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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, looking at the spot, smiled "That spot is yours to do whatever you want with, even if you just want it kept just as it is forever, or a garden or a special room. It's your spot and only yours. she said grinning

This house... it was going to be fun, and if they needed more then she'd already offered, then she'd go swimming of course. But at the moment, she wondered where everyone else was, surely Giselle's sisters wanted to see her. And where was that enchanter woman, and where was the architect, or the treasure she'd eaten! And why was she impatient!
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I-It's... my special place? R-Really?" Giselle asked, almost whimpering as she spoke. Then she hung her head and merely sat there for a few seconds, not moving or anything and Kylie would hear a small sniffle from her lover before Giselle looked back up at her with tears streaming down her cheeks, her lips quivering slightly as she looked at Kylie. "Oh gods Kylie... thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?" Giselle said, crying her eyes out as she threw her arms around Kylie and hugged her as tight as she could, though it wasn't all that strong a hug all things considered, and it was quite obvious that she cried tears of happiness rather than sadness.

While Giselle was crying her eyes out, Tina and Delilah walked in and when they saw their sister up and moving around a bit they let out sighs of relief as they came over, but when they saw her crying they gave Kylie a suspicious look, as if thinking she'd said something to make their little sister cry again, which actually she had, but for different reasons this time around.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was understandably worried at Giselle's odd turn of behaviour, until she started crying tears of joy, apparently her idea being a good one, scratch that, Fucking Great One. And Kylie hugged Giselle back for all she was worth, right up until she started wincing because of the stitches. Seeing the other two wander in, Kylie looked at them and then glanced at the drawing.

Good tears! Promise! It wasn't me! I didn't do it! Well... Shit I did, But it's good notbadpleasedonthitmeI'macripplerightnow!!!!" As Giselle cried tears of joy, Kylie panicked at the sight of her sisters because she really didn't want a beating right now, especially one she didn't deserve, that would just be downright unfair. And would hurt! Extricating herself from Giselle, hopefully without a bruising, Kylie showed them the drawing.

2 things! I'm glad you're both alright, and thats the future home of Giselle and Myself. Probably with more added later, and stuff, and junk. It's a work in progress. Kylie said, pointing at things in her best "Look what I did!" attitude, preening as she snuggled Giselle and kissed her cheek.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"You did huh..." Tina said, staring down at Kylie rather menacingly while her baby sister cried her tears of joy at what Kylie had said.

"Hmm... what should we do about her making Giselle cry again sis?" Delilah asked Tina with a smirk on her face.

"I don't know... hmm... maybe we should do this," Tina said with a nod to Delilah and a wink, then as one, the two older siren sisters leaned in and kissed Kylie on either cheek. "Thank you, for this here that you've offered our baby sister," Tina added after they kissed Kylie, which made Giselle blush and likely did Kylie too.

"S-Sis, I'm not a baby anymore, so stop calling me as such, it's embarrassing," Giselle said, whining a little bit as she blushed and looked away, but when Kylie snuggled up against her, Giselle put a loving arm around her and snuggled back, looking very girlish which was something Kylie hadn't seen from her before, it made her look like a young teenager that had just found their first love.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, wincing slightly before realising she was being kissed in a fairly cute and disgustingly goofy manner, smiled and snuggled into Giselle, before dragging EVERYONE into the bed for a massive cuddle fest... well, she wanted to, but she honestly didn't have the muscle for it, so instead she cuddled Giselle and hummed softly as she added a few minor details to the house.

Offered? Promised. Wealth can't buy happiness but it can build a beginning, so that's what I'm doing for myself, and my love Giselle, and a future. I can't go home, not really... not anymore, I don't think anyone really expected me to survive this mission and silver to gold I can almost garauntee my old family has already had my funeral... I can hope. In all seriousness, if they come looking, and they might... No, we'll cross that bridge should we come to it.

Kylie had suddenly slipped back into her memories, before shoving them all roughly aside and returning to the world in the present, refocusing on her friends as she thought about not just today anymore, but the future she kept rambling on about. She had all this space here, for training, for weapons, for defenses... what was she so afraid of... And for one moment, she WAS afraid, downright terrified, there was something important she had forgotten, there had to be... And then it was gone, the fear, doubt and worry all shifting away like a ghost.

