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Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Look, Romance = okay
cybering = not cool

No hard feelings, but i don't want my RP cluttered with Smut xD

What i want to do is set this in the universe i created for my book, and have us all start out at a school (We don't all have to know each other though, and could possibly set out on the quest in different directions) And a magical plague breaks out, but our heroes, because of some ancient prophecy (I'll write one up) are unaffected. They quarantine the school and send our heroes out to find out who created the plague and try and stop him before he infects the entire world.

Non-playable Races have been bolded, and I've added a few things to the races list.


1)Elf/Sidhe --- Elves are short (4.5 to 5.5 feet high), slim, and weigh between 90 to 185 pounds. They are all pale skinned and hair ranges in any color of the visible spectrum. Their eyes also run this gamut of extraordinary colors. Lifespan: 500 years

2)Drow --- Elf with dark skin, the same spectrum of eye and hair color. Drows are unfortunately tainted with an evil reputation due to their fierceness in defending their home and distaste of Surface Elves. They are excellent metalsmiths and miners. They are loyal companions and will defend to the death if need arises. They generally live in caves and have a distaste of the surface. Lifespan: 500 years

3)Human --- Humans are bipedal primates and stand between 5 to 6 feet tall and typically weigh 120 to 250 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women. Hair ranges from deep black to almost white, styles run the gamut from straight to kinky, and skin color also runs the gamut from very pale to nearly black. Lifespan: 90 years

4)Lycanthrope --- Take on a slight overcast of their animal. Ie, Werecats have greater agility than normal humans. Wererats are nervous and easily frightened. Werewolves have immensely strong Family ties. Lifespan: 65 years due to how virulent the disease is. But one must be bitten as well as have the gene for it to happen. Humans are the only ones that carry this gene.
a) Cat
b) Bear
c) Wolf
d) Rat
e) Shark
f) Dolphin

5)Centaur --- Has the upper torso, head and arms of a human, and the lower body of a large stocky Horse. A centaur at the head is usually 7 foot high full grown, but as with any race there are those that grow taller and those that never reach that height. Their fur can be any pattern and color that a horse can, and their hair matches their fur. Their hair turns into a mane which run their spine until it reaches the equine portion of their body. Weight is usually from one ton to one and a half tons. Lifespan: 180 years

6)Cattaur --- Same principle as a centaur only the lower portion is feline, and they lack a mane. These are generally shorter than Centaurs preferring to be lean and fast rather than bulky. They are typically eight feet long weigh 500 pounds and are 6 feet high at the head. Lifespan: 145 years

7)Spidertaur- Again the same principle as the cattaur and centaur. The lower portion is arachnid in shape and They are the same height at cattaurs and weigh around the same as well. The are a bit longer however, reaching 9-10 feet. Lifespan: 135 years

8)Halfling --- Halflings, are short creatures standing only about 3 feet high, and they usually weigh between 30 and 40 pounds. They share many characteristic with humans with the exception that their hair and eye colors stay within the shades of Brown and black. Lifespan: 45 years

9)Faun/Satyr --- Usually merry individuals, these creatures have the torso of a human with Horns growing from their heads, and from the waist down they have the legs of a goat. Fauns have longer tails than Satyrs. They have pointed ears, are usually between 5 and 6 feet tall and weigh about 120 to 200 pounds. Lifespan: 80 years

10)Dragon (Usually a teacher, assumes a (Generic) human form with wings to betray their heritage) ---A true Dragon resembles a Reptile with a muscular body a long neck a horned head and a long thick tail. Dragons had a relatively short frill starting from their shoulders that runs down their spine to the end of their tail. They have four legs with sharp claws, their front legs ending in Dexterous hands, they fly using two large bat-like wigs (With the aid of a little Magic) and large thick scales cover them. Their eyes have catlike pupils and nictitating membranes to help protect their delicate eyes. The Dragons legs are positioned under the body, much like a mammal or dinosaur. Dragons are also unlike reptiles in the fact that they are endothermic, they produce their own body heat. Dragons can live up to 5,000 years which makes them some of the better history teachers. They are generally 40 feet high and 200 feet long. Their eggs are 1.5 feet long.
a) Blue --- Spits Liquid Acid
b) White --- Ice Breath
c) Green --- Corrosive Gas
d) Gold --- Fire Breath
e) Silver --- Lightning
f) Bronze --- Paralyzing breath

