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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Joys grunts where coming fast had often her thrusting soon in time with her stroking. Sera could feel Joy's own nipples like little rocks on her back as the mage herms tits pressed down with each thrust. The kissing had long stopped as Joy got more involved in her efforts. Sera felt her breast get squeezed hard as Joy suddenly tensed and bit down on her shoulder to muffle the scream that soon followed. The timing couldn't have been more perfect Sera's own prick no longer able to hold out soon coated the chair she had been using for support in string after string of sticky milky cum. Sera could feel the large amounts of semen in her womb slosh around her belly having bloated slight from the sheer amount Joy had pumped in. Still buried hilt deep into Sera Joy tried to answer her question. "Im not sure exactly what plagues the priest but it is something the woman did or is doing to him." Joy backed out of Sera leaving the angel feeling suddenly empty. "Your turn" Joy's face was flush with desire and from her previous effort as she turned to assume the same position that she had Sera in earlier.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Moaning in time with Joy's grunts, Sera trembled in the fey herm's arms as she slammed into her, her own nipples hard enough to cut glass as Joy's pressed down into her back with every thrust. Soon, Sera couldn't hold out any longer, and neither could Joy apparently, as she felt the fey herm mage lean her head down a bit were she bit down on Sera's should. This caused Sera to let out a soft mewl of mixed pleasure and a slight bit of pain, but it was more of a love nip than an actual bite it felt like, and Sera couldn't help but smile pleasantly and coo softly as Joy let out a muffled scream as she came, with Sera clamping her tight wet folds down around Joy's member to milk it dry. Sera came only a few seconds later, unable to hold back her own seed any longer. With her eyes rolling back a bit as her climax washed over her and her balls clenching tightly against her as they churned, Sera spurted her seed out all over the back of the chair she'd been using for support as Joy's spurted into her, which she continued squeezing out of the fey herm as much as she possibly could to ensure that she got knocked up as per the deal.

"Oh gods... g-give me all of it Joy... give me everything... knock me up... give me your baby," Sera panted and mewled to Joy as she pumped her full of her cum, which Sera enjoyed greatly as it warmed her from the inside out. "B-Before you leave, c-could you possibly please... g-go take a look at either of them, to see what possibly is wrong... Oooooh," Sera added after she regained the ability of speech after their magnificent orgasms, cooing sadly as she felt Joy pulling her massive prick out of her, the feeling of emptiness making her slightly sad at the loss of warmth it brought her.

When Joy said it was her turn though, Sera's face brightened back up as she turned to see Joy's lust filled face as the fey herm turned herself around and stuck her butt out for Sera just as she'd done for Joy earlier. Sera maneuvered around and squatted down, clenching her folds as tightly as she could to prevent any of Joy's seed from leaking out of her in the process, where she then leaned in and gave Joy's pussy a tentative lick to taste her. Then she could give it a few more licks, each less tentative than the last until she was finally just eating Joy's pussy out, getting her as ready as she could make her to bring her the most pleasure from her own massive dick. After about a minute or so of licking and nibbling on Joy's pussy and clitty, Sera moved back up where she aimed her throbbing member at Joy's pussy and slowly entered her, not stopping in her slow thrust until she had hilted inside of Joy. Once inside of Joy, Sera began slowly thrusting, pulling back and slowly slamming herself back inside as deep as she could go with every thrust. Soon, Sera started picking up her speed and was slamming against Joy as fast and hard as she had been doing to her, her balls slapping against Joy's inner thighs and her clitty as she fucked her.

"Oh gods Joy... y-you're so tight... so wet. Gods it feels so good," Sera panted as she fucked Joy, nearing her second climax already.

As she fucked Joy hard and fast, Sera's member trembled and twitched inside of her, with Sera's legs also trembling like mad, barely holding her up as her wings limply flapped behind her. Soon, Sera felt her second climax building up closer and closer, and then, after only a couple of minutes into their second round, Sera's muscles gave out and she hilted inside of Joy once more as her climax washed over he, her wings shooting out and up behind her, going stiff as they did so, and she found herself doing the same thing as Joy had and biting down gently on Joy, though her neck instead of her shoulder, so that she could leave a nice hickey to mark Joy here as one of her lovers and so that her whimpering cry of ecstasy wasn't heard by any of the nuns out in the temple anywhere. Her seed spurted out of her and rushed into Joy's waiting fertile womb, and Sera felt a wave of contentment as well as pride that she now almost certainly carried Joy's child, and she was almost certain that Joy now carried her child as well, which made her feel very great.

