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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie waved off any worries about her incredibly odd eating habits this morning as if they didn't matter, explaining that she'd been that way for awhile and that it didn't cause her any real problems, although chewing on wood was the strangest by far. It did however make her teeth strong and shiny, like a hamster... a strange, bipedal, bad tempered murderous hamster.

Kylie was in high spirits today by minute and mile, and as they walked through the town, she smiled and waved at anyone that took notice, one hand holding Giselle's as the moved towards Serena's, sisters in tow.

Entering the enchanters shop, they were greeted properly, rather then with a hilarious explosion this time, and Kylie grinned, waving offhandedly. Nice to see you again Serena, I just need something Identified for me She said holding up the moon shaped amulet, surprised she hadn't remembered it before now, and fishing out the two scrolls as well from under her shirt. She really needed to get that money sorted so she could use her satchel like a satchel and stop squirreling things away in her clothing like some crazy person... She knew she was crazy, but other people didn't need to know that...

Shaking her head to clear the fuzz that had built up in her brain there for a second, she smiled again. And I have to say, I'm not sure if you're cuter covered in soot from an explosion, or not, this will take some thought... hrm.... Giselle, what do you think?

While the turn of conversation was indeed strange, and a little flirtatious, that hadn't stopped Kylie from walking in and setting the assorted unidentified magical goodies on the counter for Serena to look at. Who knew, they could be useless trash as far as she was concerned.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Nice to see you again too girls. And I can handle that Kylie, so have no worries. I'm better with magical items and such, but I can identify just about anything you bring me," Serena said, taking the amulet up in her hands, Serena began studying it, glancing from the thing back to Kylie. "Just so you know, I don't do this kind of thing for free. I charge fifteen gold per identification," Serena added after a moment.

After a few moments, Serena put the amulet down and picked up one of the scrolls and looked it over, then after a minute she picked up the other scroll and set the first down. "I don't know honestly Kylie, I say yes myself, but that's just me. Of course you're the cutest of all," Giselle said with a grin on her face, leaning over and kissing Kylie on the cheek while Serena finished and set the second scroll down.

"Alright, the amulet has an enchantment on it that will give you a resistance to anything that will arouse you, namely succubus essence and alraune nectar and pollen and things like that. This scroll has an identifying spell on it, while this one has a paralysis spell on it, which will enchant whatever weapon you're wielding or just your fists if you aren't holding a weapon. Now it's just a one off enchantment, so as soon as you hit whatever with it it'll go away, but it'll completely paralyze any one living thing you hit," Serena said, waiting for her to pay up before handing Kylie the items back.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie answered the kiss with a pinch on the Siren's ass, chuckling while she watched Serena work, and once it was down, she chuckled, fishing out the coin. here you are then, thank you She said with a smile and a wink, recollecting her things and placing them safely away, though the amulet went around her own neck. This would be handy, she could tell. Turning and looking at Giselle, she laughed brightly. Not sure when or why I'll use the others, but handy all the same. Serena, you should take a break some time, relax and have a drink or something Kylie said, as she made her way out of the store and into the street.

Well ladies? We're out and about the town, anything you need or want to do before we head out to handle more pressing business? Kylie asked, wondering about Tina and Delilah, she knew Giselle would just follow her regardless of where she went because it was just her nature. Besides, she'd been leading things for awhile, maybe learning more about the two other sisters, and how they spent their time in town could be good.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie pinched her ass, Giselle gave a cute little eek and jumped a little as her cheeks flushed pink, then after Kylie had handed Serena the money and was leaned over a little bit to do so, Giselle reached over and gave Kylie's breasts a grope from behind as she kissed her neck. Giselle then watched Kylie place the amulet around her neck as she put the scrolls away for now, then she took Kylie's hand and began clinging to it as Kylie called back to Serena, who glanced up from the counter and sighed.

"I suppose I could do with a break every once in a while, but I still have a lot of orders to take care of before I can do so," Serena replied as the girls left her place and made their way back out into the streets of Feynrial.

