}

Idealistic {RP}: Your character never fails to be kind and giving, to a fault. You will go out of the way to aid someone in need, even if it seems likely that they won't give you anything in return, or even attack you. You will never betray your word or leave your companions in a spot of trouble, even if it is detrimental to your health.
Fetish Demon Lover: +8 to Pleasure taken from demons.
*Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.

Battery: The character ceases to naturally regenerate EP, but they gain half of whatever pleasure they take as EP.
Multi-orgasmic: After an orgasm you return to only Total - 10 of your maximum PP.
Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex.
Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 pleasure during non-oral foreplay.
Vestigial Wings: The character gains small vestigial wings
Odd Skin: Porcelain white
Warped: Half of any pleasure dealt by the character to non-demons is also forced on them as corruption.

Smite (Activated) – The character can pay EP in order to increase the amount of damage that their melee attacks deal. For every point of EP spent, they deal an additional point of damage on every attack that hits for that round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round.
Whirlwind (Activated) - The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Slay (Activated) – The character takes a -20 penalty on their attack roll, and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. They deal double damage on any attacks that hit until their next turn. This doubling applies only after all penalties, including those from armor, are taken into account. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Challenge (Activated) - The character chooses a single enemy with 30 feet that they have line of sight to. That enemy must win a Resistance check against the character or be unable to attack any creatures other than the character. The character gets a +4 bonus to damage against creatures they have challenged, but a -8 penalty to Dodge against attacks from all other creatures until their Challenge target is dead. This Skill can only be used when there are at least 3 actors in the combat.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.
Charge (Activated) – The character can move up to twice their Speed this round, so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.
Focused [Greatsword] (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.
Specialized [Greatsword] (Passive) – The character deals an additional +3 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Focused with the selected weapon type.
Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses.
Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.
Spirited Defender (Activated): The character can pay EP in order to improve their defense for the round. For every point of EP spent, they gain an additional point of dodge and armor until their next round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar.
Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack is at a -10 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Base Casting: 8
Favored Elements: None

Spirit Ceiling: 8
Powers: None

Succubus Powers: None

D20 + 67 to hit
2d12 + 47 slashing damage
Breastplate:AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4

Grace Stands at 5'8 and has an athletic build her now porcelain white skin draws attention to her Blonde hair and blue eyes. Gifted with a C-cup that her friend Chloe envies she now wears cloths that draw attention to them and her hips while much of her armor when she wears it has been altered to show off as much of her assets as decently possible.

Grace has always been a tomboy while growing up starting fights or ending them when ever her sense of honor came into conflict with those around her. Even with her sense of honor often getting her into trouble she was well liked growing up and none of her adversaries held a grudge for very long. Despite being well like around home her only close friend during her youth was a young girl named Chloe. Together they often ended up getting into a lot of mischief but with her combat prowess and Chloe s magical aptitude they often came away unscathed and for much of their teenage years they where near inseparable. The only time they where separated for any period is when Grace was assigned to a small scouting force to check the town of Artmirst. Despite wanting to come with her Grace told Chloe that she need to stay here where it was safe and that she would return and not to worry to much it was just a scouting mission. With those parting words Grace headed off to the town and to glory. However glory is not what she found. Instead her entire expedition was ambushed just inside the borders of Artmirst and Grace spent what seemed like weeks being rapped over and over again but all sorts of demons and corrupt creatures before she finally managed to escape.Unfortunately she did not flee unscathed her time in Artmirst had taken its tole on her physically and mentally. Her once pale Crolian skin was now a porcelain white and unnaturally soft and she had grown small bat wings from her shoulders announcing the taint withing her. The worst part however was her own desires which seemed to be amplified. She often found herself unconsciously caressing her body and feeling this need to satisfy the urges she had suppressed during her training. Despite all these new difficulties she still managed to make it home and give her report before isolating her self from those around her with the exception of Chloe. Sharing her tales of her capture and treatment and the result there of Grace was surprised to hear Chloe tell her that she would do everything in her power to find a way to help her purge the corruption from her body and for many months they both worked on ways to do such a thing but it soon became apparent that Chloe skilled as she was in the healing arts needed more study.

While Grace enjoyed this time with Chloe she almost forget what happened to her in that demon corrupted town until one afternoon while collecting rare herbs from the garden. Chloe had tripped and collided with Grace sending them both tumbling to the ground. Grace having superior combat training and being by far the better athlete instinctively turned the tumble into a combat roll placing her on top with Chloe on the bottom. She grinned like a cat who had just caught a mouse. She looked down at Chloe taking in her green eyes and pale skin. The gentle rise and fall of her breasts from breathing she found captivating wondering how they would look exposed to the air. She could feel a warmth begin to grow in her womanhood. She could find out after all she was in the dominate position here and Chloe wasn't strong enough to resist her advances and by the flush on her face probably wouldn't resist to much if at all. Her mind wandered lost in a maze of what things to do or show to Chloe. “Um Grace” Chloe had spoke “We should get these herbs inside before they dry out to much”. The sound of her friends voice brought Grace back from her fantasy long enough to realize what she had almost done and quickly stood up and helped Chloe to her feet. “Yeah of course Chloe better get going I’m going to stay out here a bit longer to enjoy the fresh air”. After spending some quality time for herself in a secluded part of the garden Grace rejoined Chloe in the kitchen and apologized for the earlier event and told Chloe that it would not happen again. Chloe simply smiled and said no apology necessary that she knew that being pent up in this house could be frustrating to a warrior use to action. Grace breathed a sigh of relief Chloe hadn't realized what she had almost done to her and said a quick prayer to the Star god that her friendship with Chloe wasn't destroyed. After a few days things seemed to return to normal with the exception that Grace was drawn to Chloe more and began to feel more possessive her friend hardly even leaving her alone even moving her bed into Chloe room. She could feel the desires in her growing and Chloe was starting to notice them as well. A touch here a suggestive look there finding reasons to be close enough to smell her. The last part is what worried Grace the most she did not want to hurt her only friend in the world and it was her idea to have Chloe head to The Academy for further study. Maybe with the resources of the Academy Chloe just might find a way to heal her body and soul before both where overwhelmed by the taint within her.

Before DG1 After DG1

The OOC section:
Ella The Exile
Name: Ella the Exiled
Class: Templar
Race: Angel
Sex: Female

Body: 62 (42 +8t +12r)
Mind: 16 (4 +12r)
Spirit: 20 (4 +16r)

Hit Points: 80
Pleasure to Orgasm: 57
Spirit Energy: 59
Speed: 19 (25-6ev)
Dodge: 65/51(49+14a+2s)
Armor: 14
Magic resistance: 5 cold/electrcity
Resistance: 31
Perception: 25
Stealth: 5 (25-8f -12ev)
Grapple: 62

Attacks: (d20 + main + mod)
Unarmed: +64
DMG: 2d4 + 25
Preferred weapon: +79
DMG: 1d12 + 42
Secondary: +64
DMG: 2d4 +43
Shield: +64
DMG: 3d6 + 35
Ranged: +62
DMG: 3d10 + 15
Holy Fire: +62
DMG: bolt 3d4 * X heat/fire, AOE 10 feet withing 100 feet 2d4+1 * X heat/fire

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: 6
[WAR] Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
[WAR] Shield Fighter: Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets.
[WAR] Skill with Bastard swords: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
[WAR] Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
[GEN] Exceptional Body: +8
[GEN] Natural Spirit: Holy Magic

Flaws: 6
Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.
---Honorable: The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
---Idealistic: The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility.
---Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
---Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
---Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal.

Mutations: 4 (0/12)
---Faerie: The character is one of the fey. They gain resistance to Cold and Electricity, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
---Greater Wings (angelic): The character can fly at their Speed.
---Naturally Warped: The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others.
---Selective Fertility: The character can choose whether or not they have children.
Warrior Skills: 9
Bladesinger: Your character can use their Body stat to determine their attack rolls instead of their Spirit stat when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

Charge (Activated) – The character can move up to twice their Speed this round, so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to their attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.

Disciplined Wielder (Passive) – The EV of the character’s armor applies only ½ of its penalty to their Spirit Ceiling.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, attacks rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Shield Slam (Activated) – The character makes only a Shield Bash attack for the round, but that attack deals +10 damage, and the creature hit by it must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. Requires Shield Fighter.

Shield Specialization (Passive) – Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Requires Shield Fighter.

Smite (Activated) – The character can pay EP in order to increase the amount of damage that their melee attacks deal. For every point of EP spent, they deal an additional point of damage on every attack that hits for that round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round.

Untemptable (Passive) - The character gains a +10 bonus to Resistance against all succubus powers, including energy draining (read, pleasure damage.)

Weapon Focus Bastard Swords (Passive)
– The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls using the chosen weapon.

Mage Feats: 0
Base Casting: 3 (8-12ev)
Favored Elements: none

Spirit Ceiling: 9 (12-(6/2s))
Powers: 3
The character grants increased strength to themselves and their allies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character and all allies within 30 feet gain a +3X bonus to attack rolls and Dodge, as well as a 2X bonus to Resistance and Perception.
Holy Fire:
White fire springs forth from the character's hands, and streaks out toward their foes. This flame cannot harm those allied with the one using it.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) A bolt of white fire strikes one creature within line of sight, which takes 3d4 * X Heat/Fire damage.
2) All creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within 100 feet of the character take (2d4 + 1) * X Heat/Fire damage.
-Demons and Undead takes an additional +X damage from this power, and it ignores any natural resistances to Heat/Fire that they possess.
Lay on Hands:
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) One touched creature regains 6X HP.
2) One touched creature gains 4X Temporary HP until the end of the encounter. Using this function twice on the same target in a single encounter discards the lesser temporary HP pool.
3) Negative effects can be removed from a targeted creature for 3X Each.

Succubus Powers: 0

White Rose Broadsword: A hand crafted weapon give to all the Templars of the White Rose no matter their calling. Much like their wielders they are beautiful and deadly. Deals +6 damage if used in two hands. Takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls.

Mace: Battle worn and battle tested this is Ella's secondary weapon.

