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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see then. Annabell will have her own materials on hand so she will charge you for her services now unless we have further business I have much work to do. Joan see these woman out." The fetish maid approached Rikke and Jess and waited simply stating "This way please." Rikke couldn't miss the disappointment in Sasha's voice nor how cold it got after it was clear Rikke was not willing to give her a second chance. Soon they where out side the building with the doors shutting rather loudly behind them. "Well where to now Rikke?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dismissing the womans deal of redemption, did indeed leave a bitter taste in the heroines mouth, but the mistress reaped what she sow. Though as a gesture of good will Rikke would kept a friendly attitude no matter how the woman treated her.

Rikke breathed out deeply "Well atleast that's over with." the rogue looked up to her companion smiling lightly "Humm... the tailor failed to mention the price, so that might be troublesome. Still next up we should find an armorsmith... or better yet let's visit the high priestess. Maybe we can get the order of Venus armors!" the heroine grinned happily, visiting Gruff did run past the girls mind. But chances were the blacksmith would give her the glare of death if she explained the armor she wanted and the "quick-release" option. Men just don't understand these things...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way back to the main building and made some inquires which lead her to the uppermost floor the penthouse. Leaving the ornate stairway that had led her here Rikke couldn't help but gasp. All the wall molding glittered as gold and kept its typical Silken Princess motif. Two heavy oak doors with a dark varnish stood closed with two armed woman watching over them. Each woman had the baring of a knight and despite there surroundings or their charge wore well fitted fully covering plate.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would approach the two guards smiling lightly "The heroes of Endus seek an audience with the High Priestess. Can we pass? We won't take too long I promise."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

One of the guards looked at Rikke and nodded before opening the door to the inner room. Rikke could see the priestess had decorated a little the displays and carvings that had been hidden for so long now hung in open if temporary displays. "Rikke Jess what can I do for you?" Rikke mentioned about the armor which brought a small frown to the woman's face. "Sadly I have no such armors to give and Janet is only borrowing mine till she gets her own." Well that was a dud but she was in the room with the high priestess if she had any other questions to ask.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that sure was a bummer. Still there was one small chance "Aw~ well perhaps you know or have the designs for the armor? We know a good blacksmith he should be able to fit Jess real quick." that was a whole other point for the girls, gettin fitted armor made in under one day might prove impossible...

"So how are things with the church? All this demon business must've really hit you hard." the heroine smiled warmly at the priestess, a little gosisp may prove polite before asking questions "Excuse me priestess, if I may... do you know anything about The Shards of Venus? Or say... succubi?" Rikke smiled sheepishly, still if anyone had insight in why or what the girl was it would be this woman.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Humm sadly my armor was special made for me some time ago. Janet was just lucky she was my size. All her extra activities kept her figure nice and curvy. As for shards of Venus this much I know. They are rare shards of essence left when Venus was killed most where devoured by the godslayer while a few where drawn to young woman granting them great spiritual power or preventing them from suffering a bad fate." The priestess looked at Rikke a knowing look on her face. "As for succubi they started out as twisted humans and served their dark power by devouring souls for him. The best way to do that was threw intimate contact and sexual release. Over time some managed to break away from his control or found themselves abandoned by their former masters. Of those some hid amongst mortals spreading their essence into the mortal populations ensuring that eventual mortal succubi would be born."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened intently to the priestess "And what would happen if the shard got lost to the wrong hands? Could it be harmed?" it was exactly on the heroines accord that they lost the shard, but best to learn how to get it back "Could it take material form if say... in theory, demons were to tear it out of the gifted?" Rikke was an exceptional liar, but even she couldn't hide the guilt undertones from her words.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its hard to say really. The holder of the shard would probably die from the damage to their soul if they don't get it back. It would take time but eventually they would simply pass on their soul to weak to stay in their body." Now if a demon tried to corrupt it then it would gain serious amounts of power. Enought to rival an Angelic Lord if called to battle.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A cold chill ran down Rikkes body, so she was living on borrowed time? How much time did she have left! Meaning to survive the heroine had to get the shard back or... actually rely on her natural succubus 'gifts'... the very thought turned Rikke pale "Priestess..." it was best to be honest now "The demon controling Reginald, has such a shard. It tore it out from... me..." the rogue looked down in shame.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was a look of surprise on the priestess face before a look of concern filled it up. "Rikke are you okay?" She rushed over to the rogue and held her by her arms. "Rikke you have to get it back not only for yourself but for the goddess she would not want her power corrupted." There was no anger in her voice just concern for a friend. "Its yours by right to get it back you will need to free it from who ever has it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled bravely "I don't intent to let that bitch keep it longer than she already has..." the rogue avoided eyecontact with the priestess out shame of losing something so precious "But... I don't know how she tore it out of me... it.. the succubus had lived in me most of my life, but now she somehow detached herself from me, dragging the shard out with her. If... when I face her... how can I regain my shard, priestess? How will we beat a demon empowered by our dear godess?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke I doubt she's overcome the power of the shard. If she has then we would have already lost this war." The priestess tried to comfort Rikke. "When you face her in battle slaying her should be more then enough for the shad to seek its home. It will go where it belongs."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thank you" Rikke hugged the high priestess warmly, well atleast now she knew what she had to do. Hopefully the succubus won't have feasted on the shards power for too long.