"T-That felt great Joy, it was magnificent," Sera whispered raggedly in Joy's ear, licking her neck and nuzzling against it softly as she leaned over the fey herm, her member finally starting to go soft within her folds, though Sera didn't pull out until Joy was ready to uncouple from her. While they stayed there though, Sera had her arms wrapped around Joy's belly, gently caressing the fey herm's belly as she nuzzled against her lovingly. "Oh I can't wait to see our babies. I'll have to come find you sometime so that I can see them both later on after I've left here and finished my search," Sera whispered to Joy as she caressed her belly, where her warm fertile seed was at, which she did choose once again to make a baby.

Again, with her selective fertility she's choosing to make a baby with Joy, though this time it's to put a bun in Joy's oven instead of allowing one in her own.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Pregnancy check for Sera =3 success! Sera is pregnant
Pregnancy check for Joy =1 fail! :(

Sera plowed into Joy causing the fey mage to grunt an moan with each thrust in and out. Joy was exceptionally tight though she hardly held a candle next to Sera's other lovers. Still her sex clamped and sucked Sera in ensuring that the herm angel was well on her way to bursting a potent load into the fey. Sera's balls almost felt on fire as they churned and her cock swelled. Soon she would erupt her seed into the fey mage. It came sooner than later as Sera slammed into Joy with force enough to cause the fey to grunt in pain before it turned into a moan that unlike Sera's wasn't muffled causing a nearby nun to make a holy gesture with her hands and move away quickly. Panting and dripping they fey smiled at Sera before simply saying sorry and fadding away in golden sparkles.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As they went at it, Sera could feel Joy squeezing her length tightly... though it was nowhere near as tight as Rose and her sisters were, but still quite tight on her swelling member as her seed churned within her sack, which was slapping against Joy's thighs as they went on. As time went on and Sera's climax came and went, her member went soft finally, where she then slipped it out of Joy, though she didn't stop holding her close until it came time for Joy to leave, with Sera making a sad face that she had to leave already. Sera told Joy though that it was okay when she said she was sorry as she hugged and kissed her goodbye, asking before she left if she was going to come back and get their child once it was born and telling Joy that she thought she should if told that she wouldn't be doing so.

"I don't want to risk leaving her here when the time comes Joy, so please come back and get her," Sera would tell Joy, a worried look for their daughter to be that was surely now already growing in her womb.

Once Joy was gone and all, Sera got herself wiped off as best she could of the sweat and any of her's and or Joy's seed that managed to splash on her in their lovemaking session. Then she gently caressed her belly for a few moments, humming softly as she did so before getting her clothes back on and getting ready to go back out with the information that Joy had given her, intent on solving this mystery today, and sooner rather than later. Heading on out of the room once more, Sera headed back to mother Esther's room to make certain she was doing alright, just peeking in at the bed to see, where she would then head on back over to where Angelic was being held, where Ivy was hiding and keeping a watch out for her. She idly wondered if Ivy had done any investigating herself to try and help figure this whole thing out herself, and hoped that she had tried to do so, but wouldn't be mad if the mini succubus hadn't taken the initiative on the matter. She would nod to the guards at the shack Angelic was being held at, where she would head on back inside.

"Angelic... you haven't been as truthful as you should have with me. I know this for a fact actually, but I decided to... how is it you humans say it... play along, on the off chance that I might have been mistaken on the matter. Well I found no true evidence that Jorl is the cause of all this, at least not alone that is. Now tell me Angelic... what have you been doing to him? And I know you've been doing something, so don't even bother trying to lie about it. I do not wish this to escalate further and I wish to help you if I can, so please save yourself and everyone else some trouble and tell me everything I need to know... now," Sera said too Angelic after entering the building she was being kept at, sounding very serious in her words, punctuating the last word there to emphasize on the severity of the situation and giving a hint of a threat with it as well, indicating that she would make good on the same threat she'd given to Jorl earlier in that she would call for more of her brethren to aid her in figuring this all out if she had to.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera peaked in on Mother Esther to find Keri and June still at her side the former still resting her head on the bed while the latter still sat in her chair keeping a close eye on the elderly woman. Moving on Sera decided to have a little heart to heart with Angelica. Entering the cell Angelica looked up and noticed the changing in Sera's demeanor. This caused the woman to pale lightly and her lips to quiver in fear. As Sera made her accusations she could almost swear that Angelica was about to break down and cry but the woman held her tears at bay.