Whistling Blades x6: The Templar of the White Rose often use these special designed throwing axes when chasing foes who attempt to flee from melee combat often storing them in sheaths on their shields. They get their name from the sound they make traveling threw the air. 30 foot range, come in packs of 3

Breastplate: This is all that is left of Ella's once proud suit of platemail. Battle damage and wear and tear have taken their toll on this once ornate armor. The insignia of the White Rose can still be seen despite all the scars of battle.
AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
Round Heavy Shield: A simple shield the emblem of the White Rose can clearly be seen on it battle scared surface.
DB = 10. EV = 2. Deals +4 damage when used to Shield bash.

Description: Ella is a strikingly beautiful angel (as indeed all angels are) with sun kissed skin and long silver hair that shines like molten silver. She has icy blue eyes and a fierce expression that seem to peer through your soul. She has a modest bust and womanly hips. Her near white angelic wings have tips the same color as her hair.
Bio: W.I.P.
Ella was found in the chapel of The Order of the White Rose a small order nearly forgotten by the rest of the world. The Order of the White Rose was not dedicated to a single deity. Instead they embraced all who would dedicate themselves to ridding the world of evil. This was the environment that Ella was raised in. Having been found as a child the old matron of the order took her in as her own and raised her in the ethos of honor and charity. For many years she trained in combat and honing her innate abilities and was posed to be one of the greatest champions of the order. However life rarely turns out as one plans and the old matron contracted a terrible sickness. Ella fearful of losing the only mother she had ever known rushed to find a cure at an old abandoned shrine.


Little did she know that a powerful demon had long been sealed at the shrine in an onyx ring. The ring which held the demon only need to pass beyond the shrines perimeter to set him free but had to be carried by a pure soul and having corrupted the priestess of the shrine none of them could do the task. The demon sensing the angels approach readied a plan to set himself free. Gathering the former priestesses of the shrine (who where nothing more then his personal harem now) he instructed them to fool the angel into releasing him. Needless to say Ella's desire to cure her adoptive mother blinded her into wearing a small onyx ring which the corrupt priestesses told her was needed to enter the shire to fetch the cure. Having entered the shrine to collect the blessed waters Ella was then instructed to meet the priestesses outside for a final blessing. Having been tricked into bring the demon out of the shrine the magic around the ring sealing the demon was released. The battle that followed between her and the demon was fierce and brief but in the end Ella stood victorious. Unfortunately it wasn't without a cost during the battle the demon took great joy in tormenting the young angel about her folly and how by wearing his ring she belonged to him as his consort. As much as Ella at the time dismissed the demons claim as falsehoods to make her falter during the battle the night after her victory proved the demon correct. The first night after banishing the demon back to hell it visited her in a nightmare. Waking from the nightmare she found her self masturbating out of control and the echos of the demon laughing in her ears. It was soon after that she delivered the cure to her ailing stepmother and departed saying she had her own personal quest that need to be taken care of and so her began her wandering to rid herself of the demons influence.
The OOC section:
Fighting Demons and their servants is what she was trained to do but will help any one in their struggle against evil.
other close resmblance
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Asha Dorai the huntress
Name: Asha Dorai the huntress
Class: Glade Runner
Race: Nymph (Fae)
Sex: Female

Body: 50 (30+8r+12t)
Mind: 16 (10+4r+2t)
Spirit: 16 (10+4r+2t)

HP: 66
PP: 49
EP: 49
Speed: 21 (22-1ev)
Dodge: 41
Armor: 5
Resistance: 25
Elemental resistance: 5 cold and electricity
Perception: 33 (22+3s+8t)
Stealth: 33 (22+5t+8t-2ev)
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 8 (9.8-1ev)

Unarmed: +50 to hit and 2d4 + 12 dmg
Fae steel shortblade: +50 to hit and 2d6 + 25 dmg
Composit Longbow: +68 to hit and 2d8 + 29 dmg up to 100 ft (+64 to hit and 2d8 + 29 dmg up to 200 ft)
Charm: +50 to hit
Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: 7
Excpetional x2: 8 points to spend among stats
Perceptive: +8 bonus to perception
Sneaky: +8 bonus to their stealth
Skill With Primitive ranged weapons: +12 to attack rolls
Skilled: +3 skills
Sniper: +8 damage on all ranged attacks
Stealthy: +5 bonus to stealth and auto hit with double damage on opponits unaware. If attempting to grapple get a free check with winning placing the oppent into a submission hold.
Flaws: 5
*Lustful: more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped
*Fertile: more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner on a 2+
Hate: You are possessed of an overriding hatred of some group. (Slavers)
Idealistic: The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Mutations: 0/6
*Faerie: The character is one of the fey. They gain resistance to Cold and Electricity, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
*Ironbane: The character cannot wield weapons that are made out of iron or steel, but this only actually restricts them from using guns. In addition, they take +8 damage from any weapons made from iron or steel.
*Naturally Warped: The character doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption from Warped creatures.
Skills: 9
Ranger (Passive): +3 bonus to perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground
Weapon Focus (Passive): +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type (primitive ranged weapons)
Specialized [Weapon]: +4 damage with the selected weapon type (primitive ranged weapons)
Sneak (Activated): The character forsakes all other actions for the round. Instead, they may make a Stealth check against all nearby opponents who are aware of them at a -10 penalty. If they win this check, they are no longer detected by the enemy that they won against.
Strike the Weak Spot (Passive): Whenever the character would make a sneak attack, they may ignore any armor worn by their target. Natural resistances to damage still apply.
Called Shot (Activated): The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge until their next turn, but their attacks deal double damage. This doubling can stack with the doubled damage from a sneak attack.
Deadly Aim (Activated): The character takes careful aim, forsaking all movement for the round. In exchange, they may trade up to 10 points of Dodge for the round in order to take a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each point traded
Far Shot (Passive): The character can fire at extreme range with a rifle, crossbow or bow and still hit. They can attack something at up to twice the weapon’s maximum range at a -4 penalty to the attack roll.
Rapid Shot (Activated): The character can take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls and a -1 penalty to their damage for all attacks that round in order to take an additional attack against a target of their choosing who is within range. This can be used as many times as the character likes per turn, until their weapon runs empty or up to five shots. The penalties are cumulative and the same penalties apply to each attack.
Base Casting: 7 (8-1ev)
Favored Elements: none
Magic Feats: 0

Spirit Powers: 0

Succubus Powers: 2
*Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
*Siren Song: The character can, at any time, cause all creatures able to hear them to focus solely on them. All affected creatures may make a Resistance check against the character to ignore this effect if they want to, and otherwise take a -10 penalty to Perception if they’re attempting to make a check against creatures using this ability. Using this ability takes up the character's turn.
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.
2x Fae steel (mithril) short blades: One Handed Swords 2d6 + Body/2
Composite Longbow: 2d8 + 6 + Body/3, 100 foot range
Misalliances travel gear: Water skins, rain cloak boots bedroll etc.
50 denari
Asha has spent many of her years wandering. The near eternal immortality of most Fae having granted her many opportunities to wander. From the shadowy jungles of the Amazon to the petrified forests of the Anudor and even the once proud forests of Badaria few places as of yet have felt her foot falls.
Asha has long shimmering hair that changes color with the seasons (White for winter, Dark Green for spring, Strawberry Blonde for summer and Auburn for fall). She has tan skin and Lilac colored eyes. Gifted with the generous curves of her race she often dresses herself as revealing as possible when not adventuring. When she is travailing Asha often dons dull brown leather armor and tends to go barefoot and cloakless unless extreme weather or environmental conditions are apparent.
The OOC section:

Lumi the Yuki-Ona
Name:Lumi Talvi
Class: Yuki-Ona (Succubi mind)
Race:Half Daemon

Body: 18(5*2+8t)
Mind: 40(16*2+8t
Spirit: 32(4*2+8r+8t)

HP: 54
PP: 65
EP: 61
Armor: 0
Spirit Ceiling: 12

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Exceptional x3: +8 points to spend among stats
Kama-Sutra: Change the calculation for pleasure damage from foreplay to 2d4 + Mind/3 and penetrative sex to 2d8 + Mind/2.
Natural Mage (Focus in Ice/water)(Racial) : The character can cast up to 5th level spells in water/ice, gain +10 to casting checks. Spells of that deal damage deal +2 damage per spell level. Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level.
Succubus Magic: The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.
Superior Mage(Concentration): The character gets +8 to their Casting stat.
Erotic Wizard: The character gains a Mage Talent and the ability to cast 1st and 2nd level spells of any element. Requires Superior Mage.
Magic Feats (Erotic Wizard): Choose two magic feats and add them to the caster’s list.

Easily Aroused: Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.
Fetish: Freezing her lovers.
Lustful(Racial): The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
Selfish (RP)(Racial) : The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.
Sensitive (Racial): The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Phobia (Fire) [RP]: There is something you are irrationally afraid of. You'd rather not be presented with the thing you're afraid of, and there must be good reason for you to approach or remain near it. Note that something that makes sense for you to fear can't be a phobia.

Mutations: (0/12)
Foul Aura (Racial): The character has an aura about them that causes others to know to distrust them. Non-hostile NPCs are less willing to work with the character due to them being seemingly corrupted.
Immunity Cold (Racial): The character is immune to damage from Cold
Naturally Supernatural (Racial): They are immune to corruption and only corrupt others as if Warped
Selective Fertility: The character can choose whether or not they have children.
Soul Eater (Racial): The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.

Skills: 0

Base Casting: 38
Favored Elements: Water/Ice
Magic Feats: 2
Borealcaster (Water) – Spells that deal damage of the Cold type deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, and those spells that have a check to cause their targets to become Weakened gain a +8 bonus to their checks. Requires Focus in Water.
Conjurer’s Trick (Activated) – Whenever the character would summon a creature, they may pay an additional 2 EP and take a -6 penalty to casting for the round in order to cause that creature to come into play with a buff or utility spell active on it from the same element. They must still pay the costs and make the casting checks for both spells, and this does not allow them to exceed the normal maximum number of active buffs.

Powers: 0

Succubus Powers:

Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.
Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Dazzling Beauty (Passive)(Racial) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.
Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10
Sexual Healing: When draining the energies of another, the character can choose not to regain their EP, and instead regain an amount of HP equal to the amount of EP they would regain.
Selective Fertility: The character gains the Selective Fertility Special Mutation.
Stunning Gaze: The character pays 2 + 4X EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a +X bonus to their check, or become stunned for X + 1 rounds.


