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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A1, just to be different. This mysterious glowing orb can't possibly be dangerous :p
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Lovely roll log. And vikki <3 <3

C1! Study the Cyan orb and ask what Vikki thinks of it before stashing it and prepping another firebolt and getting back onto the boat and exploring another of the islands.

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B1. I think it might be best to study the crystal somewhere safer, you know, without the threat of tenticle reinforcements.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

AC1 study and continue.

Linda walked to the shiny orb and took it to her hands.
"What on earth is this thing.." She mumbled a bit.
She looked though the thing, if its a crystal ball kind of thing? But it only had the cyan glow going about..

Linda sat down and kept investigating the orb.

"So.. Any clues what that thing is?"
"Actually I was just about to ask your opinion on it"
"Well don't bother, I'm completely goofed about it."

Linda spend a few minutes trying all sort of things to get a reaction out of the orb.. But with no results.
Viki was getting a bit restless, this little island honestly wasn't the greatest place to stay around, specialy if that one tentacle creature that escaped would bring in reinforcements.

"I think I'll stash this in for now and study it later.." Linda got back up and put the orb inside her backpack.

"So think we should return or..?"

"Naw, lets see if we can find something more in this here lake"

The girls went back to the row boat, and began to move on about the lake, in hopes of finding something more.

The lake didn't seem to have that much intresting going on about as they went on towards west, debris here and there, pointy rocks there..
Seems the west side had a lot of wreckage though, infact there was a half sunken boat, pretty big boat infact, maybe some sort of an old frigate?

Bit more on the north there was clear spot in the water. Linda got intrested of it and asked Viki to row there.. Infact the down there Linda could see a underwater cave entrace side ways. Could it be some sort of a lair?

A) Investigate the half sunken large boat
B) Have Viki scout the cave and then investigate if it has air
C) Go back to town
D) Lets row to the eastern side.
E) Other?

Linda recovered 5 mana.


Level 7.

Stamina 8

Willpower 11
Magic 15
Agility 10
Strength 7
90/145 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand. 20+ from silk pants.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 8 mana. (-2 due of item)
Firebolt. 13 mana. (-2 due of item)

-Fire knowledge in studies- Can light things up.

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry
Naga spit medium + naga expirement, Linda boobs have grown by a size and her nipples are very sensitive.


Head - Wizard hat (Mana reduce offense)
Top - Fine silk top
Legs - Silk pants (mana plus)
Boots - Simple sandals
Hands - Silk gloves (arouse touch)
Neck - Enchanted necklace (???)
Finger - Lion Signet ring.
Waist - Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. 5 iron throwing knives
Back - medium backpack.

Backpacks and purses;
medi small purse
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic and pants. Introducion to Fire. 6 food ration.
white sleeveless woolen top. metal flask. 2 rolls of paper. 1 energy potion. 1 mysterious potion.
Local beastiary book
Black dagger (enchanted) Cyan Orb (???)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 28 silver 38 copper worth money.


Level 7.

Stamina 12
Willpower 9
Magic 2
Agility 15

Strength 12
Viki is very energized
Viki is not hungry


Head -
Top - Well stiched leather top
Legs - Well stiched leather pants, White panties underwear. Small quiver with 50 copper bolts
Boots -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger - Lion signet ring
Waist - Copper cross bow. Decent iron sword.
Back - medium backpack.

Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic. peasant pants. 9 white panties. Slightly used roll of rope
1 skinning knife.
2 food rations. Very crude map.

Hidden money pouch holding, 32 silver, 1 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. Maybe it holds a hidden sidequest
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A, first ; if there's nothing to do there, B.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Maybe we should call it a day.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Just to be different; dont think we should press yon luck. :p
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. Nice boat.

The crashed boat seemed to be rather, intresting. Infact, it might have some good loot in there the girls figured as Viki began to row the boat towards it.

As they went closer by, the debrises, the spiky rocks around become more and more clearer and visible. They all looked so much smaller from the distance, and so did the boat itself.

Viki row'd the boat near a shallow rocky area next to the large ship, as they stepped out.

"Whoa.." Linda looked at the ship. It was biiiig.
Several stone spikes had breached it hull and kept it steadily in place even though it was half in the water. Checking the sides and breached broken spots, there really wasn't a way to get in from the sides. Even though the wood was old and there were broken spots, the wood was too sturdy to break further.

