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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As if something else was discussed Riley smiled brightly at Jennys answer and before she could even finish her bandage request quickly tackled her into a hug and a particulary deep kiss!

Lina blushed lightly at the sight and covered her mouth with one hand lightly, hiding a sly smirk. Azreal snickered casually, before replying to Jennys request "There should be quite a few in the infirmary, but I doubt you'll need them." he slowly approached the two kissing girls "Though you can grab a few healing potions from there aswell."

Riley finally broke the kiss and giggled mischieviously, the girl alight with glee "And if you're leaving I'd suggest a change in clothing." the archmage looked over Jenny who still wore the elegant evening dress "Would be a shame to ruin such a dress in conflict."

"You can dress up in my quarters." he paused briefly "And no funny things on my bed." though it wasn't clear all the girls clearly felt Azreals knowing smirk.

During Peace intervals feel free to spend xp whenever [Yes you can now]
Mutations can only be gained post sleep/knock out
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You so sweet Azreal I wish I could kiss you on the cheek." Jenny smiled and took Riley and Lina by the hand and ran off to the arch-mage's personal chamber. "Don't forget I owe you a painting!" Smiling to herself Jenny led her sister and her lover to the chamber to see what cloths they could conjure up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The trip back seem to fly by as the girls discussed their clothing, while what should Jenny wear was quite the topic, Lina turned the groups attention to Riley! "No." she nodded firmly "But you'll really stand out in that, Riley." Lina continued to insist "While we can, we should dress up properly and enter the town inconspiciously. I'd suggest simple farm clothes for all of us" Lina turned to Jenny aswell "That includes you too, sis."

"Well from what I gathered with the ward down, we should dress for combat not subterfuge." Riley crossed her hands "I say we take comfortable and elegant clothing. Something tells me Conjuration orbs are a rarity outside. So how else will we be able to have clothes that look great and work in combat."

The duo looked to Jenny for the final word, as a bonus the discussion ended right near the tear to the Grandmasters chambers. What would it be?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny though a good moment on the topic before turning to the girls. "Well they know me and I would rather be recognized as strangers would be looked upon with suspicion. So maybe we should have some loose combat cloths underneath some winter wear." Smiling before the two girls could answer Jenny slipped into the tare.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Both girls blinked at Jennys response "Oh..." "I forgot it was winter to begin with." Lina smiled sheepishly, as next up Riley would approach the orb. Though first up was the trio or well quarterts if one includes the silent yet always vigilant lil' constuct. As Jenny approached Riley activated the robe, just to make it all the more cheesy, likely through Azreal machinations, the clothing change was even accompanied by some particular music.

Jenny felt herself fitted with dark silken bra and panties, the girls ambigiouty in her preferer armor ended her up in a battlemages dress. It seemed like a plain dress light dress, but had a light dark red chestguard/corset on top of a plain crimson dress. Though be it by choice or not, even in winter, the succubus sported quite the cleavage cut.

Next up was Riley, who still kept with her classic ringmistress style, though this time her garter belt straps were renewed, her corset seemingly tightened and dark stockings all the more prevelant. Aswell as her coat tails growing in sharpness and length.

The trickster winked to Lina who could only harumph and her failed persuasions as she stepped up forward. Lina was by far the most modest of the girls, sporting a simple, but very elaborately designed light red robe. The expertly woven gold filigree keen to show off the exceptional craftmanship.

Soon after all three of the girls had a light blue trails of magic surround them and summon forth fur coats of some unknown creature. Whatever the poor thing was, it's fur was all too soft and warm. The winter cold would not touch them underneath these.

Riley paused briefly and looked to Sir with a mischievious grin. The poor guy stuck in three girls shoping spree "Hum~ and what shall we dress you up in." the Servo stopped back, if he could a cold drop of sweat rolling down his side.

All three gain brand new Battlemages Robes( AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1 ). [Negates any previously worn armor]
Pick Sir cosmetics if you want.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled as she looked at the little guy. "How about some green shorts with little buckled shoes some tall socks. Add in some suspenders over a white shirt and a pointy green or brown hat?" Jenny looked at Riley and giggled to see what her friend would say. Grinning more Jenny leaved over and whispered to Riley. "Hey can we get some of the priestess style robes I was wearing before I want a special gift for someone when we get back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley laughed playfully "Yodeliheehoo~" just as the girl asked so it was, the ringmistres twirled her fingers and quickly the orbs energies surrounded the tiny golem. Lina covered her mouth to hide a smile and snickered playfully at the following sight. The outfit was complete, including a red feather in the hat.

Sir looked over himself and then to Jenny, the overall and short shorts combo fitted perfectly... heck the shorts seemed to be formed not to just be flapping about.