Bio/Description: Her memories are foggy at best and the only thing she can remember is her name Lumi.
Lumi has long length black hair that stands out against her near white skin. She has frosted green eyes and light blue lips. Wearing shredded remains of a robe which do little to hide the large breasts of her near perfect figure.

The OOC section:

I must share my icy embrace
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)



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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Most of the journal and ledger entries contain info on training and patrol reports as well as the occasional personal or situational report for the manor itself intermixed with these mundane occurrences the occasional personal comment finds its way into the log. Those few personal comments begin to become more journal like and far more frequent than the reports the father into the book Rikke reads.

These are the few entries that stand out to Rikke.

A loose piece of paper that seems to be a registry of the soldiers. All the names are written by different hands except the first name and the last two seem to be the same writer.
Lt. Jamroar Gellantara
Sgt. Ianril Mongoth
Cpl. Vicaver Arborshate
Cpl. Yenkul Fiedlerson
Pvt. Alwin
Pvt. Kelly
Pvt. Wade
Pvt. Brenden
Pvt. Hamnet
Pvt. Ulrik
Pvt. Glanville
Pvt. Harrison
Pvt. Clifford
Pvt. Lamont
Pvt. Sjurd
Pvt. Samson
Pvt. Hardy
Pvt. Roberts
Pvt. Smith
Pvt. Luther


Lady Sarah Pesli's Shield maidens
Loria Gellantara
Gloria Gellantara

1st Personal entry dated 25 years ago

My good friend Samual Pesli has done it! Due to his heroics in the last war he has been granted title and land. He has requested me to be his Lieutenant and over see his personal guard. I cannot refuse he has saved my life more time than I care to count and Im getting tired of tromping around the country side when ever one city state decides to attack another some peace and quiet would be nice.

Personal entry dated 20 years ago

Construction of the barracks has been completed no more sleeping in the manor for the troops. Thank the GODS! if I had to listen to that harpy Mellisa in charge of the maid staff I was going to lose my mind. I don't care if she young and pleasing to look at her nagging could kill a troll. On another more happier note my good friend Samual is getting married. Im overjoyed that he finally found someone that can stand his bold personality.

Personal entry dated 19 years ago

Mellisa is pregnant Im not sure what to say who knew that me and her would find comfort in each others arms. I worry that our differences in station will cause no end of trouble for Lord and Lady Pesli but If I have to into exile to spare them I will. I will not abandon Mellisa and our child I will make it right. I will speak to Samual tonight.

Next entry

Im a damn fool! Lord and Lady Pesli are far to kind to an old soldier like me. They had both wondered when I was going to get the courage to tell them of my relationship with Mellisa. They will allow Mellisa and I to wed just as long as they can be god parents to our child and if Mellisa and I could be god parents to theirs.

A few entries later

Mellisa and I are truly blessed we had twin girls. The birth was hard on Mellisa and I worry about her health but the midwife brought in for Lady Pesli's says she will recover. Even heavily pregnant herself the midwife was able to shoo me away from my dear Mellisa side insisting she needed rest. She is a strong woman and Im glad she decided to stay. She will make a great asset to our Manor Staff.

Personal entry dated 13 years ago

Emma, Sarah, Loria and Gloria have grown to be fast friends. I caught them making a pact to forever stay friends and always stay together.

Personal entry dated 9 years ago

Disaster! Lady Pesli and Mellisa where attacked and killed by some horrid beast while Lady Pesli was practicing her magic. My heart is heavy with despair but I have my girls to think about and mourning will have to wait.

Personal entry dated 5 years ago

I have started training my daughters to be Sarah's Shield maidens when they become of age. Sam has been worried and Sarah just hasn't been the same since the incident with her mother. Emma and the girls try to cheer her up but I fear they can only keep the young woman going so long. A former friend of Lady Pesli came to the manor today and said he would like to take both Sarah and Emma to the Academy to enhance their latent magic training. The Lord refused to let Sarah leave the manor but let Professor Wesly take Emma. I fear this will only deepen Sarah's despair it would do good for her to leave this sad grounds and see the world but Sam is desperately afraid to lose her as well. I will try to talk with him on the matter later before the professor leaves.

Personal entry dated 3 years ago

Emma has sent us a package from the academy. Her letter stats its extra ammo for Pvt. Smith's rifle made by a local gunsmith as well as a surprise for Sarah, Loria, and Gloria. I sent her a letter back trying to stop her from encouraging Pvt. Smith fascination with that infernal weapon that it would most likely get him killed when it blows up in his face.

Personal entry dated 2 years ago

Something big is happening Sam received a urgent request from his lord to meet him in Carlfox Castle. Im to remain here and secure the manor until her returns. He took Sgt. Mongoth and Privates Alwin, Kelly, Wade, and Brenden with him as well as our scout Brody.

This next part is written in a hurried scrawl

Strange lights have been seen in the Manor and screams have been heard. Ive assembled the peasants and guards in the barracks and just in the nick of time too some massive creature is attempting to gain entry through the door it won't hold for long! Smith, Ulrik and myself will secure the roof while Loria and Gloria will escort the peasants to safety using the rope ladder used for training.

The next part is more sloppy written

Loria and Gloria are safely away with the peasants but Smith and Ulrik didn't make it. They where killed by flying demons but we got them so they can't follow my daughters. One of the filthy creatures clawed me though and it must be poisonous. I feel my blood burning. The door won't hold much longer I pray that Sam and my daughters will be safe.

This next part is written in a strong hand and clear if a little hurried.

Jamroar is dieing him and his boys fought to the last but we where to late. We killed the creature that slaughtered them but more lights and screams can be heard from the Manor. I cannot and will not leave my daughter at the mercy of what ever evil has attacked my home. If anyone should find this know that I failed and know my men fought bravely and should be buried with dignity. I leave this log in the hands of my friend it will be the last duty I ask of him before the poison ends his life.
Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Fan made TCRPG cards based off Darkgate. Right now Im just checking on colors and layouts to see what I like best. The art shown is from photobucket and NOT my own. Darkgate can be found in the forums pbp games and was created by Tassadar. The Grey background is the first attempt the brown is the second. Any suggestions welcome.

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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Lady Sarah Pesli dairy.

The beginning of the diary is obviously written my a small girl. Hand dawn pictures of unicorns and fairy’s fill the margins. The Diary’s contents at first are filled with child hood concerns but as Rikke reads further the topics get more refined and the writing neater taking on a flowing elegant form with time and entries. Further into the small book the fairy’s and unicorns disappear from the margins. Occasionally they sometimes make a reappearances as full page drawings. Of more importance the entry’s from about 13 years ago mention her special friend. Often referring to her as the light to my darkness. No names are mentioned but its clear that the author of the diary held a budding attraction for the young woman through she is never mentioned by name. The next entries of note happen 9 years ago and mention the death of her mother and her utter despair. Her light in the darkness takes on a more obsessive tone and often laments her inability to reveal her feelings. These type entries take up most of the dates written. Gone is the cheerful fairy tale art instead they are replaced with an ominous shadow closing around a frightened young woman with remarkable similar traits as the Late Lady Pesli. The last entry is written with an angry hand. Skipping forward the rest of the pages are blank.

Personal entry dated 13 years ago
How could I be so blind she is perfect and flawless kinda and gentel she is the light to my dark.

Personal entry dated 9 years ago
She's gone taken from me. My heart aches and I only feel a void inside of me. My light comforts me and eases my pain. I will not let anyone take her from me no one!

Next entry
Her smile is sheer brilliance lighting up my soul. When shes around everything is alright in the world no harm can happen. If only I could tell her then my happiness will be complete. I just know she feels the same way about me.

Last entry dated 5 years ago.
He sent her away he sent my joy my light away I will never forgive him!
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)



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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Current Gmed NPCs

Grace: A character I made for DG1 but never played so I converted her to an background NPC for my DG2 character Chloe she is current for DG3
Name: Grace
Class: Knight
Race: Human Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 50 (+8 talent +22 xp)
Mind: 16
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): 85
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 48
Spirit Energy (EP): 47
Speed: 26 (-4 from ev +8 Talent)
Dodge: 50 (+10 from talent)
Armor: 12
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 14 (-8 from ev)
Grapple: 50

Experience: 0 (spent 30)
Corruption: 83

Exceptional Body: (+8 body)
Heavy Weapons Specialist: While wielding a two-handed weapon, the character gets +10 to damage rolls on any melee hit.
Skill with Weapon 2 handed swords: Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.
Heavy Hitter: All melee attacks deal an additional 8 points of damage.
Quick: Adds +8 to your Speed stat.
Hard to Hit: Adds +10 to the Dodge stat.
Skilled x2: see skills section
Healthy: +20 hp {racial talent}

Idealistic {RP}: Your character never fails to be kind and giving, to a fault. You will go out of the way to aid someone in need, even if it seems likely that they won't give you anything in return, or even attack you. You will never betray your word or leave your companions in a spot of trouble, even if it is detrimental to your health.
Fetish Demon Lover: +8 to Pleasure taken from demons.
*Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.

Battery: The character ceases to naturally regenerate EP, but they gain half of whatever pleasure they take as EP.
Multi-orgasmic: After an orgasm you return to only Total - 10 of your maximum PP.
Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex.
Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 pleasure during non-oral foreplay.
Vestigial Wings: The character gains small vestigial wings
Odd Skin: Porcelain white
Warped: Half of any pleasure dealt by the character to non-demons is also forced on them as corruption.

