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The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Round 5: FIGHT!
Attack (Energy Wave): 70+5 = 75 -> Hits everyone
Damage (Energy Wave, X=15): (4+4)*15 = 120 - (various armors) = fatal damage

The blast faded quickly in Nadia's vision, though anyone else who had been unlucky enough to be looking would likely be seeing little else for at least a few minutes. There didn't seem to be anyone around to test this theory, though. The orc leader had been facing the blast, but all that remained now was a slightly less-burned patch on the ground. The soldiers that had been running in front of him in an escorting formation hadn't left even that. The leader had looked to be working the start of some sort of magic when she gave her final challenge, but it hadn't saved him.

Round 6: fight!
Attack (Phantomfang): 85+19 = 104 -> Hit
Damage (Phantomfang): 5+50 = 55
->Sword1 is killed

Attack (bow1): 42+18 = 60 v 72 -> Miss
Attack (gun1): 42+10 = 52 v 72 -> Miss

Unfortunately, none of the other orcs looked back. They heard the explosion, even felt the heat, but they kept onward, spurred by threats, promises, and perhaps even discipline, given how well their army had done. Nadia drew her mundane blade as the first orc approached, taking it from its scabbard and through the orc's heart in one smooth motion. She deftly pulled it back out and allowed the body to continue moving past her on the momentum of the orc's charge. A quick movement away from the corpse, and the redheaded angel threw off the shots of both a gunner and a bow-wielding orc.

Round 7: fight.

Start: 77 to-hit with each sword. +34 damage. 72 dodge. 3 AV (clothes give +1)

Skyclad: -2 to-hit.
Whirling Death: +8 damage, +8 to-hit, +8 AV. 4 damage per round.
Whirlwind: -10 attack, -10 damage, -10 dodge. Attack all melee foes.
Death from the Draw (Khazidea only, one round): +6 attack, +6 damage

End (Nadia): 62 dodge. 11 AV. Take 4 damage per round, attack all melee foes with each weapon.
End (Phantomfang, Khazidea after this round): 73 to-hit. +32 damage
End (Khazidea this round): 79 to-hit. 38 damage.

Attack (Phantomfang v Mace1): 73+16 = 89 -> Hit!
Damage (Phantomfang v Mace1): 10+32 = 42 - 5 = 37
Attack (Khazidea v Mace1): 79+12 = 91 -> Hit!
Damage (Khazidea v Mace1): 9+38 = 47
->Mace1 is killed

Attack (Phantomfang v Mace2): 73+2 = 75 -> Hit!
Damage (Phantomfang v Mace2): 10+32 = 42 - 5 = 37
Attack (Khazidea v Mace2): 79+8 = 87 -> Hit!
Damage (Khazidea v Mace2): 10+38 = 48
->Mace2 is killed

Attack (Phantomfang v Axe1): 73+3 = 76 -> Hit!
Damage (Phantomfang v Axe1): 11+32 = 43-5=38
Attack (Khazidea v Axe1): 79+9 = 88 -> Hit!
Damage (Khazidea v Axe1): 1+38 = 39
->Axe1 is killed

Attack(bow1): 42+18 = 60 v 62 -> Miss!
Attack(gun2): 42+18 = 60 v 62 -> Miss!

Nadia takes 4 damage from whirling death

Nadia didn't have to wait long for the rest of the orcs to arrive. Three more came into melee range, two with maces, one with an axe. Nadia let herself be guided by skill and instinct, drawing her second sword even as the first began its gruesome work. The two blades moved so fast they were like a blur, but the added difficulty of striking all three orcs with each of her swords made it harder to keep moving unpredictably. The orc with a bow managed to bounce an arrow of the pommel of her sword, and she felt the wind of passage as a second orc with a gun took a shot at her.

Round 8: fight?

