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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

After a long moment, a holographic map suddenly appeared in mid air, a blinking blue dot seeming to indicate the current position of the ship they were on. As the field expanded, they could see that the galaxy they were in was medium sized, and many other planets were shown with distinct symbolic coding, likely the Asgard's method of identifying them. At the present time, they were close to one arm portion of the galaxy, but were heading closer to the interior portion at a speed that flat out would be impossible with their own technology.

Thor waited a moment and then added, "I also have maps for several other nearby galaxies if you wish to see those as well. I can place all of them up at the same time, or individually."

The attack came without warning, and without mercy. One moment things were clear, and the next they were under attack from some kind of weapons fire.

Blue blasts came flying out, striking two of Syilvia's people square in the chest. They spasmed and fell to the ground, and a quick check on them confirmed they were not dead, but rather stunned. A moment later, she got word from her ship that there were a dozen or so unidentified life forms roughly two hundred yards away, seemingly behind a hillside.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"We have contact! Saerif, I want an ID on them. We don't wanna to accidentally shoot the inhabitants of this planet," Syilvia spoke, pressing two fingers to the communications device on her ear. Her men were already at cover, the two stunned people being cared for by the medical personnel that accompanied them. She ducked behind a ruined column, peeking out in the direction of the unidentified lifeforms.

"Set your weapons to stun and return fire. And slowly advance." she ordered her soldiers. They did so, and began to shoot at the life forms that had shot at them as they slowly moved forward. Syilvia did the same, though she remained close to the medical personnel and injured soldiers.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Just a moment, sorry." Ariana replied when the map came up, putting her helmet on again and staring at the map. She still had connection to her ship, and Rhian came up in a small box along the edge of the visor, just as she noticed how fast they seemed to be going.

"I'm just as stumped as you are. That's at least twice as fast as jump gate technology." The AI told her. She checked to make sure the outside speaker wasn't turned on before replying. She didn't much care about the others listening in, but piping half the conversation to the outside world may make her seem a little crazy.

"We should see how small the tech they use can get, if we can get one of them for our ship, life would get a lot easier. Regardless, you've been listening in, I take it?" The small image of the AI nodded.

"Aye, they seem truthful enough, though I can't be 100% accurate with the alien, never having seen them before. The other seems to have an agenda of some sorts, but it should be safe enough to work with him for the time being. I've recorded the map, it matched closely enough to my own charts after accounting for stellar drift, and indeed seems a lot more accurate and detailed. Still unsure of our final destination, given the limited knowledge we have to work off of."

"That's fine, we'll always have time." She told him, nodding and taking her helmet off again. "I don't personally need the other maps, but it could prove interesting." She told Thor, tucking her helmet back under her arm again.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

His eyes fixed on the map, taking it in, Jortis nodded. "All of them, at once please, I need to figure out how far off I wound up..." he said quietly, not recognising the galaxy he was in at all... Gods where in the warp was he, because this was far beyond what he had heard was possible...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a moment, and then countless maps popped up at once, spanning a large portion of the room they were in.

Thor also overlaid what he could assume were either his own species, or a native species' name for the galaxies.

Listed there were the Ida Galaxy, Milky Way (current position), Triangulum, Pegasus, Andromeda, and several dozen others with names that probably were in an alien language. They all seemed to be galaxies in the local cluster so to speak, and covering vast expanses of space.

As Syilvia pressed forward, two things happened at once.

First, the call came back down that the ship found no match in the database as to what they were dealing with, which meant it was probably safe to say they weren't being shot at by survivors.

Secondly, she heard a scream of pain from beyond the rise, one that was feminine, and panicked.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia narrowed her eyes and turned her head in the direction of the scream. She pressed her fingers against her comm device and spoke, "Set your weapons to kill. Slowly move to the location of that scream. Saerif, I want a fix on that scream. Origin, distance, ETA on foot. The whole nine yards." She started to return fire herself to the enemies in the distance, though her heavy laser pistol wouldn't be all too accurate from this distance. The two soldiers were patched up and combat-ready after the medical personnel had spent some time on them. The troops began to return fire, and so did the medical personnel. Syilvia pulled the four back and spoke to them:

"You four with me. We'll move faster since we're a smaller group. We're moving toward that sound."