11)Lizardfolk --- Humanoid creatures with a reptilian face, their bodies are covered in scales, they have a tail, and can be any Variety of colors and patterns. They are about 6 to 7 feet tall and their tail, which drags on the ground, is usually 3 feet long, and they can weigh as much or as little as a human. Since they are not derived from human stock (Like the dragons) They do not have magic except that which makes their scales and teeth stronger than a mundane lizard. Lifespan: 110 years

12)Birdfolk --- These creatures look like tall muscular humans with wings and Arms, they are about seven feet tall and weigh about 100 pounds. The face is more human than avian but the hair is like feathers their sight at distances is unmatched and the lower legs are like those of a raptor. Lifespan: 110 years

13)Merfolk --- Merfolk are human from the waist up and instead of legs they have a fish’s tail. Their hair ranges in any color blue or green, and their eyes tend to follow the same trend. Their fishy parts also follow this blue/green trend. They are generally about 6 to 8 feet long and weigh anywhere between 300 to 400 pounds. Their gills are located on the sides of their necks and they also have lungs, enabling them to breath in both air and water. Lifespan: 100 years(Because really, how would you come with the group?)

14)Selkies --- Selkies are able to change to human form by shedding their seal skins and can revert to seal form by putting their selkie skin back on. They are unable to return to seal form without their skins, though they may only set foot on land once every seven years unless their skin has been taken from them. Lifespan: 90 years (If you can figure out a way to make this work for the story, more power to you.)

15)Naga --- Nagas are creatures that resemble merfolk except that the fish tail on a merfolk is replaced by a serpentine one. Naga’s retain their arms and are generally lovely Creatures. They reach lengths of up to 15 feet and weigh in at 200-300 pounds. Lifespan: 100 years

Half-breeds aren’t common but they are accepted into society. However, Halfbreeds are sort of weird. Due to the genetics and the specifications of the gene molders, the child born will always be the same race as it's mother, with coloring from the father.

Magical Creatures:
Unicorn --- The unicorn is a graceful horse-like creature with a pearlescent horn. Its body is less like a horse and more like a cat’s with cloven hooves, a horse’s face, and a tufted lion like tail. All are white. Lifespan: 40 years

Pegasus --- This creature looks like a horse with wings, and a feather-like mane and tail. Lifespan: 40 years

Roc --- This is a huge bird of prey. Capable of carrying off a dolphin like an osprey would, a fish. Feathers usually come in reddish tones. Lifespan: 70 years

Griffin --- A creature with the hindquarters of a lion, and the forequarters of an Eagle; The ears of the creature are feather covered lion like ears. Lifespan: 125 years

Hippogryph --- A creature with the hindquarters of a horse, and the forequarters of an Eagle; it’s ears and tall and slender feather covered horse-like ears. Lifespan: 110 years

Sphinx --- There are three types of Sphinx. All three are slightly more intelligent than lions.
a) Androsphinx - body of lion with head of person; Lifespan: 160 years
b) Criosphinx - body of lion with head of ram; Lifespan: 100 years
c) Hierocosphinx - body of lion with head of falcon or hawk. Lifespan: 120 years

Wyvern --- A dragon like creature with the cunning of a lion and only two hind limbs. Acts like a bird of prey. Lifespan: 1500 years

Twisted Unicorn --- A twisted unicorn is a blood red unicorn with a gnarled black horn. Lifespan: 40 years

Dark Pegasus --- A Pegasus with evil glowing eyes, and a mane and tail made of fire. Lifespan: 40 years

Chimera --- Chimeras are lion bodied creatures with a snake’s body for a tail, and three heads, a lion, a goat and a dragon. Lifespan: 240 years

Manticore --- It has the body of a lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth, and a trumpet-like voice. This creature also has a scorpion like tail which it uses to shoot spines at its prey to paralyze and then the toxins digest the prey from the inside out stopping at the skin, making the prey like a juice pouch. Lifespan: 300 years

