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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, alright. Feel free to visit the man if you wish, but I'm not leaving the house until tomorrow. Then it will be back to the grind of the hunts like usual." Mariela commented, showing that she did seem to possess a bit of a lazy and comfort-loving side too. From there, it went to the mostly meaningless and casual girl conversation between the two of them, Lacrimosa's usual silence holding pretty strong as she didn't have too much to say. While she might have thought otherwise, Lacri did intend to stick around with Adelle, since the busty girl had not visited the other two sisters yet and didn't know where they lived. The city was big, and it would be hard to find the places even as their inhabitants were unique among the crowd.

But it turned out that there was a dissappointment waiting for the pair at Raizan's workshop and store. A bright and flashy sign was hung on the door, signalling the blacksmith's absence for that day.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(I'm a little surprised that Mariela and Lacri neither one have commented on Adelle's hair color change, though the thought had occurred to me that they may just not care of course.

When they finally left Mari's place after finding out that she wanted to be lazy for the day and all, Adelle smiled and shook her head a little back and forth. "Oh I'd give anything to be lazy like that Mari, but I unfortunately don't have as much money as you girls do so I can't afford to be lazy right now," Adelle replied to Mari, still smiling a bit.

After chatting with the swordswoman for a few minutes more, Adelle bid her friend farewell and Lacri stayed with her as she headed for Raizan's place. When they got to the blacksmith's shop however it seemed to be closed for the day and the man gone, so Adelle heaved a slightly defeated sigh. "Well darn, I was hoping he'd be here, as I don't really have anything else that I can think of to do today, and Samson already told me he didn't have anything in the way of jobs at the moment for me either," Adelle said to Lacri as they stood in front of Raizan's shop. Then after looking around for a moment to try and think of something to do, Adelle glanced back over to Lacri for a moment. "Hey Lacri, you know where Isabella and Rachaela live right? I suppose you could show me where they both live so that I'll know for later. It'll give us both something to do at least and all that," Adelle asked the nun, deciding to go find the other two of their group so Adelle would know where to find them in the future, telling Lacri to lead her to the closest of the two first if it wasn't too much trouble for her.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(They haven't cos I completely forgot to make them. Hurr.)

"Hmm, of course. We do need to know where to look for each other in case something might happen." Lacrimosa replied as she was asked, giving an answer that was pretty sensical, all things considered. The group would need to know about each other, so this information was likely key to them all. "We'll see Isabella first then, she lives not too far away."

The nun had not lied about it, for the pair walked only about ten minutes from the blade store to arrive onto an apartment building. They had to climb into the fifth and topmost floor to reach what would ultimately be the group gunner's home. A quick knock on the door was soon answered, a overall-wearing Isabella being the one to do it. It was a huge contrast to see her in such mundane, utilitarian clothes and a little dirty when one usually saw the one Isabella in her fancy dress, all proper and clean. "Ho, girls. Come on in, was just doing some work." she told the two, not really bothering with further formalities and letting them in.

Isabella's place seemed more of a workshop than an actual house, as there was a lot of equipment and materials gathered around the place, mostly just guns and all the related stuff. This place could probably be used to manufacture small arms at a decent pace, but the casuality of it all seemed that Isabella herself was not something of a hasty person. There were a lot of weird and obviously self-customised arms among the many that Adelle could see, but it was not sure if it was from the gunner girl or the other person there, a vaguely Asian man about the same age as Isabella herself. The man seemed to be focused on work, filing on some parts as they entered. He was nothing extraordinary, even a bit nerdy-looking with his glasses. But more eye-catching than him was the nearby wall, which appeared to have been hand-demolished and thus made a combination of two different apartments into one bigger place, one housing the workshop and the storeroom (a former bedroom). The other was still in it's living area status, as even Isabella would most likely want to relax and live in an area that was not basically a manufacturing plant.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sounds good to me Lacri, let's go," Adelle said cheerfully, following along beside the nun when she decided to take her to Isabella's place first as it was the closer of the two.

A few minutes later they arrived at a 5 story apartment like building which they had to go all the way up to the top of in order to get to Isabella's place. When they arrive up there at her door and began knocking on it Adelle was very surprised to see Isabella answer it and in a pair of overalls, which was much different to her wearing the dress she usually wore like the other sisters.

"Hey Izzy, I asked Lacri to bring me to see where you and Rachaela lived in case I ever needed to know just in case since we were out and about," Adelle said as she stepped inside, smiling at her fellow gun lover as she came in.

