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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Mio stop and turn back, she was not used to leave anyone cure her, but the elf honor was on play so she nod and return to her side with a little purr. Once she sit on the floor she do her best to resist the elf treatment, but even then she can stop to whine when her wound was cleanned.

We are the only ones than know about this, but its not use to continue to avenge them, the human sacrifice is enough and what i want for win will be not possible with this wound, so i will say what you will do the next time than i find you, so prepare yourself for that moment, Celine. With these words she put her top again and return to the side of her partner.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine set about cleaning Mio's wounds up and then she bandaged them up some to keep them from getting dirt in them. She noticed that Mio seemed to be in a good deal of pain, so she tried to be as gentle about it as she could manage. Once she was done cleaning Mio's wounds and everything, Celine would gently pet her on the head and tell her she was done.

"Very well then, we'll meet you back here at the agreed upon time. Though it may be better if she has them in a safe place and then I come here to get you two and take you to them, as she probably won't be able to walk very well or fight to defend herself if we're attack on the way here," Celine replied to Mio's words, bowing her head in a friendly manner.

"I'll be prepared for you to take your prize when we next meet then," Celine then told Mio as she was preparing to leave.

She would wave at Mio as she and her companion left and then she sat back down while she waited for Cassie to awaken, cleaning her off some before she woke.

"Are you okay Cassie?" Celine would ask her companion when she woke, gently brushing her hair out of her eyes.
"I... thank you for doing that for me. I can't begin to thank you for it."

When Cassie was ready to move out, then they would continue up the road towards where the slime girl Amy had told her to check out for her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once decide to let Celine choice how the babies will be taken, Celine see how Mio wave as she vanish between the trees, leaving her only with Cassie. The blonde elf started to clean her nude partner, it was an easy job as Myrtle love sessions look to last a lot more of time.

After some minutes Cassie wake up, she get up like if nothing have happened Im fine, maybe a little tired but not like when you save me. You are welcome Celine, but im in debt with you and Myrtle for save me and take care of me. Cassie started to dress herself after touch her belly for a moment trying to realize than she will turn into a mother in some days, once both ready they continue their path trying to avoid any possible fight.

Some minutes later they reach the area where they meet each other, maybe some minutes more and they will reach the end of the swamp, Celine notice than Amy was not on the path and some feets away she notice the ragged pantie on the floor, but just as they leave the area they notice a group of tents around an unused fireplace, the tents looks to be heavily damaged and they can see someone resting close one.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once Cassie had woke up, Celine helped her get dressed, and listened to her say that she was in Celine's and Myrtle's debt for helping her.

"Oh you don't have to worry about repaying us Cassie, we didn't help you so you'd have to repay us," Celine told her friend as she helped her to her feet.

then they went on for a while, keeping their eyes open for any dangers and after a while they came to where they met each other the day before, then noticed that Amy was not there any longer and she saw the ragged pair of panties on the ground again. When they were about to head on further, Celine noticed a group of tents surrounding an unused campfire, with the tents looking to have been heavily damaged by something. They also saw someone resting close to one of the tents and Celine glanced at Cassie.

"Do you think we should see if they're okay? I think we should cause they could be hurt," Celine whispered to Cassie as they looked on at the camp.

If Cassie agreed with Celine's decision on checking to see if the person was okay, then Celine would cautiously step forward and call out in a polite and friendly tone, "Um hello... are you okay? Do you need any help?" Celine asked the person.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Yes, lets try to see if they need help, but just in case be carefull, Celine Cassie answer before both go to check. Once they were close the body, they notice than the person was a brunette woman dressed with an explorer outfit, she looks to be still alive, but she looks to be hipnotized as she dont answer even when she is looking to the sky, she have a strange necklance with a symbol than both girls looks to dont know, in one of the tents they can see a female statue completely nude in a lewd position, her breasts are more huge than her head and she is holding her very big dick with both hands, trials of milk and cum are also perfectly do it on her. There were others 6 tents and they could get inside this to try to find something
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Don't worry I'll be careful," Celine whispered to Cassie as she stepped forward. The girl they saw was still alive, but she didn't answer her when she called out to her and simply sat there staring up at the sky, as if hypnotized. Celine and Cassie noticed that she had a strange necklace around her neck that had a symbol neither could identify. In one of the tents, they could see a statue of a nude woman that was in a very lewd position, with breasts larger than her head while holding her very large member in both hands. There were other tents that they could check inside to try and find something that could tell them what had happened.