Attack(Phantomfang v Mace3): 73+14 = 87 -> Hit!
Damage(Phantomfang v Mace3): 4+32 = 36-5 = 31
Attack(Khazidea v Mace3): 73+3 = 76 -> Hit!
Damage(Khazidea Mace3): 4+32 = 36
->Mace3 is killed

Attack(Phantomfang v Sword2): 73+17 = 90 -> Hit!
Damage(Phantomfang v Sword2): 5+32 = 37-5 = 32
Attack(Khazidea v Sword2): 73+20 = 93 -> Hit!
Damage(Khazidea v Sword2): 12+32 = 44
->Sword2 is killed

Attack(Phantomfang v Second): autohit
Damage(Phantomfang v Second): 6+32 = 38 - 18 = 20
Attack(Khazidea v Second): autohit
Damage(Khazidea v Second): 2+32 = 34

Attack(Bow1): 42+10 = 52 v 62 -> Miss
Attack(Gun1): 42+14 = 56 -> Miss

Second activates Charge, Rage, and Supreme Might as he closes to melee distance.
Attack(Second): 55+10 = 65 v 62 -> Hit!
Damage(Second): (8,8)+62 = 78-11 = 67

Nadia takes 4 damage from Whirling Death.

As she finished her first whirlwind of death, 3 more foes closed to attack range, and Nadia preformed much the same dance of death. Another mace-wielding orc went down. Then one with a sword and shield. The third one caught her eye, the one she had noticed before in chainmail. He had seemed perhaps to be second-in-command to the one she had obliterated, but her twin strokes proved that he bled like any of the others.

He did not appear, however, to die like all of the others. He finished off his charge with a blood-curdling roar and a leap, two handed sword held high over his head. Nadia's swords did what could easily have been a mortal blow, but did not do much to stop his momentum, and she felt the blade cut deep, moving just a fraction of a second too slow to avoid the blow. Another pair of shots from the orcs with ranged weapons went by her, fortunately neither finding its mark.

Nadia: 30/105 HP, 85 PP, 95/110 SP; badly injured, whirling death.

no known allies in this part of the fight.

Lieutenant: badly injured, rage.

Bow 1: badly injured, attacking from 50'
Gun 1: badly injured, attacking from 35' (reloading next round)
Gun 2: badly injured, attacking from 35'
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia hissed in pain as the orc's momentum dragged his blade down, her own strength not quite enough to stop the strike even though she caught it between both of her swords. She stepped back, but it was too late to avoid the chainmail wearing orc's attack in full, and she took a nasty gash that ran from her shoulder to just above her hip, staining the angel's robe red with her blood. The hit would have left a human helpless with blood loss and agony... And likely would have done the same to her two years ago, but now Nadia was a good deal more resilient than she'd been before. Her wound burned, but did nothing to inhibit her as she recovered from it and responded in kind.

This orc had earned her personal enmity, and the angel stepped in and struck first with two low swings in a cross, aiming at the muscles just above his knees. Her unenchanted blade had a low more drag to it, but both cut through the vulnerable muscles and clung free. The reduced speed of one of her blades would force her to twist to make her second pair of strikes, but adapting to that didn't even slow Nadia as she repeated her cross, her swords moving so quickly that they swept across the orc's neck before he'd even fallen to his torn knees. She looked over his decapitated body at the orcs still firing uselessly at her and scowled, and as his body hit the ground her leg lashed out, snapping into the dead orc's chest and kicking him to the ground.

Nadia stepped over him, rage filling her eyes as she moved to charge the orcs, easily avoiding their shots now that she was actively concentrating on doing so. "You should have run.... I didn't want this!" she shouted angrily, "Drop to your knees and throw aside your weapons, and you will be allowed to live!" The angel would, of course, be good to her word. If the orcs surrendered she would simply knock them unconscious with blows to the head using the hilts of her swords. If they didn't, then they would die like the rest. Either way, Nadia would then turn about, and return to Sarah and her fellow refugees from Petra.

Flurry the guy that just attacked her, then deactivate whirling death and walk up to cut up the other orcs if they don't surrender, aaaaand then go back to her charges.

Nadia's possibly important stuff for easy reference!
-Bow: 2d8 + 6 + Body/3 damage, (+72) [2d8 + 29] {50 foot range increment, 1 shot before reload, reload time 0 rounds}
-Khazidea (Bastard Sword) (+77) [1d12 + 34] (Has the AV ignore enhancement, giving it a total value of 400 denarii in enchantments)
-Phantomfang (Bastard Sword) (+77) [1d12 + 34]

-2 to attacks and stuff for Skyclad.

Dodge: 70 + 2 = 72
Armor: 2
Resistance: 35 + 8 = 43
Perception: 26 + 2 + 3 = 31
Stealth: 26 - 2 = 24
Grapple: 70 + 12 = 82

Rules stuff for easy reference!
Flurry – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not all be against the same target. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Whirling Death – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage, attack rolls and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round that ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Attack(Phantomfang): Auto-hit
Damage(Phantomfang): Yeah, okay, this is over.
-> Second is killed

All three ranged attackers auto-miss.