Smite (Activated) – The character can pay EP in order to increase the amount of damage that their melee attacks deal. For every point of EP spent, they deal an additional point of damage on every attack that hits for that round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round.
Whirlwind (Activated) - The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Slay (Activated) – The character takes a -20 penalty on their attack roll, and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. They deal double damage on any attacks that hit until their next turn. This doubling applies only after all penalties, including those from armor, are taken into account. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Challenge (Activated) - The character chooses a single enemy with 30 feet that they have line of sight to. That enemy must win a Resistance check against the character or be unable to attack any creatures other than the character. The character gets a +4 bonus to damage against creatures they have challenged, but a -8 penalty to Dodge against attacks from all other creatures until their Challenge target is dead. This Skill can only be used when there are at least 3 actors in the combat.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.
Charge (Activated) – The character can move up to twice their Speed this round, so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.
Focused [Greatsword] (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.
Specialized [Greatsword] (Passive) – The character deals an additional +3 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Focused with the selected weapon type.
Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses.
Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.
Spirited Defender (Activated): The character can pay EP in order to improve their defense for the round. For every point of EP spent, they gain an additional point of dodge and armor until their next round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar.
Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack is at a -10 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Base Casting: 8
Favored Elements: None

Spirit Ceiling: 8
Powers: None

Succubus Powers: None

D20 + 67 to hit
2d12 + 47 slashing damage
Breastplate:AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4

Grace Stands at 5'8 and has an athletic build her now porcelain white skin draws attention to her Blonde hair and blue eyes. Gifted with a C-cup that her friend Chloe envies she now wears cloths that draw attention to them and her hips while much of her armor when she wears it has been altered to show off as much of her assets as decently possible.

Grace has always been a tomboy while growing up starting fights or ending them when ever her sense of honor came into conflict with those around her. Even with her sense of honor often getting her into trouble she was well liked growing up and none of her adversaries held a grudge for very long. Despite being well like around home her only close friend during her youth was a young girl named Chloe. Together they often ended up getting into a lot of mischief but with her combat prowess and Chloe s magical aptitude they often came away unscathed and for much of their teenage years they where near inseparable. The only time they where separated for any period is when Grace was assigned to a small scouting force to check the town of Artmirst. Despite wanting to come with her Grace told Chloe that she need to stay here where it was safe and that she would return and not to worry to much it was just a scouting mission. With those parting words Grace headed off to the town and to glory. However glory is not what she found. Instead her entire expedition was ambushed just inside the borders of Artmirst and Grace spent what seemed like weeks being rapped over and over again but all sorts of demons and corrupt creatures before she finally managed to escape.Unfortunately she did not flee unscathed her time in Artmirst had taken its tole on her physically and mentally. Her once pale Crolian skin was now a porcelain white and unnaturally soft and she had grown small bat wings from her shoulders announcing the taint withing her. The worst part however was her own desires which seemed to be amplified. She often found herself unconsciously caressing her body and feeling this need to satisfy the urges she had suppressed during her training. Despite all these new difficulties she still managed to make it home and give her report before isolating her self from those around her with the exception of Chloe. Sharing her tales of her capture and treatment and the result there of Grace was surprised to hear Chloe tell her that she would do everything in her power to find a way to help her purge the corruption from her body and for many months they both worked on ways to do such a thing but it soon became apparent that Chloe skilled as she was in the healing arts needed more study.

While Grace enjoyed this time with Chloe she almost forget what happened to her in that demon corrupted town until one afternoon while collecting rare herbs from the garden. Chloe had tripped and collided with Grace sending them both tumbling to the ground. Grace having superior combat training and being by far the better athlete instinctively turned the tumble into a combat roll placing her on top with Chloe on the bottom. She grinned like a cat who had just caught a mouse. She looked down at Chloe taking in her green eyes and pale skin. The gentle rise and fall of her breasts from breathing she found captivating wondering how they would look exposed to the air. She could feel a warmth begin to grow in her womanhood. She could find out after all she was in the dominate position here and Chloe wasn't strong enough to resist her advances and by the flush on her face probably wouldn't resist to much if at all. Her mind wandered lost in a maze of what things to do or show to Chloe. “Um Grace” Chloe had spoke “We should get these herbs inside before they dry out to much”. The sound of her friends voice brought Grace back from her fantasy long enough to realize what she had almost done and quickly stood up and helped Chloe to her feet. “Yeah of course Chloe better get going I’m going to stay out here a bit longer to enjoy the fresh air”. After spending some quality time for herself in a secluded part of the garden Grace rejoined Chloe in the kitchen and apologized for the earlier event and told Chloe that it would not happen again. Chloe simply smiled and said no apology necessary that she knew that being pent up in this house could be frustrating to a warrior use to action. Grace breathed a sigh of relief Chloe hadn't realized what she had almost done to her and said a quick prayer to the Star god that her friendship with Chloe wasn't destroyed. After a few days things seemed to return to normal with the exception that Grace was drawn to Chloe more and began to feel more possessive her friend hardly even leaving her alone even moving her bed into Chloe room. She could feel the desires in her growing and Chloe was starting to notice them as well. A touch here a suggestive look there finding reasons to be close enough to smell her. The last part is what worried Grace the most she did not want to hurt her only friend in the world and it was her idea to have Chloe head to The Academy for further study. Maybe with the resources of the Academy Chloe just might find a way to heal her body and soul before both where overwhelmed by the taint within her.

Before DG1 After DG1
Jessica: Rikke's Companion
Name: Jessica
Class: Succubus maid/adventure (body)
Race: Part Demon
Sex: Female

Body: 40 (4r+32+4t)
Mind: 20 (6r+14)
Spirit: 16 (6r+4+4t+2xp)

Hit Points (HP): 58
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 48
Spirit Energy (EP): 46
Speed: 16 (20-4 ev)
Dodge: 48 (33+10)
Armor: 16 (4t+12 av)
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 32 (20-8 ev +8t +12e)
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 5 (9-4 ev)

Attacks: WIP
Unarmed +52
1w +72 2d6 +26 ignore 1/2 av
2w +68 2d6 +22 ignore 1/2 av
Other +52
Range +52 2d10 +10
Experience: 0 (26)

Talents: 9
Natural Warrior (Two Weapon Fighter): Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons
Superior Warrior (Skill with One handed swords): The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon:
Erotic Warrior: The character gains 2 skills and a +6 bonus to attack rolls.
Kama-Sutra: You are a very skilled sexual partner when you choose to be. Change the calculation for pleasure damage from foreplay to 3d6 + Body/3 and penetrative sex to 3d10 + Body/2.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
Pain Resistant: Increase the character's AV by 4
Natural Mage (Focus in Fire): The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.
Succubus Magic: The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.
Sneaky: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Stealth stat.
Erotic Champion: The character gains a number of Skills equal to Body/10 rounded down and a +6 bonus to attack rolls. Requires Erotic Fighter.

Flaws: 6
R) Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal
R) Mutated: +3 mutations (Tail, Futanari, Tail cock)
C) Lustful: The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
Fetish: Anal (receiving) +8 PP damage
Fetish: Double Pentation (giving) +8 PP damage
Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Mutations: 3(6)/12
R) Demon: The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
R) Naturally Warped: The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others.
C) Soul Eater:
The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.

Skills: 6
Rend (Activated) -
The character takes a -4 penalty to all of their attacks for the round. If the character hits the same creature with both of their weapons in the same turn, they deal an additional 2d12 points of damage to that creature. This damage ignores the targets AV, but can only be dealt once per round to any one creature. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Scissor Defense (Activated) -
The character forsakes all attacks for the round and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Whirling Death –
The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage, attack rolls and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round that ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Weapon Focus (Passive) –
The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.
Specialized [Weapon] (Passive) –
The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.
Grandmaster (Passive) -
The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage, and ignores ½ of their target's AV when wielding a weapon that they have Specialized in.

Base Casting: 9 (10-1 ev)
Favored Elements: None
Magic Feats: 0

Powers: 0

Succubus Powers: 6
Shapeshifting: The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.
Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.
Selective Fertility: The character gains the Selective Fertility Special Mutation.
*Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
*Stunning Gaze: The character pays 2 + 4X EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a +X bonus to their check, or become stunned for X + 1 rounds.

Not so skanky but still revealing enchanted breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4 enchanted with +12 stealth
Two One handed swords 2d6 +body/2
Rng weapon of some kind (Throwing Knives 2d12 + Body/4, 10 foot range, come in packs of 5, deals +2d6 damage if used in a sneak attack)
1 fire resistant necklace
Extra traveling supplies and 50 denari

Change log
Gained 26xp for the total adventure so far

The OOC section:
Umm purified Demon Succubus NPC/Rikke's companion

Rhea: Kitsune merc
Name: Rhea
Class: Mercenary
Race: Kitsune (Tainted)
Sex: Female

Body: 50
Mind: 20
Spirit: 20

Hit Points (HP): 70
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 55
Spirit Energy (EP): 55
Speed: 22
Dodge: 67 (45)
Armor: 14
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 11

Unarmed: +52 (2d4 +22)
1 weapon: +70 (2d6 +39)
2 weapons: +66 (2d6 +35)
Ranged: +52 (2d12 +14)


Exceptional x2
Two weapon Fighter
Heavy Hitter
Skill with scimitar (onehanded swords)
Hard to hit X2
Natural spirit (spirit warrior)

R) Fertile
R) Sensitive
R) Tainted Bloodline
Mutated (Strange hair, fangs, Night Eyes)
Honorable (RP)
Weakness (bacon): Rhea loves the smell of bacon (aka her catnip as it were)

Mutations: 3/12
R) Natural warped
R) Shapeshifting
R) Kitsune Heriage
R) Funny ears (fox)
R) Tail (fox)
Strange Hair: All hair is always black even her tail hair
Night Eyes

Skills: 6
Weapon Focus (Passive)
Specialized [Weapon] (Passive)
Disciplined Wielder (Passive)
Knight (Passive)
Rend (Activated)
Scissor Defense (Activated)

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Powers: 3
Battle Aura
Energy Blade
Instant Transmission

Succubus Powers:

Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
One Handed Swords x2: 2d6 + Body/2
Throwing Knives: 2d12 + Body/4, 10 foot range, come in packs of 5, deals +2d6 damage if used in a sneak attack

Rhea was born carefree and wild much like other kitsune and lived her life as such until a chance encounter with a corrupt wolf not only ended her innocence but carefree spirit as well. Rescued by a mercenary named Conlin she grew very attached and followed him around until his untimely death but such is the life of a mercenary. Her years spent with him taught her all she needed to know to defender self and she took over for the Black Wargs after Colin's death.

Rhea was born with Blonde hair and blue eyes a trait she inherited from her mother and kept until she was attacked and raped by the corrupt wolf in the forest which led her to her current description. She has yellow eyes similar to that of a wolfs as well as fangs. All of her hair turned midnight black and she has a jagged scar that mars her pale skin starting above her left eye and ending on her cheek. She has a large bust (C cups) and seductive hips. She stand about 5'5 and is well toned and well armed.

