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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls


Random pointless deaths I doughnut approve of.

Anyway, I suggest we pretend to be a familiar. Perhaps curl up under Necrobabe's cloak or something.
Re: Tentacle Souls

2 Be ready to run in case they attack us on site (we are a tentacle creature after all... how are they to know we're saintly?) and make sure to inform them that their goblin problems are gone. Who knows, maybe we completed a quest?

If 2 doesn't work then Evolve Stealth II and sneak over the wall.

We do need a cape, cane, monocle (?), and a top hate, don't we? We'd be one dashing tentacle monster thing.

What MrMe said but at a later time... Not to be asked in public I think.
Re: Tentacle Souls

btw could we evolve ilusionary human form or something similar in future to help us in this kind of cases?
Re: Tentacle Souls

Hmm attractions eh?
2 Do you think we could magic up a fine top hat to wear on our core? If not us than perhaps necrobabe might have the talent for tailoring. Polite, like a sir.

Back-up plan, Evolve levitate 2 & 3, they will make it easy to scale the wall and come on handy on the future

Also, perhaps we could have grieving sex with the necromancer? Can't think of any better way to mourn a fallen comrade.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Option 2 has the most votes! Now let me skim back and see what that option is... OH.


You stroll up to the guard nice and relaxed. It occurs to you to try some duplicitous behavior (sneak in somehow, or subdue the guards) but that's the attitude of old you. Who you are now would do this the civilized way.

"Greetings, gents!" you call out, to looks of mild surprise from all and sundry. And all respect to the guard; if he's surprised to see a serpentine mass of blue and purple tentacles sliding through the mud towards him, he doesn't show. Perhaps he's just depressed by the rain.
"Could you perhaps let my friends and I into your pleasant looking establishment?" you ask, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

The guard squints, glancing back briefly at his fellow who's still standing by the gates. That man just shrugs.

"You, er, going to cause any trouble?" He glances around at the rest of your group as he asks this, from the sullen Necromancer to Gregor to a bewildered looking Atta.

"No. Best behavior," you promise, which Gregor follows with a faux-hearty "Of course!".

"Well... I suppose if you were the trouble causing kind, you'd have probably already bashed our skulls in by now!" He gives an immensely awkward laugh, then trots back to his post, before unlocking the door. "You can all, ah, go in. Just don't cause an upset."

You all walk forward, drenched to bone yet the slightest bit cheerful for the first time in too many hours. Nodding appreciatively to him as you pass, you all scuttle through the door and into the giant wooden town.

Feeling oddly bewildered at how easily you strolled past what must be the worst guards in history, you take the opportunity to have a quick look up and down the street. It forks off in various directions, and various stone-and-timber buildings rise on all sides of them, tall but compact. An unused stocks sits in the middle of the street, not far from the town entrance, and you see signs for various places; an inn, herb shops, weapon shops, public baths... even a library. Of course, no-one's about - something to do with the fact its the middle of the night and pouring with rain might be responsible for that.

Without even any verbal discussion, the group of you head for the inn. It'll be nice to put your feet up.
You open the door, and walk in. Contrary to most standard dramatic conventions, the inn doesn't fall silent at your arrival - instead everyone continues in their conversation, eating their food, and in the case of one bloke muttering quietly to themselves in the corner.
In seconds a wave of heat washes over you, and the rain vanishes from the human's soaked clothes - that's a nice bit of magic.
Too weary even for food, you ask the maid behind the bar for rooms. Whilst she glares at you, she does begrudgingly offer some rooms; the last two they have remaining.

After quickly conferring, you decide to have one room for Atta and Gregor, and another for the Necromancer and yourself. Trudging up the stairs (and finally attracting just a few curious glances from the customers of the inn) you reach the bedrooms, and bid goodnight to Atta and Gregor. You and the Necromancer enter your own room.
The Necromancer (magically) undresses, before slipping under the covers of her bed. There's something oddly fragile and tender about her in that moment, necklace of bones not withstanding. You feel oddly protective of your friend, and grateful you found her in Blue's lair.

"Quick question," you ask. "Do you kill everyone you have sex with?"

She laughs, the notes of her voice tinkling prettily. "No, it's something I can control. Why? Hoping to get lucky?" She winks, but from the way her head immediately settles back down on the pillow, you can tell she's not in the mood.

You think your next question through carefully.

"Do you have a name?" you ask from your position coiled on the floor.
There's a very long pause before she answers.

"If I did... I've forgotten it now," she says. "Part of becoming a Necromancer; who I was had to die. I... remember... sometimes... but prefer not to." Her voice catches on the last words.

Another long pause.

"What about you?"

You snort involuntarily. "I'm the Tentacle Lord. The one true one. Stuck in this form... but a name? No. Never a true name. I'm... not sure if... can you miss something you've never had?"

She shrugs, then rolls over in her bed, facing away from you. You immediately worry you've done something wrong, upset her somehow, but she whispers: "I'm glad I found you, you know."


When you wake from your mental stupor, the sun is shining in through the window. Birds are singing, and the Necromancer is up and dressed (unfortunately). She smiling brightly with the new day, all traces of vulnerability gone. Smiling mentally yourself, the pair of you leave your room to go and check on Gregor and Atta - only to find they're not there. The room is empty, cool wind blowing in through a smashed hole in the glass window.