"Oh... sure. But we'll need to go to the armaments room in the Spirit Warrior court. The orb conjures clothes directly on the wearer" Riley smiled at Jennys requests. Looked like the whole group was in orded. Unless there was something else the trio would leave the grand masters suite.

"I'll actually miss this place..." Riley sighed happily looking around as they continued onwards.

Sir is now 300% more festive and beer-worthy
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled "Oh after this mess is over Im sure Azreal will need someone to lead the theater to start the school back up." Jenny looked over at Riley. "After all it would be such a waste to leave the place so empty and who knows maybe he will need some teachers to." Jenny nudged Lina with her elbow before picking up her little friend and giving him a hug.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"After two years of being a puppet and fighting to survive in these halls." Riley paused looking down thoughtfully "I'm not sure I could look at the academy the same way." Lina seemed to want to ask something, but kept her mouth shut for the time being.

The girls quickly arrived at the Spirit Warrior section of the academy once more, now numerous birds resting on the dummies or dusty training area under the sun. The armory was refreshed aswell, the armor and clothing lining up beautifully all along the walls. Every weapon imaginable was still on display.

Finding the pure white raiments would prove all too easy "m~? Interesting souvenir." Riley smirked at the choice "I always loved that armor. Makes the wearer look so angelic" she smiled widely.

Lina only blinked at the angelic clothing... CLOTHING, but hardly 'armor' "That doesn't look too... protective." Rileys eyes widened, before she giggled in a friendly fashion "Well we hardly ever needed to fight anything within the academy. Guess the designer was on the pervy side."

Riley also picked up one of the dresses and placed it infront of her "It does have some padding and armor though... nothing major. I imagine the spirit warriors rely on dodging or combat magic." Lina scanned the battlemages robe once more, clearly sceptical... but more than a little curious "Who's it for Jenny?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well its for a certain angel I rescued from of a dungeon of demons. I hope she likes it." Jenny smiled and kissed Riley on the cheek "I think you will both like her.. that is if she made it...." Jenny frowned a little but quickly smiled back. "Well we should be heading out soon. Didn't Azreal want to see us before we left?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Instead of just accepting the kiss on the cheek Riley swiftly guided Jenny to her lips for a quick dance of their tongues and smiled widely "Hum~ and I was hoping the three of us could... explore some more" the pervy ringmistress winked to Jenny, glacing down her body and to her eyes. Well the academy was theirs and it was safe...

Lina blushed brightly at the thought though before she could speak out her embarassment or outrage another figure entered the armory. The bright flames and ragedy robes were unmistakeable "Sooner than you think actually." without any warning or preparation Azreal snapped his fingers to force open a tear in the middle of the room. Wild winds echoing out across the room making all the weapons and clothing erraticaly fly of their stands "Sorry to interupt girls, but I highly suggest you leave right around... asap." oddly enough he spoke in a fairly confident and stern fashion, barely the grand master Jenny had been in contact for this time.

"Go directly to the city hall. Don't stop to steer away for even a moment. The tear will drop you off near Nico's apartments."

Departure loot:
New clothes for the party + 1 battlemages robe.
2 healing potions
1 SP potion
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was sudden and due to the tone Jenny knew it was dire. "Thank you Azreal for everything." Jenny took out her rifle the well worn stock dented and scrapped. Checking it over she sigh a moment. "If you see our mutual friend Azreal tell him I hope our next meeting is long and far away... after all the future is always changing..." Jenny's tone dipped into a moment of sadness before she perked right up. "Get ready for a fight girls!" With that Jenny went threw the tare gun ready.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hopefully neither of us will." he paused briefly "Keep my city from burning down till I get there 'kay?" the archmage broke the stern tone and returned to his previous self.

Riley twirled her hands to summon forth her cane and fixed her hat, smiling confidently, while Lina looked to her hands practicing summoning magic with great success before clenching her fists and looking to Jenny.... while behind them stood Sir still as hopelessly confused at his current yodel-worthy attire.

"Get ready for a fight girls!" With one final cry the trio went through the tear, while Sir was actually grabbed by his hand a final message whispered to his ear by Azreal. The lil' guy looked to the mage curiously who only nodded to him. A message kept secret. With that he quickly followed through the tear closing behind them, leaving the academy and it's master behind them.


The girls were swiftly dropped off into Kings Coast, the silent of the night surrounding them. It was deep into the night though the sky was far from dark, bright illumiation coming from the town hall in the middle of the city.

Looking around the girls were at Nico's apartments, all the doors busted open and broken. The bar infront ransacked and seemingly burnt, it's life utterly sucked out of them. The road had numerous burns all throughout it and on each end of the road there was a roaring bonfire "W-what happened here..." Lina covered her mouth in shock, surveying the sight before them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hopefully neither of us will." he paused briefly "Keep my city from burning down till I get there 'kay?" the archmage broke the stern tone and returned to his previous self.

