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Experiment 1: The Rite

Re: Experiment 1: The Rite


If he hadn't hurt the tree, maybe sex, but...
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

Option 2!
Niah elbows the rukh to the floor, and straddles him. Her blood begins to boil slowly, literally, as desire rises - even he can see that now, as her green eyes begin to glow.

The rukh tries to get up, but Niah slaps him into place, and grinds her slit against his cocks, then kisses him, her tongue finding his - slipping inside a small seed of mischief.

The rukh doesn't even notice it but suddenly he is only more desperate.
The rukh settles back, growling as Niah administers to his cocks, taking first one, then the other, alternating her attentions between them, licking the base of his manhoods.

Then she guides them with her thick fingers, panting in anticipation, and takes both inside her. Niah's long moan resounds in the corridor aside, drowning out even the rukh's harsh growl of satisfaction, as she rides him hard and fast, taking him deep inside her with each stroke, one in her pussy, the other mashing her ass, before she loses control and lets him take over, he rises and pins her to the wall.
Their faces are centimetres apart as Niah and the rukh make like animals, a raw, natural instinct; each stroke of his is matched by her hips, and she crosses her legs behind his back, letting his cocks reach the innermost parts of her.

The one in her pussy thickens, all of a sudden, lengthens, and finds the entrance to her womb. Niah moans, as her womb gives way and lets his thick head enter. 'Faster, you fiery fuck!' she urges him, and the rukh is only too happy to comply.

Again, the most peculiar sensation comes over her as his cock in her ass thickens as well, molding her to his shape.
She pulls him towards her breasts, and his fiery tongue traces glowing, burning lines across her skin.

The alien heat, lasting for only milliseconds but enough to make itself known, sends her into an immediate climax, and Niah's claws slash across his back, opening long wounds, but the rukh doesn't care, and keeps at it, roughly dragging her down to the floor to continue.

He takes her from behind, and now both cocks have grown to such an extent that he doesn't even have to move much to drive the bloodsapped nymph to orgasm.

Finally he reaches his own peak, and shoves himself as far as he can, and Niah comes one last time as he fills his seed inside her, a hot, fiery jizz that she can feel burning its way inside her.

Then the rukh gargles, twice; coughs once - and falls, his now-flaccid cocks still spurting seed.

'What's the problem with you rukhs? Like some sort of fucking explosive you are. One quick burst and then off you go?' she asks the corpse, and feels the rukh's warm seed drip out of her.

Niah grins at the sight of the small plant which has taken root in his stomach and has already broken through the skin. 'Guess you really didn't know, did you? Never kiss a nymph if you're going to fuck her - you'll be biting off more than you can swallow.'

Niah slashes at the metal door, and it parts before her claws like butter. A few more hits and the door is just so much swiss cheese. She steps out, trying to get her bearings.

The wind is blowing northward. Some sort of castle? This is not underground, she knows that much. There's light here, too. She finds another door at the end of the corridor, with a snoozing guard right next to it.

'Not your day, is it?' Poor human. Their skulls aren't thick enough to stop a nymph's claws. She searches his corpse for whatever - armor that won't fit her, a bow but no arrows, so that's just junk - more importantly, a key.

It's a good thing there's a key - this door, hopefully leading out of the dungeons, is thick and hexed. Anything touching it would be zapped right to their bones.

The door, opens, and finally there's sunlight, blessed sunlight. So where is she? And is that other rukh - that infernal eldritch bitch - anywhere around?
Obviously this is a castle. One good thing is that Dreamscar is not too far - she can see it in the distance.

Bad thing is that there's a guard standing on one of the turrets, and he's seen her, so action stations!

Niah ducks down as three arrows hit the door exactly where her head would have been, and rolls off to the staircase leading up. There's not much cover here so she runs, sending all her strength down to the bark encasing her legs, propelling her at a supernatural speed across the castle courtyard.

There's three heavily-armoured guards standing right in front of her - the same armour as the ones who'd captured her were wearing. Their weapons are edged with darksilver, and they'd cut right through her, but 'you've got to fucking catch me first, you little shitstains!'

Perhaps shocked at her speed as much as her bad language, the guards are slow to respond. One of them gets his head cleaved in two - helmet and all - but the other two are quick, and raise their shields, which get shredded anyway. There's very little that a nymph's claws won't penetrate.

She jumps past the second and sinks her right hand claws into the surprised guard's torso. Although the armour stops her somewhat, it still goes deep enough to slash his lung (she guesses). The guard drops anyway, so fuck him.

Something whooshes over her head as Niah ducks again out of instinct, then turns on her heel and gores the remaining guard.

Just as she's getting her breath, a cheery voice pops out of the woodwork. 'There you are, little nymph! You kept me waiting. I thought you'd have dealt with Aazir faster. He's so good, isn't he, that you had to sample the goods? Good boy, Aazir.'