-> Bow1 is killed
-> Gun1 is killed
-> Gun2 is killed

The sight of the angel's blood seemed to give the chain-clad orc a second wind despite his own grievous injuries. He lifted his greatsword above his head for a second and almost-certainly-fatal stroke, and was just preparing to bring it down when Nadia's twin bastard sword cut into his legs, severing muscle and tendon. Even if the pain hadn't been enough to incapacitate the orc, the loss of control brought him literally to his knees. His sword fell harmlessly off to one side as he struggled to summon the strength to lift it again. He was turning to see why the sword was refusing to come up when the second pair of strokes took his head off.

With a swift kick, the decapitated corpse sprawled away from Nadia, exposing the oozing stump to the orcs still attacking at range. None of them were even close, but rather than flee or surrender, as the angel mercifully suggested, all three choose to continue fighting. They got off another shot each before Nadia reached them, and ended their lives as they struggled to grab daggers that they couldn't use even as well as their firearms.

Which left none of her attackers still breathing. Next time forget the wooden one. I and my mute - The voice in Nadia's head sounded satisfied, and cut off suddenly as she sheathed her swords and released the grip.

The redheaded angel had left the group not terribly far off, but had also told them to hide. Which was good, because the smaller group would otherwise be coming up behind them just about now.

Nadia: 30/105 HP, 85 PP, 95/110 SP; badly injured

Allies: supposed to be hidden in the woods, none are visible.
Enemies: none visible.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

With the orcs dead, the grievousness of Nadia's injury dawned upon her. She healed faster and more effectively than a human or an elf, and could withstand a bit more pain and blood loss, but eventually her body would weaken and die like that of any mortal if she didn't take care of it. As such, Nadia slowly closed her eyes, fighting back the pain, and then enacted the minor healing spell that she'd managed to learn from Sarah and the other healers. It wasn't much, but it stopped the bleeding and partially numbed the pain, and it allowed the fiery angel to function as she looked over the dead to make sure that nobody would be shooting her in the back. She spared the camp a glance before opting to turn back and deal with the squad of orcs that had been coming from the other direction, slumping and leaving her blades sheathed as she trudged back, pausing only long enough to retrieve her bow. Once she had dealt with them she could go and free the slaves.

When she arrived where she'd left her companions, Nadia found the place empty. Odd. She'd expected a sign of concern at the sight of her bloodied form, or at least a welcome. There didn't seem to be any orcs about, and unless that changed, Nadia carefully crept into the bushes where she'd told Sarah and the others to wait, searching as her worry slowly turned to fear.

Nadia's Stealth = 24, Perception = 31. Consider her sneaking about for the moment. She has Ranger and will actively be looking for tracks and the like.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

There are no rolls!

Finding the place where they'd gone into the woods wasn't too hard. They hadn't exactly been subtle about it. But she mentally followed the trail about twenty or thirty yards, and it suddenly started thinning out until there was nothing. Not the slightest sign that anyone had passed.

Before she really had time to puzzle over this, or even go more than a few feet into the woods, however, she saw a pool of light around a bend in the road. Shortly thereafter, a group of six orcs came around the bend. They in two columns, one on each side of the road and with each orc about twenty feet behind the next. The two in front were looking ahead, and while they almost certainly weren't close enough to see Nadia in the dying light, they soon would be. The second two were looking out into the woods. The final two watched the woods as well, shooting an occasional look behind them. All six wore the sort of armor that the leader in the camp had been wearing, though in a different and uniform pattern.

Three carried enormous two-handed swords. One carried a bow and a pair of shortswords. Two carried only ornate staves. And Nadia's injuries weren't any better than when she'd finished the fight, only stabilized.

