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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Very well then Rikke but first we must warm up! Please follow Runes lead." Master Yin slowly got up from his position and tossed off his upper shirt and walked to the center of the practice area. "Okay Rikke its been so longs sense Ive done this my courses at the guild give me little free time to practice. Come on off with the top your bra should just be fine for this little exercise." Rune pulled off her own robe revealing some shorts and bra holding in some bountiful Bs. "Come on Rikke you don't want your shirt to get all sweaty!" With that Rune ran up to Master Yin and took a stance. "Are you ready Rune?" The old master spoke to the young woman in commanding sort of way. "Just about Rikke is being a little slow." The old man nodded at Runes comment. "I see" Rune smiled at the blind mans joke but kept herself quiet. "No need to worry Rikke I cannot see you. You have nothing to fear from me Im not some dirty old man. Now I want you to follow Rune's stance and motions this will help limber up our bodies and calm our spirits for the challenges ahead." This was rather sudden and not exactly what Rikke had in mind for sparing but still the old man was willing to teach and Rune looked rather excited.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'In my bra?!' Rikke blushed visibly, normally this wouldn't be such an issue, heck the rogue might would probably find even more fun... but the problem here lied her bra was added to a darn fishes collection! The girl only had the string bra replacement from earlier!

Rikke stood there a moment blushing and thinking what to do now "Are you ready Rune?" "Just about Rikke is being a little slow." YEESH... still they were kinda alone here and the old man was blind, so he hardly had an ulterior motive to get the girls top off... as if reading the girls mind the old man reassured the rogue of his pure intentions and awaited patiently.

"Aye~ Coming." Rikke quickly got out of the borowed clothing and joined Rune in the practice area smiling warmly. "Ready!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune giggled when she saw Rikke's predicament but didn't say a word. "Now this exercise will center and calm our spirits begin." It took a little bit of getting use to but Rikke eventually got the movements down. They were flowing and graceful even a little slow. The slower motions did have a calming effect just from the slow pace and after an half hour or so they stopped. "Now if you want to continue the next exercise with be about breathing." If Rikke chose to continue she would find the next task involved alot of stretching and steady breathing. Some of the positions where taxing for the muscles and before long Rune and Rikke would be covered in sweat. These exercises continued for a half hour as well until Yin stopped them again. "How do you feel Rikke still want to beat up on wooden dummies?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled bashfully at the master "No~... thanks Master Yin. I really needed that." the girl quickly ran up and gave the old man a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Though I haven't forgotten our sparring match" by now Rikke was almost enthralled by her curiousity. Just what techniques and moves does the old man know? Whatever that old body hid it was sure to wow the girl... and perhaps most curious of all how does he actually fight while being blind?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahh still up for a little fight." The old man smiled at Rikke. "If you will grab a training weapon over there." Yin pointed to a small rack filled with wooden replica swords. "Now Rikke don't be discouraged from this fight and don't hold back. Rune is very capable with healing magic so do not fear injury to me or yourself understood?" Taking a centered stance Yin brought forth his hand and beckoned for Rikke to attack.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You're not gonna use a sword?" Rikke blinked a few times "My dear, I already have all the weapons I'll ever need." the old man stood calmly one of his hands extended at the girl with the other hidden behind his back, a stance to counter-attack though far different from Rikkes. "Hope I won't leave any splinters..." the rogue smirked and lunged towards the old man. Best to test out the waters with a simple attack.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks Master Yin: 60 vs 67 miss!
Master Yin attacks Rikke disarm: 71 vs 53 Hit!
---Rikke resistance vs Disarm 23 vs 45 fail! Rikke is disarmed

Rikke started off with a basic attack lunging in with a good blow or so she thought. Just as she was about to make contact Master Yin spun around with a snap kick nailing Rikke's training blade from her hand where it landed with a clatter far off.

"Humm Rikke you cannot learn if you don't give your all. Please fetch your weapon and we will start again. Do not worry about hurting me Rune is here to make sure we are healed if we land a painful blow."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikk lunged forward with a basic slash, best not to hurt the old man too much. The girl was almost at her goal and the hit seemed to be a easy hit! When suddenly the old man just flatout disapppeared from her sights! her attack only hitting air the girl moments later felt the wooden sword kicked out of her hands! 'Fast!' No joke the old man was seriously moving at speed the girl hasn't even considered possible.

The old man lightly scolded the young rogue and patiently awaited her to get the wooden sword back. Rikke slowly picked the blade up, still a little woozy from the shock and awe the old man delivered her. "Ready!" One more try... perhaps the last one was a fluke!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks Yin: 73 vs 67 Hit! 26 dmg (32-6a)
Yin attacks Rikke stunning blow: 59 vs 53 Hit 24 dmg!
---Rikke resistance vs stun: 27 vs 42 fail Rikke is stunned!