Turning to her friends, Kylie started giggling, and then laughing outright for no particular reason. I've just realised something! I've still never met a Vierra. Also! I'm hungry again, and thirsty. She said, her features immediately deadpanning before she got out of bed. Giselle~ Would you mind over much if I went on a short walk and stretched my legs? I would love nothing more then to snuggle you forever, but I'm stiff and could use the movement... and probably a cane... and bacon.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well that's good to hear Kylie, but don't say that you can never go home okay... because you are home sweetie," Delilah said to Kylie, sitting down on the bed beside her and Giselle and pulling them both into a hug and cuddling with them.

"That's right Kylie. If you wish it to be, this place is your home now, but... when another ship comes if you'd like you could send a message back with the ship to your family. Or... I hate to say it, you could return with them and let your family know you yet live, but if you did go I would suggest you take Giselle with you," Tina said, sitting down on the other side of the bed next to Giselle, where she hugged first her baby sister and then Kylie.

After thinking to herself for a few moments and getting the frightening feeling that she'd forgotten something important, and after she asked Giselle if she minded her walking around a bit, Kylie would feel Giselle pull her into a loving hug, unsure and not really caring why Kylie had begun laughing. "No I don't mind, but only if I can try to get up too so I can go with you. I may have been raped half to death and all, and I might be really weak from it, but I'm not wounded like you are. So, Tina you mind helping me to stand up and see if I can manage walking, because I want to stretch my legs and the rest of my body out a bit too, and we can hold onto each other for support," Giselle said, smiling gently as she raised up in the bed with Kylie and eased her legs over the opposite side of the bed, regardless of what Kylie told her about resting more, Giselle meant to at least try and get up it seemed.

Tina moved immediately to help Giselle get up, which even though the young futanari siren was weak she managed to do, with a bit of trouble though. Her legs buckled when she stood up, but Tina was there to catch her and easily held her up, smiling happily that Giselle was wanting to get up and move around. Delilah meanwhile helped Kylie to her feet, lending her shoulder for support as she wrapped an arm around her to hold her up in case she started to fall.

"Also sis, I think you'll like the surprise we've got coming for you. It should be here sometime in the next hour or so, so let's be sure to get you back before then okay," Delilah said, winking at Kylie and whispering to her that the alraune were bringing the little ones they had saved a couple of days before, minus the little one that was injured of course.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I've got a present for you as well, lets go check in on the nice lady making it for us, and then harass her incessantly out of a need for our own amusement, I find her rather hilarious personally Kylie said, not commenting on Giselle wanting to move about. In fairness, Kylie was more roughed up then Giselle was, and was probably the one that shouldn't be moving, but... She never stopped, so that was a lost cause in and of itself.

With their living blue haired walking sticks, Kylie led the way towards the door and the enchanter woman elf piercing maker of shiny things whose name she had shamelessly forgotten, because she had had other things on her mind at that moment and was only semi conscious anyway. There was of course the fate of the Tiara to check up on as well, but only Hazel knew about that so far, and Kylie would prefer to keep it that way for now.

with no objections and no reservations, Kylie wandered out into the day smiling and feeling pretty damned good. A moment of peace, surely they had earned that much yesterday...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, alright then. But really you all don't have to give me so many presents, I'm fine really. I mean... yeah I was a little heartbroken when Kylie stated that she wanted to leave for a while, but I hadn't planned on doing anything rash. I'd just gone to my spot in the clearing for some fresh air yesterday was all, I slipped out of bed while Shaela wasn't looking to go, because i knew she wouldn't let me go alone and I wanted to be alone. Tina, Delilah, I know you both thought I might go and do something stupid, but... really... I'm not that sad anymore, especially since meeting Kylie. And... well now I've gotten the closure for Celia that I sought for the last few months," Giselle said as they set out, first in reply to Kylie's words, but then she moved on to something... a little more personal and Kylie would find out the name of the angel that Giselle had been i love with before she came along.

"You mean... those were the succubi Giselle?" Delilah asked, sounding quite aghast at hearing this as they walked up to the door of Serena's place.

"Uh huh, that was them. They said they were there to make me pay for killing their toy, and that they were going to make me their toy instead to make me kill all those I loved before killing me themselves. Of course in order to do that they had to weaken me, but I fought back in my special place, but they overpowered me when they blasted me with that damn essence, and I was pretty much made docile for whatever they wanted of me," Giselle replied, which gave them some insight as to what had happened exactly when Giselle was taken, meaning they had all been wrong in assuming she'd run away because Kylie had left, stopping before they went in to speak some more.