Adelle saw all of the different kinds of equipment and weaponry inside of Isabella's place and was quite impressed with just how much she had in there. She noticed all of the special additions to some of the different guns in the place and she wondered what all they did, and she also noticed the Asian man in there and assumed that he was to Isabella what Garet and Zacharias were to Mari and Lacri, and he was working on something. After taking a look around the place, looking a bit impressed with it all, Adelle would follow Isabella through the place to sit if the gunner girl was going to do so, wondering if Isabella could or would make her a gun, so she decided to ask.

"Hey Izzy, you're a gun maker from the looks of it. Do you think you could make me a gun of some sort?" Adelle said as she followed Isabella in through the place.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well surely I am. Unlike that uncertain counterpart of mine, I actually have confidence enough to attempt and make these things. Mariela is still lacking in this deparment, and relies too much on Raizan. Or, so I like to think." Isabella replied, not initially giving an answer. "Hey, Kikuchi. Comere." she called to the man, who put down his work for a while and picked up a pen and paper. "What do you think? She wants a weapon, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with this." the gun sister asked, the relationship between these two appearing much more equal than the ones between the earlier pairs Adelle had seen. It appeared that Isabella thought higher of this Kikuchi, and thus treated him as a partner. "So, you can give me some guidelines here. What things you want in your gun?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... what all kinds of guns can you make exactly? I've been looking into getting myself a shotgun for close quarters fighting on missions, a spaz twelve to be exact, with an eight round mag and a fixed stock, and maybe a flashlight attachment for it if possible and a foregrip maybe. Then later on I was thinking about an assault rifle of some sort, and maybe a sniper rifle and submachine gun after that," Adelle said, kind of liking the fact that not all of the sisters treated their man servants as being slightly inferior. She also wondered if there was something a little more between them both, but refrained from asking Isabella herself, deciding to ask Lacri after they left. "I can pay after another job if you'd like, to help replace anything used in its construction. I just think that if I'm going to tackle any more jobs later on that I'll need more than just my pistols you know," Adelle added after a few moments, watching Kikuchi as Isabella named him taking her order.

Once that was done, Adelle would hang out with the gunner sister for a while, just making idle chitchat with her and Lacri, telling Isabella about her previous job and that she wished that she'd had more firepower to have used and that was why she was wanting a shotgun and or assault rifle, or Submachinegun.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not big on larger than pistol-sized guns, but we have produced some of those too. Will take note of those things you said, but it will still be fairly random what I... no, we will decide to come up with. And yes, I do expect some compensation as materials are not as easy to come by as one might expect." Isabella replied as Kikuchi took notes of the conversation. Regardless of not giving any absolute guarantees about the end result of the project, the gun sister was still as talky and optimistic as usual, understanding quite handily why Adelle would prefer getting some more firepower in heavier or quicker forms as the busty girl explained her situation after the job from yesterday. As had been the case before, Lacri was still as quiet as usual, while Kikuchi returned to his previous tasks as the girls socialized. It appeared that he was doing the rifling to a gun barrel on his workspot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh that's alright, I mean if you can make something bigger than a pistol then great, if not, then don't worry about it, I can get those from the gun shop. Speaking of which, the old guy there really likes me I think, or he just remembered that we're friends because he gave me a helluva discount on the bullets and stuff I just got," Adelle replied when Isabella was finished talking, letting her know that she wouldn't be angry if she was unable to build her a shotgun or anything larger than a pistol. "What kinds of guns do you prefer and or specialize in Izzy? I mean in terms of using, not making," Adelle curiously asked the gun sister afterwards, wondering what kinds of guns Isabella favored.

While Isabella replied to her, Adelle watched the gun sister's companion heading over back to where he'd been working when they first arrived, where he then began working on what he'd been doing before. When Isabella was done talking, Adelle would look around the place again, admiring all of the different guns in there. Adelle would chat with her for a few more minutes before telling Isabella that she would get on out of her hair for now and leave her alone to work some more, that Lacri was going to show her where Rachaela lived as well so that she would know where the lot of them lived at just in case Adelle was ever needed to run and fetch any of them or something for some reason or another.

Once they had left Isabella's place, with Adelle bidding her farewell. "See you later Izzy, oh yeah. If it turns out that you can't come up with a shotgun or anything like that, I wouldn't mind a fifty cal pistol of some sort if that's possible, maybe a Desert Eagle or something like that," Adelle would tell Isabella before leaving, giving her another gun to think about making for her instead if something larger than a pistol was out of the question on what to make.