As they came out, Giselle stayed clinging to Kylie, though more like a true lover this time rather than as if she might try and escape and leave her again. Delilah looked up at Kylie when the young human asked if any of them needed anything before they left to head for the ship in the distance. "Hmm... I could use a new magic staff to cast my spells with, the one I had was broken a couple of days before you arrived here on the island Kylie. If you wouldn't mind helping me pay for one that is, as I don't have any money at all," Delilah replied to Kylie's question, looking a little hopeful about a new staff apparently.

"I'm really good to go honestly, though having an extra healing potion or two could always be useful, they aren't needed however," Tina said, looking not so much as if she wanted to get said potions, but more a look like they would come in handy.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When you DO take a break, assuming I don't have to drag you, come find us Serena, we'll make the most of it. Kylie called over her shoulder to what she now assumed was a friend before everyone made it outside proper, and the other sisters answered her question.

Nodding, and checking the great big stash of money she had, she realised that all the expenditures she could possibly think of, paled in pathetic comparison to the ones she'd already promised, and that such gifts would be spit in the bucket compared to the true wealth she already held in one bag. Assuming the fates would be kind to her giant stash of coin hidden off shore, and assuming that only a few days wouldn't give the true owners of Coral Seeker enough time to make the month long journey required to reach this point, both safe assumptions, then what Tina and Delilah were asking was completely reasonable.

Smiling and nodding at her sisters, god that was still a wierd thought to process, Kylie handled it with nothing more then a smile, simply letting the pair pick out what they wanted, and paying for the items without asking a thing, not even a thank you. If she thought about it logically, she was the one proposing, so she was the suitor, which meant she was obliged to bring a dowry to Giselle's family anyway. This was the way the world was, and Kylie had no issues with it at all.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well then, perhaps tomorrow night we can have some drinks," Serena replied to Kylie, going back to her work.


Delilah led them on to the market where she went over to a small building that had a market stall set up right in front of it, showing some of the things the shop had within it. She looked around for herself a magical staff that she liked and finally after a few short minutes she came back over to the others with a in hand. Tina meanwhile had gone off into the store, which sold not only the staffs like Delilah had found, but also potions and a few other things, making it a sort of general store for magical items.

"This one costs eleven hundred gold Kylie, but it has a powerful enchantment on it that will make my attack spells more powerful, among other things," Delilah said when she returned with her new staff in hand, looking at it with a look of desire that let Kylie know that she obviously wanted it badly, though at the same time she looked a little ashamed with asking Kylie to buy it for her.

Tina brought over a pair of healing potions that had the price tag on them for a couple of hundred gold a piece, bringing a total of 1,500 gold for the price of all their things. "If you want them that is. We don't have to have them, I just think it'd be helpful in case Delilah gets knocked out while we're out at this ship you spoke of, and plus we'll need a boat to haul the loot back, hopefully the ship will have a life raft onboard to use," Tina said, handing the potions to Kylie.

Giselle meanwhile had stayed with Kylie while her sisters went off and got their things, holding her hand and kissing her on the cheek after they had gone off. "You're sweet, getting sis a new staff like this. It makes me love you even more than I already do," Giselle said, a look of love in her eyes.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A joke about Taking the Shaft shot through Kylie's mind when she saw the pricetag on the Staff, but she just laughed it off and handled everything without worrying. Worst came to worst, she'd hit the ship, find no cash, and violently and viciously hunt down whoever had taken her things, and murder them in cold blood without a second thought. If anyone had right to claim it, it was her.

Still, she didn't think she had any real reason to be paranoid, Logic said otherwise, no one was about town flashing huge amounts of wealth, no one had moved inwards, and you'd think, with all the succubi flying around, that someone would have noticed someone digging around in the wreckage. As well as a recovery ship being unthinkable due to the time frame.

Handling everything with a smile, Kylie gave Giselle's hand a squeeze, and didn't say anything about the purchases at all, giving Giselle a kiss on the cheek before starting to walk towards the shore without another thought.

She'd done her shopping, so had the others, which meant, boat time. And swim time, and swimming was always nice. And she had the backup she would need to get it without having to fight overly much, if it all. Lord only knew that Reina would MURDER her if she reopened her wound after being warned several times. That would be bad...

