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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzies struggle fails, G.F Worm fails to hit, F. Worm gets arousal crit!]

[Litzy reaches orgasm!]

[Litzy sucessfully struggles free, G.F Worm gets normal hit, F. Worm fails to hit]

[Litzy fails to hit, G.F Worm fails to hit, F. Worm gets arousal hit]

Litzy 5/6 HP, 3/5 AP, Orgasm, -1 to all rolls, Badly grappled, -2 to attack rolls.

Even as litzy tried to struggle, she couldnt quite get out of the hold of the giant worm, the tinier worm cut away her bra completely, and then attached to her breast, ellicting a sudden yelp of pleasure from her, although she did manage to get out of the hold of the giant worm, she still had the feeding worm on her breast to deal with.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy could feel it, this thing was really strong and soon she would be defeated, with nothing more to lost she just tried to use her magic to defeat the big creature before she get defeated, this time she know than her chances are low and only a miracle could save her. Quickly she focused her mind trying to dont pay attention to the suction on her breast and then shoot the best fireball than she could cast at the moment toward the big worm
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[All combatants fail to hit]

[Litzy casts on G.F Worm, G.F Worm gets arousal crit on Litzy!]

[Litzy gets G.F Worm bad End]

The battle ends suddenely as Litzy nearly gets the worm burned to bits, however it manages to grab a hold of her again, the younger feeder worm making swift work at cutting away all of her remaining clothing, even as she tries to struggle more and more, she finds herself being dragged closer, eventually being eaten alive by the giant worm, she falls into a seperate stomach, one without stomach acid, but full of feeder worm larvae, and they all start to hatch, and they hungrily set about feeding on the giant worms newest victim, squabbling almost as two latch onto her breasts, two onto her wet flowerpot and one onto her mouth, she is left like this for hours, unable to pass out, repeatedly reaching orgasms with all these worms feeding off of her bodily fluids, eventually she feels herself floating in darkness again, but finds herself outside the arena doors, with Rukara who was waiting, thankfully Litzy was fully clothed "Litzy what happened?" Rukara asked litzy, slightly puzzled, there was now a scoreboard on the arenas wall, "Rukara and Litzy: Best Round 8".
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Once Litzy tried her best, her aroused body was unable to resist more and soon the strange worms trap her until she was eaten by the big one, of course than Litzy was scared at the start, but she was very tired to fight more, soon her body was placed in a small dark place as she see many worms getting close her, she tried to cast a spell but soon notice than she was out of energy and her mind exausted after the battle, the creatures soon started to jump over her as she struggle in vain. The poor blonde mage soon was muffed as her holes and breasts were sucked by these creatures who with his tentacles restrain her completely, it was nearly a eternal torture, she tried to pass out but these creatures looks to dont let her do that. Her orgasms were soo much than she lost the count and slowly all fall into darness. After a time she awake fully clothed with her friend at her side. Im not strong enough... she think as she heard her friend voice. With a little sad face she get up and after sigh said. I just lost against a huge bug... sorry Rukara, do you think than we had to start from the start? She said as she look aroud and notice the score, it was not an amazing record and they had not earned anything from this place. Do you want to try alone now? Said to her friend not really excited with the idea to try this for herself but she could make a try if Rukara want to still play this thing.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara shrugged and nodded, "Sure, ill go it alone for a bit" she said, pushing through the doors marked with "1" and then noticing the sign had changed to 6 instead of 10, she shrugged and pushed through the next door again, waiting to see what lied ahead.

For this part you GM monsters, go nuts, i think it makes a nice change of pace, the last 3 can be boss monsters if you wish
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara appear in the middle of a snowy mountain, her body could feel the cold breeze around her as a soft storm make her have some problems to see around, she give some steps until suddenly notice a evil aura getting fussing on the snow, in a huge explosion a terrible and lethal tentacle snowman appear using his creepy eyes to spot his possible first victim. Using his tendrils like hands start to slide toward Rukara making a terrible noise coming from his buttons as the body snowball open to reveal hundred of white tendrils.

[you go first]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara shivered slightly at being in a tundra, and noticed a snowman, strange, who would build a snowman out here, Rukara then realised what it was, almost yelling in surprise "OH MY GOD WHAT?!?" she shouted, drawing her sword, her aim at first being to deal as much damage as possible.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara hit
SM hit normal
Rukara crit
SM fail
Rukara crit fail arousal
SM crit fail hit

The slow snowman was not match for the redhead swordswoman, her sword swing and cut the tendrils hidden at his insides, the white blood soon tainted the snow as more tendrils drop inert on the floor who were hard to see between the snow on the floor and the snowstorm. Finally a sudden mistake make Rukara be close the monster the enought to be grappled by these weak tentacle creatures.

She can see than her foe was close to turn into just a snow pile, but she still dont have the full control of this battle

Rukara 5/5 4/5 grappled
Snowman 2/6
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Even though she was utterely decimating the snowman at this point, it still had some fight as its tentacles coiled around her arm, she payed no mind to it and still kept up her cycle of attacking.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara Fail
Snowman crit hit arousal
Rukara fail
Snowman hit
Rukara fail
Snowman fail

Even when Rukara was not paying atention to her actual problem, her attempt to defeat this creature fail as more tendrils wrap her body, tearin her pants what make her feel the could brezze even worse than before, even then she continue trying to defeat him only to receive a hard hit on her chest what make her be unable to stop the creature to wrap her even more.

Rukara 4/5 2/5 -3 very grappled
Snowman 2/6
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara was caught off guard as more tentacles wrapped around her, some tearing off her pants "J-Jesus thats cold..." she said, shaking, then she was punched by one of the tentacles, gritting her teeth she ignored it as she tried sawing away the tentacles.

