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NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Clara – 20 vs 16 succubus, hit
Winter – 2 vs 19, crit counter, 2 FP and 2 AP dmg to Winter
Sylph – 2 vs 6 Es, miss

Succubus – 12 vs 12 Winter, miss because player wins on ties
Elf servant – 20 vs 16 Sylph, hit
Human servant – 20 vs 11 Sylph, hit

Clara – 3 vs 19 Succubus, crit counter, 2 FP and 2 AP dmg to Clara
Winter – 11 vs 3 Succubus, hit
Sylph – 10 vs 3 Es, hit

Succubus – 18 vs 17 Winter, used a spell that dealt 3 AP dmg to Winter
Elf servant – 6 vs 4 Sylph, hit
Human servant – 10 vs 16 Sylph, miss

When Winter opened her pack and whispered to the baby arachne, they all looked up at her and nodded, seeming to understand what she was telling them to do. Once they nodded at Winter, she would see them crawl around and cover the eggs with an old rag or two and then they pulled another rag over themselves.

Wow they're pretty smart huh, considering they were just born a little while ago,” Clara whispered to Winter with a smile, looking over her shoulder into the pack at the little arachne as they scurried around getting whatever they could to cover the eggs with.

They're all three Rose's servants Winter, we shouldn't let any of them run away, or else they'll probably warn them of our coming, but yes we should take her down first I think,” Sylph whispered to Winter when she mentioned attacking the succubus first.

Once they were ready to make their move, the girls all three moved into the room cautiously towards their enemies. As they crept closer, Clara's foot would unfortunately bump a loose stone on the floor and give them away before they could get close enough to make their sneak attack, and the succubus turned to give them a malicious look and evil smile as her two companions both got up from what they were doing to step up beside her, both wielding a sword.

So now, three more pets to play with eh, and one an angel no less. Heh, must be my lucky day to run into one of Hazel's pack of bitch wolves, and an angel,” the succubus said, flashing an evil grin at Winter, Clara, and Sylph.

Hmph, I'm going to make you pay for hurting those poor girls you vile thing,” Clara said, pulling her sword up and taking a fighting stance.

Come and get me then if you think you can take me. Oh I'm so going to enjoy corrupting you,” the succubus said to Clara, provoking her into attacking and starting the fight.

Sylph whispered to Winter very quickly as Clara advanced on the succubus that she would cover the two of them against the other two with the succubus, to focus on taking her down.

Clara moved in and swung her large sword at the succubus much quicker than the succubus seemed to have expected, because Clara's blade sliced her waist a little as the young angel dealt first blood. Winter moved in for a follow up attack, but the succubus was more than ready for her and when Winter's spear got within arms reach of the succubus, she snatched it just under the head with superhuman speed and pulled Winter towards her where she kissed her right on the lips and then slammed her knee into Winter's gut, knocking the wind out of her and knocking her back away from her. When Winter was kissed she felt her body begin heating up slightly, which persisted even after she was hit in the gut.

Sylph moved in at the elven girl that was helping the succubus and swung thrust her slime spear at her, but the elf was much too agile and she missed her as a result. The succubus attempted to follow up her counter on Winter with another attack, but Winter was able to roll out of the way as some sort of pinkish wave of energy hit the floor where she was just at. Her two servants however were much more lucky and both of them used their swords and cut Sylph, the elf right across Sylph's chest and the human across her waist. Though Sylph grunted in pain it didn't seem she was all that hurt as some of her slime began congealing and falling from her chest and waist in little clumps, though after only a moment or two the cuts sealed up on her.

Clara growled in anger as she charged the succubus again, this time for hurting Winter, screaming, “HOW DARE YOU HURT HER YOU FUCKING WHORE!

It seemed Clara had lost it and was no longer looking to just defeat this succubus, but kill her, which was very unlike the angel she was supposed to be. Her sword slash didn't connect like she'd hoped it would though as the succubus took advantage of her anger and manage to do the same to Clara as she had to Winter a few moments before, though she added in a slap on Clara's butt in the process. If Winter glanced over when the succubus did this, she'd see Clara's flaccid member immediately stand to attention as Clara stumbled back a few steps.