The four people nodded, the other soldiers hearing them and beginning to provide cover fire as they began to move. Syilvia's group did indeed move faster, and the bigger group was slowly behind them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis looked over all of the maps, not wanting to believe what his eyes were telling him, knowing that it was utterly impossible in every sense of the word. It simply Could Not Be True. But there it was, his home galaxy.... and they were in it... but they couldn't be... that would mean.... But... HOW!?

Looking over at Thor, Jortis simply stared at him for a long moment before daring to speak. "Thor... I... We're in my home galaxy, what you call.... the Milky Way. But we're not at the same time... I... Somehow..." Shaking his head, he had to start again several times before the blasphemous words would leave him and even after, he still couldn't quite believe it. "I haven't gone anywhere... I've gone back in time... and by a very very severe margin..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It took a moment for Syilvia to get her reply. When she had her mark, a target about 75 yards Northwest of her position, they could move out.

Upon reaching said target they found a creature of some kind that was standing with it's back to them, and strange sounds were coming from it's hand. As they looked, they saw that the hand was afixed to the bare chest of a young woman. She was in obvious agony, and her features were distorting. After only a few moments of watching, Syilvia and her group watched as the young woman began to age rapidly in front of them, seeming to put on about 15 years in just a few seconds. It didn't take a scientist to figure out that somehow the creature before them was quite literally feeding off the poor girl's life force, killing her slowly.

Thor tilted his head slightly, and rather than laugh at him or ridicule him as Jortis might expect, the Asgard simply asked one question.

"By how much time do you believe you have gone back by?"

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia widened her eyes as the creature was feeding off the girl's precious life. Before it could do anymore, she held up her pistol and fired three times at the creature with it. With clenched teeth, the three shots hit the creature with with an intense force and speed. Syilvia's squad looked around to see if there were anymore hostiles, their weapons were at the ready and primed to fire if they saw anything that seemed like it would be hostile to them.

"...Well...at least we know what they're capable of," Syilvia said with narrowed eyes.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana's eyes widened at the declaration. "Is that normal? DO you know how it happened?" She asked. If she could replicate that, and pick up one of the engines Thor was using to cross the galaxy so fast...

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis shook his head and sat down on the floor, still shaken by the realisation. "10's of Thousands of years... A very wide margin indeed... Before the fall... Before." Clamping his mouth shut, He refused to speak about his future at all, realising the danger it could possibly pose.

Shaking his head and looking back at Thor and Ariana. "I have no idea how. None whatsoever..."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana nodded, understanding the stranded feeling he was feeling at the moment. "Then there's nothing that can be done for it, for now. Best to focus on the present, and do what you can." She said softly. Turning to thor again, she pointed towards the dot on the map, rapidly crossing the galaxy. "So, where are we going again?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Thor was silent for a long moment before speaking.

"It is possible whatever method you use for interstellar travel may have intersected with a large enough flare from a star. In theory that could toss you back in time, however I have only seen this occur with a wormhole via a stargate, and not a ship. The only ship I know of that has been through time did so under extreme conditions, and that was thrown several million years into a possible future, rather than the past."

Another moment as the Asgard turned back to Ariana.

"We are heading to a Vorian outpost that reported being attacked not too long ago. I estimate we will reach them in another five minutes. At this time, we do not know if there is still a battle going on or not, so I advise you to be ready for combat.