Nadia: 30/105 HP, 85 PP, 95/110 SP; badly injured

Allies: supposed to be hidden nearby, none are visible.
Enemies: 6 higher-up orcs.
3x swordsmen
1x bow / short swords
2x staves
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"....The fuck?" Nadia grumbled to herself at the signs on the ground, irritated. They weren't illusions, or at least not any illusions that she'd suspect her allies to have been able to cast, but the tracks weren't explainable in any other way.... Unfortunately, Nadia didn't have long to examine the area where she'd left her charges before the squad of orcs that had been coming from behind came into the corner of the angel's vision, traveling in ranks too far apart for her to simply blast them all and have done with it. Frowning, Nadia limped silently to the road and then stopped in the middle of it, turning to face them with her bloodied appearance and a somewhat wan scowl. "Well? What do you want?"
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The orcs all stopped moving, save one of the staff-wielding orcs who stepped forward. Three others were now facing Nadia as well, the remaining two still keeping a close eye on the woods to either side and behind. The apparent leader spoke more than loudly enough for Nadia to hear, even with nearly a hundred yards between them, without seeming to yell. "Our people have no quarrel with the Fey or the Angels, and we understood that the Courts were not taking sides in this dispute. If you wish to depart our new lands in peace now you are free to do so. Alone."

None of the orcs had made any threatening moves, though they remained alert and kept their hands ready to take up weapons in a heartbeat.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"We aren't taking sides in your war," Nadia deadpanned in reply, "That doesn't mean individuals aren't free to do as they choose, but I'm still not interested in taking sides either way. I'm merely seeing that those under my care get out of your new lands safely. Don't you have better things to do than chase down a group of healers that just want to not get involved in your war at all?"
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"The humans and elves of this land are not permitted to leave. If you oppose our goals, you oppose us. If you would steal away healers who might save my wounded brothers, then you would kill us. You say you are not interested in taking sides, but it seems to me that you already have." He paused for a moment. "And I haven't even asked who it is you have been fighting."

The orc thumped the ground with his staff. "If you fight us and lose you will not be killed, and you may even one day earn your freedom, but I doubt you will enjoy the time between. I ask you again, stand aside; fly away."
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"I couldn't give an ogres ass about your goals!" Nadia spat irritably, "I have no more interest in killing you or any of your kind than I have in killing anything else, but you nitwits just never give me a damn choice that I can actually take! If I thought for a second that you'd actually honor the idea that they'd be untouched in your care or that they'd actually be willing to go for that, I'd even consider that offer." Her wound was starting to pain her more, and Nadia clutched at her torn shoulder for a moment before continuing; "Besides, they've gone off, and now even I don't know where they are!" That much was technically true, and Nadia added; "If you really want to assault a wounded woman who's offered you no violence, then you can go right ahead. I'm waiting. Otherwise, save yourself some time and go back to Gods-Reach."
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The lead orc turned for a moment and made a gesture, then turned back to Nadia. "We don't wish to hurt you. I have repeatedly offered you the chance to leave unchallenged, and you have repeatedly refused. You may also surrender to us, and not be hurt. What you may not do, as someone who has made herself our enemy through action, is remain here to continue working against us. It will be dishonorable to attack you, but you seem to leave us no choice that would not be worse."

As he spoke, the other orcs had started moving. They formed a curved line with the leader roughly in the center, the outermost orcs all the way at the edge of the woods. They waited for a moment until the spokesman was finished, and then all six slowly advanced towards Nadia. All of them had their weapons out, and the angel could feel power of some sort starting to gather around the second staff-wielding orc. The one with the bow raised it as they reached about the range Nadia had used earlier, and began preparing for a shot. The fighting would start in seconds without some sort of intervention.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The orc's gesture to the side caused the wounded angel to raise an eyebrow, but she let the unusual motion pass as he began to speak again, confirming exactly what she'd feared. "You lot really aren't listening, are you?" she asked, "My charges are gone, I know not where!" Technically true, though Nadia had a vague idea of where they were. She considered trying to lead them in a different direction, but Nadia figured that they wouldn't buy into that, so she remained silent. "They've no doubt already escaped into Badaria, so this fight is completely pointless."

With that and a beat of Nadia's wings, the crimson haired angel took off into the air, leaving behind only a few droplets of her blood upon the ground. Normally she might not have backed down, but her words weren't precisely incorrect; she didn't know where her allies had gone. It was only as she peeled off to the South that Nadia remembered that one of the mages whom she was less familiar with had mentioned being able to cast illusions. That she'd forgotten that when being told it so recently might have been more embarrassing if Nadia wasn't so exhausted, but as it was she simply opted to fly higher, preferably out of reach of the orc's arrows, and look down at the figures below. She had to keep watch and hope that they simply walked away, but if they didn't she had to be ready to intervene.