Pixie --- A pixie is a small winged elf looking creature, standing about four inches high. The queen appears quite buxom with long blonde hair, and the workers are all flat chested with short brown hair. The Drones look like well proportioned men with short sandy blonde hair. They are social animals, quite like bees, they lay eggs and produce a honey which can knock a man out for hours. It is generally harvested and used as an anesthetic. Queen lifespan: 10 years, Worker Lifespan: 5 years, Drone lifespan: 1 year

Elementals and Nymphs are immortal.
Undine --- An undine is a Water Elemental, which can be summoned to lend power to the mage. They appear as beautiful women made of water.

Dryad --- Is an Earth Elemental. They appear as beautiful Women with bark like skin and hair made of leaves.

Salamander --- A Fire Elemental; these elementals appear as giant wyrms wreathed in flames.

Gnome --- Another Earth Elemental, these appear as small knee high men with stony textured skin.

Sylph --- A sylph is an air elemental that takes on the appearance of Pixies, though they appear bleached out. They are colored in shades of pale blue and white.

Nymph --- They are the embodiment of everything sensual and dangerous in nature. They protect their sacred groves with their lives. They look similar to elves but their ears are longer and more pointed. They will mate with humans, but only if you ask nicely and bring a gift. Otherwise you are trespassing and will be killed. They are about the same height as a female Elf, but weigh in as a bit more due to their natural endowments. The Males are a bit more aggressive than the Females and are quite randy all of the time so females beware. They don't need gifts. Nymphs are particular to chocolates; though if you are a man and you wander into the territory of a male Nymph while carrying Chocolate… prepare to be violated. Though they can be reasoned with it doesn’t work most of the time.

Pin Chameleon --- This chameleon is one inch high and two inches long, and covered in spiny protrusions. It’s normal color is green

Greaser Eel --- This eel is 3 feet long and has a fin along it's back that runs from it’s head to it's tail. There are pits lining the eel’s body that produce a greasy slime, allowing it to escape if caught. These eels are grey.

Needler Anteater --- This creature is vaguely shaped like the infinity symbol, with quills all over it’s body, like a porcupine. It has a long snout, and even longer whip like tongue and is four feet long, with a 2foot long tongue. When threatened the spiny anteater can shoot it’s spines out and hope that they land on the victim while it scurries away. Most are brown or reddish colored.

Downy water strider --- This bird is a foot tall and covered in tiny proto feathers and has short stubby wings. It’s toes are very long and spread far apart, so it can walk on lily pads. It also has a small crest of feathers atop it’s head, that fan out like a peacock’s tail. The normal coloring for these animals is a light blue.

Shaggy Marsh Wump --- A bear like creature with shaggy brown fur that lives in swamps. It has a pink, hairless, ratlike tail, a flat face, and three slits where the nose would be.

Claw grass --- Claw grass is a type of carnivorous plant, whose claw like head is enriched with silica, making it hard and durable. It is a centimeter tall, and uses the claws to slice into prey and use the blood and decomposing remains for fertilizer.

Creeper moss --- is a short fuzzy carpet of moss that puts up different shaped heads for breeding, feeding, and “sight”. The breeding heads are baseball sized pods on a two foot tall stalk, full of spores. Feeding heads look like venus flytrap heads and are used for tearing chunks of flesh out of their prey, and the sight heads are just stalks with primitive eyes on them.

Pit tree --- A tall hardwood with smooth bark and small olive colored leaves about an inch in length with jagged rose leaf shapes. There is a moat like pit which runs the length around the tree. When an animal falls into this pit the roots stab into the victim and drain it of it’s fluids. When this tree reproduces every spring it produces small 3 petaled flowers, and eventually heart shaped red fruits with two large seeds in the middle. Both pollen and fruit are poison. The bark of the tree is a potent antiseptic.