Riley twirled her hands to summon forth her cane and fixed her hat, smiling confidently, while Lina looked to her hands practicing summoning magic with great success before clenching her fists and looking to Jenny.... while behind them stood Sir still as hopelessly confused at his current yodel-worthy attire.

"Get ready for a fight girls!" With one final cry the trio went through the tear, while Sir was actually grabbed by his hand a final message whispered to his ear by Azreal. The lil' guy looked to the mage curiously who only nodded to him. A message kept secret. With that he quickly followed through the tear closing behind them, leaving the academy and it's master behind them.


The girls were swiftly dropped off into Kings Coast, the silent of the night surrounding them. It was deep into the night though the sky was far from dark, bright illumiation coming from the town hall in the middle of the city.

Looking around the girls were at Nico's apartments, all the doors busted open and broken. The bar infront ransacked and seemingly burnt, it's life utterly sucked out of them. The road had numerous burns all throughout it and on each end of the road there was a roaring bonfire "W-what happened here..." Lina covered her mouth in shock, surveying the sight before them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was shocking but after all she had been threw Jenny hardly stopped. "Come on Lina we need to get moving to the town hall." Almost grabbing Lina by the arm Jenny pulled her along following a well remembered route. In truth she wanted to stop and stare but the danger in the air was almost palpable and Jenny wasn't going to risk getting caught out in the open. "Come on girls this way. Sir keep an eye out for trouble and stay close." With that Jenny moved gun at the ready trying to make as little noise as possible.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Y-yeah!" Lina nodded firmly and quickly gathering up her presence of mind, though was clearly shaken. The trio quickly made haste through the town towards the city hall, the only illumination guiding them the few bonfires and the bright glow from the middle. It was a complete ghost-town, most windows closed shut and devoid of life. The streets previously always having wanderers of the night now desolate and silent.

Though the silence would slowly fade giving way to numerous voices and jeers, as the girls approached the main street the unmistakeable sounds of mob would echo infront of them.

Turning the corner Jenny saw what illuminated the town, numerous torches were held high as seemingly most of the town surrounded an actual stockade with a figure way too far to make out talking to the substantial gathering.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Keep moving!" Jenny didn't like the look of this one bit. People where easily swayed to do things that they wouldn't normally do if they gave into fear and a crowd mentality was the hardest thing to disrupt. Still Jenny wanted to make sure her sister and lover made it safely back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny approached the newly built stockades the scene was slowly unveiling itself. On the grounds there was a total of 5 figures. The speaker was dressed in long black cloak, the cloth absolutely devoid of features. He was clearly of old age a long white beard and moustache adorning his face, a contrast to his bald head. The man was reading some scroll before the crowd, but at this distance and with this commotion Jenny couldn't quite make out what it was.

Next to him - an opposite, a young man fairly casually sat next to the stockades, his hands behind his back and rocking back and forth in a beat up looking chair. He wore a white chestpiece with a just as white robe beneath it, the armor adorned with red accents and gold encrustions. The fairly elaborate belt had a robust tome attached to it, it's cover gleaming with gold and other expensive materials from a distance. The man face was hidden under his hood.

The other two figures however Jenny recognised, Reinan, the towns sheriff, and Grace, the girl the heroine herself rescued from demons, were locked up in pillories. Grace crying out to the crowd, the sheriff seemingly lifeless next to her.

Even in her rush, be it by instict or conscience choice Jenny hid her demonic features though her mad rush seemed to only spur a few stray looks to her, before they looked back. Inphased by the trios rapid approach.

There was one more figure on the execution grounds, a still smoldering dark dark skeletal figure. Tatters of it's clothes still freshly falling off the executed body.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"STOP!" Jenny held her weapon at a ready position looking right at the young man her gun aimed at him. "Whats going on here what are you doing to these people!" It was a risky move after all she gave up surprise in order for answers. Still she bet she was faster on the trigger than most of the men present. "I swear you lay a single finger on their heads you'll pay for it in blood!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The barrel aimed down at him the man, the poor fella all too shocked quickly raised his palms and seemed accidentally rocked the chair a bit too hard falling backwards along with his seat! "Jenny!" Grace cried out relief evident on her face!

The whole crowd quickly ran aside and looked on in terror at the armed girl threatening the men. Though the black robe figure remained unmoved as he calmly turned to the armed girl "These people have been conspiring with demons. They are sentenced to death." the old man had a strong, booming voice. His stature unflinching as he looked on at the disturbance.

The younger man meanwhile even in his fallen state quickly traised his hands and showed his palm to the girl and seemed to not move from his fallen spot.