"Ooooh such fire, you'll be a fun one to play with," the succubus said, smirking at Clara.

Winter was then able to get the drop on the succubus a little as she was too focused on Clara and didn't see Winter until the last moment as Winter's spear cut into her side some and brought a grunt of pain from the she devil. During this, Sylph thrust her slime spear at the elf girl again and slashed it right across her leg and drawing blood from the spot she'd cut.

The succubus managed to recover from Winter's attack rather quickly considering what it did, and before Winter could do anything to stop it the succubus sent another wave of pink energy at her, which this time slammed right into her. She immediately felt a massive burst of lust fill her body as she stumbled back away from the succubus, who had an evil smile plastered on her face as Winter's lust ran down her inner thighs. The elf girl managed to get another cut on Sylph after she recovered from Sylph's strike on her, running her sword through Sylph's shoulder where it burst out the back as several clumps of her slime again congealed and fell to the floor as she pushed the elf girl back and off of her. The human girl wasn't able to hit Sylph this time around though as the slime girl managed to dive out of the way as she held her shoulder with one hand, and when she stood back up the cut was again gone though Sylph looked more than a little winded now.

Out of the corner of her eye through her lust, Winter would see the alpha wolf girl struggling to break her bonds, and she'd also see that not too far away from her was what looked like a very large axe laying on the floor. The futanari wolf girl was trying to make her way towards it she saw.

Winter – FP: 4/6, AP: 5/10
Clara – FP: 3/5, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10
Sylph: FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10

Succubus – FP: 4/6, MP: ?/?, AP: 0/10
Elven servant – FP: 3/4, AP: 0/10
Human servant – FP: 4/4, AP: 0/10


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“They are...” Winter smiled back at Clara, as she watched the baby arachne scuttle around preparing to hide themselves amongst the contents of her pack. They were so smart compared to the point that a human child wouldn't compare under similar conditions. Of course, they probably had an accelerated growth cycle just based on the fact that their gestation period was so short.

“Alright, we can't permit any to escape... the decapitation strategy still holds weight...” Winter crept forward trying to keep out of the line of sight of her adversaries. As she began to close with the succubus, she heard a small scuttling sound from her lines before they could launch their attack. She found herself staring down the malicious glare of the succubus as she found her group being sized up like a cow being sent to the slaughter.

“If you think today is your lucky day, you're about to be proven dead wrong.” Winter stated, as she gripped her spear and slipped from an ambush to a more general stance. “And if you think you're going to touch any of us, you're sadly mistaken!”

Winter acknowledged the whisper she received from Slyph with a short nod before joining Clara in advancing on the succubus. She watched as the angel drew first blood from the enemy and emboldened advanced on the succubus herself. With a mighty thrust, she jabbed her spear at the succubus to find it unexpectedly caught by her foe. Caught off balance, she found herself being pulled closer to the succubus and a pair of spicy, hot lips catch hers for a moment. She could feel the heat on her lips for but a moment before she felt the sensation of a knee removing the breath from her lungs. She was knocked back by the force of the blow even as her lungs tried to refill themselves with ragged breaths and coughs.

She didn't have time to contemplate her current situation as she found herself instinctively rolling out of the way of the follow up attack the hit the floor where she had been laying. She idly pondered what the pink crap was supposed to accomplish before she heard Slyph's grunts. They needed to even the odds fast so they could aid their Slime friend. Her thoughts were cut off as Clara screamed her war cry and charged at the enemy. Her efforts were only resulted in the same treatment Winter had received and she could only stare briefly at the beginnings of a red hand print forming on the angels bottom as her member stood at attention.

“Clara!” Winter shouted, before turning against her aggressor. With a mighty yell, she thrust her spear at the devil girl and scored a hit against her side before quickly withdrawing before a repeat of earlier could occur. Not quickly enough, as she found herself being struck by the same pink energy she had narrowly dodged earlier. It felt as if her entire body had caught the flames of lust as she had to stop herself from groping her own breast in the shock. Underneath her pants she could feel her love box go from mildly aroused to wet and ready in a nanosecond. Through the haze of her new found arousal, she could notice two things.