"Okay okay Ill tell you. Jorl was feeling his age and asked me to create a potion for him to restore his youthful vigor. At first I refused simply due to the fact he likely didn't have money for the ingredients I would need. He kept insisting however and had the guards harass me when ever I came into town. Finally I relented and told him what I would need to make such a thing. Surprisingly he said he would have all the ingredients I would need in a week. True to his word he had all the items I requested at hand though some seemed a little cheap. Anyway I made the potion he wanted and gave him the first one. He downed it on the spot and the effects seemed normal. He had a spring in his step and some color returned to his hair. I warned him that the potion wouldn't last forever and nothing could fully stop the aging process it is after all a natural cycle. He simply shrugged it off and told me he would get me more ingredients to make him a supply of potions to last awhile. I don't what happened if he got the wrong ingredient or a simple bad reaction but when I had the new batch of potions for him he tried it and he changed. He began to grown his features hardened his eyes turned purple. Angelic shuttered a little before speaking again. He rapped me right then and there. After he was done he turned back to normal if a little dazed and confused. I told him what happened and he didn't believe me and accused me of cursing him and left in hurry. After I recovered I tried to dump the batch of potion I made so it wouldn't happen again. I got the first case dumped when I was blindsided by an attack and when I awoke the rest of the potion was gone. I knew it had to be him or rather his other him so I tried to hid and escape but he always found me and punished me demanding I make more. Thankfully the last of the potion should be gone now I think thats why he was trying to have me killed hoping I would cave in and make some more potion." It was a long story wrought with emotion and hard to understand but thankfully Ivy flew down from her hiding place and clarified. "So you made a monster potion that the priest used and now his evil self is rampaging at night?" Angelic simply nodded at the little companions comments. Ivy whistled and shook her head. "I say we clear out Sera this town is fucked."
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera listened to Angelic's story about what all had happened, and she knew that she was telling her the truth this time around because the girl looked near tears as she spoke. Sera was sorry that she had to be so stern and harsh with her, but that was the only way for her to get the story she sought from the woman. As soon as Angelic was through talking and after Ivy had fluttered down from her hiding perch, Sera glanced back to Angelic with a more softened demeanor and a gentle smile on her face once more.

"Yes Ivy... we probably should. But I promised to help this town as much as I could, and I couldn't leave those poor nuns to be picked off one after another by this madman," Sera said to Ivy, giving a serious look to her companion to let her know that despite wanting to leave, they must stay. "Angelic... first of all I apologize for being so harsh, but you must understand that I had to. Now, are there any lasting effects of this potion? Or will he return to normal once he's completely out of them and the current effects worn off? If he can and will still likely harass the nuns as well as you, then there is nothing stopping him from doing the same things to the town's people either. If he won't return to normal afterwards, then I need to know if you can make him so, either with another potion or through other means. I don't wish to hurt him, but if he tries to hurt June or any of the others, then I will have to do so," Sera added, turning to Angelic and speaking to her once more, though in a more gentle tone to let her know that she wasn't angry with her, and that she truly was sorry. The mystery was all falling into place now, and now all she had to do was find some way of stopping Jorl without killing him if she could do so... however if he was as crazed as Angelic said with the potions, then he may very well not listen to reason and she would end up having to kill him.