Lust tree --- It isn’t particularly dangerous though anyone under it’s influence is worse than a nymph on chocolate. The Lust tree is always in flower, but fruits only once every 2 years. The pollen of the star shaped red flowers is the aphrodisiac. The tree appears to be a white oak at first glance. The fruits are an inch long, pink, fuzzy, and pear shaped. They are delicious and produce a mild aphrodisiac. The taste is reminiscent of starfruit and dragonfruit. The flesh is also pink, and the seeds are round and white, and are bad for you.

Alright, i figured i might as well get to the bare bones about this RPs's world (Which is a lot different than the one for my book for saftey/copywrite reasons, so don't steal any of this, it won't do you any good.)

The map(Which i made oh so awesomely in MS paint last night) will be put up as soon as i get home.

Alright, world governments, and military yadayada. Each race has it's own government, each race lives on their own continent with a few exceptions. Since every tends to keep to themselves, (With the exception of quite a few small-ish islands Where the schools are located, yay for neutral ground) There isn't really a need for an active Military. A lot of the common folk form up village/city defenses on their own in case finding out who stole a sheep get's out of hand. However when you have more than one race living on a continent fringe skirmishes tent to break out, so there's always a "Fringe Militia" The races are: Surface elves, humans, spidertaurs. As well as Cattaurs, nagas, and halflings.

The Nagas, Merfolk, Selkies, Drow, and Surface elves are all matriarchial.
The Cattaurs, Centaurs, Spidertaurs, Halflings, and Dragons, rule things by commitee.
Everyone else? Patriarchial.

Most are like England's government today, with the exception of humans, who hold elections. The Drow stick to the old way of "If the monarch says it... do it!"

The society is fairly medieval with a few "modern" things like 'Porting stations, Illusiary shows, an d a fairly complex system of math. (No where near as sophistcated as ours though) As well as internal plumbing, heating and cooling(All provided with the assistance of elementals), and grand buildings created by stone molders.

Any questions? Just post 'em here!

There are a few things I want to do though. Sort of like Shadow of the collossus, you can wander around anywhere you want, but there will be challanges, and sort of signposts along the way. If you go the right way, you'll know it. If you're going the wrong way... you'll just be floundering around with no direction.

I guess I'm trying to take this from the standpoint of a video game.

There won't be rolls for things, your ability to haggle for food or a horse, or a magic powered carriage will be determined by stats and how much I think it's important. I get to play the part of the god/prophecy as well as my own character.

And speaking of my own character, I WILL NOT be cheating. I'll be conferring with someone else to play god for the group I'm a part of.

YAY! Character sheets!
Also: I'll be rolling to determine which strength your home talents end up at.
1-4 = weak 5-8 = medium 9-12 = strong, and I'll be using physical dice. If you want proof of your roll I'll take a little video.

Name: Misha Petrova (What? I like russian names)
Race: Birdfolk
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Description: Misha is a birdfolk with pale cream feathers on her upper body and wings, and russet feathers that make up her tail. She is shortsighted among Birdfolk. Her eyes are blue, and her skin tan.
Personality: She is a very chipper person, ready to look on the bright side of life.
Background: She ran away from home after he mother told her she couldn't go to school. She changed her surname, and is now living on the Main Isle. (Where all of our characters go to school)
Magical abilities: (Pick one or two “Home talents” and then pick main area of magic)
Transmutation: rolled a 7 Medium (May be helpful while in a jungle around unfamiliar food)
Illusion: Rolled a 10 Strong (Can create diversions or traps)

She has the magic of enchantment. Mainly that of "weaving" protective spells into fabrics. She is very good, however has more learning to do. She has a very small talent in enchanting metal with anti rust spells. They wear off and need to be periodically renewed.

Name: Corvus Corax

Race: Birdfolk

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Description: A birdfolk with black feathers, dark brown eyes and light grey skin.

Personality: Attracted to shiny objects. Able to mimic most sounds. Intelligent for a birdfolk, with a remarkable ability in problem solving and other cognitive processes. Likes to impress people, especially other Birdfolk, and fond of performing aerial acrobatic displays to do so. He is developing symptoms of Neophobia.

