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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Alice looked at Rikke as she made her approach. Looking like predator Alice readied herself. "You better make it good or your out of the club." She smiled at Rikke still defiant eveni as the rogue closed the gap and kissed her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Such defiance in even in such a position, the red haired girl reminded Rikke of a certain someone very well known to the rogue. Rikke kept Alice locked in her grasp drowning the girl out in the sensual kiss... it was almost like Alice felt being melted away in the rogues grasp. The heroines hasn't felt this empower in a very long time, it all felt so right... so caught in the moment Rikke didn't even notice as the illusion magic on her eyes crumbled compeltely revealing the girls not icy blue, but purple eyes.

The rogue casted a glance to Janet, as the blonde slowly released Cassandra from her grasp and rapidly approached the duo on all fours... this was a perfect if a rather rare chance to sex up Alice...and perhaps more importantly join Rikke. Speaking of which, meanwhile Rikke finally broke her kiss with alice as the red head felt herself lied down on her back, completely in a daze from the foreign feelings, even for her, pleasantly tearing into and across her body. The heroine grinned happily at her playmates vulnerability and lowered herself down to play with the red haired girls D's. Rikke didn't even have to do much as every touch and lick she did tensed the girls body up, the red haired girl so defiant and proud moments ago was already at the mercy of Rikke touch... and Rikke loved every single moment of it.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet Pleausres Rikke: 15 pp
Rikke 25/40 pp
Janet almost felt a silent command beckon to her but was able to ignore it however the sight of Alice and Rikke proved to big a temptation and the girl soon found her self behind the duo. Taking in the sight Janet dived right in. Taking her hands she began to finger fuck Alice while she let her tongue play with Rikke's sex.

Rikke felt the effects of Janet's insertion into Alice which made the other girls eyes go wide but thankfully she wasn't looking at Rikke. When Janet's tongue began to lash Rikke's folds Rikke simply closed her eyes and bit her lower lip enjoying the attention.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet was such a good girl, Rikke was sure to thank her later on. Perhaps via means particullary interesting and unique. Still for now, the rogue focused her efforts on pleasing Alice. Rikke continiously gropped the girls breast allowing her tongue to dance around the pleading nipples, sucking, tugging even pinching them all with a gleeful smile. Still, there was something about Alice lips that continiously called out to Rikke.

The rogue once more shifted up and pressed herself strongly against Alice, their breasts sandwiching each other. The red haired girl looked to Rikke innocently, a bright blush fitting playing off her hair color made her look all the more cuter "You're so beautiful like this Alice..." whether Alice noticed Rikkes unnatural eye color or not she wouldn't have much of a chance to mention it as Rikke looked back to Janet with lidded eyes "Janey, we'll need something far more than mere finger-play to win this.." Rikke giggled warmly, hopefully Janet caught the request of fucking Alice silly with the dildo she so eagerly employed earlier. Nevertheless, the red haired girl already subconciously started leaning towards Rikkes lips, she had to feel Rikkes embrace once more, an eagerness Rikke was happy to reward.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet complied and acquainted herself with the strap on though it took some preparation before she was willing to use it. Securing it Janet felt a sense of power she never had even though it wasn't real it quickly emboldened the former knight. Looking at the currant position though it became apparent that she would have to chose whom got the business end of the dildo. Remembering Rikke's word she new her target was Alice and she quickly closed in.

Rikke could feel the moan leave Alice's mouth as Janet slammed it home and it wasn't long before she felt the girl tense underneath her. Janet slammed it even faster causing her waist the slap Rikke's ass adding a little sensation to the rogue while Alice's hands scratched at her bag from the pleasurable onslaught leaving angry red welts in their wake. Soon Alice's resistances burst with a passionate and very loud " YESSSSSSSSSSS!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With that final yes, Alice had been spent aswell. Rikke grinned happily as she gave the girl a light kiss on the cheek before getting off "Oh~ that was such a wonderful warm-up. I can't wait for the night to start" the rogue smiled at Janet without a single hint of shame or embarassment at her whorish statement "How much time do we still have Janey?" Rikke eyed her blonde accomplice with lidded eyes, as she dominantly sat down on the bed, legs crossed and swaying lightly, her aroused D's proudly on display as she supported herself with her hand. Looking around the numerous spent and exhausted girls lieing around the room Rikke couldn't help but feel ecstatic at her and Janets handy work.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet went over and rested her head on Rikke's leg. "Half hour maybe and hour tops." The rest of the girls lie panting and stretching the smell alone is this room would give any male that walked in a hardon and the girls where no exception every single one of them had tenting nipples while Alice just lay where she was left teasing her own nipple enjoying the after glow.