"Will you help me to stop him Angelic? And can you help me prove all of this to the town's folk? I'm quite certain that mother superior Esther would believe what has happened, but she suffered a fall earlier, but she seemed okay and is resting now," Sera asked after thinking for a few moments, trying to think of a plan to handle and diffuse the situation. She would see what all Angelic could come up with in order to help before deciding on any plans at the moment though. Then she glanced over to Ivy and asked for her input as well, seeing if the miniature succubus could offer any plans as well. There was one thing not adding into this, what about the bad crops and such, Sera thought to herself. She decided to add in the question of that to Angelic as well as an afterthought, though it could possibly be that the bad crops and such were simply a stroke of bad luck on the town's part.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I think it should wear off once he is out of potions. As for the plants and animals it might be a side effect of what I dumped trying to get rid of it. If you can subdue him it should work its way out of his system and he should return to normal." Ivy flitted about in a circle trying to think. "I don't Sera I say we just leave this place and head on our way." The little succubus shrugged but did have Sera's best interest and safety at heart. "If he doesn't Im not sure another potion could fix it. It would take lots of time to research to find what ingredients I would need." It wasn't heartening news but there was a glimmer of hope that Jorl could be restored and the nuns returned Sera just had to act on it. Though the thought of what has Jorl been doing this entire time came to mind just as the evening bells rang out. Sera wasn't sure but between the bells she thought she heard a scream.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to Angelic, Sera grew a bit worried, because if it didn't wear off like it should then there was no quick fix for Jorl and something else would have to be done to him in order to stop him, and she feared that would end up being his death, or her and some others beating the hell out of him. But whatever happened, she intended on rescuing the nuns that he'd taken and likely imprisoned in the basement of the temple somewhere or another. "Oh Ivy, I understand where you're coming from, and again believe me when I say that I'd like nothing more than to leave, but I'm now honor bound to help out as best I can. Besides, now that I'm here... an angel, I'm pretty sure that Jorl will want me in his little harem when he next turns... if I had to take a wild guess at least anyway. And you wouldn't want him to take me would you Ivy?" Sera said in reply to Ivy, smirking a little bit as she knew that this would get a rise out of her companion and bring her on board to help them out. She of course knew that Ivy had only her best interests in mind with this, but she had to help out with what's happened here.

It looked like there was a chance for everything to work out and the nuns set free from wherever Jorl had them, and for Jorl to be healed or returned to normal, though it did look like it would be difficult for it to happen. She then heard the bells ringing, signaling that evening had arrived and she could have sworn that she heard a scream in between the bell tolls. Had Jorl struck again already? If so then she needed to leave, now. Or else she would be too late. The thought that the scream she believe she heard belonging to June flashed through her mind and her eyes widened as she let out a gasp. Then, telling Ivy to come on, Sera burst out through the doors, telling the guards to come along with her to investigate wherever the scream came from and that she had now solved what had been happening... that the culprit behind the nuns disappearances was none other than Jorl himself and not Angelic as had been suspected all this time. As soon as she had finished quickly explaining the situation and the mystery, Sera flapped her wings and took flight, heading in the direction of where she thought the scream had come from, readying herself to fight just in case it came down to it in the end by burning a bit of her energy to get ready, where she would then sustain her power in order to keep her fighting strength up just in case she had to fight Jorl... though she hoped that she could talk him down before it came to a fight.

I'm not sure if it'll come to a fight or not, but I'm assuming that it likely will one way or another in the end. So to prepare, she is going to use blessing at 9 EP, which after efficient wielder makes the upkeep 4 EP.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera quickly took flight the bewildered guards doing their best to follow on foot. "Are you sure this is wise Sera?" Ivy having the gift of flight herself easily kept pace with Sera over the buildings. Reaching the church they found the majority of the nuns out side grouped together trying to comfort each other. A quick scan showed that June, Keri, and Mother Esther where no where to be found. At lest outside that is rushing in Sera made her way into the Elder nuns door was smashed open and the contents wrecked. Much to Sera's relief June and Esther where okay but Keri was missing.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I don't know Ivy, but we have to help them regardless. I can't not help now, knowing what I know about what all ha been happening in the town. I know that Rose, Lilia, Daisy, Iris, and Clover would all help me though, because they're good people, or else they would have corrupted me without even batting an eye, and they didn't. And that's the reason I grew to love them, because despite them being demons, they chose to be good and kind people," Sera replied to Ivy as they flew over the buildings back towards the large temple/church. "A-And because I'm just a horny angel that can't help herself," Sera added, blushing heavily at admitting what she did, though it likely wouldn't come as a surprise to Ivy to hear Sera admit such a thing.