Fly off and then engage a mechanical full defense while watching from well above the ground.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia flies about 200 feet into the air, also some distance back towards the camp.

The angel took off at full speed, not quite giving the orcs time to respond, at least while she was still in range to hear. She climbed for as much altitude as she could get, angling back towards the camp she had emptied out. Or possibly not quite emptied. As she got high enough to see into it, she could see movement. Overhanging trees blocked the details, but there was definitely something going on in the region where the slave cages had been.

The more immediate threat was probably still the below her, though. They were keeping an eye on her, especially the one with the bow and the one who had spoken, and they remained if anything more spread out then before, all of them virtually in the woods as they continued down the road. Nadia could only keep all of them in sight if she remained directly above the road, and virtually directly above them. Even then trees overhanging the road an unusual amount would hide some at times.

Perception (Orc Leader): Success.

In only a few seconds, they reached the point where Nadia had seen the tracks of her companions leaving the road, vanishing into nothing in the woods. One of the orcs seemed to notice as well. In seconds, a pair of pulses of power had gone up from the group. One of the staff-wielding orcs had changed from green to almost shiny and black, while the other held up a hand that seemed to radiate magical energy. They started moving into the woods, and would shortly be out of sight under the trees.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

'Shit' Nadia thought silently to herself as she watched the orcs vanish into the woods, having apparently found the same tracks that she'd stumbled upon. She couldn't trust in whatever illusion had worked on her also working on the orcs, particularly given whatever magics one of the staff wielding orcs had activated before vanishing from her sight. Her wound had pained her as she'd ascended, forcing her to be careful lest she reopen the gash that one of the orcs had given her earlier, but the angel could do nothing for it now. Silently folding her wings upwards, Nadia pushed herself towards the ground, slowing only as she neared the ground even as her body was suddenly shrouded in a golden glow. Looking up into the woods with a scowl, Nadia scowled after the orcs, searching for them and likely finding them easily.

Fawk @ events and @ losing the original version of this post to a firefox crash.
Activate Battle Aura X = 10 and land to hopefully draw ALL OF THE AGGRO.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Casting (Sarah): Success!
Attack (Sarah v Sword1): 79+20 = 99 v 47 -> Hit
Damage (Sarah): (12+18)*5 = 150 - 20 = 130
Sword1 dies. A lot.

Casting (Lidia): Success!
Attack (Lidia v Nadia): 38+4 = 42 v 102 -> Miss.

Attack (Andrew v Sword2): 88+11 v 47 -> Hit
Damage (Andrew): (1,3)+41 = 45 - 20 = 25

Attack (Mavre): 70+6 = 76 v 47 -> Hit
Damage (Mavre): 2+37 = 39 - 20 = 19

Attack (orc archer): 73+2 = 75 v 102 -> Miss

The angel landed at a run under the trees, and found herself rapidly approaching the six orcs. Two swordsmen were out in the front, followed by the two staff-wielding orc, and finally the bowman and the last swordsman were at the rear, facing her even as she burst into light. The one with the sword covered his eyes, the one with the bow loosed. It was a good shot, considering the circumstances, and certainly would have hit home and perhaps even taken the angel out of the fight, if she hadn't wrapped herself in battle magic. As it was, Nadia neatly sidestepped the shaft and kept coming. She was only a few yards away from the rear orcs, but it was another fifty feet until the front ones.

At which point everything started happening all at once. A bolt of light jumped from a particularly thick grove of trees, and Nadia sidestepped it almost absentmindedly. Then she looked closer at the grove, and the illusion failed. A group of four humans and elves stood where it had been. One of them was Petra's chief healer, with her hand raised and a look of irritation on her face, the source of the bolt.

The second one to jump to Nadia's attention was Sarah. The elf woman reached out and gracefully set her palm against the armor of the orc who was almost on top of her, taking him by surprise. For a moment it looked like she was going to shove him. Instead, a brief look of concentration crossed her face, and fire burst from her hand. It went through the orc's armor like it had been made of snow, and burst out from every opening. What fell to the ground, smoking, was hardly recognizable as having ever been alive. The angel could see a nimbus of power around her lover, some sort of magical enhancement to her natural abilities.

There was a similar nimbus around each of the remaining two as well, though not as bright. One, a male elf that Nadia recognized as having given the somewhat excessively enthusiastic call that this group was coming in the first place, swung a sword at the other orc near the front, connecting hard and nearly getting his weapon stuck in the orc's armor. The swords-orc grunted and jumped back, only to take a kick to the head from an apparently unarmed woman that sent him reeling.