The OOC section: NPC
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Cheat sheets for Characters Im running game for.

Rikke: Who Rules the Ruins
Rikkes cheat sheet:

HP: 62 EP: 45 PP:45
Armor: 5
Spirit ceiling: 7

Speed: 29 (22 +8(quick)-1(EV))
Dodge: 48(57) (62) (33+10(hard to hit)) (+10 duelist) (+4 Fencer)
Armor: 5
Resistance: 22
Perception: 30(42) (22+8(Perceptive)) (+12 if treasure)
Stealth: 36(42 if in armor) (22 + 5(stealthy)-2(EV)+3(thief)) + 8 (Sneaky)
Grapple: 48
Spirit Cieling: 7

Attack Roll – d20 + 70 (71)[48(Body) +2(Duelist) + 12(Skill) + 4(Fencer) (+5 sword)]
Attack Damage2d6 + 2d10 + 36(35) [ 2d6 + 24(Body/2) +2(duelist) +8(heavy hitter)] +4 (Fencer)(+2 +2d10 sword)

Dodge roll – 48 (58) (57) (+10 Duelist) (+4 Fencer)
Grapple roll – d20 + 48
Resistance check – d20 + 25 (22 + 3(lucky))

Ranged Combat:
Revolver - 2d8 + 4, 50 foot range, 5 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 4 AV

Throwing knives - 2d12 + 12, 10 foot range, come in packs of 5
+deals extra 2d6 damage if used in a sneak attack
+make a Resistance check against DC 28 or become Paralyzed.
Multiple instances of this enhancement do not cause additional checks, but instead increase the DC of the check by 8
Lightning stikes:
Attack Rolls: d20 + 55 (56)
Attack damage: 2d6 + 2d10 + 30 (34)

Defensive stance:
+ 10 Dodge

Sudden Strike:
- 10 Dodge [38]
Stealth check: d20 + 31
Attack damage: 2x 2d6 + 2d10 + 36(40)

Rikkes stealth check – d20 + 39 (28 + 3 (lucky))
Rikkes perception check – d20 + 33 (45) (30 +12 if treasure) + 3 (lucky))

Foreplay – 2d4 + 20 [12(Body/4) + 2(Soft) + 6(Dazzling)]
Penetrative – 2d8 + 24 [16(Body/3) +4(Tight x2) + 6(Dazzling)]

Fetishes: Bukkake, Gangbang, Creampie
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Slime warrior DG3

Name: Sapphire Sylph
Class: Slime warrior
Race: Living slime
Sex: Female

Body: 50 (12r+8t)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 14 (4r)

Hit Points (HP): -- see Malleable Form (62)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42
Spirit Energy (EP): 106 see Malleable Form (44) (318 for spawn)
Speed: 22
Dodge: 67 (57)
Armor: 0
Resistance: 17 (25-8f)
Perception: 25 (22+3s)
Stealth: 27 (22+5t)
Grapple: 62
Spirit Ceiling: 21

Unarmed +50 1d8+27dmg


R) Grapple Expert
Exceptional Body +8
Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic)
2x Hard to Hit
Unarmed fighter

R) Weak
R) Open soul
R) Tainted Bloodline

R) Malleable Form
R) Naturally Supernatural
R) Tentacles
R) Soul eater
R) Damage Reduction 1/2, Physical Damage Reduction 1/2

Skills: 6
Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Slam (Activated) - When the character has the target in a grapple, they may choose to make an attack at 2d12 + Body/2 damage. The target must win a Resistance check against the character or be Stunned. If the target is in a submission hold the character gains a +8 bonus to this check. In addition, they may trade grapple modifier to damage at a 1:2 ratio (IE: for every point of grapple that they sacrifice, they deal an additional 2 damage) with a 10 point cap. Requires Grapple Expert.

Fling (Activated) - The character throws a grappled opponent, or a willing ally, a short distance at another target. Deals 3d6 + Body/3 damage to both targets. Both the creature being thrown and the one being hit must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. If the flung target was in a submission hold they automatically fail this check. This skill has a 15 foot range. Requires Grapple Expert.

Stranglehold (Activated) - When the character has a target in a grapple, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a grapple check at a -4 penalty against their target. If the target is in a submission hold, the -4 penalty becomes a +4 bonus. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When the target’s Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.

Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.

Pummel (Activated) - The character can choose to forsake all other actions for their turn. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success, and are treated as if the character was not grappled (causing their target to take a -10 penalty to Dodge due to being grappled.) Requires Grapple Expert.

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:


Succubus Powers:
2x Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.

Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.

Inventory: Nothing

Bio/Description: Not remembering how or why or even who she was before being a slime. She has wandered around the ruins of Endus trying to find out who or what she is. Finding it difficult with everyone either running away or trying to hurt her she wanders the ruins feeling lonely.

The OOC section: Iam a slime!

Name: Jenny Ann Hulus
Class: Peasant Girl (succubus body)
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Body: 40 (+8t +2xp)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 70
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 65
Spirit Energy (EP): 35
Speed: 28 (+8t)
Dodge: 40 (+10t)
Armor: 1
Resistance: 28 (40 vs her Succubus Powers)
Perception: 28 (+8t)
Stealth: 37 (+8t +5t -2m +3s)
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 7

Experience: 24
Corruption: 0 6 mutations

Talents: 10
R) Kama-Sutra: You are a very skilled sexual partner when you choose to be. Change the calculation for pleasure damage from foreplay to 3d6 + Body/3 and penetrative sex to 3d10 + Body/2.

Suck you Dry: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they perform any type of foreplay.

Fuck Me: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they are engaged in penetrative sex.

Greater Draining: Whenever the character drains another character or creatures energy through pleasure, they drain an additional +6 per round.

Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.

Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.

Healthy: Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.

x1 Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.

Sneaky: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Stealth stat.

Natural Warrior (Stealthy): The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (before armor) on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead gets a free grapple check against their target, and if they win this check the target is automatically placed into a Submission Hold.

Superior Warrior(Sniper): The character deals +8 damage on all ranged attacks.

Exceptional: +8 to stats

Erotic Fighter: The character gains 2 skills and a +6 bonus to attack rolls.

Succubus Magic: The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.

Resistant: Increase the character's Resistance stat by 8.

Skill with [rifles]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.

Erotic Champion: The character gains a number of Skills equal to Body/10 rounded down and a +6 bonus to attack rolls. Requires Erotic Fighter.

Just Getting Started: Grants the character an additional 30 max pleasure. +30 PP, in other words.

Seductive: The character gets a +12 bonus to Resistance checks when using Enthrall, Charm, Siren Song, and Stunning Gaze, and a +12 bonus to attack rolls with all Succubus Powers.

Flaws: 5
C) Lustful
R) Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal. Note: Characters of a race that have Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural as a Racial Mutation cannot take this Flaw.
Easily Aroused: Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.
x2 Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Mutations: 8
C) Soul Eater
M) Tight/Large x2: The character deals +2 PP to your opponent during penetrative sex. Can be taken up to 3 times.
M) Soft Skin x2: Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay.
SM) Warped: The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal
C) Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into.
M) Whip-Tongue: Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay.
M) Massive Breasts: The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. The character deals +4 PP damage whenever they would tittyfuck anything.
SM) Warped: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption.

Thief (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Stealth, and can pick locks and disarm traps.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
Melee Shooter (Passive) - The penalties for fighting in melee combat with a ranged weapon are halved. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Rapid Shot - The character can take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls and a -1 penalty to their damage for all attacks that round in order to take an additional attack against a target of their choosing who is within range. This can be used as many times as the character likes per turn, until their weapon runs empty or up to five shots. The penalties are cumulative and the same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Called Shot – The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge until their next turn, but their attacks deal double damage. This doubling stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack if the attack is a sneak attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Quick Reload (Passive) – Decrease the reload time of any weapon wielded by the character by 1 round. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:


Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.
Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.
Rhythm: While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.
Shapeshifting: The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.
Selective Fertility: The character gains the Selective Fertility Special Mutation. A character must be Warped or above, or have the Demon or Faerie special mutations already in order to select this succubus power.
Charm +52 to hit: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Clothing (nice clothing)
Large sack
Su-Ku-Ta Bolt Action Rifle
4d6 + 9(17), 35 foot range, 5 shots, 3(2) round reload, ignores 12 AV +66 to hit
Su-Ku-Ta hand repeater?

Jenny was the last girl born in a set of triplets and nearly died at birth appearing very weak and unhealthy. Lucky her mother and father provided as best they could for their daughters and despite her rough start Jenny soon grew to be a healthy girl. She was born to simple shepherds with isolation led to very limited contact with men folk and thus her only real male companionship was with her father. This left the girl to be spared her from the innate succubus nature of herself which remained dormant until her violent rape at the hands of bandits on her way to Kings Coast. Unaware of the taint in her soul Jenny has moved on she has to save her sister no matter the cost. She's traveling alone now on a horse to Kings Coast where the next step in her adventure awaits. Jenny's adventures in Kings coast had taken a turn for the worse. Having found out that she was a succubus was only the start of her decent into perversion only time will tell if she retains her human nature.

Jenny has long black hair that she lets hang free. She has bountiful DD cups and an hourglass figure. She has sun tanned skin and hazel eyes. Standing in at about 5'4 she has a bombshell of a body that is surprisingly tough despite its looks.

