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Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia said:
"I've never seen armor like that before! What is it made of?"

Liara: "It's mostly hardened ceramic interspersed with gel layers. Of course, it's only so effective without kinetic or biotic barriers."

Nadia's New Hand: A(C) Q(D) 10(D) | 2(D) 8(C)

Claire gives herself three cards. She's calm.

Claire: "On with the show."

Ivy: Pair (9s)
Liara: Ace High (Queen, 9)
Isabella: Pair (Jacks)
Nadia: Ace High (Queen, 10)
Claire: Pair (8s)

Liara breathes a sigh of relief.

Isabella: "Ohhh that was close. You just barely lost that one, little blueberry. But a loss is a loss."

Liara looks a little sulky, but nonetheless goes to work on her boots. She detached both from the rest of the armor and then pulls them off. Her feet are bare and...yep...they're blue. It's nice and exotic looking.

Ivy takes the cards.

Liara hands Ivy three cards. She looks a bit more relaxed than she has. A bit.

Isabella takes four cards. She seems a little miffed.

Nadia's Cards: 10(D) 7(D) 5(H) 6(S) K(C)

Select Cards to Discard
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Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia watches Liara remove her boots without comment, having stared blankly at her for a moment after her explanation of the materials of her armor and its supplements. She hadn't understood a word, but she decided that she could question the woman more about it later. When she was dealt her next hand, Nadia frowned darkly for a moment before handing in more than half of it, retaining the 10 and the King.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia's New Hand: 10(D) K(C) | 8(S) 8(D) 9(H)

Claire gives herself three cards. Her mouth twitches upward.

Ivy looks angrily at her hand, as if it has done her personal wrong. She tosses all of the cards away. She slaps five new ones for herself on the table and gives them as slight nod.

Ivy: "Let's go."

Liara: Pair (3s)
Isabella: Queen High
Nadia: Pair (8s)
Claire: Three of a Kind (Aces)
Ivy: Pair (10s)

Isabella: "Oh well. Looks like we're tied, Kitten."

The pirate removes the bandana from her head, fully freeing her raven hair. She also unfastens her bracers and drops them aside, fully showing her bare arms. Finally, she undoes her large, unwieldy gold necklace and drops it with the rest of her clothes, revealing her neck.

Isabella: "There you go. A bevy of accessories. I'm not exactly wearing a ton here."

Liara takes the deck from Ivy.

Isabella takes four cards from her. She seems agitated until the last card, when she calms a bit.

Nadia's Hand: K(D) 7(D) K(S) 4(S) Q(C)

Select Cards to Discard
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia smirked somewhat as the pirate removed her assortment of accessories, revealing her raven hair and the soft flesh of her neck. "I always did wonder about that," Nadia stated evenly, "Why do people of your profession have so many baubles and do-dads attached to them? I always imagined that they would catch on things in the cramped quarters of a ship."

She took her next hand and smiled at it before handing in three cards, keeping the kings to herself.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia said:
"Why do people of your profession have so many baubles and do-dads attached to them? I always imagined that they would catch on things in the cramped quarters of a ship."

Isabella: "Reputation is important, Kitten. When people look at you, you want to give the right impression. Especially if you're in a business where reputation matters. Nothing says 'I'm a successful pirate' like wearing an arse-load of gold around your neck"

Nadia's New Hand: K(D) K(S) J(H) 3(S) Q(S)

Claire stares at her hand for a long while before turning in one card. She looks as though it could have gone worse.

Ivy hands in three cards. She seems calm.

Liara also takes three. She's a bit on edge.

Liara: "Let's move on, then."

Isabella: Pair (10s)
Nadia: Pair (Kings)
Claire: Pair (5s)
Ivy: Pair (6s)
Liara: Pair (4s)

Liara: "Oh...I...see..."

The scientist slowly rises to her feet and begins to undo her armor. Eventually opening it enough to begin sliding her arms out of it. Underneath she wears a black tanktop that's short enough to show the bottom of her trim blue stomach and her navel.

She brings the armor down her legs. Below is a simple pair of black panties which hug tightly to her shapely backside. You can also see her long slender legs. The armor is now fully off now and she puts it with her remaining clothing. She seems to only have three articles of clothing left.

Isabella takes the deck, approvingly checking out the blue alien.

Isabella: "Well, I have no idea what you are, but I have to say I approve."

She tosses out the cards.

Nadia's Hand: 9(S) 2(S) 8(D) 9(H) 3(C)

Select Cards to Discard
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia gave a thoughtful hum at Isabella's explanation and bit off anything further as the game recommenced. She didn't get anything else, but that didn't seem to matter as Liara lost another hand. As it turned out, she'd had the highest hand of the group this time around too! She watches Liara remove her armor with mild interest, taking in the asari's form with eyes that, while certainly less hungry were no less appraising than those of the pirate. As such, Nadia couldn't help but remark, "Me too!" Liara had been nothing but nice to her so far, and though she wasn't at all unpleasant to look at Nadia reminded herself to be nice to her if she won the game.