After making her way to the temple once again, Sera saw most of the nuns outside of the place trying to calm each other down and she didn't wait stop to talk with them and went straight inside, telling the two guards to form up and protect them until some more guards arrived to help while she went on inside. She rushed inside and to mother Esther's room where she found the door on the floor and June and mother Esther safe and sound, but Keri who had been watching over the two was nowhere to be seen. Scanning the room quickly, she looked for any signs to indicate where Keri had been taken before glancing over to mother Esther and June, quickly moving into the room to make sure they were okay.

"June... mother Esther, are you both okay? What happened? I have solved the mystery as to who took the nuns, it was indeed Jorl as I suspected. I'll explain more later but first we must find where Jorl has taken Keri, which is where I'm certain the other nuns are as well," Sera asked June and mother Esther, her voice a little frantic sounding, but not too much so that she could at least try and keep them calm.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh Sera it was terrible this red skinned man came bursting threw the door and ordered Keri to come with him. I was so frightened as it seemed she was going to do it but she suddenly shook her head and tried to use magic on him. But then something happened he just looked at her funny and she froze up. Then he just kissed her and she fell limp and he carried her off to heavens know where."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"It's okay June, everything's going to be just fine. That was Jorl though, not just some red skinned man. I'll explain everything later on, but for now just stay here with mother Esther while I go and track them down and rescue Keri. Do you know which way they went at least?" Sera said after hearing all June had to say, trying to keep the young nun calm enough to answer her quickly, for she knew she had to hurry in order to save Keri from a horrible fate.

"Ivy, do you think you can track her with a spell? It'll make finding her much easier so that we can end all of this and get it over with, and so I can rest, which is actually the main reason we came here in the first place really, to sleep with a roof over our heads," Sera asked, glancing to her companion after June answered yes or no as to which way Jorl took Keri, hoping that Ivy could find them a way to Keri.

If Ivy could help track her down, then Sera would let her point the way and she would aid her little companion in finding the quickest route to the nun and where Jorl had taken her. She knew though that if Jorl could so easily daze Keri and take her like that, then she would have to be very careful indeed, so that she didn't get taken in the same manner. She knew that she still had quite a bit of energy left over despite how much she'd been using it all day, though she also knew that she needed to conserve what she had as well so that she didn't burn too much and run out early. It was a hard decision, but she thought to herself that she should save all that she had left until she ran into Jorl, save what she was slowly burning within herself to increase her capabilities at the moment, thinking that if need be she would conjure her icy armor to keep Jorl off of her if it came to it.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

It wasn't how Sera wanted June's first sight of her to be but it couldn't be helped. At her words of comfort June hugged her tight nearly sobbing into her robes. "I know I know angels always keep their promises." The contact with the priestess seemed to renew Sera's own spirit as she felt the girls faith pour off her. Still she had to get a move on and broke the embrace hesitantly. Making her promise Sera was off with Ivy leading her down a flight of stairs and into a dark basement. They are somewhere down here Sera though I can't get a fix its almost as if they are under us." Ivy flitted about her hands glowing slighly there had to be a trap door or some such someplace. The basement was huge and packed full of old boxes and furniture it would take hours to search hours she didn't have. Sera was about to summon more help when a little squeak caught her ear. The little white mouse from before was dancing around some boxes clearly trying to get Sera's attention.

Sera is fully restored

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yes sweetie, or at least we do our best to do so, and I'll do my best to help your home out," Sera said while holding the young priestess, gasping slightly when she felt the radiant spirit of the girl flowing off of her and into herself. It made her feel... rejuvenated to say the least, almost as if she'd never lost any of her energy at all to begin with.

Finally after a few moments, Sera broke the hug with June, telling her to stay there with mother Esther, and to tell her if she awakened that Angelic wasn't the culprit with what had been happening to the other nuns, where Sera then stretched her wings out to their fullest in a bit of a show for June to let her know everything would be alright, and then she rushed on out.