The leader turned to his rearguards. "Hold her back! Kill her if you have to, we can't let these ones escape!" Apparently unconcerned by the fate that had befallen one of his fellows already, he started to rush forward towards Sarah and Lidia, staff held in front of him, black wings unfolding.

Status: 30/105 HP, 85 PP, 85/110 SP; Badly injured. Battle Aura X=10

Sarah: Fine, buff to Mind
Lidia: Fine, buffing Mavre and Lidia
Mavre: Fine, buff to Body
Andrew: Fine, buff to Body

Orc Leader: Fine, Draconic Transformation, Blessing
Orc Second: Fine, Blessing
Orc Archer: Fine , Blessing
Orc Sword1: Dead
Orc Sword2: Badly injured, Blessing
Orc Sword3: Blessing
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

With her power swirling around her near the peek of what she'd once been able to accomplish but not even approaching her limit now, Nadia sidestepped the arrow loosed by the orc archer so easily that she tracked it as it sailed past her, though she didn't watch it complete its journey into a tree somewhere behind her. The bolt of energy that shot out of the woods she dodged as well, though its presence confused her slightly, at least until the illusion laid by her comrades was dropped and she saw Lidia giving her an annoyed luck. She didn't even have time to offer an apologetic glance, however, as the fight began in full before her. Sarah killed one of the orcs with a light touch and a flash of fire almost as bright as the glow of her golden aura, and two of Petra's defenders attacked one of the sword-wielding orcs together, gravely wounding him despite his heavy armor. The tiny auras around them told of how they'd achieved that level of strength despite having never displayed it before, and Nadia was glad at least that she'd bought her allies the time to prepare for the coming orcs.

"Stop this madness! This is pointless!" she shouted angrily, but there came no hesitation on the part of the fiery haired angel as she sprung into battle. Shooting forward like a bullet, Nadia came forth like a bolt of lightning as her two swords came out of their sheaths so fast that they were little more than streaks of blinding light amidst her glowing aura. The orc with the bow and his sword-wielding companion were the first in her path, but she had more important prey to concern herself with at the moment, so she merely swept past them. As she did so, Khazidea swept forward at the midsection of the orc wielding the sword, and Phantomfang slashed at the side of the archer. Rushing past the two, Nadia rushed at the staff wielding orc who hadn't been doing the talking, intending to save the leader for last. When she reached him, both of the angel's glowing blade crossed forward in an X, intending to kill him quickly and cleanly and thus rob the orcs of whatever boon he'd given them.

Nadia activates Whirlwind Death, Death from the Draw, and Flurry. She'll keep her Battle Aura active and use 20 points of defensive fighting for extra Dodge as well. Khazidea is going to be in her right hand and Phantomfang in her left for when it matters, Khazidea being the enchanted sword. For her attacks, she'll be moving between each one and attacking the orc archer with Phantomfang, the swordswoman facing her (sword orc 3 I think) with Khazidea, and then the staff wielding orc that isn't the leader with both weapons.

If she can't get that far for whatever reason, just give the archer and the sword wielder two attacks each, once each with both swords.

That's 10 EP and 4 HP for her upkeep this turn then.

Dodge: 72 (natural) + 20 (def fighting) + 30 (battle aura) = 122 Dodge
AV: 2 (natural) + 8 (whirling death) = 10 AV
Attack: 77 (natural) + 30 (battle aura) - 20 (defensive fighting) - 12 (flurry) + 8 (whirling death) +6 (death from the draw) = four attacks at +89 to hit
Damage: 34 (natural) + 30 (battle aura) +6 (death from the draw) + 8 (whirling death) - 6 (flurry) = 1d12 + 72 damage per attack, attacks with Khazidea ignoring all AV
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