Option A) Investigate the room first for any other clues.

Option B) Investigate downstairs first - maybe someone down there saw something unusual last night?

Option C) Investigate about the town;
C1) Ask in shops.
C2) In the town hall.
C3) In the library.
C4) In the public baths.

X) Make your inquires politely and calmly.
Z) Use fury and threats to get results from your questioning.

All options are morally neutral.

'Why don't we just pick all 3 options in that order?' Well, being the writer I know important things are happening right this second in-story and what you decide now will affect their fate. So choose what you think is the most important thing to do first, at least.

Health: 150/150
Energy: 150/200
Morality: 8/100

- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Teleport I (allows you transport small, inanimate things back to the Dimensional Nexus, or wherever you set up a lair in the future. Further upgrades allow you to move bigger, and eventually alive things. NOTE: This spell will never be usable on yourself).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Perception II (20 Energy. Use body language and other subtle, chemical clues to put together a general hint of what someone is feeling at any given time. Is that a molecule of sweat? They're nervous. Are their fingers tapping? Clearly impatient.)
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

- Magic Cannon. (40 Energy Cost) Unleashes a huge blast of Magical Energy, costing 10 energy each time, but one use of this spell has been known to strike holes in reinforced castle walls.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

AX being polite has worked fairly well so far.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Logic would dictate investigating the room...but I can't help but feel something isn't quite right with the library.

Re: Tentacle Souls

SOOOOOOOOO tempted to evolve Stealth to II or III, sneak into the baths and kick off Lust........ So TERRIBLY tempted............. But I'll refrain. XD

I'll go with A, followed by C1X if at all possible.


maxentius-septimus said:
Percetion II would make it easier to get answers.

Evolve Perception to II or III, possibly max if not to much energy. Would also suggesting maxing out Aura Detection. BAT-TENTACLE MODE ENGAGE!
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Guess I'll go with BX Seems like the best place to get a lead on witnesses and anyone who heard what happened. A and C1 would be most important after that. Not sure what going to town hall would gain us but it might give us a good idea whats going on in town. Going to the library seems like it would place the investigation second to gaining knowledge of other things. The bath would probably mainly be fun and maybe a good place to hear rumors.
Also we should get an evolution or 2 to help with investigation:
Perception II would make it easier to get answers.
(Maybe something else.)
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Get Perception II, check out the room, be nice.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Perception II and III
These to see if the people we talk to are lying shits.

I choose Bx - maybe the town drunk saw something, we'd best find him before he gets kicked out for not paying his tab again. x because we did say we'd behave ourselves...
Re: Tentacle Souls

Since this is perhaps an important choice? I have tried to use LOGIC please tell me if my logic is unsound.

First what we do know.

Very few saw us enter besides the guards and the people in the inn. Our rooms are on the second floor and theirs has a hole in the window.

Deductions and wild guesses.

The enemy broke a hole in a second floor window to open said window and climb in to nap the people inside. Unless of course if this is a feint to make us think they came from the outside when they came in from the inside... If the first is true then I suspect a Mage (levitate). Why they'd need to break the window instead of just opening it using powers of the arcane is beyond me... >_>

One could say that asking the people in the inn would be a waste of time but I think that inns are great places to know what's what in a town. Besides I kind of doubt the guards had anything to do with our kidnappers (unless they told the man in charge who told X who decided to kidnap them for what ever reason).

I'm gonna go with B followed by what ever sounds the most suspicious (from what the people say there). X followed by Z (if it looks like they know something and they aren't talking then we get a little nasty). Oh and get Perception II
I nearly forgot. We should keep Aura Detect on high because our mage and soldier should glow and we should know their auras by now. Even if they're behind a wall we might be able to detect them, yeah? Especially the mage who should glow stronger than the soldier.

P.S. If I missed something go ahead and tell me.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

The enemy broke a hole in a second floor window to open said window and climb in to nap the people inside. Unless of course if this is a feint to make us think they came from the outside when they came in from the inside... If the first is true then I suspect a Mage (levitate). Why they'd need to break the window instead of just opening it using powers of the arcane is beyond me... >_>
This raises a fair point. Is there glass on the floor in front of the window? If not, they probably just punched it from the inside like a bunch of sneaky fucking assholes.

I nearly forgot. We should keep Aura Detect on high because our mage and soldier should glow and we should know their auras by now. Even if they're behind a wall we might be able to detect them, yeah? Especially the mage who should glow stronger than the soldier.[/U][/I][/B]
This is p. smart also and I second it.

I'll change my vote to check out the ground floor and not the room if the glass fell outside. Also, by 'calm and polite' we should be doing that 'really calm but fucking angry' thing that most people probably know only happens when
Re: Tentacle Souls

B X and evolve perception II
Re: Tentacle Souls

Hey guys! Im new. :)

Well I say we should get perception 2 and 3 before we go question people so we can understand if they are telling us the truth or not, we should also get aura detect 4 too so we can find them by checking around for their auras. (60 energy still remaining after those)

My vote goes to B, followed by C2 but while we are going to the town hall to ask our questions do C1 to the shops on the way so we dont lose any time while we are doing it since we are moving to C2 at the same time. And I say X at first but if we understand that they are not telling us the truth (perception comes in to the play at this point) we go ahead and do Z.