Fuck. Double fuck. The male rukh, the one that should have been dead, is right here, next to the slut. Or is he dead? The plant is still growing out of his stomach, and his eyes aren't burning, so yes. Niah gestures, and the plant explodes, its life winking away even as she apologises to the goddess of the forests. The rukh's insides splatter his owner.

'You little bitch! Do you know how long it took to resurrect him last time?'

'Keep talking, whore,' Niah whispers, dodging the first five fireballs. She gets close enough to reach the bedamned rukh, but the rukh immediately puts a ring of fire between herself and Niah. This is one tough bitch. Time to run.

Niah runs into the battlements, leaving a nice trail of decapitated armsmen in her wake, then shuts the door once she reaches the room at the end of the corridor. Jackpot! The armoury. There's an awful lot of enchanted bows, crossbows, and.. oh my.

That's one big gun, she thinks, looking at the ballista. It might just get the job done. But then it has just one shot - there won't be time for another if the first misses.

On the other hand, some of these crossbows are pretty good, too - she'd be a lot more mobile with one of these. But would they be big enough to penetrate, no pun intended?
Choices, choices.

A. Use the ballista, blast that fiery fairy a new one. Sudden death.

B. Take the crossbow. Enchanted, and with bloodsap she can reload a lot faster than the original owner could even dream of.
Fanatic bonus options:
1. Tip the crossbow bolt with some of Niah's blood. The essence of a bloodsapped nymph is one of the deadliest poisons in existence.
2. There's one single container of ten crossbow bolts - all marked acidic. Wonder why.
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite


The cumbersome, unwieldy option never works out. Actually, can't we tip some in blood and grab the container on the way out?
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

B1. As much as I like being good, never trust a weapon with only one shot to do the job.
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

A Blast that bitch skyhigh!

Edit: Noticed I only put 1 instead of A.
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Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

B2 poison..poison..poison
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

Option B2 in the bag, by a very close margin.
Sorry for the delay. Job's been going overtime since the past few days.

Niah picks up the crossbow and the small box of acidic bolts. These are some well-made bolts - they're practically oozing with the good stuff. Might just burn their way through the stone walls if she let 'em.
A sudden thud on the door reminds here why she's shopping down here. Niah primes the crossbow and crouches, waiting. She doesn't have to wait long - the thick door, made to stave off battering rams, is no match for something at the same temperature as molten lava.
The rukh turns the door into a pile of metallic goo, and waltzes in, still floating two feet above the ground.
The bolt zips through the intervening space and blooms on her forehead, snapping her neck. She pulls her neck back into place, then smiles.

'Aw, sweetie. What damage do you-' Then she screams as the bolt turns her orange-tinged skin first green, then red. It burns a fist-sized hole in her forehead before falling off, finding nothing to adhere to.

By that time Niah's fired off two more bolts, both as close to the heart as she can get.
'You won't get me that easily,' the rukh splutters, coughing up some orange, fiery blood. But it's all just bravado. She's already down, she just doesn't know it.
Niah puts her heel against the crouching rukh's shoulder and pushes her onto her back, then fires three more bolts in quick succession, into her eyes and throat.

But the rukh's still fucking talking! What the hell is this bitch made of?
'You're not getting out of here in time, you little naturalist bitch,' the rukh manages to say, before her whole body glows ominously. Oh, fuck.

Niah runs as fast as she can. The rukh is going nova, and in a few more minutes there's going to be very little left of this castle.
It's quite beautiful, too. A huge orange mushroom cloud blooms from the armoury, steadily devouring everything it comes across as its radius expands; not powerful enough to touch the castle's walls, but everything within those walls is toast.

When the glow recedes and she can open her eyes, she sees only charred and broken stone, all that's left of whatever castle this once was. So who the hell were they?

What had they wanted with her? And when they'd found her, they'd been looking for her. What was going on? No answers, only more questions.

Screw that. She was much closer to Dreamscar now, nearly at the gates of the vale - the castle might have guarded the only pass into Dreamscar, considering its proximity to the vale. And served to distract all the... stuff... that came out of Dreamscar.
She began her walk through the pass, dismissing her bloodsap. Well, at least one good thing came out of this.
The crossbow would be useful, and if she ever ran out of bolts, well, it wouldn't be too difficult to conjure them from treebark.
Dreamscar Vale. One of the most dreaded places on the continent. It wasn't because there were creatures here that weren't seen anywhere else, or because most of the trees were carnivorous.
No, it was because a long time ago, some wizards had opened a portal here. A portal so unstable that it kept switching between all the dimensions in existence, and because of that, a variety of creatures had wandered in; gods, demons, animals, mortals; everything.

And that was why this place was dangerous. You never knew what you were going to run into.
So, finally here. To find the Chalice of the Mountain God, for a rite she knew nothing about.
Half an hour into Dreamscar, she comes across a very curious thing. A signboard. In the middle of the forest. Even if there's this rough path that hopefully leads somewhere.
The path forks, and the rusted, broken signboard has only one plaque on it. 'Go back' is what it says. Cheery.

