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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Indeed Sera was escorted by a few guards to another room. In it sat a large table clearly meant to seat at lest 20 people. At the head sat Matriarch Jolynn in a nice gown. "Please take a seat on my right Matriarch we have much to discuss." Clapping her hands several servants scantly clad came forth and brought in several dishes of food. "Do you like white or red wine Matriarch?" After sitting and making her choice Sera saw a serving girl in nothing but an apron come out and offered her a slice of meat cut fresh from the haunch. Other delicacies abound on the table including some exotic fruits and strange vegetables Sera had never seen before. "Oh I can see the faces of the nobles now." She giggled "All shunned from my table and their chance to meet the talk of the city." After the food was served the sat in silence a moment enjoying their meal. "So tell me Matriarch. What are the customes of the white feather tribe?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After making sure June would be tended to and her needs met, Sera went on and followed the guards to Jolynn, where she found the matriarch sitting a a large table waiting for her. "Ah of course, thank you matriarch Jolynn, you're too kind," Sera replied as she took the seat offered by the other matriarch, bowing politely.

Sera watched as Jolynn clapped her hands and her servants brought forth the food. When asked about which wine she preferred, Sera smiled as she pointed to the red. "Red is and always has been my preference for some reason, it just tastes better to me, not sure why. And thank you dear," Sera replied about the wine, holding her glass as thee wine was poured into it where she gently sloshed it around and smelled it, savoring the smell of the drink as she looked back up at the offered meat, telling the serving girl thanks as she gestured for her to set the meat on her plate. Sera also grabbed a few other things from what had been brought out to them, grabbing some potatoes and onions if there were any, a bit of assorted fruits, as well as some other vegetables, trying to get a wide variety of a little bit of everything offered. "Heh, I hope they wouldn't be too jealous matriarch Jolynn. Might I ask why they were shunned for our meeting this evening?" Sera went on to say, giggling and asking why Jolynn's nobles weren't there.

As Jolynn answered Sera's question, the young angel would eat some of the food before being asked of the customs of her tribe, where Sera would pause for a few moments as she took a drink of wine to buy her a little time. "Well first of all you see my tribe is very far to the south of here, I mean it took me nearly fortnight to even fly this far, and since I couldn't fly the whole way once I met June, my lover, then that made travel a bit tougher than I would have liked, but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Our customs towards our mates or lovers, whichever you prefer to call them, are much different than the customs here though. We... treat them more like our equals, which is why I may have sounded a little harsh in my words to some of your guards earlier I suppose. Our reasons for it are that if we treat them well, then they are more willing to bear our children, they can think in battle better and are more flexible, and it makes them want to stay with us without us having to subjugate them in any way and worry about betrayal of any sort," Sera told Jolynn as they ate, explaining a bit of her nonexistent tribe's culture, so telling a little white lie of sorts. Though it wasn't a complete and total lie really, as if Sera was from a tribe such as this, then what she was telling Jolynn would more than likely be what her tribe's culture would be like, if she had anything to do with it that is. "My home has more than just me as their matriarch though. In fact we have several matriarchs, at least half a dozen or so spread out over a few villages, which is what keeps us strong, as we are all quite powerful in some way or another and each village supports the others and some of the younger women from each village go to the others to spread the bloodlines around with each generation, and of course we have men in our villages to breed with as well to keep the bloodlines strong, but the matriarchs are the leaders of the village of course and the women are in charge for the most part. Though we are always looking for allies when possible to increase the defenses of the jungles around our home more, especially since these... aliens that have attacked the northern areas of the jungles, to ensure they don't try and move south and take our homes from us. I am the youngest matriarch of my tribe by quite a few years, and you could call me being out and about like this a right of passage of a sort really, as I am searching for something along with more possible lovers and harem members along the way to increase my tribe's strength," Sera went on to say to Jolynn, the explanation of her fake tribe's way of life continuing on as the words just formed on her tongue while she spoke some more. Sera took a small break from talking after this though to take a drink of her wine and to eat some more while Jolynn took in what she'd said so far.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh don't worry about them. They are absent because I wished them to be." Jolynn took a sip of her wine. "Strange your tribe must be very small indeed if you have to have your lovers fight." The matriarch was silent a moment before looking over to Sera. "Im glad that your matriarchs are far more successful. You see Im the last of my line and all my lovers have yet to produce a viable offspring. Thankfully they have given me all young girls and no boys." Containing her meal some more. "Im surprised you let the men touch you though. Ive only found them fit for hard labor or as shock troops."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to Jolynn speak after she'd finished talking and began eating some of her food once more, Sera simply nodded along with what she was saying as she took another bite or two of food, washing it down with some of her wine. "Ah yes, you see we didn't used to let the men touch us too much, only when we needed to... how should I say... breed for lack of a better term, in order to keep our lines not so focused only on the matriarchs, to keep inbreeding out as much as possible so that the children would be as strong and healthy as possible. But recently we've changed those laws of our tribe to allow the men a bit more freedom in that sense. They still aren't allowed to touch the matriarchs for sex, but any of the women that aren't a part of their harems are allowed to have the men if they so choose. And yes we haven't quite as many in our tribe as you do here, but we all have the ability to fight in some fashion or another, our lovers we figure should know how to defend themselves in case it comes to the point that they have to, because all are called upon to defend our home, not just the ones meant to be warriors and such. Also when we have another matriarch such as myself, we are to go out and search for a few strong mates if possible, and a few more followers in order to start another small village, to expand a little here and a little there when we can. Plus it lets us keep from having more than one matriarch per village," Sera said before taking another drink of wine and another bite or two of food, looking around the room again.