"Alright Lacri, let's go on to the next place. I wonder what Rachaela's place is like. Yours is the little chapel. Mari's is a pretty nice little house, Izzy's is an apartment. I'm kind of imagining that Rachaela's for some reason is going to be something to do with magic for some reason, like some floating house with skulls and stuff," Adelle would tell Lacri after leaving the gun sister's home and heading on to the magic sister's home.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"What do I specialize in? I believe we were on a mission." the gun sister replied, venturing out into the storeroom and soon coming back with a C96 in her hand. "This especially, but pistols in general. I don't know what it is, but something in this gun has always fascinated me. It's a primitive and clunky gun in many terms, but still I couldn't trust my life to any other firearm in my selection. Luckily I have my usual pair of Red Nines and this original one on top of them." Isabella said about the old-time pistol in her hand, eventually sheathing it and going over to Kikuchi as Adelle helped herself to looking around, an act that she did not seem to mind in the slightest. Around the place, it could be seen clearly that Isabella's focus was mainly on handguns of all varieties, but she had a few shotguns and rifles around too. On one spot, there was a trio of different automatics, a pair of MP5 models with different parts on them as well as an older Thompson Submachine Gun underneath them on the display. Among the rifles, there was an old Winchester as well. It showed that the gunner of the sister group had some fondness for old guns as well as wood on them. When the pair did decide to leave, Isabella assured the departing Adelle that she would come up with something useful.

Outside the apartment, Adelle spoke up again, airing her thoughts and partially silly expectations. "Well, not quite that dramatic..." the nun sister shattered a bit of the fantasy after hearing it. Still, it did appear that this one would be the most pleasant of the places, for they walked around a bit before ending up in the outskirts of the rich people district.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Wow... that thing is beautiful Izzy. And yeah we were on a mission together before, but I wasn't sure if you preferred another type of gun over pistols or what, so I was just a making sure is all. And those things are gorgeous Izzy," Adelle said, stopping on the MP5's and the Tommy gun as her eyes went wide at them. If she were a dog she'd be panting right now with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth, that's how in love with all of these guns she was right now. Adelle had the idle though flashing through her mind, thinking that if Isabella asked her to, that Adelle would marry her so that she would be able to be close to her and all of these guns. She shook the thought away though as her and Lacri made to leave, blushing a little bit as they went out the door.


"Well I didn't think it would be Lacri, I was just joking is all. Trying to coax a laugh out of you and all, or at least a smile. Come on though, let's go see Rachaela, something tells me that since she lives so close to the rich peoples district and all that the inside is going to be very nicely kept," Adelle said jokingly, poking Lacri's side as they walked on up to Rachaela's house.

Once they arrived at the mage sister's door, Adelle knocked on it a few times to let her or whoever know that someone was there. "Does she have a man servant like the rest of you do by chance Lacri? I mean, surely she does, because quite honestly Rachaela looks a little frail to me. No offense to her or anything, but she's just, so little and frail looking that I'm afraid of her being by herself," Adelle asked while they waited at the door.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The question about servants didn't seem to come as a surprise to Lacrimosa. "Yes, she does. Sister Mariela was the last one of us to get her servant employed." she told Adelle as they arrived in front of a house in the rich people district. It was a small house when compared to some of the other mansions and estates in there, but still easily the biggest home of the sisters, a two-story building that would have easily housed all of them if it was a thing they would have done. "Here we are."

Instead of knocking on the door, Lacrimosa pulled on a hanging rope that was located near the door, the action resulting in the sound of bells inside that the two could hear going on. Soon, the door opened up, and the servant that Adelle had been pondering about was there to meet them in Rachaela's stead. While the door was larger than average, the man still pretty much blocked it with his presence. The servant was a huge slab of a man, wearing what pretty closely resembled a judge's robe on him. Despite the general roughness of his appearance, the spectacles on him helped make him a bit easier to approach. "Good day, Lady Lacrimosa. I take it you are here to visit? And with a new lady too." he addressed the nun, the very sophisticated way of speaking catching Adelle off-guard as the huge man turned attention to her. "Yes, we came to see Sister Rachaela. Also, Adelle here should know where all of us live, so she came along."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded her head when Lacri explained about Rachaela's servant, admiring the rather large house, which was larger than any of the other sister's houses were. It seemed that Adelle's knocking on the door was unneeded as Lacri pulled a rope hanging nearby which rang some bells somewhere inside the house. Adelle hadn't expected Rachaela to answer the door to begin with, but the great beast of a man that answered the door almost terrified Adelle but she managed to keep from yelping in the man's face. She listened to the guy speak with Lacri for a few moments, giving him a little wave when told why they were there, feeling a little more at ease when she noticed that he seemed to be a fairly nice person all things considered, as he hadn't eaten her yet or anything.

"Yeah I've been working with Lacri, Rachaela, and the others over the last few days. They're all really strong and fun to work with, and they're good at what they do, which is always a plus for a novice like me," Adelle said, holding her hand out to shake his if he wished before they came on into the house to see Rachaela.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The huge man was not of bad manners, much like his somewhat educated look suggested. They exchanged handshakes, the whole thing looking somewhat silly as Adelle had such a small hand compared to the dude's massive shovel of a hand. "Garagan." the man introduced himself before stepping aside and letting the two in. "I think Lady Rachaela is still reading, I brought her some tea about an hour ago. She should be in the study, go up the stairs and it's the first door you come across." he told them, going back to his work as it was easy for them to find the magic sister.