The first was the Slyph was having a hell of a time dealing with her opposing numbers. She felt wary about leaving her on her own any further, but noticed the futanari wolf girl wiggling her way towards a fallen weapon. If she could get her into the fight, the odds might turn in their favor.

“Clara, hold on!” Winter quickly warned her that she was temporarily breaking off with a nod towards the wolf girl. With a deep sense of urgency, she rushed her way to the wolf girl and tried to help remove her bonds. “We're here to help, hold on! Can you still fight?”

Once she had successfully help her get mixed in, she would quickly have to return to aiding Clara lest she be overwhelmed by her opponent. She would have to hope that the wolf girl would aid Slyph with her uneven odds.
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Clara – 17 vs 17 Succubus, hit
Winter – 17 vs 6 Wolf girl, freeing the wolf girl from her bonds
Sylph – 4 vs 15 Es, miss
Wolf girl – 8 vs 6 Succubus, hit and now grappling the succubus

Succubus – 17 vs 15 Wolf girl, hit and freed from grapple
Elf servant – 8 vs 3 Sylph, hit
Human servant – 4 vs 19 Sylph, crit counter for Sylph

Clara – 18 vs 9 Succubus, hit
Winter – 6 vs 9 Es, miss
Sylph – 13 vs 13 Es, hit
Wolf girl – 8 vs 10 Succubus, miss

Succubus – 16 vs 1 Clara, critical hit with a spell for 5 AP dmg
Elf servant – 1 vs 11 Sylph, miss
Human servant – 8 vs 14 Sylph, miss

Alright, I'll handle this one, just get her and help Sylph,” Clara called out to Winter as she rushed over to help the wolf girl.

Clara moved in front of the succubus to cover Winter an swung her sword at her, slicing into the succubus' hip as she swung her heavy blade. Sylph meanwhile was having much trouble it seemed to even hit her two opponents as she missed the elf girl yet again. When Winter got closer to the wolf girl she saw she was already quite hurt, and her penis was hard as a rock which likely meant they had been sexually torturing her for quite some time.

Y-Yes I can, get me free, I've gotta get that bitch for hurting my mates,” the wolf girl said when Winter got over to her and said they were there to help them.

Winter was able to get the bonds loose enough for the wolf girl to pull free from them, where she then snatched up her axe from the floor and with a feral warcry the wolf girl charged straight at the succubus and slammed right into her, knocking her to the ground where she brought her axe down right into the succubus' shoulder, bringing a cry of pain from her opponent as she straddled her.

The succubus managed to retaliate against the wolf girl however by knocking her off of her with a punch to the face which knocked the wolf girl to the floor. The elf girl managed to hit Sylph again, knocking her back and causing her to lose even more of her slime as a few more clumps fell to the floor, making Sylph fall to one knee. While Sylph was down on one knee the human girl moved in and brought her sword down at Sylph, but the slime girl was able to bring her slime spear up and parry the sword coming down at her, where she then thrust her spear into the human girl's side, forcing her back with blood slowly streaming from the wound.

W-Winter, a little help here please, I don't think I can manage by myself,” Sylph called out to Winter, barely able to get back to her feet.

Clara at this point moved in at the succubus once more and swung her large sword in a wide sweeping arc at the succubus' chest, which cut her right across the top of her breasts and left a fairly deep gash where her blood began flowing down her chest. Winter was much closer to Sylph and saw the elf girl was in range of her spear and so stabbed at her legs, though missed her thrust slightly and didn't manage to hit her target. Sylph meanwhile stabbed her slime spear out at the elf girl that Winter missed and pierced her shoulder. The wolf girl swung her heavy axe at the succubus after Clara forced her back from her own attack, but the succubus was more agile than they though considering how wounded she was and all.