She then wiped her mouth off and looked back to Jolynn. "I'm sad to hear that you are the last of your line here matriarch. What are you to do then? Does it have something to do with me coming here now I wonder? And did you not invite your retainers here so they wouldn't know of your situation perhaps?" Sera went on to say afterwards, genuinely concerned that a family line may die out with this generation. As she awaited Jolynn's answer, Sera took another drink of wine and another bite or two of food, wondering what Jolynn's response and reaction would be.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"You are wise and insightful Matriarch Sera. Indeed the nobles do not know of my condition. And in truth you may yet be the hope of my line. You see I fear the blood of my ancestors has been diluted over the years and as such I think that is why despite my best and truly prolific attempts I have yet to give any of my concubines a matriarch. So I have a favor to ask Matriarch Sera. Will you give me a child?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera listened as she took her next drink of wine, washing down a bite of the meat she had in her mouth, figuring for some reason in her mind that this was what Jolynn was getting at by telling her of her bloodline. "I see... and how would you wish me to give you a child? Do you wish for me to bear it, or would you wish to bear it instead? From the way you speak I believe you're meaning that you wish to bear it. Regardless though... I believe we can help each other," Sera said, taking another drink of wine before looking straight at Jolynn. "I am searching for something... or at least a clue to something. I am an angel just as you might have already guessed, and... heh, you might find this funny, but I have met a few demon succubi that I have fallen in love with, and they love me in return and we cannot be with each other because of the corruption that they would cause me, and they wish not for me to be corrupted. So I am searching for something that would prevent any corruption from entering me just for laying with them. And they are the ones I would like to return to begin my village when I return to my home. For helping you, would you be willing to help me in this or at least finding a clue about it? Regardless, I am willing to help you, because I could not stand to see a family die out, but I would greatly appreciate any help towards my goals that you could offer in return," Sera went on to say, figuring that she might as well show a bit of honesty here and that Jolynn was the matriarch, so if anyone around here would know about even a trace of what she was searching for then it would be her most likely.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see.... Well I can make the library at your disposal while we attempt to get me pregnant and even longer if your not done searching for information. Until then you will be my guest and you will have to meet the rest of the nobles of course." Jolynn took a small bell and rang it summon forth another servant. "I think we are ready for desert."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well then, I believe that would be more than acceptable. I suppose some of them would enjoy meeting another matriarch such as myself anyway. Are you the only one here though... you know... the only matriarch here I mean? I assume you are because you're asking me, an outsider to do this and not one of your own vassals. And yes, dessert would be splendid now I think, and we can meet the rest of your nobles as we go I guess," Sera said to Jolynn with a nod, agreeing to her terms as the matriarch called for dessert to be served, which Sera hoped was something chocolate, but wouldn't care one way or another really and would eat it. "I know that your customs here about your harem members and whatnot are much different than my own, but I do hope that my lover June won't be accosted or anything whilst we travel around town and or search your library archives. Also do you have blacksmiths here that could make me a symbol to give to her? To show that she is part of my harem and not yours or any of your vassals, I already have something in mind and all, but would just need it made first," Sera added as the dessert was brought out.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn looked to Sera and smiled. "Well I make mine with a collar but if you have something else in mind then Im sure our local craftsmen would be honored to have work from such a prestigious figure." With that said the dessert arrived in the form some sort of soft but frozen creme. "Yes I am the last matriarch of the tribe as for your property she will be safe. I will however let you have an escort if you so desire to make sure nothing happens to her. Pick any of the normal guards as my palace guards are mine alone."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, I suppose I could have them make a collar of some sort for her to show she is mine and nobody else's, would probably be for the best I think. And I believe we will be okay, however if we do end up needing someone to escort us then I shall ask a guard or two to accompany us in our travels around town," Sera said as she started to dig into her dessert, savoring the delicious taste of the frozen creme. "So... when did you wish to do this matriarch? Our copulation I mean. And also are there any of your noble vassals that I might need to watch out for? Like would they attempt to seduce me and have their way with me or something like that? Not saying that I wouldn't like for someone to fawn all over me in an attempt to seduce me that is," Sera went on to ask Jolynn as she ate her dessert, giggling as she stated that she wouldn't really mind someone trying to seduce her or whatnot. While she spoke, Sera also pondered what she could use as June's symbol of being part of her harem... perhaps a silver angel's wing on the front of it or something like that, Sera thought.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Humm not really. Many of them have their own property to keep them entertained besides the law says anyone of lower rank who wishes to bed a matriarch must become her property. That would mean they would lose their power and prestige" Jolynn finished up her dessert and sat a moment. "It has been a long day for both of us Matriarch we shall discuss that at another time. Please feel free to explore as you wish. My Palace guard will make sure you don't wander to far or into sensitive area's"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, well that's a relief I suppose, to know they wouldn't be able to try and seduce me like that... though I suppose there are always people that don't care about laws and whatnot. Those would be the ones I should look out for I'd say. And yes, we shall retire for the evening. Thank you so much for the help and for understanding me, I honestly didn't expect it when I first came down into this place to find June. And worry not, I shan't go anywhere that you don't want me to, unless I must that is," Sera said to Jolynn, standing up as soon as dessert was over and done with, where she bowed deeply in thanks and as a show of respect to Jolynn, where she then took her leave, giving a kiss on either cheek when saying her goodbyes for the evening.

