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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke wouldn't eavesdrop more than she already saw, knocking on the door even if it was open the heroine smiled kindly and entered inside "Hey Saul." she'd close the door behind her "So Kanna eh? She's absolutely lovely." the heroine giggled kindly and smiled to the man.

"Saul, I've been meaning to talk to you about something important." she'd look to him "And it's not really related to our mission." without really further ado, the rogue would continue "Your chats with DeGravil. What are they about?"

She'd frown making it clear she was serious about it "Don't give me the 'just some politics' answer. I'm serious." those dead eyes and his past... while Regi seemed to have created a whole new life for himself, the rogue just couldn't get past Degravil yet.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul raised an eyebrow at Rikke. "Well they usually are just that, though lately I've been getting under the table supplies from the intelligence section. Our presence here is hotly debated by the council and while I have the support of the king he still needs to foster the support of the people, and well there are some who see this as an ploy to keep the military in a place of power. Others fear that we are forming a treasonist faction to perform a coup. Either way the council of nobles refuse to reinforce our numbers with replacements. So every loss bleeds us dryer. Thats why I have these meetings with DeGravel his department has virtually unlimited resources and no oversight on expense reports." Saul got up to stretch a moment. "Why do you ask?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Because I don't trust him." Rikke might as well just be blunt about her concerns "Every single soldier I've spoken with has most of their friends killed in a ambush. An ambush on their stealth operations." the rogue crossed her hands "Degravil has a knack of creating an influential network, but he's got dead eyes, a sleezy voice and a corrupt lineage."

While normally the rogue would hardly ever use her powers as such, she had to offer them up "Few people can lie directly to my face. I can try to learn the pure truth about it."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You think DeGravel is behind this? I don't know Rikke he doesn't have any say on missions. In fact this is only his second time here. I don't think he is a traitor. A scumbag and an asshole but no traitor." Saul looked out his window. "But next time it could be Rhea or Rune.... Hell even Janet has had a few close calls." A long silence followed as Saul looked out over the nest. "Do it but.. discreetly. We still need him if hes not a traitor..."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Who else? It would have to be someone with enough power to know details on certain assignments. Or well have access to sensitive information." Rikke paused in thought, honestly she wasn't sure about using her magical powers to extract information from the man... it just seemed like a line the rogue didn't want to cross... but both her and this realm depended on this missions success. Finding the spy who could completely destroy a plan thats been decades in the making, might be worth crossing the line this once...

"Saul. I could use someone who can er..." Rikke flinched clearly not knowing the right words to say it "Manipulate the Mana statues to gain information." she'd look if the man understood her request "I can do the sneaking and infiltration, but if he keeps all information with someone like Ida, I'd only end up revealing myself to it and to him possibly."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul raised an eyebrow. "Mana statue.... Oh!" He smiled a little "So thats what you've been calling them. Ida run program 404." Ida appeared flickering slightly. "Program 404 activated. Separating hacking tools and assigning personality." Ida stretched out her hand only for a smaller mana statue to appear in it. "Good assign it to Rikke please she has a communications implant. Looking to Rikke Ida got a serious look on her face and mouthed some words but where muted which seemed to make her scowl more and even give a digital sigh. A flick of her wrist later the small mana sculpture flew to where Rikke's implant was and sank in though Rikke felt nothing. "There the program has been transferred just say 'Activate Kimiko' and it should pop up. She can do all the hacking you need."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Suddenly... the technology once more really reminded the rogue of magic "T-thanks?" she'd look to her device and then to Saul, she knew the man didn't mean axeing... but... "Hacking?" she'd smile sheepishly at her question, it was better to know for sure.

"Alright." the rogue smiled to the man or perhaps more to herself than anything else "Now, where does Degravil do his work?" Rikke already had one plan to reach Degravils private quarters, but perhaps his station was completely separate... from his sisters.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul moved to sit once more. "Well he probably brought his own station. Its probably at the officer quarters he was assigned with Venise." Saul looked out of the window his back turned to Rikke. "Rikke I hope you're wrong."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"If there's even a chance, I have to check it out Saul. I'll keep it as subtle as I can." Rikke paused briefly at the door as if wanting to add something, but instead just moved onwards. Honestly seeing Sauls concern did indeed weight heavily on the heroines heart, but Degravil was the only suspect the rogue could investigate... it was her way to atleast somehow grant some aid to the people here.

By now the rogue knew where the officer quarters were and these weren't forbiden grounds for her. Walking casually the heroine advanced to where Saul offered to begin her search. She needed to find Degravils main station.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke easily moved to the officer quarters passing a few soldiers on patrol who greeted her with a friendly wave. The officer quarters resembled a series of small bungalows though of far sturdier construction. Lucky for Rikke at one had a name on a little plaque identifying who was staying where. She could hear laughter echo in some of the buildings hinting at people inside. One snippet of conversation did catch her ear.

"Don't worry Juan that rat bastard and his super hot sister will be gone in a few days. Think of this as an adventure."

