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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Thankful for the respite, Locke took the fish out of the oven, careful to use mitts and not let any residual slime on his body fall onto the bake. He used a knife and spare spatula to take out portions for each of them, placing them onto individual plates and providing a knife and fork for Melsi in case she wanted to emulate him in eating methods. He then sat down next to her and went ahead and started to eat.

"This is how you hold the knife and fork, see?" He said before tasting his first mouthful. It wasn't bad, if he dared say so himself, though he still had the taste of Melsi clinging to his tongue.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Melsi tried, she truly did. The fork slipped out of her fingers as she tried to not eat it, and hold the fork like Locke. She picked it up again, this time with a closed fist, and took the knife in a similar manner. Barbarically she tore the fish apart, trying to figure out how to use the tools, until she launched a tentacle out of anger, which wrapped the fish around in a bubble of her slime, and sucked it into her body. She dropped the knife and fork on the table, as if she never planned to have anything to do with those two things ever again.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I see... don't worry about it, Melsi. It's hard to pick up on the first go. Thanks for trying though. I'm really happy you did. So do you like the fish?" Locke said kindly to the slime girl, whose pouting he found rather adorable. Something about her big red eyes just seemed so innocent and genuine, he really wanted Melsi to be comfortable here.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Turning back to Locke, he'd be able to see her quickly dissolving the fish in her 'belly' as she smiled and nodded happily. "Mm-hm! Good!" she replied happily.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Great. I'm glad you liked it. I know it might not be what you're used to, or if it's your favorite thing. I'll try to get different things for you from the market until we figure out what it is you like to eat most."

Finishing up his meal, Locke sighed happily and patted his belly. "Mmm, that wasn't bad. Now... we've got to figure out where you'll be staying. Do you like to be indoors or outdoors? I'm sure there's a spare room we could put you in for now..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

While Melsi didn't seem to wholly understand, Locke would remember that there were a variety of rooms in his ranch designed for various mamono. One such room is actually a rather damp room with a small pool. If shown this room, Melsi would seem to love it as she'd go in and soak in the pool's clean water a bit.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Considering all the rooms he had at his disposal, Locke would likely head for the damp, pool filled room first, or near enough to that Melsi would soon find her preference.

"I'm glad you like it, Melsi. This can be your very own place... and I suppose, it being your first night, I should stay with you here until morning. Then I'll have to get back to planning mamono training and seeing to all the ranch's needs."

So saying, Locke settled into Melsi's room, removing his shirt and previously slimed pants. He knew it wouldn't do to abandon Melsi, given her clingy nature, on the very first night, so he resolved to stay with her.

"Just remember, that I will need a good six to eight hours of sleep, but while I am resting, I wouldn't mind you being around me," Locke said, moving over to the slime and petting her.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

After washing herself about in the water a bit, Melsi came out, clean and shiny, before she seemed to make a bed out of herself on the hard floor. "Bed!" she announced herself, while reshaping her humanoid portion of her body over the 'bed' she had made, laying with her head propped up with one hand, and another hand on her hip, winking at Locke in invitation.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Neat trick, Melsi," Locke said, before stripping out of his underwear and rolling himself onto Melsi's mass. He actually felt a bit thrilled inside, spending a night with a slimegirl, helpless to escape if she really wanted him all to herself. He smiled at her bashfully and then slipped his arms around her - or through her as the case may have been. If she angled herself for a kiss, he wouldn't deny her.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Melsi giggled as he stripped, and climbed into her slime bed. Once he laid down, Melsi wrapped her arms and legs around him, before the 'blanket' of slime folded over, and wrapped around them both, effectively covering them both up, as a large pillow of slime formed for Locke and Melsi's heads to lay upon. Wrapped like that, Melsi took the kiss Locke made himself willing for, leaning forward and placing such a light peck on his lips as she seemed to more enjoy the snuggling than actual intimate contact with every part of his naked body.

The slime bed itself could be arguably the most comfy bed Locke would ever have slept in. It let him just sink in, and curved to every part of his body for maximum comfort, once one got used to the slimy sensation that is.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Wow Melsi, you feel great. This is the most comfortable I feel I've ever been," he said, snuggling in closer with his slime. "You're comfortable too, right? I'm not too heavy?"