With that, she took her leave of the great hall of the castle, leaving Jolynn there to do whatever and heading back to her room with June, hoping she was alright and had gotten something to eat as well. As soon as she got there, Sera would look around for her companion and make sure June was okay, asking for food to be brought if she hadn't eat yet and giving the guards a quite displeased and disappointed look in that case, seeing it as mistreatment of someone she'd left in their care.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Her meal done Sera seemed to move more freely about the castle. The guards where still many and for the first time she noticed they all looked very similar. Stashing that away for another time Sera quickly made it to her room and entered finding Pet rubbing her head again June who seemed not so much uncomfortable but rather more clueless as to wait to do. Pet of course was in her silken robes just as June was her little gold bell ringing as she nuzzled next to June who simply looked at Sera with a silent plea of help. Pet's tail was twitching happily and she seemed to mutter something as she continued her affectionate actions. Sera for the moment was lost as to what to think. Clearly June was not being despoiled but pet seemed to have a fascination with her and besides rubbing her head against June's large soft breasts no other sexual activities where happening.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Heading back to the room she and June were given, Sera saw all of the guards still doing their jobs of patrolling the castle and grounds, and she then noticed for the first time that all looked somewhat the same. Perhaps these guards were all Jolynn's children. It was something to think about at least and to possibly ask either them or Jolynn about. Perhaps Jolynn would Sera to bed one or two of them to give her a possible grandchild matriarch if her child didn't turn out to be one... which some of these lady guards were quite beautiful so Sera wouldn't mind, though she didn't like the idea of leaving her child behind like this to rule these people, but perhaps she could come back through and help to teach her some things herself, like how to change things around here.