"I... we had thought you ran away like you usually do when something like this happens," Tina said, wrapping an arm around her baby sister and pulling her over to hug her.

"I know Tina... but... I've decided something since Kylie came here. This time... I'm going to be a big girl and... be mature about this, regardless of the outcome," Giselle said, sounding quite mature as she turned to Kylie just after they left the house and were going down the street. "So whatever happens Kylie, between you and me, I at least want us to always be friends. I'd like to be more, but... I'll understand if you don't want to, or if later on you decide you'd rather not," Giselle added, pulling away from Tina after hugging her back and looking directly into Kylie's eyes with her own blue ones, where she then stepped closer and pulled Kylie into a deep kiss right there in front of both her sisters, as well as at least another dozen people of the village, slipping her right arm around the small of Kylie's back where her splinter wound was, while her left hand went around her upper back, holding her tight like a lover, but not so much it hurt.

"I'm glad to hear that from you Giselle, really I am," Delilah said, looking as happy as she sounded.

Once she was done and had pulled away from Kylie, Giselle smiled at her with a very pronounced blush on her cheeks, where she then gestured for her lover to lead them on inside, assuming she wasn't so embarrassed from the kiss that she'd lost her train of thought, in which case Delilah would wrap an arm around her and lead her inside where they would see the elf behind her counter fiddling with something.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, listening carefully but not speaking, giggled after being kissed and pressed her forehead against Giselle's. So it was those two then. Good, they're dead and from the sounds of things, deserved worse, but if you're going to be like that, I guess you don't want the super shiny pretty thing I got for you She said slyly, licking Giselle's cheek and catfacing before wandering into the shop.

Hellllloooo~! We've come to visit~! Kylie said loudly upon entering, smiling at the fiddling woman fiddling behind the counter in a fiddlyish manner, because if she remembered right, the tinkering elf did that quite a bit, never stopping her work based on what Hazel had told her, regardless, it was probably a little surprising to see everyone just wandering into her shop. Thankfully this all gave Kylie an excuse not to answer Giselle properly in front of everyone else, which she was admittedly slightly embarrassed about.

Gesturing for everyone to take a seat because she was just that way, Kylie held Giselle back a little bit to whisper into her ear softly. All of this, I do for you, If I didn't want us together, I would simply say so Giselle, never doubt that. This statement was followed with a soft hug, and a softer kiss to the Siren's neck before she readressed the woman behind the counter. Wellll~? How goes it O mighty maker of magical things?
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle giggled back at Kylie when she pressed her forehead against her's, smiling happily at Kylie when she licked her cheek. "Yeah that was them, they're the ones that made me kill Celia. And a pretty shiny present for me huh, well let's see what it could be then," Giselle said with a giggle, then she pecked Kylie on the cheek again before they entered.

When they entered Serena's house the elf took no real notice of them as she sat there on her stool working. However when Kylie called out as she entered, Serena had been so working so intently on whatever it was that she failed to really notice them other than waving her hand back at them, and so she yelped and jumped a little on her stool as whatever she'd been working on let out a small kaboom as black smoke billowed up into her face which caused her to tip over on the stool, landing quite hard on her elven tushie.

"(Cough cough)... P-Please knock next time... (cough cough)... I was just finishing up with working out how to perform the enchantment from that tiara you gave me last night. Your rings are right here under the counter hang on... no not that one, not those either... ah here they are," Serena said as she coughed, mumbling as got back and and began looking under the counter for Kylie's rings once she saw it was her, moving a couple of other rings out of her way to get Kylie's ring order from the night before.

Then she set a ring case up onto the counter. It was carved from the finest cherry wood and adorned with the most beautiful blue sapphires Kylie had ever seen that were ringed around on the upper side of the split where the case opened, and it was shut with a little clasp that you had to flip up to open it. The other ring case was identical to the first one, save it had rubies adorning the places that the blue sapphires were on the other one. She opened both cases up for Kylie to see the rings, and Kylie would see the platinum one for Giselle was in the sapphire adorned case, while her's was in the ruby one. Serena stepped back for a minute for Kylie to look at her rings and took an old rag and wiped her face off from where it had turned a little black from where the small explosion happened, while Delilah looked back outside the front door of the place and told a couple of people that had rushed up to see what had happened that all was okay, and that one of Serena's enchantments blew up in her face again.

