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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Her name is Naomi.” Asha breathed in deep and readied herself letting Sara's thoughts seep into her own. The first memory was not a happy one and seemed to be of her daughters kidnapping. It probably couldn't be helped but it was disturbing none the less. The second one was far nicer and seemed to be when the child was quite young. The third was slightly sad but not in a painful way and the last was warm and bright. With that Sera felt her self pushed from Asha's mind the nymph rubbing her temples from the intrusion. “Sorry the sensation was to foreign and made me feel uncomfortable.”

Memory 1
Sara sat in a shaded tree gazing over a grassy field. It was spring time and a girl with vibrant green hair and pale skin danced and played with several other girls. It was a joyous sight and it made Sara smile. The urge to jump down and join the festivities was nearly overwhelming but she had a duty to do. Getting up on her branch Sera walked out to its edge the warm rough bark causing her bare feet no distress. It was near time for the group to move on and seek shelter back in the deep woods after all a band of humans had been seen not to far from the glade and it was her duty to see that the children get back safe and sound. Sera leaned out of cover to get the attention of her wards when a loud noise followed by searing pain in her back sent her tumbling down out of her tree. The children where screaming and the sounds of men shouting echoed all around her. Getting to her feet she could see several men with nets chasing the girls who had begun to run away with the exception of one. Naomi was running towards her yelling out to her mother when one of the men threw his net catching her dead on. Drawing her blades Sera sprang into action despite her wounds and cut down two of the slavers. Another met his end at her hands and then another. The once peaceful glade was now scarred by blood. Two more foes struck at her with clubs sending Sara reeling back from the blows. Two more men joined the attack one landing a glancing blow to Sara's head sending her tumbling to the ground stunned and unable to move. From here she watch Naomi her daughter being dragged away her hand out stretched calling out to her “MOTHER!

Memory 2
Sara sat in a wooden chair suckling her daughter. The young Nymph had taken much of her fathers looks even his lilac eyes. The baby girl burped and laughed as Sera cooed her and gently rocked back and forth in her chair.

Memory 3
Sera held Naomi close the girl was still grieving for her father. “Shhhhs its okay Naomi all things pass and have their time even us.” Her daughter sobbed and held her tight. “But I miss him so much mother.” Sara stroked her daughters hair a gesture that had always comforted her before. “I miss him too Naomi but remember he would want us to be strong for him and be happy that he has passed on to the next life.” Naomi still sobbed but it wasn't as intense as before. “I love you mother.” Sara hugged Naomi close. “I love you to Naomi.

Memory 4
Sara watched as the old druid whispered something into Naomi's ear causing the girl to jump in joy and kiss the disheveled man who simply laughed and sent the girl on her way towards Sara. Naomi was running in the sunny glade her golden locks like her mothers shimmering in the breeze. “I did it I passed my tests I can join the druids!” Sara felt pride swell in her chest as she hugged her girl. “Im so proud of you Naomi and your father would be to.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was bombarded by memories of Naomi, when they finished, she lay back on the bed and closed her eyes, getting used to this new set of memories. "Don't worry about it Asha, you handled it well and I should have enough to start trying to find your daughter." It occurred to her that she had just recently met a nymph druid, Spring, surely that was a coincidence though. Perhaps she could assist them later on though, but as for now she figured they probably didn't need to summon her.

After a minute or so Sara sat back up, ready to continue with the plan. "Okay, now I am going to attempt to scry her. If this works, hopefully I will be able to see something near her to tell me where she is, or if that fails I can take it a step further and manifest an image of myself in her presence and communicate directly with her." She sat in the center of the bed, crossing her legs and closing her eyes. Still, there was no guarantee she would even be able to see the nymph since she had no idea where she was, but it was the best chance she had, so she had to try.

Attempts to scry Naomi: 5 EP, if she can scry Naomi she can make a resistance check against being scryed if she wants, but Sara gets +8 to the check.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara began her art using her recent knowledge of Naomi to find her location. Calming herself and letting her mind and spirit catch the ethereal breeze she soon found her self soaring out of the tavern and out of the town. She passed over many rivers and vast forests till she came to a large city marred by war. Here she began to descend down noticing the large parts of the city uninhabited with large fissures starting a the center which was bleak and grey. Still the sight passed in a moment as the breeze took her to a well manicured compound. Passing threw the walls Sara only had the briefest hints of noise and sights before pulled into a room. Here she found Naomi her hair shorter than it used to be and red with hints of blonde. She was nearly naked with only a loin cloth protecting her lower half. The room itself was draped in silk and soft pillows. Looking about Sara could see four other girls in similar dress some however had bra's all where asleep.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As her spirit took to the ethereal pathways of the sky, she tried to take note of the the lands she passed over, looking for mountains, rivers, and other landmarks she could use to identify an eventual destination on a map.

When she began descending towards the war-torn city, Sara knew she had to be getting close. It wasn't long after that her journey ended and she found herself before Naomi and four other girls who were likely in the same situation as her. Right now it seemed all of them were sleeping.