Well ladies, lets go collect my vast fortune~ All the shiny goodies~ She said giggling and skipping into the jungle, the only weapons on her at all being her gauntlets.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah blushed a little bit when Kylie paid for her staff and took it up once she had done so, looking quite pleased with it to say the least. Tina gave Giselle one of the two potions and kept one for herself, as Kylie still already had one to use. Giselle held Kylie's hand as they left the little shop, smiling happily when Kylie kissed her on the cheek as they began going towards the beach where the ship was just offshore.

"Of course Kylie, our beloved rich new sister," Delilah replied to Kylie with a smile, looking quite happy about... well everything really.

As they went along the path in the jungle, they weren't accosted by anything, save for some leaves falling on their heads, and a few bug bites from ants and other annoying bugs. After a good hour trekking through the jungle, they came upon the beach, and in the distance they saw the ship, still sitting there where it had been.

"So are we all going on out there or what?" Tina asked from the beach, looking out at the derelict ship.

"I'll help you sweetie, just hold onto me while I swim us out and hold onto our weapons," Giselle said, handing her spear to Kylie to hold onto while she readied herself to swim and allow Kylie to hold onto her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I think, that at least one of us should stay here, Personally, Delilah would be the best fit in my opinion, I need to guide you through the ship, Giselle and Tina are both strong physical fighters, and would weather the swim out in far better condition. Kylie said after thinking for a minute. Nodding at everyone, just to make sure they were all good with the plan.

There was always that strange choice in the Sea, to swim nude, or otherwise, and the simple truth of the matter was, that the Sea was too cold to do that most of the time, even in high noon for someone unadjusted properly. Kylie was blessed in that her clothing was made of silk, and not all that heavy, wet or otherwise.

Let's not waste anymore time, I don't like it. Kylie muttered quietly, remembering the last denizens that had been out there, haunting that ship, it's silent guardians. She was content in the knowledge that she'd left one at least, alive and well to guard her hoard. And it was time to go out and claim it. Without waiting any longer, Kylie started to wade out into the sea, before striking out towards the ship, gold and scrolls left behind, the satchel resting with delilah upon the shore.

Three part plan. It's simple. Find the gold, Clear any enemies who would claim it, and get it back. The ship should have lifeboats still there that never got the chance to be used. I made sure of that...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well Kylie, if you want me to stay here on the beach then I shall, but I personally think we shouldn't split up, because you never know what might happen on the ship. Plus I can do defensive magics and some healing magics as well, not only offensive magics, so I can heal some hurts and such, though if it's too drastic a wound then getting you back to Reina would be the best thing to do," Delilah said in regards to her staying behind, seeming like she didn't want to do so, but if Kylie pressed her about it she probably would. ( )

"I personally kind of think it better if we all go too myself, but that's just me," Giselle said, also appearing to like all of them sticking together more than splitting up. ( )

"Well regardless, I'm not getting my good clothes wet to go out there," Tina said, stripping out of her light blue sundress to reveal quite the bikini beneath it, which left little to the imagination to say the least. ( )

With that, unless Kylie had any objections to Delilah going with them, then she too would prepare to head out there to the ship. Giselle moved out into the water along with Kylie after slipping her kimono off to reveal her own bikini, which covered her body quite well save for her member, which she had tied with a little silken strap to her belly so that it stayed out of the way whether it was erect or not. Giselle quickly caught up to Kylie in the water and handed her lover her spear and got in front of Kylie.

"Alright sweetie, hop that cute little butt of yours up on my back and hold onto me and our weapons and I'll swim us out there," Giselle said, stooping down a little bit to allow Kylie to hop up on her back after they got out far enough into the water. Tina meanwhile had already dove into the water with her halberd tied over her shoulder to allow her to use her arms to swim and was treading water and waiting for them to get out and follow her lead out to the ship.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie stopped herself from complaining, and simply nodded, remembering what had happened the last time they'd split up. It was obvious they all worked better together when everyone was there. Okay, then we all go, that's fine. She said smiling, before hopping onto Giselle's back, whispering into her ear. Shouldn't this be the other way around~ Lover~ She teased, as they started moving out.