The succubus retaliated by flapping her wings and swooping straight in at Clara, where she extended her hand right up into Clara's face and blasted the same thing she did at Winter and a pinkish mist surrounded Clara's face after she was hit. She stood there for a minute or so and anyone looking could easily see her wings droop out off the way so they could see her member that was now throbbing and she had a look of lust in her eyes, but she tried to shake it away for now and continue the fight. The elf girl and human girl both tried to finish Sylph off, but the slime girl seemed to have gotten a second wind from somewhere as she nimbly evaded both strikes against her by allowing herself to fall into slime form and slip behind both of the girls attacking her where she then reformed into her humanoid form.

The battle was progressing rather quickly and overall it was pretty even as both sides were hurt. Though it seemed that Winter and her companions had the advantage at the moment as the succubus looked to be on her last legs as did the elf girl, while only Sylph looked near unconsciousness on their side, plus they outnumbered their opponents by one now that Winter had freed the wolf girl, who looked like she was going to mutilate the succubus for hurting her mates, who if Winter glanced over and looked at she would see they had quite a few whip marks on their bodies as they watched the alpha wolf girl fighting for them.

Winter – FP: 4/6, AP: 5/10
Clara – FP: 3/5, MP: 3/3, AP: 7/10
Sylph – FP: 1/5, AP: 0/10
Wolf girl – FP: 2/5, AP: 6/10

Succubus – FP: 1/6, MP: ?/?, AP: 0/10
Elf servant – FP: 2/4, AP: 0/10
Human servant – FP: 3/4, AP: 0/10


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter nodded at Clara as she dashed over to the wolf girl and began undoing her bonds. Judging by her words, it looked like the wolf girl had unfinished business with the succubus which mean that she would be heading to support Slyph herself. As soon as the bonds were loose, she watched as the wolf girl gave a war cry and charged her enemy. She then had to turn her attention to Slyph as it was clear that she was losing ground.

“I'm on the way!” Winter declared as she picked up her spear. She spotted the elf girl had wandered too close to her range of attack and she made a quick stab at her feet, more as a harassing tactic that anything else. “Don't think I'll permit you to attack her freely anymore!”

Her distraction was more than enough to allow Slyph to capitalize on it with a stab into the elf's shoulder. In the corner of her eye, she could see the succubus casting the same spell that had hit her earlier and she hoped that Clara's restraint would withstand it... until the battle concluded anyway. The succubus looked to be on her last legs and once she had been dealt with the odds over here would be even better.

Unconsciously, Winter moved forward with her spear readied to a slightly more advanced position than Slyph to try to keep the servant duos attention on her. With a yell, she began her assault on the elf girl in an effort to finish her first.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Clara – 10 vs 19 Succubus, miss
Winter – 12 vs 10 Es, hit
Sylph – 17 vs 7 Es, hit and killed
Wolf girl – 18 vs 18 Succubus, hit and killed

Human servant – 2 vs 15 Sylph, miss

Clara – 8 vs 17 Hs, miss
Winter – 10 vs 1 Hs, hit
Sylph – 3 vs 19 Hs, crit counter, Sylph ko'd
Wolf girl – 2 vs 13 Hs, miss

Human servant – 1 vs 20 Winter, crit counter with Winter dealing 2 FP dmg, ending the battle by killing the human servant.

Clara attempted to finish the succubus off herself, but the succubus still seemed to have some fight left in her and managed to dodge Clara's sword swipe. Winter meanwhile managed to get between the elf girl and Sylph, and stabbed her spear at her target and hitting her right in the leg this time, taking her down to one knee Sylph swiftly thrust her own spear at the elf girl after Winter's attack took her down to one knee, which bit right through the elf girl's chest, piercing her heart and killing her.

The wolf girl charged in at the succubus and swung her large axe at the succubus' legs to sweep them out from under her, the succubus wasn't able to dodge this attack thankfully as the axe did more than sweep her legs out from under her, it completely took off her right leg as she was thrown up into the air a bit by the blow, where the wolf girl then brought the axe down right into the succubus' chest and slammed her to the floor with the blade buried in her chest, leaving her very much dead.