Glancing at her cards, Nadia retains her pair of 9s while pushing everything else facedown across the table.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia's New Hand: 9(S) 9(H) K(H) K(S) 5(S)

Claire takes three cards. She seems pleased.

Ivy also takes three as a smirk crosses her lips

Liara takes four. She seems to relax a little.

Isabella takes three and smiles.

Isabella: "Alright, girls. Let's go."

Nadia: Pair (9s)
Claire: Two Pair (Aces and 5s)
Ivy: Three of a Kind (7s)
Liara: Pair (6s)
Isabella: Two Pair (Jacks and 2s)

Liara: "This has to be some kind of joke!"

Isabella: "Afraid not, little blueberry. Off with it, then."

Liara comes dangerously close to pouting before crossing her arms and pulling the tanktop over her head. Below she is wearing a modest black bra. She is now in just her underwear.

Isabella gives you the cards and you hand them out.

Claire requests three cards. She nods at you.

Ivy scowls and first, but then grins in delight.

Liara takes three cards. She seems wary.

Isabella takes three cards. She looks content.

Nadia's Hand: Q(C) J(C) 9(C) 4(C) 4(D)
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia shoots Liara an apologetic look as the asari loses yet another round, being reduced to wearing only her underwear. While she didn't want the archeologist to leave the table, the angel couldn't help but wonder if having fewer opponents might be easier for her. Taking her next hand, Nadia glances at it for a moment before placing down only the 4 of Diamonds, hoping to get another club cards and thus earn herself a flush.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia's New Hand: Q(C) J(C) 9(C) 4(C) | A(D)

The girls all lay down their cards.

Claire: Two Pair (Kings and 8s)
Ivy: Flush (Spades)
Liara: Pair (8s)
Isabella: Pair (10s)
Nadia: Ace High

Ivy: "It seems you have finally lost again, Doll."

They watch you expectantly.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia simply shrugged and said, "Such is how the cards play out!" Rising to her feet, Nadia pulled the belt sash around her waist off gently, causing her robe to billow somewhat as it no longer had anything holding it around the waist. She folded the sash carefully and placed it beside the pile of her other clothes before sitting back down, being careful with her robe now that it was so loose. "I'm not out of the game yet, deal the cards! Beat me again and you'll finally get to the good stuff!"
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia said:
"I'm not out of the game yet, deal the cards! Beat me again and you'll finally get to the good stuff!"

Isabella: "Hmm. I can hardly wait."

Claire takes the deck from you.

Ivy takes a single card. She smiles wickedly.

Liara gets three cards. She seems pleased.

Isabella takes two cards. She looks cocky.

Nadia's Hand: 9(D) 2(S) 2(C) Q(H) J(H)

Select Cards to Discard
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia frowns at her cards and then discards three of them, keeping only the pair of twos. With the looks held by all the rest, she knew that taking risks was probably a bad idea in this particular hand.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia's New Hand: 2(S) 2(C) | 8(D) K(S) J(C)

Claire gives three cards to herself and nods, satisfied.

Claire: "After you, ladies."

Ivy: Full House (6s and 3s)
Liara: Three of a Kind (5s)
Isabella: Three of a Kind (7s)
Nadia: Pair (2s)
Claire: Two Pair (10s and 3s)

Isabella: "Okay, I honestly thought we'd have to wait a bit longer than that."

The girls all watch you. Isabella and Ivy look excited. Claire and Liara look curious.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

"I didn't for some reason," Nadia replied to Isabella glumly, though the angel wears a smirk nonetheless. This time, she decided to make a slight show of undressing and stepped back from the table. Her wings spread and the natural glow that came from her skin intensified slightly as she reached up to her shoulders, pulling the straps of her robe down over her shoulders and smiling at the other four women coyly. Very slowly the robe is drawn downwards over Nadia's body, first revealing a good deal of cleavage before slowing as it reaches the peaks of her breasts. As it stretches over those peaks her opponents get the first view of the white bra she wore underneath, the lacy pattern more appealing than the outwardly simple garments she had thusfar been removing. "Sorry, you only get a sample this time!" she exclaimed as she drew the robe over the rounded peaks of her breasts, the garment popping slightly and descending a few inches further to reveal some of her taught stomach. If any of them were staring closely, they would likely notice that Nadia's bra had no support structure surrounding it and seemed designed purely to maintain her decency, as if her full breasts maintained their firmness without the need for any support.