Sara listened to see if anyone else was coming, if there was anyone who might hear a conversation. If she thought she could have a private conversation with Naomi, she would try to use another of her scrying powers, astral projection.

Focusing her energy, she would manifest her spirit into an image of herself, an avatar through which she could interact with the area she now found herself in with little danger to herself. Manifesting herself in the room beside Naomi, she leaned in and gently whispered, "Naomi, please wake up, I am here to help you." This was her best chance to gain information on Naomi's location, if she could tell her where exactly she was it would prove invaluable in helping liberate her.

If there wasn't an opportunity to manifest herself and speak in secret, she would be forced to release her technique and return to Mints.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara started to focus to improve her presence when a sudden commotion startled her as a drunk man and a different girl dressed in a similar fashion entered the room. It didn't take long for the man and the woman to start having sex. Ignoring the other girls in the room and not even closing the door behind them. This however proved to be a boon as the sights and sounds sealed away gave Sera her first hint of where Naomi was. It seemed to be a brothel a high class brothel but a brothel all the same. The sounds of men and woman laughing carried threw the rooms with one very boisterous man yelling "THREE CHEERS FOR THE SILKEN PRINCESS BEST BROTHEL IN ENDUS NO BEST BROTHEL IN ALL CROLIA!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It seemed Sara would not be able to contact Naomi. Still, the interruption proved fortuitous, giving her the information she needed. Since she would be unable to speak with Naomi, Sara prepared to disengage her scrying, whispering, "Be strong poor nymph," mainly to herself since she was only an observer and couldn't interact with anyone in her current state. She severed her spiritual tether to this place and her consciousness flowed back the way it had come to her body.

Waking up on the bed, Sara slowly opened her eyes and turned to Sara. "Your daughter is alive and appears physically unharmed. She is currently in a brothel known as the 'Silken Princess' in the city of Endus in Croalia. I need only a night's rest to recover from my energy expenditures today, then I will be ready to depart with you."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's expression darkened at the news and began to rise to her feet. "Thank you Sara but you need not worry. I will leave tonight Endus is a long journey." Her face returned a measure of warmth when she looked at Sara. "Thank you fae friend you've gladdened the heart of an old woman please stay in the room its already payed for." Asha to Sara's eyes didn't look old at all but given what she was their was no way of telling for sure how old the Nymph could be. "Peace and fair weather in your travels Sara." With that Asha made for the door a more determined bounce in her step.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara caught Asha by the shoulder as she opened the door to leave. "Thank you for the room Asha, but you must forgive me for I cannot do that. I was told by my parents to do a job right or not at all. It would not be right for me to leave you at this juncture, the job is not finished and I must see this through. It is impossible for me to be involved in something such as this and walk away before it reaches its conclusion. Please, don't discard my help and leave me to forever wonder if you succeeded or not."

Delivering her plea, Sara was left to stare into the nymph's eyes, silently beseeching her to allow her to come with her. "Please."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha stared at Sara for a good long moment before relenting. "I suppose it would be fool hardy to wander into the night. I may also need someone who is more inclined to talk than act. I can be..... a little impatient in my quest." Asha closed the door and undid her weapons. It was probably the closest she would get to a official invite and it was up to Sara to see it through.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled and nodded at Asha, happy to be allowed to help in such a meaningful task. "Whatever I can do to help you Asha." As the nymph began undoing her weapons she was left to wonder if her original offer still stood. "So, um...about the offer to use this room...is that still an option? I'm kind of low on funds." She gave an embarrassed laugh and shrugged at the nymph woman, a slight blush on her cheeks.

After the things she had done with the last two nymphs she had met, she probably shouldn't feel so awkward, she had had sex with them and she had only just met them after all, so asking to just share a bed with a woman she was about to journey with shouldn't feel so awkward.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"We will share the bed. Its big enough for the both of us." This of course made Sara blush which Asha seemed to notice. "Don't worry Sara there won't be any funny business. Asha smiled at her trying to reassure her but Sara couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. However that all faded quickly once she saw what Asha was bringing to bed. It was a silver blade that glinted brightly even in the faint light and thanks to new memories she new exactly what it was, a fey steel short blade. "When travailing in human lands its best to take a weapon to bed." Asha slipped it under one of the pillows before slipping under the covers being completely naked.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded in the affirmative to the no funny business comment and offered a shaky smile. "Of course not." She managed to not have a downcast look at this. She offered another nod to the fey blade, "Doubtless a good precaution, one can never be too careful, especially in times like these."

When Asha's clothes came off, Sara's blush returned and she averted her eyes a little, out of both a sense of reverence and modesty, though it did not stop her from following suit and disrobing before climbing beneath the sheets as well. She lay on her back, looking straight up at the ceiling, afraid to meet Asha's eyes lest she see how embarrassed she was.