The human girl was the only one of their enemies left and even though she'd already lost both her companions, she didn't look to be giving up anytime soon. She went in after Sylph again, who just barely managed to evade her attack by ducking, but ended up falling to one knee in the process. Clara then came in and tried to attack the human girl from behind, but was parried and pushed away by her. Winter however managed to stab her spear into the human girl's hip from the opposite direction that Clara attacked from, but she managed to push Winter away too and endure the pain from the stab.

Sylph then tried to finish the human girl off from where she was on her knee, but unfortunately the human girl saw it coming and managed to raise her foot and then slashed her sword across Sylph's chest, cutting away more of her slimy form. Sylph gasped as she was hit and then fell backwards and hit the floor where she lost her humanoid form upon landing and splashed into a large puddle of slime like she was in when Winter first met her.

The wolf girl moved in and attempted to finish the human girl off, but unfortunately wasn't able to hit her with her attack. The human girl turned after ducking under the wolf girl's attack and went after Winter, swinging her sword at Winter's face. Winter however stopped her by bringing her spear up and catching her sword, where she then kicked her in the gut and brought her spear around with a spin, then thrust it straight through her chest, killing her.

As soon as the human girl was dead, the wolf girl rushed over to her mates and began cutting their bonds loose, where they all threw themselves at her as soon as she had them all free and hugged themselves to her while crying.

Shh shh, don't worry loves it's okay, I made her pay for hurting you all,” the futanari wolf girl told her mates as they all hugged her and she returned the hugs and kissed them each on the head, causing their ears to twitch and their tails to wag happily as they nuzzled against their mate.

W-Winter, m-my body's burning up and t-this won't g-go down,” Clara whimpered to Winter as she fell to her knees next to Winter and where Sylph had fallen, she looked in need of release, but she was apparently still focused enough to think about something other than sex at the moment as she looked down at Sylph with a tear falling down her cheek, saying, “Is she okay you think?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter quickly moved between Slyph and the elf girl in order to take the pressure off her comrade. She carefully circled her opponent, until she saw enough of an opening that she lanced her spear into the elf girl's leg. Her spear was quickly joined by Slyph's as she finished the elven foe off with a stab to the heart. Aware of the fact that this fight wasn't over yet, she pulled her weapon from the cooling body and turned to face the remaining servant.

She was dimly aware of the fact that the succubus had fallen but her attention was forced to the human girl who had taken another swing at Slyph. She held her breath as Slyph narrowly dodged the strike and almost let it go out of relief when she saw Clara attack the human from behind. She took advantage of the distraction to strike the human girl's hip with her spear but sadly she didn't go down.

Then, everything seemed to slow down for Winter as Slyph tried to strike her enemy only to receive a sword strike to the chest. She fell with a splash to the floor and Winter could only stare at her first companions fallen form for a moment even as the wolf girl attacked. “...Slyph...?”

“YOU WHORE!” Winter screamed as the human tried attacking her. She fiercely knocked away the sword strike and dug her boot into her adversaries gut. With another yell she thrust her spear through her opponents chest to finish her off. But even after she had fallen, Winter continued to stab her until her breath ran ragged. She then slowly turned and staggered slowly over to where Slyph had fallen.

“Slyph...? Please... say something...” Winter gently touched the surface of Slyph's pool for a moment. She looked at Clara, her thoughts racing to find some glimmer of hope and her face reflecting this. “She... she'll be alright, right? I mean, don't Slime Girls dissolve or harden or something when they...”

Winter found herself trailing off, unable to say the following words. She just remained kneeling by Slyph's pool saying prayers under her breath.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

As Winter and Clara both kneeling there staring at Sylph's pool of slime, waiting to see if she was okay. After a few minutes, the futanari wolf girl and her mates all came over and knelt on the opposite side of Sylph's pool of slime from where it looked as if all hope was lost for her, and the futanari alpha wolf spoke up to the two, saying, “I... thank you so much, all of you. I'm... very sorry about your friend. I...