Much to their dismay, the creature Syilvia shot did not die immediately. Rather the shots forced it off the woman, who by now appeared to be close to fifty. Letting loose a hissing snarl, they watched in amazement as the wounds literally healed themselves, and then the creature went back to feeding on the rapidly aging woman. It seemed more than a few rounds would be required to kill this creature, and perhaps it's strange healing ability had something to do with it consuming the poor woman's life.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Well, My ship is not going to be repaired in five minutes, I could take a look over a fighter-class you have, see if the controls are familiar enough. Other than that, I'm capable in person, if you need to repel boarders, or send a group to the outpost itself." She explained with a shug. In truth, she could use a bit of a fight, help shake the last bits of post-coldsleep grogginess from her mind.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis gave an odd sounding dry chuckle from his spot on the wall. "My ship is good for running away. That's what it was built for. Take me to her ship" He said pointing at Ariana, "And let me start working on it. If I can't get it flying in 5 minutes, then I'll just keep working until its flight worthy again." He said standing. "Never been a fan of violence when I can avoid it"

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

With a slight grit of her teeth, Syilvia shook her head and fired again at the life-sucking creature. With a single order, the soldiers with her also opened fire. The sounds of weapons fire and the lights and high-speed shrapnel flared out quickly from Syilvia's end. All intent on killing that creature before it could do anymore damage to the now fifty year old woman. This task, however, was proving to be a tad too difficult to accomplish. That's when Syri chimed in from the Saerif, "Commander, it looks like it's using the woman's life force to regenerate itself. Anything we do to it, it'll just take back from her."

Syilvia widened her eyes and trembled with a mixture of sorrow and fury. She needed to make a decision, quickly. Either the woman died by prematurely maturing, or she died right now as she might want. Soon Syilvia frowned and bit her lip. She rose her heavy laser pistol and shouted out a single order, "Concentrate all fire on the creature. Once you knock it off of that woman, don't let up. Don't let up one bit. And for the love of god, don't hit me." The four personnel that were with Syilvia nodded, beginning to let loose a barrage of weapons-fire at the creature. With the shots hitting the creature and knocking it away from the woman, Syilvia started her own barrage of fire from her powerful, heavy laser pistol. She focused each shot at the creature, not letting up until that leech was lying on the ground dead or another similar fate.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Thor handed Jortis a small crystal, that upon him touching it showed the schematics of where he needed to go to reach the 'hangar'. By way of explanation Thor added, "this device operates on mental thought. You may use it to find your way to and from and around the ship, that is what it has been designed for."

To Ariana he added, "I will not know what is needed until we arrive. When I know something, I shall let you know."

Syilvia found that it took a LOT of firepower to finally put the creature down for good, and even then several of her men added a few 'overkill' rounds into it just to be sure. However, the poor woman it had been feeding upon looked to be about eighty when they finally did kill it, and she lay there on the ground slowly blinking, gasping for air.

At that time, several more of the creatures appeared, weapons raised to fire upon her group. Fortunately, fate was smiling on her, and at that exact moment a stream of energy fire came out of nowhere. Whipping around, she could see the wraith getting cut down by Sivok's forces, who seemed to have double timed it back when they heard the initial weapons fire. When the wraith were dead, Sivok stepped forward to her and asked, "are you and your people alright?"

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"We're fine," Syilvia looked at the now eighty year old woman and kneeling down beside her. She looked up to Sivok and looked around, the dead creatures strewn about them. She then looked back to the old woman, the two medical personnel coming to run a quick check on her. As they performed the scan, Syilvia stood up and looked to Sivok.

"How did you kill them so quickly? Energy-based weaponry?" she needed to know the most effective way to deal with something like what she just faced. That way...nothing like this would happen again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivok nodded.

"Yes, high impact energy directed blasters. They have two settings, one to stun and incapacitate, and one that can kill. With the wraith, it takes a bit. These are very clearly rebels though, a small sect of their civilization who refused to take a treatment that allowed the others to get nourishment by other means. For the longest time ... this was the only way they could survive."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana nodded to Thor, staying put as Jortis walked off. "Go ahead and introduce yourself to Rhian when you get there, he knows you're coming, and he has a better idea of what's needed than I do anyways. Thank you again." She told him, offering a slight bow as he left.
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