"One more question... by chance do you know a open minded leatherworker, armorsmith around? Or a mage that coudl conjure some truly strong armor?" the heroine smiled warmly, this would be her last question for the high priestess, no doubt the woman had more than enough on her plate as it was. Though the thought of asking the priestess to join them in the final assault did pass Rikkes mind, but a high priestess likely had other duties to attend than the front lines.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm I fear that all the smiths are working on repairs for the army. Though they should have spare equipment lying around." Rikke remembered that Jess was the one who put the quick release in her armor last time she could probably do so again. Though she might just want to turn the tables on the succubus this time around and fit her armor with a secrete quick release of her own. Still it was up to Rikke and much of the day still remained and she had plenty of time to do as she pleased.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm what do you think Jess... maybe you could work on our armors? We'd just buy you simple chain and you'd mod it to your fitting?" Rikke turned to Jessica smiling, then back to the high priestess "Thank you, for everything priestess. We'll meet again after this is all over." she winked slyly at her and if the priestess had nothing else to add she'd hug her goodbye and the rogue would make her way out.

All this money and the girl hasn't even spent any of it yet! Unheard of! Nevertheless next up would be aquiring Jessica new armor, Gruff could potentially have some around. Then there was also the case of the girl they rescued, her illusion magic may come in handy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They had a couple of choices they could see Gruff or they could visit the rather rude little mage they had found in the ruins. Jess spoke up on the matter first. "We should get our armor as soon as possible that way it can be fitted before we leave." Jess looked over at Rikke and winked. "And give me a chance to add some little extra's for our use later."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled girlishly at the comment "Alright, let's go visit Gruff. He's bound to have something for you" the heroine nodded at her companion and the two would proceed to finish their search for armor. Looked like Rikke would be stuck in the wargs uniform... then again maybe Jess could do her succubus wonders on it and make it 'suitable' for the pervy heroines 'teasing' needs.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff was busy at his temporary shop hammering away though none of his assistance where present except Kat. Looking up the dirty smith smiled and went to hug Rikke and Jess before work called to him again. It looked as if he was repairing a hole in a breastplate its insignia a group of white stars on a blue background. Kat on the other hand was busy polishing a similar breastplate only this one had a White Rose as its mark. "What can I do for you lasses? It may not be the Ready hands but its the best I got at the moment.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We're looking for something sturdy, or to be more precise she is" Rikke turned to Jessica smiling "Do you have any easy to modify chain or plate armor around, Gruff? I'd only turst her life to your work" the heroine winked slyly at the master blacksmith "Also is there a way to enhance a leather armor without buying a new one... even if say it becomes a little bit more daring?" and here it was about to come, the death stare even questioning the notion of looks instead of good defense, Rikke couldn't help it, while not a true succubus she still had their tendencies...