As they made their way down into the dark basement, Sera watched and listened to Ivy as she spoke and flitted around the room with her hands outstretched. When Ivy was done speaking, Sera knew almost instinctively that there had to be an old trapdoor down here of some sort, or a secret passageway like in a dungeon. She was debating summoning some more aid along with her icy armor, however just as she thought about it, she heard a little squeak and when she glanced around she noticed the little white mouse she'd spoken to earlier. Her eyes lit up as she squatted down next to it and brought up her energy again to speak with the little thing, asking what it wanted, thinking to herself that it was likely wanting to show her the way to where Keri now was along with Jorl.

"Hello again little one. What is it? Do you know where he took her? Please show me the way," Sera said to the little mouse, waiting for it to answer, and if it told her yes and then showed her where to go from there, she would thank it greatly and tell him after he showed her the way inside to where she needed to go, to go on back to June where it was safe while she dealt with this.

When she found the way and sent the little mouse on his way, Sera reached down to make sure her holy power was still going, and if it wasn't then she would burn her energy to bring it up again. Once she was certain that her holy power was burning, Sera would follow the path leading further in, telling Ivy to be ready to fight or to go and get aid if need be.

Cool cool, I've also noticed that you don't seem to post stats unless it's a battle, and while I don't mind that any at all really, it would be a little helpful to see her stats anytime she's using a power and burning EP.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera casts commune with nature
Perception check not needed due to mouse
Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 116/122, Status = Fine
buffs: Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep

Sera brought up her power and spoke with the mouse quickly who was able to show her exactly where the old trap door was wishing her the best of luck before running off to safety.

Heading to and down Sera found it dark and eerie the smells of a fire long burnt permeated the stones. The stairs where treacherous and numerous times Sera nearly fell on some tangled debris or loose step but eventually she got to an even floor. The hallway she found her self in was cramped however her white wings touching the walls getting dirty soot on them. After awhile the passage made a turn and opened up into a room where 9 long caskets in various states of disrepair sat. Thankfully the area didn't seem desecrated but the tombs did give the room a spooky dread. Ivy shivered not from cold but fright as they entered the room. "Sera this place is creepy!" Her voice was pretty much a whisper and a little shaky. Looking about Sera noted 3 potential routes. One was right across the room and the others where on either side.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thanking the little white mouse and apologizing to him for asking so much from him, but letting him know that she would be taking care of what was happening in this place to make it safe again for him and June and everyone else. With that she headed on down the steps past the trapdoor, barely able to keep her footing and almost falling many times in the process. As she went on down the hallway after reaching the bottom, she found it was quite cramped up and her beautiful white wings were grazing the walls and getting filthy, something that she was going to have to fix afterwards, but she couldn't do anything about it just quite yet.

As they moved into a room with some tombs within it, Sera visibly shuddered slightly, feeling a chill go up her spine as she did so. "I know Ivy, I think it's creepy too, but come on, we can't let a few little tombs scare us. Now... which way do you think we should go though? Can you point us in the right direction to Keri and the others, or rather Jorl instead maybe? If you can't do then I'll do something in order to track them further," Sera whispered back to Ivy, though if Ivy couldn't continue tracking them effectively, then Sera would prepare herself to use some of her spiritual powers, shapeshifting herself into something that could sniff them out and find them, where she would then head in that direction and have Ivy follow her.

If Ivy can't track them any further and get us there quickly, then use Wild Shape with 4 EP to turn her into a wolf so that she may track them down herself. She would of course shapeshift back into her normal form before trying to fight though, so if she got there after this post then she'll shapeshift back before a fight ensues.

Also the reason I ask for the stat updates anytime I use EP or anything like that is because I can be stupid sometimes and forget just how much I'm supposed to have left to use.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy Moved her hand in a slow arc around the room having it glow brightly at the far end of the hall. "T-That w-way" The path she indicated lead right by the tombs to the far end of the room. Ivy Gulped lightly as she moved on her hands still glowing leading the way. Sadly her fluttering motions and brightly light soon disturbed the bats in the tomb and the once docile sleeping creatures soon swarmed causing Ivy to yelp as she was chased by bats around the room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera watched Ivy waving her hand around the room, then began following her down the hallway. "Alright Ivy, let's be careful then okay," Sera whispered back to Ivy as they went and as Ivy moved waved her glowing hand around. When Ivy's actions disturbed the bats in the room and they began flapping their wings and chasing her around, Sera couldn't help but giggle as her companion was chased around the room.