However! This was the sea, and that meant no handjobs on the way there, not even Kylie was that reckless, she was also holding onto a spear and a staff, and would rather not drop them... They were expensive. She also had other things on her mind, like not being a rediculous burden on the way out to a sunken ship while she was hurt. Still, one more day, after tonight, she'd be fine.

And there it was, the CoralSeeker, and repository of her claimed wealth, slowlyy coming closer with each movement, with her friends/family. It was time to see what the situation was. And Kylie even now had her eyes scanning the sides of the sunken ship for small boats, also keeping in mind the chances of one still being locked in the hold. All else failed they could make a raft as well.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle giggled ticklishly when Kylie whispered into her ear. "What do you mean sweetie? That it should be me behind you, doing naughty things? Like fucking you silly," Giselle whispered back to Kylie, giving her a naughty wink as she reached back with on arm and gave Kylie's butt a teasing squeeze, knowing that Kylie couldn't do anything back or risk losing their weaponry and possibly drowning them.

They made it to the CoralSeeker relatively easily with nothing hindering them other than a few higher waves. Tina grabbed hold of the side of the ship and started pulling herself up a little, then reached down and grabbed Giselle's hand and pulled her up to grab hold of the side of the ship, then she helped Delilah up when she got there. They began climbing up the side of the ship where they quickly made it up to the deck, and once there Giselle set Kylie down and smiled back at her.

"Well here we are. I suppose we should look around for a boat first before anything," Giselle said after she'd set Kylie down, while Tina reached back and helped Delilah finish climbing up onto the deck with them.

Delilah grabbed her staff from Kylie and Giselle got her spear, where they then spread out a little bit around the still hurt Kylie, with Giselle telling her beloved that they were doing so to keep her safe from harm. There was no sign of the large slime from when Kylie was here before, but that didn't mean it wasn't still around somewhere, though everything on the deck was as Kylie had left it a couple of days before. Being back on the ship once again, Kylie remembered seeing a couple of lifeboats in the cargo hold down below that were still in working condition that she remembered seeing the last time she was there, though getting them up would require opening the main cargo hold up and some ropes to haul the boats up afterwards.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie eeped softly and giggled, holding onto Giselle and smiling widely. That's later tonight~ She said laughing as they made their way over to the ship, with Tina seeing that everyone got onto the deck safely and with little trouble. Though when they all spread around her after retrieving their weapons, Kylie dead panned, her eyebrow twitching before she remembered that she was the weak link right now, and should just put up with it.

Looking around, Kylie was extremely pleased to see that everything was exactly as she had left it, barring the slime who was probably skulking below deck, she remembered that the creature didn't like to touch the salt water if it could avoid it. It was quite possible that it had killed itself by accident, or simply been picked off by something bigger.

Glancing around, the revelation about lifeboats indeed being below deck, made her grin, they had the one woman wrecking ball here. Well Tina, I know where the boats are, they're right below us. So.. we could risk sinking the ship by smashing through doors underneat, or we could safely crack the top of the hold here She said pointing to the loading grip any large ship had, And retrieve them that way. There's also the question of the slime, I don't see it, and it doesn't like the water, so it could be skulking in any real corner. The loot is this way She said, moving towards the stairs leading down into the hold, remembering the route she had taken last time.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah I remember you mentioning some sort of slime at some point, but don't worry about anything, we've got a Tina on our side, so any kind of slime doesn't stand a chance," Delilah said with a smile, sounding like she was teasing their oldest sister a little bit by making it sound as if Tina was a monster or something.

Tina puffed a cheek out at Delilah's words, looking a little displeased at the teasing, but not angry. "So you need me to lift this thing here so that we can haul the boats up? Give me a second," Tina asked Kylie, and before Kylie could even give half a reply Tina was already grabbing hold of the part of the deck that lifted up and heaving it up, opening the cargo hold beneath where they could see a little bit of the gold that had spilled out of the adjacent chamber glinting down in there. Tina the grabbed some of the ropes and tied them off up there on the deck, and tossed the rest on down into the cargo hold with the boats.

"Alright, now let's go down those steps and get this treasure of yours and get rid of that slime, and then we can get back to Feynrial," Tina said, looking rather pleased with herself that she'd just showed off her strength to everyone, likely impressing Kylie that she'd single handedly lifted up what was probably a four or five hundred plus pound hatch to the cargo hold.