Background: Often mistaken for a Drow-Halfbreed due to his appearence, he spent a great deal of time in the company of Drow while growing up. He learnt from them a great deal about metalsmithing, and as such desired to open a Blacksmiths on the Main Isle, where he now lives. He carries with him an ornate sword crafted by the Drow who taught him how to smith.

Magical abilities:
Teleportation - Medium
Transmutation - Strong

Corvus uses Enchantment Magic. He normally uses it to cast various protective/endurance enhancing spells on weapons he creates. He is extremely proficient at this, but is weak in all other fields of enchantment.

Name: Saul “Mom” Uziel
Race: Lycan (Bear)
Age: 35
Gender: Male

Description: Saul is simply enormous, even for a bear lycan. At eight feet tall, he easily towers over humans, but he's also built quite large, with a barrel chest and biceps the size of watermelons. His patches of fur are a mixture of black and grey, showing his age. His face shows the signs of advanced aging, partly due to being a lycan and partly due to surviving a close brush with death by plague. He wears his hair short, and sports “friendly chops,” or long mutton chops joined by a moustache.

Personality: Saul is a very gruff individual, but that never gets in the way of his sense of humor. He enjoys thinking his way around problems, and one of his favorite things to do is coach young people.

Background: Saul worked as a human mercenary, hiring himself out to defend several villages and towns. Eventually he contracted a rather lethal plague, which would have killed him had he not found a lycan shaman willing to infect him. As a lycan he was immune to the effects of the plague, and made a full recovery.

Currently: Now Saul is studying at the University, paying his way partly by working as a Dorm Mom. He enjoys wearing the sweater that his first group of residents got him, a large grey one with the single word, “MOM,” written in plaid across the chest. Many of his residents refer to him simply as “Mom.”

Magical abilities: As a lycan, Saul has no magic. He relies on his cunning and martial prowess, as well as his ability to connect with people of all cultures, something he learned on his travels.

Name: Maithgen
Race: Centaur
Age: 27 years
Gender: Male
Description: He stands about 16 hh, and about 750 kgs. He has a beautiful sorrel coat and mane. His torso is powerful without looking over-muscled, and he has a deep tan to his skin, with brown eyes.
Personality: Always has been a bit of a "neigh" sayer, but he at leasts listens to all sides of a story first before deciding.
Background: Maithgen was raised by a tribe of centaurs who had peaceful relations with the Sidhe, as such he tends to distrust drow. He left his tribe to attend school on the main land, after he was picked by commitee to learn what he can from other cultures.

Magical abilities:
Telekinesis(7, medium)
Conjuration(9, strong)

Main Talent: Natural Magic mainly as it pertains to the control of plants, being able to increase, and decrease growth more quickly. Also has some small ability with causing winds and rain, but he can't make either last very long.

Name: Servante Draylor
Age: 18 (I'm assuming that Selkies age about the same as humans)
Race: Selkie (in human form)
Gender: Male

Description: Servante stands roughly at about six foot tall and average to slim build. His hair hangs to just above his shoulders and completely straight, his hair colour is brown though Servante's hair is layered, meaning that his hair is all different shades of brown. The under layer is light brown, then as the layers come out his hair gets increasingly darker until it appears black. His eyes are also brown, though a darker ring of brown runs around his pupils.

Personality: Servante most of the time is quiet and reserved, often keeping himself to himself and not interfering with others or letting them interfere with his business. While he is in his human form he can be found reading, learning on human culture and the goings-on in their world even if he doesnt particularly enjoy being with them. As well as reading Servante has taken up the sword and spends time practicing whilst in his human form, though he is not as good as he'd like to be due to the fact that he can only practice every seven years.
A recent event has made him distrustful to all humans, only forcing himself to go on a quest because it might lead to answers about the disappearance of his seal skin.

Background: Servante hasn't had much interaction with humans and humanoids in general so he's always been a bit wary of them, though on his most recent 'land voyage' something happened to make him distrustful of humans in particular; his seal skin was taken from its hiding place. To find out more about who stole his skin and for what purpose Servante enrolled himself into a Magic Academy, though he was loathe to ask any of the humans for help. Upon the outbreak of the plague Servante, being one of the few people who weren't affected, decided to set out with the rest of them to find a way to cure it in the hopes of finding the person who stole his seal skin even if he was in the company of races that he'd rather not be with.