She half turned as her robe descended down past her navel, her back arching slightly (and her wings spreading a bit wider to compensate for her balance) in order to show off her hips and pleasantly rounded bottom. The robe slowed again as it began lowering past her hips, slowly revealing the white panties she wore beneath that bore a similar lacy pattern to her bra. Rather than let it fall to the floor after clearing her perfectly formed ass, Nadia slowly lowered the garment all the way to the floor, bending over in the process. Once it slipped from her grasp the angel straightened quickly and stretched, her back cracking quietly as she pushed out her impressive (albeit still covered) bust. Bending down to retrieve her robe, Nadia efficiently folded it and then set it aside with the rest of her clothing as she sat down, now smiling confidently as she crossed one leg over the other. "Shall we continue?"
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Isabella and Ivy watch the striptease hungrily, while Liara and Claire seem more interested in the wings.

Ivy takes the cards from Claire.

Liara hands in four cards. She looks very nervous.

Isabella takes three cards. She still maintains her swag.

Nadia's Hand: Q(H) A(H) K(C) A(S) 5(D)

Select Cards to Discard
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Seeing Liara and Claire looking more at her wings as she strips, Nadia smiled delightfully and said, "They only just got big enough to fly with, it usually takes a while. Before they grew in fully I had to fly with magic, and that was pretty draining if I had to do it for too long."

Idly examining her hand once Ivy deals out the cards, Nadia places down all of her cards except for the King of Clubs and her two Aces.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia said:
"They only just got big enough to fly with, it usually takes a while. Before they grew in fully I had to fly with magic, and that was pretty draining if I had to do it for too long."

Liara: "Magic?"

Isabella: "What? You don't have magic?"

Liara: "No."

Claire: "No."

Ivy: "Yes."

Nadia's New Hand: A(H) A(S) K(C) | 7(D) 2(S)

Claire takes three cards from Ivy. She's impassive.

Ivy gives four to herself. She's unreadable.

Ivy: "Alright then."

Liara: King High
Isabella: Pair (9s)
Nadia: Pair (Aces)
Claire: Pair (Jacks)
Ivy: Pair (3s)

Liara: "This is absolutely unbelievable! How come Nadia and I are the only ones that keep losing?"

Isabella: "Rules are rules, blueberry, and I'm rather interested to see a pair of alien tits...so lets get on with it."

Liara chews her lip for a moment, before finally reaching behind her back and fussing with the clasp. After about ten seconds, it comes loose the garment slides slightly down the blue scientist's firm c-cup breasts. A dark blue tinge rises in her cheeks a bit and she shrugs, allowing the bra to fall off.

Her tits are perfectly symmetrical, tipped with very aesthetically pleasing dark blue nipples and areolas. The cold seems to have perked them up slightly. After a few seconds of everyone staring, Liara's arm eventually instinctively wraps around them, hiding them from view once more.

Liara: "L-let's just move on, shall we?"

She grabs the deck with her free hand and begins sliding the cards to everyone else using her index finger.

Isabella lets out an exasperated sigh and returns all of her cards. Her mood does not improve.

Nadia's Hand: 4(H) 10(H) J(D) 5(S) 10(D)

Select Cards to Discard
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia scrunches up her face as several of their number simply don't seem to have magic, but when she thought of how one would explain magic she came up with nothing. Finally, she leaned back and said, "Magic... Is like a way of manipulating natural energies to do things. I'm not particularly good at it just yet, all I can really do is blow things up or make myself stronger since I've mainly used it for fighting, but it's possible to do a lot more with it if you know how. There are a few things that I can show you if you want an example."

After the cards had been laid out and Liara lost again, Nadia shot the blue woman an apologetic look even as she eyed her with interest. She wasn't quite sure just what Liara was yet, but she knew that she'd never seen one naked before! As it turned out, she seemed to be mostly human except for the odd skin color and the strange crest at the top of her head where her hair would have been had she been human. Despite herself, Nadia couldn't help but admire the woman's modest breasts up until she covered them with her arms.

Snapping back to reality, Nadia examined the cards that she was dealt and then sighed slightly, keeping the pair of 10s and handing in everything else.
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia's New Hand: 10(H) 10(D) | A(S) K(S) A(H)

Claire takes three cards for herself.

Ivy also takes three cards.

Finally, Liara, too, gives three new card to herself.

Liara: "Let's move along then."

Isabella: Queen High
Nadia: Two Pair (Aces and 10s)
Claire: Pair (7s)
Ivy: Pair (8s)
Liara: Pair (Queens)

Isabella: "Well...got my arse handed to me on that one."

The pirate undoes the sash on her waist. The other girls seem a bit disappointed.

Isabella: "Hey...I've only got three things left here. I could have done this accessory by accessory. I've been a very good sport."

She takes the cards from Liara and deals.

Nadia's Hand: 6(D) 4(H) 6(S) 3(S) Q(D)

Select Cards to Discard
Re: Strip Poker Night At the Inventory Game 1 (1 Player)

Nadia joins in on the disappointment at Isabella's choice of garments to remove, but didn't say anything as she was handed her next hand. Frowning at it slightly, she handed in three cards, keeping her pair of 6s.