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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the tools all set Rikke looked to her servant girl with a eager grin "Sorry for the delay Ven." the rogues voice was as dominant as ever as she moved closer, lightly swaying the toys of choice in her hand.

Ven bit down on her lip eagerly, the simple thought of her mistress playing with her through the night enough for her body to stir. A few steps and Rikke was at the bed, her hands little running across Vens legs, before she placed her palsm against the girls thighs and pushed her apart, the soaked pussy fully in display.

"Oh? You've kept yourself wet, pet?" Rikke looked up to Venise and placed the toys on the sheets nearby she herself leaning over the body and moving forward for a kiss.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise nodded a grin forming on her face as Rikke approached. Parting her legs in anticipation Vense closed her eyes. *CRASH!* Jolting away from Ven Rikke looked to the door. "Mistress!" Even Ven got up and grabbed the sheets pulling them close. A few silent moments then another *CRASH* quickly followed by a scream. "What it is it?" "GET THE RIFLES!" A few cracks of gun fire and shouts followed. "GET THE CHILDREN TO THE BASEMENT!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned in a kissed Venise, the servant girl eagerly returning the long saught embrace even leaning forward almost begging for it not to end. With the rogue on top, the two girls pressed their bodies together. Each of their silken skin brushing against the other, their full lips locked together as the kiss rapidly grew deeper. The heroine tongue slid to meet her servant girls, both eagerly dancing together as muffled moans could be heard from each, their legs gently brushing against each other as Ven closed hers on her mistress.

Rikke leaned out, seemingly in light daze and licked her lips looking down to Ven, before leaning down to her neck to kiss and nibble it, slowly sliding down her companions body, raining kisses as she went. Her hands giving the very plentiful cup a playfully squeezed before she got to the girls soaked treasure "M~ I love your taste, Ven." the rogue began to lean in as Venise tensed up her body--

Until a sudden crash interupted their fun! Worse still it was followed by the sounds of conflict! Rikke ran up to the entrance and listened in, much to a flew of bad news! The heroine turned to her servant girl "Ven! We're under attack! You're with me come on!" Rikke left her gear back in Marys room! Hopefully she'd make it there in time and get to the defense of the good family asap!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was not alone as she left her room. Mary and Janet had already exited theirs and quickly tossed Rikke her gear. Janet unable to don her armor in time was left with her blade and very loose clothing she had slipped on. Mary on the other hand had her gun out as well as her clothing a little disheveled as well. Ven meanwhile took her cloths and hid clearly not wanting any part of the fight. With Mary and Janet heading out Rikke slipped into what ever she dared before moving on.

Meanwhile the sounds of shots crew louder and decidedly one sided as Mary's brothers shot threw broken windows shouting at each other. "I don't see it!" "It couldn't have gotten away!" "Are you kidding it can fly!" As Rikke got her gear in order she found the men scanning the darkness outside from the safety of the house. Janet and Mary where still on the upper floor both near a door. From what Rikke could tell it was one of the children's rooms. Nodding as Rikke got forth the knight and ranch girl busted in.

Almost immediately a few shots followed quickly but a couple of grunts and a very feminine "HA!" that wasn't Mary or Janet. Reaching the door Rikke looked in and found Janet and Mary on the ground several stab wounds on both. Thankfully they where non fatal but meant to disable. "Oh and the heroine arrives. He he he if you want to end it meet me on the roof. Oh and no funny business unless you want the darling sweet girl I caught to have a nasty fall." The voice came from outside a shattered window letting in the cool air.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reequiping plate armor is one thing, but slipping inside leather armor was a much simpler task. Rikke quickly caught her gear and slipped inside her leather pants, her top lightly unbuckled, showing off the girls bra.

The girls rushed through the house the sounds of conflict ringing in their ears, a fight the farmhands were clearly losing. Was it revenge from the failed ambush? But whoever was attacking was far too swift, unless it was their leader.... or perhaps it was someone else entirely.