Not hearing anymore than a disgruntled complaint Rikke moved on and found the bungalow in question. It was the very last one on the small road and was dark except a single light.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

First things first. The rogue looked around briefly, checking for any of the oculi observers. Afterall, if she was going to do this, it was best if she remained unseen. If the coast was clear the rogue would lean closer and listen in for any and all noises from inside, even checking for a keyhole she could take peek through.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking around did not reveal any oculi observers as it seemed the officers had relative privacy. Leaning up to the door Rikke listened and heard water running and Venise's soft voice singing in the shower. The keyhole whoever was a problem, as there wasn't one to be found. Instead there seemed to be a strange box with a soft blue going number pad next to the door.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed the rogues lockpick skills might not be quite as useful in this realm. In a hushed tone the rogue would look to her device and whisper "Kimiko. Can you unlock this?" she really needed to ask Saul how this actually worked, but since she was here already and Ven was preoccupied... it was too good a chance not to take!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A moment later a small blue girl appeared standing on Rikke's hand. "HAI!" Turning to the keypad Rikke watched as the small mana girl stretched out her hand. Numbers on the key bad flashed a moment seemingly at random and rapidly. This gave Rikke the time she needed to examine Kimiko. She seemed modeled after a young woman from the eastern lands. Her hair was done in two ponytails that flanked either side of her head. Her clothing or rather the simulated clothing seemed to be a t-shirt with a cutsy skull on it and a plaid patterned skirt. Her shoes if they had been real looked like the military boots on the soldiers around the nest. After her inspection of the little mana statue she heard a dull click and the door open slightly. "All done Senpai!" With that the Kimiko disappeared. Slipping into the room she found a mixed room. Most of it was a living room with chairs and a picture box, but the other part seemed to be a small kitchen with a sink and oven. A hallway to her left had one door shut with a light underneath and sound of Ven singing as water ran. Across from that was another room dark but with her night eyes Rikke could make out a corner of a desk from her position. Still even further was a door which was likely the bedroom.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A desk... that could work. She'd just need to find the most sciency looking object in the room. Hopefully Kimiko would handle it from there. The rogue would continue deeper into the room and carefully peek the only room that seemed to qualify for a work space.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading that way Rikke took a few cautious steps. Her leathers doing their work and blending in with the background. Peeking into the room Rikke's heart jumped! DeGravel sat at the desk unmoving his eyes staring right a head. There was no reaction no movement. If he saw her it didn't bother him in the slightest. Everything was so still. His eyes didn't blink and his chest didn't move. Something didn't seem right.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue tensed up and quickly dodged out of his view!... but after a few moments she noted the man wasn't moving at all. Blinking a few times the rogue peered closer at the strange sight, her eyes quickly sharpening in a quizing fashion. He wasn't breathing.

Rikke would cautiously take a step into his view, the lack of lighting keeping most of the rogues features hidden even if she was noticed. Still, should she really worry about this man noticing her? He seemed... dead.

If there was indeed no reaction the rogue would slip inside the room and take a better look around. Something was most certainly wrong here...
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nothing not even a surprise gasp. Though it felt erie Rikke searched the room. Besides a few cabinets and the desk there was little else in the room. Well besides the seemingly dead DeGravel. No workstation or anything what in the hells was going on here. Of course Rikke didn't have a lot of time to ponder as the sound of Ven's voice stopped and the flowing water ended. "Ahh refreshing!" The door to the bathroom clicked and it started to open....
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nothing... Rikke looked to Degravil with a frown, before her eyes widened at the possibiliy. Was HE the workstation itself? A machine mirroring life? Though as the thought crossed her mind tell-tale hints of Venise having finished her shower echoed out!

Too late now! The rogue quickly looked around and with surprising grace and silence quickly ducked into a whatever hiding spot best suited her! Heck even desk may have helped! She had closed the door and there were no real signs of entry... hopefully Venise was feeling sleepy today!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was literally no where to go except under the desk. Ducking under Rikke hoped her luck would hold. Closing the door she slid into the compact leg space under the desk. Thankfully she was a petite girl well mostly her breasts did give her some trouble but a moment of pain would be far better than being spotted. Hearing footsteps outside the door Rikke waited for them to keep going but they didn't. "Humm I don't remember closing this door......" Wincing Rikke heard it open and caught the bare feet of Ven walking to her location from the distant light in the bathroom. Thankfully the girl didn't turn on the light in the room. "I must be more tired than I thought." Still Ven didn't leave and instead turned around and sat on the desk her silken legs hanging over the side. The desk groaned a little which brought a hrmph from Ven. "Guess I need to cut back on the sweets. Oh well a few days of this army food should do it. Brother dear please wake up." Feeling movement from DeGravel Rikke held her breath. "Yes dear sister what can I do for you?" Ven shifted her weight adjusting her position. "Open report log.. New entry.. Start. It seems project Nest is in real danger of being overrun. Their supplies are critical and casualties mount. I think they may have a spy in their midst. Sadly Saul doesn't trust me or rather my brother here and so far has refused any of my security personal. I will endeavor to earn his trust as all our lives depend on the success of this mission. It is my humble and professional opinion as his majesties intelligence lead that Saul and his forces should be reinforced immediately. End Log... Brother Dear switch to personal journal.... Start. I met her today the woman I've dreamed about since I was little. She is far more than I could have ever dreamed. We were so close today I swear she was going to kiss me. Ohh just makes me hot thinking about it. Still I cannot afford such distractions and will keep my contact with her minimal. End log..... Stand Down brother dear." With that Ven got off the desk her legs making a bee line to the door and turning towards the bedroom. Leaving Rikke alone.