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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked at Rikke and smiled. "Im giving Janet some pointers to use later during her private session with the priestess." Jess's eyes had the glint of perverse mischief in them. It gave her eyes a certain quality that lit up her face.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Private session with the priestess, you say?" Rikke smield widely almost proudly at Janet "You know somethings been bugging me, while most of the officers and us are up here eating our fine foods. The boys downstairs are just eating their plain food right now in that dull mess hall... so~ I was thinking maybe we grab this pork and make our way down there. To light up the morale?" the heroines eyes were icy blue, showing no lewd intent "No drinks, just maybe some jokes. Dancing, you know... to raise the spirits. For some it may be their last dinner, why should it be a dull everyday dinner" Rikke smiled earnestly at the two.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thats a great idea their is no way we can eat all this ourselves though Im sure Cassandra over there could give it ago". Indeed Cassandra had a huge plate of food and was gazing at it like a thirsty man does water. "Oh we can get the other VG together and dress them like us it will be one happy party!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly, one does not underestimate an amazonian womens appetite. Still it was onwards with the plan "I don't know... maybe we should let Alice and Matt have their private time. Looks like their evening is already planned" the heroine winked slyly to her neightbors before standing up "Alright girls! We're heading down to the mess hall to cheer up our boys at the front! Forgive for stealing some of this fine dinining and feel free to come along 'kay~?!" Rikke cheered out and looked through the table, with Jessica and Janet grabbing the roasted boar "We'd love to have some music downstairs, any of you magic girls or guys willing to supply it?" with that Rikke would let anyone willing join in and grab the more fancier and less touched dishes, bring them onward to the bar. There was still a quick question of the outfits to sort out... the wargs would likely love some scantily clad girls to start up a party instead of girls in full armor...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Actually Alice and Matt where no where to be seen the two having slipped away while Rikke talked with Janet and Jess. The rest of the girls seemed enthused about the plan and quickly changed cloths and grabbed plates and serving dishes still leaving a hefty amount of food they couldn't carry. Making their way down to the mess hall the soldiers cheered at the scantly clad woman and offered feast. While they didn't really have any music the boys and girls in the crowed quickly broke into song on their own as their once boring meal turned into a mini festival.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was all to happy to show off to the grunts, swaying her hips happily and cheering out as they brought in the expensive dinning, before setting up base right at the middle, even with their grandmaster and grand magus there the soldiers were all too happy to approach and join in, some even returning to the mess hall just to be part of the festivities or just oogle the scantily clad hotties that organised the whole ordeal.

Rikke sometimes sang along if she knew the words, laughted at the jokes and accepted any offer to dance whenever offered, even when she was called to dance on one of the tables. With quite a few fellas giving more attention to some parts of her clothing than they should've. Still so long as they behaved it was all good fun, laughter and cheers echoing out throughout the hall. Looked like the heroines plan was going along perfectly and with no alcohol the boys should refrain from doing anything stupid or too brave.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The festivities quickly died down after awhile as the men became tired or officers had them leave. Soon it was just a few remaining soldiers responsible for the defense of the brothel that remained. A few of the working girls came out and started clearing away the mess and putting things back to sorts. Dinner had lasted for awhile and the sun had long set bringing out a beautiful moon and star. Jess held Rikke for a moment before tugging on her to head up the stairs and the room. If Rekke relented she would find all their ordered items delivered and waiting for them on a table.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The festivities couldn't last forever, the men and the girls still needed to get a good night of sleep, before the coming battle. However the one things Rikke and her troupe managed to do is to make sure each of the men went to bed smiling and optimistic of whats to come. They deserved a fine rest and evening like this.

The two lovers lingered for a while longer and soon left up to their room again, only to find their gear all gathered here and ready for battle. They'll test out the enchantments later, the most important question was if in that tidy pile of armor and clothing... did the tailors masterwork rest there aswell.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Searching threw the items Jess and Rikke both found their new underwear. It was done to perfection and just as each girl wanted it to be. A little note attached was the price of the garments an even 50 denari for both sets. Jess paled at the cost. "I could have bought two sets of armor for that price!" It was steep but the craftsmanship was excellent and each piece hugged the girls curves in all the right ways.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aaaa~~!" Rikke screamed out in joy as she picked up her new underwear, it was perfect! "Come let's try them on!" seemed the cost didn't bother the heroine at all. Hopefully the demons will appreciate sexy lingerie as much as the heroine...