"Maybe it's the necklace on her that's making her like that. While I take it off of her, you check the rest of the tents," Celine told Cassie, then she reached for the necklace around the girl's neck and tried to take it off of her to see if that snapped her out of her stupor.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The black haired girl nod and start to check the tents, meanwhile Celine start to untie the necklance and take it from the woman who in the instant give a deep breath and looks to Celine completely confused of see a unknown wild elf close her. W-who are you? where are the others? Just then Cassie scream and quickly return to where Celine and the explore are. A... a strange doll... is so weird... please follow me, i cant descrive it. The girl make them follow her to one of the tents, there a beautifull sex doll of 4.0 feets was undressed on the floor, her hands were holding a dildo who still was inside her cunt, she have a mixed pure an sluty face, her small body is filled and drenched with dry cum until looks like hundred of men have used this doll, her long pink hair and breasts were out of proportion with her tinny size, even her nipples looks to allow a thigh access to any dick, her face have a make up close of what a pure inocent whore could have and once the explorer get close her, she just give some backsteps before fall at her back. W-what is doing a doll in that tent? is this some kind of dream? Where are all my workers?
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I'm Celine, and we haven't seen any others as of yet and..." Celine began saying when she was cut off by Cassie screaming. Celine turned to see Cassie running back towards them. Cassie told them to follow her that she couldn't describe what she'd found.

Celine got up and helped the other girl to her feet, then they followed Cassie over to the tent in question. Celine saw a beautiful sex doll that was about 4 feet tall, she was naked, her hands were holding a dildo that was still inside of her, she had dried cum all over her that made her look as if she'd had sex with hundreds of men, she had pink hair and large breasts that were out of proportion with her small body, and she had a slutty look on her face. Celine saw the girl she'd just helped take a few steps back before falling down and asking what the doll was doing there.

"What workers? What is that doll? What has happened here?" Celine asked the girl as she moved over to help her back up to a sitting position, probably bombarding the poor girl with too many questions at once, but nonetheless they needed answers about what had happened and this girl seemed to be the only one left who could explain to them what all had happened.
"We'll help you as best we can, but first we need to know what happened, so start at the beginning for me." Celine would turn to Cassie before the girl spoke.

"Cassie check the other tents and see what's in them, there may be others in them or something to answer our questions," Celine told Cassie while she tried to get some answers from the girl, thinking that she may not want the answers she seeks in the end.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

She said "what is doing a doll inside the tent? [/color]

The girl shake her head and looks to Celine before start. We were exploring these lands, then we find some ruins with a huge quantity of information of a lost civilization, someone give me that necklance when we were exploring and i dont remember anything after that. My team is made of 13 persons, 10 males and others 2 girls, i dont remember than any of them have a doll like this or anything similar, some persons of our town said than this place is cursed by some kind of witch or dark creature, but these must be just rumors.