When Sera got to the bedroom, she found Pet rubbing herself against June, which seemed to be making June feel a bit weirded out, the catgirl's little golden bell jingling as she nuzzled against June. Sera couldn't help but giggle silently at the sight of this, because it was just too cute to not giggle about really. Sera moved over to see if she could tell what Pet here was muttering before she interrupted her, reaching out and petting the young catgirl, scratching her behind the ears. "So what did you two do while I was with matriarch Jolynn? And young one, why have you taken such a liking to June here? I'm just curious is all, not angry about it or anything like that... in fact I think it's a little adorable. Also June, did you get anything to eat yet?" Sera asked the two as she sat down on the bed with them, still scratching the catgirl behind her ears a little before reaching down and stroking her tail a bit as it swished happily around.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera got close she could just here Pet say "I know your not my real sister and your mistress came and got you but I still like you even if you didn't get your tail and ears." Sera's sudden question caused Pet to jerk and stiffen but it was to late for the cat girl as Sera started scratching her behind the ears causing the girl to lean into the touch whimpering in pleasure. "Oh oh nice don't stop.. AHHhhhhh" Looking about the scene Sera saw a plate of empty of food nearby as well as glass of wine half empty. "June was going to be to to to be my sister... AHHHhhhhh! As a reward for being gooOOODd!" The cat girl was at Sera's mercy and completely powerless to stop her."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Pet's words to June took Sera by surprise as she suddenly imagined June with a tail and ears, the thought of that being adorable in Sera's eyes. When she reached out and pet the catgirl, Sera giggled at her reaction as Pet leaned over into her while she scratched her behind her cat ears. Sera listened to Pet's words about June going to be her sister for her being good, as well as Pet's enjoyment from the scratching, and seeing that she was liking it so much Sera pulled her over and into her lap, where she continued scratching her ears, letting the catgirl lay her head against her chest if she wanted to as she glanced over and noticed the empty plate of food June had been brought and the glass of wine that was half gone.

