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Geography (Sturm)

Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Claire moved to return the favour, she felt Sherry give a soft gasp into her own folds as she twitched and bucked her hips a little in Claire's grip, moaning longingly as pleasure began to arc through both of them, the smell of the honey and their own arrousal filling the tent quickly as they writhed together and enjoyed each others company. A lustful and tireless affair, neither woman was in much of a mood stop, the pair eating each other out with enthusiasm as they both relished the taste of the others nectar. Sherry was the first to cum, mewling cutely and grinding her hips as she arched her back, a quiet lover, her juices dripping into Claire's mouth before returning to her work, each stroke of her tongue drifting over the girls clit as she sought to feel and hear Claire's own climax.

Sherry tasted sweet and tangy and was eager to have Claire cum again as well, wanting to share their release more then anything else in the world at the moment as the sweaty jungle sex continued, and surprisingly took up almost the entire hour of free time, both women tirelessly enjoying eachother as they passed the time the way their lust demanded of them. As Sherry finally cried uncle and collapsed, Claire was also near her limit as well, and had to take several minutes to recover under the sweating, panting redhead who was still twitching against her and gripping her thighs before rolling over and relaxing, letting the afterglow wash through her even as the same happened to Claire.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire continued to moan quietly as the two ate away at each other, the sound muffled by the warm, damp, snatch Sherry kept pressed against her face. She made a number of raw slurping sounds, drinking down the sweet, sweet liquid coming from her nethers, and as she did this, she must have managed to suckle her clit as well because she came well before Claire's more unskilled ministrations should have brought her release.

Tightening her grip on Sherry's ass as she came, the girl bucked her hips against her, rubbing her pussy and spreading her juices all over Claire's face. And she loved it, the hot cum all over her just further fueling her passions until she came as well, reaching down to push Sherry's head into her crotch, making sure to wiggle her hips some to give Sherry a facial of her own.

They continued eating each this way for most of the hour, enjoying the free meal, and the feeling of practically bathing in the other's juices, until finally neither one could go anymore than they just stopped moving, too tired to even break away from the sex position they were in. Sherry finally rolled off her which allowed Claire to once again breathe normally, though the smell of sex so filled the room that she may as well have still had her face in the girl's snatch as far as that was concerned. Oh well, she was happy to sit and enjoy the afterglow of the experience. The problem of being coated in cum a problem for later. Maybe she wasn't so shy after all, if girls were involved.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Even in her lust addled state, Claire put 2 and 2 together and figured that it was the honey of all things that had made them both so sensitive, and had made everything so much more enjoyable, their bodies reacting to each other in ways both unexpected and delightful. Figuring her shyness revolved more around men then anything else brought an odd smile to her face even as the smell of cum and wet snatch pervaded the tent. A few minutes later, Sherry rolled over and kissed her gently before standing and getting towels for both of them, wiping the cum from her own face and cooing softly. "So you met one of the limpets to, thanks for that, It was spectacular" Sherry said, blushing furiously.

Claire noticed something else as well, now that they had found release in each other, the effect of the honey was severely diminished. She was no longer painfully aware of Sherry's body, but still, it was quite the view, her perky c cup breasts hidden slightly by her curly red hair and an ass that begged to be squeezed. Blushing at the unexpected perverted thoughts that ran through her own mind, Claire had to take a moment to recover, and to clean up before the entire camp packed up and moved on.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Taking the offered towel, Claire wiped her own face of the remaining cum, hopefully getting it all off, she blushed at the thought of walking out and still having a noticeable amount on her.

Now that she had figured out more or less how the limpit's honey worked, she felt more relaxed about the situation, there was no rush of super-awkward following their exhausting their passions on each other. In response to her thanks she replied, "I suppose met is the right word. Those things sure are...insistent, aren't they? It's just a pity the group apparently found you mid act, I got mine in private. It was actually rather polite to me. And as for the past hour, believe me, the pleasure was mine! She said this with a girlish giggle.

Standing up, she kissed Sherry on the cheek, still tasting the last vestiges of her cum on her. The last of it probably wouldn't come off until the two had a chance to bathe, but this would do for now. As she dressed herself, she took the time to admire Sherry's body without the lust hazing her eyes. She was glad that the woman looked very attractive even without overpower lust playing a role. Noticing the woman had missed a strand of cum on her neck, Claire leaned in and put her mouth there, sucking it off, probably lingering for longer than was strictly necessary, but she let off after a few moments, not wanting to give the poor woman a hickey to suffer as well.

"Sorry, you missed a spot. Care to check me before I go back out there?"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Sherry looked a little surprised, before moaning softly and running a hand through Claire's hair as she sucked the cum from her neck, gasping softly. Pulling away, she just giggled and very lightly thumped Claire on the shoulder. "Tease~" She said, grinning as she got dressed and headed outside with a wink. It seemed Claire had found a very friendly friend indeed.