Cassie return after had check others 3 tents, she was very scared to continue doing it alone, she said than there was a strange picture of two women being raped by a very huge amount of diferent creatures, the two girls have corrupted bodies than fill the monsters needs and each part of them has been used and filled with cum. in other tent a brown skinned marionette of a nude woman has her limbs separed from her body and looks to had been used for a long time, like the doll she was very realistic and have the holes needed to be used, Finally in a last tent a gold female statue was on the floor without her legs and saphires instead her eyes, in the tents there were also some books, a diary, very spoiled food, male clothes, personal things than a explorer must have and sex toys in two of these tents, maybe the remain tents have the same kind of things.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine listened to the girl's story about what had happened up until now that she could remember, saying that she and her companions were exploring these lands and had found ruins containing a lot of information about a lost civilization, she told Celine that someone had given her the necklace while they were exploring and that she couldn't remember anything after that. Celine also learned that her team consisted of 13 people, 10 men and 2 girls including herself to make 13.

"Well actually we spoke with a neko named Mio not long ago about some strange creatures invading these lands, they may be linked to the ruins now that I think about it," Celine told the girl. Then she gestured at herself and the Cassie as she introduced them them both to the girl.
"I'm Celine and that's Cassie by the way."

Cassie came back after checking 3 of the other tents, though she did so reluctantly as she was scared to do it alone. She told Celine what all was in the tents and Celine told her to take them to the first and show them the picture.

"Maybe the two in the picture are your two female companions," Celine told the girl as they followed Cassie to the tent.

After reaching the tent, Celine told Cassie to check the remaining tents and to scream if she needed help, and also to collect some of the clothes from the tents as well because they could probably use them later if they found some of the other people, or they could use the clothes themselves if they needed them. Celine meanwhile would help the girl they found try to make sense of what happened here by taking the diary Cassie had found and reading it, maybe finding some answers within its pages.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

A neko? i heard than in the swamp live one huge group of them, they looks to have a bad reference about us, some reports of others excursions said than they do all what they can to push any human out of their lands, i dont know the reason of why they act like this. Nice too meet you Cassie and Celine, both can call me Triny The research said with a smile and then she follow them toward the tent where Cassie find the strange painting, after a while triny get amazed by the realistic work and soon she notice than one of the girls is one of her helpers. Vanessa? She looks like her but is so different, i can only recognize her by her face. All this dont have any senses, even the tents and the food looks to had been destroyed with the time.

Cassie looks to still need time to look around each tent, this work looks to be really hard for someone like her, even she run away when she get inside the next one. I dont want to go inside any of these places alone, all these things are so creepy, that human size puppet and statues make me want to just run away, can i just stay with both of you and check each tent together? Cassie said as she give the diary and stay with them, even together she cant avoid to see that lewd picture showing these two girls being used in that brutal way.

The diary looks to belong to one of the girls, it said than Triny and them were exploring these ruins for some weeks, she said than some workers looks to feel better inside them than in their own tents, but then a day Triny get lost and they search for her... Suddenly they find a strange woman singing close the camp, many guys decide to take her with them and let her rest that night.

The last page said something about a beast, screams and roars coming from the outside and how someone get try to get inside her tent...

Out of what the diary describe there werent any sign of fight or weapons around the camp.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Alright Cassie, we'll check them together in a minute," Celine told her friend, knowing that she must be scared cause she was scared herself, though she was trying not to let it show as much.

Celine read the entries in the diary and it seemed to simply get it said that they were exploring the ruins for some weeks, with the workers wanting to stay in them rather then in their tents. It said one day that Triny got lost and they searched for her, then they found a strange woman singing close to their camp. Most of the men the diary said decided to bring the strange woman to their camp to let her rest with them. Then on the last page it said something about a beast, with screams and roars coming from outside, and how someone or something tried to get into her tent....

Celine now felt more than a little scared after reading this and shuddered. Celine figured that the girl the diary belonged to had wrote the last entry in a hurry, mainly because of how it was wrote. If something was trying to get into her tent, then she probably didn't have time to do anything except write down what she had before whatever it was got inside.

Once they had checked the diary, she would turn to the Triny.
"Do you remember this woman the diary talks about? Was she the one that gave you that necklace?" Celine asked Triny in a bit of a shaky voice, wondering what her reply would be.