To-hit: 77 (base) - 2 (skyclad) + 30 (battle aura) - 20 (defensive fighting) - 12 (flurry) + 8 (whirling death) + 6 (death from the draw) = +87
Attack (Nadia, Khazidea v Sword3): 6+87 = 93 v 67 -> Hit
Damage (Nadia, Khazidea): 6+72 = 78
-> Sword3 is killed
Attack (Nadia, Phantomfang v Archer): 18+87 = 105 v 47 -> Hit
Damage (Nadia, Phantomfang): 5+72 = 77-20 = 57
-> Archer is killed
Attack (Nadia, Khazidea v Second): 4+87 = 91 v 82 -> Hit
Damage (Nadia, Khazidea): 11+72 = 83
Attack (Nadia, Phantomfang v Second): 18+87 = 105 v 82 -> Hit
Damage (Nadia, Phantomfang): 1+72 = 73 - 20 = 53
-> Second is killed

Nadia takes 4 damage from Whirling Death

Attack (Lidia v Nadia): Autohit
Healing (Lidia, healing bolt): (4,4+6)*3 = 48

Attack (Sarah v Leader): 14+79 = 93 -> Hit
Damage (Explosion): (3+13)*6 = 96 - 35 = 61

Attack (Andrew v Sword2): 4+88 = 92 v 67 -> Hit
Damage (Andrew): (3,3)+41 = 51 - 20 = 31
-> Sword2 is killed

Grapple (Leader v Sarah): 65+18-6(fire damage) = 77 v 13 = 11+2 -> The orc wins

Khazidea sliced through the swords-orc's armor like it wasn't even there, darting nimbly around what would have been a decent defense against someone slower then the empowered angel. At the same time her other sword dealt with the archer, snapping his bowstring as he aimed a point-blank shot before pushing hard through the dark armor and through the orc's heart. Nadia didn't look back, but heard two thumps while she continued onward towards the next orc.

This one was clearly enhancing the others in some way. Not enough to catch up to Nadia, perhaps, at least for the ones she'd faced so far, but enough to likely give her allies trouble. Both her swords lashed out at this one, and if one met more resistance than the other it wasn't by enough to matter. He had nearly dodged her as well, but in this case 'nearly' seemed only to mean that the three pieces that fell to the forest floor were slightly uneven. Yes... yes! Again!

Another bolt of glowing energy shot out from Lidia towards Nadia. With the source clear and more warning, it seemed to the Angel to be positive energy like that used in healing, and this time she didn't dodge it. The effect was immediate, stitching together the redheaded warrior's flesh. It still hurt, and clearly wasn't entirely repaired, but she was no longer about to collapse.

The pair from petra attacking the swords-orc kept it up, and after another combined assault the Orc went down, leaving only the apparent leader left standing on the field. Sarah thrust forth her right hand again, and at her gesture an explosion tore apart the ground near the black-winged orc's feet. The fireball blocked Nadia's vision for a moment, and when she could see again the orc had one hand tightly gripping the elf's neck from behind, while the other had pulled a dagger from somewhere and held it at her throat. He looked around at the improvised battlefield quickly before settling back on the angel. He spoke into a sudden silence, sounding somewhat ragged. It was hard to tell with the black transformation that he still maintained, but he seemed to be rather badly burned. "It seems... that I somewhat underestimated you, angel. Or perhaps your allies."

Status: 74/105 HP, 85 PP, 77/110 SP; Injured. Battle Aura X=10. Whirling Death. Flurry.

Sarah: Grappled, moderate energy, buff to Mind
Lidia: Fine, buffing Mavre and Lidia
Mavre: Fine, buff to Body
Andrew: Fine, buff to Body

Orc Leader: Badly injured, Draconic Transformation, Grappling Sarah.
Orc Second: Dead
Orc Archer: Dead
Orc Sword1: Dead
Orc Sword2: Dead
Orc Sword3: Dead
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

After the flames of Sarah's explosion cleared, Nadia saw that her lover was captured by the last of their opponents and adopted a fierce scowl. She didn't take a step forward, however, and instead faced the orc squarely with that darkened expression. "Apparently you did. I hadn't marked you for a coward to hide behind a hostage when we first met, so I suppose I overestimated your character," she spat coldly as her blue eyes began to blaze brightly, a glow that came in sharp contrast to the slowly reduced glow from the rest of her body.

Speaking quickly and in a dangerous hiss, Nadia said; "You ought to think this through a little bit more. You aren't getting back to Gods-Reach with her, not with an unwilling captive and not in time to keep from making the one slip up I'd need to kill you and reclaim her. Your men are all dead, and you've failed in your task, meaning that you'd return in disgrace anyway. You're surrounded by mages, many of them healers. Either your strike will be non-lethal, in which case you'll have wasted your last chip and will have to deal with me without a shield, or you'll have to face me after murdering my lover in front of me." She paused to let that sink in, the revelation of their relationship being a bit of a gamble but one that Nadia hoped would pay off.