Heading down the steps, the girls would see that this particular hallway wasn't flooded any more like it had been when Kylie was last here, where it had been up to her ankles or the bottoms of her shins. There were the same paths as before when she was on the ship. "Which way Kylie?" Giselle asked, looking down both directions of the hallway.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie blinked as she watched Tina act like a titan, she had been kidding really... but then... Wow... Holy shit. Umm. Wow, how the HELL do you do that!? Kylie asked, her eyes wide as she just stared at Tina, wondering now how the punch she had taken before hadn't killed her outright, and figuring Tina had held back quite a bit...

Shaking her head, answered or not, they headed down the stairs rather then jumping, even though Kylie could see the treasure was still safe and sound. When asked where to go, Kylie grinned, and pointed to the left, remembering her steps easily, heading down and straight towards the third deck.

She likely expected the differences in water level were due to the tides, but she was still quiet, and cautious, especially when they hit the point that they needed to swim. She remembered that she had only gotten to the third deck in the first place because of small air pockets, and that she had almost drowned swimming out through the bottom, she didn't want to repeat that problem...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Just as they were beginning their trek on down further, Kylie and the girls heard a suddenly soft rumbling sound coming from the hallway in the direction that they needed to go. Suddenly, the large slime from before came up from below decks, almost as if it had been waiting for them... or more likely it had tried to follow Kylie down below decks from when she was there before. Regardless, it was now blocking their path down to the treasure they sought.

"Oh shit, that is one big ass slime. Quick, back up top, we can't fight it down in these halls like this, it's too cramped and it'll snatch us up like we're nothing," Tina said, grabbing both Kylie and tossing her back up the ladder steps to the top, where Giselle soon followed her with a yelp as her spear landed right beside her. Delilah quickly came up followed by Tina, who slipped and fell as she got all the way back up, grunting as she hit the deck. Kylie and the others saw that the slime had snagged hold of her ankle as she climbed up and was tugging on her to try and pull her back down, but she swung her halberd down at the thing and sliced herself free.

As Tina scrambled to her feet and away from the hole, the slime began oozing up through the opening they climbed out of and began slithering towards them. Then suddenly, from the cargo hold opening right behind them, they heard a slight crashing sound and before any of them knew what was going on, a long tentacle reached out and grabbed Tina and yanked her back and down into the cargo hold, and the only thing they heard from her was a yelp. Giselle quickly stole a glance over at her eldest sister to see what happened, and if Kylie did as well then she would see what appeared to be a large octopus down below them, which had reached up and pulled Tina down with it.

"Dammit to hell, we'll have to handle this thing ourselves before we go help her out... unless you two wanna jump down to do so. In which case I'll stay here and try to take care of this thing, or go with you if you want, but make up your minds fast," Delilah said, gesturing over at the cargohold with her head, and offering to stay behind while they helped Tina, who was obviously the strongest of their group physically.

"I don't wanna leave sis to fight alone, but she can handle herself," Giselle said, not looking as if she liked leaving Tina to fight alone, but she didn't look like she wanted to leave Delilah either.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hey look! Big green and stupid! Kylie called as they made their way away from the slime and back above deck, except, that Tina's luck wasn't holding today and she wound up snagged, having to cut herself free before being able to continue. That accomplished, Tina's luck had turned into Murphy's Law, and the powerful Siren wound up being grabbed by, upon examination, Mama Kraken...

Cursing loudly and glancing between the two opponents, Kylie turned and quickly kissed Giselle, knowing her lover wasn't going to like what she was about to do, and already regretting not having her bow. I'm the most acrobatic of the bunch, polish off this thing, and I'll help Tina as best I can, smaller, close up weapons are better for something that large if range isn't an option anyway. Delilah! The Slime can't touch salt water! She said quickly, before vaulting down into the hold, backing up the strongest of their group, and trusting in Giselle and Delilah to handle the slime rather easily.