Sera quickly reached out and snatched Ivy out of the air, pulling her in close until the bats dispersed from the room, where she would let her go back up into the air and continue leading them onwards. "You alright Ivy?" Sera asked her companion, making sure that she was alright and all.

As they continued going onwards, Sera prepared to draw her pistol from its holster and use it to scare off anything that might come out to attack her and Ivy, but she instead decided to form her icy lance in preparation for battle, believing it to be the better choice as that way if she ended up having to fight before finding Jorl and Keri and the others, she might not have to alert them that she was following them by shooting her gun. Once she'd formed her icy lance, pumping a bit of her energy reserves into it, Sera would prepare to move further on into this place.

Use Icy Lance with 12 EP and wielding it as a melee weapon, which after Soul Soldier gives her a total to attack of 1d20 +74(spirit) +27(Blessing) +12(Soul Soldier), and the damage of 2d6 * 15 + 18(spirit/4) + 10(Heavy Weapons Specialist). Totaled up it's 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 96/122, Status = Fine
buffs: Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep
Icy Lance melee weapon with Soul Soldier: 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg.

Sera called her icy lance into being the cold weapon forming around her hand. Thankfully it was made of spirit energy and wouldn't harm her but it did glow faintly casting the room in an eerie blue light. Having rescued her companion from the upset bats she proceeded down the indicated hallway which began to descend further down into the ground a ways before switching back and heading down once more. As Sera went deeper the area got hotter causing her to sweat slightly. Three flights of stairs and numerous cloned rooms later Sera found her self in a wide open cavern a slow moving river of lava.

The molten rock gave the natural cave a reddish orange glow illuminating hundreds of stalagmites and stalactites however what caught her immediate attention was across a natural stone bridge over the lava. Keri sat her robes torn open leaning against a flat rock alone.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Waving her icy lance around after conjuring it to chase the bats away from Ivy, Sera rescued her friend from the flying nuisances and they continue onwards down further into the cavern. She noticed that her conjured weapon cast a blueish glow around her, lighting her path thankfully as it was quite dark. As they went further down she also noticed that it was getting hotter the further they went, passing by many rooms that appeared to be much the same thing as before. After going down three sets of stairs and checking several rooms, Sera found herself sweating quite a bit from the heat in these tunnels and had to wipe the sweat from her brow before she drowned in it.

"Gods it's getting so hot down here. I'm really going to need a bath after we get out of here Ivy. And I really hope we find Keri and the others soon, because I really don't like the heat too much," Sera whispered to Ivy as they went further down, undoing the tie of her robes a little bit, causing her cleavage to show a bit more afterwards so that her skin could breathe better.

When they entered the large open cavern chamber, she gasped as she saw the river of lava flowing through it, and her eyes went wide when she saw Keri sitting there with her robes torn apart as she lay against a large flattened rock. Her first instinct was to rush straight over and help Keri out, but her experiences in the past, namely when she first met Rose and her sisters, told her otherwise and so she glanced over at Ivy for a moment. Sera then looked around the room a bit more, using her enhanced senses thanks to her holy blessing to try and see if this was somehow a trap in some way or another. She took the time to conjure up her frost armor, thinking to herself that she needed to stay cool down in these tunnels or risk a heat stroke, especially since she was so close to the lava and all, plus her frost armor might protect her somewhat from the heat should she accidentally get too close to the hot liquid.

"Ivy, see what you can do about tracking Jorl now, I wanna know where he's at, because we won't be able to find the other nuns without finding him most likely," Sera whispered quietly to her companion before attempting to cross the bridge over to Keri, though she would do so very cautiously unless it looked like Keri was in trouble of burning from the lava, in which case Sera would fly over to her and carry her back to where her and Ivy were.

Using Frost Armor with 7 EP which after efficient wielder takes the upkeep down to 1 EP per turn, gives her +21 bonus to AV, deals +21 dmg on all melee attacks, gains a +28 bonus to grapple checks to escape a grab, and creatures in a grapple or attacking the character in melee combat must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status.

At least I believe I got all of the math there right anyway, all told it should bring her total upkeep per round to 6 after Blessing and the Ice Lance. You might want to check everything just to make certain I didn't screw any of it up, but I think it's all right.