It turned out that Janet was about right and soon the first few men began to enter the brothel most of them getting their free drink before searching for their free ride. Peering from her room Rikke could See Matt from the wargs walk in with another cloaked figure with deciding feminine feet. He looked a little lost.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gently stroked Jannets hair as if she was the rogue loving pet or daughter, Janets guess wasn't too far off but it seemed alot less than half an hour before the first steps echoed from the entrance the night was about to start so the girls from the other rooms started to mingle. "Rise and shine girls, it's showtime." Rikke gently kissed Janet on the top her hair and slowly got up. Quickly leaving the room Rikke eyed the entering men discreetly when a familiar face and a hooded figure near him. 'Bingo' looks like the little birdie did it's job. "MATT! Up HERE!" Rikke waved lightly to the two and ran off towards a neighboring empty room, waiting for the two to catch up.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Matt looked up at Rikke not recognizing her but blushing anyway as Rikke was nearly as naked as the day she was born. Leading his cloaked charge Matt made his way to where Rikke was standing to deliver the girl only to catch a passing glace of Rikke heading into another room. Not saying a word Matt stopped before entering not knowing if this was his contact for the brothel on this mission or just some lusty whore wanting some action though the girl did call his name. Stepping inside the room Matt looked for any signs of danger. His hand trying to rest on a blade that wasn't present due to the brothels rules. He was dressed in heavy travel cloths with a wide brim hat that his most of his face with the exception of the bridge of his nose and brown eyes. He had a thick cloak on and what looked to be some padded cloth armor (battle robes).
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke awaited the two follow her into the room and beamed a smile at the two "Glad to see Nayomis birdie worked perfectly" the rogue giggled lightly only to notice Matt being slightly on edge "It's me, Rikke, silly." Rikke smilled innocently at the merc, though now that he saw her face and heard her voice clearly he quickly eased up, however the man was used to seeing the girl in full armor, with blue eyes and mid-length auburn hair... THIS was a far different situation entirely. Matt just flatout couldn't help but gaze at the the nude girl, her dazzling body and soft skin demanded attention, but our of modesty or respect tore his gaze away, looking away to a nearby wall. Rikke sharpened her gaze on Matt as mischievious smirk crossing her face "Erica, the girls are in 14B, after they wake up they'll bring you up to speed. I trusts I didn't incovience you too much?" the heroine beamed a smile at Erica, as the brunette finally dropped the hood and cloak that concealed her. "Come on scoot, I need to talk to Matt about something." Rikke almost kicked out Erica and slammed the door shut, leaving just her, the mage and a silken bed in the room.

"That's much~ better... So tell me Matt. Do you like what you see?" Rikke locked the door behind her and slowly moved into the man pressing her D's against the man robe, holding him close with one hand and undoing his pants with the other "I'm going to end up on a cock today one way or another, might aswell be yours, Mattey..." Rikke smiled lewdly as she both worked on the tightenings keeping the mans pants on and gently rubbed him through his clothing.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Matt didn't say a word as is usual but moved one of his hands to stop the rogue from loosening his pants. It wasn't that Rikke wasn't attractive or that Matt wasn't aroused (the quickly growing bulge in his robes would prove him a liar if even tried) he was on a mission and well Rikke was a superior officer it was just improper. Not to mention he doubted his ability not to brag about it later to the guys no need to spread rumors around like that. Grabbing her hand he simple shook his head in a no manner and tried to move the hand away before his other head took over his thinking.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Nuh-uh" well this was going to end only one way whether Matt, tries to resist or not. With Rikke sconstant and slow advance upon the man, forcing him to backpedal he barely noticed how close to the bed he actually was, as Rikke playfully pushed him onto the silk sheets armor cloak and all "Don't resist Mattey... Don't you want to find out what I feel like?" Rikke got back to her advance towards the tripped man slowly leaning on the bed... if the man was going to resist he better do so fast "My skin, my lips... my pussy." Rikke licked her lips in a tantalising fashion
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Falling back Matt 's hat flew off revealing a short tangle of brown hair. With the hat gone Rikke could finally see his whole face for the first time. He had childlike face even though he was well into adulthood with brown eyes and slightly dark skin hinting at Anuandian blood coursing threw his veins. Being surprisingly lithe for a soldier he quickly managed to slip out from under Rikke. His face was flush and he was having a bit of trouble walking due to the ever growing bulge in his pants but he scooped up his hat made his way to the door fiddling with the lock and trying to open it at the same time. It looked like he was trying to escape.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned happily, it was a pleasure comparable only to that of a cat chasing a trapped mouse. Matt wasn't going anywhere, Rikke had the key with her and she just happened to leave it under the bed "Matt~ Come to play. I promise I'll be gentle at first..." Rikke snickered as she approached the man, her movements predatory once more "Perhaps we should break the ice... how about you blow your load in my mouth to start off?" it was a rhetorical question as Rikke puckered her lips slightly increasing her movement speed.