[Struggle until sucessfull, then continue attacking]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara escape
SM hit arousal
Rukara hit
SM crit hit arousal

Easily Rukara manage to escape, but only for an instant as more tendrils catch her and wrap her body, she could see how these could tendrils get inside her clothes and with a move thear her shirt leaving her in only her underwear, then she slice some of them to try to get away but suddenly she heard a shred sound and turn down to see her lower body exposed, as she is tied by tthe snow tentaccles than start to caress her body making her feel a very freezing moment, her breasts get her nipples erect and soon she was softly preasured on her lower hole. Suddenly they get inside her mouth and cunt with quick motions they continue using her until in a extasis she cum leaving her juices drop in the cold snow bellow her. Tied and nude with her body close to turn blue, Rukara must win this before she need to eat a chicken soup.

Rukara 4/5 4/5 -3 very grappled -1 all rolls
Snowman 1/6
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara managed to cut away most of the tentacles holding her, but this was only for a second as she was immediately regrabbed by tentacles, then she felt the worst as almost all her clothing was ripped off except her panties, panting she tried to struggle out again but was met with a tentacle down her throat and a tentacle in het wet flower, giving out a muffled cry of pleasure, she could only be helpless as the tentacles used her, eventually bringing her to her orgasm, she was weak because of the cold and the orgasm, she needed to end this fast.

[Struggle until sucessfull then attack attack!]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara escape grapple
Sm fail
Rukara fail
Sm crit hit
Rukara fail
Sm crit hit

Once again Rukara use her sword and quick moves to escape, even she manage to evade the tendrils when these tried to wrap her again, she then tried to kill the remaining tendrils but these dodge her slow moves as the cold was affecting her moves. Soon more tentacles from the snowman shoot at her, hitting her hard and ripping her remaining clothes as they grapple her and finally with a potent impact make her lost her sword in the snow. Nude and helpless she is taken inside the snowman belly, there many tendrils secured her in a fetal stance as her holes are penetrated without mercy, she cum many times as the warm cum invade and drench her body, giving her only the needed warm to stay alive as her insides get completelly filled with semen, continued being raped until she was just a heavily filled white ball of living flesh inside the snowman, her moans were muffed and her body would not resist get out of the creature until the temperature disolve it and she could survive outside, it was a shame than this could not be possible at the peak of this eternal cold mountain. fortunately she return to the warm desert: dressed, cleaned and empty of that cum.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara managed to cut away more of the tendrils of the tentacle snowman, gaining her confidence back, however soon her sword is knocked away and shes grabbled again, trying to grab onto what she could, she found herself pulled into its stomach, struggling and kicking she tried to get the tentacles off, it pulled off all her clothing, sighing in defeat, she couldnt stop the tentacles enter her mouth, pucker and flowerpot, ellicting several moans from her as she weakly struggled, she was relentlessely fucked, reaching orgasm several times along with the tentacles, which came into her womb and stomach repeadetely, keeping her warm, occasionally they stopped to let the cum leak out of her drenched lower lips and mouth, giving up she was forced to come repeadetely, trapped within the snowmans stomach...

Then she found herself back outside, panting, blushing and thankfully fully clothed and cleaned "Th-that was..." she seemed slightly frustrated too, as the board beside the "1" door now was marked "Rukara: Round 6", she sighed "Litzy can i go do it again?" she asked.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy was resting at a side, hiding herself from the sun, she looks to be amazed by how quick Rukara lost, maybe this game is really hard for them at the moment. Of cours. Are you fine? said worried looking who her friend blush.

Once ready Rukara get inside again, she was now in a dark dungeon, chains and more things were resting on thefloor, suddenly a giant centripede get out of the floor and prepare to launch at her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara nodded "Yeah im fine..." she said, then she pushed through the doors again, finding herself in a dungeon she saw a giant centipede attack her, drawing her sword, she was determined not to lose this time.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara hit
Monster crit hit
Rukara crit fail arousal
Monster hit arousal
Rukara crit hit
Monster hit arousal

Ready to strike, Rukara focus at her next attack, her sword caused a wound on the creature side, but this don't stop him and start to wrap his body around her, the monster legs cause minor wounds on her clothes, what cause a unpleasant feeling on her body, quickly she tried to slice the creature but soon this turn into a serious mistake, the hundred of legs ant the long ants like tendrils hit her and rag her pants as a strange kind of spores invade the place, Rukara could feel a itchy feeling at her body as her underwear get wet, she shiver as the creature press her body against her. soon she could feel something coming out from the caparaced of the lower body of the centipede, something like large bulges pressing against her now aroused and unprotected pussy. The creature legs get her and prepare her for something even when her sword cause a long wound in the creature. Rukara still have chances to win, but she was close to reach her climax by only breathing these strange spores.

Rukara 3/5 1/5 Grappled -2
Monster 3/6
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara managed to get quite a few attacks off, however she keeps forgetting to dodge inbetween swings, getting grappled for her troubles, inhaling a strange spore, Rukaras face becomes red as she blushes and becomes flustered, her legs shaking as she starts to get wet, she then feels something bulge against her vunerable lower lips, moaning slightly she continued attacking, ignoring the grapple.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

both fail
both fail
Rukara fail
Monster crit hit

Rukara soon is surrounded by this large creature who is even two times bigger than her, she could feel a intense lust fire invading her body as she is close to fall into complete sumission, she can feel her body close to be unable to move or even lift her own body, as the creature avoid to make her reach her climax as she is close her peak.

Rukara 1/5 1/5 Grappled -3
Monster 3/6