"It took me until around three this morning to finish those beauties up, some of my best work all things considered. I hope they are to your liking. And about the tiara, well it's right over there still, and like I said I was almost done with it, shouldn't take me but a few more minutes if you'd like to wait where we can then go dispose of the thing," Serena said, pointing over her shoulder at the tiara which Kylie could now see sitting on Serena's desk behind the counter.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, upon seeing the small explosion that their sudden intrusion had caused, did what any potential new friend would do, she laughed, she laughed long... and hard... and with great enthusiasm, in fact, she was laughing so hard that the assassin had to lean against Tina to even stay standing, whimpering in pain after the first few minutes between chuckles AHhhhhhahahahahahaha It.....*snerk* it hahaha it Hurts... O gods... can't breathe... bwhahahahahaha

Wiping tears from her eyes as she finally calmed down, she simply nodded at the request to knock, knowing she had found her mad scientist friend, and that her and Serena were going to get along just fine, before watching as she dug out the boxes containing the rings, though her eyes had practically latched on the Tiara as soon as she had entered. But no one had stolen it, so it was still safe. That however did nothing to settle her mood about it and the urge to simply take it and smash in rage was only assuaged by Serena saying they could wait a moment and she could be present for it's destruction.

This meant quite happily, that she could witness the end of her mission with her own eyes, and police the shattered remains herself. But right now, she had something else to do. Taking the sapphire adorned box, which was truly beautiful on it's own, Kylie realised that these were going to be something of family heirlooms if they lived that long, and so Kylie did the derpiest thing possible. She entirely forgot how she was going to give Giselle the gift, and panicked.

Flustered, blushing furiously, and realising something in a flash, Kylie found herself on one knee, her mind reeling, as she presented the box to her lover, and opened it slowly for her. Giselle... Will you marry me?
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'm glad you find this funny, and if I wasn't in such a good mood about the tiara I'd say something. But since I do have it and you gave it to me and all, I can't really say much. I'll be done shortly," Serena said, not seeming to particularly like the fact that Kylie was laughing at her misfortune, but not really sounding angry about it.

Delilah and Tina both caught Kylie, as Tina had already sat Giselle down on the sofa Kylie and Hazel had sat on the day before. Then while Kylie laughed mirthfully about Serena's small explosion, the two sirens helped the wounded assassin over to the sofa next to Giselle after Kylie grabbed her rings. Giselle was about to wrap an arm around her lover when Kylie suddenly got down on one knee in front of her and presented the ring to her.

"(Gasp)... W-What..." Giselle said, blushing even more so than Kylie was as she sat there completely dumbfounded by Kylie's words. "Of course I will!" Giselle cried suddenly after a few moments of silence, grabbing Kylie's hands and pulling her up onto the sofa into her lap with her where she pulled her into a deep kiss.

Tina and Delilah watched the two and smiled, looking so happy that Kylie did what she'd just done, they were so happy in fact that they couldn't contain their joy and sat down beside them and waited for them to break their kiss before they both just squished the two between them and hugged them thoroughly and didn't let go until Kylie wanted to stop, at which point Delilah and Tina both kissed Kylie on the either cheek like they'd done earlier.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well that went over well, with the happy fuzzy warm feelings overflowing in the room, it was a marvel that Serena wasn't quietly vomiting in a corner, but she wasn't and Kylie was happy, and everyone else was happy so happy for everyone, which was great! Despite Kylie's once again rampaging train of thought, she did manage to place Giselle's ring where it belonged, on her finger!

So it was a win for basic motor skills, Donning her own ring, Kylie pondered the enchantment that was supposed to be present on these rings, and how exactly Serena had implemented it as she looked down at her own and then at Giselle. This was of course after extricating herself from the massive cuddle pile that had formed. However, Kylie had seen quite enough affection for one day and managed to dodge any further attempts to grab and hug or kiss her barring Giselle, who was always welcome to do so.

Maybe she was just being weird, which was perfectly normal, but her stitches were starting to hurt and she was getting tired quickly. Stifling a yawn and looking a little drawn, Kylie gave Giselle one more kiss, and tried to stay focused.