Though she was already scowling darkly, Nadia's expression darkened even further, and she actually took a step forward as she growled; "You can't even fathom the things that I'd do to you after that. You think you can imagine pain, little orc? You think you can imagine the greatest horrors that could befall you? I'll give you a hint... You haven't. I'd do things to you that your worst torturers couldn't even dream of.... And then, when your pitiful, mutilated body was done with, I'd get to do the same thing over and over and over again... Only this time, it'd be your soul. No god, no demon, no nature spirit or faerie would come to save you. Kill her... And not even death would save you from me." Every word was delivered in a tone of utter frankness, as if she were merely stating a fact.

"You're out of options.... But fortunately, I never wanted to fight you in the first gods-damned place. Let her go, and I'll let you walk away without any further violence from me. You have my word on that." With her offer delivered, Nadia sat back and waited, her eyes blazing with power that she was ready and willing to unleash at the slightest provocation. If the orc tried anything foolish, the angel intended to end him with a blast of power channeled through her very own eyes, focused to fine points that would be aimed right at the orc's skull, ensuring an instantaneous death in the event that the fool actually tried something.

(Drop Battle Aura to X = 5. If he tries to run, kill her, or use a power, Energy Blast X = 20 from her eyes, aimed at his face.)
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The orc's face contorted, and he took a tighter grip on his dagger as the Angel attacked his sense of honor. At the same time he effortlessly managed to get a hold of Sarah's hands, holding both wrists easily with one hand while the other arm stayed holding the elf with the dagger to her throat. He spoke quietly, and for a second looked mildly ashamed. "I can't redeem myself if I die." He stared into Nadia's eyes, and she could see his resolve hardening.

The threats didn't seem to phase the desperate man, but something else she said seemed to have struck a cord. A disgruntled look came over his face, and he took a minute before responding. "I see. Your lover. Well." He seemed to mutter under his breath. "Your word is not enough, Angel. You have denied taking a side, then proven the lie with your actions. Give me one of the others if this one is so important to you."

His eyes flicked away from Nadia's for a moment, and a tilt of his head indicated the chief healer. "Her. Give that brown-haired elf, her safety as bond to your word, and I will release this one."
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia fumed at the orc's insults, her rapidly rising anger at his repeated insults wearing rapidly at her already flagging patience. "Your definition of "taking sides" is both incredibly broad and incredibly self-serving. I haven't taken any sides in your gods-damned war. What I've done is escort refugees out of the conflict zone that you've created, so that you can't enslave those unable to fight you. If that's "depriving you of resources" as you claimed earlier, then you're either a psychopath or an idiot, because none of these people would lift a finger to help you or your kind unless you twisted their arm into doing it, and raping them to make more soldiers isn't a valid definition of "resource" under any definition save yours and maybe the aliens," she snapped angrily, her eyes glowing a little bit more brightly as she took a step closer to the orc and his hostage.

That he seemed slightly taken aback by her relationship to Sarah did nothing to mollify Nadia's rapidly growing fury at the orc, and she made no secret of that fact. At the suggestion that he should be given a different hostage in Sarah's place was replied to with a scoff, and Nadia spat back; "You really don't understand the situation, do you? Firstly, that you doubt that sincerity of my word merely casts doubt on your own. If you knew even a thing about my kind, you'd know that I wouldn't even be able to go back on my word on this even if I wanted to. Secondly, I'm not giving you another hostage so that you can drag them back to your kin and abuse them. Your options are to drop the knife and fuck off back to Gods-Reach all on your lonesome, or die where you stand. You aren't even worth the effort it would take to kill you if you're not directly threatening one of those under my protection, and you've already proven clearly that your word isn't trustworthy by your own actions."

Nadia flicked her blades slightly to clean some of the blood from them, and then slid them back into their sheaths. Her glow began to fade slowly, until she was reduced to her normal glimmer signalling that her aura had been dropped entirely. Her scowl hadn't dropped at all, however, and she continued in the same disdainful tone as before; "Your options are on the table. Pick one."

Drop battle aura entirely. If he tries anything at all other than dropping the knife, energy blast for X = 20 through her eyes, as before. If he drops the knife, Nadia lets him go.