Teleportation - 5 (med.)
Illusion - 8 (med.)

Being a creature of the sea in his natural form Servante has total mastery over Natural magic of water, wind and lightning being able to conjure up violent storms in an instant. He can also use his magic to freeze water and cool the air surrounding him and others. Though because he's a creature of the sea he hasnt been able to practice molding stone, create fire or the like so he is weak in that area.
(Servantes water, wind and lightning magic is comparable to the worst that nature has to offer)
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Re: Fantasy RP

Magic will be genetic.
Meaning that there is a specific gene sequence in all Races that determines the power of the individual, as well as the type of Magic they have. So magic is hereditary. Lycanthropes do NOT have magic due to the fact their disease is a genetic one as well and this interferes with the gene that creates the magical abilities.

Magic is an extension of the will. To cast, all one has to do is will it. HOWEVER, this tires the individual. It’s the same as physical strength being depleted with hard work. The weaker the power, the less tiring it is to use. The strong powers are rare abilities, like natural talents you find in our world. Meaning you won’t all have strong abilities.

There is a magical field around the planet, much like out magnetic field. This field has slowly changed the genetic structure of animals and people into how they work today.

Natural Magic
Natural magic is just what it says. You can mold natural things, and created them, and grow them. Calling up Fireballs, freezing water, calling lightning; strong winds, molding stone, and causing plants to grow at an excessive rate are examples. This Magic can also be used to cause mutations in the genetic record. This is how Lycanthropes came about, and how the races that derive themselves from human stock came about.

Enchanters are the ones who have the ability to change/charge clothes and weapons with spells. Such as waterproofing, anti rust spells and so on. Their magic is very practical and they are highly sought after by blacksmiths, weavers, and other mundane but important professions.

Black Magic
Black Magic is only termed this way because the users have clothed themselves in black robes. They work at night, using blood sacrifices to steal souls and magical power, as well as to control Corpses to do their bidding. This magic creates itself from stealing the wills of others. It isn’t naturally manufactured.

Small Magics
Also known as house magics these are the little things that everyone can do. These include transmutation, heating food, illusions (Used to keep children in line) If someone is very good at Illusion they are recruited for entertainment purposes, Conjuring, teleportation, Telekinesis, and telepathy.
a. Weak: changing one material into another material with the same properties. Ex. Red apple into a green apple.
b. Medium: Changing one material into another with slightly different properties. Ex. Apple into an orange
c. Strong: Changing properties and material. Ex an apple into a brick
2. Illusion- weak illusionists can only make flat, two dimensional insubstantial images. As strength grows, so does dimension, substance, and sounds.
3. Teleportation-
a. Weak- can teleport only themselves, varying distances depending on how tired they are
b. Middle- can transport only a few other but they must go along
c. Strong- can teleport others without going along
4. Telekenisis- depends on the physical strength of the user
5. Conjuring- same principle as teleportation, only of inorganic objects.
a. Weak: One or two small objects
b. Medium: Numerous little objects or a fe large ones
c. Strong: many large objects

You have three types of Telepaths
Long range: These telepaths can communicate long distances
Short Range: they can only communicate over a small distance
And “Strong” Telepaths: They can translate other languages and take control over an animal’s mind.

Reservoir Magic
The people that have this type of magic cannot do any of the magic listed above. They are simply conduits and reservoirs of power that that must discharge or it will destroy them. Most use them as living storage batteries, harvesting their energy when they themselves are too tired to go on, on their own.
Tadaaah. Magic

and the dots are just my way to number it so I can number my critters for on where they live. I'll post that list under the map.
The dragon archipelago is supposed to be a bunch of little islands but i got bored. The bit that says "B's Home" is the island home of our bad guy that all the sailors say is deserted and barren.
5 is the big neutral island with the schools and our school where there is a member of each race on the committee and they rule the island. Anyone can live here unless you're a fugitive.