Looking at Serena, Kylie smiled softly and simply reminded her that the destroyed pieces were to be brought to her, trusting her to complete the job because she suddenly needed fresh air rather badly and meandered outside, looking up into the sky and sighing softly as she glanced around.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie would see while she was being hugged from every side that Serena had gone back working on the tiara after she'd taken the rings, apparently either ignoring or not caring what they were doing. Giselle smiled at Kylie with tears in her eyes as the young assassin placed the siren's ring on her finger where it belonged, then she kissed Kylie on the lips one more time before letting her get up if she wished, making sure it was a sweet and passionate, yet chaste kiss. When Kylie did get up though, Giselle reached out and gently took her hand and kissed it, lingering in her hold for as long as she could while Kylie started to walk away.

"I understand miss Kylie, don't worry about it so much, I'll hold up my end of the bargain because I have no need for the tiara after I learn the enchantment on it. Give me another half an hour or so and I should be done," Serena called to Kylie after Kylie had told her what she did.

After Kylie had left the building and the others behind inside, she would see the sun in the sky, which was very clear amazingly enough, considering she was in the middle of a jungle and all. "Hey there... beautiful day isn't it," Kylie would hear from behind her, and when she turned to see who it was she'd see Hazel floating there about 4 or 5 feet away, lightly flapping her wings as she stared at Kylie, a small smile on her lips.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Content with trusting Serena, and giving Giselle's hand a squeeze and a light but honest smile as she walked out, Kylie wasn't surprised in the slightest to see Hazel floating about. So... The meandering Lust demon has rejoined the party, Are you going to wander around in the air all day? Or join us mere mortals on the ground Kylie said, grinning up at her, refusing to be lured into a conversation about the weather.

Personally, after this day is over, I'm going to sleep long, and hard, and then oversee the construction of my home while I heal up. After that's done, how would you like to join me in looting the rest of that ship, Or would you rather we take care of that ASAP. Eventually, the owners of all that wealth are going to come looking for it, I'd rather it be gone, and we plant evidence of piracy, then have someone else take what I view as mine by right.

It seemed business Kylie was back in full swing, and she'd immediately turned her thoughts to the horde of treasure that she did indeed see as hers, as well as her friends and her soon to be family. And that meant securing it, and throwing others off it's scent, because gold had a way of bringing out the worst in people, and left a trail in the water easier to follow then blood for a shark. A few extra arrows, some gunpowder... maybe a black flag left on the wreckage, and no one would question what had happened to it all.

There was also the issue of her bow, which meant the blacksmith, probably as soon as the others followed her outside, but pondering that, she gestured for Hazel to join her on the ground. I'm also interested in getting back into structured combat training, does this little village have a weaponsmaster anywhere?
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As soon as Kylie had called Hazel a meandering lust demon, she raised her hand up and bapped her on the top of the head. "Hey, I'm a devil, not a demon. Demons are vile evil creatures, and I'm not. And I'll appreciate it if you wouldn't call me a demon again," Hazel said a little angrily as she landed beside Kylie, where she then pulled her into a hug after Kylie finished speaking. "As soon as you get healed up me and the others can all go with you to recover that treasure, and I can just burn the bloody ship to cinders if you like once we get it all. The weaponsmaster though you'd have to talk to Ilyana about, because she'd know more about that kind of thing," Hazel suggested once Kylie was through talking to her for the moment, which might be better for what Kylie was wanting.

After a few short minutes, Giselle came out the door to see where Kylie had gone and when she spotted her she walked over to her, where she slipped an arm around her's, leaning in and pecking her on the cheek affectionately. "Hey there love, what are you doing out here? And... how are you doing Hazel?" Giselle asked Kylie, then she leaned forward a little and asked Hazel.

"Well I was told by Reina that you all came this way, and I wanted to see how you both were doing, so I came a looking for you and.... Wow Giselle, where did you get that ring? It's beautiful," Hazel said, curiously staring at Giselle's new ring.

"K-Kylie gave it to me, j-just a few minutes ago actually. S-She proposed to me," Giselle said, clinging to Kylie a little bit and blushing as she explained to Hazel what had happened, giggling after a few seconds as if she finally realized what it all meant and laying her head over on Kylie's shoulder.

"Did she now," Hazel said, her gaze switching from the young futanari siren to Kylie, whom she looked at curiously, as if to ask why she hadn't told her about it already. "I was hoping I would be there when you gave her the ring and all that, but oh well," Kylie would hear Hazel's voice in her mind say where Giselle couldn't hear, so it seemed that Hazel could speak telepathically.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I was hoping you'd be here for it Hazel, but you were off floating about, and don't whack my head! I like it right where it is" Kylie said giggling and sticking out her tongue. "Besides, I had these rings and Serena made these pretty boxes and I'm getting really tired and figured I'd better not hold it off lest I take a nap at random. Which could very well happen."