The futanari wolf girl abruptly stopped as she was interrupted when Sylph's pool of slime began bubbling softly and flowing back together and after a moment or two, her head formed, then the rest of her slowly began reforming back into her humanoid form until it was completely reformed. Her eyes opened slowly, as if she'd just woken from a very long nap.

Ouch... that really hurt. Hey Winter, hey Clara, are you girls okay?” Sylph said weakly as she opened her eyes and saw Winter and Clara both huddled over her with tears in their eyes.

A moment later, Clara, and probably Winter as well both threw their arms around Sylph and hugged her tightly, squishing a little bit of her slime over them both in the process. “Oof, hey you two, it's okay I'm just fine. A little sore, but all in all just fine. I knew it was a good idea to absorb that other slime girl earlier though,” Sylph said while she was hugged.

I hope that was an okay post, just felt like I did a bad job on it. I cut it shorter than I had intended to though to give Winter a chance to speak.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter stared for a moment as Slyph reformed herself before joining Clara in her attempt to hug the slime girl to death. She clutched herself closely as she bit back a sob of relief before looking up at Slyph.

“You're alright! You scared the shit out of us!” Winter refused to let go, almost as if afraid that if she did Slyph would begin dissolving again. She was dimly aware of the fact that they weren't alone but she didn't care.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

"I'm sorry you two... but... if you don't hurry and let me go, then you're going to kill me anyway," Sylph said to Winter and Clara, then before they could let her go, Sylph burst back into liquid form and reformed out of their grip, panting after reforming.

"We're so glad that you're okay miss slime," the futa wolf girl said after Sylph got free.

"My name is Sylph, this is Clara, and this is Winter," Sylph told the wolf girls, introducing them all.

"Thank you all again, It's such a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Hikari, this it Haruka, Minami, and Kana," the futanari wolf girl said, introducing herself, then gesturing at the blonde first and introducing her as Haruka, then the black haired one as Minami, and finally the brown haired one as Kana.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I can feel that you're all servants of mistress Hazel, but I need to ask. Did you know that mistress Hazel's palace is under attack?" Sylph replied to Hikari.

What? No I didn't know that. Mistress Hazel gave this area to me and my mates to guard against any outsiders, which we were supposed to bring to her so she could speak with them, unless they were Rose's servants in which case we were supposed to beat them into submission, or kill them. I was wondering how and why Rose's servants made it all the way up here without someone else stopping them,” Hikari replied, looking worried about the situation she apparently didn't know anything about.

You don't have to worry about these two Hikari. I vouch for them both and they've already promised to help mistress Hazel to fight Rose,” Sylph said, gesturing at Winter and Clara.

Very well then, I trust you. You're one of mistress Hazel's servants yourself so I know you wouldn't vouch for them unless you trusted them,” Hikari said, nodding her head at Sylph.

Please everyone, we can speak more inside, come on,” Haruka said after getting up.

Sylph looked to the other two and got up herself, while Clara followed and Winter as well after one of the two went and got Winter's pack with their babies inside. They followed her over to the southern wall where Clara was about to ask her where inside was, when the black haired wolf girl Minami pressed a loose stone in the wall and a doorway opened up. Inside they saw what looked to be a comfortable little house built right into the wall, it came complete with an upstairs as well.

Wow, this place is pretty nice Hikari. Who built this? Surely not you girls,” Clara asked Hikari after they got inside and she shut the door and locked it back.

Hmm, oh no. Mistress Hazel built it for us with her magic, a few months ago,” Hikari answered Clara's question.

Hikari then turned to her mates and told them to go and get some things to clean their wounds with and something to drink and something to eat. While the three of them went off, Hikari showed Winter, Clara, and Sylph around their home. The bottom floor had five rooms, the foyer they had just entered, the den or living room, the kitchen where Minami was currently in getting some food readied and Kana was getting some drinks ready, the small dining room with a table large enough for eight to sit at, and a bathroom that had two toilets and a large bath inside large enough to hold at least a dozen or more people at a time Haruka was currently in the bathroom rummaging through a cabinet for some things.