"Linda, over here!" Viki yelled and signed Linda to come. She had found an old rope ladder hanging at the side of the ship. The rope ladder was old, there was plenty of dried seaweed and shells going about on it. Maybe it was some sort of maintance use thing?

The girls climbed the ladder, though it was bit scary. It made a lot of bad noises, and didn't feel too safe to climb, yet they got on the deck no problem. The deck was pretty steady, it hadn't angled downwards that much at all really, you'd normally expect that to happen on ship crashes.

This deck was creepy, there were humanoid skeletons here and there, many wearing rust bitten ruined armor and weapons. This was clearly a military grade ship, but why was it in a lake? You'd imagine this sort of ships be on the sea.

"Hmmph, nothing useful here.." Viki mumpled as she looked though the decks and carefully around the skeletons. Linda started to get some bad vibes all of a sudden as the familiar mist started to appear.. Yet it was colder.. Much colder.

"I think we should check inside the cabin.." Linda was holding herself a bit. It was getting a bit cold.
The girls still went inside the cabins area. The place really was a mess, yet it seemed to be in a better shape than outside. The living quarters of the crew was trashed, the beds were broken, wardrobes, tables, chairs, all broken in half. There were broken weapons, bottles and all lying about, all seemed very old and not useful at all..

Linda found Captains quarters and signed Viki to come by.
Clearly this place was in a lot better shape. Infact there seemed to be a log book in one of the tables.. Being intrested on the happenings, Linda desided to open it up.

"Wow! Check the date Viki, this place is over hundred years old!"

Captains log, 1435. Newmoons 14th.

This is the first day on my new job to lead this magnificent sea ship Andrilla on the lake of noffinhood. I feel this ship had surely been insulted to be placed on a lake. It was originally build at the seaside of the human capital city, yet high admiral Jack'onyl ordered it to be transferred to lake noffinhood, "for safety of our important fishing colonies". Personaly speaking, I found this whole idea absurd, but who am I to judge? I'm just an old seadog.

1435. Decalmoon 13rd.

Generally speaking, this job has been so far rather boring. Most of the things this crew does around here has been playing cards or drinking themselves drunk on the job. I can't blame em, going in circles at this lake, even though its not that small ain't the most adventurish job.

1435 Decalmoon 15th

Few of the crew members reported to have seen a mermaid. Mermaid I asked myself? I've heard the legends about them but personaly speaking, tales are tales. I've never seen one in my long sea life. They must've just seen a naga taking a swim, those snake women are suprisingly common around the forests of Noffinhood, it wouldn't be a suprise if they'd take swims here.

1435 Decalmoon 18th.

Crew members were fishing and managed to bring something odd to the deck. This thing, was like a squid, yet completely cyan. It leaked disgusting looking slime from the harpoon that had pierced it. It was clearly not edible nor even intresting. We dumped it back to water and decided to ignore ever even seeing it.

1435 Decalmoon 21st.

High Admiral Jack decided to suprise us by visiting our ship. Wonderful, just when I thought this month couldn't get any worse. I can see from his eyes that something ain't right about this man. Not to mension what a poshy asshole he is. Just argh.

1435 Decalmoon 22nd.

Now he did it. I took a lunch break and what do I find when I come back in to my post? Jack was there, steering the boat. This madman had put us in a course to the spike forest of west. I pushed him aside yelling if he's mad or something. It was too late to steer the ship away, we crashed to the spiky rocks. Being the posh asshole he is, he tried to put the blame on me! I lost my temper and punched him. Not the smartest move perhaps, but damn, he deserved that!

1435 Decalmoon 23rd.

The hull damage has been a pain to fix, and we've managed to stop the ship from sinking further, but we're still stuck. We send one man in life boats to go to noffinhood for help.

1435 Decalmoon 26th.

It's been three days yet we've nothing from noffinhood. The crew is getting restless, and we've heard Jack to have a lunatic laughter going about. I'm afraid we might be getting an uproar any second now. I hope they kill Jack first though.

*The next page was covered in dried up blood, Linda was able to make out the following words; "..Help.... never... laughter... slaughter... mad... unnatural... goodbye.. "

The following pages were empty apart from one that had;

"HaHa HaHaHa ha ha haaahahaaahaaa haahaaahaaa hahahaaaa"

"Well, that sure explain a lot"
Viki had a bit of suprised face.
The air felt a bit heavier all of a sudden as the girls were sure they heard a lunatic laughter about..
Linda still had chills going down her spine. This place was getting more and more creepy every second.