It was true, she was tired and this particular morning had been unusually full of activity. Loving activity, but a great deal of it and then of course there was things like the emotional stress of the entire situation. Which of course now amounted to zip zilch and nadda!

But now there was the blacksmith to consider before returning to the house for the playing and the snuggling of tiny plant people, and then a nap, a long nap. A Nap of Epic Length and Power!. Fuck she was tired.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh well, and the reason I bonked you on the head was because you compared me to a demon, which I don't appreciate in the least," Hazel said, petting Kylie's head a little. "Anyway though, I do hope you recover soon Kylie. And do tell me when the wedding is and I'll get you a nice dress, and I want to be the godmother of your first child you two, so hurry up after you get better and get to making babies," Hazel added with that annoying giggle of her's again before flapping her wings and flying off to gods only knew where.

Hazel's words made Giselle blush red as a beet while she stood there holding Kylie's hand with her arm wrapped around her lover's, the young siren turning her head a little bit to try and keep Kylie from seeing just how embarrassed she was by Hazel's words, looking quite cute. If Kylie pulled her around to look at her then Giselle would turn, but this would only increase the blush on her face even more so than it already was.

"Um... do you want me to come with you to anywhere else after we get through here Kylie? I think I can manage, despite how sore I still am. Besides I think it's best I move around as much as I can to keep my muscles strong. Plus we've got to hurry and get back in time for whatever my sisters had waiting to surprise me with," Giselle asked Kylie, still clinging to her arm as if scared to let her go, still blushing because of Hazel's words.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie spared Giselle any further embarrassment apart from squeezing her hand lightly and chuckling. All we need to do is drop this little piece of paper off to the Smith, and then we can head back She said kissing Giselle on the cheek. If children were on the menu... Well, it was too soon for that, despite anything hazel had said, and no matter how much she didn't want the wedding to be a huge affair, she was certain that Delilah, Tina, and Hazel, as well as the others would make sure it was massive and horrifically embarrassing. But that was life eh? All these friends/family and their expectations? Kylie didn't care as long as everone was safe and protected, she didn't think they really understood what could be headed their way, so it was best to prepare now, and enjoy the peace and the love she had found. But this bow... it was getting made one way or another.

Besides, There is no one else i'd rather walk with Giselle, Come on She said brightly, refusing to let any of this embarrass her. She was supposed to find happiness, that was part of her goal in life, and she'd found her own little place to carve out as her own with people she cared about and that needed her. The Steel Rose would understand... They had to.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle returned the hand squeeze Kylie gave her and merely smiled a little and blushed some more, nodding when Kylie told her what it was she needed to do. "Thanks Kylie... I... I don't know what it is, but when I first saw you... my heart... it just fluttered and I got this really nice feeling in me. You know what I mean?" Giselle said, still blushing a little bit as she held her lover's hand and looked up at the sky with her.

They stood around outside and looked around for a few more minutes after that before Kylie began leading them on towards the blacksmith, with Giselle in hand. While they went along, people smiled and waved to Giselle, congratulating her on managing to recover and bounce back so quickly after what had happened, and thanking Kylie as well for rescuing Giselle as well. Some of them clapped Kylie on the shoulder as she went past, congratulating her on a job well done in saving the young siren. A few of the women they passed glanced at the rings on their hands and when they saw Giselle's their eyes went quite wide at the beauty of it, but they didn't say anything unless Kylie did about it, as Giselle merely blushed when she noticed them staring.

"J-Just so you know Kylie... I would like children.... B-But not until you're ready of course, I-I'd never force it on you like that, I just... one day want to have children. N-Not soon or anything... unless... you do that is," Giselle said just before they stepped into the blacksmith's shop for Kylie to do what she needed to do, her cheeks rosy red as she spoke what her heart wanted to say on the matter of what Hazel mentioned about the children.

When they entered the blacksmith's shop, Kylie would see the blacksmith himself sitting behind the counter taking a break for now from working, and he was sipping on a cup of tea it looked like, while the girl from before was manning the counter and dealing with a customer that was interested in a shield that they had on the counter about to pay for, but were haggling.