Upon hearing her answer, Celine would get up and leave the tent so that they could explore the rest of the camp for anything worth finding. After checking the camp, they would regroup back at the campfire.

"I think we should head to these ruins and search them myself, we may be able to figure out what happened exactly if we do. What do you two think we should do?" Celine gave her opinion on what they should do, waiting for them to give theirs.

This seems like it is fast becoming kind of like a fantasy/horror story with sex.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny take the diary and start to read the woman description, i suppose than she is the same person, but i was nearly sure than someone of my team give it to me that day... maybe that woman dressed like one of them... that should be the most logic possibility of what happened. The explorer tone looks to be slightly shaky too, but she was trying to use the logic to reduce it, maybe using her adventurer side to dont start crying and running away of that place.

As both Cassie and Celine went to search inside the others tents, Triny stay there reading some books, as she looks around for something to use to protect herself. In every tent they collect the clothes and useful explorer tools like ropes and similar things, of course than each tent have personal things like pictures of the workers families, personal cleanliness like soap, hair and shoes grease, between others things.

One of the tents was completely destroyed from a side and some hair can be seen in the floor as also cum, other have claws marks, the next tent has the floor full with slime and in a strange way they can find strange sex tools like dildos, chains and leather ropes.

Suddenly in a new tent they find a female cum fountain, the cum sprout from her mouth, eyes and breasts and was sucked by her lower holes in a perpetual cycle, her belly was distended like if she were close to give birth and when Cassie touch the substance it was warm, quickly she cleaned her hand and get away of that thing. All these "work of art" are so freaking creepy, lets take all what we need and leave this place.

The two return to Triny side, she looks to be more calmed and take some things from her possible tent, she even nod without get worried to had to return to the ruins. Please follow me, i know than we will find an answer about what had happened to the others, but both be careful, this place is full with creatures than could try to attack us... and im not very skilled defending myself
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As they went around the camp, Celine and Cassie found many things that could be useful to them and collected all the could be helpful, she mainly liked the idea of the soaps and cleaning items they found and put them in her pack for later use.

"I agree Cassie, once Triny's ready we'll leave," Celine replied to Cassie when her friend said that all of the 'works of art' were creepy.

"I hope we can find some clues, and don't worry we'll be careful Triny. I found Cassie about to be eaten by a large rock creature yesterday, so we know about how dangerous the creatures can be," Celine said to Triny.

Once they were ready, they followed Triny towards the ruins in question. Celine thought about it as they walked and something told her that whatever was going on around here was probably tied into the same thing that Amy had asked her to investigate.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

once ready they walk toward the norteast, the trees were getting reducing as they leave the camp, Celine could feel how the temperature was a little lower than before maybe as they were making a little climb at a side of the mountain, suddenly from the rock a bunch of large strange insects surround them, Cassie tried to prepare her spear, but from below them more bugs come out and start to wrap their legs.

Monsters crit hit Celine and Cassie

(normal egg fight. Original battle system)

Celine 3/5

Cassie 3/5 1/10ap -1 grappled

With her elven speed Celine is able to move away of the bug tendrils, but Cassie was not so lucky and these things start to wrap her legs and getting inside her lower clothes to begin to caress her privates. Resist, i will try to support both of you soon The brunette looks to try to draw something from her explorer unifor as she moves away of the battlefield
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As they traveled, Celine noticed that the trees began thinning out a bit, and Celine could feel the temperature dropping a few degrees, likely from them going up the mountain. While they were walking, they were suddenly attacked by a bunch of large insects that began surrounding them. Cassie tried to get ready to fight, but before she could several bugs came up from below them and started to wrap their legs with their tendrils.

Celine was able to jump away after getting hit, but Cassie wasn't so lucky and the bugs began getting into her lower clothes with their tendrils. Celine heard Triny call out to them to try and hold out that she'd support them soon, but it may not be soon enough, Celine thought.

