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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia looked in the direction of the Wraiths, who were now building some sort of...thing out of the rubble scattered about. She narrowed her eyes and then began to open fire at the Wraiths, aiming accurately and precisely. The soldiers with her saw that as a signal to start firing, and began to lay down fire on the Wraiths and whatever it was that they were trying to construct. They couldn't take the risk of them building a weapon or something.

Meanwhile...on the Saerif...

"I understand, it would beneficial for us to work together to save these people. We are currently the area around where our Commander is. If it isn't too much trouble, please scan elsewhere for possible readings. All we know of survivors is that our Commander is currently assisting a group of them with fending off the Wraiths." Syri said with a distinct tone, "I must be getting back to provide orbital support. I will remain on the channel if anything else arises. It was a pleasure, Supreme Commander Thor."

There was a short time where Syri faced the other bridge crew and began to spew out orders before the channel line blipped out away.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The AI's voice drifted out from some hidden speaker, there being no projector within sight of where the Tau was. "I will respond to whichever moniker you feel most comfortable with." He assured Jortis in a comforting tone. "The nearest access to the wire bundles should be along the upper edge of the superstructure, on the far side on the bracing. You should be able to see where it leads in either direction from there, if you wish to make a visual inspection. Let me know when you need to, and I'll try and run a diagnostic through the line. Fire command would be simpler, but unsafe given the current location."

There was a slight pause at the last request, then the voice returned. "Civilian class ship, designation 'Eagle', full designation 'CTE-6000 Very Heavy Fighter'. Built at Baltimore shipyard in the year 962 AS, under special order from Tobias Faulk, the only notable feature different from the base specifications being the removal of the lower docking stands, making the ship resemble it's lighter cousin, the CTE-3000 Falcon, but with no reduction in maneuverability or combat capability. Various modifications have been made since, but mostly to components that were already built to be modular."

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis nodded and dug around for the solder and electrical repair supplies, mostly a series of small meters and spare wire, and an assortment of hand tools. Heading up to the required location, He set about inspecting the damage. Attaching the meters to several places along the lines, he systematically had Rhian run the current and commands through the lines, paying careful attention and making small changes and adjustments while he set about repairing the obvious damage, and then set about pinning down the less obvious damage to the systems.

"So it IS a custom job, I had thought as much. A good ship, but in need of an overall" Jortis said conversationally as he worked. "How did it get so badly damaged?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Understood. I will scan outside of the immediate vicinity of the Draque warriors and your people to determine how many of the outlying areas are also in immediate need. Thor out."

The first couple of Wraith were taken by surprise and cut down, however the other three had time to duck for cover. Two returned fire, nearly winging Syilvia in the process. The third let loose an angry roar, then slammed it's hand down on some kind of activator. A moment later, a buzz of energy filled the air as the construct began to glow and pulsate.

On the planet, they had no idea what this meant, however to the ships in orbit, they had all to well of an idea.

The Saerif's sensors suddenly detected a surge of energy coming from the planet, and a few moments later there was an audible chattering, almost screaming sound coming over all the channels. It went on seemingly forever, with no discernable pattern, but whatever it was, it was alien, and coming from whatever had made the surge of energy.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Time, more than anything else. It had seen it's fair share of combat even when new, however, and such always leaves it's marks." Rhian answered as Jortis went about the work, his tone calm and composed, almost sounding like the stereotypical butler waiting on the master of the house. "This more current damage was caused by the ship you saw our host fight off. It was set to run us over, thinking we were merely another piece of space debris, and took offense when we moved to avoid it. My hypothesis was that it took our sudden power up and maneuver as a precursor to some sort of hostile action. One of the shots it fired got too close as we were trying to get away, the passing of the shot is what caused the damage. If the shot had hit us, I fear we would have been completely destroyed."

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syri and the Saerif's crew were heard the screeching sound, whatever it was and wherever it came from. Syri immediately notified Syilvia and the team planetside, "Commander, we're picking up a lot of activity. We're working on pinpointing it, but don't count on that being anytime soon. Worse case scenario, we won't be able to relay any scanner information for you for obvious reasons."

Syilvia fired off a few shots at the Wraith that activated the...thing. She ducked behing some rubble and then replied to Syri, "I gotcha. We'll handle things down here. I don't want a scratch on my ship, you hear me?"

"I read you loud and clear, Commander," Syri said with a light smile before returning to a more pensive face. He sent a shipwide message, informing people of the situation, "We are currently picking up an unknown sound reading and several energy readings. I want all hands to their stations and weapons primed and ready for anything."