The rogue barely got her armor in check and gripped her blade walking up to the room her companion and friend deemed in risk. After an exchange of nods the girls busted in with Rikke soon in-tow. Her silver blade drawn and gleaming brilliantly as she neared the room!

Rikkes eyes shot wide as she noted her friends bleed, but these wound were not aimed to kill. They're easy to heal and were aimed to disable, not kill? Who was this woman? And 'heroine'? She could only suspect, but who else could it than one of the sisters...

"There's no need for any more bloodshed, I'm coming." Rikke squinted her eyes in annoyance and sheathed Beauty. entering the room and looking for way to vault or quickly climb on the roof.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Exiting the window proved easy enough though Rikke did slip a few times before she managed to hoist herself to the roof. Looking about as the moon slowly rose beyond the hill casting its rays which painted the whole scene in silvery light. "On the roof stood what was once absolute beauty made flesh. Flawless perfect skin covered in tight fetish armor only drew the eye to a cold looking face red eyes gleamed in the darkness as an all to wicked smile graced the lips of the fallen angel. Her divine beauty marred by the sprouting of two red demon horns and a wicked looking tail. Midnight black wings beat the air as the angel now demon hovered a ways before Rikke holding a crying child in her cruel hands. "Finally I meet the heroine of house Pesile. Its a shame you didn't arrive sooner I might not have ended up like this but.. what fun is that." Another cruel smile crossed her lips. "CATCH!" The fallen angel threw the crying child at Rikke as she laughed drawing her blade.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A fallen angel... No wonder her companions and farmhands were swiftly brushed aside! Rikke eyed the woman carefully each of her steps calculated with great care, the heroine gaze unflinching, though before she could speak the angel interupted her.

Rikke had a sinking feeling, was it the smirk or the cruel eyes, but the woman could not be trusted... especially with a innocent bystanders life. Rikke quickly recalled where the window of her entry was, instead of just catching the child and standing, the rogue caught the precious cargo only for the two to very rapidly tumble down the side of the roof.

The girls trusty hidden dagger was quickly unsheathed and right as they went off the edge anchored them to the roof! Thankfully it was slanted and the window to escape the was kept very close to the edge of the roof. Both Rikke and the child dangling infront of the broken open window!

"Inside go!" Rikke quickly pushed the child inside the house only to follow in herself! Leaving her dagger lodged in the roof, not risking attempts to retrieve it!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm I thought you would be braver than that. Oh well Ill just have to let your whore know what a chicken you are." Rikke heard the footsteps on the roof creak slightly to the window and stop. "Oh such a pretty trinket... Oh the lies I could tell Jessica with this as proof." The sound of metal being pulled from wood reached Rikke's ears as well as a sudden beat of wings followed by very cruel laughter...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly made sure the child would run away from any windows and drew Beauty, waiting for her opponent to come to her. She wasn't as stupid to fight a flying creature on a roof. The girl stilled her breath as she heard the fallen one slowly walk across the rickety roof, getting closer and closer.

Still the woman took her dagger and seemed to have left, leaving only questions about the nature of her arrival. The rogue would double check whether she was truly gone and sigh with relief. Running to her friends to check on their states! "Girls!"