The OOC section:
Succubus peasant girl

Change Log
Sep 26, 2012: Game Start final changes
Sep 27, 2012: Gained 100 denari for pillaging the family emergency fund
Sep 28, 2012: Bought supplies and passage on a carriage -71 denari
Sep 30, 2012: Gained 3 xp
Oct 03, 2012: Looted carriage gained some stuff lost some stuff
Oct 03, 2012: Gained 2 xp via private message from Ubberific
Oct 08, 2012: Gained 397 corruption total before resets gaining 3 mutations
Oct 18, 2012: Gained 3 more mutations and became warped
Oct 24, 2012: Gained 71 corruption and 5 xp gained natural warrior for stealthy for 6 xp
Oct 31, 2012: Gained 5 xp and lost 71 corruption from super cure tea (thanks Ezalor)
Nov 02, 2012: Gained 5 xp
Nov 09, 2012: Gained 50 denari and 20 corruption
Nov 12, 2012: Spent 14 xp on Talents and stats (Superior warrior, exceptional, and +2 body) Spent 50 denari on weapon upgrades
Nov 18, 2012: Gained 3 mutations
Nov 19, 2012: Gained 1 mutation and shape shifting power from a rune also net gained 20 denari
Nov 27, 2012: Gained 7 xp
Nov 30, 2012: Gained 2 mutations
Jan 13, 2013: Spent 6xp on Erotic fighter
Jan 30, 2013: Gained 6xp and spent 6xp on succubus magic
Feb 16, 2013: Gained 4xp
Mar 14, 2013: Gained 10xp
Apr 02, 2013: Gained 6xp gained, The Gift of Naya(?)
Apr 04, 2013: Gained 3xp for cypher
Apr 06, 2013: Spent 12xp for Skill with Rifles, Spent 6xp on Erotic champion gaining 4 skills, Spent 6xp on Resistant
May 18, 2013: Gained 10xp
May 29, 2013: Gained 4xp
Jul 30, 2013: Spent 12xp for Just getting started and Seductive
Mar 31, 2014: gained 10 xp for unleashing powerful fallen angel... well shit
Apr 04, 2015: Lost a whole mess of mutations and one ability due to in game event.
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Demon Character Im working on. The idea came up after tossing a nun idea round.
Name: Amasael
Class: Corrupter (Succubus body)
Race: Full Blooded Demon
Sex: Female (she prefers it that way)

Body: 50 (30+8r+12t)
Mind: 20 (10+8r+2t)
Spirit: 20 (10+8r+2t)

Hit Points (HP): 70
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 55
Spirit Energy (EP): 55
Speed: 22
Dodge: 45
Armor: 0
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 11

Experience: 2

Melee: Enchanted Longsword +50 hit Damage 2d6 + 25 Enchanted Ignore's the AV of creatures that it hits
Unarmed: +50 hit 2d4 + 12

Talents: 9
R) Succubus Magic:
Suck you Dry: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they perform any type of foreplay.
Fuck Me: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they are engaged in penetrative sex.
Enthrall: A creature made to orgasm by the character must win a Resistance check against them or gain the Charmed status, except that the status lasts for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check and resets the duration as if they had used Charm on their partner.
Kama-Sutra: You are a very skilled sexual partner when you choose to be. Change the calculation for pleasure damage from foreplay to 3d6 + Body/3 and penetrative sex to 3d10 + Body/2.
Exceptional x2: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Natural Spirit Wielder (Psion:) : The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Daemon power list. A character must be
Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural, or be of the Half Daemon race, in order to take this Talent.
Superior Spirit (powers): The character gains 2 Powers from any power list.

Flaws: 11
R) Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
R) Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.
R) Fetish Corrupting Nuns/Priestesses:
R) Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
C) Lustful: The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
Selfish (RP) : The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.
Excitable: Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
Easily Aroused: Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.
Mutated x3: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.

Mutations: 18
R) Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
R) Demon: The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
R) Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into. This mutation cannot be used to get or hide other special mutations.
R) Corruptive: The character is able to corrupt even Supernatural creatures if they so choose. A character with this is immune to corruption even from other creatures with Corruptive.
R) Selective Fertility: The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.
C) Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.
Vestigial Wings
----Greater Wings: Demonic wings
Horns: Two little demon horns
Tail: spade tip tail
--Tail cock
Tight/large x3: The character deals +2 PP to your opponent during penetrative sex. Can be taken up to 3 times.
Night Eyes – Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.
Pheromones: The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them.


Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes:
The character forms a link with another target creature, causing any pain (or pleasure) that either suffers to be reflected upon the other.
-The character selects a single target creature within 50 feet, and does one of the following.
1) The character pays 4 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character also takes any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
2) The character pays 8 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character does not take any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
3) The character pays 6 EP. The character targets two creatures instead of one. Both targeted creatures make a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creatures take any damage to HP or PP that the other creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond. The damage or pleasure taken due to this bond does not transfer back over.

Mind Worm:
The character invades another creature's mind. This can be used in any number of ways, either to gather information, transfer information without speaking, erase part of the target's memory, or completely wipe a creature's mind out and reduce them to a vegetable.
-The character chooses one of the following:
1) The character pays 4 + X EP. One target creature within 50 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against DC 5X or be killed instantly. This effect erases their mind completely, turning them into a lifeless vegetable that cannot even feed itself. This damage cannot be repaired in any way, even by the character who used this power.
2) The character pays 8 EP. One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose this check or choose not to resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved and the character doesn't get the information that they want. The character can choose to leave the creature's mind intact or erase the memories that they searched for. Picking out specific memories to delete is not possible with a single use, it's all or nothing. Attempting to erase memories integral to a creature, such as those of loved ones, their personal history, or basic concepts like language or survival needs provide massive bonuses to the save against this power.
3) The character pays 3 EP. The targeted creature gains information from the character's mind of the character's choosing. This information must all be of the same subject: it cannot be used to grant someone else the entirety of the character's memories.

The character moves objects using their mind. This power can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the circumstances.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X Force damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 1 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per round. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.

Warp Shell
The character radically warps their physical shell, allowing them to shift it even further than a shapeshifter normally could. Taking this power functions like the Shapeshifter special mutation, but the character may also pay 2X EP to undergo a 1 minute transformation process that grants them X Special Mutations from the following list for up to 1 hour: Spider, Plant, Alien, Demon, Faerie, Tentacles, Immunity (Element), or Aquatic.

Devil’s Lightning
Black lightning crackles forth, firing in a line from the casters hand out to 100 feet away or until it hits some obstruction that it can't pass through.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5 feet of a 100 foot line take (1d8 + 4) * X Electricity damage.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 3d10 +43
Foreplay = 3d6 + 34
Succubus Powers:
Rhythm: While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.

Sexual Healing: When draining the energies of another, the character can choose not to regain their EP, and instead regain an amount of HP equal to the amount of EP they would regain.

Deny Release: The character can deny their partner orgasm by winning a Resistance check against them. For every round that the subject of this power would take pleasure damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they are drained as if they did orgasm, but are denied their actual climax effectively leaving their PP at 0. For every turn in which they maintain this effect, they can drain an additional 4 EP from their partner. This effect is cumulative but is not multiplied by orgasm unless the
character ceases using this power.

*Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead
attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.
Party cloths
Bondage gear (enough for 4 people: safe house)
makeup kit
70 denari

Amasael keeps several forms all mostly woman her favorite however is that of a Crolian Halfelf with a large chest and child bearing hips. She favors blonde hair and pointy ears. As well as purple eyes giving her a exotic look. This is the form she dose most of her friendly activities in allowing her to hold her guise as a simple prostitute. Her true form is a wonder to behold. Impressive demonic wings adorn her back often draped like a cloak over her pale skin. Her hair is as black as her soul with two little horns sticking threw them. Her supernaturally beautiful face has red eyes and black lips. Given her role as concubine she has large breasts and large hips. Her narrow waist gives her the hour class figure most woman would sell their soul to have.

Alternate forms
, (normal form but with more cloths on)
Amasael started out as a concubine for a more powerful demon often being sent on collecting missions for her lord. One trip however after draining a spirit users dry her lord up and died severing her from his service and banishing her to the mortal plain. Stuck she decided to consume the soul she had taken and forge herself a new role in this world. After all she had been doing all the groveling for far to long maybe it was time for her to forge her own legacy. Little dose Ama know that she wasn't always a demon and now that she is free from her masters control her old life has begun to seep into her waking moments.

The OOC section:

Change Log:
29th, Jan 2013: gained 20 denari
30th, Jan 2013: spent 4 denari
22nd, May 2013: gained 15 denari
23rd, May 2013: Spent 11 denari on makeup wine and bondage gear.
????, June 2013: scored 30 denari from hapless adventurer.
7th, Feb 2016: Gained 2 xp for holiday fun.


Name: Katheryn Autumn Rose
Class: Cleric in training (weilder/warrior)
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Body: 20
Mind: 14
Spirit: 40

Hit Points (HP): 47
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 44
Spirit Energy (EP): 87
Speed: 16 (22)
Dodge: 49
Armor: 14
Resistance: 20
Perception: 28
Stealth: 2 (14-12)
Grapple: 20
Spirit Ceiling: 14 (17-3)


Talents: 10
C) Holy Mage: The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Holy Magic power list.
Exceptional x3: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Natural Warrior (Skilled): The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Side Skill: The character chooses one skill that they meet the requirements for. They can use that skill.
Massive Energy Pool: The character gets +30 max EP.
Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.
Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.

Flaws: 4
Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
Fetish (Sex addict/nyphomania) The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.
Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Mutations: 0

Skills: 4
Untethered Mind and Soul- The EV of the character’s armor applies only ? of its penalty to their Base Casting and Spirit Ceiling.
Knight (Passive) ? The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.
Spirited Warrior - The character can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge and AV by X, Resistance by 2X, OR increase their damage on each attack by 2X, OR increase their attack rolls by 2X. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.
Untemptable (Passive) - The character gains a +10 bonus to Dodge and Resistance against all succubus powers and pleasure damage.