The Saerif's crew, all scrambled to get to their stations. The interior of the ship was flooded with brief flashes of red and a deep-sounding siren. Crew members were seated at various desks in the different bays of the Saerif. Computing, fine-tuning, priming weapons, you name it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Best that you hadn't been" Jortis replied as he patched the damage as quickly as he could, which to be honest wasn't that fast. Wiring was always such a pain in the ass... After several trips for more wire and various other components, and probably several hours, he judged the ship to be spaceworthy and capable of defending itself again, sitting down in the cargohold, his armour making a loud clank as his back hit the wall. "There Rhian, It's handled. More complete repairs will take more time and materials I just don't have, but she'll fly again, and the weapons should fire."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

After a few tense moments, the Saerif was getting a hail from Thor.

"I believe the Wraith on the planet have somehow managed to construct a distress beacon. What you are hearing is a distress call, likely being sent to the other rebels. It is unlikely it will reach their home galaxy at this power output, however it could in theory reach any hidden outposts they still have in this galaxy. I have determined that the remaining Wraith on the planet are either at the device, or on their way to assist their comrades. I believe it is time to end this as quickly as possible. Please inform your commander that in several moments, my ship will be directly over her."

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As Syilvia was fighting on the planet, she received an incoming transmission from the Saerif.

"Commander, that thing the Wraith created seems to be a distress beacon that's calling out to the other Wraith in the vicinity," Syri said over the voice-only communications link.

Syilvia ducked down behind cover and pressed her finger to the device on her ear, "What? Dammit, we don't need anymore of these lifesuckers. Prepare orbital cannon and fuck this thing."

"No can do, Commander. That ship from before, under the command of Thor, is positioning itself directly above your location. I know that sounds silly, but trust me. I don't know what they plan to do, but I believe they plan to end this fight immediately. I advise you to take immediate cover."

Syilvia popped out and fired his pistol at the Wraiths and nodded, "Alright. Support Thor's ship and in case any Wraith ships arrive, be ready for a fight."

"Roger that, Commander."

"Sivok, our eyes in space have said that a ship under the command of Thor is positioning itself directly above us. It seems they're gonna try and end all this fighting," Syilvia yelled out to Sivok from cover.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As the words came out of his mouth, Syri and the crew of the Saerif watched as the powerful Asgard ship gracefully moved towards the planet, entering it's atmosphere. Unlike most ships they saw try to land, this one seemed to cause no friction in the atmosphere. Which meant that, if it continued that, no one would even SEE it streaking across the sky until it was virtually on top of them.

Sivok froze at her words, his eyes widening.

"Then I believe you will get to see one of the rarest displays of Asgard Technology. Thor's Hammer."

Before she could ask what he meant by that, there was a sudden rumble overhead. Much louder than Thunder would be, and since there were no storm clouds in the sky, it was safe to say Thunder wasn't the source. If her eyes drifted slightly upwards, she'd suddenly make out a vague shape in the sky. A shape that suddenly became clear.

A large, graceful looking ship that was easily twice the size of her own ship descended out of the sky. Based on what she had seen and heard, she had no doubt this was Thor's ship. Suddenly, the Wraith stopped firing at them to look up. Several raised their own weapons, but it was a laughable gesture. Syilvia knew there was no way in hell personal hand held weapons would have any effect against something as big and powerful as a space ship.

Then, a sudden crackle of energy filled the air, and a moment later the device just simply vanished. The sound and energy from it were gone, as was the entire device. A second later, the wraith also vanished without a trace, or even a track to indicate they had ever been there. Just like that, the only sounds they could hear were slight rumblings from what she could assume were the Asgard engines, and over that the cheering of several Vorians who had escaped an attack. Of course, that was soon replaced by wounded calling out for help, and the answers of those still functional enough to assist.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"...Oh Holy Apris," Syilvia said as she looked up at the ship that came directly above them. Everything suddenly seemed darker due to the massive shadow that it had cast on the land. She then looked back to the battlefield and to everyone else.

"Take cover! Deploy your hand-shields!" she said before she brandished a small device from her belt and pressing a button on it. A light humming sound was heard before her there was a thin sphere of transparent, red energy drew itself around her. The other soldiers did the same, staying within cover and their eyes cast up to the hulking ship that was preparing to use the legendary Hammer.

After the Hammer was unleashed and the Wraith were gone, Syilvia and her troops began to administer aid to those injured or trapped. As Syilvia was busy with helping people, someone else chimed in with the Saerif to let them know the situation.

"Sir, the situation has stabilized and we're not administering aid to the afflicted," the random trooper said.