Viki decided to look though the captains quarters bit more incase there's something intresting going about. Unfortunantly most of the maps and other logs were ruined, but she was able to find a compass that was in fine condition and a small fancy golden pencil, she also found a weird vial that had very clear liquid inside it, it was barely visible but you could feel it inside it. The vial was sealed with a cork.
She took the book, compass, mystery vial and pencil.

The final place the girls had not yet investigated was the gargo bay. It should sure have something good! After searching for it a while, they found a ladder that took down there. It was seemingly the only non blocked way in there at the moment.

The bay was a bit dark, but the small holes on the hull shined enough light in, barely though the mist though. There was some water leaked on the floor, but only a few inches.
It seemed to be the jackpot considering all the barrels and crates around. Disapointments were had, most of the crates and barrels had spoiled food, ragged ruined clothes, useless suplies..

"Now thats what I'm talking about!" Viki suddenly said.
She found a weapons rack! And there was still weapons on it. Yet only three of them seemed to be in fine shape, but they sure were the best of the bunch.

First there was a steel sword. Obvious upgrade to her current sword. It had a nice shead for it aswell that was bit time bitten but still useful.

Second there was a steel mace. Very spiky end and seemed to be very handy and easy to swing about, could make a good off hand or otherwise nice weapon. It'd be easy to carry on the waist on the otherside of the sword.

Last but not least was a steel halberd. Unlike many other halberds, its handle was pure steel aswell! The axe end was sharp and it has very spiky spear like peak. It had encravings going on about, maybe this was someone's personal weapon?
The halberd however was almost as tall as Viki, so she was unsure how to carry it around.

Linda felt something magical, as she tossed a few crates away at one of the corners.
She found a very sturdy and fancy looking chest! It was locked though. Whatever was inside it would surely be in fine shape. She was about as excited as a kid in a candy shop. Though the lock was a bit problematic..

A) Attempt to Fire Bolt or Arcane Bolt the lock.
B) Try if Viki can break the lock with the mace she found.
C) Leave the chest alone..
D) Try look around for a key
E) Other?


1. Free style. What should be done with the weapons? And if take all, should Viki give one to Linda? etc.


Level 7.

Stamina 8

Willpower 11
Magic 15
Agility 10
Strength 7
90/145 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand. 20+ from silk pants.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 8 mana. (-2 due of item)
Firebolt. 13 mana. (-2 due of item)

-Fire knowledge in studies- Can light things up.

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry
Naga spit medium + naga expirement, Linda boobs have grown by a size and her nipples are very sensitive.


Head - Wizard hat (Mana reduce offense)
Top - Fine silk top
Legs - Silk pants (mana plus)
Boots - Simple sandals
Hands - Silk gloves (arouse touch)
Neck - Enchanted necklace (???)
Finger - Lion Signet ring.
Waist - Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. 5 iron throwing knives
Back - medium backpack.

Backpacks and purses;
medi small purse
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic and pants. Introducion to Fire. 6 food ration.
white sleeveless woolen top. metal flask. 2 rolls of paper. 1 energy potion. 1 mysterious potion.
Local beastiary book
Black dagger (enchanted) Cyan Orb (???)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 28 silver 38 copper worth money.


Level 7.

Stamina 12
Willpower 9
Magic 2
Agility 15

Strength 12
Viki is energized
Viki is not hungry


Head -
Top - Well stiched leather top
Legs - Well stiched leather pants, White panties underwear. Small quiver with 50 copper bolts
Boots -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger - Lion signet ring
Waist - Copper cross bow. Decent iron sword.
Back - medium backpack.

Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic. peasant pants. 9 white panties. Slightly used roll of rope
1 skinning knife.
2 food rations. Very crude map.
Captains log (1435). Compass, golden pencil, mystery vial.

Hidden money pouch holding, 32 silver, 1 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

uhm, D. If it's so sturdy then a mace probably won't do much and that magic Linda sensed may be the chest itself, rendering magic unhelpful. I suppose if a key isn't evident bashing it with a spiky thing couldn't hurt (provided that they have time). Viki should grab everything she can carry but keep hold of it. Phat lewtz to sell!
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


1) Take as many as we can carry without being too overburdened.