Even a quick glance told her there was water down there, both a blessing and a curse, and Kylie had been honest, if anyone was actually trained for what they were about to do here, it was her. Falling through the air, Kylie bunched up her body to make a smaller target, and silently threw herself at the main body of the creature. She knew that herself, and Tina could hold out while those above dealt with the slime, and she knew that the mage could probably do something with the water to give them an edge...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 14 vs 2 MK, hit with hidden blades, didn't break Tina free from grapple
Tina - 4 vs 19 MK, crit miss and countered and of course failed to break grapple, Tina takes 2 FP dmg

Momma Kraken - 8 vs 6 Tina, hit and stripped Tina of her bikini and teases her for 1 FP dmg and 1 AP dmg

Kylie - 17 vs 12 MK, hit, but still unable to break Tina free from grapple
Tina - 2 vs 11 MK, miss

Momma Kraken - 21 vs 3 Tina, critical pleasure hit and penetrated by the Momma Kraken, Tina takes 4 AP dmg

"Huh... wait Kylie, what are you mmph," Giselle began saying before being cut off by the quick kiss from Kylie, who then dove off into the cargo hold with Tina, whom she now saw was getting tangled up quite badly by the large octopus's tentacles, her cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment as the kraken held her aloft with her legs spread wide for Kylie to see.

"D-Dammit, l-let me go," Tina grunted, struggling to break free, and her halberd was laying on the floor under her.

As Kylie descended down into the cargo hold, the kraken seemed to be too busy with Tina to notice her dropping in, so her hidden blades were able to flash out and stab into the beast. Above her, Kylie would hear Delilah telling Giselle not to worry about Kylie and Tina that they could take care of themselves, that they needed to focus on the slime. Tina meanwhile tried to use Kylie's attack to try and break free, but the kraken wasn't about to budge with its iron grip on her as it slammed her against the ceiling of the cargo hold, bringing a yelp and grunt of pain from Tina.

The kraken then took that opportunity to wriggle a single tentacle into Tina's bikini, where it then yanked it off of her, the small bit of thin silk tearing off of the oldest siren sister in the process to reveal her whole body, which Kylie might or might not take a moment to look at and admire before she went back to trying to free Tina, as she hadn't seen Tina naked just yet.

Kylie was able to continue her stabbing of the kraken with her hidden blades, but with such a small weapon on such a large creature it was almost as if her weapons were barely scratching the thing enough to distract it from Tina. Tina meanwhile was struggling wildly, panic obvious on her face from what Kylie could see, which was something that she hadn't seen from Tina before, and it was also obvious that there was fear in there also, as well as arousal as Tina's cheeks were getting pinker and pinker as the kraken's tentacles that it wasn't using to bind her writhed all over her body. The older siren however still wasn't able to break free from the kraken despite all of her strong struggles, as it had her arms bound behind her so that she couldn't get enough strength forced into them to rip them free, and her legs were also bound so that they were spread wide, showing her nethers to Kylie. When Tina realized that Kylie had a close up and personal look right at her most precious place, she did something very much unlike what Kylie probably would have expected... Tina let out a very girlish cry as her body turned pink to match her face, and she desperately tried to close her legs.

"N-No Kylie... d-don't look at me there... don't l-look at my..." Tina said to Kylie with tears of shame in her eyes, trailing off as if she refused to say pussy out loud.

The kraken, seeing Tina distracted with Kylie staring right at her like that, quickly moved a trio of tentacles directly at all of Tina's holes, spearing her pussy with the thickest of said tentacles, while a slightly smaller one pierced her pucker, and when she opened her mouth to let out a cry a third darted into her mouth and gagged her as she let out muffled cries for help. Kylie could hear wet schlicking and squishing sounds coming from her nethers, which told her that Tina was obviously very aroused already from the kraken's ministrations on her body, and to make matters worse, it was almost as if she were only halfheartedly struggling to break free, and amazingly enough, Tina's glasses were still on her face somehow and weren't damaged any from the slam against the ceiling.

Kylie - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 5/10

Momma Kraken - FP: 8/10
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't spare her lover another thought as she dove into the fray below, landing on the creature and stabbing into it's squishy body, annoyed at how large the creature was. Thankfully, for Tina's modesty anyway, Kylie didn't take the time to stare at her nudity as she was stripped, she was far too intent on hurting the thing under her to notice really, though she did notice how very cute, and Un Tina, Tina was acting. She'd tease her about it later when they were all free and could laugh about it.