Thankfully the hidden dagger was dispensable, the heroine would only have to hope the womans lies would not break her lovers heart... Rikkes true blade was Beauty, her silver shortsword that got her through battles seemingly impossible. Hopefully lack of Beauty as a trophy would give Jessica a way to see through the lies... hopefully.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet groaned as Rikke approached her hand already glowing with holy power stitching up her wounds. Mary on the other hand seemed to have the worst of it, while her wounds didn't look deep she was hardly a combat veteran like Janet or Rikke. Likely she was just in shock after all not many can say they walked away from a battle with a fallen one and lived to tell the tale. "What did that bitch want Rikke?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly focused her efforts on Mary applying improv bandaging. Afterall Janet was already well on her way to heal up, she was trained for much worse. Mary on the other hand... this was already her second time today. While the wounds won't disable her, the bloodloss may keep her down for a day or so. The heroine applied some improv bandages as she spoke, no scoffed out the answer in sheer hatred "To say Hello..."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For the most part Mary seemed to be in shock. Mostly it was because of the creature she had seen and not the damage done. As the downstairs got all quiet Rikke heard pounding foot steps come up the stairs as an older gentlemen rushed into the room to see all that happened the little girl Rikke had saved right behind him. "Is everyone okay. Mary are you hurt?" The young ranch girl mustered a small shake of her head causing the man to relax slightly. "What ever attacked left. Did it manage to get in?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled lightly at the sight of the worried men, leaning out away from Mary's improv bandaged hand. Though the question shunned her relief aside "Unfortunately..." she looked to the men "Is everyone still okay? Noone's missing are they? If it was only her she didn't seem to carry anyone away." the girl quickly shuffled closer to her companion to look her over.

"Let's get everyone patched up first. The thing that attacked your farm wasn't ordinary." the girl looked to the man infront firmly. Did the fallen one attack the farm... or attack Rikke? Seemed the question would be clearer after the remnants of the battle were fixed up.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Everyone seemed alright for the most part though most of the woman folk where crying over children who didn't seem all to fazed. Looking about everyone was accounted for and despite the damage done to the windows the ranch house and surrounding buildings where intact. This did little to comfort Rikke though as it meant that the fallen one had come for her heaping more troubles on a already troubled family. Janet had kept quiet for the round up her face slightly grim. She had to know what had attacked them and it was hardly comforting news.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At any rate, for the time being everyone could only mend their wounds and rest up. Looked like Rikke would have to leave as soon as possible. Still with the wounded treated Rikke would help out patching up and closing the broken windows or fix any other damage.

Still first of all Rikke would check up on Venise and Willow! Hopefully both were okay, since Rikke had something else to do... a favor to ask. The heroine picked up the amulet and spoke to her nemesis once more "Joldra. Please I need to talk to you..." it was one of the rare times the girls voice carried some respect or at the very least humility when talking to her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As it turned out Willow and Venise where huddled together her faithful dog having guarded Venise threw out the events. Checking in with them got a happy bark and lick while Ven simply hugged Rikke close. Moving back into her room Rikke grabe her amulet and called out to her enemy. "Oh you survived thats good."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Joldra I need a favor from you" the heroine kept her tone firm "Tell Jess that I'm okay. Please..." it was a simple task, but potentially risky task. Rikke had to make sure her lover knew for sure she was okay... "And in turn I'll help you out with something, anything."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Anything?..... It would be quite the risk for me... you understand right?" The air hung still a moment while Joldra seemingly thought it over. "Well then this is what I want. First you must never discard me like you did before at lest let me see the country side instead of your dirty skanky bra and panties, nice colors by the way. Secondly I want your absolute word that you will help me escape. No silly pinky promises or false words I want a true and absolute bond. A soul bargain as it where except I only get your soul if you betray your promise to me and once Im free its over. In return I will help in what ever way I can until Im free. Do you agree?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"How do I know you'll keep your word." Rikke held the necklace looking to it, her eyes unflinching. Agreeing to such a deal... what if she'd unleash someone far worse than the master could ever become "Not to mention I know very little how to set you free. Knowing you it'll take 10 virgin sacrifices and galons of demon spunk." she lightly frowned. Sometimes the rogues diplomatic skills... kinda failed her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why would I waste perfectly good virgins! Not to mention I have more than enough demon cum of my own." Rikke could almost feel the sigh at the other end of their communication device. "Besides you already know how to set me free you just have to kill the master." Joldra's tone changed as she spoke some more. "Anyway this bargain would be unbreakable. If I violate it the repercussions would be the same for me as they would be for you. Not that you would know what to do with a demonic soul anyway. Just know I do not make such bargains lightly."