"I am sorry I am making this so awkward, Asha, it's just that I erm... Well you might say I have made plenty of good memories with the fair nymphs..." Memories of earlier that day as well as her time with Nyeri immediately came to the forefront of her mind and her blush deepened. "I don't know why, but I just can't seem to turn down nymphs. I'm afraid I give a whole new meaning to the term 'nymphomaniac'." Now her blush was covering her face and her ears burned, having confessed this to the nude nymph she was sharing a bed with, she turned to her side away from the nymph, afraid to look at her. "Perhaps now wasn't the best time to admit that..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Don't be ashamed Sara many a nymph have taken human lovers men and woman its part of our nature." Asha remained silent leaving the statement as a simple truth. Still a part of Sara burned with desire and her mind plagued her from her previous experiences with her other lovers. What if anything she did about it was up to Sara.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's words warmed her heart, and Sara smiled, feeling somewhat relieved that the nymph woman didn't think ill of her.

Her spirits lifted, Sara felt a rather playful mood come on, keeping her lust in check for the moment. "So Asha..." She turned towards the nymph and laid a hand across her bare stomach, looking her straight in the eys. "You called yourself an old woman earlier. So, no lie, how old are you anyway? You definitely don't look like any old woman I've ever met."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

There was a long silence before Asha spoke again. "Old enough to remember when this was a plain not a forest." Asha waited to see if Sara had anymore questions for her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's jaw dropped when Asha told her how old she was. "N-NO WAY! I didn't know nymphs live that long! A...are you...immortal? Are all nymphs like that?" Well that was shocking, this nymph was old enough to be her mother's, mother's, mother's, who even knew how many times.

After a moment though her youthful curiosity took over. She spat out a string of halting, unfinished questions, having no clue what to ask this woman who had undoubtedly witnessed more than many people's lifetimes put together. Finally she realized she couldn't hope to know what to ask such a being as this, at least not now, and settled on an alternative. Snuggling a little closer to the nymph, she said in a mock-serious voice, "Okay, there's no way I can possibly ask everything that comes to mind right now, and I don't want to bombard you with questions. Will you tell me something interesting you've seen or done before we go to sleep? Please?" Right now, Sara felt a mix of awe and fascination, as well as a little intimidation. Sure Asha had given off a certain air of maturity, but she didn't seem that old. At any rate, Sara was riveted on the nymph despite herself, almost but not quite lying against her on the bed, perhaps the intimidation warding her off for the time being.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Immortal? No well at lest not my kin anyway. When we choose to let go of the world then we fade away." Asha waited threw the half asked questions before Sara finally settled on one. "Well Sara I once walked threw the petrified forest in the Aundor. So many petrified trees half buried in the sand and rocky dirt. It was fairly pretty in its own right but eerie as well." She went on in great detail about the pillars of stone trees that graced the silent lifeless forest. Eventually Sara was having a hard time listing as Asha's voice was so mesmerizing.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"What a...unique ability." Sara remarked when Asha told her about her lifespan. As the nymph went on to describe the petrified forests, Sara paid rapt attention, completely tuned in to her beautiful voice.

Truly her voice was something remarkable, it had an almost physical quality to it, the sound gently washing over and around her, easing away any doubts, fears, and worries she had. As such, her words were almost a perfect vessel for carrying information into her mind, painting a brilliant picture of these hauntingly beautiful petrified forests. Though she gradually found herself listening more to the sound of the words than their actual content. However it took her a few moments to realize it.

It didn't occur to her that she may not be in her right frame of mind until things began to get a little more intimate than she had planned for the evening. Indeed, she didn't realize what she was doing until she lay against Asha's side, clutching the nymph's arm against her and pressing her breasts into her side, her face only a couple of inches from the nymph's, completely at a loss as to when she had started getting so close. "I...what?...how did I?...ummm...." She felt rather uncertain about cuddling with Asha, but for some reason she couldn't quite decide if she should let go or not, and the part of her brain currently in control decided to continue clinging to the nymph, desperately wanting her to keep talking so she could continue to listen to her beautiful voice. "Your voice is very pretty." She remarked dreamily, the affectionate side of her brain retaining control for the moment.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Your cute Sara but its time for bed we have an early start ahead of us." Asha turned to face Sara giving the woman a glimpse of her eyes still shimmering in the dark. "I do have one request though if you would indulge me?" Asha waited for Sara to answer. If it was in the positive Asha simply asked that Sara let her hold her while they slept. If not then Asha would sigh and kiss Sara on the forehead before turning back around to drift off to sleep.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was a little disappointed, but only because that meant she couldn't listen to Asha's pretty voice anymore. She was willing to bet that the nymph was a beautiful singer. When the elder nymph said she had a request, Sara looked at her inquiringly, noticing her shimmering eyes, but not quite sure what to make of them. When she heard the request Sara brightened instantly. "That sounds delightful Asha! Would you believe you're the first person to ever ask me that?" The young spirit wielder nuzzled Asha's neck and gave her a little kiss on the cheek before sitting up and allowing Asha to hold her in whatever position she wanted. "You just show me whatever position is most comfortable, Asha."

Once the two were lying down, Sara would snuggle up to the nymph a little more, enjoying the comforting feel of the nymph's skin against hers as she drifted off to sleep, "Thank you...Asha." She fell asleep with a contented smile on her face.