"Alright, good to hear. We'll start sending more people down to help. Inform the Commander," Syri said. After the channel closed, Syri let out a sigh of relief. He massaged the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. The people on the bridge were a bit relieved as well, and jeered in rejoice. After his momentary period of calming himself, Syri was quick to issue another order to the ships:

"Alright, get teams planetside to help with recovery efforts. Keep troops on standby just in case things go south."

The Saerif's crew were quick to act, already sending down teams of people to help out the Vorians.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((Actually it already got used lol. Read that last paragraph :p))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

After hanging there for several long moments, the massive Asgard ship began to angle back towards space. It seemed either she was too large to land, or Thor believed that it wouldn't be wise here with so many people around. Either way, with a slight boom, the ship engines fired up, and within moments it had vanished beyond the clouds.

Sivok came over to Syilvia and chuckled.

"And that is why I'm glad the Asgard are allies and not an enemy. While peaceful, they can really smash opposing forces when there's no other choice. Now, let's see about survivors."

Some time passed, and quite a number of survivors were found, some having escaped the worst, some in bad shape but with a good chance to live. Still, despite this, a number of bodies were found from those who had died in the initial attack, and still others who had been fed upon.

Some time later, they came upon a small compound that was barely standing, where they were greeted by Sivea herself. She regarded the crewmen of the Saerif for a long moment before she spoke.

"Thank you for your assistance. I am Sivea Venal, now the leader of this outpost. I have not seen you or the uniform you wear, you are not from around these parts I take it?"

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia nodded curtly as entered the compound Sivea resided in. Upon hearing her of her question, Syilvia looked off to the side and then back to Sivea with a firm smile, "No, I'm not. I only know that I'm pretty far from where I come from. The Pangalactic Federation doesn't have a database that extends this far."

Before long, Syilvia noticed something that may have seemed a bit unsettling to Sivea. She still had her pistol in her hand. After noticing this, Syilvia brought the pistol up and engaged the power limiter and the safety for good measure before placing it in a holster at the stock of her back. Her firm and brave smile then slowly changed into one of awkwardness.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Best that you hadn't been" Jortis replied as he patched the damage as quickly as he could, which to be honest wasn't that fast. Wiring was always such a pain in the ass... After several trips for more wire and various other components, and probably several hours, he judged the ship to be spaceworthy and capable of defending itself again, sitting down in the cargohold, his armour making a loud clank as his back hit the wall. "There Rhian, It's handled. More complete repairs will take more time and materials I just don't have, but she'll fly again, and the weapons should fire."
"The ship is in a better state than it has been in a spectacular amount of time." Rhian said with a nod. "Thank you again. It isn't amazing, but we have some dehydrated food and some liquids, if you wished to rest somewhat before departing." The AI explained, motioning towards the only seat in the area as well, over by the glass tube.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"If that's the case then I worry about your pilot" Jortis said raising his eyes. But the offer of rest sounded nice. Taking a seat in the chair, what seemed to be the only chair, Jortis looked around and just took a breather. It was nice to relax and wrap your head around things... Seemed he was going to be stuck here for a while, and to be honest, that wasn't all that bad considering what he had seen so far.

Food and drink was also excepted, but he looked at it curiously before partaking, wondering what the owner of this ship ate. Deciding to stop being picky, he helped himself and continued to stare at the AI. "So.... How common are things like.... AI's" He said quietly, the very Idea of one so close making him nervous. He wasn't much for caring, but...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivea nodded.

"Likewise we have not heard of your Federation as you call it. Did you cross a massive void and cross galaxies perhaps?"

She smiled slightly when Syilvia noticed the pistol, and waited until she had placed it away before speaking.

"Do not worry about that. Believe me, if I believed you to be a threat with that weapon to us, you would have already known."

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia nodded and then folded her arms in front of her chest. She looked around and sighed. Sivea's question about the trek that brought them here got Syilvia thinking about her home. She narrowed her eyes and seemingly went into a still trance for a moment. A short moment passed with Syilvia staring into nothing before she answered, "You could say that. My crew and I haven't really been back in Federation space for a very long time, now. But we still maintain our databases so we know what's going on."

Syilvia paused for a moment, "You could say we're on a journey without a destination."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivea nodded again, seemingly not surprised by this.

"Sometimes the best journey is one without a definitive destination or goal to be reached. Often times, these lead to new friendships, and knowledge that otherwise would be missed out. However, I must admit that having no idea in relation where one is in regard to their home space can be ... unsettling. Perhaps Thor can help your people with this. Other than the Alverans, the Asgard have the largest known repository of galactic maps that we know of. I have no doubt if we asked Thor to show you maps that he would. Perhaps we can even pinpoint your home space and tell you how far from it you really are, if you so wish?"
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