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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

After a moment, Jortis got a small transmitted star map sent to him with a marker beacon. He was near one edge of a spiral galaxy, and when Thor spoke it confirmed what he might think.

"This galaxy is referred by the indigenous people as the Milky Way. You are currently on the outer edge of it less than two hundred light years from the void between this and the Pegasus Galaxy. Am I to take it you weren't planning to be this far out?"

As Syilvia's crew scrambled to get things going, several of the closer darts slammed into the surface of the planet. Those that were further out had a chance to be stopped, but it was slim. And then, things really got interesting. Suddenly, the darts stopped moving, all of their systems going dark. A moment later they got a brief transmission from the Draque ship.

"That will only stop them for a short time. I suggest we obliterate as many as we can before they recover."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"You heard 'em, it's only a matter of time until they start moving. Surge the photon torpedoes to explode at the center of that mass. All guns concentrate fire on the horde. Take as many of those things out!" Syilvia yelled to her crew.

The Syilvia's crew rushed, finding new resolve and motivation in hearing their commander's newly issued order. The Saerif sent out a lethal lightshow, firing all of it's weapons toward the horde of drills that were temporarily immobilized. Photon torpedoes exploded at the center of the horde, gatling cannon fire riddled the space in between the horde and the saerif. Laser cannons were alternating fire to keep a constant barrage on the horde. Syilvia watched as the drills were being barraged by all three of the ships that came to the planet's aid.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

200 lightyears..... What the.... How in the....... Well it was too late to do anything about it now! Cursing at the fickle drive in his ship, which was normally very dependable! he ran through his navigation computer over and over, pulling up a full map... He was in the entirely wrong goddamned galaxy!

"Ya.... No. I did not mean to come this far, and by this far I mean this galaxy entirely and my navigational system is a little under powered to handle that kind of information. If it's possible, I'd like to dock my ship and take a look at yours... Please..."

Jortis sat back in his seat and tried to relax, looking over at the probably useless here technology he was smuggling, and realized that here, he wasn't a smuggler, had no contacts, had no goods, and more importantly, had probably just run into one of the forerunners of this galaxy. He hoped they proved to be as amiable as they had been so far...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It didn't take long for the combined forces to obliterate the remaining darts, though they had started to regain systems when the last of them were being obliterated. There was a sudden surge of energy from a dozen or so of the darts, and then they exploded without being attacked. About then readings also returned the extent of damage done to what they could only guess had once been a city on the planet.

Much of it had been leveled, reduced to rubble. Lords only knew how many had been killed in the attack, and they still had no communication with the surface. It seemed they might have to go down there to even find survivors to talk to.

There was a long moment before Thor replied.

"I do not believe there is sufficient room to dock your ship as well as our other guest. However if you like, there is a space station seven hundred light years from here which I could tow you to. You would be able to dock there, make repairs if needed and the like. In the meantime, i could transport you here so we can go over star charts with my systems?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis sighed, there was never any parking available...

"That will be acceptable as long as no one sets foot upon my ship without permission."

Checking the pulse rifle one last time, he really hoped they were as friendly as they seemed over the com... They had impressive weapon systems. Thinking about it for another moment, he simply left the rifle there, sitting next to the console and waited.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"I will inform the station crew prior to our arrival of your wishes. Standby for transport."

A few moments later, Jortis felt a tingling sensation, and then his surroundings changed to the interior of the ship. This time he was directly facing the other ship occupant, as well as who he could only assume was Thor, a small grey alien.

((Being lazy, basically same description Shrike got for her is what Jortis is seeing.))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia sighed, relieved that the threat was gone. However, as she stared at the destruction those Hive ships had wrecked on the planet, she couldn't help but feel terrible about it all. She stood up and turned around, leaving the bridge. As she left she told a few of the bridge members:

"Keep the ship in orbit. Syri, Lindy... I want a fully stocked and ready team to meet me by the teleporter to help with whatever we can. That means soldiers and some medical personnel. Syri and Lindy, I want you two to stay here in case something goes wrong. Maintain a signal with the two friendlies. Also, someone forward this to those two. Contact me if anything goes wrong or right."

As Syilvia made it to the teleporter near the back of the Saerif, there was squad of soldiers, equipped with breathable oxygen and various weapons, and two equipped medical personnel of Lindy and Syri's choosing. She nodded to each of them and took the soldiers with her. She then teleported down to the planet. Once making contact, the soldiers set up a small perimeter around the teleportation area to cover the medical personnel if something goes awry.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((Figure i may as well get a proper description up as well, heh))

Ariana watched the arrival with interest, getting to see the odd teleportation technology from an observer's point of view this time. To Jortis' eyes, she appeared to be a little over six feet tall, and wore a black and red trim sealed suit under a brown leather duster, the mostly-glass helmet of which rested under her arm. Her facial features seemed sharp, almost birdlike, as she watched him with passive interest, giving him a nod and small smile as a greeting once he situated himself.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis waited, and then he was there. Looking around the ship with interest his flat features showing surprise as he looked at the predatory woman in the strange attire, and the small grey alien who was most likely Thor. "Nice to meet you in person, and thank you for the assistance" He said in a deep voice, inclining his head slightly in Thor's direction.

As he looked around, the odd lighting continue to shine dully off of his armour, its smooth black service only mildly reflective, bearing no insignia or mark of any kind. As his flat dark blue face turned again, he took in more and more of the room.

"I represent no race, and no creed, only myself. I am Jortis." The words were uttered quietly, almost as a kind of mantra, the denial of his people and they're beliefs pronounced with every word of the short sentence.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Thor nodded slowly before speaking again.