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes: 1/2
Multifocused: The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general.
Powers: 4
The character conjures astral chains to bind a creature, holding them in place and preventing them from moving or fighting.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within line of sight must win a Resistance check equal to 6X or gain the Bound Status. Powers and Spells that could normally be used even with the bound status cannot be used while the creature is bound with this power. All active Powers and Spells on a creature that fails this check are deactivated. The creature bound in this way can attempt a new Resistance check every round in order to escape at the same DC so long as the character pays the upkeep cost.
The character grants increased strength to themselves and their allies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character and all allies within 30 feet gain a +3X bonus to attack rolls and Dodge, as well as a 2X bonus to Resistance and Perception.
Holy Wall
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will or designate any creature and allow them to do the same.
-The character pays 4 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-Any creature not allowed to pass through the wall must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 points of damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check. Demons and Undead attempting to pass through this wall take a -4 penalty to their Resistance check and have the damage against them doubled.
-The character may pay an additional 4 EP when creating this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to their Resistance. If the character does so, the upkeep cost is increased by 3. This can be done multiple times.
Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) One touched creature regains 6X HP.
2) One touched creature gains 4X Temporary HP until the end of the encounter. Using this function twice on the same target in a single encounter discards the lesser temporary HP pool.
3) Negative effects can be removed from a targeted creature for 3X each.
Pleasure Damage:
Penetration =
Foreplay =
Succubus Powers:

Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
Round Heavy Shield: DB = 10. EV = 2. Deals +4 damage when used to Shield bash.
One Handed Blunt Weapon: 2d4 + 2 + Body/2
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Ahdeah the Duskelf
Name: Ahdeah Moonwolf
Class: Arcane Knight (Warrior)
Race: Dusk Elf (Halfbreed 1/2 high elf 1/2 night elf)
Sex: Female
Age: 111

Body: 50 (36+2r+12t)
Mind: 20 (6+4r+10t)
Spirit: 12 (8+2r+2t)

Hit Points (HP): 66
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 51
Spirit Energy (EP): 47
Speed: 20 (22-2ev)
Dodge: 55 (45 vs auto hit magic and powers) (41+4s+10a)
Armor: 14 (12+2s)
Resistance: 25
Perception: 30 (22+8t)
Stealth: 18 (22-4ev)
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 7 (9-2)
Ev: 2

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: 8
R) Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.

Exceptional x3: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

Heavy hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.

Natural Mage (Focus Arcane): The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level.

Shield Fighter: Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets. Defensive Fight penalties apply at 1/2 the usual rate to shield bash attacks, though they still apply normally to any regular attacks.

Skill with Shortspear: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.

Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Flaws: 3
R) Open Soul x2: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

R) Fetish Demons: The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.

Honorable (RP): The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

Lustful (RP): The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Mutations: 0/12

Skills: 9
Battlemage (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with spells.

Defensive Stance -
The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks.

Shield Specialization (Passive) –
Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Shield bash attacks get a +10 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Shield Slam – The character makes only a Shield Bash attack for the round, but that attack deals +10 damage, and the creature hit by it must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. Requires Shield Fighter.

Specialized [Weapon] (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.

Spell Resistance (Passive) - The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any given Spell or Power. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.

Untethered Mind and Soul- The EV of the character’s armor applies only ½ of its penalty to their Base Casting and Spirit Ceiling.

Weapon Focus (Passive) –
The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Base Casting: 18 (10+10t-2av)
Favored Elements: Arcane
Magic Feats: 0

Wielder Aptitudes: None
Powers: None

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 +16
Foreplay = 2d4 +12
Succubus Powers: None


Armor: Elven Warplate: AV = 12, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 4. Weak against Bludgeoning. Strong against Piercing.
Sheild: Round Heavy Shield: DB = 10. EV = 2. Deals +4 damage when used to Shield bash.
Primary Weapon:
Short spears. 4d5 - 4 + Body/2
Secondary Weapon: Longsword. 2d6 + Body/2
Ranged Weapon: Javelins 4d6 + Body/4, 25 foot range, come in packs of 4, gives a -4 penalty to the target's Speed if hit
Ahdeah and her twin sister Irilona are a rate paring of a high elf and night elf. Their parents both adventers had come together after a incident with a succubus drove them to the edge of lust. Succumbing to their base needs after the encounter the pair soon found out that they where with child. Not willing to abbandon their mother to the cruel fates of her jungle home and to avoid the stigma of their mixed heritage among his own people the two lovers retried in a remote corner of Crolia far from the watchful eyes of the high elves and the dangers of the jungle.

Ahdeah is fairly tall for an elf standing at an impressive 5'8. She has a toned athletic body with a nice set of C cup breasts and womanly hips. Her skin a blending of her pale fathers and darker skinned mother has a greyish tint to it which has lead to some calling her a dusk elf. She has striking purple eyes and silvery white hair.

The OOC section:
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)


Name: Kára
Class: Valkyrie (war)
Race: Crolian (template Valkryie)
Sex: Female

Body: 42 (+10r +2t)
Mind: 20 (+10t)
Spirit: 20 (+6r +4t)

Hit Points (HP): 62
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 52
Spirit Energy (EP): 52
Speed: 14 (20-6)
Dodge: 77 (63) (41+ 20+ 2+14)
Armor: 20 (8+ 2+12)
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 0 (20-8-12)
Grapple: 42
Spirit Ceiling: 7 (10-3)

Spear: +62 to hit 4d5 - 4 + 31
Sword: +44 to hit: 2d6 + 31 damage
Shield: +54 to hit: 3d6 + 32 damage
Unarmed: +44 to hit: 2d4 + 20 damage

Talents: 9(10)
R) Skilled:
G) Exceptional x2:
G) Natural Spirit user( Starseeker): The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Celestial power list.
G) Hard to Hit x2: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
C) Battle Hardened: The character has suffered through numerous battles, developing scarring and mental resistance to pain. The character gains +8 AV.
C) Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
C) Shield Fighter: Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets. Defensive Fight penalties apply at 1/2 the usual rate to shield bash attacks, though they still apply normally to any regular attacks.
C) Skill with [Shortaned polearms]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Flaws: 4(6)
R) Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
R) Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.
Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
Excitable: Whenever the character’s PP falls below 1/2 of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
Mutations: 0

Skills: 8
Bladesinger (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

Spirited Warrior - The character can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge and AV by X, Resistance by 2X, OR increase their damage on each attack by 2X, OR increase their attack rolls by 2X. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.

Weapon Focus Shortaned polearms(Passive) - The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Shield Specialization (Passive) – Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Shield bash attacks get a +10 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls. Requires Shield Fighter.

Untethered Mind and Soul (Passive) - The EV of the character’s armor applies only 1/2 of its penalty to their Base Casting and Spirit Ceiling.

Knight (Passive) - The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Defensive Stance - The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses. Requires Duelist OR Shield Fighter.

Shield Slam - The character makes only a Shield Bash attack for the round, but that attack deals +10 damage, and the creature hit by it must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. Requires Shield Fighter.

Base Casting: 0
Favored Elements: none
Magic Feats: 0

Wielder Aptitudes: 0
Powers: 3

Astral Wings
The character conjures a set of brilliant magical wings that grant them unusual powers.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains the ability to fly at twice their Speed, +3X Dodge, +2X Resistance, and +2X AV.

Astrologer's Boon
The character grants a bonus to themselves or an ally.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, if using this power as a buff, it costs X-2 upkeep every round.
-The character does one of the following:
1) The character may grant X EP to an ally that they are able to touch.
2) The character may grant themselves or an ally that they are able to touch a +3X bonus to attack rolls, Dodge, Resistance, and Perception.

The character fires a ray of solar energy!
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) They deal (1d10+3) * X damage to one target creature.
2) They deal (1d8+2) * X damage to all creatures within a 150 foot line.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 14 (Body/3)
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10 (Body/4)
Succubus Powers:

Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
Round Heavy Shield: DB = 14 (10+4). EV = 2. Deals +4 damage when used to Shield bash.
Short spear: 4d5 - 4 + Body/2
Longswords: 2d6 + Body/2
Kára is a tall well toned woman with slightly curly blonde hair. She is honorable and upstanding and while physically attractive dose not flaunt her beauty. She has Blue eyes and a good attitude. She often smiles when she's not fighting and many find her warm and compassionate. She favors using a shield, one handed spear, and short blade for back up. Her armor is an well made breastplate with a mail shirt underneath. Both are well maintained and the Breastplate shines in the light.

Kára started out life known as Annabeth Dove a devoute follower of Doraleous often called the Thunderlord or Skylord. In that life she served his church as a temple guardian keeping the priestess and priests safe from bandits, orcs, and monsters. Her life was good and the small community she lived in was prosperous. She had a husband and was the adoptive mother of his two children. But all that was another life ago before her death at the hands of a summoned demon. It had been a dark day for the community a local man had killed a peasent girl who lived outside the village. The man was excuited but it wasn't enough for the grife stricken father who in a fit of rage summoned forth a demon. Anna was one of the first guards to arive and began to evacute people to the church, as the demon unbound rampaged threw the village slaughtering all that he crossed.

The holy ground of the temple was safe but not all the people had made it to safty just yet. Rallying the guards formed up at the temple. As the demon approached guards broke and ran the demon more than a match for any of them. Anna however held her ground and went on the offence trying to buy time for the rest of the villiagers to amke it to safty. The battle was laughably one sided the demon mearly toying with Anna till it got bored and ended it. As she lay there bleeding out a glorious female figure appeared before her and told her she had done well and that she would be reborn to serve the Skylord as one of his Valkyrie. It was then that the woman touched her heart and Annabeth Dove was no more instead she became Kára the Shield Maiden.
The OOC section:
CYOA character based in DG
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Thelia Half Elf gun slinger

Name: Thelia Heart
Class: Gun Slinger
Race: Half Elf (Bardian/High Elf)
Sex: Female

Body: 50
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 60
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Speed: 30 (22)
Dodge: 45 (35)
Armor: 13
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 18 (22)
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 6 (8)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0/100

® Pain Resistant: Increase the character's AV by 5
Battle Hardened: The character gains +8 AV.
Exceptional x2: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
Skill with [Pistols]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Two Weapon Fighter: Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.
Sniper: The character deals +8 damage on all ranged attacks.

® Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
® Fetish [Nymphomaniac]: The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.
Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

Mutations: 0/12

Skills: 6
Bayonet (Passive) - The character can use their ranged weapon as a melee weapon in a pinch. The Bow is treated as a Two Handed Club, Pistols are treated as One Handed Clubs, and Rifles and Crossbows are treated as Shortened Polearms. Attacks made with these weapons are made at a -4 penalty to attack rolls. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Pistolero (Passive) – The character can reload two pistols at once without trouble. Whenever they choose to reload their weapons, they reload both at the same time instead of doing so one at a time. In addition, the character no longer takes penalties to attack and Dodge when using pistols in melee combat. Requires Skill with Pistols.
Quick Reload (Passive) – Decrease the reload time of any weapon wielded by the character by 1 round. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Rapid Shot - The character can take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls and a -1 penalty to their damage for all attacks that round in order to take an additional attack against a target of their choosing who is within range. This can be used as many times as the character likes per turn, until their weapon runs empty or up to five shots. The penalties are cumulative and the same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Weapon Focus Pistols (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.
Weapon Specialization Pistols (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.

