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Steam Fuck CYOA



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 10, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA


"Father." You say, hesitently. "I... have found someone." Your father does a double take.
"You have?" He askes, and doesn't wait for an answer. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've simpley told Smith and avoid all this embarrassment!"
"It's not official. We just recently met and, to be honest, I'm not sure how serrious it is, but I'd like to explore the option before I'm wisked away to some wedding were I'll be nothing but a trophy wife." Your father noded.
"I understand." He said. "Don't worry about Smith, I've got more than a few tricks up my sleave."
"Thank you Father." You say, giving him a hug before heading out. Now to get back to Faleen. The only question is, how do you proceed now?

A) Tell her about the situation straight out.
A1) Before giving her the fish.
A2) After giving her the fish.
B) 'Enjoy' her company before telling her.
B1) Give her the fish first.
B2) Give her the fish just before the discusion.
B3) Giver the fish after the discusion.
C) Don't tell her yet.
C1) Give her the fish first.
C2) Give her the fish later.
D) Other.

Another short update, I know, but the choices always seem to come up fast.

Y) Have shorter updates with more choices faster.
Z) Have longer updates with fewer choices slower.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA


EDIT: I like the illithids thinking.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B1 and Z. Tell Faleen about the situation, but that you wanted to explore a relationship with her, because you think you might be in love with her.
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Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B1 and Z. Tell Faleen about the situation, but that you wanted to explore a relationship with her, because you think you might be in love with her.
Well we did just meet her like a day ago but... I would like to try it at least given our "problem"


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B1, and whatever pace feels right for you is good


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 10, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA


You make your way back to Faleen's creek and notice that she's not here right now, or at least, not out of the water. You call her name a few times, to no avail, so you set your stuff near a rock by the creek, your clothes quickly following suit. You settle down in the creek, relaxing and enjoying the feeling on your skin, and wait for Faleen to make her return.
As you wait, you fantasise about what it would be like living with Faleen, and what your house would look like and where. It would have to be near a body of water, that much is obvious. Maybe a house by a river with a water wheel? Any river large enough to have a water wheel would be more than large enough for Faleen, and the wheel would give you more than enough power to continue working as an engineer. Durring the day you'd be in the workshop while Faleen does what she does in the water, and nights would be filled with untold pleasures. The only problem with that fantasy is that such a house would be expensive, and while engineers make good money in war times, during peace, the make little more than a blacksmith. You may end up spending a few more years with your parents than any involved would like, but that's a problem for another day. Right now you need to talk to Faleen, where is that sprite?

You unspoked question is answered when you feel Faleen wrap her lips around your member, hard from your day dream. You can't see her, because you're both in the water, but you'd recognise her tounge anywhere. You reach one hand down to cup her head while she bobs up and down, while your other hand reaches up to fondle your breast. While her mouth is doing it's thing on your thing, you feel her work her magic and push something into you pussy, all the way up to your womb. You start thrusting agenst her, and soon it becomes too much as you fill Faleen's mouth with you cum. You're a little dissapointed that you climaxed so quickly, but you did just loose your virginity today.

Faleen brings herself part way out of the water, and rests ontop of you, bringing her lips to your's for a passionet kiss. The two of you make out for a few moments, before you break away.
"I brought you a present." You say.
"Realy!?" She askes, instantly excited. "Whatisitwhatisitwhatisit!?" She's almost like a kid in a candy store. You reach over to you bag, and pull out the wrapped fish.
"I wasn't sure what would be best, so I got you something not from around here." You say, handing her the wrapping. She sits next to you and unwrapes the fish, and her excitment turns to sorrow.
"I'm sorry!" You say, trying to salvage what you could of the situation. "I should've known fish was a bad idea. Just because you live in the water doesn't mean you eat fish. You probably have friends who are fish. Gods, I am such an idiot!" Faleen ignored your rant, took the fish out of the wrapping, placed it in the water, and started to glow. The glow spread to the fish, and after a short moment, the glow stopped, and the fish swam away. Faleen turned to you with a smile, which instantly turned into a fit of laughter.
"Ha ha ha! I'm, ha, I'm sorry, he he, but the look on your face is priceless! Aha ha ha!" You shake your head, glad she's not upset with you.
"I realy am sorry about that." You say when she calms down.
"No need to apologise." She cuts you off. "I'm only one of a handful of vegititerian water nymphs. Most of us would've devoured that fish in a heart-beat. Besides, how could you have known, only just loosing you verginity?"
"Books, maybe?" You say half hartedly.
"Books are no substitute for personal experience." She replies with a grin.
"Any way." You say, turning the conversation to your problem. "You remember when I told you about some of the men noticing me too much?"
"Of course silly." She says with a smile. "You only told me this morning."
"Right." You say, slightly blushing in embaresment. "One of them has started negotiating with my father for my hand in marraige. The only way out of it is to find someone else as a sutor."
"And the first person you thought of was the magical puddle that stole your verginity." She says with a sour look.
"No!" You say quickly. "I would never say that about you."
"I know you wouldn't." She says, stroking your face. "But many of the towns people would. Then you and your, masculenity, would have to go and defend me, and might get hurt in the process." She rubbed herself over you cock when she said masculenity.
"Maybe in the past." You say. "But we're out of the dark ages. People are more open minded these days. Besides, my father has enough pull to-" You were interupted by an exploision coming from town.

You and Faleen quickly stand up to get a better look at the town. You can hear yelling and gunfire now, and smoke is coming from at least three places in town, and right before you start thinking of what to do, you hear a blood curdling war cry.

"Stay here Faleen." You say. "I'm going to try and help."
"No!" She says, latching on to you. "You stay here with me. We can escape along the creek, be happy and free, and away from the horrors of the world."

A) Detatch Faleen from you and go help. Your family is in there.
B) Throw Faleen down and state your discust at the notion of leaving your family, friends, and neighbors to die.
C) Hide with Faleen in the creek, but don't run away. There's nothing you can do, but this is your home.
D) Run away with Faleen. There's nothing you can do, and the town's probably doomed.
E) Other.
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Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

C with D as backup

question to we have our money and can we tell the parts or rough guess of the areas being attacked?


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

C: we'll come back soon, to steal the survivors and the corpses - and maybe kill one Ork or two.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

A. Nice guy(..?) saves the day! Well, grabs some loot and runs away, in any case.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

E Tell her while you would love to do just that, you couldn't in good conscience leave your family behind to fight and maybe die, and not knowing whether or not you were safe, it would be cruel to do such a thing. Then tell her that you want to spend more time with her, and that you would be back as soon as you could.

Then lean in, peck her on the lips, and then rush off to help as best you can, if it looks like you'd be overwhelmed then run to Faleen and don't look back. But if you can then kill all of dem orcs.