"Then welcome aboard the Beliskner, Jortis. If you both like, I can call up star maps for you to go over. We will be heading to a station known as Peltas Five, however I first intend to stop by a planet that earlier sent out a distress signal to check on that. Any issue should have already been dealt with, however one can never be too cautious."

Once Syilvia's crew was on the ground and had set up, they heard a faint humming sound in the air. A quick check and suddenly in a flash of green color, several dozen reptilian, yet humanoid creatures appeared. These were likely the Draque, something confirmed moments later when a tall one stepped forward.

"I am Sivok, commander of the Scalerious. You are ...?"

He appeared to be respectfully asking for her name, most likely unsure of how to address her.
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The woman nodded again at Jortis' introduction, repeating her own for his benefit. "I'm Ariana Arkanian. Longtime wanderer, not much else." She added with a shrug, sounding very tired for a moment.

"Sure, I could use an update to my charts. I have an AI on my ship that handles most of the stellar navigation, would you be opposed to setting him up with it? Last group I met had a slight aversion to the idea." She asked calmly. "Repairs to my ship may take a while, so I'm here until I can get that repaired. I'll do what I can to help out in the meanwhile, to try and make up for the hospitality."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Nodding in Thor's direction, he uttered a short thank you, making a mental note to check the star charts at his leisure. It was less important where he was, more important as to exactly how far off course he had gone. The two may have sounded similar but were in fact entirely different questions. There was the off chance that going home was simply not an option, but being as he had called his small ship home for so long, he wouldn't consider that any great loss.

"A pleasure Ariana, There is a chance I can assist with the repairs if you'll let me." His offer was both a wish to help and make a good impression, and to go over the technology used by another race, a bad habit that had gotten him into trouble more then once.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Sure, a second pair of hands would be a great help. All my wiring work seems to cut out, may have you take a look at that, if you're capable. Apart from that, there's just a lot of welding to be done, and a general check of all the systems on that side. Don't think I have enough raw material to make it sturdy again, though." Ariana responded, shrugging.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"You would be amazed at what you can do with very little" Jortis said with a smile, extending his arm. "Lead the way"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia and her team looked at Sivok and his men. She nodded to them curtly and then cleared her throat to respond to him.

"I am Syilvia Lambert, commander of the Saerif. Syilvia is fine, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Probably." Ariana said with a laugh. "Though it may have to wait. I arrived the same way you did, and apart from not knowing where to go, I have already offered what aid I can do our gracious host." She explained, turning to the Asgard once more.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Thor was silent for a long moment as he plotted in a course. A slight vibration was the only sign his guest would get before the ship made a jump into hyper-space, the backdrop of space being replaced by what seemed to be a blue tunnel.

"I may have some materials in the cargo bay that you can use, although they may not be compatible with your systems. If they prove to be incompatible, Peltas Five can always get something that will work for you. Since both of you seem uncertain of where you are, I can holographically display a star chart in this room if you wish."

Sivok politely nodded his head to her.

"Syilvia it is then. You may call me Sivok if you wish. The Alverans should be sending a team down shortly, however I must inform you that our sensors indicated a brief transporter flash just prior to the destruction of the last darts. We believe there may be hostiles on the planet at this time, have you encountered anything yet that ..."

Sivok paused, unsure of how to broach the topic. About then though one of Syilvia's men called out for them to check something out. When she arrived, she saw what was probably the skeletal remains of a Vorian. It seemed to have it's clothing on still, mostly intact save for a hand shaped portion of it that had been ripped off, and an indent in the ribcage.

Sivok shook his head slowly, then spoke only a few words.

"Fed upon. Perimeter, now."

At that, the Draque soldiers began to move, and as Syilvia watched, some of them suddenly seemed to shimmer and fade from sight, yet she had the distinct impression they hadn't transported out.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"I've got a clear enough image of where we..." Ariana paused a moment, looking out at the blue tunnel visible out the window. Jump gate technology without the requisite gates?

"Were, in the galaxy... I meant in this ship. I have no idea how to reach my ship from here." She finished, shrugging.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"You hear that, guys? Eyes open and weapons ready. Cover each other's backs," Syilvia ordered the squad of soldiers. They complied, weapons up and slowly scanning the area. They were relatively close to each other, and set up a web of support. The medical personnel that accompanied them drew their own weapons. They didn't look it, but even the medical personnel of the Saerif were highly trained in case they were needed in a fight.

"Syri...come in. I'm activating the mini sensor array. If you see anything I can't, I wanna know about it," Syilvia spoke to the bridge of the Saerif after pressing her finger against the communicator on her ear. A clear, holographic visor was drawn over her eyes. What she could see, the bridge could see...plus more. She signalled the other squad members to do the same, and they did. The Saerif be able to pick up on movements around them, and determine whether it was friend or foe.

Syri shortly chimed in, "We're picking up all of your images. We've established a connection with everyone down there. We're with you. So far we're only picking up movement from the cloaked Draque. We'll inform you if anything irregular shows up."

Syilvia nodded and drew readied her heavy laser pistol, priming it for lethal shots. They had to be ready for anything, and they were ready for anything.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis almost jumped at the mention of a star chart. "Umm, Yes please." Standing to the side and waiting for said chart, Jortis wanted nothing more then to figure out exactly where he was, because every piece of the puzzle gave him more leverage to work with. As for repairs on the damaged ship, he would be as good as his word and facilitate all the repairs he could. Even lacking supplies, at the very least, damage to the hull and seals could be accomplished with an absolute minimum.
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