Continuing to wind up in more and more trouble, Kylie did get a rather personal view of Tina's snatch, quite by accident, which distracted Tina and got her stuffed to the brim, completely. Well... That was bad. Noticing she had to somehow get the things attention away from Tina, she did the only thing she could think of, She moved along the creature to one of it's large eyes, and proceeded to gouge the thing out. If getting stabbed in the eyeball didn't get it's attention properly, Nothing would. And Maybe she'd get lucky and it would forget Tina long enough for the powerful Siren to break free. If not, then they would have to hold out and wait for rescue from above. She had no doubt that Giselle and Delilah could handle the slime.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 6 vs 4 MK, hit but still didn't free Tina unfortunately
Tina - 3 vs 19 MK, crit miss and countered for 3 AP dmg

Momma Kraken - 4 vs 3 Tina, hit for 2 AP dmg and forces Tina to orgasm, didn't impregnate Tina though

Kylie - 9 vs 2 MK, hit and finally freed Tina
Tina - Lost turn due to orgasm

Momma Kraken - 14 vs 2 Kylie, hit

As Kylie reared back her hidden blades to stab the kraken in the eye, it waved a tentacle around just in front of her weapon as she thrust it forward and she only ended up stabbing its tentacle, which though it wasn't her intended target it did remove on of its tentacles from the equation as it fell limp. Tina meanwhile continued struggling and thrashing around like mad in the thing's grip, obviously in a panic to free herself. However in her panic to get free, she wasn't thinking clearly and as a result she only ended up entangling herself worse in the tentacles grip as the kraken pounded away at her, and she now had tears of shame and embarrassment pouring from her eyes as she gave muffled cries of pleasure that she couldn't hold back any longer.

The kraken continued knocking away at Tina's holes and the oldest siren sister's cheeks grew redder and redder and her muffled moans increased as her peak closed in. Kylie could see the kraken's tentacles throbbing and pulsing as it raped Tina and soon enough they all seized up as they buried as deep inside of Tina as they could, while Tina herself let out a lewd muffled scream of pleasure as her eyes went wide, her back arching as her body seized up as well as she reached her orgasm also. Kylie could see Tina's belly bloating slightly as the kraken pumped its seed into her, and Tina was gagging as she tried to gulp down the thing's seed being pumped into her mouth so that she didn't drown. The sight of Tina in the throes of her orgasm was slightly arousing to Kylie for some reason, she wasn't able to explain it really, but maybe it was simply the smell in the air now, which was a very sweet fragrance.

As Kylie finally found the thing's eye to stab, she would notice Tina's eyes were glazing over in the post orgasmic haze she was in as her body went limp. Kylie was able to easily rear her hand back without the kraken stopping her as it was still recovering from its own orgasm as well. When she stabbed the thing in the eye, it squealed and let go of Tina, who fell down right next to where Kylie stood and onto an old barrel where she could only lay there and twitch beside her, though thankfully Tina had landed next to her halberd so when she managed to recover she would be able to grab it again. As the older siren sister lay there the kraken's seed was pouring from her used holes and she was coughing softly as she spit out what was left in her mouth while the kraken thrashed around in pain from Kylie's blows.

The kraken managed to recover though after a few seconds and brought a tentacle around that slapped Kylie right across the face, knocking her down off of her feet and across the room against the wall. She was a little dazed from the blow, but all in all alright, and she could tell that thankfully her stitches hadn't busted amazingly enough, though how long that lasted she wasn't sure.

Above them, they heard Delilah shouting to Giselle for some reason, and then a booming blast could be heard that ended up rocking the ship slightly, and though it creaked frighteningly it didn't break up and sink or anything. If anything it actually helped Kylie and Tina out a little bit, as it made the kraken flop around a little bit and into the opposite wall, and since she was on her knees against the wall opposite the kraken, she was able to keep from rolling around, as was Tina since she was laying there on an old barrel.

Kylie - FP: 4/5, AP: 2/10
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 0/10, orgasmed once, takes -1 to all rolls

Momma Kraken - FP: 6/10