"Try to hurry Triny, I don't know how long we can hold them," Celine called out to their new companion.

With that Celine tried to rush in to Cassie's aid, shouting, "Hold on Cassie, I'm coming." When she got close enough, Celine began slashing at the bugs holding Cassie with her sword and swinging at the others to try and keep them at bay while she moved in.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Just when Celine went to aid her partner to get free, some bugs wrap her legs making her fall on the floor, their tendrils have an easy access at her lower holes, she could feel them prodding them and caressing her flaccid member, as they get close her. At least Cassie looks to be fighting to push the tendrils away of her, however both were in great danger and even more bugs sprout to take them.

Suddenly a small but powerful wind blast hit the bug bellow Cassie and this cause both girls to turn and see Triny using a strange revolver. Sorry, but im just an amateur using this, so dont wait too much help

Celine fail

Moster hit Celine

Cassie fail

Monster fail

Trinity crit hit bugs bellow Cassie

bugs 2/4

bugs 4/4

even more bugs 3/3
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine went to aid Cassie, some of the bugs wrapped her legs, making her fall to the ground. This gave their tendrils easy access to her lower holes and she could feel them prodding at the along with her still soft flaccid member, though with the caressing it was getting it probably wouldn't stay flaccid for long. Cassie meanwhile seemed to be fighting to get free, however both girls were in danger of being swarmed as even more bugs came up to take them.

Suddenly a small powerful wind blast hit the bug below Cassie and this caused both girls to glance over to see Triny using a strange revolver.

"Well shoot them again Triny!" Celine shouted at their new friend as she panicked from getting grabbed.

Celine struggled mightily to get free, using the sudden lull in the fight thanks to Triny's gun shot to her advantage to get free. If she was able to break free, Celine would swing her sword at the nearest bug in hopes of splitting it in half.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine fail

Monster fail

Cassie hit

Monster fail

Triny hit

Monsters fail

Celine 3/5 3/10Ap

Cassie 3/5 1/10ap

The shoot call the attention of some insects toward the explorer, yhis cause her to take a time to get a safe spoi before try to free the blonde elf. Meanwhile Cassie started to hit the creatures who were trying to repe her friend, but her spear dont cause the enough damage. Celine struggle dont worked to free her, she could feel the tendrils making her get aroused and close to penetrate her, but then Triny manage to hit the bugs and give Celine the time enough to get up and move away of where the bugs are.

Celine hit

Monsters fail

Cassie fail

Monsters hit +Ap damage

Triny kill Cassie bugs with a crit

Monsters hit Triny

bugs /4

bugs 4/4

even more bugs 1/3

Celine 2/5
Cassie 2/5
Triny 3/4

With the bugs number being reduced, Celine cut some and then dodge his attempts to capture her, Cassie try the same but the monsters pinch her leg and she started to blush as she notice a potent wind kill the remain of the bugs close her. Unfortunatelly Triny was not so fast this time and the creatures bite her making her feel funny.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's struggles with the bug that had a hold of her weren't strong enough to break free, and Cassie's attack on the same bug trying to rape Celine failed. Celine could feel its tendrils very close to penetrating her, but then Triny shot again and hit the bugs again which gave her enough time to finally break free of her foes.

Celine's attack when she was able to get free connected with the bug she aimed at and she was able to dodge their counter attacks on her, while Cassie tried to attack as well but one of them pinched her leg and she blushed, but Triny shot again and finished off the last bugs around Cassie. Triny's shot however opened her up for an attack that hit her.

The three girls were all a little hurt, but not out of the fight just yet.

"Cassie, try to keep them from swarming me while I take care of the ones closest to us. While she does that, Triny you shoot any of them that get too close to Cassie, we have to watch each others backs to win this." Celine told the other two, getting ready for round 2.

With that, Celine would cautiously move in and attack the nearest bug, while Cassie covered her, and Triny stayed in the back and covered Cassie.