Up the fancy stairs, they came across a door pretty much right then. Inside, a big room with lots of books was waiting for them. The bookcases ran around the room, the clearing in the middle holding a table and four big comfy chairs that could most likely be spun and adjusted. There were no lights, but a skylight provided illumination to the place still. A tea set and pot still rested on the table, along with some small cookies. On the farthest chair was Rachaela herself, book in her lap and asleep. It appeared that she was napping amidst all the reading.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she shook the big guy's hand, Adelle couldn't help but feel it probably looked a little silly, his huge hand enveloping her little one. She smiled up at him when he introduced himself to her after she had done so back to him, and when he let them both inside, she followed Lacri on in. "Thanks hon," Adelle called to the big guy and waved at him when he went off, then the two of them went on up the stairs to find Rachaela.

When they came into her study, Adelle saw that Rachaela was asleep, and must have fallen asleep while reading as her book was laying in her lap. Adelle noticed the tea and cookies sitting on a table beside her chair, and when she and Lacri came over, Adelle would look to see what kind of cookies they were, then she would give the magic sister a couple of little pokes on the shoulder to see if she could wake her up. "Hey there sleepy head, what'cha doing?" Adelle would ask the magic wielding girl.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The on the platter were not the most usual things that Adelle had seen, being ones that were mostly plain outside but one of them was bitten into, and showed that it had some kind of jelly inside. The stuff was almost black, and probably would not reveal what it was until she asked what it was or tried one.

The first few pokes resulted in very little action and only a slight noise from Rachaela, but when Adelle spoke up, there was more action in the form of a flailing arm in her direction. "Napping... that's what. Sit down and tell me what's up." she waved at the two, urging them to sit down. The tiny sister didn't seem to activate too much, not even opening her eyes, but she was still nonetheless awake. Unlike Mariela and Isabella, she was still wearing her dress at home.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle leaned back to dodge Rachaela's arm when it flailed out at her when she started prodding her to wake her up. "Whoa there tiger, I'm your side here. That's one helluva mean left hook you got there, if that'd hit me I'd probably have gone down," Adelle said jokingly as she sat down next to Rachaela, who hadn't even opened her eyes just yet. "Hey can I have a cookie hon?" Adelle added after sitting down, grabbing one of them and munching down on it if Rachaela said she didn't mind, which she was quite sure she would.

"Well... Lacri was showing me where you and Izzy both lived since I didn't already know. Just in case I ever needed to come and get either of you and all that stuff. And so we could see you sweetie," Adelle said after munching on her cookie, filling in the mage sister as to why they were there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure, have a cookie. Take some tea too. Except it is probably cold. So maybe not." Rachaela replied about the cookies. As Adelle ate the thing, it turned out to be filled with what was apparently raisin jelly. As the girls took their seats and explained the situation, it appeared that there was little increase in activity on the magic sister's part. She still appeared to be as sleepy as before. "That is good thinking, I must say. Wouldn't hurt for you to know where we are when not together and out of job." she said, setting a bookmark to the book on her lap while still keeping her eyes shut and then setting it onto the table. "Sooo, you want to do something?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thanks, don't mind if I do, and that's what we were thinking too," Adelle said, munching on the cookie she had and getting a cup of tea, not caring that it was cold.

Adelle actually got a little worried for Rachaela when she didn't open her eyes during all of the movements, but when she bookmarked her book and set it aside and then asked if they wanted to do anything, Adelle's mind was a little eased as the mage girl was moving a little more. "Sure if you're feeling up to it Rachaela. Did you have anything specific in mind exactly, or were you asking if I did?" Adelle replied to Rachaela, wondering if Rachaela even felt like getting up and doing anything.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It was more aimed at you than me." Rachaela replied as she turned in her chair, bundling up on one side of it. The chairs were a little bigger than average comfy chairs, but they looked a lot bigger when the tiny sister occupied one. "My home might not be a gun factory like Isabella's, but there should be something here."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... I didn't really come here with anything in mind to be honest, but I'm sure we could find something to do around here. Do either of you have any thoughts as to what we could do?" Adelle replied to Rachaela, sincerely not really having much of an idea at the moment as to what the three of them could do.

While she tried to think of something that they could do to pass the time, Adelle grabbed another cookie and munched on it, finishing off her cup of tea in the process. "We could go see about a job if either of you are feeling up to it. I sincerely got nothing at all," Adelle suggested, truly not having anything else in mind for the day.