Rikke quickly, but carefully got into her new clothing. Running to hog the mirror, well the girls ass was already quite the sight, but in these she wasn't asking or demanding, it was obligatory to give it a slap or grope. The girl giggled warmly, coloring her cheeks briefly, after her change in the manner she had no quals in showing joy in her dazzling beauty. The top was done to perfection aswell, the dark frills and red silk mixing perfectly, to almost give off the illusion that the girl was showing more cleavage than she actually was... or perhaps she indeed was the frills only masked it. Either way it was all just too delicious.

The heroine turned to her lover to inspect what SHE ordered, Rikke never did ask. It was time to be surprised!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess it seemed had picked more of a corset. It was black contrasting with her pale skin and had red edging and laces that matched her hair to hold it on. The panties where completely black with small patterns in them and had hooks to attach it to the corset and stockings which Jess was getting on at the moment Rikke looked over. The rear of the panties had a small slit meant for Jess's tail to stick out of if she wanted to show it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned on one foot and looked over her companion, giving her a wolf whistle and inspecting her while Jessica looked over her outfit aswell "If people find out whats underneath that armor, it won't last for long." the girl approached her lover giggling girlish and kissed her warmly, wrapping her hands around Jess "Quite the day eh?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess returned the kiss and pulled Rikke closer her tail wrapping around the rogues waist once more. "Yeah and tomorrow will even be more interesting." Jess sounded thoughtful but was smiling at Rikke. "A long way from raiding dungeons and robbing tombs." Jess kissed her again. "We'll have to be careful or people will start thinking your a crusading warrior and not a dashing rogue."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why not just... an adventurous heroine?" Rikke winked slyly at her lover and smiled warmly, even if the rogue promised to give Jessicas tail 'special' treatment, for now the girl just wanted to enjoy her lovers company and just talk freely "Come on let's go to be." Rikke would lean forward and kiss Jessica tenderly, her face alight with happiness. Today couldn't have gone better.

"You know... after tommorow..." the girl lied down on the bed, the silk sheets as cozy as ever "Our business in Endus will be over." Rikke gulped lightly "And with the winter coming in fast and hard. What are we gonna do? It'll get too cold to travel and camp like we did before coming here."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess snuggled close keeping her tight embrace on Rikke. "Well we could winter here or if your wanderlust was still kicking maybe one of the wizards would telport us someplace warm. Ohh with a beach!" Jess giggled and kissed Rikke lightly. "Im sure anyone of our friends here would love to have us around for the winter. If you wanted to we could even stay at the princess. I know how this place gets your blood pumping." Jess winked at Rikke giving her an all to knowing smile. "I won't deny that there is plenty of eye candy to enjoy and experiment with."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Some place warm with a beach? Like a vacation?!" Rikke quickly sat up looking to Jessica "We could bring some of the girls along too! That's a wonderful idea Jess!" the heroine grinned widely "It's a about time we could just kick back and relax, without worrying that some demon will pop up out of nowhere or a bunch of creepy bandits sneak up to us" the girl nodded firmly, leaning back to bed and facing Jessica "Though I'm not really acquainted such locales, got anything specific in mind?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I heard the Amazon had several good beaches left wild and untamed. Though with the invaders around Im not sure they would be safe." Jess sighed having crushed her own desire for a warm beach.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gently placed one of her hand on her lovers cheek "Hey I'm sure we'll find one that's safe. The world has gone to hell quite yet, not with heroes and heroines like us still around." the rogue would lean in and kiss Jessica tenderly a beautiful smile on her face "A peaceful little settlement with scantily-clad girls and wonderful specimen of men, just serving us the finest drinks on offer. With us, sunbathing - a clear blue sky above and soothing sounds of the sea below."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Maybe its good to dream isn't it?" Jess kissed Rikke back "Fresh air warm sun the smells I don't even care if we don't have other scantly glad girls around. We could just relax maybe get some tan to our skin." Jess sighed wistfully thinking of warm places.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly "Well~ I like to have some girls around... would save us from doing chores" the girl playfully stuck her tongue out "If Rhea can move groups of people in the blink of an eye, I'm sure a mage can zap us to another part of the world in an instant too. Hopefully the bad guys will have the decency to stay down while we rest." Rikke winked playfully and smiled.

"Speaking of which... I wonder how does that Badge sealed treasury of Endus look like?..." Rikke turned to Jessica "You think they'll let us take a tour there?... I mean if just for the key we got 400denarii... just how grand is this treasury."