Heading outside herself, Claire saw that everyone was indeed packing up, and Sherry motioned for her to give her a hand with her own stuff, which was loaded onto trucks that had been parked a little ways back. Loaded up, and ready to go, Claire instinctively knew where she was needed, right at the front, her magic called on to clear a path for everyone, Sherry seen walking up next to her with very similar gloves... That's right! Sherry was the other mage in the group, and they'd managed to go most of this trip without talking much because Claire had been rediculously shy as always. Grinning at her, Sherry started walking forward, the magic whipping across the vegetation and Claire was expected to join her and keep pace.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire smiled as she helped her new friend load up her gear in the trucks. It came as a pleasant surprise when Sherry donned magic gloves of her own, that memory having escaped Claire until now.

Together they made their way to the front, and despite the totally awesome sex they had just had, Claire was raring to go, slashing down any plant foolish enough to have grown in the path of the trucks. Hopefully now that they were in a convoy, they wouldn't be bothered so much by the weird denizens of this weirder jungle. "So Sherry, better watch out for the limpets!" She gently teased the girl, giving her a friendly smile to show her she was only giving her a hard time.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Sherry chuckled before pointing out several of the limpet vines, and rather then slashing them, nudged them back off the path and held them there, harmless with one hand. "What? They were polite" She said blushing, apparently not wanting to hurt the odd plants themselves if she didn't have to.

Claire and Sherry made damned good time and after two hours of good solid work, both girls sweating and a little sore broke through the treeline to land squarely in front of what they were after, a massive stone temple. It had to be hundreds of feet tall, sloping upwards in a series of steps and covered in runes. Seeing that they had reached their current goal, Margeret strode forward and started barking orders even as Charles stepped forward and fired a burst from his rifle, clipping something vaguely manta rayish from the air and snorting. Margeret, looking, nodded her thanks as it was apparently headed for her, and then resumed getting everything unloaded. Sherry and Claire being given the chance to rest for now during the short interval everything else was handled.

The party seemed to be extremely professional, setting up the tents and everything else quickly and efficiently near the entrance of the temple while Charles and Margeret set up a table and chairs nearby and started to plan their entrance, motioning for the two girls to join them.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire nodded in approval at Sherry's tactics of just pushing the limpets back. "That is very gracious of you. Responsibility for your power is a good thing to have. I am glad to see you are not one for wanton destruction."

When they finally reached their destination, Claire just leaned against a tree, catching her breathe. She flinched when Charles shot down some odd creature. It hadn't even made a move to attack them... the loss of life made her a little sad. Still, she wasn't about to go off on Charles, he was trying to protect the group, maybe he knew something about the creature she didn't.

When Margeret motioned her and Sherry over, she quickly joined her. "Alright, what's the plan?"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Charles, apparently noticing Claire's wince, pointed back at the creature. "Skyray, they latch onto people, occasionally lay eggs. Not Friendly." He said a little coldly, but if that was the case then he was right.

Margeret nodded and put her hands on the table. "We don't really have much of a plan at the moment, which is why we're making one. The seismo shows the Temple having several entrances, 4 to be precise, and one is so full of brush and the like that probably only you and Sherry would be able to clear it. So we're hoping to send you both in that one while we explore the others if you're not averse to the idea." Sherry nodded a simple affirmative and they looked at Claire before moving on, expecting her answer.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

In response to Charles' comment, Claire said, "Hmmm. Well I'm sure you know best. I've never seen one before." If what he said was true then it was probably best that they didn't give the thing a chance to cause trouble. It seemed like it could be much more a problem than limpets which were easy enough to move aside if you saw them.

Listening to what Margeret wanted them to do, she nodded her head solemnly. "As you wish. Point me in the right direction and I will see it taken care of."
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Smiling and thanking Claire, Margeret nodded. "Always dependable, thank you you two, now off you go, the entrance is on the western edge of the temple, should be a large stone door." Saying as much, she handed both women small recorders for taking notes. "See you on the inside~" She said cheerfully, nodding to Charles as they both split off to get their own groups and Charles ordered a team to just watch the entrance in front of them and get it open. The plan was to enter in 3 and exit the last with their findings.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Of course, we will see to it now."

With that the two mages headed off, ready to see what awaited them in the temple. Despite her outward stoic calm, Claire was more than a little nervous, thoughts of undead hordes and curses and ghosts weighing heavy on her mind.