If Melsi was content to snuggle and sleep with him, Locke wouldn't push things, and would fall asleep into a most relaxed and reinvigorating slumber.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Melsi shook her head slowly. "No... You're... Just right~" she cooed, happy that she found the words she wanted, before letting out a satisfied hum as she held Locke close in a loving gesture.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Ah heh heh... Well, I'll try to be as good to you as I can be, Melsi." Locke said, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. His head sank into the warm, but not too hot goo of his new mamono, and in a strange way, he felt safe, despite being in the grasp of what some would call a monster. Melsi's caring manner just confirmed that he was on the right track to being a successful rancher.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Like that, holding him in her slimy prison, Melsi would quietly embrace Locke until he'd go to sleep. Upon next morning, Locke waking up to Melsi still wrapped around him, and Celes waking up to Raven bringing the blond girl some food, while plenty of blankets covered the egg bearer so that she had the most protection that she could, keeping those eggs safe and sound. Mika was grumbling as Marla instructed her to make breakfast, and Ripple was navigating about the Ranch, hopping here and there, apparently practicing being on land.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes giggled and ate her food with gratitude, as she stayed in place and kept the growing eggs inside of her warm. She was never quite unaware of them, being that they were so heavy and foreign inside of her, but after one night's sleep, she had adjusted to the eggs and didn't mind them at all. Knowing that three black feathered cuties were inside of her right now made the blonde human almost giddy.

Locke meanwhile yawned and rolled over on his slime bed. "Mmph, mornin' Melsi. Shall we take a bath to refresh ourselves?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I feel much safer with you in this nest. I don't know why, but the thought of you anywhere else bothers me." Raven says to Celes, revealing a possible genetic tick. "I will bring you everything you need... So long as I can have that mental comfort."


Melsi giggled and nodded at Locke, sleep nowhere to be seen on her face, apparently having just stared at Locke the whole while as he slept. "Sure~!" she agreed, letting him out of her 'blanket'.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"That's odd," Celes said. "Maybe it's just a natural maternal feeling? Awwww, momma Raven is concerned about her chickies!"

The blonde girl giggled. "Don't worry, I won't go anywhere. I'm your captive egg bearer. But I wanna be pampered.~ Maybe you'll feed me yummy things from your mouth?"


Locke stood up and entered the pool next to Melsi, sloshing the water about himself just to cleanse himself of slimy residue. He then nodded to the slime.

"Follow me then, Melsi. We're gonna go into town today as a group. Need to sort out a training schedule for you and Marla, since I think Raven is going to be watching over my... her... children."

Locke scratched his head and blushed as mixed feelings crossed his mind. Nervousness, pride, endearment, all directed towards his yet to be born harpy children.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven blushed at both things Celes said. "M-momma Raven...?" her face turned a tone even more red at the second bit. "Y-yes, I will pamper you... And feed you with my mouth... What... What do you desire?" she asked, looking nervous.


"Okay!" Melsi chirped happily as she watched him bathe, before sliming into the waters as well, not really dirty, but hugging him all the same.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Berries! Feed me fruit!" Celes said with a twinkle of delight in her eye. "You're so cute when you're nervous, Raven. Don't stress though. Your chicks are safe inside me, so long as you keep me safe, they're safe too."


Locke laughed and patted Melsi's head. "I'm gonna have to wear clothes when we go into town later today to pick up supplies for the ranch and look into getting you onto a training program. I can't be coated with slime the entire time. I promise when we get back later today, you can hug me again. I know, it's a shame, because touching you just feels amazing, Melsi, but we have responsibilities, and for that I'll need to be presentable. So... just let me get clean okay?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Y-yes, berries... I will find plenty right away." Raven said, before looking humble when Celes revealed her fancy for Raven's nervous disposition. "I cannot help but be affected... Especially since I have never expected to do this before... Nor... To even have my eggs safely rest within a woman like you. Meeting you and Locke changed my life." Raven said, before flapping off, fetching some berries, and after about half an hour, returned with a basket of berries in her talon, which she laid out before Celes.

"Alright... Now... I suppose I have to..." she began with a blush, grabbing a few berries with the claw on her wing, and dropping them into her mouth. Chewing slightly, she leaned over Celes, her expression nervous as she got just close enough to give Celes the option to accept her lips, and the food in her mouth.


Despite all that Locke said, Melsi stopped only to listen to what he had to say. Leaning in closer, Melsi's blue face developed a red blush somehow, as her eyes softened. "I love you..." she whispered, before wrapping her arms around his neck, and holding him into a kiss. Like that, she romantically embraced him, before removing herself, and letting him wash himself while watching him with a wide smile.