"Hmhm, I think June would be adorable with cat ears and a cat tail like yours, but I won't force that on her," Sera said with a giggle, trying to tease June a little and help her to not feel so scared any more. Sera then took a breath and stopped scratching and petting the catgirl so much, going down to a soft and gentle caress as she looked back up. "Well June, it seems that we're welcome here... for the most part at least. Jolynn and I spoke and have come to an agreement about some things and she is willing to help us out some in exchange for my help. For tonight though we'll go ahead and sleep, but tomorrow I need to go down to one of the blacksmiths in the town to have them make a symbol of some sort to show that you're mine and not to be touched or risk my wrath, as well as Jolynn's since we are her guests and all. I can tell you more about our deal later June, but for now I'd like to ask you something young one. Could you tell me if why all of the lady guards around look so similar? Are they all the matriarch's children? Are you one of her children?" Sera went on to say, letting June know that she'd tell her what happened after Pet here was gone, and then she asked the catgirl about something she was thinking about while on her way back.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I-I have to wear a collar?......" This seemed to upset June a little but she took a deep breath and looked Sera in the eyes. "If its the only way to keep these people away from me then I guess." Pet cooed as Sera moved her to her lap and slowed her scratching to a caresses and indeed the cat girl rested her head against her bosom. "All the royal guards are the matriarchs children." Thinking a moment about the other question Pet shook her head. "No mistress found me while I was sick in the city. I was so young and tiny she had to hand feed me back to strength." Pet sniffled a little "I wish Mistress would play with me again but she seems to always forget me these days.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well you probably should at least until we leave here, or a choker or necklace of some kind at least that has symbols showing that you are mine and not matriarch Jolynn's," Sera said to June, winking a couple of times as she nuzzled against Pet while she was distracted and couldn't see either of their faces, to let June know she wasn't doing it because she wanted to.

Upon hearing Pet's explanation about the guards and herself, with the young catgirl also saying she wished that Jolynn would play with her again but that she always seemed to forget about her nowadays. "That's sad young one, you must really think highly of her and she must be a very kind person to have done that for you despite being the matriarch. But the matriarch has a lot on her mind these days, so don't hold it against her okay, I'm sure that she'll pay some more attention to you as soon as she hasn't got so much on her mind," Sera said to Pet, trying to cheer her up some with her words as she gently caressed the catgirl's head some more while she rested her head.

After a few minutes, Sera released Pet so that she could go on her way for the evening, leaving them to rest for the night, where Sera would fill June in on what all had happened, telling her pretty much everything, though telling June to make sure and tell anyone that asks her about the White Feather tribe that they should talk to her matriarch about it, since June didn't know all of what Sera had said about it and since she didn't know what all Sera might be thinking of informing these people about the non existent tribe. Once she had told her everything and once their food had settled enough, Sera would slip out of her robes and lay back down for now, inviting June to join her unless she wished to talk some more about anything or wished to explore the town and or castle some, in which case Sera would get her robes back on so that they could do so.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As soon as Sera let go of pet she nearly pounced on June rubbing herself against her more and this time in a very sexual manner causing the girl to blush brightly. "Pet you should....." Pet interrupted June by kissing her on the mouth causing the girl to have her eyes shoot open in surprise. Breaking the kiss Pet pulled away gently pulling her top down to show bare skin. "Sister play with me.." Pet's tail swayed seductively in the air as she focused on June. "Pet... I .. I...." June stumbled with her words trying to form some sort of sentence but her face was flush and by the looks of her rock hard nipples she was more than a little aroused. Looking to Sera and then to pet June seemed confused.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera giggled as Pet pounced on June as soon as she let her go, rubbing against her in a quite naughty manner from the looks of it Sera saw. Sera was a bit taken by surprise when Pet kissed June right on the lips, which also took June by surprise, obviously more so than it did Sera, with June's eyes shooting wide open. Sera didn't do anything to stop the two as Pet pulled away and broke their kiss, taking her top down to bare her upper body, breasts and all. Sera could tell just by the looks of her that June was quite aroused from the kiss and the seductive rubbing Pet gave her, as the young woman's erect nipples could be seen poking against the fabric through her dress. Giggling again as June stumbled over her words, Sera just smiled at her, wondering if she should just let this run its course or put a stop to it right now.

"What's the matter June? Is something wrong?" Sera asked June in a slightly concerned tone, reaching over and putting a hand on June's flushed face and caressing her cheek, then touching her forehead with her own as she leaned in close to June, checking her temperature, yet at the same time doing so in an attempt to see what June might do. Since Sera was already naked, having already taken her robes back off, June and Pet both would see that her member was already half hard, staying about that hard for the moment, unless one of them touched it or started taking the sexual rubbing against each other further.