Rikke repeated her attack lunging in and scoring an impressive blow she could feel and hear the thwack of wood on skin and briefly felt bad for hitting the old man but then again he asked for it. However her satisfaction quickly turned into a sinking feeling as she saw Master Yin grin at the girl before a rapid blow to her chest knocked the wind right out of her. The old man gently guided Rikke down to her knees as she did her best to catch her breath and began to walk away. "Not bad Rikke not many who come here can land a blow on me." He sounded pleased far to pleased. "Ahh its been so long sense Ive had a good challenge." He turned back around waiting for Rikke to recover not taking his advantage of the stunned girl but beginning to slowly glow.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a close call, but Rikke wasn't exactly a starting swordsgirl herself. Rikkes second simple attack hit the old man deadon, no matter how swiftly he attempted to dodge it! Though Rikke didn't have much time to celebrate as a precise blow quickly landed on her in return temporaly making the girl woozy. It took quite a bit of effort and time for Rikke to regain her battle stance, whatever the old man hit it completely stunned the girl for a moment.

The rogue quickly shook her head to get her bearing and returned to her combat stance infront of the old man, who seemed to have started to glow... this can't end well. Rikke knew a technique versus someone with such swift movements, a certain technique that she copied and refined from a very lowly creature... but first she needed to find out how does the man actually see her attacks! Heck she even forgot that her opponent was infact blind! And to top that was nigh-impossible to catch!

Still one more attack from the man and she's gonna fatigue out, his blows just drain so much energy from her! A sudden strike is all about surprise, less about visuals... though they do help a great deal. It was worth a shot.

Rikke uses Sudden Shot!
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks Yin using sudden strike.
Rikke stealth 32 vs 37 fail Rikke attacks 71 vs 82 miss!
Yin attacks Rikke 93 vs 43 chooses to miss and deals no damage

Rikke did her best to lunge in and throw master Yin off her actually attack and it almost worked but at the last moment the old Master avoided her attack and spun around a fist flying right to her face. It was going to be lights out for Rikke but the blow never landed instead the masters fist stopped short of her nose stuck out two fingers and pinched her gently. "Well done well done Rikke you have great potential if you keep training I bet someday you'll even surpass me." The master smiled brightly and bowed to Rikke. "Thank you my dear for the most fun Ive had in years."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The master read her faint! Still her attack was exceptionally well aimed surely it would hit! Even if it was seen an attack is still an attack! Unfortunately seemed the glow was not just for show as the master lived up to his title and easilyswayed away from it, but more worrisome was the incoming answer to Rikkes attack! The downfall of the sudden strike technique is that it leaves the user completely open and given the monk previous attacks... this one would be even stronger!

Rikke braced for impact and closed her eyes... nothing. Nothing happened. Where was the earthshattering blow? The rogue slowly opened her eyes to the sight of the master fist stopped right infront of. A cold drop of sweat ran down Rikke head, as the master playfulyl pinched the girl and retacted his blow back a huge smile on his face. "Thank you my dear for the most fun Ive had in years." Rikke blinked a few times, well that was rather scary there for a moment... though she quickly got herself together and bowed down to the master "No thank you Master Yin!"

Through her adventures in the ruins Rikkes body strengthens. [+8 body]
[spent 8 xp for Exceptional]
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well done Rikke well done indeed." A familar voice sounded in the room as Rhea entered clapping. "I see you met Master Yin" Rhea bowed to the master who returned it in kind. "If it isn't my wayward student back to bother me again." Yin's voice had a playful edge to it even though the words themselves where hardly used in a friendly manner. "I don't know why I even bother staying around if you keep avoiding my lessons." Rhea chuckled and walked right up to the master and gave the man a good hug. "Its because you love me and you wouldn't know what to do with yourself you old goat!" Master yin hugged the Rhea back in a more fatherly way. "So Master Yin was I right or was I right?" Rhea threw a glance at Rikke and winked. "Aye she dose have skill your judgment was right on that one though it could use some refinement." Rhea loosened her hug on the old man and turned to Rikke. "Well Rikke dear I came to let you know we finished fixing your armor up and we can go get it now or we can visit longer with the old goat." Rhea had a smile on her face and a playful attitude.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled innocently "I think I've embarassed myself quite enough for today... but thank you again Master Yin, it was a honor and a pleasure to fight someone of such a grand title." the rogue bowed down once more... even if the old man didn't see it the girl felt it was mandatory. "Just let me get some clothes on, 'kay Rhea?" Rikke smiled warmly at the Kitsune "Don't want to give the boys any ideas." as if to make a point the rogue lightly shook her upper body, making her D's dance in the string bra. After getting dressed Rikke, Willow and Rune if she wished would join Rhea.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune waved them off as she sat down with Master Yin had some more tea leaving Rikke Willow, and Rhea to make the walk to the armory. It was a quiet walk the only noise being footsteps and Willow occasionally barking and playing. After fair amount of time they came to a solid room with an heavly reenforced door and stone brick walls. Two Wargs stood at guard here and immediately stood at attention as Rhea walked by. Upon entering the room Rikke couldn't help but look like a kid in a candy store. Shiny blades of all shape and sizes coved shelves and racks. Every weapon Rikke had ever seen or heard about was in this room. "Each of the weapons here with the exception of the repair pile over there belong to the guild. Most where taken as trophy's from fallen foes others are investments or rewards from employers." Rhea walked over to an armor stand where Rikke's leather armor sat recently repaired and cleaned. "I hope you don't mind my little addition to your armor though our blacksmith was a little lost on some of the custom aspects of your armor. Not sure why you would need a hidden quick release Rikke but I won't ask any further." Rikke could see the twinkle in Rhea's eyes and knew she probably had a very good guess as to what the release was for. Inspecting her armor Rikke found it to be nearly the same as she had left it the only discernible change was the crest of the Black Wargs emblazoned above the right breast. "Consider it payment for tending to your wounds Im not going to have one of the best fighters in the city wander around without protection and I don't want anyone to steal you for their own army you got it." Rhea sounded like she would broke no argument and turned away arms crossed tail swishing back and forth. Looks like Rikke was shanghaied into the Black Wargs well at lest temporary that is.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed slightly at the mention of the quick release, well that one would be a doozy to explain, but for better or worse the twinkle in Rheas eyes hinted that the kitsune knew why it was there. The rogue eyed the collection of weapons, it seemed to have anything and everything from bows, crossbows to katanas and greatswords. Heck the girl even saw a few curved swords in the mix. Curved. Swords. Who would use such odd weapons?!