The upstairs only had three rooms, one of which was Hikari's and her mates bedroom with a nice large comfortable fourposter bed, a spare bedroom for guests that looked much like their own bed. The third room upstairs they could tell was large when they went in and quite dark as well, when Hikari touched the wall beside the door three torches lit up suddenly and illuminated the room. The girls all saw a dozen different baby cribs inside... this room was a nursery. Despite seeing a dozen different cribs, there were only three that had babies in them. The babies were all asleep it seemed right now, but this didn't stop Hikari from going over to the cribs anyway where she then leaned down and kissed each of the babies.

These are my precious little warriors here. These two here are mine by Haruka, this is Kisara my oldest, she's only a year old and this is Rumi, she's only two months old. And this little one here is Kagome, she's mine and Minami's baby, she's six months old,” Hikari said to the girls, gesturing at each of the babies in turn and introducing them like with her mates earlier. Her two babies by Haruka had blonde hair and little wolf ears and tails, while her baby by Minami had black hair, wolf ears and a black wolf tail.

Oh my gosh, they're so cute,” Clara said in a low voice, unable to contain herself before she reached out to caress the littlest one on the head, Hikari however didn't seem to mind much.

I was going to ask you if you minded me pushing the story this far, but you didn't respond in the shoutbox, so I just went ahead and posted this update as I had it wrote out.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Sorry...” Winter blushed as she found Slyph slipping through her arms. She nodded as Slyph introduced her to the wolf pack. “It's a pleasure.”

Winter waited as the two servants of Hazel communicated but slowly gazed back at where she had left her pack with the babies inside. As Haruka signaled for them to follow her, she swiftly made her way over to her pack and checked in on the babies. “Shh, I'll introduce you to our new friends when we're inside.”

Winter shouldered the pack and followed the wolf girls to the southern wall where she stared slightly confused until Minami opened the secret passageway. She raised an eyebrow as she noted the stone that had been pressed before following them into their home. She listened to Hikari answer Clara's question before adding her own two cents. “Mistress Hazel really does look after her own, doesn't she?”

As she was led around on a tour, she eventually found herself in the nursery and she smiled as Clara cooed over the wolf pups and she found herself cooing over them as well. She found herself fingering the strap on her pack as she remembered she told the babies they could come out when they found a chance to rest. “Would you like to meet our babies? They've just started hatching but they're really active...”
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

When Winter got her pack to check on her's and Clara's babies, they cautiously came out from under the rags and loose clothing that was down in there to peek up at her. The feisty little black haired arachne that had Winter's face hopped up inside her pack and waved at her, and she looked nearly twice as big as she was earlier. When Winter spoke and told them she'd let them out when they got inside, they all nodded their little heads and sat back down as Winter closed her pack and lifted it up.

Oh yeah Winter, mistress Hazel takes really good care of all of us, it's one of the main reasons we enjoy serving her so much. We rarely want for much,” Sylph said to Winter as they toured the wolf girls home.

Hatched...” Hikari said, studying Winter closely for a minute, before speaking again, “Arachne, harpy, or lamia? I figure it's got to be one of those three, because mistress Hazel has more of them than any others that lay eggs.

It was arachne, two of them to be exact. But they weren't mistress Hazel's arachne servants, they were lady Lily's,” Sylph answered for the two.

I see, well as long as it wasn't any of Rose's servants then I really couldn't care less. Anyway though, now that I'm sure the little ones here are okay we should let them sleep some more, come on I'll take you all back down so we can sit down and rest for a few minutes and get our cuts cleaned and stuff,” Hikari said, gesturing them out so that her children could sleep.

Once they were back back down the stairs and in the kitchen, Hikari started tending to her mates hurts, with Haruka, Minami, and Kana all jerking every time Hikari applied some of the medicine they had on their whip marks and other wounds. Winter and the other two could now see what all had actually been done to the wolf girls now that they were in the light and everything where they could see, and also now that their hosts were naked. Clara nearly started crying when she saw how bad their wounds were from the torturing they endured at the hands of Rose's succubus servant.