Niah lays her hand on one of the trees, trying to figure out where to go. One fork leads to an ancient dungeon, or at least, that's what she thinks it is.
The other leads to a dwarven lair. Of course, since the dwarves are all but extinct, there'll be very little there, apart from... their creations? Dark elves? Mutates? The results of magical experiments?

And on the other hand, a dungeon that could even be a maze. Excellent. Spoilt for choice. From whatever she'd heard of the Chalice, it was said to be hidden 'deep inside the heart of the mirror', which could refer to a dwarven mirror, the midgets' preferred manner of communication.
There are two in this jungle. No prizes for guessing where they're hidden.

Suddenly a low growl emanates from somewhere in the jungle, and a set of tracks appear on the dirt. Niah pulls out her crossbow; but because she so stupidly dismissed bloodsap there's no point in even trying. She's too weak for this.

Whatever this unseen creature is, it's either too fast or simply invisible. Fucking cheater. Some sort of panther, she thinks, trying to judge from the growls and the crushing of leaves. It pulls away some seven feet from her, the tracks suddenly coming to a stop; then silence.

This is not good. Classic predatory behaviour. She'd better do something and do it fast.

1. Run! This is something beyond Niah's capabilities right now; there's no bloodsap which means she might not be able to heal.

2. Fuck that! She's got a crossbow in her hands and acidic bolts equipped. This thing may be invisible but it makes a lot of noise, and she's dealt with panthers before.
A) Adopt the panther's own strategy. Morph (like Shadowcat from X-men) into the nearby tree; wait for the panther (or whatever it is) to make its first move before opening fire.
B) Stay where you are, lure it into the open, manipulate the vines to capture and kill the beast. This will require timing and a shitload of luck.

And then, assuming she survives -
X) Take the right-hand path to the dungeon, maze, whatever
Y) Take the left-hand path to the dwarven lair.
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Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

I did say that there'd be rewards for choosing one alignment over others. I really wanted this to factor into all the decision making.
Here's the alignment rules, now that there's enough alignment points for me to make a system. This comes late, I know. Only minor adjustments anyway. Thanks go to Shadow for this stuff.
Each choice gives you 2 alignment points; each bonus option is worth 3.
However, each deviation takes one point off your last choice, e.g. if you have bonus guardian options and you take the fanatic option instead, you get -1 to your guardian alignment. Same goes for vice versa.

So, as of the third update: You have

Guardian points: 1 (since there was a deviation in post 2)

Fanatic points: 7 (since you took two fanatic options and one bonus in the third post).

Note on bonus powers:
The first bonus power unlocks at 5 points, then powers will keep coming in intervals of 15. You can only take either a guardian or fanatic bonus power - not both.
Reference: Guardian bonus powers are defensive in nature. Fanatic bonus powers are offensive.
And now for the unveil! Fantastic fanatic alignment bonus power get.

Choose between:

i) Tendrils 1: Basically think of Niah turning her left hand into a mass of tendrils - short range offence and defence. Can block most arrows and other projectiles if she's concentrating. Tendrils will also come in handy while lockpicking stuff. Will later grow into a massive whip (so you can go all Indiana Jones and shit) or into a cat o'nine tails (short-range multi-tailed whip).

ii) Seedspitter 1: Grow a small, retractable bud in the palm of your hand. I sure hope you've seen MIB 3 - the guy J & K are after has something like this. Think of it as a tranquillizer dart, effective up to twenty feet. Will only work on mortals right now. Can be upgraded to fire explosive seeds, acid gobs, traps... We'll get there later.

iii) Earthgrip 1: This is not a weapon, it's a spell. Basically a trap. Move the earth around your opponent's feet and trap him/her/it in solid mud/rock. Sirens are immune to this - duh, they're 100% mineral water. Anything else that's not water-based that so much as touches the ground is fair game. Only works if Niah's standing on land too. Otherwise there's no point.

iv) Sporehaze 1: Niah's skin will disperse a huge amount of spores into the air. Confuse your opponents in a haze of spores, then sneak attack for extra damage. Later levels will render this spell hallucinogenic, let it paralyse, blind, or even arouse Niah's opponents... but keep in mind that if the opponent doesn't have eyes, ears or nose, this is pretty much useless.

No guardian powers this round! If you reach guardian 15, you'll start the Guardian power tree from there. Let's see how long I can keep this up :cool:

Just mention the name of the power in addition to your choice. My own fault for introducing this so late.
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

A! Run away and jump between trees! Confuse it and get it to attack a carnivorous tree!

For the power up menu: i Tendrils 1 - This looks to be the most useful, utility, infiltrating an enemies body (nose, mouth, ears eyes and pop thme all out.) As well as lockpicking is just too godo to pass up.
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

1Y II. Seedspitter can we choose not too get a Fanatical power and wait till 5 Guardian points?
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

sporehaze use it to find out where the enemy is by releasing the spores the will stick to the enemy and then fire the crossbow at him
Re: Experiment 1: The Rite

A, and save the power up till we get some guardian options.