I don't really understand what you mean by the whole enter in 3 line, could you clarify what their plan is?
Re: Geography (Sturm)

The trip was easy enough, and soon enough they saw the large door they were supposed to enter. The crystals set into the door seemed to form some kind of pattern, and as Sherry moved forward to try and figure it out, she stepped on a pressure plate and the door gave a low grinding noise as it slid open, the crystals on their gloves glowing slightly for a moment. Inside as far as they could tell, was a tunnel that was filled with what looked like incredibly thick cobwebs. Giving a low whistle, Sherry started forward, clearing the webs much like she had with the vines, starting the slow process of working their way down the tunnel.

Yea, There are 4 entrances. 3 Teams will enter 3 of them, Sherry and Claire being 1 such team, Margeret leading another, and Charles a third. As everyone makes their way through, they are expected to meet up with eachother inside, and Exit through the last entrance, the 4th.
So the temple is being entered from the North, East, and West, and everyone will be expected to Exit through the South.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Sherry triggered the door with the pressure plate, Claire noticed the crystals on their gloves start glowing. "Strange, looks like things in the ruins are able to interact with our gloves, maybe we should keep an eye out for magical artifacts? No telling what we can find in here."

As they entered the passage, with Sherry clearing the path ahead, it occurred to Claire that if the door could be triggered with a pressure plate, other things could too, like traps. Maybe she was being paranoid, but better safe than sorry, right? "Hey keep a lookout for pressure plate traps Sherry, whoever built this place knew how to use them for doors, I'm sure they figured out other ways to use them." Since Sherry was somewhat occupied clearing a path, Claire focused more on the ground, watching out for both of them.

Ok, thanks
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Sherry nodded an affirmative, and after about 5 minutes of solid work, they had cleared a path to a small chamber with several pathways winding away, heading in 3 directions. It was an odd room in itself, lined with shelves holding sealed jars full of salt and other such things as well as a dusty book that was set atop what looked to be a solid stone tomb or sarcophagus. The book was glowing slightly, 5 crystals set into it's cover that were reacting to their gloves.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Upon entry into the room, Claire pulled out her recorder and got a brief recording of the room. "It looks like some sort of burial chamber." She focused in on the book, "It seems to be magical in nature, its reacting with our gloves...I am going to examine it closer."

After taking a look at the sarcophagus, Claire went up to the strange book, its glow seeming to call to her, and slowly opened it, her curiosity getting the better of her fear of the undead, and perhaps her better judgement as well, the big glowing book in the middle of the room of the dead being just a little suspicious. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Don't know what sort of recorders you had in mind, audio or visual. I just assumed they worked like normal vid cameras, but if we want to just say they are like shoulder-mounted cameras or something lightly enchanted to fulfill that purpose, that would work for me too.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire found that the book practically bombarded her mind with information rather then being legible. She found now that she had all the info she needed to not only summon wind, but fire, ice, lightning, and even something that only came across her mind as Shadow. It was an incredibly find, but after passing on it's secrets, the book snapped shut in her hands and the lid to the sarcophagus slid to the side and off to bang to the floor loudly revealing, much to their horror and annoyance, nothing but a massive pile of unassuming bandages. Which was made even more annoying as Sherry had screamed like a little schoolgirl at the sudden noise, only to blush and apologize, embarrassed.

Small audio recorders, more complicated equipment is just asking for trouble in a jungle. Also, just a short recap. Claire currently has what are known as MP, currently at 2/2. She can burn one to preform a double attack, or something a little more complicated. And now has access to all the base elements plus 1. Enjoy.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire stood, petrified, her eyes wide open, as the book fairly blasted its knowledge into her. Then it slammed shut, and she fell to the floor, panting. As the lid to the sarcophagus slammed aside, the only reason Claire didn't scream as well was because of how tired she was.

She grinned at Sherry, saying, "Don't even worry about it, nice to know I'm not the only one a little freaked out by this place. You should see if that book still works. It somehow directly downloaded a ton of magical knowledge directly into my brain. Kind of a doozy, but I think it will be worth it." Still, that magical book had been...old, she doubted it had survived the transfer of knowledge, from what she knew, such tomes usually dissolved after use. At least now she felt far more knowledgeable, and she couldn't deny that she was eager to try out some of her new power.

Moving over to check the sarcophagus, her mind a little more at ease now that she could see nothing inside of it, she prodded the bandages with her hand. "Huh... What do you know, not so scary after all."
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Sherry nodded and went over to get the book, but couldn't open it for the life of her, no matter how hard she pulled, which was a little odd, but so was the book so... O well! However, as Claire moved to prod at the pile of bandages, looking at Sherry as if to make a point, she found her hand had become slightly tangled in the odd cloth.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Book giving you some trouble, Sherry?" Maybe we should just bring it with us, it be a great tool if we could open it up again. At that point Claire noticed her hand getting tangled up in old bandages. "Yuck, stupid bandages... get off..." Claire was muttering to herself as she tried to get the dusty old things off her hand.