Though more importantly seemed Rikke would be one of the wargs afterall... whether she wanted to or not. Well sticking with them even if temporaly seemed like the best course, besides they seemed like a great bunch. "I won't promise to stay after this whole ordeal blows over, Rhea. But till DeGravil and Reginald still draw breath you can count on me." Rikke smiled at Rhea "Speaking of which any news from the scouts?" the rogue slowly removed the armor from the stand and got in gear.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea's ears drooped a little but her voice remained even. "Not yet Rikke he must have had an excellent scout with him to help cover his tracks. Though I wouldn't worry about it to much. We may have lost his physical trail but the monetary one is clear as day. The bastard likes wine and woman the more the better so I have my knives searching and sniffing out those leads as we speak." Turning Rhea looked at Rikke and in an unguarded moment a single tear rolled down the Kitsunes face. "I know what its like to lose a mate Rikke I won't let that happen to yours!" The same fire that usally accompanied Rhea's voice was back and the Wolfish Kitsune smiled revealing her canines. "Come Rikke lets eat it will be on me sense your not a full fledged warg you can be my guest." With that if Rikke didn't protest Rhea would lead her to the feast hall.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked away from Rhea briefly 'The badge...' she never did tell the Wargs that the girls actually had the badge. Well there's no point to just leave it there... even if hardly anything will come across it. A collapsed building with nothing but rubble in a monster infested ruin isn't a scavenger or adventurer hotspot, but there was no reason to just keep it there. "Is that so... have you checked the silken princess?" Rikkes eyes glinted for a moment with anger "It's THE go to place for wine and women, maybe he's stupid enough to visit there."

"And... before we go eat, could you take me back where you found me. I left something very important there" the rogue turned to Rhea "It's nearby and we have to go there, Rhea. Trust me."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sadly Reginald is a stupid pig but not that stupid. Take my hand Rikke we will be there in now time." Taking the Kitsune's hand Rikke had a brife moment of distortion similar to her first encounter with Rhea. Clearing her head Rikke soon found herself in the location of their battle with Reginald. Looking about Rikke soon found the building where she had hidden the badge. It was still where she left it safe and hidden in the rubble with the jewelery she had found as well. Leaving the little ruin Rikke also noticed Jess blackened blades where she tried to parry the fireball that had hit her. They had been left behind the Wargs thinking that they where probably to damaged to be salvaged. "We should go Rikke this place gets worse at night." Taking Rikke by the hand and a distoration later they were back in the chamber where Rikke had woke up. "Dress for dinner Rikke and eat well I have a feeling we will hunt tonight." With that Rhea left Rikke to get ready for dinner.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was that odd displacement or teleportation magic Rhea used on the girl earlier, how it worked or how did the Kitsune learn it was a mystery, but the rogue wasn't gonna question it. "One moment." Rikke quickly ran into the ruined house, Jessicas blackened blades greeting her upon entry "Jessicas swords..." Rikke slowly approached the blades and picked one of them up, which unfortunately crumbled and leaved the girl with a scorched hilt. Seemed these two saved her companion from any particullary serious injury... and well they were on discount where they bought it. The girls never were really wealthy and they didn't bring any weapons for Jessica from the manor. It was amazing they served as well as they did.

Rikke sighed sadly "Rikke! We really don't want to be here!" "Aye~ coming!" Rhea was getting impatient, though it was rather understandable who knows what prowls the ruins at night. Rikke quickly got up to her hiding spot only to find the badge safe and sound "Hey there lil guy... Okay I got it!" the rogue quickly re-attached the pouch to her belt and jumped down and out to Rhea. The kitsune promptly porting them to Rikkes temporal bedroom. With a quick goodbye and a promise of upcoming battle and feast Rhea left Rikke to get ready for dinner.

'Dress for dinner?...' Rikke blinked a few times 'With what?' all the girl had was her blades and armor. Did Rhea mean to borrow from Rune or just go down in full armor. Guess a look around her new bedroom wouldn't hurt.... maybe she could find a spot for the badge too!
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