1)Elf/Sidhe --- 1

2)Drow --- 1 (Under the mountain ranges)

3)Human --- 1

5)Centaur --- 2

6)Cattaur --- 2 (Southern portion)

7)Spidertaur- Northern half of 6

8)Halfling --- 7

9)Faun/Satyr --- 7

11)Lizardfolk --- 4

12)Birdfolk --- The surface of the Drow Mountains of 1

13)Merfolk --- Live really wherever in the ocean that they want to

14)Selkies --- 8,3

15)Naga --- Southern half of 6
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Re: Fantasy RP

Ah yes, bringing this back. As I've been in the process of saying, you're not giving me many options. I want to play a magicless strong brutish character (In essence a tank).
Re: Fantasy RP

I'm quite interested but I can't make up my mind between characters. Plus I'd really like to get a chance to read the entire thing through a few times first.
Re: Fantasy RP

I'm interested, but in these types of RPs I generally don't like RPing magic because I tend to godmode when I do, so in order to avoid that, I simply avoid it like the fucking plague.
Re: Fantasy RP

Ah yes, bringing this back. As I've been in the process of saying, you're not giving me many options. I want to play a magicless strong brutish character (In essence a tank).

Alrighty. I'll make the Orc-type things tonight. I have some work to get done first though, so expect to see them around 11 at night EST.

And Toxic, if there's something you'd like that isn't up there let me know and I'll consider it.
Re: Fantasy RP

Oh it's not that, there's too much up, I can't decide.
Re: Fantasy RP

Wait, lizardman isn't pretty much a large strong magicless creature?
I'm either up for werewolf or lizard man.

The idea of a wereshark is intriguing though. It'd be pretty cool to be a streetshark
Re: Fantasy RP

Streetshark ftw.

*blinks* I can make the lizardfolk magicless. *snuggles Toxic* DANKE

EDIT: Lizardfolk have been edited <3
Re: Fantasy RP

Oh anytime. So how to start off and mine for gil?
Re: Fantasy RP

Would it be all right if I just told you race and then wrote a profile after I get what stats or w/e it would have?

I'd like to be a werewolf
Re: Fantasy RP

well, the only stats i really have are based on the magic. -sweat-

Um, race is fine, but just check out the other Lycan's profile up in my first post for how to do the profile >.>
Re: Fantasy RP

So, in essence you wanted to make an RP for magic users and I come along and ruin it by not wanting to play a caster. Sorry about that.
Re: Fantasy RP

Well I wasn't sure if you wanted to do it differently with a players character
Re: Fantasy RP

I'm interested, but in these types of RPs I generally don't like RPing magic because I tend to godmode when I do, so in order to avoid that, I simply avoid it like the fucking plague.

Heh, what do you think Servante's natural magic is? If being comparable to the worst that nature has to offer isnt OP then I dont know what is xD
Re: Fantasy RP

So, in essence you wanted to make an RP for magic users and I come along and ruin it by not wanting to play a caster. Sorry about that.

It's okay ^^ This just makes it even more different than my book <3

@Toxic: eh?

@Oni: you're a student remember? Moderate thyself.
Re: Fantasy RP

Name: Corvus Corax

Race: Birdfolk

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Description: A birdfolk with black feathers, dark brown eyes and light grey skin.

Personality: Attracted to shiny objects. Able to mimic most sounds. Intelligent for a birdfolk, with a remarkable ability in problem solving and other cognitive processes. Likes to impress people, especially other Birdfolk, and fond of performing aerial acrobatic displays to do so. He is developing symptoms of Neophobia.

Background: Often mistaken for a Drow-Halfbreed due to his appearence, he spent a great deal of time in the company of Drow while growing up. He learnt from them a great deal about metalsmithing, and as such desired to open a Blacksmiths on the Main Isle, where he now lives. He carries with him an ornate sword crafted by the Drow who taught him how to smith.

Magical abilities:
Teleportation - Medium
Transmutation - Strong

Corvus uses Enchantment Magic. He normally uses it to cast various protective/endurance enhancing spells on weapons he creates. He is extremely proficient at this, but is weak in all other fields of enchantment.