Base Casting: 5
Favored Elements: 0
Magic Feats: 0

Wielder Aptitudes: 0
Powers: 0

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 16
Foreplay = 2d4 + 12
Bonus Damage taken 5 or 13 if treated to fetish
Succubus Powers: 0

Custom Pistols x2 (if allowed): 3d8 + 6, 15 foot range, 5 shots, 1 round reload, ignores 4 AV, +1 EV
Custom weapon creation
Base weapon stats with 12 points to spend for pistol
Damage: 2d6, AV 0
Range: 10 ft
Shots: 1
Reload: 1t:

-2 for increased die step 2d6 - 2d8
-2 for increased number of die 2d8 - 3d8
-4 for addition damage 0 - 6
-1 for to ignore 4 AV
-1 for +5 range
-4 for increased shots 1 - 5
+2 for +1 EV 0 - 1
Adventuring gear
50 Denari

Her mother a simple human farmer of Bardian decent and her father a High Elven soldier. The details of the incident died with her mother but from what Thelia had gathered her mother was seduced by an elven scout while her husband was away. Thelia was the resulting child from their brief union. Sadly her mothers husband was an abusive bastard and took it out on Thelia and her mother whenever he could. Growing up the proof of his wives infidelity made certain that Thelia bore the brunt of her stepfathers wrath and as such she has grown up knowing pain dulling her sense of it. After her mothers death her stepfather soon joined her under rather mysterious circumstances. Her weapons hand crafted for her by a sympathetic soul are her most valuable possessions.

Thelia stands at a healthy 5ft weighing in around 130 pounds. Her figure seems to be rather lithe petite. Small breasts and small hips only enhance her slight nature despite her natural resistance and strength. Thelia is a strawberry blonde with blue eyes. Her face is devoid of most emotion owing to her emotional scars.


The OOC section: WIP
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Knight Version 2.5
Name: Katrina Steelwind
Class: Knight
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Body: 40
Mind: 10
Spirit: 16

Hit Points (HP): 53
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 41
Speed: 8 (20-12)
Dodge: 59 (69 vs succubus powers that deal pp) (45 base)
Armor: 22 (2 if no armor)
Resistance: 20 (32 vs attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses)
Perception: 20
Stealth: -4 (20-24ev)
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 3 (8-12ev)

Corruption: 0

Chargeing mods: -10 dodge +4 hit and Damge
Shield Slam: 3d6 +39

Talents: 9
R) Shield Fighter: Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets. Defensive Fight penalties apply at 1/2 the usual rate to shield bash attacks, though they still apply normally to any regular attacks.
Exceptional x2: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
Skill with [One Handed Swords]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Skilled x2: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Wealthy: The character starts the game with an additional 100 denarii, which they may spend immediately.

Flaws: 4
Honorable (RP): The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
Idealistic (RP): The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility.
Fetish (Sex with demons): While Katrina can be kind, just and a stout foe of Evil she did go threw a phase where she fantasized about being a demon's lover. She's over it now... mostly. +8pp damage when having sex with demons.
R)Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal. Little dose Katrina know that her families long battle with Evil has taken its toll on their bloodline a demonic taint that can never be cleansed.

Mutations: 0

Skills: 11
Charge – The character can move up to three times their Speed this round so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to their attack rolls and damage, but the character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.
Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.
Shield Cover – The character cannot move or make any attacks, but they and all creatures standing behind them do not take damage from any attacks unless they are coming from directly behind the character using this skill. Requires Shield Fighter.
Shield Slam – The character makes only a Shield Bash attack for the round, but that attack deals +10 damage, and the creature hit by it must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. Requires Shield Fighter.
Shield Specialization (Passive) – Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Shield bash attacks get a +10 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls. Requires Shield Fighter.
Spirited Warrior - The character can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge and AV by X, Resistance by 2X, OR increase their damage on each attack by 2X, OR increase their attack rolls by 2X. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.
Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
Untemptable (Passive) - The character gains a +10 bonus to Dodge and Resistance against all succubus powers and attacks that deal pleasure damage.
Weapon Focus One Handed Swords (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type.
Weapon Specialization One Handed Swords (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type.

Base Casting: 3 (5-12ev)
Favored Elements: none
Magic Feats: 0

Wielder Aptitudes: 0

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 13
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10
Succubus Powers:

Plate Barding: AV = 20, EV = 10, TP = 60, DU = 5.
Plate Armor: AV = 20, EV = 10, TP = 60, DU = 5.
Round Heavy Shield: +52
DB = 10. EV = 2. Deals +4 damage when used to Shield bash.
3d6 + 29
One Handed Sword: +60
2d6 + 34
Light Lance (Shortened Polearms: One Handed): +42 attack
4d5 - 4 + 30
The Bow: +40 attack
2d8 + 6 + 13, 50 foot range
Katrina Steelwind was raised as a stout foe of evil. Trained from a young age to combat and resist the demons she travels the world a wandering Knight Errant searching for her enemy. Katrina is a Young woman her years of training have left her with a fit body well protected by steel plate armor. She has light brown hair and soft brown eyes. Her body fit from training has a pair of nice soft breasts easily a B-cup and while slim in figure she has a decent sized hips giving her ass a nice heart shape. Raised in seclusion from outsiders and with only her fellow students and teachers Katrina believed in the tales of heroic knights battling evil and saving the day leaving her rather naive to how the world really works.
The OOC section:
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Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Re: Extra stuff (ranger)

Rogue like Character

Name: Victoria June Rosewood
Class: Rogue/Treasure Hunter
Race: Demon Kin (1/2 breed human and part demon)
Sex: Female

Body: 50
Mind: 16
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 63
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 46
Spirit Energy (EP): 43
Speed: 21
Dodge: 52
Armor: 5
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 36
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 7


Exceptional x2: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit (except for ranged attacks which get a +10 bonus to hit) and deal double damage (before armor) on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead gets a free grapple action against their target.
Two Weapon Fighter: Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.
Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic) : The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
Sneaky: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Stealth stat.
Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Skill with [One Handed Swords]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
R) Tainted Bloodline
R) Mutated
Fetish (Demons): Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage
Phobia (Rabbits) (RP) : There is something you are irrationally afraid of. You'd rather not be presented with the thing you're afraid of, and there must be good reason for you to approach or remain near it. Note that something that makes sense for you to fear can't be a phobia.
Prideful (RP) : The character is possessed of immense pride in themselves, their race, their station, an organization that they belong to, or something similar. They will not suffer the dignity of whatever they take pride in to be insulted, will not allow its name to be besmirched, and will not allow it to go undefended under any circumstances. They will commit to violence in defending it if need be.

Mutations: 3/6 400 corruption till next mutation
R) Demon
R) Naturally Warped
C) Selective Fertility: The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.
Slick: The character gets incredibly wet or otherwise produces an unusual amount of lubrication, resulting in a +6 bonus to end penetration or a -6 penalty against maintaining it, but also gaining +4 PP damage during penetrative sex.
Tight/Large: The character deals +2 PP to your opponent during penetrative sex.
Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.
Skills: 9
Flurry – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage.
Rend – The character takes a -4 penalty to all of their attacks for the round. If the character hits the same creature with both of their weapons in the same turn, they deal an additional 2d12 points of damage to that creature. This damage ignores the targets AV, but can only be dealt once per round to any one creature. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Scissor Defense – The character forsakes all attacks for the round and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated.
Sneak – The character forsakes all other actions for the round. Instead, they may make a Stealth check against all nearby opponents who are aware of them at a -10 penalty. If they win this check, they are no longer detected by any enemy that they beat in the check. Requires Stealthy.
Sudden Strike – The character can take a -10 penalty to Dodge, attack, and damage until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -6 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win those attacks count as sneak attacks. Unlike normal sneak attacks, these attacks do not automatically hit. Requires Stealthy.
Evasion (Passive) - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than 1/4. The character also gains a +4 bonus to Dodge.
Nose for Treasure (Passive) - Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining a +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.
Thief (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Stealth, and can pick locks and disarm traps.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
Base Casting: 0
Favored Elements: None
Magic Feats: 0

Wielder Aptitudes: 0
Powers: None

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 22 dealt
Foreplay = 2d4 + 14 dealt
Succubus Powers: 3
Apparent Innocence (Passive): The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will usually be the last one to be attacked unless they obviously display that they're the thread. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out or rape them. This has no effect on non-intelligent creatures or on PCs, and characters that display plainly that they are a threat will be treated as such. In addition, the character gains a +8 Resistance bonus when attempting to Charm a target.
Desperation: The character can pay X EP at the start of their turn in order to increase their Dodge or Resistance against hostile effects by 2X or reduce all incoming PP damage by 2X until their next turn.
Selective Fertility: The character gains the Selective Fertility Special Mutation. This power also allows the character to choose to gain or remove the Potent, Breeder, Connection, or Fertile Mouth mutations at any time for 2 EP per mutation per hour. A character must be Warped or above, or have the Demon or Faerie special mutations already in order to select this succubus power.
Leather armor (skimpy)
Two short swords
Throwing Daggers

Victoria started life as a simple girl in love with simple things. Growing up on the outskirts of the empire she heard little of the troubles that plagued the world. Instead she day dreamed of finding a dashing man to take her away. Little did she know such a man had indeed come for her but not to take her away but to use her and take her inheritence. The dashing man promised her everything she ever wanted and wooed her with tale and song. She fell for it hard, trusting the man who was named Robbert she gave everything up for him. They didn't need money they had each other. Instead of the joyus life with her love Robert she found her self sold into slavery. It was about this time when the invaders came and broke the empire as the world knew it. Managing to free herself she went back home only find a smoking ruin her house being the first of the many that fell to orc invaders. Disalsioned and scared she now wonders the land in search of treasure and something or someone to believe in.

Victory is rather tall for a Bardian woman naturally standing close to 5'8 she is easily the equal of many men in height. This of course draws unwanted attention to a would be theif. Instead she often uses her shapshifting ablities granted to her by her mother to appear smaller and more frail than she actually is. She has a nice chest easily between a Large B and a C and she has Raven black hair paried with pale blue eyes. Her over all form is fairly athletic and she seems to walk with a certain sensual grace.

The OOC section:
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