Oh those shy types.
Grapple him by the legs and get those pants off by force if needed.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Matt gave up on the door it was no use not to mention he would blow his cover he kicked the door down. Turning around his back against the door hand splayed out there was nothing he could do. "Perhaps we should break the ice... how about you blow your load in my mouth to start off?" His heart dropped there was nothing he could do as the most attractive warg in the whole company easily undid his pants and reveled his raging member. At first Rikke was surprised at how large he actually was no wonder he had a little difficulty walking. But soon her surprise turned into desire and before either of them knew it she had him by the cock her lips teasing the large and broad shaft. Rikke could hear Matts breathing get heavier and heavier he was obviously enjoying what was happening but as of yet not an active participant.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at the man submission "Good boy..." Rikke closed the distance on her pray and leaned closer to the man, a lewd grin on her as she noted Matts breathing missing beats in excitement. The rogue slowly slid down the man her hands in pursuit of her head, Rikke gently rubbed the hard cock through the fabric with cheeks lovingly, before her hands quickly caught up and nimbly removed Matts pants.

Well~ for someone so shy, he sure had quite the tool for the job "Oh~ Matt. Does Rhea know of your big friend down here... keeping this a secret from me. Such a bad boy." Rikke quickly got to work on the shaft her hands running across the cock in front while she herself licked it up and down the full length. Before long Rikke had to have a proper taste of the tool, she took a good hold of the cock aiming it at herself and gave it a gentle kiss, before finally getting to work. Bobbing her head up and down the shaft, enjoying every single bump and ridge as it rubbed against her tongue.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Matt gasped as Rikke's mouth finally made intimate contact with his shaft and pearls of sweat began to roll off his brow. It felt good he couldn't deny that but it was also wrong which only excited him more. He began to shake from the nervous energy building up in him. Rikke smiled inwardly to herself she had him right where she wanted him it would be long before he couldn't resist at all. The hard, hot, and throbbing member easily filled Rikke's mouth almost causing her to gag but she handled it like a pro. Bobbing her head up and down on the staff Rikke see Matt's hand out of the corner of her eye moving to grab unto Rikke's hair. It wouldn't belong before they both got the release they wanted.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke continued to pump away at the cock, wet and dirty slurping sounds occasionally escaping her. The heroine felt like such a whore, absolutely absorbed in her thirst for sex. Through it all felt rather wrong, the girl was deep in the midst of a sexual haze and she was in no rush clear out of it.

Rikke occasionally moved off from the cock licking it greedily and moaning loudly as Matts tool twitched strongly every moment the girl didn't have it in her "Matt.. Mmm~ I could always go deeper, deepthroat this lusty heroine." the rogue had started to masturbate furiously while she worked over the shaft, she'll be nice and wet when it comes to the main course... but first she needed to break that unsure nature of the man. Rikke slid her tongue along the shaft till she reached the tip swirling it once she quickly lowered her mouth on it, giggling in joy, but moving ever so slowly, seemingly encouraging Matt if he wanted her to go faster he'll have to do it himself.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was sudden and almost to forceful but Matt being at the limit of his endurance finally grabbed Rikkes head and moved it faster up and down on his penis. Grunting as he sped Rikke up and down his pole Rikke could feel him tighten his grip in her hair. His cock throbbed and pulsed before finally a rush of spunk began to squirt down Rikke's wanton gullet. Matt pulled the rogue down deep making sure all his cum poured right into Rikke's belly. After his spasms where over he slide to the ground panting and not looking the rogue in the face blushing madly. It was over maybe now the girl would let him go.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Matt finally gave in as he grabbed the girls head and started forcing her up and down his shaft. Both glee and shock quickly ran over the slutty rogue, it was about time... but wow was he forceful! Seemed all that pent-up restraint really exploded in a big way. Rikke was forced up and down the shaft deeper and deeper her eyes wide as she handled the whole ordeal like a five star slut. Sooner than later Matt finally couldn't take it no more, forcing his rod deep into the girl and down into her throat, shooting his spunk right on in. The poor(?) man spazzmed a few times as he filled the girl with his love juice and finally let go, sliding down the wall in relief.

Rikke panted hotly honestly any longer and she would've started to suffocate, but it was easily worth it... shame it all disappeared into her. How much fun it would've been to SEE how much Matt held inside him... then again. She might aswell find out. Rikke was already on her knees with Matt slumped down nearby, the girl just leaned forward forcing the man to look to her before kissing him sensually while her other hand quickly got to jerking the man cock back to form, with her skillfull touch, full lips and soft skin. The man would be ready for round two in no time.
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